Трипси Временски распон: Перм - Данас
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Крилате и бескрилне форме | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Класа: | Insecta |
(нерангирано): | Eumetabola |
(нерангирано): | Paraneoptera |
Ред: | Thysanoptera Haliday, 1836 |
Подреди & фамилије | |
Синоними | |
Physopoda[1] |
Трипси или пепелнице су група малих инсеката са крилима.
[уреди | уреди извор]Дуге су од пола милиметра до скоро једног и по центиметра. Тело им је витко, ваљкасто или пљоснато, са јаким спољашњим скелетом црне, жуте или кестењасте боје. Неке врсте немају крила, али код оних које их имају, крила су уска и дуга, са дугачким ресастим длачицама по рубовима. Сложене очи су или мале и смештене са обе стране главе или су веће и ближе средини главе.[2]
Ареал и станиште
[уреди | уреди извор]Ово је космополитска група, која се среће од субполарног климатског појаса до пустиња, а живе и на већим надморским висинама. Најчешће живе на пољима, односно биљкама, посебно цвећу, али се неке врсте могу наћи на трулим деблима, у пањевима, сену, стељи, као и у подземним ходницима које су направиле друге животиње.[2]
[уреди | уреди извор]Већи број врста су биљоједне и усним апаратом прилагођеним за бодење и сисање пију биљне сокове. Малобројне месоједне врсте сисају течност из тела биљних вашију, прегљева или ларви инсеката.[2]
Значај за човека
[уреди | уреди извор]Већину врста човек сматра штеточинама јер хранећи се биљкама, могу да пренесу вирусе, изазову изобличења у току раста биљака и спречавање настанка плода. Међутим, неке врсте живе на рачун искључиво дивљих врста, а оне које нападају корове, као и оне које се хране биљним вашима, сматрају се чак и корисним.[2]
[уреди | уреди извор]Фамилије
[уреди | уреди извор]- Adiheterothripidae Shumsher, 1946
- Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Fauriellidae Priesner, 1949
- Heterothripidae Bagnall, 1912
- Melanthripidae Bagnall, 1913
- Merothripidae Hood, 1914
- Phlaeothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Thripidae Stephens, 1829
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acallurothrips Bagnall, 1921
- Acanthothrips Uzel, 1895
- Acrosothrips Stannard, 1963
- Adelothrips Hood, 1938
- Adraneothrips Hood, 1925
- Aeolothrips Haliday, 1836
- Agrothrips Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939
- Aleurodothrips Franklin, 1909
- Allothrips Hood, 1908
- Amynothrips O'Neill, 1968
- Anaphothrips Uzel, 1895
- Anascirtothrips Bhatti, 1961
- Anisopilothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Ankothrips D. L. Crawford, 1909
- Antillothrips Stannard, 1957
- Apterothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Apterygothrips Priesner, 1933
- Aptinothrips Haliday, 1836
- Arorathrips Bhatti, 1990
- Arpediothrips Hood, 1927
- Asprothrips J. C. Crawford, 1938
- Atractothrips Hood, 1938
- Aurantothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Bactrothrips Karny, 1912
- Bagnalliella Karny, 1920
- Baileyothrips Kono and O'Neill, 1964
- Baliothrips Uzel, 1895
- Belothrips Haliday, 1836
- Bolacothrips Uzel, 1895
- Bolothrips Priesner, 1926
- Bravothrips Johansen, 1966
- Bregmatothrips Hood, 1912
- Caliothrips Daniel, 1904
- Caprithrips Faure, 1933
- Carathrips Hood, 1950
- Catinathrips O'Neill, 1967
- Cephalothrips Uzel, 1895
- Ceratothripoides Bagnall, 1918
- Ceratothrips Reuter, 1899
- Ceuthothrips Hood, 1938
- Chaetanaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Chaetisothrips Priesner, 1957
- Chilothrips Hood, 1916
- Chirothripoides Bagnall, 1915
- Chirothrips Haliday, 1836
- Compsothrips Reuter, 1901
- Cryptothrips Uzel, 1895
- Ctenothrips Franklin, 1907
- Dactuliothrips Moulton, 1931
- Danothrips Bhatti, 1971
- Dendrothripoides Bagnall, 1923
- Dendrothrips Uzel, 1895
- Diceratothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Dichromothrips Priesner, 1932
- Dinurothrips Hood, 1913
- Diphyothrips Stannard, 1963
- Drepanothrips Uzel, 1895
- Echinothrips Moulton, 1911
- Elaphrothrips Buffa, 1909
- Elixothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Eparsothrips zur Strassen, 1968
- Erythrothrips Moulton, 1911
- Eschatothrips Stannard, 1955
- Ethirothrips Karny, 1925
- Eurythrips Hinds, 1902
- Ewartithrips Nakahara, 1995
- Firmothrips Schliephake, 1972
- Frankliniella Karny, 1910
- Franklinothrips Back, 1912
- Gastrothrips Hood, 1912
- Glaucothrips Karny, 1921
- Glyptothrips Hood, 1912
- Gnophothrips Hood and Williams, 1915
- Goniothrips Hood, 1927
- Gynaikothrips Zimmermann, 1900
- Haplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Heliothrips Haliday, 1836
- Hemianaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Heratythrips Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Hercinothrips Bagnall, 1932
- Heterothrips Hood, 1908
- Hindsiothrips Stannard, 1958
- Holopothrips Hood, 1914
- Holothrips Karny, 1911
- Hoodothrips Bondar, 1931
- Hoplandrothrips Hood, 1912
- Hoplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hyidiothrips Hood, 1938
- Illinothrips Stannard, 1954
- Iridothrips Priesner, 1940
- Karnyothrips Watson, 1924
- Kurtomathrips Moulton, 1927
- Leptothrips Hood, 1909
- Leucothrips Reuter, 1904
- Limothrips Haliday, 1836
- Liothrips Uzel, 1895
- Lispothrips Reuter, 1899
- Lissothrips Hood, 1908
- Macrophthalmothrips Karny, 1922
- Malacothrips Hinds, 1902
- Megalothrips Uzel, 1895
