Комарци Временски распон:
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женка комарца Culiseta longiareolata | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Класа: | Insecta |
Ред: | Diptera |
Натпородица: | Culicoidea |
Породица: | Culicidae Meigen, 1818[1] |
Подпородице | |
Комарци (Culicidae) су породица инсеката двокрилаца, распрострањених у свим крајевима наше планете. Ова породица обухвата око 3.500 врста[2], сврстаних у три подпородице. Нарочито им погодују топла подручја где се густина њихових популација знатно увећава. Разликују се од других инсеката по томе што су им тело и крила покривени љуспицама које служе као таксономска одлика за одређивање врста.[3]
Женке већине врста су ектопаразити, чији цевасти усни органи (звани пробосцис) пробадају кожу домаћина да би конзумирале крв. Енглеска реч mosquito (формирана од mosca и деминутива -ito)[4] потиче од шпанског назива за „малу муву”.[5] Хиљаде врста се хране крвљу разних врста домаћина, углавном кичмењака, укључујући сисаре, птице, рептиле, водоземце, и чак неке врсте рибе. Неки комарци исто тако нападају бескичмењаке, углавном друге зглавкаре. Мада је губитак крви ретко од било каквог значаја за жртву, пљувачка комараца често узрокује иритантни осип који је озбиљна непријатност. Међутим, много озбиљније су улоге многих врста комараца као вектора болести. У пролазу од домаћина до домаћина, неки преносе изузетно штетне инфекције као што су маларија, жута грозница, чикунгунја, вирус Западног Нила, денга грозница, филаријаза, Зика вирус и друге арбовирусе, што их чини најсмртоноснијом животињском породицом на свету.[6][7][8]
Таксономија и еволуција
[уреди | уреди извор]Најстарији познати комарац са анатомијом сличном модерним врстама је нађен у 79 милиона година старом канадском ћилибару из периода креде.[9] Једна старија сестринска врста са примитивнијим својствима је нађена у бурманском ћилибару који је око 90 до 100 милиона година стар.[10] Два фосила комараца од пре 46 милиона година су пронађена, који имају веома мало морфолошких разлика у односу на модерне комарце.[11] Ти фосили су исто тако најстарији икад пронађени да имају крв сачувану унутар њихових абдомена.[12][13] Упркос тога што фосили старији од креде нису пронађени, недавне студије сугеришу да је до најраније дивергенције комараца између лоза из којих су формирани Anophelinae и Culicinae дошло пре 226 милиона година.[14] Сматра се да су се Anopheles врсте старог и новог света накнадно раздвојиле пре око 95 милиона година.[15]
Комарци врсте Anopheles gambiae тренутно подлежу специјацији у М(опти) анд С(авана) молекуларним формама. Консеквентно, неки пестициди који су делотворни на М форми нису више примењиви на С форми.[16] Преко 3,500 врста Culicidae је до сада описано.[17] Они се генерално деле у две потфамилије које имају 43 рода. Ове цифре су подложне сталним променама, како све више врста бива откривено, и пошто ДНК студије подстичу преуређивање таксономије у породице. Две главне подпородице су Anophelinae и Culicinae, чији родови су наведени у доњој подсекцији.[18] Разлика је од великог практичног значаја, јер се две подфамилије често разликују по значају као вектори различитих класа болести. Грубо говорећи, арбовирусне болести као што су жута грозница и денга грозница углавном преносе врсте подпородице Culicine, не нужно у роду Culex. Неки преносе разне врсте птичије маларије, али није јасно да ли икада преносе било који облик људске маларије. Неке врсте комараца међутим преносе разне форме филаријазе, као што чине и многе врсте подпородице Simuliidae.
Анофелински комарци, који опет не морају неопходно да буду из рода Anopheles, понекад носе патогене арбовирусе, али још увек није јасно да ли их икада преносе као ефикасни вектори. Међутим, сви најзначајнији вектори људске маларије су из подпородице Anopheline.
[уреди | уреди извор]Родови
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aedeomyia
- Aedes
- Anopheles
- Armigeres
- Ayurakitia
- Borachinda
- Coquillettidia
- Culex
- Culiseta
- Deinocerites
- Eretmapodites
- Ficalbia
- Galindomyia
- Haemagogus
- Heizmannia
- Hodgesia
- Isostomyia
- Johnbelkinia
- Kimia
- Limatus
- Lutzia
- Malaya
- Mansonia
- Maorigoeldia
- Mimomyia
- Onirion
- Opifex
- Orthopodomyia
- Psorophora
- Runchomyia
- Sabethes
- Shannoniana
- Topomyia
- Toxorhynchites
- Trichoprosopon
- Tripteroides
- Udaya
- Uranotaenia
- Verrallina
- Wyeomyia
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aedeomyia (Aedeomyia) Theobald, 1901
- Aedeomyia (Lepiothauma) Enderlein, 1923
- Aedes (Abraedes) Zavortink, 1970
- Aedes (Acartomyia) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Aedes) Meigen, 1818
- Aedes (Aedimorphus) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Alanstonea) Mattingly, 1960
- Aedes (Albuginosus) Reinert, 1987
- Aedes (Ayurakitia) Thurman, 1954
- Aedes (Aztecaedes) Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes (Belkinius) Reinert, 1982
- Aedes (Bifidistylus) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2009
- Aedes (Borichinda) Harbach and Rattanarithikul, 2007
- Aedes (Bothaella) Reinert, 1973
- Aedes (Bruceharrisonius) Reinert, 2003
- Aedes (Cancraedes) Edwards, 1929
- Aedes (Catageomyia) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Catatassomyia) Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Aedes (Christophersiomyia) Barraud, 1923
- Aedes (Coetzeemyia) Huang, Mathis and Wilkerson, 2010
- Aedes (Collessius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Cornetius) Huang, 2005
- Aedes (Dahliana) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Danielsia) Theobald, 1904
- Aedes (Dendroskusea) Edwards, 1929
- Aedes (Diceromyia) Theobald, 1911
- Aedes (Dobrotworkyius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Downsiomyia) Vargas, 1950
- Aedes (Edwardsaedes) Belkin, 1962
- Aedes (Elpeytonius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2009
- Aedes (Finlaya) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Fredwardsius) Reinert, 2000
- Aedes (Georgecraigius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Geoskusea) Edwards, 1929
- Aedes (Gilesius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Gymnometopa) Coquillett, 1906
- Aedes (Halaedes) Belkin, 1962
- Aedes (Himalaius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Hopkinsius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Howardina) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Huaedes) Huang, 1968
- Aedes (Hulecoeteomyia) Theobald, 1904
- Aedes (Indusius) Edwards in Barraud, 1934
- Aedes (Isoaedes) Reinert, 1979
- Aedes (Jarnellius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Jihlienius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Kenknightia) Reinert, 1990
- Aedes (Kompia) Aitken, 1941
- Aedes (Leptosomatomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Aedes (Levua) Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes (Lewnielsenius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Lorrainea) Belkin, 1962
- Aedes (Luius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2008
- Aedes (Macleaya) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Molpemyia) Theobald, 1910
- Aedes (Mucidus) Theobald, 1901
- Aedes (Neomelaniconion) Newstead, 1907
- Aedes (Nyctomyia) Harbach, 2013
- Aedes (Ochlerotatus) Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Aedes (Paraedes) Edwards, 1934
- Aedes (Patmarksia) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Paulianius) Brunhes and Boussés, 2017
- Aedes (Petermattinglyius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2009
- Aedes (Phagomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Aedes (Polyleptiomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Aedes (Protomacleaya) Theobald, 1907
- Aedes (Pseudalbuginosus) Huang and Rueda, 2015
- Aedes (Pseudarmigeres) Stone and Knight, 1956
- Aedes (Pseudoskusea) Theobald, 1907
- Aedes (Rampamyia) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Reinertia) Somboon, Namgay and Harbach in Somboon, Phanitchakun, Saingamsook, Namgay and Harbach, 2021
- Aedes (Rhinoskusea) Edwards, 1929
- Aedes (Rusticoidus) Shevchenko and Prudkina, 1973
- Aedes (Sallumia) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2008
- Aedes (Scutomyia) Theobald, 1904
- Aedes (Skusea) Theobald, 1903
- Aedes (Stegomyia) Theobald, 1901
- Aedes (Tanakaius) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2004
- Aedes (Tewarius) Reinert, 2006
- Aedes (Vansomerenis) Reinert, Harbach and Kitching, 2006
- Aedes (Zavortinkius) Reinert, 1999
- Anopheles (Anopheles) Meigen, 1818
- Anopheles (Baimaia) Harbach, Rattanarithikul and Harrison, 2005
- Anopheles (Cellia) Theobald, 1902
- Anopheles (Christya) Theobald, 1903
- Anopheles (Kerteszia) Theobald, 1905
- Anopheles (Lophopodomyia) Antunes, 1937
- Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) Blanchard, 1902
- Anopheles (Stethomyia) Theobald, 1902
- Armigeres (Armigeres) Theobald, 1901
- Armigeres (Leicesteria) Theobald, 1904
- Bironella (Bironella) Theobald, 1905
- Bironella (Brugella) Edwards, 1930
- Bironella (Neobironella) Tenorio, 1977
- Coquillettidia (Austromansonia) Belkin, 1968
- Coquillettidia (Coquillettidia) Dyar, 1905
- Coquillettidia (Rhynchotaenia) Brèthes, 1910
- Culex (Acalleomyia) Leicester, 1908
- Culex (Acallyntrum) Stone and Penn, 1948
- Culex (Aedinus) Lutz, 1904
- Culex (Afroculex) Danilov, 1989
- Culex (Allimanta) Casal and García, 1968
- Culex (Anoedioporpa) Dyar, 1923
- Culex (Barraudius) Edwards, 1921
- Culex (Belkinomyia) Adames and Galindo, 1973
- Culex (Carrollia) Lutz, 1905
- Culex (Culex) Linnaeus, 1758
- Culex (Culiciomyia) Theobald, 1907
- Culex (Eumelanomyia) Theobald, 1909
- Culex (Kitzmilleria) Danilov, 1989
- Culex (Lasiosiphon) Kirkpatrick, 1925
- Culex (Lophoceraomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Culex (Maillotia) Theobald, 1907
- Culex (Melanoconion) Theobald, 1903
- Culex (Micraedes) Coquillett, 1906
- Culex (Microculex) Theobald, 1907
- Culex (Neoculex) Dyar, 1905
- Culex (Nicaromyia) González Broche and Rodríguez R., 2001
- Culex (Oculeomyia) Theobald, 1907
- Culex (Phenacomyia) Harbach and Peyton, 1992
- Culex (Phytotelmatomyia) Rossi and Harbach, 2008
- Culex (Sirivanakarnius) Tanaka, 2004
- Culex (Tinolestes) Coquillett, 1906
- Culiseta (Allotheobaldia) Brolemann, 1919
- Culiseta (Austrotheobaldia) Dobrotworsky, 1954
- Culiseta (Climacura) Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1915
- Culiseta (Culicella) Felt, 1904
- Culiseta (Culiseta) Felt, 1904
- Culiseta (Neotheobaldia) Dobrotworsky, 1958
- Culiseta (Theomyia) Edwards, 1930
- Haemagogus (Conopostegus) Dyar, 1925
- Haemagogus (Haemagogus) Williston, 1896
- Heizmannia (Heizmannia) Ludlow, 1905
- Heizmannia (Mattinglyia) Lien, 1968
- Lutzia (Insulalutzia) Tanaka, 2003
- Lutzia (Lutzia) Theobald, 1903
- Lutzia (Metalutzia) Tanaka, 2003
- Mansonia (Mansonia) Blanchard, 1902
- Mansonia (Mansonioides) Theobald, 1907
- Mimomyia (Etorleptiomyia) Theobald, 1904
- Mimomyia (Ingramia) Edwards, 1912
- Mimomyia (Mimomyia) Theobald, 1903
- Opifex (Nothoskusea) Dumbleton, 1962
- Opifex (Opifex) Hutton, 1902
- Psorophora (Grabhamia) Theobald, 1903
- Psorophora (Janthinosoma) Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Psorophora (Psorophora) Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827
- Runchomyia (Ctenogoeldia) Edwards, 1930
- Runchomyia (Runchomyia) Theobald, 1903
- Sabethes (Davismyia) Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Sabethes (Peytonulus) Harbach, 1991
- Sabethes (Sabethes) Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827
- Sabethes (Sabethinus) Lutz, 1904
- Sabethes (Sabethoides) Theobald, 1903
- Topomyia (Miyagiella) Harbach, 2014
- Topomyia (Suaymyia) Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia (Topomyia) Leicester, 1908
- Toxorhynchites (Afrorhynchus) Ribeiro, 1992
- Toxorhynchites (Ankylorhynchus) Lutz, 1904
- Toxorhynchites (Lynchiella) Lahille, 1904
- Toxorhynchites (Toxorhynchites) Theobald, 1901
- Tripteroides (Polylepidomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Tripteroides (Rachionotomyia) Theobald, 1905
- Tripteroides (Rachisoura) Theobald, 1910
- Tripteroides (Tricholeptomyia) Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Tripteroides (Tripteroides) Giles, 1904
- Uranotaenia (Pseudoficalbia) Theobald, 1912
- Uranotaenia (Uranotaenia) Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Verrallina (Harbachius) Reinert, 1999
- Verrallina (Neomacleaya) Theobald, 1907
- Verrallina (Verrallina) Theobald, 1903
- Wyeomyia (Antunesmyia) Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia (Caenomyiella) Harbach and Peyton, 1990
- Wyeomyia (Cruzmyia) Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia (Decamyia) Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia (Dendromyia) Theobald, 1903
- Wyeomyia (Dodecamyia) Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia (Exallomyia) Harbach and Peyton, 1992
- Wyeomyia (Hystatomyia) Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia (Menolepis) Lutz, 1905
- Wyeomyia (Miamyia) Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia (Nunezia) Dyar, 1928
- Wyeomyia (Phoniomyia) Theobald, 1903
- Wyeomyia (Prosopolepis) Lutz, 1905
- Wyeomyia (Spilonympha) Motta and Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2005
- Wyeomyia (Triamyia) Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia (Wyeomyia) Theobald, 1901
- Wyeomyia (Zinzala) Zavortink, 1986
[уреди | уреди извор]Комарци су чланови фамилије нематоцеридних двокрилаца: Culicidae (од латинске речи culex, генитив culicis, са значењем „мушица” или „обични комарац”).[19] Ови комарци донекле наликују на кранске муве (фамилију Tipulidae) и биљне комарце (фамилија Chironomidae). Специфично, женке многих врста комараца су штеточине које се хране крвљу и опасни су вектори болести, док чланови врста које слично изгледају, Chironomidae и Tipulidae, то нису. Многе врсте комараца се не хране крљу, и неке од оних који то чине али креирају „висок до ниског притиска” крви коју узимају, не преносе болести. Такође, код крвопијућих врста само женке сишу крв.[20] Штавише, чак и код комараца који преносе важне болести, не преносе их све врсте комараца, нити сви сојеви одређене врсте носе исте врсте болести, нити се преносе болести под истим околностима; њихове навике се разликују. На пример, неке врсте нападају људе у кућама, док друге преферирају да нападају људе у шумама. Сходно томе, при управљању јавним здрављем важно је да се зна са којим врстама или чак са којим лозама комараца се људска популација суочава.
