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Разговор с корисником:Дмитриj Федjукин

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Поздрав, Дмитриj Федjукин. Добро дошли на Википедију на српском језику!
Здраво, Дмитриj Федjукин. Хвала на учешћу у пројекту. Надамо се да ћете уживати у сарадњи и да ће вам боравак с нама бити пријатан.
Википедија на српском језику је слободна енциклопедија која је настала 2003. године. Од тада смо успоставили различита правила у нашој заједници. Одвојите мало времена и прочитајте следеће теме, пре него што почнете да уређујете Википедију.
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Пре него што почнете с уређивањем чланака, прочитајте важне напомене о писању српским језиком на Википедији.

Чланци на Википедији на српском језику могу се потпуно равноправно уређивати ћирилицом и латиницом, екавицом и ијекавицом, али није дозвољено мешање писама нити изговора у истом чланку. Измене латиницом у ћириличком тексту (и обрнуто) и измене „osisanom” латиницом, односно ASCII-јем, биће уклоњене без одлагања.

Надамо се да ћете уживати са нама доприносећи Википедији и да ћете постати њен стални корисник. Уколико имате било каква питања, слободно се обратите мени или другим уредницима на некој од страница на Тргу. Још једном, добро дошли на Википедију, пројекат слободне енциклопедије. Срећан рад! -- Dcirovic (разговор) 14:47, 12. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]

That was a generic welcome message. You received it because, you have recently made a change to one of the pages on sr Wiki. Regards. -- Dcirovic (разговор) 15:41, 12. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]

Поздрав! :)

[уреди извор]

Да ли можете да преведете чланак о овом српском војсковођи на руски језик? Пријатан остатак дана желим! :) --Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 20:00, 16. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]

OK, but it will take some time. I think it will be ready on 26.03. Maybe it will be ready on 22.03. Sorry for english/I can understand your language and translate it into Russian, but i'm much more better in English.--Дмитрий Федюкин (разговор) 21:35, 18. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]

Hi, Dimitry :), I saw that you're very interested in the Serbo-Turkish war 1876-78 (one of my favourite part of national history), and also I thought that you can translate something from this article (just a few sentences) in your mother tongue. That man is one of the greatest Serbian military personels. What you say, could you do this?--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 21:38, 18. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]

You know, the answer is yes and no. Yes, because after Serbians declared the war to the Turks, the Montenegrins also did that. No, because Montenegrins had a lot of conflicts later, even from 1862 they had constantly fighting with Turks. But, also you must have in mind that Montenegro was very poor and unregulated land. Montenegrin diplomats didn't sign a truce with Japaneses after Russian-Japanese war, and formally they were in war with them until the early of XXI century.--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 22:11, 18. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
Ah, that was nothing. If you've something to ask me, you're welcome ;)--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 17:40, 19. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
Джура Хорватович, I'm sure.--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 17:48, 19. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
That's corps which soldiers were from the region of river Timok.--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 17:57, 19. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
Congrats! :) If you saw, I'm not finish with that article yet. I've many thing to do before I can say that job is done. I'll contact you if I learn something new about Đura Horvatović.--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 18:40, 21. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
In Serbia at that time days were marked according to the Julian calendar. Even today you can see in some books this way of dating, which is for us, Serbians, correct.--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 15:21, 22. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
As well as in Serbian article. What you say about that?--Ἐπαμεινώνδας (разговор) 19:19, 22. март 2011. (CET)[одговори]
No yet, every day I learn something new. Today I was in library where I found an encyclopedia in which is described Djura Horvatovitch's early life.--Епаминонда (разговор) 17:38, 8. април 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
But for yet you can translate the part about Одбрана Књажевца, it's 100% completed!--Епаминонда (разговор) 17:43, 8. април 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
Yes, it's always good to learn something new. :)--Епаминонда (разговор) 17:46, 8. април 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
Alright, I'll work on it. I think that Russian transription is Еюб-паша, am I correct?--Епаминонда (разговор) 22:33, 8. април 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

И уместо да му пошаљу неку обилату помоћ која би спасла Књажевац и евентуално истерала Турке, у Главном штабу је одлучено да се с обе моравске обале „демонстрира“ против Ниша. А уочи самог оног дана, када је пао Књажевац, хтела се предузети једна јака „диверзија“ преко Св. Аранђела да би се појавили иза леђа Ахмед Ејуб-паши, али то се само хтело...

