Пређи на садржај


С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Massacre in Draginc[уреди | уреди извор]

Monument above grave in Draginac
Battle field I in Draginac
Battle field II in Draginac

Massacre in Draginc is the name for mass shooting of the inhabitant of region Jadar which were carried out by the German occupying forces in period from Oktober 14 to Oktober 19 1941. year during the Second World War. Then it's in the villages Draginac, Jastrebice, Veliko Selo (Loznica), Cikote (Loznica), Čokesina, Novo Selo (Loznica), Tekeriš, Filipovići (Loznica), Gornje Nedeljice and Donje Nedeljice, Gornja Badanja and Donja Badanja, as a retribution, 2950 inhabitants were shot, from woman to young children, man and old people,when entire villages were burned and all livestock were killed.[1]

Causes[уреди | уреди извор]

After the organization of the Yugoslav army in the homeland and rising the uprising in Serbia forming a NOVJ by the Communist Party, all accros the Serbia, serbian forces attacked and sabotaged occupying forces, by which certain parts of teritory and cities were liberated. German soliders were captured or killed in these combat operations.

Harald Turner is the head of the commanding headqarters of the commanding German general inoccupied Serbia, September 21 1941. year, he suggested to the general Franz Friedrich Bohme to kill women and children in reprisal actions. He mentioned that...

... chiildren andwomen maintain a relationship, and they care about supplies. Therefore, the entire population must be punished, not just men ...

German general Franz Bohme on october 10 he issued an order to kill a hundred Serbs for one killed German solider and for one wounded 50.

In the fall of 1941 the German army transfered 342. pseudo division (German) from occupied French to Serbia with the task of suppresing the rebellion. Division was already, in that time, well known for torturing and killing and who after the crimes were commited in Macva, Sabac and Loznica, headed towards Krupanj. ON the bridge accros Jadar at the place called Gajica Stena neer Draginac, it was stopped and destroyed by partizan forces oktober 14 1941. year.

Recorded mass killing[уреди | уреди извор]

  • From Veliko Selo village there was murdered, tortured or burned 276 persons, among with 24 children
  • In Jastrebice village there was murdered 475 persons, among with 13 children, under age of 10
  • In Čokešina village there was murdered or burned over 200 people, of which 19 children under age of 10
  • In Novo Selo village ten children were murdered
  • 95 children were burned at the stake in the village of Korenita
  • In the village Cikotama, 396 people were killed in the worst way, among them 135 children
  • In all these villages from october 17. to october 19. there was murdered over 305 children under the age of 10. the village of Jastrebice remains completely deserted. 450 people were killed in that village. the killers have slaughtered all cattle in already deserted village.
  • When they succeded in winning the village Korenita, fascists were dioing the real hell there: they were burning the hauses and people inside them.

See also[уреди | уреди извор]

References[уреди | уреди извор]

  1. ^ „Genocid u Dragincu”. Istorija Jugoslavije. Приступљено 7. 1. 2017. 

External links[уреди | уреди извор]