Преко 3.500 врста комараца је већ описано у разним деловима света.[21][22] Неки комарци који рутински убадају људе делују као вектори за бројне инфективне болести утичући на милионе људи годишње.[23][24] Други рутински не нападају људе, али су вектори за животињске болести, и могу да постану катастрофални агенси при зоонози нових болести кад се њихова станишта поремете, на пример услед нагле дефорестације.[25][26]
- Aedeomyia africana Neveu-Lemaire, 1906
- Aedeomyia catasticta Knab, 1909
- Aedeomyia furfurea (Enderlein, 1923)
- Aedeomyia madagascarica Brunhes, Boussés and da Cunha Ramos, 2004
- Aedeomyia pauliani Grjebine, 1953
- Aedeomyia squamipennis (Lynch Arribálzaga, 1878)
- Aedeomyia venustipes (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes abnormalis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes aboriginis Dyar, 1917
- Aedes abserratus (Felt and Young, 1904)
- Aedes aculeatus (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes adami Geoffroy, 1971
- Aedes adersi (Edwards, 1917)
- Aedes aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762)
- Aedes aenigmaticus Cerqueira and Costa, 1946
- Aedes aerarius McIntosh, 1975
- Aedes africanus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes agastyai Tewari and Hiriyan, 1992
- Aedes agrihanensis Bohart, 1957
- Aedes aitkeni Schick, 1970
- Aedes akkeshiensis Tanaka, 1998
- Aedes albescens Edwards, 1921
- Aedes albicosta (Edwards, 1913)
- Aedes albifasciatus (Macquart, 1838)
- Aedes albilabris Edwards, 1925
- Aedes albineus Séguy, 1923
- Aedes albiradius (Le Goff, Boussès and Brunhes, 2007)
- Aedes alboannulatus (Macquart, 1850)
- Aedes alboapicus Schick, 1970
- Aedes albocephalus (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes albocinctus (Barraud, 1924)
- Aedes albodorsalis Fontenille and Brunhes, 1985
- Aedes albolateralis (Theobald, 1908)
- Aedes albolineatus (Theobald, 1904)
- Aedes albomarginatus (Newstead, 1907)
- Aedes alboniveus Barraud, 1934
- Aedes albonotatus (Coquillett, 1906)
- Aedes albopictus (Skuse, 1895)
- Aedes alboscutellatus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes albotaeniatus (Leicester, 1904)
- Aedes albothorax (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes alboventralis (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes alcasidi Huang, 1972
- Aedes alektorovi Stackelberg, 1943
- Aedes alexandrei Gornostaeva, 2005
- Aedes alius Lien, 1968
- Aedes allotecnon Kumm, Komp and Ruiz, 1940
- Aedes alocasicola Marks, 1947
- Aedes alongi Galliard and Ngu, 1947
- Aedes aloponotum Dyar, 1917
- Aedes alorensis Bonne-Wepster and Brug, 1932
- Aedes alternans (Westwood, 1835)
- Aedes alticola Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Aedes amabilis Schick, 1970
- Aedes amaltheus De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944
- Aedes amateuri Ortega and Zavortink in Ortega-Morales et al., 2019
- Aedes ambreensis Rodhain and Boutonnier, 1983
- Aedes ambremontis (Brunhes and Boussés, 2017)
- Aedes amesii (Ludlow, 1903)
- Aedes ananae Knight and Laffoon, 1946
- Aedes andersoni Edwards, 1926
- Aedes andrewsi Edwards, 1926
- Aedes anggiensis Bonne-Wepster, 1937
- Aedes angustivittatus Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes angustus Edwards, 1935
- Aedes annandalei (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes annulipes (Meigen, 1830)
- Aedes annulirostris (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes antipodeus (Edwards, 1920)
- Aedes aobae Belkin, 1962
- Aedes apicoannulatus (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes apicoargenteus (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes arborealis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Aedes arboricolus Knight and Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes argenteitarsis Brug, 1932
- Aedes argenteopunctatus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes argenteoscutellatus Carter and Wijesundara, 1948
- Aedes argenteoventralis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes argyrites Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
- Aedes argyronotum Belkin, 1962
- Aedes argyrothorax Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Aedes arundinariae Kasper, 2020
- Aedes ashworthi Edwards, 1921
- Aedes assamensis (Theobald, 1908)
- Aedes atactavittatus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes atlanticus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes atropalpus (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes aurantius (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes auratus Grabham, 1906
- Aedes aureolineatus Berlin, 1969
- Aedes aureostriatus (Doleschall, 1857)
- Aedes auridorsum Edwards, 1922
- Aedes aurifer (Coquillett, 1903)
- Aedes aurimargo Edwards, 1922
- Aedes aurites (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes aurivittatus Cerqueira, 1943
- Aedes auronitens Edwards, 1922
- Aedes aurotaeniatus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes aurovenatus Worth, 1960
- Aedes australiensis (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes australis (Erichson, 1842)
- Aedes avistylus Brug, 1939
- Aedes axitiosus Kulasekera, Knight and Harbach, 1990
- Aedes bahamensis Berlin, 1969
- Aedes baisasi Knight and Hull, 1951
- Aedes bambiotai Geoffroy, 1987
- Aedes bambusae Edwards, 1935
- Aedes bambusicolus Knight and Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes bananea (Wolfs, 1958)
- Aedes bancoi Geoffroy, 1987
- Aedes bancroftianus Edwards, 1921
- Aedes banksi Edwards, 1922
- Aedes barnardi Edwards, 1924
- Aedes barraudi (Edwards, 1934)
- Aedes becki Belkin, 1962
- Aedes bedfordi Edwards, 1936
- Aedes behningi Martini, 1926
- Aedes bejaranoi Martínez, Carcavallo and Prosen, 1960
- Aedes bekkui Mogi, 1977
- Aedes belleci (Le Goff, Boussès and Brunhes, 2007)
- Aedes bequaerti Wolfs, 1947
- Aedes bergerardi Pajot and Geoffroy, 1971
- Aedes berlandi Séguy, 1921
- Aedes berlini Schick, 1970
- Aedes bertrami Schick, 1970
- Aedes bevisi (Edwards, 1915)
- Aedes bhutanensis Somboon and Harbach, 2020
- Aedes bicristatus Thurman and Winkler, 1950
- Aedes bimaculatus (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes biocellatus (Taylor, 1914)
- Aedes biskraensis Brunhes, 1999
- Aedes biunguiculatus (Harbach in Harbach and Taai, 2014)
- Aedes blacklocki Evans, 1925
- Aedes bogotanus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes boharti Knight and Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes bolense Edwards, 1936
- Aedes boneti Gil Collado, 1936
- Aedes bonneae Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes bougainvillensis Marks, 1947
- Aedes braziliensis Gordon and Evans, 1922
- Aedes breedensis Muspratt, 1953
- Aedes brelandi Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes brevis Berlin, 1969
- Aedes brevitibia (Edwards, 1914)
- Aedes brevivittatus Berlin, 1969
- Aedes britteni Marks and Hodgkin, 1958
- Aedes bromeliae (Theobald, 1911)
- Aedes brownscutumus X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 1999
- Aedes brucei Wilkerson in Wilkerson, Linton and Strickman, 2020
- Aedes brunhesi Reinert, 1999
- Aedes brygooi Brunhes, 1971
- Aedes buenaventura Schick, 1970
- Aedes burgeri Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes burjaticus (Kuchartshuk, 1973)
- Aedes burnetti Belkin, 1962
- Aedes burnsi Basio and Reisen, 1971
- Aedes burpengaryensis (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes busckii (Coquillett, 1906)
- Aedes buxtoni Belkin, 1962
- Aedes caballus (Theobald, 1912)
- Aedes cacharanus (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes cacozelus Marks, 1963
- Aedes caecus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes calabyi Marks, 1963
- Aedes calcariae Marks, 1957
- Aedes calceatus Edwards, 1924
- Aedes caliginosus (Graham, 1910)
- Aedes calumnior Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Aedes campana Schick, 1970
- Aedes campestris Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes camptorhynchus (Thomson, 1869)
- Aedes canadensis (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes cancricomes Edwards, 1922
- Aedes candidoscutellum Marks, 1947
- Aedes cantans (Meigen, 1818)
- Aedes cantator (Coquillett, 1903)
- Aedes capensis Edwards, 1924
- Aedes carteri Edwards, 1936
- Aedes cartroni (Ventrillon, 1906)
- Aedes casali Schick, 1970
- Aedes caspius (Pallas, 1771)
- Aedes cataphylla Dyar, 1916
- Aedes cavaticus Reinert, 1979
- Aedes cavernicola (Rattanarithikul and Harbach, 2007)
- Aedes celebicus Mattingly, 1959
- Aedes centropunctatus (Theobald, 1913)
- Aedes chamboni Cornet, 1968
- Aedes chaussieri Edwards, 1923
- Aedes chelli (Edwards, 1915)
- Aedes chemulpoensis Yamada, 1921
- Aedes cherrapunjensis (Natarajan, Rajavel and Jambulingam, 2016)
- Aedes chionodes Belkin, 1962
- Aedes chionotum Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes christophersi Edwards, 1922
- Aedes chrysolineatus (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes chrysoscuta (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes chungi Lien, 1968
- Aedes churchillensis Ellis and Burst, 1973
- Aedes cinereus Meigen, 1818
- Aedes circumluteolus (Theobald, 1908)
- Aedes clelandi (Taylor, 1914)
- Aedes clintoni Taylor, 1946
- Aedes clivis Lanzaro and Eldridge, 1992
- Aedes cogilli Edwards, 1922
- Aedes collessi Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes coluzzii Rioux, Guilvard and Pasteur, 1998
- Aedes comitatus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes communis (de Geer, 1776)
- Aedes condolescens Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes contiguus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes continentalis Dobrotworsky, 1960
- Aedes cooki Belkin, 1962
- Aedes cordellieri Huang, 1986
- Aedes corneti Huang, 1986
- Aedes coulangesi Rodhain and Boutonnier, 1983
- Aedes cozi Cornet, 1973
- Aedes cozumelensis Díaz Nájera, 1966
- Aedes craggi (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes crassiforceps Edwards, 1927
- Aedes cretinus Edwards, 1921
- Aedes crinifer (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes croceus Knight and Laffoon, 1946
- Aedes crossi Lien, 1967
- Aedes culiciformis (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes culicinus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes cumminsii (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes cunabulanus Edwards, 1924
- Aedes curtipes Edwards, 1915
- Aedes cyprioides Danilov and Stupin, 1982
- Aedes cyprius Ludlow, 1920
- Aedes daggyi Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes dahlae (Nielsen, 2009)
- Aedes dahuricus Danilov, 1987
- Aedes daitensis Miyagi and Toma, 1981
- Aedes daliensis (Taylor, 1916)
- Aedes dalzieli (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes daryi Schick, 1970
- Aedes dasyorrhus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes davidi Basio, 1971
- Aedes deboeri Edwards, 1926
- Aedes deccanus (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes decticus Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1917
- Aedes deficiens Arnell, 1976
- Aedes demeilloni Edwards, 1936
- Aedes denderensis Wolfs, 1949
- Aedes dendrophilus Edwards, 1921
- Aedes dentatus (Theobald, 1904)
- Aedes derooki Brug, 1932
- Aedes deserticola Zavortink, 1970
- Aedes desmotes (Giles, 1904)
- Aedes detritus Haliday, 1833
- Aedes dialloi Hamon and Brengues, 1965
- Aedes diantaeus Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Aedes diazi Schick, 1970
- Aedes dissimilierodes (X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 2002)
- Aedes dissimilis (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes dmitryi Gornostaeva, 2005
- Aedes dobodurus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes dobrotworskyi Marks, 1958
- Aedes domesticus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes dooni Wattal, Bhatia and Kalra, 1958
- Aedes dorsalis (Meigen, 1830)
- Aedes dorseyi Knight, 1946
- Aedes dufouri Hamon, 1953
- Aedes duplex Martini, 1926
- Aedes dupreei (Coquillett, 1904)
- Aedes durbanensis (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes dybasi Bohart, 1957
- Aedes dzeta Séguy, 1924
- Aedes ealaensis Huang, 2004
- Aedes eatoni (Edwards, 1916)
- Aedes ebogoensis Rickenbach and Ferrara, 1965
- Aedes echinus (Edwards, 1920)
- Aedes ecuadoriensis Berlin, 1969
- Aedes edgari Stone and Rosen, 1952
