Шаблон:Infobox Computer Hardware Bus
{{{name}}} | |
Hotplug? | no |
External? | no |
![]() | Овај шаблон употребљава замршене функције викисинтаксе.
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This template is for computer busses. You could probably also use it for network hardware systems such as Ethernet, although a separate infobox for networks might be a better idea. For generic hardware components, see Template:Infobox Computer Hardware Generic.
[уреди извор]{{Infobox Computer Hardware Bus | name = Bus Name | fullname = Full name | image = An image to show in the infobox | caption = A caption for the image | invent-date = Year of Invention | invent-name = Name of Inventor | super-name = What superseded this bus | super-date = When this bus was superseded | width = Width of the bus in bits | numdev = Number of simultaneous connected devices | speed = Speed of the bus | style = 's' for serial, 'p' for Parallel, or plain text | hotplug = Does this bus support Hot-Plugging? (default: no) | external = Is this bus external? (default: no) }}
All fields, except 'name' are optional.
See the talk page for some examples which show the full usage of this infobox in a few combinations.