Пређи на садржај


Координате: 45° 15′ 21″ С; 19° 50′ 56″ И / 45.2557285° С; 19.8488063° И / 45.2557285; 19.8488063
С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије


Академија уметности Универзитета у Новом Саду
Зграда на Петроварадину
Оснивање22. април 1974.; пре 50 година (1974-04-22)
АфилијацијаУниверзитет у Новом Саду
ДеканСиниша Бокан
ЛокацијаНови Сад, Србија
45° 15′ 21″ С; 19° 50′ 56″ И / 45.2557285° С; 19.8488063° И / 45.2557285; 19.8488063
ЧасописЗборник радова


Академия уметносци то високошколска установа Универзитета у Новим Садзе и єдина образовна установа наменєна сучасному уметнїцкому- творительному образованю у Войводини.(1) Общи информациї Иснує - дїлує у составе Универзитета у Новом Садзе, орґанизацийно подзелєна є до трох департманох: • Департман музичней уметносци, • Департман подобовей уметносци, • Департман драмскей уметносци. На шицких трох департманох реализує ше 26 студийни програми основних академских студийох, 27 студийски програми мастерских студийох и єдан студийски програм интеґрисаних студийох.

Можлїви положеня педалох
Можлїви положеня педалох

Димензиї цимбали
у цм. дзецински






сподня основна часц
верхня основна часц


Сопран (С)Datei:Stimmlage_Bariton.svg 200170 alt (A)</nowiki>|200x200п]]

Датотека:Stimmlage Mezzosopran.svg200x170px

Женски гласи Хлопски гласи
Сопрен (С)
Тенор (Т)
Алт (А)
Бас (Б)

Женски гласи Хлопски гласи
Сопран (С)
Тенор (Т)
Алт (А)
Бас (Б)

\new PianoStaff << 
 \new Staff = "chords" << \magnifyStaff #3/4
  \new Voice \relative c' { 
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"harpsichord" \key g \minor
   \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #10 { \bold { Passacaille } } }
   <bes' d>8. <c ees>16 <a c>8. <bes d>16 <c ees>8. <c ees>16 <bes d>8. <c ees>16 |
   <a c>8. <a f'>16 <g ees'>8. <a f'>16 <bes d>8. <bes d>16 <a c>8. <bes d>16 |
   <g bes>8. <a c>16 <fis a>8. <g bes>16 <a c>8. <a c>16 <g bes>8. <a c>16 |
   <fis a>8. <fis d'>16 <e c'>8. <fis d'>16 bes8 a g4 \bar "||"
  \new Voice \relative c' { 
   s1 s s s2 \stemDown g'2
 \new Staff \relative c' { \magnifyStaff #3/4
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"harpsichord" \key g \minor \clef F
   <g bes d>2 <ees g c> <f a c> <bes, d f bes> <ees g bes> <c ees a> d4 d, g2
 \addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "chords" } { \override LyricText.font-size = #-1.5 Gm Cm F B♭ E♭ \markup{\concat{Am\super{(♭5)}}} D _ Gm }
>> >> }
Handel Passacaille from Suite in G minor bars 1–4

{ \new Staff \relative c' { 
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"cello" \clef F \time 12/8
   r r8 << {a( b c) | d,( e f) g( a b) | c,( d e) f( g a) | b,( c d) e( d) e | a, c e}
   \new Staff = "chords" \with {
      \omit TimeSignature
      \magnifyStaff #2/3
      firstClef = ##f
    } \relative c' 
 { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"cello" \clef F
 {\hide Stem a8 s s d, s s g s s c, s s f s s b, s s e s s a, s s}}
\addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "chords" } { \override LyricText.font-size = #-1.5 Am \markup{\concat{Dm\super{7}}} \markup{\concat{G\super{7}}} \markup{\concat{C\super{maj7}}} \markup{\concat{F\super{maj7}}} \markup{\concat{B\super{7(♭5)}}} \markup{\concat{E\super{7}}} Am
   } >>
 s1 s8
} }
Бах, Цантата ч.51 Примена квинтох и квартох

Квинтни и квартни круг у музичней литератури
\new PianoStaff << 
 \new Staff = "chords" << \magnifyStaff #3/4
  \new Voice \relative c' { 
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"harpsichord" \key g \minor
   \mark \markup { \abs-fontsize #10 { \bold { Passacaille } } }
   <bes' d>8. <c ees>16 <a c>8. <bes d>16 <c ees>8. <c ees>16 <bes d>8. <c ees>16 |
   <a c>8. <a f'>16 <g ees'>8. <a f'>16 <bes d>8. <bes d>16 <a c>8. <bes d>16 |
   <g bes>8. <a c>16 <fis a>8. <g bes>16 <a c>8. <a c>16 <g bes>8. <a c>16 |
   <fis a>8. <fis d'>16 <e c'>8. <fis d'>16 bes8 a g4 \bar "||"
  \new Voice \relative c' { 
   s1 s s s2 \stemDown g'2
 \new Staff \relative c' { \magnifyStaff #3/4
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"harpsichord" \key g \minor \clef F
   <g bes d>2 <ees g c> <f a c> <bes, d f bes> <ees g bes> <c ees a> d4 d, g2
 \addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "chords" } { \override LyricText.font-size = #-1.5 Gm Cm F B♭ E♭ \markup{\concat{Am\super{(♭5)}}} D _ Gm }
>> >> }
Handel Passacaille from Suite in G minor bars 1–4