- Aedes edwardsi (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes eidsvoldensis Mackerras, 1927
- Aedes elchoensis Taylor, 1929
- Aedes eldridgei Reinert, 1973
- Aedes eleanorae Berlin, 1969
- Aedes ellinorae Edwards, 1941
- Aedes elsiae (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes embuensis Edwards, 1930
- Aedes epactius (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
- Aedes eritreae Lewis, 1942
- Aedes esoensis Yamada, 1921
- Aedes ethiopiensis Huang, 2004
- Aedes eucephalaeus Dyar, 1918
- Aedes euedes Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Aedes euiris Dyar, 1922
- Aedes euplocamus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes excrucians (Walker, 1856)
- Aedes explorator Marks, 1964
- Aedes falabreguesi Hamon, 1957
- Aedes fascipalpis (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes feegradei Barraud, 1934
- Aedes fengi (Edwards, 1935)
- Aedes ferinus (Knight, 1947)
- Aedes fijiensis Marks, 1947
- Aedes filicis Ingram and De Meillon, 1927
- Aedes fimbripes Edwards, 1924
- Aedes fitchii (Felt and Young, 1904)
- Aedes flavescens (Müller, 1764)
- Aedes flavicollis Edwards, 1928
- Aedes flavifrons (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes flavimargo Edwards, 1941
- Aedes flavipennis (Giles, 1904)
- Aedes flavopictus Yamada, 1921
- Aedes fluviatilis (Lutz in Bourroul, 1904)
- Aedes fontenillei (Le Goff, Boussès and Brunhes, 2007)
- Aedes formosensis Yamada, 1921
- Aedes fowleri (de Charmoy, 1908)
- Aedes franciscoi Mattingly, 1959
- Aedes franclemonti Belkin, 1962
- Aedes fraseri (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes freycinetiae Laird, 1957
- Aedes fryeri (Theobald, 1912)
- Aedes fulgens (Edwards, 1917)
- Aedes fulvithorax (Lutz, 1904)
- Aedes fulvus (Wiedemann, 1828)
- Aedes fumidus Edwards, 1928
- Aedes furcifer (Edwards, 1913)
- Aedes fuscinervis (Edwards, 1914)
- Aedes fuscipalpis Belkin, 1962
- Aedes fuscitarsis Belkin, 1962
- Aedes futunae Belkin, 1962
- Aedes gabriel Schick, 1970
- Aedes gaffigani Reinert, 1990
- Aedes gahnicola Marks, 1947
- Aedes galindoi Schick, 1970
- Aedes galloisi Yamada, 1921
- Aedes galloisiodes Liu and Lu, 1984
- Aedes ganapathi Colless, 1958
- Aedes gandaensis Huang, 2004
- Aedes gandarai da Cunha Ramos, Capela and Ribeiro, 1995
- Aedes gani Bonne-Wepster, 1940
- Aedes gardnerii (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes geminus Peus, 1970
- Aedes geniculatus (Olivier, 1791)
- Aedes geoffroyi Reinert, 1999
- Aedes geoskusea Amos, 1944
- Aedes gibbinsi Edwards, 1935
- Aedes gilcolladoi (Sánchez-Covisa, Rodríguez Rodríguez and Guillén Llera, 1985)
- Aedes gilli (Barraud, 1924)
- Aedes gilliesi van Someren, 1962
- Aedes gombakensis Mattingly, 1959
- Aedes gonguoensis (Gong and Lu, 1986)
- Aedes gouldi Reinert, 1972
- Aedes grabhami (Berlin, 1969)
- Aedes gracilelineatus Bonne-Wepster, 1937
- Aedes grahamii (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes grantii (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes grassei Doucet, 1951
- Aedes greeni (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes grenieri Hamon, Service, Adam and Taufflieb, 1961
- Aedes gressitti Bohart, 1957
- Aedes griffithi (Thurman, 1954)
- Aedes grjebinei Hamon, Taufflieb and Maillot, 1957
- Aedes grossbecki Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes guamensis Farner and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes guatemala Berlin, 1969
- Aedes gubernatoris (Giles, 1901)
- Aedes guerrero Berlin, 1969
- Aedes gurneyi Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes gutzevichi Dubitzky and Deshevykh, 1978
- Aedes hakanssoni Knight and Hurlbut, 1949
- Aedes hakusanensis Yamaguti and Tamaboko, 1954
- Aedes hancocki van Someren, 1962
- Aedes hansfordi Huang, 1997
- Aedes harbachi Reinert, 1990
- Aedes harinasutai Knight, 1978
- Aedes harperi Knight, 1948
- Aedes harrisoni Muspratt, 1953
- Aedes harveyi (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes hastatus Dyar, 1922
- Aedes hatorii Yamada, 1921
- Aedes haworthi Edwards, 1923
- Aedes hebrideus Edwards, 1926
- Aedes heischi van Someren, 1951
- Aedes helenae Reinert, 1973
- Aedes hendersoni Cockerell, 1918
- Aedes hensilli Farner, 1945
- Aedes hesperonotius Marks, 1959
- Aedes heteropus Dyar, 1921
- Aedes hexodontus Dyar, 1916
- Aedes hirsutus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes hodgkini Marks, 1959
- Aedes hogsbackensis Huang, 2004
- Aedes hoguei Belkin, 1962
- Aedes hokkaidensis Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes hollandius King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes hollingsheadi Belkin, 1962
- Aedes holocinctus Edwards, 1941
- Aedes homoeopus Dyar, 1922
- Aedes hoogstraali Knight and Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes hopkinsi Edwards, 1936
- Aedes horotoi Taylor, 1972
- Aedes horrescens Edwards, 1935
- Aedes hortator Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes huangae Reinert, 1999
- Aedes hui Bohart, 1957
- Aedes humeralis Edwards, 1922
- Aedes hungaricus Mihályi, 1955
- Aedes hurlbuti Lien, 1967
- Aedes hylaius (Harbach, 2018)
- Aedes ibis Barraud, 1931
- Aedes idanus Schick, 1970
- Aedes idjenensis Brug, 1934
- Aedes impatibilis (Walker, 1859)
- Aedes imperfectus Dobrotworsky, 1962
- Aedes impiger (Walker, 1848)
- Aedes implicatus Vockeroth, 1954
- Aedes impostor Schick, 1970
- Aedes imprimens (Walker, 1860)
- Aedes inaequalis (Grabham, 1907)
- Aedes incomptus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes increpitus Dyar, 1916
- Aedes indonesiae Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes inermis Colless, 1958
- Aedes inexpectatus Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Aedes infirmatus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes ingrami Edwards, 1930
- Aedes inquinatus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes insolens Edwards, 1936
- Aedes insolitus (Coquillett, 1906)
- Aedes intermedius Danilov and Gornostaeva, 1987
- Aedes interruptus Reinert, 1999
- Aedes intrudens Dyar, 1919
- Aedes ioliota Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Aedes irritans (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes iwi Marks, 1955
- Aedes iyengari Edwards, 1923
- Aedes jacobinae Serafim and Davis, 1933
- Aedes jambulingami (Natarajan, 2019)
- Aedes jamesi (Edwards, 1914)
- Aedes jamoti Hamon and Rickenbach, 1954
- Aedes japonicus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes jorgi Carpintero and Leguizamón, 2000
- Aedes josephinae Marks, 1958
- Aedes josiahae Huang, 1988
- Aedes jugraensis (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes juppi McIntosh, 1973
- Aedes kabaenensis Brug, 1939
- Aedes kanarensis Edwards, 1934
- Aedes kapretwae Edwards, 1941
- Aedes karooensis Muspratt, 1961
- Aedes karwari (Barraud, 1924)
- Aedes kasachstanicus Gutsevich, 1962
- Aedes katherinensis Woodhill, 1949
- Aedes keefei King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes keniensis van Someren, 1946
- Aedes kennethi Muspratt, 1956
- Aedes kenyae van Someren, 1946
- Aedes kesseli Huang and Hitchcock, 1980
- Aedes khazani Edwards, 1922
- Aedes kiangsiensis Tung, 1955
- Aedes kivuensis Edwards, 1941
- Aedes kleini Reinert, 1973
- Aedes knabi (Coquillett, 1906)
- Aedes knighti Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes kobayashii Nakata, 1956
- Aedes kochi (Dönitz, 1901)
- Aedes kohkutensis Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes kompi Vargas and Downs, 1950
- Aedes koreicoides Sasa, Kano and Hayashi, 1950
- Aedes koreicus (Edwards, 1917)
- Aedes krombeini Huang, 1975
- Aedes krymmontanus Alekseev, 1989
- Aedes kummi Edwards, 1930
- Aedes lacteus Knight, 1946
- Aedes laffooni Knight and Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes laguna Arnell and Nielsen, 1972
- Aedes lamborni Edwards, 1923
- Aedes lambrechti van Someren, 1971
- Aedes lamelliferus Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Aedes langata van Someren, 1946
- Aedes laniger (Wiedemann, 1820)
- Aedes laoagensis Knight, 1946
- Aedes lasaensis Meng, 1962
- Aedes lauriei (Carter, 1920)
- Aedes ledgeri Huang, 1981
- Aedes leei Berlin, 1969
- Aedes leesoni Edwards, 1932
- Aedes leonis Colless, 1958
- Aedes lepchanus (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes lepidonotus Edwards, 1920
- Aedes lepidus Cerqueira and Paraense, 1945
- Aedes leptolabis Edwards, 1936
- Aedes lerozeboomi Reinert, 1990
- Aedes leucarthrius (Speiser, 1909)
- Aedes leucomelas (Meigen, 1804)
- Aedes leucomeres (Giles, 1904)
- Aedes lewelleni Starkey and Webb, 1946
- Aedes lewnielseni Ortega and Zavortink, 2019
- Aedes lilii (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes lineatopennis (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes linesi Marks, 1964
- Aedes litoreus Colless, 1958
- Aedes littlechildi Taylor, 1933
- Aedes litwakae Reinert, 1990
- Aedes lokojensis Service, 1959
- Aedes longifilamentus Su and Zhang, 1988
- Aedes longiforceps Edwards, 1929
- Aedes longipalpis (Grünberg, 1905)
- Aedes longirostris (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes longiseta Edwards, 1936
- Aedes lophoventralis (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes lorraineae Berlin, 1969
- Aedes lottei Hamon and Brengues, 1965
- Aedes lowisii (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes lucianus Muspratt, 1959
- Aedes lunulatus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes luridus McIntosh, 1971
- Aedes luteifemur Edwards, 1926
- Aedes luteocephalus (Newstead, 1907)
- Aedes luteolateralis (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes luteostriatus Robinson, 1950
- Aedes luteus (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes luzonensis Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes macdougalli Edwards, 1922
- Aedes macfarlanei (Edwards, 1914)
- Aedes macintoshi Marks, 1959
- Aedes mackerrasi Taylor, 1927
- Aedes macmillani Marks, 1964
- Aedes madagascarensis van Someren, 1949
- Aedes maehleri Bohart, 1957
- Aedes maffii Taylor and Tenorio, 1974
- Aedes malayensis Colless, 1962
- Aedes malikuli Huang, 1973
- Aedes mallochi Taylor, 1944
- Aedes mamoedjoensis Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes manhi (Harbach and Cook, 2010)
- Aedes mansouri Qutubuddin, 1959
- Aedes mariae (Sergent and Sergent, 1903)
- Aedes marinkellei Berlin, 1969
- Aedes marshallensis Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes marshallii (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes martineti Sevenet, 1937
- Aedes martinezi Berlin, 1969
- Aedes mascarensis MacGregor, 1924
- Aedes masculinus Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes masoalensis Fontenille and Brunhes, 1985
- Aedes masseyi Edwards, 1923
- Aedes mathioti Fontenille and Brunhes, 1985
- Aedes mattinglyi Hamon and Rickenbach, 1954
- Aedes mattinglyorum Huang, 1994
- Aedes maxgermaini Huang, 1990
- Aedes mcdonaldi Belkin, 1962
- Aedes mcintoshi Huang, 1985
- Aedes medialis (Brug, 1932)
- Aedes mediolineatus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes mediopunctatus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes mediovittatus (Coquillett, 1906)
- Aedes medleri Knight and Laffoon, 1946
- Aedes mefouensis Ferrara, 1974
- Aedes melanimon Dyar, 1924
- Aedes melanopterus (Giles, 1904)
- Aedes menoni Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes meprai Martínez and Prosen, 1953
- Aedes mercurator Dyar, 1920
- Aedes meronephada (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Aedes metallicus (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes metoecapus Dyar, 1925
- Aedes michaelikati van Someren, 1946
- Aedes mickevichae Huang, 1988
- Aedes micropterus (Giles, 1901)
- Aedes microstictus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes mikrokopion Knight and Harrison, 1988
- Aedes milleri Dyar, 1922
- Aedes milsoni (Taylor, 1915)
- Aedes minutus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes mitchellae (Dyar, 1905)
- Aedes mixtus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes mjobergi (Edwards, 1926)
- Aedes mohani Knight, 1969
- Aedes moloiensis Taylor, 1929
- Aedes monetus Edwards, 1935
- Aedes monocellatus Marks, 1948
- Aedes monotrichus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes montchadskyi Dubitzky, 1968
- Aedes monticola Belkin and McDonald, 1957
- Aedes moucheti Ravaonjanahary and Brunhes, 1977