- Megalurothrips Bagnall, 1915
- Megathrips Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881
- Melanthrips Haliday, 1836
- Membrothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Merothrips Hood, 1912
- Microcephalothrips Bagnall, 1926
- Mixothrips Stannard, 1968
- Monilothrips Moulton, 1929
- Mycterothrips Trybom, 1910
- Neohydatothrips John, 1929
- Neothrips Hood, 1908
- Nesothrips Kirkaldy, 1907
- Neurothrips Hood, 1924
- Odontoanaphothrips Moulton, 1926
- Odontothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Oligothrips Moulton, 1933
- Organothrips Hood, 1940
- Orothrips Moulton, 1907
- Oxythrips Uzel, 1895
- Palmiothrips zur Strassen, 1965
- Parrellathrips Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Parthenothrips Uzel, 1895
- Pezothrips Karny, 1907
- Phlaeothrips Haliday, 1836
- Plectrothrips Hood, 1908
- Plesiothrips Hood, 1915
- Podothrips Hood, 1913
- Poecilothrips Uzel, 1895
- Preeriella Hood, 1939
- Priesneriella Hood, 1927
- Proscirtothrips Karny, 1921
- Prosopoanaphothrips Moulton, 1926
- Prosopothrips Uzel, 1895
- Pseudanaphothrips Karny, 1921
- Pseudothrips Hinds, 1902
- Psilothrips Hood, 1927
- Psydrothrips Palmer and Mound, 1985
- Pygmaeothrips Karny, 1920
- Pygothrips Hood, 1915
- Retithrips Marchal, 1910
- Rhamphothrips Karny, 1913
- Rhaphidothrips Uzel, 1895
- Rhipidothrips Uzel, 1895
- Rhipiphorothrips Morgan, 1913
- Salpingothrips Hood, 1935
- Scirtothrips Shull, 1909
- Scolothrips Hinds, 1902
- Scopaeothrips Hood, 1912
- Selenothrips Karny, 1911
- Sericopsothrips Hood, 1936
- Sericothrips Haliday, 1836
- Sophiothrips Hood, 1933
- Sporothrips Hood, 1938
- Stephanothrips Trybom, 1913
- Stictothrips Hood, 1925
- Stomatothrips Hood, 1912
- Strepterothrips Hood, 1933
- Symphyothrips Hood and Williams, 1915
- Synaptothrips Trybom, 1910
- Taeniothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Tameothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Tenothrips Bhatti, 1967
- Terthrothrips Karny, 1925
- Thorybothrips Priesner, 1924
- Thrips Linnaeus, 1758
- Tmetothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Torvothrips Johansen, 1977
- Toxonothrips Moulton, 1927
- Trachythrips Hood, 1930
- Treherniella Watson, 1924
- Trichinothrips Bagnall, 1929
- Trichromothrips Priesner, 1930
- Tropothrips Hood, 1949
- Tylothrips Hood, 1937
- Williamsiella Hood, 1925
- Xerothrips Nakahara, 1996
- Zaliothrips Hood, 1938
- Zonothrips Priesner, 1926
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acallurothrips louisianae (Hood, 1936)
- Acanthothrips albivittatus Hood, 1908
- Acanthothrips argentifer (Cott, 1956)
- Acanthothrips folsomi (Hood, 1933)
- Acanthothrips nodicornis (Reuter, 1880)
- Acanthothrips perileucus Hood, 1957
- Acanthothrips vittatus (Hood, 1912)
- Acrosothrips asymmetricus (Watson, 1937)
- Adelothrips lativerticis (Post, 1961)
- Adraneothrips apalus Stannard, 1965
- Adraneothrips bellus (Hood and Williams, 1915)
- Adraneothrips cinctiventris Hood, 1942
- Adraneothrips decorus Hood, 1938
- Adraneothrips ephippium Stannard, 1956
- Adraneothrips exiguus (Hood, 1912)
- Adraneothrips faustus Cott, 1956
- Adraneothrips hoffi Stannard, 1956
- Adraneothrips huachucae Hood, 1927
- Adraneothrips pallidus (Watson, 1924)
- Adraneothrips pinicola Hood, 1938
- Adraneothrips poecilonotus Hood, 1939
- Adraneothrips rostratus Hood, 1938
- Adraneothrips saturatus Cott, 1956
- Adraneothrips stenocephalus Hood, 1938
- Adraneothrips tibialis (Hood, 1914)
- Adraneothrips vacuus Stannard, 1956
- Adraneothrips xanthosoma Hood, 1938
- Aeolothrips albicinctus Haliday, 1836
- Aeolothrips aureus Moulton, 1931
- Aeolothrips auricestus Treherne, 1919
- Aeolothrips bicolor Hinds, 1902
- Aeolothrips brevicauda Hood, 1935
- Aeolothrips brevicornis Bagnall, 1915
- Aeolothrips brunneipictus Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips bucheti Bagnall, 1934
- Aeolothrips clarus Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips collaris Priesner, 1919
- Aeolothrips crassus Hood, 1912
- Aeolothrips crucifer Hood, 1935
- Aeolothrips deserticola Priesner, 1929
- Aeolothrips duvali Moulton, 1927
- Aeolothrips ericae Bagnall, 1920
- Aeolothrips fasciatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Aeolothrips fuscus Watson, 1931
- Aeolothrips hartleyi Moulton, 1927
- Aeolothrips hesperus Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips intermedius Bagnall, 1934
- Aeolothrips interruptus Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips kuwanaii Moulton, 1907
- Aeolothrips linarius Priesner, 1948
- Aeolothrips melaleucus (Haliday, 1852)
- Aeolothrips metacrucifer Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips montanus Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips nasturtii Jones, 1912
- Aeolothrips nitidus Moulton, 1946
- Aeolothrips occidentalis Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips oculatus Hood, 1927
- Aeolothrips oregonus Hood, 1935
- Aeolothrips pallidicornis Hood, 1938
- Aeolothrips scabiosatibia Moulton, 1930
- Aeolothrips surcalifornianus Johansen, 1989
- Aeolothrips tenuicornis Bagnall, 1926
- Aeolothrips terrestris Bailey, 1951
- Aeolothrips vehemens Hood, 1927
- Aeolothrips vittatus Haliday, 1836
- Aeolothrips vittipennis Hood, 1912
- Aeolothrips wetmorei Hood, 1927
- Agrothrips arenicola (Hood, 1939)
- Agrothrips dimidiatus (Hood, 1939)
- Agrothrips omani (J. C. Crawford, 1947)
