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Шаблон:Rotten Tomatoes TV

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Rotten Tomatoes TV на веб-сајту Rotten Tomatoes (језик: енглески)

Документација шаблона[прикажи] [уреди] [историја] [освежи]

This template generates an external link to a page for a television show title at the Rotten Tomatoes website.

Note: The Rotten Tomatoes website doesn't have the same type of "ID" that IMDb has. In this case, the "ID" the instructions below refers to: the numerical number (followed by a dash or hyphen); then the TV show's name (as listed on Rotten Tomatoes), in lower case, separated by an underscore.

Note: This template will only work with TV shows on Rotten Tomatoes, if you would like to link to a film use Template:Rotten Tomatoes.

One parameter:

{{Rotten Tomatoes TV | ID }}
{{Rotten Tomatoes TV | id= ID }}

Two parameters:

{{Rotten Tomatoes TV | ID | TITLE }}
{{Rotten Tomatoes TV | id= ID | title= TITLE }}


[уреди извор]
  1. Go to RottenTomatoes.com and enter the full TV show title in the Search field, then press Search.
    • On the results page, click the TV show you're interested in.
    • If you do not get a result corresponding to your TV show, there may not be a Rotten Tomatoes review for your TV show.
  2. The TV show's review page should have a URL (shown in your browser's Address bar) like this:
    where <ID> is Rotten Tomatoes' ID for this TV show. For instance:
    is the review page for Game of Thrones: Season 5 (2015). NOTE: Most TV show's IDs will simply be their complete title in all-lowercase, without punctuation, and with hyphens replacing spaces and a forwadslash followed by the season number as (sXX) with the XX representing a two-digit season number. For instance:
    is the review page for Chef's Table: Season 1.
  3. Add the following text to the "External links" section of your TV show article:
    * {{Rotten Tomatoes TV|id=<ID>|title=<TITLE>}}
    replacing <ID> with the ID you found, and <TITLE> with the title as you wish it to appear. (The title will automatically be italicized.) For example:
    * {{Rotten Tomatoes TV|id=seinfeld/s09|title=Seinfled: Season 9}}
    will result in the following appearing in the "External links" section:


One parameter:

  1. {{Rotten Tomatoes TV | game-of-thrones/s05 }}
    Game of Thrones: Season 5 на веб-сајту Rotten Tomatoes (језик: енглески)
  2. {{Rotten Tomatoes TV | id= game-of-thrones/s05 }}
    Game of Thrones: Season 5 на веб-сајту Rotten Tomatoes (језик: енглески)

Two parameters:

  1. {{Rotten Tomatoes TV | game-of-thrones/s05 | Game of Thrones: Season 5 }}
    Game of Thrones: Season 5 на веб-сајту Rotten Tomatoes (језик: енглески)
  2. {{Rotten Tomatoes TV | id= game-of-thrones/s05 | title= Game of Thrones: Season 5 }}
    Game of Thrones: Season 5 на веб-сајту Rotten Tomatoes (језик: енглески)

Template data

[уреди извор]
Ово је TemplateData за овај шаблон, која се користи у TemplateWizard, Визуелном уређивачу и другим алаткама. Погледајте месечни извештај о употреби парамера за овај шаблон у чланцима заснованим на овом TemplateData.

TemplateData за Rotten Tomatoes TV

This template generates an external link to a page for a TV show title at the Rotten Tomatoes website.

Параметри шаблона[Уреди податке о шаблону]

ID1 id

ID string from the URL.

Title2 title

Title used as the link text (the template automatically displays it in italics). If not specified it defaults to the article's {{PAGENAME}}, without disambiguation.