- Aedes mpusiensis Huang, 2004
- Aedes mubiensis Luh and Shih, 1958
- Aedes mucidus (Karsch, 1887)
- Aedes muelleri Dyar, 1920
- Aedes multiplex (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes muroafcete Huang, 1997
- Aedes mutilus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes mzooi van Someren, 1962
- Aedes natalensis Edwards, 1930
- Aedes nataliae Gornostaeva, 2005
- Aedes natronius Edwards, 1932
- Aedes neoafricanus Cornet, Valade and Dieng, 1978
- Aedes neogalloisi H.-L. Chen and H.-B. Chen, 2000
- Aedes neogeorgianus Belkin, 1962
- Aedes neopandani Bohart, 1957
- Aedes nevadensis Chapman and Barr, 1964
- Aedes ngong van Someren, 1950
- Aedes nigerrimus (Theobald, 1913)
- Aedes nigrescens (Edwards in Paine and Edwards, 1929)
- Aedes nigricephalus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes nigrinus (Eckstein, 1918)
- Aedes nigripes (Zetterstedt, 1838)
- Aedes nigrithorax (Macquart, 1847)
- Aedes nigrocanus Martini, 1927
- Aedes nigromaculis (Ludlow, 1906)
- Aedes nigropterum (Le Goff, Boussès and Brunhes, 2007)
- Aedes nigrorhynchus Brug, 1931
- Aedes nigrostriatus (Barraud, 1927)
- Aedes ningheensis Lei, 1989
- Aedes niphadopsis Dyar and Knab, 1918
- Aedes nipponicus La Casse and Yamaguti, 1948
- Aedes nippononiveus Sasa and Nakahashi, 1952
- Aedes nishikawai Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes nivalis Edwards, 1926
- Aedes niveoides Barraud, 1934
- Aedes niveoscutum Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes niveus (Ludlow, 1903)
- Aedes njombiensis Huang, 1997
- Aedes normanensis (Taylor, 1915)
- Aedes notoscriptus (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes novalbitarsis King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes novalbopictus Barraud, 1931
- Aedes novoniveus Barraud, 1934
- Aedes nubilus (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes nummatus Edwards, 1923
- Aedes nyasae Edwards, 1930
- Aedes nyounae Hamon and Adam, 1959
- Aedes oakleyi Stone, 1939
- Aedes obturbator Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes occidentalis (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes oceanicus Belkin, 1962
- Aedes ochraceus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes okinawanus Bohart, 1946
- Aedes oligopistus Dyar, 1918
- Aedes omorii Lien, 1968
- Aedes opok Corbet and van Someren, 1962
- Aedes orbitae Edwards, 1922
- Aedes oreophilus (Edwards, 1916)
- Aedes osornoi Berlin, 1969
- Aedes ostentatio (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes ovazzai Hamon and Adam, 1959
- Aedes pachyurus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes pagei (Ludlow, 1911)
- Aedes palauensis Bohart, 1957
- Aedes palawanicus Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes pallidostriatus (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes pallirostris Edwards, 1922
- Aedes palmarum Edwards, 1924
- Aedes palpalis (Newstead, 1907)
- Aedes pampangensis (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes pandani Stone, 1939
- Aedes papago Zavortink, 1970
- Aedes papuensis (Taylor, 1914)
- Aedes paradissimilis Rozeboom, 1946
- Aedes patersoni Shannon and Del Ponte, 1928
- Aedes patriciae Mattingly, 1954
- Aedes paullusi Stone and Farner, 1945
- Aedes pecori Reinert, 1990
- Aedes pectinatus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes pecuniosus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes peipingensis Feng, 1938
- Aedes pembaensis Theobald, 1901
- Aedes penghuensis Lien, 1968
- Aedes pennai Antunes and Lane, 1938
- Aedes periskelatus (Giles, 1902)
- Aedes perkinsi Marks, 1949
- Aedes pernotatus Farner and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes perplexus (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes perryi Belkin, 1962
- Aedes pertinax Grabham, 1906
- Aedes perventor Cerqueira and Costa, 1946
- Aedes pexus Colless, 1958
- Aedes peytoni Reinert, 1972
- Aedes phaecasiatus Marks, 1964
- Aedes phaeonotus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes phillipi van Someren, 1949
- Aedes phoeniciae (Coluzzi and Sabatini, 1968)
- Aedes pholeocola (Linton and Harbach, 2013)
- Aedes phyllolabis Edwards, 1929
- Aedes pia (Le Goff and Robert in Le Goff et al., 2013)
- Aedes pillaii Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes pingpaensis Chang, 1965
- Aedes pionips Dyar, 1919
- Aedes pipersalatus (Giles, 1902)
- Aedes plagosus Marks, 1959
- Aedes platylepidus Knight and Hull, 1951
- Aedes plumiferus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes podographicus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes pogonurus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes poicilius (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes pollinctor (Graham, 1910)
- Aedes polynesiensis Marks, 1951
- Aedes portonovoensis Tewari and Hiriyan, 1992
- Aedes postpiraculosus Dobrotworsky, 1961
- Aedes poweri (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes procax (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes prominens (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes provocans (Walker, 1848)
- Aedes pseudoafricanus Chwatt, 1949
- Aedes pseudoalbolineatus Brug, 1939
- Aedes pseudoalbopictus (Borel, 1928)
- Aedes pseudodominicii Komp, 1936
- Aedes pseudonigeria (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes pseudoniveus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes pseudonormanensis Marks, 1949
- Aedes pseudonummatus Reinert, 1973
- Aedes pseudoscutellaris (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes pseudotaeniatus (Giles, 1901)
- Aedes pseudotarsalis van Someren, 1946
- Aedes pubescens Edwards, 1925
- Aedes pulchrithorax Edwards, 1939
- Aedes pulchriventer (Giles, 1901)
- Aedes pulcritarsis (Rondani, 1872)
- Aedes pullatus (Coquillett, 1904)
- Aedes pulverulentus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes punctifemoris (Ludlow, 1921)
- Aedes punctipes Edwards, 1921
- Aedes punctocostalis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes punctodes Dyar, 1922
- Aedes punctor (Kirby, 1837)
- Aedes puntothoracis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes purpuraceus Brug, 1932
- Aedes purpureifemur Marks, 1959
- Aedes purpureipes Aitken, 1941
- Aedes purpureus (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes purpuriventris Edwards, 1926
- Aedes quadripunctis (Ludlow, 1910)
- Aedes quadrivittatus (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes quasiferinus Mattingly, 1961
- Aedes quasirubithorax (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes quasirusticus Torres Cañamares, 1951
- Aedes quasiscutellaris Farner and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes quasiunivittatus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes quinquelineatus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes ramachandrai Reuben, 1967
- Aedes ramirezi Vargas and Downs, 1950
- Aedes ratcliffei Marks, 1959
- Aedes raymondi Del Ponte, Castro and García, 1951
- Aedes reali Hamon and Adam, 1959
- Aedes refiki Medschid, 1928
- Aedes reginae Edwards, 1922
- Aedes reinerti Rattanarithikul and Harrison, 1988
- Aedes rempeli Vockeroth, 1954
- Aedes reubenae Tewari and Hiriyan, 1992
- Aedes rhodaini (Brunhes and Boussés, 2017)
- Aedes rhungkiangensis P.-X. Chang and S. M. Chang, 1974
- Aedes rhyacophilus da Costa Lima, 1933
- Aedes rickenbachi Hamon and Adam, 1959
- Aedes riparioides Su and Zhang, 1987
- Aedes riparius Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes riversi Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Aedes rizali (Banks, 1906)
- Aedes roai Belkin, 1962
- Aedes robinsoni Belkin, 1962
- Aedes rossicus Dolbeskin, Gorichaja and Mitrofanova, 1930
- Aedes rotanus Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Aedes rotumae Belkin, 1962
- Aedes rubiginosus Belkin, 1962
- Aedes rubrithorax (Macquart, 1850)
- Aedes rupestris Dobrotworsky, 1959
- Aedes rusticus (Rossi, 1790)
- Aedes ruwenzori Haddow and van Someren, 1950
- Aedes sagax (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes saimedres Huang, 1988
- Aedes saipanensis Stone, 1945
- Aedes sallumae González and Reyes in González et al., 2017
- Aedes samoanus (Grünberg, 1913)
- Aedes sampi Huang, 2004
- Aedes sandrae Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes saperoi Knight, 1946
- Aedes sapiens Marks, 1964
- Aedes sasai Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1975
- Aedes savoryi Bohart, 1957
- Aedes saxicola (Edwards, 1922)
- Aedes scanloni Reinert, 1970
- Aedes scapularis (Rondani, 1848)
- Aedes scatophagoides (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes schicki Zavortink, 1972
- Aedes schizopinax Dyar, 1929
- Aedes schlosseri Belkin, 1962
- Aedes schroederi Schick, 1970
- Aedes schtakelbergi Shingarev, 1928
- Aedes schwetzi Edwards, 1926
- Aedes scutellaris (Walker, 1859)
- Aedes scutellatum Boshell-Manrique, 1939
- Aedes scutoscriptus Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Aedes seampi Huang, 1974
- Aedes seatoi Huang, 1969
- Aedes sedaensis Lei, 1989
- Aedes segermanae Huang, 1997
- Aedes semlikiensis van Someren, 1950
- Aedes senyavinensis Knight and Hurlbut, 1949
- Aedes seoulensis Yamada, 1921
- Aedes septemstriatus Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes sergievi Danilov, Markovich and Proskuryakova, 1978
- Aedes serratus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes sexlineatus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes shannoni Vargas and Downs, 1950
- Aedes shehzadae Qutubuddin, 1972
- Aedes sherki Knight, 1948
- Aedes shortii (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes sibiricus Danilov and Filippova, 1978
- Aedes sierrensis (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes silvestris (Dobrotworsky, 1961)
- Aedes simanini Gutsevich, 1966
- Aedes simlensis Edwards, 1922
- Aedes simplex (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes simpsoni (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes simulans (Newstead and Carter, 1911)
- Aedes sinensis Chow, 1950
- Aedes sinkiangensis Hsiao, 1977
- Aedes sintoni (Barraud, 1924)
- Aedes smithburni van Someren, 1950
- Aedes soleatus Edwards, 1924
- Aedes sollicitans (Walker, 1856)
- Aedes solomonis Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Aedes sorsogonensis Bañez and Jueco, 1966
- Aedes spencerii (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes spilotus Marks, 1963
- Aedes spinosipes Edwards, 1922
- Aedes spinosus Berlin, 1969
- Aedes squamiger (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes stanleyi Peters, 1963
- Aedes stenei Thompson, 1956
- Aedes stenoetrus (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes stenoscutus (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes stevensoni (Barraud, 1923)
- Aedes sticticus (Meigen, 1838)
- Aedes stigmaticus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes stimulans (Walker, 1848)
- Aedes stokesi Evans, 1929
- Aedes stonei Knight and Laffoon, 1946
- Aedes stoneorum Marks, 1977
- Aedes stramineus Dubitzky, 1970
- Aedes strelitziae Muspratt, 1950
- Aedes stricklandi (Edwards, 1912)
- Aedes subalbirostris Klein and Marks, 1960
- Aedes subalbitarsis King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes subalbopictus Barraud, 1931
- Aedes subargenteus Edwards, 1925
- Aedes subauridorsum Marks, 1948
- Aedes subbasalis Dobrotworsky, 1962
- Aedes subdentatus Edwards, 1936
- Aedes subdiversus Martini, 1926
- Aedes subniveus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes sudanensis (Theobald, 1908)
- Aedes suffusus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes sumidero Schick, 1970
- Aedes surcoufi (Theobald, 1912)
- Aedes synchytus Arnell, 1976
- Aedes syntheticus Barraud, 1928
- Aedes tabu Ramalingam and Belkin, 1965
- Aedes taeniarostris (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes taeniorhynchoides (Christophers, 1911)
- Aedes taeniorhynchus (Wiedemann, 1821)
- Aedes tahoensis Dyar, 1916
- Aedes taiwanus Lien, 1968
- Aedes tarsalis (Newstead, 1907)
- Aedes tauffliebi Rickenbach and Ferrara, 1965
- Aedes taylori (Edwards, 1936)
- Aedes teesdalei van Someren, 1954
- Aedes tehuantepec Schick, 1970
- Aedes terrens (Walker, 1856)
- Aedes thailandensis Reinert, 1976
- Aedes thelcter Dyar, 1918
- Aedes theobaldi (Taylor, 1914)
- Aedes thibaulti Dyar and Knab, 1910
