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Re: Principality of Paganija & De Administrator Imperio

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring Wikipedia’s attention to some of the historical information on it’s web site. It is about the former coastal Principality of Paganija in today's modern Croatia. The article concerned is in the historical section of Wikipedia. Historical facts are being presented here which appear to be formulated using unscientific methods. One can only interpret this as to be politically motivated.

The article is uses the information written in the book "De Administrator Imperio" by Roman Emperor Constantine VII Progenitors (Byzantine Empire) as it's only reference point. The historic information in the De Administrator Imperio which it cites has long been know as questionable, contradictory and should be treated as such. While other sections of this book have been regarded as genuine by respected Historians.

By using edited sections of De Administrator Imperio the reader comes to the conclusion that Slavic people of that area are of Serbian decent which clearly is not the case. There are other discrepancies in this document such as two chapters telling two different versions of the arrival of Croatians. The sections about the arrival of Serbs seem to be identical to one of stories telling the arrival of Croatians. The chapters read as a retelling of the migration pattern of same peoples as if the author lacked historical information and used it as a template. One of the chapters also used mythic Croatian narratives as fact. Also De Administrator Imperio is describing events that took place three centuries before it was written. With this in mind, information in De Administrator Imperio concerning the Principality of Paganija can be put in serious doubt.

It beggars the question why hasn't other information been represented, such as the historical perspectives from the other Chronicles written in that period. Historical perspectives from the Venetian Republic, The Vatican, Republic of Ragusa (Dubrovnik), Medieval Kingdom Of Croatia and of course the most important of all the people themselves who live in that region.

Due to the very nature of the Internet and its place in society this misleading information can be used in the future as a propaganda weapon. One can only recall the recent former Yugoslavian Wars and how much pain, misery and death it brought.

One should also ask why is Wikipedia using poor historic scientific methods and is it representing politically biased interests?

— Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник (разговордоприноси) | 02:05 — 02:08, 3. март 2009

Are you interested in contributing to article or you`re just sharing your toughts with us?If it`s the first one,then great,we can work something out,if it`s the second one,then you`re on a wrong place.

First of all,if you come from some part of old Yugoslavia,as I assume,then it would be easier for all to comunicate in yoour own language,whatever it may be.(Here,there is no unwritten rule about forbiding someone to use his one mother language and script.)Secondly,it would be better to point out what part of curent article is bad and what are your sugestion on it,based on what literature.That way,we can corect article easier.

Last,but not the least,if you don`t plan to register here,please sign your posts with some name (whatever you can think of),it`s easier to comunicate that way. Црни Бомбардер!!! Шумски Крст(†) 04:16, 3. март 2009. (CET)[одговори]

Ja smatram da se istorija politički zloupotrebljava za pravdanje teritorijalnih pretenzija. Srpska Paganija, Zahumlje itd. Zatim čini mi se da se iz godine u godinu ova mapa Srbije sve više pomere ka zapadu kako bi obuhvatila Banja Luku i reku Vrbas.

U toj dobi nisu postojali narodi nego plemena. Narod je nastao iz plemena. Najjače pleme je nosilac titule narodnog imena. Po Konstantinu Porfirogenetu nisu postojali samo Srbi i Hrvati već sa njima ravnopravno Zahumci, Neretljani, Dukljani itd. Tek kasnije u 13 veku Srbija se širi na te kneževine. Ne zaboravimo da su te sve primorske kneževine bile većinski katoličke. Ako znamo da su dva neretljanska kneza Višeslav i Domagoj, bili i kneževi Hrvatske, a znamo da je narodnost tad bila jako relativan pojam, onda je smešno nazivati Paganiju, pa čak i Zahumlje i Duklju srpskim kneževinama.

Pozdrav — Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник Bacciap4 (разговордоприноси) | 03:08, 24. октобар 2011

Pa koji ste vi mitomani bivsa braco, Bog vas nece. Otvorim poveznicu di pise Srbi Neretljani a ono od Srba ni traga ni glasa. Ovi doselili iz Soluna (di oduvijek zive Grci), a u tekstu cijelo vrijeme spominjete Neretljane a ne Srbe. Pise kako su uvijek bili saveznici sa Hrvatima i kako u jednom trenutku jaca hrvatski utjecaj. A nigdje nema nikakve Raške i Srba. Pricam o tom kraju do 900 i neke. — Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник (разговордоприноси) | 09:41, 27. децембар 2011

Ако ти је за неку утеху Иво Голдштајн каже у једном свом раду (Hrvatski rani srednji vijek, Zgb 1995, str. 196) да Неретљани првобитно нису били Хрвати. Но, до 11. века они ће то бити. Зашто, како, на теби је да сазнаш.--Еπαμинонδα★Рαζгоβоρ 13:07, 27. децембар 2011. (CET)[одговори]

Jevrein Goldštajn i slovenska plemena

Zašto su na teritoriju cele Paganije, zaleđa i naročito ostrva stari toponimi čakavski i ikavski ? Veoma su interesantni mnogi istorijski stečci u oblasti Zahumlja pisani čakavicom-jekavicom kod Stona, Ravnog, Stolca Bune i Ustikoline, ovi stečci se poklapaju sa današnjim hrvatskim naseljima i takođe sa istorijskom granicom Zahumlja i Dubrovnika sa jedne strane nasuprot Travunje sa druge strane gde nema čakavice. Hteo sam da dam realnu sugestiju sa nivoa istorijskih nalaza i današnjih nacionalnih granica bez mitova, namera je da pomirim braću srpske i hrvatske istoričare, a Vi se uverite da li sam u pravu.

Drugarski pozdrav od Marka! — Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник (разговордоприноси) | 16:36, 3. јануар 2013.‎