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This is the talk page for discussing improvements to The Wikipedia Adventure Earth article

Reliable sources about Earth?[уреди извор]

  • "15 Things I Love about Mother Nature". Starmother, Jasmine Michelle. Jas Planet Loving Earthblog. May, 2002. http.jasminesearthblog.blogblogblog.com/15_things_I Love. Retrieved 01:00, уторак 2. јул 2024. (UTC).
  • "Planet Earth in the Balance of History". Gnawledge, O'penn . Science and Nature Journal. . March 21, 2010. * http.sanj.com/Earthinthebalance. Retrieved 01:00, уторак 2. јул 2024. (UTC).
  • "Earth is a Planet". Duzit, E.Z., MiddleSchool Books. April 2004, London. Retrieved 01:00, уторак 2. јул 2024. (UTC).

Hope that helps! --GaiaGirl86 (talk)