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Прониште је огромна тврђава у близини албанског Београда и била је насељена од давних времена.
Уздиже се над стрмом и 50 метара високом стијеном, доступном само уском пјешачком улицом - рељеф природно изолован. [1]
[уреди | уреди извор]- ^ It is above the village of Tomorri i Madh. The castle has been inhabited since the ancient times and rises over a steep and 50 m high rocky platform and can only be reached through a narrow Pedestrian Street. Over the rocky mass one can find the distinct walls of the acropolis, walls which don't belong only to one single period of time. The acropolis has a perimeter of 210 m, its walls are 1-1.3 m and it has the shape of an irregular trapezoid. The ancient wall dates from the pre Byzantine era. This castle was placed a very good strategic location, not only for protection, but in an important passageway from the sea cost to Constantinople as well. The castle dominates the view over all the castles of Berat, including Mbjeshtova, Peshtan, Mbolan, Vojak, Gradishta of Qereshnik and the castle of Vokopola. This castle was writen about in the chronicles during the time of the fall of Bulgarian Empire in 1018, as well as being mentioned during the events of 1336 as the location of a series of important battles. The Castle was used by the Turks during the period of the Turkish rule. In the castle can be found the ruins of an ancient water cistern, which once had a capacity of 100,000 liters of water. Unfortunantly, any serious attempt to study the castle and it's history has been put on hold for a long time. In recent years the place has become very attractive for tourists. Some tour operators organize tours around the area. BERATI, History and Culture; I.Sollaku Kurti; 2016, стр. 58 и 59