- Agrothrips pallidus (Hood, 1912)
- Agrothrips tantillus Stannard, 1958
- Aleurodothrips fasciapennis (Franklin, 1908)
- Allothrips megacephalus Hood, 1908
- Allothrips nubillicauda Watson, 1935
- Allothrips pillichellus (Priesner, 1925)
- Amynothrips andersoni O'Neill, 1968
- Anaphothrips amoenus Hood, 1940
- Anaphothrips cameroni (Bagnall, 1919)
- Anaphothrips catawba Hood, 1938
- Anaphothrips decolor Hood, 1925
- Anaphothrips grandioculus (Watson, 1921)
- Anaphothrips helvolus Nakahara, 1995
- Anaphothrips lundbecki Richter, 1928
- Anaphothrips luteus Nakahara, 1995
- Anaphothrips obscurus (Müller, 1776)
- Anaphothrips paludicola Nakahara, 1995
- Anaphothrips postumus (Richter, 1928)
- Anaphothrips ripicola Hood, 1940
- Anaphothrips spartina Hood, 1939
- Anaphothrips sudanensis Trybom, 1911
- Anaphothrips tenebrosus Hood, 1938
- Anaphothrips trimaculatus Nakahara, 1995
- Anaphothrips univittatus Nakahara, 1995
- Anaphothrips zizania Hood, 1938
- Anascirtothrips arorai Bhatti, 1961
- Anisopilothrips venustulus (Priesner, 1923)
- Ankothrips aequalis Moulton, 1926
- Ankothrips diffractus Hood, 1924
- Ankothrips gracilis Moulton, 1926
- Ankothrips notabilis Bailey, 1940
- Ankothrips robustus D. L. Crawford, 1909
- Ankothrips vanykei Moulton, 1929
- Ankothrips yuccae Moulton, 1926
- Antillothrips cingulatus (Hood, 1919)
- Apterothrips apteris (Daniel, 1904)
- Apterothrips secticornis (Trybom, 1896)
- Apterygothrips floridensis Johansen and Mojica, 1993
- Aptinothrips rufus (Haliday, 1836)
- Aptinothrips stylifer Trybom, 1894
- Arorathrips crassiscelis (zur Strassen, 1967)
- Arorathrips fulvus (Moulton, 1936)
- Arorathrips mexicanus (D. L. Crawford, 1909)
- Arorathrips spiniceps (Hood, 1915)
- Arpediothrips mexicanus Watson, 1939
- Arpediothrips mojave Hood, 1927
- Asprothrips seminigricornis (Girault, 1926)
- Atractothrips bradleyi Hood, 1938
- Aurantothrips orchidaceus (Bagnall, 1990)
- Bactrothrips hesperus (Moulton, 1907)
- Bagnalliella arizonae Hood, 1927
- Bagnalliella australis Hood, 1939
- Bagnalliella desertae Hood, 1927
- Bagnalliella glaucae Hood, 1927
- Bagnalliella huachucae Hood, 1927
- Bagnalliella mojave Hood, 1927
- Bagnalliella yuccae (Hinds, 1902)
- Baileyothrips arizonensis (Morgan, 1913)
- Baileyothrips limbatus (Hood, 1935)
- Baliothrips dispar (Haliday, 1836)
- Belothrips morio Reuter, 1899
- Bolacothrips striatopennatus (Schmutz, 1913)
- Bolothrips bicolor (Heeger, 1852)
- Bolothrips cingulatus (Karny, 1916)
- Bolothrips dentipes (Reuter, 1880)
- Bolothrips gilvipes (Hood, 1914)
- Bolothrips icarus (Uzel, 1895)
- Bolothrips pratensis Hood, 1939
- Bolothrips rachiphilus Cott, 1956
- Bolothrips schaferi (Thomasson and Post, 1966)
- Bravothrips mexicanus (Priesner, 1933)
- Bregmatothrips gracilis Hood and Williams, 1915
- Bregmatothrips venustus Hood, 1912
- Caliothrips cinctipennis (Hood, 1912)
- Caliothrips fasciapennis (Hinds, 1902)
- Caliothrips fasciatus (Pergande, 1895)
- Caliothrips floridensis Nakahara, 1991
- Caliothrips insularis (Hood, 1928)
- Caliothrips marginipennis (Hood, 1912)
- Caliothrips multistriatus Nakahara, 1991
- Caliothrips phaseoli (Hood, 1912)
- Caliothrips punctipennis (Hood, 1912)
- Caliothrips striatus (Hood, 1913)
- Caprithrips insularis Beshear, 1975
- Carathrips ampliceps (Hood, 1938)
- Carathrips delicatulus (Hood, 1939)
- Carathrips mediamericanus (Hood, 1934)
- Carathrips sculpticollis (Hood, 1938)
- Catinathrips beshearae Nakahara, 1992
- Catinathrips kainos O'Neill, 1967
- Catinathrips similis Nakahara, 1992
- Catinathrips vaccinicolus Nakahara, 1992
- Catinathrips vaccinophilus (Hood, 1936)
- Cephalothrips hesperus Hood, 1941
- Cephalothrips monilicornis (Reuter, 1880)
- Ceratothripoides brunneus Bagnall, 1918
- Ceratothripoides funestus (Hood, 1915)
- Ceratothrips ericae (Haliday, 1836)
- Ceuthothrips timuqua Hood, 1938
- Chaetanaphothrips leeuweni (Karny, 1914)
- Chaetanaphothrips orchidii (Moulton, 1907)
- Chaetanaphothrips signipennis (Bagnall, 1914)
- Chaetisothrips gardeniae (J. C. Crawford, 1945)
- Chaetisothrips medinai Sakimura, 1969
- Chaetisothrips reticulatus (D. L. Crawford, 1910)
- Chilothrips occidentalis Stannard, 1973
- Chilothrips pini Hood, 1916
- Chilothrips rotrameli Stannard, 1973
- Chirothripoides dendropogonus Watts, 1934
- Chirothrips aculeatus Bagnall, 1927
- Chirothrips alexanderae Stannard, 1959
- Chirothrips andrei zur Strassen, 1974
- Chirothrips crassus Hinds, 1902
- Chirothrips crenulatus Hood, 1927
- Chirothrips cuneiceps Hood, 1940
- Chirothrips dorsalis Hood, 1939
- Chirothrips falsus Priesner, 1925
- Chirothrips hamatus Trybom, 1895
- Chirothrips insolitus Hood, 1915
- Chirothrips lenape Hood, 1938
- Chirothrips manicatus (Haliday, 1836)
- Chirothrips meridionalis Bagnall, 1927
- Chirothrips moultoni Post, 1961
- Chirothrips patruelis Hood, 1940
- Chirothrips praeocularis Andre, 1941
- Chirothrips productus Hood, 1927
- Chirothrips propinquus zur Strassen, 1967
- Chirothrips secalis Moulton, 1936
- Chirothrips sensitivus Andre, 1939
- Chirothrips simplex Hood, 1927
- Chirothrips texanus Andre, 1939
- Chirothrips tuttlei zur Strassen, 1967
- Chirothrips vestis Hood, 1915
- Compsothrips baileyi (Hood, 1941)
- Compsothrips brunneus (Hood, 1941)
- Compsothrips dampfi (Priesner, 1926)
- Compsothrips hookeri (Hood, 1916)
- Compsothrips jacksoni (Hood, 1925)