Yes, it's one of my complicated sentences... It could be like this translated:

And instead to support him with the better reinforcement with which Knyazhevats could be saved and with which the Turks could be evidently crushed, in the Main Staff it was decided to take the offensive on both banks of the river of Morava towards Nish. And shortly before the fall of Knyazhevats they [personels from Staff] have wanted to launch a „diversion“ across the monastery of Saint Archangel in order to get behind the back of Eyub pasha's army, but it was only the fiction...

--Епаминонда (разговор) 14:34, 11. април 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

Hi there! :) Unfortunately no... I must wait until the summer, because I don't have time for going to library where is a book of Vladan Djordjevitch in which is described the Serbo-Turkish war. I think that in whole Serbia you have only few examples of this book. I use one of these from Library of Matica srpska. Meanwhile, I learn that in Digital Library of University of Chicago you can read that book online. It's the question from whom they brought this very rare book (?). But, again, it's necessary to be a student if you want to read it online.--Епаминонда (разговор) 11:22, 5. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

Веома интересaнтно! I mean, very interesting! It'll be good to know the source of these great pictures. On this site you also can find a lot of pictures in many publications such as Orao, Srpska zora and etc... .--Епаминонда (разговор) 15:23, 5. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

Hi there! Yes, I saw these places on web... Yes, Djura took a part in Bulgarian war, but at the end, not in Battle of Slivnitsa. He was, could I say, in reserve forces.--Епаминонда (разговор) 21:07, 10. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
Don't worry about that. I hardly believe that I'll finished that article.--Епаминонда (разговор) 21:18, 10. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
Hi to you too! :) I'm glad to see that you're interested in our national history, you're one of few people which I like. But, my bad... I have only 30MB to the end :( (I don't have ADSL yet), and because of that I must wait until the next month... But, I'll say again, you can trust me, I'll back after the break. If you want to write about Serbian soldiers from S-T war, you can translate few articles that I wrote few days ago. For example, see this one. That one was hero from Serbo-Bulgarian war 1885. Also, you can see here my contributions. Best regards from Epameinonda from Subotica!--Епаминонда (разговор) 19:02, 14. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

Ре: Транслејт

[уреди извор]

штабни are military personels in Headquarters зинули од чуда is urban term which equivalent in English is caught by suprise --Епаминонда (разговор) 08:37, 31. мај 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

I found this picture of cossacks near Constantinople, but I don't know in which article could it be used.--Епаминонда (разговор) 01:50, 3. јун 2011. (CEST)[одговори]

Hi there again! No, not yet, but be patient, I am workin' on it. For now, you could translate/adapt this list of person who lived in Serbia in 19th century.--Епаминонда (разговор) 16:18, 29. јун 2011. (CEST)[одговори]
Yes, it is true, vojvoda is another word for vojskovođa (general), because it is derived from voj (battle, military) and vođa (leader), literary "military or battle leader". But it also could be interpreted as Serbian version of Roman and medieval title of duke (in Latin dux, literary leader), for example vojvoda Hrvatin Stepanić. Note this: some Bosnian nobles such as Stepan Vukčić Kosača and Hrvoje Vukčić bore the German title of Herzog rather than Serbian one, although these two words have the same meaning. Vojvoda was also the highest rank in Serbian Army during the Great War, and the time before that it was used by our rebellion leaders such as vojvoda Sinđelić. Even the Austrian general Stevan Šupljikac was made vojvoda at the May Assembly in Sremski Karlovci. You have probably heard about the northern Serbian Province of Vojvodina in which I live. She is called after the title of vojvoda.--Нимча (разговор) 05:08, 8. јун 2013. (CEST)[одговори]
You are welcome at anytime. ;) --Нимча (разговор) 12:49, 9. јун 2013. (CEST)[одговори]