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Шаблон:Инфокутија Википројекат/док

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије


[уреди извор]

Инфокутија Википројекат се може користити за сумирање информација о википројекту


[уреди извор]

Ова инфокутија се може додати копирањем и лепљењем доле приказаног предлошка:

Напомена: Потребно је ставити само "име", сви остали атрибути су опционални.

WikiProject {{{name}}}
Пречице{{{shortcuts}}}, {{{shortcuts2}}}
Categories[[:Категорија:{{{category}}}|{{{category}}}]], [[:Категорија:{{{category2}}}|{{{category2}}}]]
Portals [[Портал:{{{portal}}}|Портал {{{portal}}}]]
[[Портал:{{{portal2}}}|Портал {{{portal2}}}]]
Wikimedia CommonsCommons:Category:{{{commons}}} [[Commons:Category:{{{commons}}}|{{{commons}}}]]
[[Википедија:WikiProject {{{parent}}}|{{{parent}}}]], [[Википедија:WikiProject {{{parent2}}}|{{{parent2}}}]], [[Википедија:WikiProject {{{parent3}}}|{{{parent3}}}]], [[Википедија:WikiProject {{{parent4}}}|{{{parent4}}}]]
[[Википедија:WikiProject {{{child}}}|{{{child}}}]], [[Википедија:WikiProject {{{child2}}}|{{{child2}}}]], [[Википедија:WikiProject {{{child3}}}|{{{child3}}}]]
Project banner template{{{notice-extended}}}
Helps organise child projects?{{{helps-organise-children}}}
Has goals?{{{has-goals}}}
Popular Pages{{{popular-pages}}}
{{Инфокутија Википројекат
 | inactive                = 
 | semi-active             =
 | name                    = 
 | bodystyle               = 
 | image                   = 
 | imagesize               = 
 | caption                 = 
 | shortcuts               = 
 | shortcuts2              = 
 | category                = 
 | category2               = 
 | portal                  = 
 | portal2                 = 
 | commons                 = 
 | parent                  = 
 | parent2                 =
 | parent3                 =
 | parent4                 =
 | child                   = 
 | child2                  =
 | child3                  =
 | notice                  = 
 | notice-extended         =
 | userbox                 = 
 | userbox2                = 
 | userbox3                = 
 | userboxnote             = 
 | helps-organise-children = 
 | has-goals               = 
 | assessment              = 
 | popular-pages           = 
 | footnotes               = 
 | csb                     =
 | type                    =

Општи параметри

[уреди извор]
  • Неактивност – ако је постављено "y", "yes", или "1", онда се у шаблону ствара парамент Неактиван Википројекат' иначе поље треба оставити празно.
  • Назив – the name of the project, without the 'Wikipedia:WikiProject' prefix. (e.g., Tulips)
  • Стил – any valid CSS markup that is applied to the infobox table as a whole. (you may need to use !important to override default values specified elsewhere)
  • Фотографија – an image for the project, given in the form of 'example.jpg'. (i.e., do not specify the size, caption, position, etc., and do not prefix it with 'File:' or 'Image:')
    • Величина слике – sets the width of the project image, given in 'px'. When not specified, the default is 180px. (e.g., 150px)
    • Опис слике – a descriptive sentence that describes the image. (e.g., This WikiProject is about project topic.)
  • Пречице – if the project has a primary shortcut, list it here in the form [[WP:Shortcut]].
    • Пречице2 – Secondary shortcuts may be given here. If there are more than two shortcuts, enter as a comma separated list.
  • Категорија – the name of the root category of the articles within the scope of the WikiProject, preferably without the 'Category:' prefix. (e.g., WikiProject Tulips)
    • Категорија – the name of a second root category if the project uses more than one, preferably without the 'Category:' prefix. (e.g., Tulips)
  • Портал – the name of an appropriate portal for the project, without the 'Portal:' prefix. (e.g., Tulips)
    • Портал2 – the name of a second appropriate portal, if the project uses more than one, without the 'Portal:' prefix. (e.g., Flowers)
  • Комонс – the name of a category in Wikimedia Commons, that is appropriate to the project, without the 'Category:' prefix. (e.g., Tulips)
  • Родитељ – the name of the parent project for this project, without the 'Wikipedia:WikiProject' prefix. (e.g., Flowers)
    • Родитељ2 / parent3 / parent4 – the name of additional parent projects, without the 'Wikipedia:WikiProject' prefix. (e.g., Flowers)
  • Дете – the name of the child project for this project, without the 'Wikipedia:WikiProject' prefix. (e.g., Flowers)
    • Дете2 / child3 – the name of additional child projects, without the 'Wikipedia:WikiProject' prefix. (e.g., Flowers)
  • Напомена – the name of the project banner template for the project, given without the 'Template:' prefix or any {{ }} syntax. (e.g., WikiProject Tulips)
    • notice-extended – an alternative to 'notice' (overrides the standard 'notice' message) that you can use to provide more details, template parameters, etc. (e.g., {{WikiProject International relations|un=yes}})
  • Јузербокс – you may enter up to three project userboxes, (using userbox, userbox2, and userbox3) and/or an optional userboxnote:
    • If the userbox is located in the template namespace (i.e., the userbox page starts with 'Template:' in front of the name), then just enter the name of the template, without the 'Template:' prefix:
    • If the userbox is located in any other namespace (i.e., 'User:', 'Википедија:', etc.), enter the full name of the userbox page, including the prefix:
      • Example #2: |userbox = User:Example/Userboxes/WikiProject Tulips member would be entered as-is
      • Example #3: |userbox2 = Wikipedia:Example/UBX would be entered as-is
    • userboxnote – a free-form comment, such as a link to more userboxes or brief instructions; if there are more than three userboxes to choose from, you could use only this parameter and link to a gallery of userboxes.
  • helps-organise-children – if set to "y", "yes", or "1", it indicates that the project will be active in helping organise subprojects (including task forces and work groups); "n", "no", or "0" indicate the project does not intend to set those up; anything else will be treated as a free-form comment, such as a link to more information.
  • has-goals – if set to "n", "no", or "0", indicates that the project exists solely to help organise child projects and co-ordinate items of interest common to all sub-projects, and does not engage in any other activity; "y", "yes", or "1" indicates the project intends to pursue other goals besides supporting child projects; anything else will be treated as a free-form comment, such as a link to more information.
  • assessment – the link to the project's assessment page, without the 'Wikipedia:' prefix. (e.g., WikiProject Tulips/Assessment)
  • popular-pages – the link to the project's Wikipedia:Popular pages list, without the 'Wikipedia:' prefix. (e.g., WikiProject Tulips/Popular pages)
  • footnotes – any additional free-form notes about the project.
  • csb – if set to "yes", tags project as relevant for Wikipedia:WikiProject Countering systemic bias (CSB)
  • type – passes on the optional type parameter of {{WikiProject status}}: not displayed in infobox