- Compsothrips querci (Watson, 1920)
- Compsothrips tristis (Cott, 1956)
- Compsothrips yosemitae (Moulton, 1929)
- Cryptothrips carbonarius Hood, 1908
- Cryptothrips rectangularis Hood, 1908
- Cryptothrips sordidatus Hood, 1927
- Ctenothrips bridwelli Franklin, 1907
- Ctenothrips frosti Moulton, 1929
- Dactuliothrips boharti Bailey, 1937
- Dactuliothrips diversus Bailey, 1939
- Dactuliothrips spinosus Moulton, 1931
- Dactuliothrips xerophilus Bailey, 1937
- Danothrips trifasciatus Sakimura, 1975
- Dendrothripoides innoxius (Karny, 1914)
- Dendrothripoides venustus Faure, 1941
- Dendrothrips degeeri Uzel, 1895
- Dendrothrips ornatus (Jablonowski, 1894)
- Dendrothrips saltator Uzel, 1895
- Diceratothrips delicatus Hood, 1941
- Diceratothrips harti Hood, 1912
- Diceratothrips longipes Hood, 1912
- Diceratothrips setigenis Hood, 1941
- Diceratothrips validipennis (Hood, 1938)
- Dichromothrips corbetti (Priesner, 1936)
- Dinurothrips hookeri Hood, 1913
- Dinurothrips vezenyii Bagnall, 1919
- Diphyothrips morainensis Stannard, 1963
- Drepanothrips reuteri Uzel, 1895
- Echinothrips americanus Morgan, 1913
- Echinothrips floridensis (Watson, 1919)
- Echinothrips subflavus Hood, 1927
- Elaphrothrips armatus (Hood, 1908)
- Elaphrothrips blatchleyi Hood, 1938
- Elaphrothrips coniferarum (Pergande, 1896)
- Elaphrothrips flavipes (Hood, 1908)
- Elaphrothrips parallelus Hood, 1924
- Elaphrothrips tuberculatus (Hood, 1908)
- Elaphrothrips vittipennis Hood, 1940
- Elixothrips brevisetis (Bagnall, 1921)
- Eparsothrips varicornis (Bagnall, 1919)
- Erythrothrips arizonae Moulton, 1911
- Erythrothrips bishoppi Moulton, 1929
- Erythrothrips durango Watson, 1924
- Erythrothrips fasciculatus Moulton, 1929
- Erythrothrips keeni Moulton, 1929
- Eschatothrips barythripoides (Watson, 1935)
- Ethirothrips brevis (Bagnall, 1921)
- Ethirothrips obscurus (Schmutz, 1913)
- Eurythrips ampliventralis Hinds, 1902
- Eurythrips batesi (Watson, 1935)
- Eurythrips citricollis Hood, 1941
- Eurythrips dissimilis Hood, 1938
- Eurythrips forticornis Hood, 1939
- Eurythrips genarum Hood, 1957
- Eurythrips hindsi Morgan, 1913
- Eurythrips longilabris Watson, 1921
- Eurythrips pettiti Hood, 1941
- Eurythrips tarsalis Hood, 1925
- Eurythrips tristis Hood, 1941
- Eurythrips virginianus Hood, 1952
- Eurythrips watsoni Hood, 1941
- Ewartithrips californicus Nakahara, 1995
- Ewartithrips dispar Nakahara, 1995
- Ewartithrips ehrhornii (Moulton, 1907)
- Ewartithrips flavidus Nakahara, 1995
- Ewartithrips longirostrum (Jones, 1912)
- Ewartithrips salviae Nakahara, 1995
- Firmothrips firmus (Uzel, 1895)
- Frankliniella abnormis Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella achaeta Hood, 1925
- Frankliniella andrei Moulton, 1936
- Frankliniella aurea Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella bondari Hood, 1942
- Frankliniella borinquen Hood, 1942
- Frankliniella breviseta Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella bruneri (Watson, 1926)
- Frankliniella caudiseta Sakimura and O'Neill, 1979
- Frankliniella cephalica (D. L. Crawford, 1910)
- Frankliniella citripes Hood, 1916
- Frankliniella davidsoni Moulton, 1936
- Frankliniella deserticola Sakimura and O'Neill, 1979
- Frankliniella ewarti Sakimura and O'Neill, 1979
- Frankliniella exigua Hood, 1925
- Frankliniella fulvipennis Moulton, 1933
- Frankliniella fusca (Hinds, 1902)
- Frankliniella fuscicauda Hood, 1927
- Frankliniella genuina Hood, 1925
- Frankliniella georgiensis Beshear, 1982
- Frankliniella gossypiana Hood, 1936
- Frankliniella hawksworthi O'Neill, 1970
- Frankliniella hemerocallis J. C. Crawford, 1948
- Frankliniella inornata Moulton, 1936
- Frankliniella insignis Moulton, 1936
- Frankliniella insularis (Franklin, 1908)
- Frankliniella intonsa (Trybom, 1895)
- Frankliniella invasor Sakimura, 1972
- Frankliniella kelliae Sakimura, 1981
- Frankliniella minuta (Moulton, 1907)
- Frankliniella obscura Moulton, 1936
- Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande, 1895)
- Frankliniella pallida (Uzel, 1895)
- Frankliniella panamensis Hood, 1925
- Frankliniella pontederiae Watson and Preer, 1938
- Frankliniella runneri (Morgan, 1913)
- Frankliniella salviae Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella schultzei (Trybom, 1910)
- Frankliniella solidaginis Hood, 1942
- Frankliniella stylosa Hood, 1912
- Frankliniella tenuicornis (Uzel, 1895)
- Frankliniella terminalis Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella tritici (Fitch, 1855)
- Frankliniella tuttlei Sakimura and O'Neill, 1979
- Frankliniella umbrosa Moulton, 1948
- Frankliniella unicolor Morgan, 1925
- Frankliniella vaccinii Morgan, 1930
- Frankliniella welaka Hood, 1955
- Frankliniella williamsi Hood, 1915
- Frankliniella yuccae Moulton, 1936
- Franklinothrips orizabensis Johansen, 1974
- Franklinothrips vespiformis (D. L. Crawford, 1909)
- Gastrothrips callipus Hood, 1935
- Gastrothrips corvus (Priesner, 1933)
- Gastrothrips harti (Hood, 1935)
- Gastrothrips ruficauda Hood, 1912
- Gastrothrips texanus Hood, 1912
- Glaucothrips glaucus (Bagnall, 1914)
- Glyptothrips arkansus Hood, 1957
- Glyptothrips claviger (Hood, 1941)
- Glyptothrips flavescens Hood, 1912
- Glyptothrips floridensis (Stannard, 1955)
- Glyptothrips interior (Stannard, 1955)
- Glyptothrips reticulatus Watson, 1934
- Gnophothrips fuscus (Morgan, 1913)
