Разговор с корисником:Milicacob/АКВ
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Hi ! Welcome to our fantastic collaborative project, where editors build articles based upon reliable sources and help each other to make those articles full of great, neutral information.
I thought it might be helpful for your trip to have a place where you can ask questions along the way. There's a special place called the Teahouse, where you can ask any question you have about editing and get friendly help from trusted hosts. We'd like to have you as a guest. Drop by for a cup of tea anytime!
Great to have you on board! --WillKomen (talk)
[уреди извор]Здраво! Част ми је да ти пожелим добродошлицу на наш колаборативни пројекат, где уређивачи стварају чланке из проверљивих извора и помажу једни другима како би ти чланци били пуни занимљивих, неутралних информација!
Мислим да би ти било од велике помоћи да током рада имаш место на коме можеш постављати питања. Имамо једно окупљалиште, по имену Трг, где можеш да питаш све што те занима о уређивању, и добићеш пријатељску помоћ од наших верних домаћина. Волели бисмо да се осећаш као код куће. Сврати и размени новости са нама у свако доба!
Срећно с радом!
--Рецепционер 03:44, 23 June 2013 (UTC)
Поуздани извори
[уреди извор]Здраво, Авантуриста! Ставила сам неке информације о Земљи на страници за разговор чланка. Неки извори које сам пронашла. Шта би требало да искористимо? Драго ми је што још увек истрајаваш са мном на уређивању чланка! Одличан смо тим! --Земљанка 02:10, 25 June 2013 (UTC)
[уреди извор]Здраво! Част ми је да ти пожелим добродошлицу на наш колаборативни пројекат, где уређивачи стварају чланке из проверљивих извора и помажу једни другима како би ти чланци били пуни занимљивих, неутралних информација!
Мислим да би ти било од велике помоћи да током рада имаш место на коме можеш постављати питања. Имамо једно окупљалиште, по имену Трг, где можеш да питаш све што те занима о уређивању, и добићеш пријатељску помоћ од наших верних домаћина. Волели бисмо да се осећаш као код куће. Сврати и размени новости са нама у свако доба!
Срећно с радом!
--Рецепционер 03:44, 23 June 2013 (UTC)
[уреди извор]Здраво! Част ми је да ти пожелим добродошлицу на наш колаборативни пројекат, где уређивачи стварају чланке из проверљивих извора и помажу једни другима како би ти чланци били пуни занимљивих, неутралних информација!
Мислим да би ти било од велике помоћи да током рада имаш место на коме можеш постављати питања. Имамо једно окупљалиште, по имену Трг, где можеш да питаш све што те занима о уређивању, и добићеш пријатељску помоћ од наших верних домаћина. Волели бисмо да се осећаш као код куће. Сврати и размени новости са нама у свако доба!
Срећно с радом!
--Рецепционер 03:44, 23 June 2013 (UTC)