Википедија:Масовни унос/Имена места/G
скраћеница | кратки опис на енглеском | кратки опис на српском | дуги опис на енглеском | дуги опис на српском | тип податка на енглеском | тип податка на српском |
GAP | gap | None | a low place in a ridge, not used for transportation | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
GAPU | gap | None | a narrow break in a ridge or rise | None | U - Undersea | None |
GASF | gasfield | None | an area containing a subterranean store of natural gas of economic value | None | L - Area | None |
GATE | gate | None | a controlled access entrance or exit | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
GDN | garden(s) | None | an enclosure for displaying selected plant or animal life | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
GHSE | guest house | None | a house used to provide lodging for paying guests | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
GLCR | glacier(s) | глечер (и) | a mass of ice, usually at high latitudes or high elevations, with sufficient thickness to flow away from the source area in lobes, tongues, or masses | None | H - Hydrographic | None |
GLYU | gully | None | a small valley-like feature | None | U - Undersea | None |
GOSP | gas-oil separator plant | None | a facility for separating gas from oil | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
GRAZ | grazing area | пашњак | an area of grasses and shrubs used for grazing | None | L - Area | None |
GRGE | gorge(s) | клисура | a short, narrow, steep-sided section of a stream valley | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
GRSLD | grassland | None | an area dominated by grass vegetation | None | V - Vegetation | None |
GRVC | coconut grove | None | a planting of coconut trees | None | V - Vegetation | None |
GRVE | grave | гробље | a burial site | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
GRVO | olive grove | None | a planting of olive trees | None | V - Vegetation | None |
GRVP | palm grove | None | a planting of palm trees | None | V - Vegetation | None |
GRVPN | pine grove | None | a planting of pine trees | None | V - Vegetation | None |
GULF | gulf | залив | a large recess in the coastline, larger than a bay | None | H - Hydrographic | None |
GVL | gravel area | None | an area covered with gravel | None | L - Area | None |
GYSR | гејзир | None | a type of hot spring with intermittent eruptions of jets of hot water and steam | None | H - Hydrographic | None |