- Aedes thomsoni (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes thorntoni Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Aedes thurmanae Mattingly, 1958
- Aedes timorensis (Miyagi, Toma and Lien, 2004)
- Aedes tiptoni Grjebine, 1953
- Aedes togoi (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes tongae Edwards, 1926
- Aedes tonkinensis Galliard and Ngu, 1947
- Aedes tonkingi Gebert, 1948
- Aedes tonsus Edwards, 1924
- Aedes tormentor Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Aedes tortilis (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes toxopeusi Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Aedes tremulus (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes treubi (de Meijere, 1910)
- Aedes tricholabis Edwards, 1941
- Aedes trimaculatus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes triseriatus (Say, 1823)
- Aedes trivittatus (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes trukensis Bohart, 1957
- Aedes tsiliensis King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes tubbutiensis Dobrotworsky, 1959
- Aedes tulagiensis Edwards, 1926
- Aedes tulliae (Taylor, 1929)
- Aedes turneri Marks, 1963
- Aedes tutuilae Ramalingam and Belkin, 1965
- Aedes unicinctus Edwards, 1922
- Aedes unidentatus McIntosh, 1971
- Aedes unilineatus (Theobald, 1906)
- Aedes upatensis Anduze and Hecht, 1943
- Aedes upolensis Marks, 1957
- Aedes usambara Mattingly, 1953
- Aedes valeryi Gornostaeva, 2005
- Aedes vanemdeni Martini, 1931
- Aedes vanus Colless, 1958
- Aedes vargasi Schick, 1970
- Aedes variepictus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Aedes varipalpus (Coquillett, 1902)
- Aedes varuae Belkin, 1962
- Aedes veeniae McIntosh, 1975
- Aedes ventrovittis Dyar, 1916
- Aedes versicolor (Barraud, 1924)
- Aedes vexans (Meigen, 1830)
- Aedes vigilax (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes vinsoni Mattingly, 1953
- Aedes vittatus (Bigot, 1861)
- Aedes vittiger (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes w-albus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes wadai Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes walkeri (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes wallacei Edwards, 1926
- Aedes wardangensis Brust, Ballard, Driver, Hartley, Galway and Curran, 1998
- Aedes wardi Reinert, 1976
- Aedes washinoi Lanzaro and Eldridge, 1992
- Aedes wasselli Marks, 1947
- Aedes watasei Yamada, 1921
- Aedes watteni Lien, 1968
- Aedes wattensis Taylor, 1929
- Aedes wauensis Huang, 1968
- Aedes wellmanii (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes wendyae Service, 1959
- Aedes whartoni Mattingly, 1965
- Aedes whitmorei Dunn, 1918
- Aedes wigglesworthi Edwards, 1941
- Aedes wilkersoni Reinert, 1990
- Aedes woodi Edwards, 1922
- Aedes yamadai Sasa, Kano and Takahashi, 1950
- Aedes yangambiensis De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944
- Aedes yunnanensis (Gaschen, 1934)
- Aedes yvonneae Edwards, 1941
- Aedes zammitii (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes zavortinki Schick, 1970
- Aedes zethus De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944
- Aedes zoosophus Dyar and Knab, 1918
- Anopheles aberrans Harrison and Scanlon, 1975
- Anopheles acaci Baisas, 1946
- Anopheles acanthotorynus Komp, 1937
- Anopheles aconitus Dönitz, 1902
- Anopheles ahomi Chowdhury, 1929
- Anopheles ainshamsi Gad, Harbach and Harrison, 2006
- Anopheles aitkenii James in Theobald, 1903
- Anopheles albertoi Unti, 1941
- Anopheles albimanus Wiedemann, 1820
- Anopheles albitarsis Lynch Arribálzaga, 1878
- Anopheles albotaeniatus (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles algeriensis Theobald, 1903
- Anopheles alongensis Venhuis, 1940
- Anopheles amharicus Hunt, Wilkerson and Coetzee, 2013
- Anopheles amictus Edwards, 1921
- Anopheles anchietai Corrêa and Ramalho, 1968
- Anopheles annandalei Prashad, 1918
- Anopheles annularis van der Wulp, 1884
- Anopheles annulatus Haga, 1930
- Anopheles annulipalpis Lynch Arribálzaga, 1878
- Anopheles annulipes Walker, 1856
- Anopheles anomalophyllus Komp, 1936
- Anopheles antunesi Galvão and Franco do Amaral, 1938
- Anopheles apicimacula Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles apoci Marsh, 1933
- Anopheles aquasalis Curry, 1932
- Anopheles arabiensis Patton, 1905
- Anopheles arboricola Zavortink, 1970
- Anopheles ardensis (Theobald, 1905)
- Anopheles argenteolobulatus (Gough, 1910)
- Anopheles argyritarsis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827
- Anopheles argyropus (Swellengrebel, 1914)
- Anopheles artemievi Gordeyev, Zvantsov, Goryacheva, Shaikevic and Yezhov, 2005
- Anopheles arthuri Unti, 1941
- Anopheles aruni Sobti, 1968
- Anopheles asiaticus Leicester, 1903
- Anopheles atacamensis González and Sallum, 2010
- Anopheles atratipes Skuse, 1889
- Anopheles atroparvus van Thiel, 1927
- Anopheles atropos Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles aurirostris (Watson, 1910)
- Anopheles austenii (Theobald, 1905)
- Anopheles auyantepuiensis Harbach and Navarro, 1996
- Anopheles azaniae Bailly-Choumara, 1960
- Anopheles azevedoi Ribeiro, 1969
- Anopheles aztecus Hoffmann, 1935
- Anopheles baezai Gater, 1933
- Anopheles baileyi Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles baimaii Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles baisasi Colless, 1957
- Anopheles balabacensis Baisas, 1936
- Anopheles balerensis Mendoza, 1947
- Anopheles bambusicolus Komp, 1937
- Anopheles bancroftii Giles, 1902
- Anopheles barberellus Evans, 1932
- Anopheles barberi Coquillett, 1903
- Anopheles barbirostris van der Wulp, 1884
- Anopheles barbumbrosus Strickland and Chowdhury, 1927
- Anopheles barianensis James in James and Liston, 1911
- Anopheles beklemishevi Stegnii and Kabanova, 1976
- Anopheles belenrae Rueda, 2005
- Anopheles bellator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles benarrochi Gabaldón, Cova García and López, 1941
- Anopheles bengalensis Puri, 1930
- Anopheles berghei Vincke and Leleup, 1949
- Anopheles bervoetsi D'Haenens, 1961
- Anopheles boliviensis (Theobald, 1905)
- Anopheles borneensis McArthur, 1949
- Anopheles bradleyi King, 1939
- Anopheles braziliensis (Chagas, 1907)
- Anopheles brevipalpis Roper, 1914
- Anopheles brevirostris Reid, 1950
- Anopheles brohieri Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles brucei Service, 1960
- Anopheles brumpti Hamon and Rickenbach, 1955
- Anopheles brunnipes (Theobald, 1910)
- Anopheles bulkleyi Causey, 1937
- Anopheles bustamentei Galvão, 1955
- Anopheles buxtoni Service, 1958
- Anopheles bwambae White, 1985
- Anopheles calderoni Wilkerson, 1991
- Anopheles caliginosus De Meillon, 1943
- Anopheles cameroni De Meillon and Evans, 1935
- Anopheles campestris Reid, 1962
- Anopheles canorii Floch and Abonnenc, 1945
- Anopheles carnevalei Brunhes, Le Goff and Geoffroy, 1999
- Anopheles caroni Adam, 1961
- Anopheles carteri Evans and De Meillon, 1933
- Anopheles chiriquiensis Komp, 1936
- Anopheles chodukini Martini, 1929
- Anopheles christyi (Newstead and Carter, 1911)
- Anopheles cinctus (Newstead and Carter, 1910)
- Anopheles cinereus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles claviger (Meigen, 1804)
- Anopheles clowi Rozeboom and Knight, 1946
- Anopheles colledgei Marks, 1956
- Anopheles collessi Reid, 1963
- Anopheles coluzzii Coetzee and Wilkerson, 2013
- Anopheles comorensis Brunhes, Le Goff and Geoffroy, 1997
- Anopheles concolor Edwards, 1938
- Anopheles confusus Evans and Leeson, 1935
- Anopheles corethroides Theobald, 1907
- Anopheles costai da Fonseca and da Silva Ramos, 1940
- Anopheles coustani Laveran, 1900
- Anopheles cracens Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles crawfordi Reid, 1953
- Anopheles cristatus King and Baisas, 1936
- Anopheles cristipalpis Service, 1977
- Anopheles crucians Wiedemann, 1828
- Anopheles cruzii Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Anopheles crypticus Coetzee, 1994
- Anopheles cucphuongensis Vu, Nguyen, Tran and Nguyen, 1991
- Anopheles culiciformis Cogill, 1903
- Anopheles culifacies Giles, 1901
- Anopheles cydippis De Meillon, 1931
- Anopheles daciae Linton, Nicolescu and Harbach, 2004
- Anopheles dancalicus Corradetti, 1939
- Anopheles darlingi Root, 1926
- Anopheles daudi Coluzzi, 1958
- Anopheles deaneorum Rosa-Freitas, 1989
- Anopheles deemingi Service, 1970
- Anopheles demeilloni Evans, 1933
- Anopheles diluvialis Reinert, 1997
- Anopheles dirus Peyton and Harrison, 1979
- Anopheles dispar Rattanarithikul and Harbach, 1991
- Anopheles dissidens Taai and Harbach, 2015
- Anopheles distinctus (Newstead and Carter, 1911)
- Anopheles domicolus Edwards, 1916
- Anopheles donaldi Reid, 1962
- Anopheles dravidicus Christophers, 1924
- Anopheles dthali Patton, 1905
- Anopheles dualaensis Brunhes, Le Goff and Geoffroy, 1999
- Anopheles dunhami Causey, 1945
- Anopheles dureni Edwards, 1938
- Anopheles earlei Vargas, 1943
- Anopheles eiseni Coquillett, 1902
- Anopheles ejercitoi Mendoza, 1947
- Anopheles elegans (James, 1903)
- Anopheles engarensis Kanda and Oguma, 1978
- Anopheles eouzani Brunhes, Le Goff and Boussés, 2003
- Anopheles epiroticus Linton and Harbach, 2005
- Anopheles erepens Gillies, 1958
- Anopheles erythraeus Corradetti, 1939
- Anopheles ethiopicus Gillies and Coetzee, 1987
- Anopheles evandroi Lima, 1937
- Anopheles evansae (Brèthes, 1926)
- Anopheles faini Leleup, 1952
- Anopheles farauti Laveran, 1902
- Anopheles fausti Vargas, 1943
- Anopheles filipinae Manalang, 1930
- Anopheles flavicosta Edwards, 1911
- Anopheles flavirostris (Ludlow, 1914)
- Anopheles fluminensis Root, 1927
- Anopheles fluviatilis James, 1902
- Anopheles fontinalis Gillies and De Meillon, 1968
- Anopheles forattinii Wilkerson and Sallum, 1999
- Anopheles fragilis (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles franciscanus McCracken, 1904
- Anopheles franciscoi Reid, 1962
- Anopheles freeborni Aitken, 1939
- Anopheles freetownensis Evans, 1925
- Anopheles freyi Meng, 1957
- Anopheles funestus Giles, 1900
- Anopheles fuscicolor van Someren, 1947
- Anopheles fuscivenosus Leeson, 1930
- Anopheles gabaldoni Vargus, 1941
- Anopheles gabonensis Rahola, Makanga and Paupy, 2014
- Anopheles galvaoi Causey, L. Deane and M. Deane, 1943
- Anopheles gambiae Giles, 1902
- Anopheles garnhami Edwards, 1930
- Anopheles georgianus King, 1939
- Anopheles gibbinsi Evans, 1935
- Anopheles gigas Giles, 1901
- Anopheles gilesi (Neiva in Peryassú, 1908)
- Anopheles goeldii Rozeboom and Gabaldon, 1941
- Anopheles gomezdelatorrei Leví-Castillo, 1955
- Anopheles gonzalezrinconesi Cova García, Pulido and Escalante de Ugueto, 1977
- Anopheles grabhamii Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles grassei Grjebine, 1953
- Anopheles greeni Rattanarithikul and Harbach, 1991
- Anopheles grenieri Grjebine, 1964
- Anopheles griveaudi Grjebine, 1961
- Anopheles guarani Shannon, 1928
- Anopheles guarao Anduze and Capdevielle, 1949
- Anopheles hackeri Edwards, 1921
- Anopheles hailarensis Xu and Luo, 1998
- Anopheles halophylus Silva do Nascimento and Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2002
- Anopheles hamoni Adam, 1962
- Anopheles hancocki Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles hargreavesi Evans, 1927
- Anopheles harperi Evans, 1936
- Anopheles harrisoni Harbach and Manguin, 2007
- Anopheles hectoris Giaquinto Mira, 1931
- Anopheles heiheensis Ma, 1981
- Anopheles hermsi Barr and Guptavanij, 1989
- Anopheles hervyi Brunhes, Le Goff and Geoffroy, 1999
- Anopheles hilli Woodhill and Lee, 1944
- Anopheles hinesorum Schmidt, 2001
- Anopheles hodgkini Reid, 1962
- Anopheles homunculus Komp, 1937
- Anopheles hughi Lambert and Coetzee, 1982
- Anopheles hunteri (Strickland, 1916)
- Anopheles hyrcanus (Pallas, 1771)
- Anopheles implexus (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles incognitus Brug, 1931
- Anopheles indefinitus (Ludlow, 1904)
- Anopheles ininii Senevet and Abonnenc, 1938
- Anopheles insulaeflorum (Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920)
- Anopheles interruptus Puri, 1929
- Anopheles introlatus Colless, 1957
- Anopheles inundatus Reinert, 1997
- Anopheles irenicus Schmidt, 2003
- Anopheles jamesii Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles janconnae Wilkerson and Sallum, 2009
- Anopheles jebudensis Froud, 1944
- Anopheles jeyporiensis James, 1902
- Anopheles judithae Zavortink, 1969
- Anopheles karwari (James, 1903)
