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Разговор:Емоционална интелигенција/Архива 1

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Архива 1 Архива 2


Are the blog posts linked to at emocionalnainteligencija.blogspot.com truly authoritative? Written by an expert and worthy to be linked to from an encyclopaedia? Billinghurst (разговор) 01:25, 27. јануар 2013. (CET)[одговори]

No. -- Bojan  Razgovor  01:31, 27. јануар 2013. (CET)[одговори]

I'm not sure where have you, speaking English, come from, but it's not on me to judge. As for the article, it was created through the proccess of mass entry (I can't find more appropriate word). That's actually the only fully referenced version, the one from October 10th, 2006. After that, the article was mostly edited by two users and that's where these links come from. Nevertheless, I removed the recently added ones, since thay don't seem to add up to the article's ecyclopaedic value. Also, the article includes the сређивање/sređivanje (approximately "fixing needed") tag. As for the expert question, that can't be determined since it's just an blog. The owner claims he is, but... At the end, it's not authoritative, but it's all we have for now, and the tag solves the problem. I hope this answer is more satisfying than the preceding one. Best wishes, Serbian Wikipedia user, Lakisan97 (разговор) 01:49, 27. јануар 2013. (CET)[одговори]