{ \new Staff \relative c' { 
   \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"cello" \clef F \time 12/8
   r r8 << {a( b c) | d,( e f) g( a b) | c,( d e) f( g a) | b,( c d) e( d) e | a, c e}
   \new Staff = "chords" \with {
      \omit TimeSignature
      \magnifyStaff #2/3
      firstClef = ##f
    } \relative c' 
 { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"cello" \clef F
 {\hide Stem a8 s s d, s s g s s c, s s f s s b, s s e s s a, s s}}
\addlyrics \with { alignAboveContext = "chords" } { \override LyricText.font-size = #-1.5 Am \markup{\concat{Dm\super{7}}} \markup{\concat{G\super{7}}} \markup{\concat{C\super{maj7}}} \markup{\concat{F\super{maj7}}} \markup{\concat{B\super{7(♭5)}}} \markup{\concat{E\super{7}}} Am
   } >>
 s1 s8
} }
Бах, Цантата ч.51 Примена квинтох и квартох

Хорнобестел-Закс систем321.321
Сродни инструменти

Шаблон:Инфокутија нематериялне културне нашлїдство Тамбураше, као и тамбурашка пракса од 2021. року признати як часц нематериялного културного нашлїдства Републики Србиї. Ова пракса је део модерне традиције, али је и довољно дуго ту, да буде део културног нематеријалног наслеђа.[1]

Rozmery cimbalov
v cm detský malý veľký


40 80-100

File:Schnittke Concerto for Chorus.jpg

Notna partitura

Основни дияпазони гласох
Женски гласи
Хлопски гласи

Claude Debussy's Première arabesque. The chords on the lower stave are constructed from the notes in the actual piece, shown in the upper stave.

#(set-global-staff-size 16)
        \new Staff <<
            \relative c' {
                \clef treble \time 4/4 \key e \major
                \tuplet 3/2 { cis8 e a } \tuplet 3/2 { cis e fis } \tuplet 3/2 {gis dis b } \tuplet 3/2 { gis dis b } \tuplet 3/2 { a cis fis } \tuplet 3/2 { a cis dis } \tuplet 3/2 { e b gis } \tuplet 3/2 { e b gis }
        \new Staff <<
           \relative c' {
                \clef treble \time 4/4 \key e \major
                \tempo "Andantino con moto"
                <cis e a>2 <b dis gis> <a cis fis> <gis b e>
    >> }
Claude Debussy's Première arabesque. The chords on the lower stave are constructed from the notes in the actual piece, shown in the upper stave.
Марија Моснак
Марија Моснак
Рођена 25. фебруара 1946.
Умрла 30 маja 2022. (76. година)
Држављанство југословенско, српско
Матерњи језик русински
Школа Гимназија, Врбас
Период радне активности 1967—2001.
Послови спикерка, преводилац, новинарка
Сахрањена Градско гробље у Новом Саду

Шаблон:Class="wikitable" align=right width=300px

Шаблон:AfC submission

Marija Mosnak
аlt=Маrija Моsnak
Born on February 25, 1946.
Died May 30, 2022 (age 76)
Citizenship Yugoslav, Serbian
Mother tongue Rusyn
High School Vrbas
Period of work activity 1967—2001
Jobs announcer, translator, journalist
Buried in the City Cemetery in Novi Sad

Marija Mosnak

Born on February 25, 1946.

Died May 30, 2022 (age 76)

Citizenship Yugoslav, Serbian  

Mother tongue Rusyn

High School Vrbas

Period of work activity 1967—2001

Jobs announcer, translator, journalist

Buried in the City Cemetery in Novi Sad

Marija Vadaski Mosnak (February 26, 1946, Kucura—† May 30, 2022, Veternik) is the first professional announcer in the Rusyn editorial office of Radio Novi Sad and on the TV Novi Sad

Maria Mosnak, born Vadaski was born in Kucura on February 26, 1946. She finished elementary school in her hometown and high school in Vrbas. After finishing high school, she enrolled in studies at the Higher Administrative School in Novi Sad.  

She started working in the Rusyn editorial office of Radio Novi Sad on May 15, 1967. She spent her entire working life in front of the microphones at Radio Novi Sad as the first professional radio announcer in the editorial office of Radio Novi Sad's Rusyn program.  

In the period when TV Novi Sad began to broadcast programs in several languages, Marija Mosnak was also the first television announcer in TV Novi Sad's Rusyn programs.

During the 1970s, Marija Mosnak also appeared in the role of host of the Rusyn Red Rose Festival of Culture, and she also led a conference on contact programs organized by the Rusyn editorial office of Radio Novi Sad in the villages where Rusyns live.

In 1973, Marija Vadaski married Andrija Mosnak and had two sons with him.  

In addition to her work as an announcer, Marija Mosnak also worked as a translator for the Rusyn program of Radio Novi Sad, and at the height of her career, she also worked as a journalist because she edited the informative part of the morning program in the Rusyn language as well as the evening news show in the Rusyn language.

She is remembered as an announcer with a distinctly beautiful and pleasant velvety voice, as well as for the maximum dedication to her work, which she performed in an impeccable professional manner and with special love. As an experienced announcer, she helped to form a whole generation of announcers in the Rusyn language who followed her example and professionalism in their work.

She retired on February28, 2001.

Marija Mosnak died in Veternik near Novi Sad on May 30, 2022 at the age of 76, and was buried at the City Cemetery in Novi Sad.[2]

  1. ^ „Тамбураши”. www.nkns.rs. Приступљено 03. 02. 2022. 
  2. ^ Spikerka Radio Novog Sada Marija Mosnak preminula u Veterniku Radio-Televizija Vojvodine, rtv.rs, 08. jun 2022.