- Anopheles keniensis Evans, 1931
- Anopheles kingi Christophers, 1923
- Anopheles kleini Rueda, 2005
- Anopheles kochi Dönitz, 1901
- Anopheles kokhani Vythilingam, Jeffery and Harbach, 2007
- Anopheles kolambuganensis Baisas, 1932
- Anopheles koliensis Owen, 1945
- Anopheles kompi Edwards, 1930
- Anopheles konderi Galvão and Damasceno, 1942
- Anopheles koreicus Yamada and Watanabe, 1918
- Anopheles kosiensis Coetzee, Segerman and Hunt, 1987
- Anopheles kweiyangensis Yao and Wu, 1944
- Anopheles kyondawensis Abraham, 1947
- Anopheles labranchiae Falleroni, 1926
- Anopheles lacani Grjebine, 1953
- Anopheles laneanus Corrêa and Cerqueira, 1944
- Anopheles lanei Galvão and Franco do Amaral, 1938
- Anopheles latens Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles leesoni Evans, 1931
- Anopheles lepidotus Zavortink, 1973
- Anopheles lesteri Baisas and Hu, 1936
- Anopheles letabensis Lambert and Coetzee, 1982
- Anopheles letifer Sandosham, 1944
- Anopheles leucosphyrus Dönitz, 1901
- Anopheles lewisi Ludlow, 1920
- Anopheles liangshanensis Kang, Tan, Cao, Cheng, Yang and Huang, 1984
- Anopheles limosus King, 1932
- Anopheles lindesayi Giles, 1900
- Anopheles listeri De Meillon, 1931
- Anopheles litoralis King, 1932
- Anopheles lloreti Gil Collado, 1936
- Anopheles longipalpis (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles longirostris Brug, 1928
- Anopheles lounibosi Gillies and Coetzee, 1987
- Anopheles lovettae Evans, 1934
- Anopheles ludlowae (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles lungae Belkin and Schlosser, 1944
- Anopheles lutzii Cruz, 1901
- Anopheles macarthuri Colless, 1956
- Anopheles machardyi Edwards, 1930
- Anopheles maculatus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles maculipalpis Giles, 1902
- Anopheles maculipennis Meigen, 1818
- Anopheles maculipes (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles majidi Young and Majid, 1928
- Anopheles malefactor Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Anopheles maliensis Bailly-Choumara and Banu, 1987
- Anopheles manalangi Mendoza, 1940
- Anopheles mangyanus (Banks, 1906)
- Anopheles marajoara Galvão and Damasceno, 1942
- Anopheles marshallii (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles marteri Senevet and Prunnelle, 1927
- Anopheles martinius Shingarev, 1926
- Anopheles mascarensis De Meillon, 1947
- Anopheles mattogrossensis Lutz and Neiva, 1911
- Anopheles maverlius Reinert, 1997
- Anopheles medialis Harbach, 2018
- Anopheles mediopunctatus (Lutz in Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles melanoon Hackett, 1934
- Anopheles melas (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles menglangensis Ma, 1981
- Anopheles meraukensis Venhuis, 1932
- Anopheles merus (Dönitz, 1902)
- Anopheles messeae Falleroni, 1926
- Anopheles millecampsi Lips, 1960
- Anopheles milloti Grjebine and Lacan, 1953
- Anopheles minimus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles minor da Costa Lima, 1929
- Anopheles mirans Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles moghulensis Christophers, 1924
- Anopheles montanus Stanton and Wacker, 1917
- Anopheles mortiauxi Edwards, 1938
- Anopheles moucheti Evans, 1925
- Anopheles mousinhoi De Meillon and Pereira, 1940
- Anopheles multicinctus Edwards, 1930
- Anopheles multicolor Cambouliu, 1902
- Anopheles murphyi Gillies and De Meillon, 1968
- Anopheles namibiensis Coetzee, 1984
- Anopheles natalensis (Hill and Haydon, 1907)
- Anopheles nataliae Belkin, 1945
- Anopheles neivai Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Anopheles nemophilous Peyton and Ramalingam, 1988
- Anopheles neomaculipalpus Curry, 1931
- Anopheles nigerrimus Giles, 1900
- Anopheles nigritarsis (Chagas, 1907)
- Anopheles nilgiricus Christophers, 1924
- Anopheles nili (Theobald, 1904)
- Anopheles nimbus (Theobald, 1902)
- Anopheles nimpe Nguyen, Tran and Harbach, 2000
- Anopheles nitidus Harrison, Scanlon and Reid, 1973
- Anopheles nivipes (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles njombiensis Peters, 1955
- Anopheles noniae Reid, 1963
- Anopheles notanandai Rattanarithikul and Green, 1987
- Anopheles notleyi van Someren, 1949
- Anopheles novaguinensis Venhuis, 1933
- Anopheles nuneztovari Gabaldón, 1940
- Anopheles obscurus (Grünberg, 1905)
- Anopheles occidentalis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles oiketorakras Osorno-Mesa, 1947
- Anopheles okuensis Brunhes, Le Goff and Geoffroy, 1997
- Anopheles omorii Sakakibara, 1959
- Anopheles oreios Bangs and Harbach, 2014
- Anopheles oryzalimnetes Wilkerson and Motoki, 2009
- Anopheles oswaldoi (Peryassú, 1922)
- Anopheles ovengensis Awono-Ambene, Kengne, Simard et al., 2004
- Anopheles pallidus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles palmatus (Rodenwaldt, 1926)
- Anopheles paltrinierii Shidrawi and Gillies, 1988
- Anopheles paludis Theobald, 1900
- Anopheles pampanai Büttiker and Beales, 1959
- Anopheles papuensis Dobrotworsky, 1957
- Anopheles parangensis (Ludlow, 1914)
- Anopheles parapunctipennis Martini, 1932
- Anopheles parensis Gillies, 1962
- Anopheles parvus (Chagas, 1907)
- Anopheles pattoni Christophers, 1926
- Anopheles pauliani Grjebine, 1953
- Anopheles peditaeniatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Anopheles perplexens Ludlow, 1907
- Anopheles persiensis Linton, Sedaghat and Harbach, 2003
- Anopheles peryassui Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Anopheles petragnani del Vecchio, 1939
- Anopheles peytoni Kulasekera, Harrison and Amerasinghe, 1989
- Anopheles pharoensis Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles philippinensis Ludlow, 1902
- Anopheles pholidotus Zavortink, 1973
- Anopheles pictipennis (Philippi, 1865)
- Anopheles pilinotum Harrison and Scanlon, 1974
- Anopheles pinjaurensis (Barraud, 1932)
- Anopheles plumbeus Stephens, 1828
- Anopheles pollicaris Reid, 1962
- Anopheles powderi Zavortink, 1970
- Anopheles powelli Lee, 1944
- Anopheles prachongae Rattanarithikul and Harrison, 2017
- Anopheles pretoriensis (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles pristinus Nagaki and Sallum, 2010
- Anopheles pseudobarbirostris Ludlow, 1902
- Anopheles pseudojamesi Strickland and Chowdhury, 1927
- Anopheles pseudomaculipes (Chagas in Peryassú, 1908)
- Anopheles pseudopictus Grassi, 1899
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles pseudosinensis Baisas, 1935
- Anopheles pseudostigmaticus Dobrotworsky, 1956
- Anopheles pseudosundaicus Tyagi et al., 2009
- Anopheles pseudotibiamaculatus Galvão and Barretto, 1941
- Anopheles pseudowillmori (Theobald, 1910)
- Anopheles pujutensis Colless, 1948
- Anopheles pulcherrimus Theobald, 1902
- Anopheles pullus Yamada, 1937
- Anopheles punctimacula Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles punctipennis (Say, 1823)
- Anopheles punctulatus Dönitz, 1901
- Anopheles pursati Laveran, 1902
- Anopheles quadriannulatus (Theobald, 1911)
- Anopheles quadrimaculatus Say, 1824
- Anopheles rachoui Galvão, 1952
- Anopheles radama De Meillon, 1943
- Anopheles rageaui Mattingly and Adam, 1954
- Anopheles rampae Harbach and Somboon, 2011
- Anopheles ranci Grjebine, 1953
- Anopheles rangeli Gabaldón, Cova García and López, 1940
- Anopheles recens Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles reidi Harrison, 1973
- Anopheles rennellensis Taylor and Maffi, 1991
- Anopheles rhodesiensis Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles riparis King and Baisas, 1936
- Anopheles rivulorum Leeson, 1935
- Anopheles rodhaini Leleup and Lips, 1950
- Anopheles rollai Cova García, Pulido and Escalante de Ugueto, 1977
- Anopheles rondoni (Neiva and Pinto, 1922)
- Anopheles roperi Reid, 1950
- Anopheles roubaudi Grjebine, 1953
- Anopheles ruarinus Edwards, 1940
- Anopheles rufipes (Gough, 1910)
- Anopheles sacharovi Favre, 1903
- Anopheles saeungae Taai and Harbach, 2015
- Anopheles salbaii Maffi and Coluzzi, 1958
- Anopheles samarensis Rozeboom, 1951
- Anopheles sanctielii Senevet and Abonnenc, 1938
- Anopheles saperoi Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Anopheles saungi Colless, 1955
- Anopheles sawadwongporni Rattanarithikul and Green, 1987
- Anopheles sawyeri Causey, L. Deane, M. Deane and Sampaio, 1943
- Anopheles scanloni Sallum and Peyton, 2005
- Anopheles schueffneri Stanton, 1915
- Anopheles schwetzi Evans, 1934
- Anopheles separatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Anopheles seretsei Abdulla-Khan, Coetzee and Hunt, 1998
- Anopheles sergentii (Theobald, 1907)
- Anopheles seydeli Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles shannoni Davis, 1931
- Anopheles similissimus Strickland and Chowdhury, 1927
- Anopheles sinensis Wiedemann, 1828
- Anopheles sineroides Yamada, 1924
- Anopheles sintoni Puri, 1929
- Anopheles sintonoides Ho, 1938
- Anopheles smaragdinus Ribeiro, 1997
- Anopheles smithii Theobald, 1905
- Anopheles solomonis Belkin, Knight and Rozeboom, 1945
- Anopheles somalicus Rivola and Holstein, 1957
- Anopheles splendidus Koidzumi, 1920
- Anopheles squamifemur Antunes, 1937
- Anopheles squamosus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles stephensi Liston, 1901
- Anopheles stigmaticus Skuse, 1889
- Anopheles stookesi Colless, 1955
- Anopheles striatus Sant'Ana and Sallum, 2016
- Anopheles stricklandi Reid, 1965
- Anopheles strodei Root, 1926
- Anopheles subpictus Grassi, 1899
- Anopheles sulawesi Waktoedi Koesoemawinangoen, 1954
- Anopheles sumatranus Swellengrebel and Rodenwaldt, 1932
- Anopheles sundaicus (Rodenwaldt, 1925)
- Anopheles superpictus Grassi, 1899
- Anopheles swahilicus Gillies, 1964
- Anopheles symesi Edwards, 1928
- Anopheles takasagoensis Morishita, 1946
- Anopheles tasmaniensis Dobrotworsky, 1966
- Anopheles tchekedii De Meillon and Leeson, 1940
- Anopheles tenebrosus Dönitz, 1902
- Anopheles tessellatus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles theileri Edwards, 1912
- Anopheles theobaldi Giles, 1901
- Anopheles thomasi Shannon, 1933
- Anopheles tibiamaculatus (Neiva, 1906)
- Anopheles tigertti Scanlon and Peyton, 1967
- Anopheles torresiensis Schmidt, 2001
- Anopheles triannulatus (Neiva and Pinto, 1922)
- Anopheles trinkae Faran, 1979
- Anopheles turkhudi Liston, 1901
- Anopheles umbrosus (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles vagus Dönitz, 1902
- Anopheles vanderwulpi Towson and Harbach, 2013
- Anopheles vaneedeni Gillies and Coetzee, 1987
- Anopheles vanhoofi Wanson and Lebied, 1945
- Anopheles vanus Walker, 1859
- Anopheles vargasi Gabaldón, Cova García and López, 1941
- Anopheles varuna Iyengar, 1924
- Anopheles vernus Gillies and De Meillon, 1968
- Anopheles veruslanei Vargas, 1979
- Anopheles vestitipennis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Anopheles vietnamensis Nguyen, Tran and Nguyen, 1993
- Anopheles vinckei De Meillon, 1942
- Anopheles walkeri Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles walravensi Edwards, 1930
- Anopheles watsonii (Leicester, 1908)
- Anopheles wejchoochotei Taai and Harbach, 2015
- Anopheles wellcomei Theobald, 1904
- Anopheles wellingtonianus Alcock, 1912
- Anopheles whartoni Reid, 1963
- Anopheles willmori (James, 1903)
- Anopheles wilsoni Evans, 1934
- Anopheles xelajuensis de Leon, 1938
- Anopheles xui X. Dong, Zhou, L. Dong and Mao, 2007
- Anopheles yaeyamaensis Somboon and Harbach, 2010
- Anopheles ziemanni Grünberg, 1902
- Armigeres alkatirii Toma, Miyagi and Syafruddin, 1995
- Armigeres annulipalpis (Theobald, 1910)
- Armigeres annulitarsis (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres apoensis Bohart and Farner, 1944
- Armigeres aureolineatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres azurini Basio, 1971
- Armigeres baisasi Stone and Thurman, 1958
- Armigeres balteatus Macdonald, 1960
- Armigeres bhayungi Thurman and Thurman, 1958
- Armigeres breinli (Taylor, 1914)
- Armigeres candelabrifer Brug, 1939
- Armigeres cingulatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres confusus Edwards, 1915
- Armigeres conjungens Edwards, 1914
- Armigeres denbesteni Brug, 1925
- Armigeres dentatus Barraud, 1927
- Armigeres digitatus (Edwards, 1914)
- Armigeres dolichocephalus (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres durhami Edwards, 1917
- Armigeres ejercitoi Baisas, 1935
- Armigeres fimbriatus Edwards, 1930