- Goniothrips denticornis Hood, 1927
- Gynaikothrips ficorum (Marchal, 1908)
- Gynaikothrips uzeli (Zimmermann, 1900)
- Haplothrips aculeatus (Fabricius, 1803)
- Haplothrips articulosus Bagnall, 1926
- Haplothrips cerealis Priesner, 1939
- Haplothrips clarisetis Priesner, 1930
- Haplothrips distinguendus Uzel, 1895
- Haplothrips fuliginosus Schille, 1912
- Haplothrips gowdeyi (Franklin, 1908)
- Haplothrips graminis Hood, 1912
- Haplothrips halophilus Hood, 1915
- Haplothrips kurdjumovi (Karny, 1913)
- Haplothrips leucanthemi (Schrank, 1781)
- Haplothrips malifloris Hood, 1916
- Haplothrips minutus (Uzel, 1895)
- Haplothrips nigricornis Bagnall, 1910
- Haplothrips nubilipennis Hood, 1914
- Haplothrips preeri Hood, 1939
- Haplothrips rectipennis Hood, 1927
- Haplothrips reuteri (Karny, 1907)
- Haplothrips robustus Bagnall, 1918
- Haplothrips ruber (Moulton, 1911)
- Haplothrips setiger Priesner, 1921
- Haplothrips shacklefordi Moulton, 1927
- Haplothrips statices (Haliday, 1836)
- Haplothrips subterraneus J. C. Crawford, 1938
- Haplothrips verbasci (Osborn, 1897)
- Haplothrips xanthocrepis Hood, 1940
- Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis (Bouché, 1833)
- Hemianaphothrips articulosus (Priesner, 1925)
- Hemianaphothrips nanus (Hood, 1941)
- Heratythrips sauli Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Hercinothrips bicinctus (Bagnall, 1919)
- Hercinothrips femoralis (Reuter, 1891)
- Heterothrips aesculi Watson, 1915
- Heterothrips analis Hood, 1915
- Heterothrips arisaemae Hood, 1908
- Heterothrips auranticornis Watson, 1922
- Heterothrips azaleae Hood, 1916
- Heterothrips decacornis D. L. Crawford, 1909
- Heterothrips eversi Stannard, 1958
- Heterothrips gillettei Moulton, 1929
- Heterothrips lasquerellae Hood, 1939
- Heterothrips limbatus Hood, 1925
- Heterothrips lyoniae Hood, 1916
- Heterothrips pectinifer Hood, 1915
- Heterothrips prosopidis J. C. Crawford, 1943
- Heterothrips quercicola J. C. Crawford, 1942
- Heterothrips salicis Shull, 1909
- Heterothrips vernus Hood, 1939
- Heterothrips vitifloridus Bailey and Cott, 1954
- Heterothrips vitis Hood, 1916
- Heterothrips watsoni Bailey and Cott, 1954
- Heterothrips xolismae Hood, 1936
- Hindsiothrips pullatus (Hood, 1925)
- Hindsiothrips robustisetis (Watson and Preer, 1939)
- Holopothrips stannardi Mound and Marullo, 1996
- Holothrips acutus (Stannard, 1956)
- Holothrips ambitus (Hinds, 1902)
- Holothrips bipartitus (Hood, 1954)
- Holothrips bratleyi (Watson, 1935)
- Holothrips hammockensis (Stannard, 1956)
- Holothrips junctus (Hood, 1912)
- Holothrips pericles (Hood, 1938)
- Holothrips phaeura (Hood, 1941)
- Holothrips robustus (Hood, 1954)
- Holothrips schaubergeri (Priesner, 1920)
- Holothrips xanthopus (Hood, 1938)
- Hoodothrips constrictus (Hood, 1925)
- Hoplandrothrips angustatus Hood, 1927
- Hoplandrothrips armiger (Jones, 1912)
- Hoplandrothrips chapmani (Hood, 1927)
- Hoplandrothrips costano Hood, 1942
- Hoplandrothrips ellisi Bagnall, 1914
- Hoplandrothrips flavipes Bagnall, 1923
- Hoplandrothrips forbesi (Hood, 1940)
- Hoplandrothrips gynandrus Hood, 1927
- Hoplandrothrips insolens (Hood, 1912)
- Hoplandrothrips irretius Kono, 1964
- Hoplandrothrips jennei (Jones, 1912)
- Hoplandrothrips juniperinus (Hood, 1912)
- Hoplandrothrips lissonotus Hood, 1942
- Hoplandrothrips mcateei Hood, 1915
- Hoplandrothrips microps (Hood, 1912)
- Hoplandrothrips nasutus Hood, 1957
- Hoplandrothrips pergandei (Hinds, 1902)
- Hoplandrothrips picticornis (J. C. Crawford, 1939)
- Hoplandrothrips quercuspumilae Watson, 1920
- Hoplandrothrips russelli Hood, 1915
- Hoplandrothrips salicacearum Hood, 1942
- Hoplandrothrips scutellaris Hood, 1942
- Hoplandrothrips tumiceps (Hood, 1925)
- Hoplandrothrips uzeli (Hinds, 1902)
- Hoplandrothrips virago Hood, 1931
- Hoplothrips aciculatus Hood, 1941
- Hoplothrips americanus (Hood, 1908)
- Hoplothrips angusticeps (Bagnall, 1910)
- Hoplothrips anomocerus (Hood, 1912)
- Hoplothrips argus Hood, 1939
- Hoplothrips baileyi Cott, 1956
- Hoplothrips beachae (Hinds, 1902)
- Hoplothrips breviventris (Hood, 1927)
- Hoplothrips bruneri (Watson, 1933)
- Hoplothrips corticis (De Geer, 1773)
- Hoplothrips fieldsi Crawford, 1939
- Hoplothrips flavicauda (Morgan, 1913)
- Hoplothrips fumiceps (Hood, 1925)
- Hoplothrips fuscicornis (Hood, 1916)
- Hoplothrips hoerneri (Watson, 1931)
- Hoplothrips hoodi (Morgan, 1913)
- Hoplothrips kincaidi Moulton, 1929
- Hoplothrips leibyi (Hood, 1938)
- Hoplothrips marginalis (Hood and Williams, 1915)
- Hoplothrips minutalis Hood, 1954
- Hoplothrips mutabilis Hood, 1955
- Hoplothrips pergandei (Hood, 1927)
- Hoplothrips rubicundulus Hood, 1938
- Hoplothrips smithi (Hood, 1909)
- Hoplothrips tejas Hood, 1939
- Hoplothrips terminalis (Hood and Williams, 1915)
- Hoplothrips unicolor (Vuillet, 1914)
- Hoplothrips westfalli Hood, 1954
- Hoplothrips xanthocephalus (Hood, 1936)
- Hyidiothrips atomarius Hood, 1938
- Illinothrips rossi Stannard, 1954
- Iridothrips iridis (Watson, 1924)
- Karnyothrips americanus (Hood, 1912)
- Karnyothrips anthracinus (Hood, 1939)
- Karnyothrips arizona Hood, 1939
- Karnyothrips brimleyi Hood, 1938
- Karnyothrips dodgei (Hood, 1925)
- Karnyothrips festivus (Hood, 1939)
- Karnyothrips flavipes (Jones, 1912)
- Karnyothrips harti (Hood, 1913)
- Karnyothrips longiceps (Hood, 1908)
- Karnyothrips medialis Hood, 1957
