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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

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[уреди извор]

Sorry, I can't write in Serbian, I can only read in it. The article confuses Flieckinger (the author of the original report, who apprently was convinced in the existence of vampires) and one Johann Christoff Harenberg, the author of "Vernünftige und Christliche Gedancken über die Vampirs", who just includes a copy of part of the report in his essay. -- 18:14, 15. јун 2007. (CEST)[одговори]

Thanks.--Carski 13:55, 18. јул 2007. (CEST)[одговори]

U tekstu Visum i Repertum se pominje hajducko selo Medvedja. Rec je o Medvedji kraj Trstenika, na Zapadnoj Moravi, na granici sa Turskom. Hajducka sela su igrala ulogu vojne granice. Medvedja kraj Svilajnca nije bilo hajducko selo.