- Armigeres flavus (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres foliatus Brug, 1931
- Armigeres giveni Edwards, 1926
- Armigeres hybridus Edwards, 1914
- Armigeres inchoatus Barraud, 1927
- Armigeres joloensis (Ludlow, 1904)
- Armigeres jugraensis (Leicester, 1908)
- Armigeres kesseli Ramalingam, 1987
- Armigeres kinabaluensis Ramalingam, 1972
- Armigeres kuchingensis Edwards, 1915
- Armigeres lacuum Edwards, 1922
- Armigeres laoensis Toma and Miyagi, 2003
- Armigeres lepidocoxitus X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 1995
- Armigeres longipalpis (Leicester, 1904)
- Armigeres magnus (Theobald, 1908)
- Armigeres mahantai Bhattacharyya, Prakash, Mohapatra and Sarma, 2009
- Armigeres maiae Edwards, 1917
- Armigeres malayi (Theobald, 1901)
- Armigeres manalangi Baisas, 1935
- Armigeres maximus Edwards, 1922
- Armigeres menglaensis X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 2002
- Armigeres milnensis Lee, 1944
- Armigeres moultoni Edwards, 1914
- Armigeres obturbans (Walker, 1859)
- Armigeres omissus (Edwards, 1914)
- Armigeres pallithorax X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 2004
- Armigeres papuensis Peters, 1963
- Armigeres pectinatus (Edwards, 1914)
- Armigeres pendulus (Edwards, 1914)
- Armigeres sembeli Toma and Miyagi, 2002
- Armigeres seticoxitus Luh and Li, 1981
- Armigeres setifer Delfinado, 1966
- Armigeres subalbatus (Coquillett, 1898)
- Armigeres theobaldi Barraud, 1934
- Armigeres traubi Macdonald, 1960
- Armigeres vimoli Thurman and Thurman, 1958
- Armigeres yunnanensis X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 1995
- Bironella confusa Bonne-Wepster, 1951
- Bironella derooki Soesilo and van Slooten, 1931
- Bironella gracilis Theobald, 1905
- Bironella hollandi Taylor, 1934
- Bironella obscura Tenorio, 1975
- Bironella papuae (Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920)
- Bironella simmondsi Tenorio, 1977
- Bironella travestita (Brug, 1928)
- Chagasia ablusa Harbach, 2009
- Chagasia bathana (Dyar, 1928)
- Chagasia bonneae Root, 1927
- Chagasia fajardi (Lutz, 1904)
- Chagasia rozeboomi Causey, L. Deane and M. Deane, 1944
- Coquillettidia albicosta (Chagas in Peryassú, 1908)
- Coquillettidia albifera (Prado, 1931)
- Coquillettidia annettii (Theobald, 1901)
- Coquillettidia arribalzagae (Theobald, 1903)
- Coquillettidia aurata (Dobrotworsky, 1962)
- Coquillettidia aurea (Edwards, 1915)
- Coquillettidia aureosquammata (Ludlow, 1909)
- Coquillettidia aurites (Theobald, 1901)
- Coquillettidia buxtoni (Edwards, 1923)
- Coquillettidia chrysonotum (Peryassú, 1922)
- Coquillettidia chrysosoma (Edwards, 1915)
- Coquillettidia crassipes (van der Wulp, 1881)
- Coquillettidia cristata (Theobald, 1904)
- Coquillettidia fasciolata (Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891)
- Coquillettidia fijiensis (Belkin, 1962)
- Coquillettidia flavocincta (Edwards, 1936)
- Coquillettidia fraseri (Theobald, 1911)
- Coquillettidia fuscopennata (Theobald, 1903)
- Coquillettidia fuscopteron (Theobald, 1911)
- Coquillettidia giblini (Taylor, 1914)
- Coquillettidia grandidieri (Blanchard, 1905)
- Coquillettidia hermanoi (Lane and Coutinho, 1940)
- Coquillettidia hodgkini (Wharton, 1962)
- Coquillettidia iracunda (Walker, 1848)
- Coquillettidia juxtamansonia (Chagas, 1907)
- Coquillettidia karandalaensis (Wolfs, 1951)
- Coquillettidia linealis (Skuse, 1889)
- Coquillettidia lutea (Belkin, 1962)
- Coquillettidia lynchi (Shannon, 1931)
- Coquillettidia maculipennis (Theobald, 1911)
- Coquillettidia memorans (Bonne-Wepster, 1930)
- Coquillettidia metallica (Theobald, 1901)
- Coquillettidia microannulata (Theobald, 1911)
- Coquillettidia neivai (Lane and Coutinho, 1940)
- Coquillettidia nigricans (Coquillett, 1904)
- Coquillettidia nigritarsis (Wolfs, 1958)
- Coquillettidia nigrithorax (Theobald, 1910)
- Coquillettidia nigrochracea (Bonne-Wepster, 1930)
- Coquillettidia nigrosignata (Edwards, 1917)
- Coquillettidia nitens (Cerqueira, 1943)
- Coquillettidia novochracea (Barraud, 1927)
- Coquillettidia ochracea (Theobald, 1903)
- Coquillettidia perturbans (Walker, 1856)
- Coquillettidia pseudoconopas (Theobald, 1910)
- Coquillettidia richiardii (Ficalbi, 1889)
- Coquillettidia rochei (Doucet, 1951)
- Coquillettidia samoaensis Stone, 1966
- Coquillettidia saotomensis Lien, Lin, Lin and Tseng, 2008
- Coquillettidia schoutedeni (Wolfs, 1948)
- Coquillettidia shannoni (Lane and Antunes, 1937)
- Coquillettidia tenuipalpis (Edwards, 1924)
- Coquillettidia vanoyei (Wolfs, 1948)
- Coquillettidia variegata (Dobrotworsky, 1962)
- Coquillettidia venezuelensis (Theobald, 1912)
- Coquillettidia versicolor (Edwards, 1913)
- Coquillettidia voltaensis (Danilov, 1982)
- Coquillettidia wahlbergi (Edwards, 1936)
- Coquillettidia xanthogaster (Edwards, 1924)
- Culex abnormalis Lane, 1936
- Culex abominator Dyar and Knab, 1909
- Culex abonnenci Clastrier, 1970
- Culex accelerans Root, 1927
- Culex acharistus Root, 1927
- Culex acrostichalis Edwards, 1941
- Culex aculeatus Colless, 1965
- Culex acutipalus Colless, 1965
- Culex adairi Kirkpatrick, 1926
- Culex adamesi Sirivanakarn and Galindo, 1980
- Culex adami (Hamon and Mouchet, 1955)
- Culex adersianus Edwards, 1941
- Culex aestivus Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex airozai Lane, 1945
- Culex akritos Forattini and Sallum, 1995
- Culex alani Forattini, 1965
- Culex albertianus Edwards, 1941
- Culex albinensis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex albinervis Edwards, 1929
- Culex albipes Lutz, 1904
- Culex albiventris Edwards, 1922
- Culex alcocki Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex aliciae Duret, 1953
- Culex alienus Colless, 1957
- Culex alinkios Sallum and Hutchings, 2003
- Culex alis Theobald, 1903
- Culex alogistus Dyar, 1918
- Culex alorensis Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex alphus Colless, 1965
- Culex amaniensis van Someren and Hamon, 1964
- Culex amazonensis (Lutz, 1905)
- Culex ameliae Casal, 1967
- Culex amitis Komp, 1936
- Culex andersoni Edwards, 1914
- Culex andreanus Edwards, 1927
- Culex andricus Root, 1927
- Culex anduzei Cerqueira and Lane, 1944
- Culex anips Dyar, 1916
- Culex annulioris Theobald, 1901
- Culex annulirostris Skuse, 1889
- Culex annuliventris (Blanchard, 1852)
- Culex annulus Theobald, 1901
- Culex anoplicitus Forattini and Sallum, 1989
- Culex antennatus (Becker, 1903)
- Culex antillummagnorum Dyar, 1928
- Culex antunesi Lane and Whitman, 1943
- Culex aphylactus Root, 1927
- Culex aphyllus Talaga in Talaga et al., 2020
- Culex apicalis Adams, 1903
- Culex apicinus Philippi, 1865
- Culex apicopilosus Cornel and Mayi in Cornel et al., 2020
- Culex aquarius Strickman, 1990
- Culex arawak Berlin, 1969
- Culex arbieeni Salem, 1938
- Culex arboricolus Galindo and Mendez, 1961
- Culex archegus Dyar, 1929
- Culex argenteopunctatus (Ventrillon, 1905)
- Culex arizonensis Bohart, 1949
- Culex articularis Philippi, 1865
- Culex asteliae Belkin, 1968
- Culex astridianus De Meillon, 1942
- Culex atracus Colless, 1960
- Culex atratus Theobald, 1901
- Culex atriceps Edwards, 1926
- Culex aurantapex Edwards, 1914
- Culex aureonotatus Duret and Barreto, 1956
- Culex aureus Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex australicus Dobrotworsky and Drummond, 1953
- Culex avianus De Meillon, 1943
- Culex axillicolus Steffan, 1979
- Culex azurini Toma, Miyagi and Cabrera, 1984
- Culex azymus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex babahoyensis Leví-Castillo, 1953
- Culex bahamensis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex bahiensis Duret, 1969
- Culex bahri (Edwards, 1914)
- Culex bailyi Barraud, 1934
- Culex baisasi Sirivanakarn, 1972
- Culex bamborum Rozeboom and Komp, 1948
- Culex bandoengensis Brug, 1939
- Culex banksensis Maffi and Tenorio, 1977
- Culex barraudi Edwards, 1922
- Culex barrinus Bram, 1967
- Culex bastagarius Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex batesi Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex becki Belkin, 1962
- Culex bejaranoi Duret, 1953
- Culex belemensis Duret and Damasceno, 1955
- Culex belkini Stone and Penn, 1948
- Culex bengalensis Barraud, 1934
- Culex bequaerti Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Culex bergi Belkin, 1962
- Culex beta Séguy, 1924
- Culex bhutanensis Somboon, Namgay and Harbach in Somboon et al., 2021
- Culex bicki Stone and Penn, 1947
- Culex bickleyi Forattini, 1965
- Culex bicornutus (Theobald, 1910)
- Culex bidens Dyar, 1922
- Culex bifoliolatus Duret and Barreto, 1956
- Culex bihaicolus Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1928
- Culex bihamatus Edwards, 1926
- Culex bilineatus Theobald, 1903
- Culex binigrolineatus Knight and Rozeboom, 1945
- Culex biscaynensis Zavortink and O'Meara, 1999
- Culex bisulcatus (Coquillett, 1906)
- Culex bitaeniorhynchus Giles, 1901
- Culex boharti Brookman and Reeves, 1950
- Culex bokorensis Klein and Sirivanakarn, 1970
- Culex bolii Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex boninensis Bohart, 1957
- Culex bonneae Dyar and Knab, 1919
- Culex bonnei Dyar, 1921
- Culex bougainvillensis Steffan, 1979
- Culex brachiatus Hutchings and Sallum, 2008
- Culex brami Forattini, Rabello and Lopes, 1967
- Culex brenguesi Brunhes and Ravaonjanahary, 1973
- Culex brethesi Dyar, 1919
- Culex breviculus Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Culex brevipalpis (Giles, 1902)
- Culex brevipalpus (Theobald, 1905)
- Culex brevispinosus Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex browni Komp, 1936
- Culex brumpti Galliard, 1931
- Culex bukavuensis Wolfs, 1947
- Culex buxtoni Edwards, 1926
- Culex cairnsensis (Taylor, 1919)
- Culex calabarensis Edwards, 1941
- Culex calurus Edwards, 1935
- Culex cambournaci Hamon and Gandara, 1955
- Culex campilunati Carter and Wijesundara, 1948
- Culex camposi Dyar, 1925
- Culex canaanensis Lane and Whitman, 1943
- Culex carcinophilus Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex carcinoxenus de Oliveira Castro, 1932
- Culex caribeanus Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex carioca Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex carleti Brunhes and Ravaonjanahary, 1971
- Culex carolinensis Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Culex castaneus Sirivanakarn, 1973
- Culex castelli Hamon, 1957
- Culex castor De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944
- Culex castrensis Edwards, 1922
- Culex castroi Casal and García, 1967
- Culex cataractarum Edwards, 1923
- Culex cauchensis Floch and Abonnenc, 1945
- Culex caudatus Clastrier, 1970
- Culex caudelli (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Culex cedecei Stone and Hair, 1968
- Culex ceramensis Sirivanakarn and Kurihara, 1973
- Culex cerqueirai Valencia, 1973
- Culex chaetoventralis (Theobald, 1910)
- Culex chaguanco Casal, García and Fernández, 1968
- Culex changuinolae Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex chauveti Brunhes and Rambelo, 1968
- Culex cheesmanae Mattingly and Marks, 1955
- Culex cheni X. Dong, Wang and Lu, 2003
- Culex chidesteri Dyar, 1921
- Culex chitae Duret, 1967
- Culex chorleyi Edwards, 1941
- Culex christiani Colless, 1960
- Culex chryselatus Dyar and Knab, 1919
- Culex cinctellus Edwards, 1922
- Culex cinerellus Edwards, 1922
- Culex cinereus Theobald, 1901
- Culex clarki Evans, 1924
- Culex clastrieri Casal and García, 1968
- Culex coerulescens Edwards, 1928
- Culex collessi Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex columnaris Sá and Hutchings in Sá et al., 2020
- Culex comatus Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Culex commevynensis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex comminutor Dyar, 1920
- Culex comorensis Brunhes, 1977
- Culex comptus Sá and Sallum in Sá et al., 2020
- Culex confundior Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex conservator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex consolator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex conspirator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex contei Duret, 1968
- Culex coppenamensis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex corentynensis Dyar, 1920
- Culex corniger Theobald, 1903
- Culex cornutus Edwards, 1922
- Culex coronator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex corrigani Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Culex cottlei Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex covagarciai Forattini, 1965