- Karnyothrips melaleucus (Bagnall, 1911)
- Karnyothrips merrilli (Watson, 1920)
- Karnyothrips noveboracensis (Hood, 1940)
- Karnyothrips piceus Hood, 1957
- Karnyothrips politus Johansen, 1983
- Karnyothrips prolatus Hood, 1957
- Karnyothrips rhopalocerus (Hood, 1925)
- Karnyothrips sonorensis (Stannard, 1956)
- Karnyothrips texensis (Hood, 1940)
- Kurtomathrips brunneus (Watson, 1931)
- Kurtomathrips morrilli Moulton, 1927
- Leptothrips arizonensis Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips brevicapitis Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips californicus (Daniel, 1904)
- Leptothrips cassiae (Watson, 1920)
- Leptothrips confusus Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips distalis (Hood, 1925)
- Leptothrips fasciculatus (D. L. Crawford, 1909)
- Leptothrips gurdus Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips heliomanes Hood, 1927
- Leptothrips larreae Hood, 1939
- Leptothrips macroocellatus Watson, 1913
- Leptothrips mali (Fitch, 1855)
- Leptothrips maliaffinis Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips occidentalis Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips opimus Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips oribates Hood, 1939
- Leptothrips papago Hood, 1939
- Leptothrips pini (Watson, 1915)
- Leptothrips purpuratus (Hood, 1925)
- Leptothrips robustus Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips septemtrionalis Johansen, 1987
- Leptothrips singularis Hood, 1941
- Leucothrips furcatus Hood, 1931
- Leucothrips nigripennis Reuter, 1904
- Leucothrips piercei (Morgan, 1913)
- Limothrips angulicornis Jablonowski, 1894
- Limothrips cerealium (Haliday, 1836)
- Limothrips consimilis Priesner, 1926
- Limothrips denticornis (Haliday, 1836)
- Liothrips ampelopsidis (Moulton, 1933)
- Liothrips brevicornis Hood, 1913
- Liothrips brevitubus Kono, 1964
- Liothrips buffae (Hood, 1908)
- Liothrips caryae (Fitch, 1856)
- Liothrips castaneae Hood, 1915
- Liothrips citricornis (Hood, 1908)
- Liothrips corni Moulton, 1926
- Liothrips cunctans (Cott, 1956)
- Liothrips debilis (Hood, 1925)
- Liothrips dentifer (Hood, 1912)
- Liothrips dumosus (Moulton, 1907)
- Liothrips eremicus Cott, 1956
- Liothrips floridensis (Watson, 1913)
- Liothrips gaviotae (Moulton, 1929)
- Liothrips ilex (Moulton, 1907)
- Liothrips invisus (Cott, 1956)
- Liothrips laureli (Mason, 1922)
- Liothrips lepidus Cott, 1956
- Liothrips longitubus (Hood, 1908)
- Liothrips monoensis Kono, 1964
- Liothrips montanus Hood, 1913
- Liothrips muscorum Watson, 1926
- Liothrips ocellatus Hood, 1908
- Liothrips piger (Hood, 1925)
- Liothrips pruni (Hood, 1912)
- Liothrips rostratus (Hood, 1927)
- Liothrips russelli (Hood, 1925)
- Liothrips sambuci Hood, 1913
- Liothrips tridentatus (Shull, 1909)
- Liothrips umbripennis (Hood, 1909)
- Liothrips usitatus (Hood, 1927)
- Liothrips vaneeckei Priesner, 1920
- Liothrips varicornis Hood, 1912
- Liothrips versicolor (Moulton, 1929)
- Liothrips xanthocerus Hood, 1927
- Lispothrips birdi Moulton, 1929
- Lispothrips brevicruralis (Shull, 1909)
- Lispothrips populi Moulton, 1929
- Lispothrips salicarius (Hood, 1913)
- Lissothrips muscorum Hood, 1908
- Macrophthalmothrips argus (Karny, 1920)
- Macrophthalmothrips helenae Hood, 1934
- Malacothrips adranes Hood, 1938
- Malacothrips roycei Hood, 1941
- Malacothrips zonatus Hinds, 1902
- Megalothrips picticornis Hood, 1927
- Megalothrips schuhi J. C. Crawford, 1947
- Megalothrips spinosus Hood, 1908
- Megalurothrips sjostedti (Trybom, 1910)
- Megathrips lativentris (Heeger, 1852)
- Megathrips timidus Cott, 1956
- Melanthrips digitus Bailey, 1954
- Melanthrips fuscus (Stutzer, 1776)
- Melanthrips gracilicornis Maltbaeck, 1931
- Melanthrips insulsus Bailey, 1954
- Melanthrips pallidior Priesner, 1919
- Membrothrips indicus (Hood, 1919)
- Merothrips floridensis Watson, 1927
- Merothrips fusciceps Hood and Williams, 1915
- Merothrips laevis Hood, 1938
- Merothrips morgani Hood, 1912
- Merothrips productus Hood, 1938
- Merothrips williamsi Priesner, 1921
- Microcephalothrips abdominalis (D. L. Crawford, 1910)
- Mixothrips craigheadi Stannard, 1968
- Mixothrips nakaharai Mound and Marullo, 1996
- Monilothrips kempi Moulton, 1929
- Mycterothrips albus (Moulton, 1911)
- Mycterothrips aureus (Moulton, 1946)
- Mycterothrips betulae (J. C. Crawford, 1939)
- Mycterothrips consociatus (Targioni-Tozzetti, 1887)
- Mycterothrips latus (Bagnall, 1912)
- Neohydatothrips albus (Jones, 1912)
- Neohydatothrips andrei (J. C. Crawford, 1943)
- Neohydatothrips annulipes (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips apicalis (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips baileyi (Hood, 1957)
- Neohydatothrips baptisiae (Hood, 1916)
- Neohydatothrips beachae (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips catenatus (Hood, 1957)
- Neohydatothrips chrysothamni (Hood, 1936)
- Neohydatothrips collaris (Hood, 1936)
- Neohydatothrips ctenogastris (Hood, 1936)
- Neohydatothrips desertorum (Hood, 1957)
- Neohydatothrips desmodianus (Stannard, 1968)
- Neohydatothrips ephedrae (Hood, 1957)
- Neohydatothrips floridanus (Watson, 1918)
- Neohydatothrips fraxinicola (Hood, 1940)
- Neohydatothrips gracilipes (Hood, 1924)
- Neohydatothrips interruptus (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips langei (Moulton, 1929)
- Neohydatothrips moultoni (Jones, 1912)
- Neohydatothrips nubilipennis (Hood, 1924)
- Neohydatothrips opuntiae (Hood, 1936)
- Neohydatothrips pedicellatus (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips portoricensis (Morgan, 1925)
- Neohydatothrips pulchellus (Hood, 1908)
- Neohydatothrips samayunkur (Kudo, 1995)
- Neohydatothrips sambuci (Hood, 1924)
- Neohydatothrips sensilis (Hood, 1936)
- Neohydatothrips setosus (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips spiritus (Hood, 1927)
- Neohydatothrips tiliae (Hood, 1931)
- Neohydatothrips tissoti (Watson, 1937)
- Neohydatothrips variabilis (Beach, 1896)
- Neohydatothrips vicenarius (Hood, 1955)
- Neohydatothrips zebra (Hood, 1940)
- Neothrips corticis Hood, 1908
- Nesothrips brevicollis (Bagnall, 1914)
- Nesothrips lativentris (Karny, 1913)
- Neurothrips apache Hood, 1957
- Neurothrips magnafemoralis (Hinds, 1902)
- Odontoanaphothrips tricolor (Moulton, 1911)
- Odontothrips biuncus John, 1921
- Odontothrips karnyi Priesner, 1924
- Odontothrips loti (Haliday, 1852)
- Odontothrips pictipennis Hood, 1917
- Oligothrips oreios Moulton, 1933
- Organothrips bianchii Hood, 1940
- Organothrips indicus Bhatti, 1974
- Orothrips keeni Moulton, 1927
- Orothrips kelloggii Moulton, 1907
- Orothrips yosemitei Moulton, 1911
- Oxythrips ajugae Uzel, 1895
- Oxythrips cannabensis Knechtel, 1923
- Oxythrips coloradensis Hood, 1937
- Oxythrips divisus Hood, 1916
- Oxythrips nobilis Bagnall, 1927
- Oxythrips pallidiventris Hood, 1938
- Oxythrips pinicola Hood, 1937
- Oxythrips quercicola Bagnall, 1926
- Palmiothrips annulicornis zur Strassen, 1965
- Parrellathrips ullmanae Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Parthenothrips dracaenae (Heeger, 1854)
- Pezothrips dianthi (Priesner, 1921)
- Phlaeothrips coriaceus Haliday, 1836
- Plectrothrips antennatus Hood, 1908
- Plectrothrips crocatus Cott, 1956
- Plectrothrips debilis Hood, 1954
- Plectrothrips longisetis Hood, 1941
- Plectrothrips pallipes Hood, 1916
- Plesiothrips andropogoni Watts, 1934
- Plesiothrips ayarsi Stannard, 1957
- Plesiothrips pallidipennis Hood, 1957
- Plesiothrips perplexus (Beach, 1896)
- Plesiothrips typhae Hood, 1940
- Plesiothrips williamsi Hood, 1940
- Podothrips semiflavus Hood, 1913
- Poecilothrips albopictus Uzel, 1895
- Poecilothrips dens (Moulton, 1907)
- Preeriella minutus (Watson, 1937)
- Priesneriella citricauda Hood, 1927
- Priesneriella seminole (Hood, 1938)
- Priesneriella thomasi (Hood, 1939)
- Proscirtothrips zeae (Moulton, 1911)
- Prosopoanaphothrips reticulatus (Moulton, 1907)
- Prosopothrips cognatus Hood, 1914
- Prosopothrips nigriceps Bagnall, 1927
- Pseudanaphothrips achaetus (Bagnall, 1916)
- Pseudothrips beckhami Beshear and Howell, 1976
- Pseudothrips inequalis (Beach, 1896)
- Psilothrips pardalotus Hood, 1927
- Psilothrips priesneri (Moulton, 1926)
- Psydrothrips luteolus Nakahara and Tsuda, 1994
- Pygmaeothrips angusticeps (Hood, 1908)
- Pygothrips albiceps Hood, 1938
- Pygothrips fortis Hood, 1938
- Pygothrips needhami Hood, 1938
- Pygothrips sculpticauda (Hood and Williams, 1915)
- Retithrips syriacus (Mayet, 1890)
- Rhamphothrips pandens Sakimura, 1983
- Rhaphidothrips longistylosus Uzel, 1895
- Rhipidothrips brunneus Williams, 1913
- Rhipidothrips gratiosus Uzel, 1895
- Rhipiphorothrips miemsae Jacot-Guillarmod, 1937
- Salpingothrips aimotofus Kudo, 1972
- Scirtothrips aceri Moulton, 1926
- Scirtothrips albus (Jones, 1912)
- Scirtothrips aurantii Faure, 1929
- Scirtothrips brevipennis Hood, 1914
- Scirtothrips citri (Moulton, 1909)
- Scirtothrips clivicola Hood, 1957
- Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood, 1919
- Scirtothrips ewarti Bailey, 1964
- Scirtothrips inermis Priesner, 1933
- Scirtothrips longipennis (Bagnall, 1909)
- Scirtothrips niveus Hood, 1913
- Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara, 1997
- Scirtothrips prosopis Hood, 1939
- Scirtothrips ruthveni Shull, 1909
- Scirtothrips solaris Bailey, 1964
- Scirtothrips taxodii Hood, 1954
- Scirtothrips tehachapi Bailey, 1964
- Scolothrips hoodi Priesner, 1950
- Scolothrips longicornis Priesner, 1926
- Scolothrips pallidus (Beach, 1896)
- Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Pergande, 1890)
- Scopaeothrips bicolor (Hood, 1912)
- Scopaeothrips unicolor (Hood, 1912)
- Selenothrips rubrocinctus (Giard, 1901)
- Sericopsothrips palloris Hood, 1936
- Sericothrips cingulatus Hinds, 1902
- Sericothrips pubescens Hood, 1957
- Sericothrips smithi Stannard, 1951
- Sophiothrips bicolor Watson and Preer, 1939
- Sophiothrips peculiaris (J. C. Crawford, 1942)
- Sophiothrips spadix Hood, 1954
- Sophiothrips unicolor Hood, 1939
- Sophiothrips vorticosus Hood, 1954
- Sporothrips amplus (Hood, 1925)
- Stephanothrips bradleyi Hood, 1927
- Stephanothrips carolina Hood, 1938
- Stephanothrips corticinus Watts, 1935
- Stephanothrips fusiantennatus Watts, 1935
- Stephanothrips whitcombi Watson, 1942
- Stictothrips maculatus (Hood, 1909)
- Stomatothrips angustipennis Hood, 1949
- Stomatothrips atratus Hood, 1939
- Stomatothrips brunneus J. C. Crawford, 1940
- Stomatothrips crawfordi Stannard, 1968
- Stomatothrips flavus Hood, 1912
- Strepterothrips floridanus (Hood, 1938)
- Symphyothrips punctatus Hood and Williams, 1915
- Synaptothrips africanus (Moulton, 1936)
- Synaptothrips distinctus (Bagnall, 1915)
- Synaptothrips gezinae (Faure, 1938)
- Taeniothrips eucharii (Whetzel, 1923)
- Taeniothrips inconsequens (Uzel, 1895)
- Taeniothrips orionis Treherne, 1924
- Tameothrips tamicola (Bagnall, 1914)
- Tenothrips frici (Uzel, 1895)
- Terthrothrips bruesi (Hood, 1955)
- Thorybothrips yuccae Moulton, 1929
- Thrips acaciae Trybom, 1910
- Thrips albogilvus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips albopilosus Uzel, 1895
- Thrips alysii Hood, 1954
- Thrips angusticeps Uzel, 1895
- Thrips atratus Haliday, 1836
- Thrips aureolariae Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips aureus Hood, 1915
- Thrips aurulentus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips australis (Bagnall, 1915)
- Thrips brevialatus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips brevicornis Priesner, 1920
- Thrips brevipilosus Moulton, 1927
- Thrips calcaratus Uzel, 1895
- Thrips crawfordi Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips discolor Haliday, 1836
- Thrips distinctus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips fallaciosus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips florum Schmutz, 1913
- Thrips frosti Moulton, 1936
- Thrips fulvipes Bagnall, 1923
- Thrips funebris Bagnall, 1924
- Thrips fuscipennis Haliday, 1836
- Thrips gracilis Moulton, 1936
- Thrips gramineae Moulton, 1936
- Thrips hawaiiensis (Morgan, 1913)
- Thrips helianthi Morgan, 1913
- Thrips helvolus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips heraclei Moulton, 1926
- Thrips herricki Bagnall, 1926
- Thrips idahoensis Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips impar Hood, 1915
- Thrips intricatus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips italicus (Bagnall, 1926)
- Thrips konoi Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips madronii Moulton, 1907
- Thrips magnus Moulton, 1911
- Thrips major Uzel, 1895
- Thrips mareoticus Priesner, 1932
- Thrips meridionalis (Priesner, 1926)
- Thrips microchaetus Karny, 1920
- Thrips minutissimus Linnaeus, 1758
- Thrips monotropae Hood, 1927
- Thrips mucidus Moulton, 1936
- Thrips nelsoni Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips nigropilosus Uzel, 1895
- Thrips orientalis (Bagnall, 1915)
- Thrips pallicornis Hood, 1912
- Thrips pallidicollis Hood, 1934
- Thrips palmi Karny, 1925
- Thrips paramadronii Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips pauciporus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips pectinatus Hood, 1932
- Thrips physapus Linnaeus, 1758
- Thrips pillichi Priesner, 1924
- Thrips pini (Uzel, 1895)
- Thrips pruni Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips pseudoflavus Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips quinciensis Morgan, 1913
- Thrips sierrensis Gentile and Bailey, 1968
- Thrips sieversiae Hood, 1934
- Thrips simplex (Morison, 1930)
- Thrips simulator Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips spadix Hood, 1932
- Thrips spinosus Morgan, 1913
- Thrips stannardi Nakahara, 1994
- Thrips sylvanus Stannard, 1957
- Thrips tabaci Lindeman, 1889
- Thrips tenellus Trybom, 1912
- Thrips thalictri Hood, 1931
- Thrips trehernei Priesner, 1927
- Thrips tripartitus Hood, 1940
- Thrips urticae Fabricius, 1781
- Thrips validus Uzel, 1895
- Thrips varipes Hood, 1913
- Thrips vulgatissimus Haliday, 1836
- Thrips winnemanae Hood, 1913
- Tmetothrips subapterus (Haliday, 1836)
- Torvothrips kosztarabi Johansen, 1980
- Toxonothrips gramineae Moulton, 1927
- Trachythrips astutus Cott, 1956
- Trachythrips seminole Hood, 1939
- Trachythrips watsoni Hood, 1930
- Treherniella amplipennis (Morgan, 1913)
- Trichinothrips pusillus Hood, 1954
- Trichromothrips cyperaceae (Bianchi, 1945)
- Trichromothrips oahuensis (Nakahara, 1993)
- Trichromothrips walteri (J. C. Crawford, 1941)
- Trichromothrips xanthius (Williams, 1917)
- Tropothrips richardsi Stannard, 1954
- Tylothrips osborni (Hinds, 1902)
- Williamsiella bicoloripes Hood, 1925
- Williamsiella claripes (Hood, 1940)
- Williamsiella morgani (Hood, 1941)
- Williamsiella ocellatus (Hood, 1939)
- Xerothrips dissimilis Nakahara, 1996
- Zaliothrips abdominalis Hood, 1954
- Zaliothrips citripes Hood, 1938
- Zonothrips osmundae J. C. Crawford, 1941
[уреди | уреди извор]- ^ Fedor, Peter J.; Doricova, Martina; Prokop, Pavol; Mound, Laurence A. (2010). „Heinrich Uzel, the father of Thysanoptera studies” (PDF). Zootaxa. 2645: 55—63. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.2645.1.3
- ^ а б в г Маркон Е, Монђини М. 2000. Све животиње света. ИКП Евро, Београд.
Спољашње везе
[уреди | уреди извор]
- Thrips of the World checklist Архивирано на веб-сајту Wayback Machine (12. јул 2012)
- Thrips species wiki
- Thrips images from the "Pests and Diseases Image Library (PaDIL)" of Australia Архивирано на веб-сајту Wayback Machine (17. март 2020)
- University of California Pest Management Guidelines for Thrips
- University of California Thrips Identification
- CISR: Center for Invasive Species Research Fact Sheets
- Thrips links on the UF / IFAS Featured Creatures Web site
- Frankliniella schultzei, common blossom thrips (Thripidae)
- Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis , greenhouse thrips (Thripidae)
- Scirtothrips dorsalis, chilli thrips (Thripidae)
- Selenothrips rubrocinctus, redbanded thrips (Thripidae)
- Thrips palmi, melon thrips (Thripidae)
- Thrips simplex, gladiolus thrips (Thripidae)