- Culex crassicomus Colless, 1965
- Culex crassistylus Brug, 1934
- Culex creole Anduze, 1949
- Culex crinicauda Edwards, 1921
- Culex cristovaoi Duret, 1968
- Culex crowei Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex crybda Dyar, 1924
- Culex cubiculi Marks, 1989
- Culex cubitatus Colless, 1965
- Culex curtipalpis (Edwards, 1914)
- Culex curvibrachius Angulo, 1993
- Culex cuyanus Duret, 1968
- Culex cylindricus Theobald, 1903
- Culex damascenoi Duret, 1969
- Culex daumastocampa Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Culex davisi Kumm, 1933
- Culex decens Theobald, 1901
- Culex declarator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex delfinadoae Sirivanakarn, 1973
- Culex delpontei Duret, 1969
- Culex delys Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1915
- Culex demeilloni Doucet, 1950
- Culex demissus Colless, 1965
- Culex derivator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex deserticola Kirkpatrick, 1925
- Culex diamphidius Peyton and Harbach, 1991
- Culex diengensis Brug, 1931
- Culex digoelensis Brug, 1932
- Culex diplophyllum Dyar, 1929
- Culex dispectus Bram, 1966
- Culex distinguendus Dyar, 1928
- Culex dohenyi Hogue, 1975
- Culex dolichophyllus Clastrier, 1970
- Culex dolosus (Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891)
- Culex douglasi Dobrotworsky, 1956
- Culex dubitans Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex dumbletoni Belkin, 1962
- Culex dunni Dyar, 1918
- Culex duplicator Dyar and Knab, 1909
- Culex dureti Casal and García, 1968
- Culex durhami Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex duttoni Theobald, 1901
- Culex dyius Root, 1927
- Culex eastor Dyar, 1920
- Culex eduardoi Casal and García, 1968
- Culex educator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex edwardsi Barraud, 1923
- Culex egcymon Dyar, 1923
- Culex eknomios Forattini and Sallum, 1992
- Culex eldridgei Adames and Galindo, 1973
- Culex elephas Komp, 1936
- Culex elevator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex elongatus Rozeboom and Komp, 1950
- Culex eminentia (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex ensiformis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex eouzani Geoffroy, 1971
- Culex epanastasis Dyar, 1922
- Culex epidesmus (Theobald, 1910)
- Culex equinoxialis Floch and Abonnenc, 1945
- Culex erethyzonfer Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex ernanii Duret, 1968
- Culex ernsti Anduze, 1949
- Culex erraticus (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Culex erythrothorax Dyar, 1907
- Culex eukrines Bram and Rattanarithikul, 1967
- Culex europaeus da Cunha Ramos, Ribeiro and Harrison, 2003
- Culex evansae Root, 1927
- Culex exedrus Root, 1927
- Culex fairchildi Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex fasyi Baisas, 1938
- Culex faurani Duret, 1968
- Culex femineus Edwards, 1926
- Culex fergusoni (Taylor, 1914)
- Culex fernandezi Casal, García and Cavalieri, 1966
- Culex ferreri Duret, 1968
- Culex fimbriforceps Edwards, 1935
- Culex flabellifer Komp, 1936
- Culex flavicornis Barraud, 1924
- Culex flochi Duret, 1969
- Culex foliaceus Lane, 1945
- Culex foliafer Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex foliatus Brug, 1932
- Culex fragilis Ludlow, 1903
- Culex fraudatrix (Theobald, 1905)
- Culex fulleri (Ludlow, 1909)
- Culex furlongi van Someren, 1954
- Culex fuscicinctus King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Culex fuscocephala Theobald, 1907
- Culex gagnei Evenhuis, 1989
- Culex gairus Root, 1927
- Culex galindoi Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex galliardi Edwards, 1941
- Culex galvaoi Duret, 1968
- Culex gameti Bailly-Choumara, 1966
- Culex gamma Séguy, 1924
- Culex ganapathi Colless, 1965
- Culex garcesi Duret, 1968
- Culex garciai Broche, 2000
- Culex garioui Bailly-Choumara and Rickenbach, 1966
- Culex gaudeator Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Culex gaufini Belkin, 1962
- Culex gelidus Theobald, 1901
- Culex geminus Colless, 1955
- Culex germaini Geoffroy, 1974
- Culex gibbulus Delfinado, 1966
- Culex giganteus Ventrillon, 1906
- Culex gilliesi Hamon and van Someren, 1961
- Culex globocoxitus Dobrotworsky, 1953
- Culex glyptosalpinx Harbach, Peyton and Harrison, 1984
- Culex gnomatos Sallum, Hutchings, Leila and Ferreira, 1997
- Culex gossi Bohart, 1957
- Culex gracicornis Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex grahamii Theobald, 1910
- Culex grenieri Eouzan, 1969
- Culex gressitti Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex guayasi Leví-Castillo, 1953
- Culex guedesi da Silva Mattos and Xavier, 1991
- Culex guerreroi Cova García, Sutil and Pulido, 1971
- Culex guiarti Blanchard, 1905
- Culex guizhouensis Chen and Zhao, 1985
- Culex guyanensis Clastrier, 1970
- Culex habilitator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex hackeri Edwards, 1923
- Culex hainanensis Chen, 1977
- Culex hamoni Brunhes, Adam and Bailly-Choumara, 1967
- Culex hancocki Edwards, 1930
- Culex harleyi Peters, 1955
- Culex harrisoni Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex hayashii (Yamada, 1917)
- Culex hedys Root, 1927
- Culex helenae Brunhes, Adam and Bailly-Choumara, 1967
- Culex hepperi Casal and García, 1967
- Culex herrerai Sutil Oramas, Pulido and Amarista, 1987
- Culex hewitti (Edwards, 1914)
- Culex hilli Edwards, 1922
- Culex hinglungensis Chu, 1957
- Culex hirtipalpis Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex hopkinsi Edwards, 1932
- Culex horridus Edwards, 1922
- Culex hortensis Ficalbi, 1889
- Culex huangae Meng, 1958
- Culex hurlbuti Belkin, 1962
- Culex hutchinsoni Barraud, 1924
- Culex idottus Dyar, 1920
- Culex ikelos Forattini and Sallum, 1995
- Culex imitator Theobald, 1903
- Culex impostor Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex impudicus Ficalbi, 1890
- Culex inadmirabilis Dyar, 1928
- Culex inatomii Kamimura and Wada, 1974
- Culex incognitus Baisas, 1938
- Culex incomptus Bram and Rattanarithikul, 1967
- Culex inconspicuosus (Theobald, 1908)
- Culex inculus Colless, 1965
- Culex inextricabilis Talaga in Talaga et al., 2020
- Culex infantulus Edwards, 1922
- Culex inflictus Theobald, 1901
- Culex infoliatus Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex infula Theobald, 1901
- Culex ingrami Edwards, 1916
- Culex inhibitator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex inimitabilis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex innovator Evans, 1924
- Culex inornatus (Theobald, 1905)
- Culex insequens Marks, 1989
- Culex insigniforceps Clastrier and Claustre, 1978
- Culex insignis (Carter, 1911)
- Culex insularis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex interfor Dyar, 1928
- Culex intermedius Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex interrogator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex intonsus Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex intrincatus Brèthes, 1916
- Culex invidiosus Theobald, 1901
- Culex invocator Pazos, 1908
- Culex iolambdis Dyar, 1918
- Culex iphis Barraud, 1924
- Culex iridescens (Lutz, 1905)
- Culex isabelae Duret, 1968
- Culex iyengaryi Mattingly and Rageau, 1958
- Culex jacksoni Edwards, 1934
- Culex jalisco Berlin, 1974
- Culex janitor Theobald, 1903
- Culex javanensis Bonne-Wepster, 1934
- Culex jefferyi Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex jenningsi Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Culex jenseni (de Meijere, 1910)
- Culex jocasta Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex johni Cova García, Pulido and Escalante de Ugueto, 1979
- Culex johnnyi Duret, 1968
- Culex johnsoni Galindo and Mendez, 1961
- Culex josephineae Baisas, 1935
- Culex jubifer Komp and Brown, 1935
- Culex judaicus Edwards, 1926
- Culex kanyamwerima van Someren, 1951
- Culex katezari Karlekar, Andrew and Deshpade, 2020
- Culex kaviengensis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex kazanjii Talaga in Talaga et al., 2020
- Culex kesseli Belkin, 1962
- Culex khazani Edwards, 1922
- Culex kilara van Someren, 1951
- Culex kinabaluensis Sirivanakarn, 1976
- Culex kingianus Edwards, 1922
- Culex kiriensis Klein and Sirivanakarn, 1970
- Culex kompi Valencia, 1973
- Culex kowiroensis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex kuhnsi King and Hoogstraal, 1955
- Culex kukenan Anduze, 1942
- Culex kummi Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex kusaiensis Bohart, 1957
- Culex kyotoensis Yamaguti and LaCasse, 1952
- Culex lacertosus Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex lactator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex laffooni Belkin, 1962
- Culex lahillei Bachman and Casal, 1962
- Culex lairdi Belkin, 1962
- Culex lakei Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex lampangensis Sirivanakarn, 1973
- Culex lanei Oliveira Coutinho and Forattini, 1962
- Culex lanzaroi Cornel and Mayi in Cornel et al., 2020
- Culex laplantei (Hamon, Adam and Mouchet, 1955)
- Culex lasiopalpis Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex laticinctus Edwards, 1913
- Culex laticlasper Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex latifoliatus Delfinado, 1966
- Culex latisquama (Coquillett, 1906)
- Culex latus Dobrotworsky, 1956
- Culex laureli Baisas, 1935
- Culex lavatae Stone and Bohart, 1944
- Culex leei King and Hoogstraal, 1955
- Culex leonardi Belkin, 1962
- Culex levicastilloi Lane, 1945
- Culex liberiensis Peters, 1955
- Culex limacifer Komp, 1936
- Culex lineatus (Theobald, 1912)
- Culex litoralis Bohart, 1946
- Culex litwakae Harbach, 1985
- Culex longicornis Sirivanakarn, 1976
- Culex longisetosus Sá and Sallum in Sá et al., 2020
- Culex longistylus Sá and Sallum in Sá et al., 2020
- Culex longitubus Somboon, Namgay and Harbach in Somboon, Phanitchakun, Saingamsook, Namgay and Harbach, 2021
- Culex lopesi Sirivanakarn and Jakob, 1979
- Culex loturus Dyar, 1925
- Culex lucaris Colless, 1965
- Culex lucifugus Komp, 1936
- Culex luteopleurus (Theobald, 1903)
- Culex luzonensis Sirivanakarn, 1976
- Culex lygrus Root, 1927
- Culex macdonaldi Colless, 1965
- Culex macfiei Edwards, 1923
- Culex machadoi da Silva Mattos, da Silveira Guedes and Xavier, 1978
- Culex macrostylus Sirivanakarn and Ramalingam, 1976
- Culex madininensis Sevenet, 1936
- Culex malayensis Sirivanakarn, 1972
- Culex malayi (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex mammilifer (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex manusensis Sirivanakarn, 1975
- Culex maplei Knight and Hurlbut, 1949
- Culex maracayensis Evans, 1923
- Culex marksae King and Hoogstraal, 1955
- Culex marquesensis Stone and Rosen, 1953
- Culex martinezi Casal and García, 1968
- Culex martinii Medschid, 1930
- Culex mattinglyi Knight, 1953
- Culex mauesensis Lane, 1945
- Culex maxi Dyar, 1928
- Culex maxinocca Dyar, 1920
- Culex megafolius Chen and Dong, 1992
- Culex megaonychus Yang, Li and Chen, 1993
- Culex mesodenticulatus Galindo and Mendez, 1961
- Culex metempsytus Dyar, 1921
- Culex miaolingensis Chen, 1982
- Culex micolo Ribeiro, da Cunha Ramos, Capela and Pires, 1998
- Culex microphyllus Root, 1927
- Culex mijanae Brunhes, Adam and Bailly-Choumara, 1967
- Culex millironi Belkin, 1962
- Culex milloti Doucet, 1949
- Culex milwardi Xavier and da Silva Mattos, 1972
- Culex mimeticus Noè, 1899
- Culex mimuloides Barraud, 1924
- Culex mimulus Edwards, 1915
- Culex minjensis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex minor (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex minutissimus (Theobald, 1907)
- Culex miraculosus Bonne-Wepster, 1937
- Culex mirificus Edwards, 1913
- Culex misionensis Duret, 1953
- Culex miyagii Mogi and Toma, 1999
- Culex modestus Ficalbi, 1890
- Culex mohani Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex mollis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex mongiro van Someren, 1951
- Culex moucheti Evans, 1923
- Culex mulrennani Basham, 1948
- Culex mundulus Grünberg, 1905
- Culex murrelli Lien, 1968
- Culex muruae Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex musarum Edwards, 1932
- Culex muspratti Hamon and Lambrecht, 1959
- Culex mutator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex nailoni King and Hoogstraal, 1946
- Culex nakuruensis Mattingly, 1951
- Culex navalis Edwards, 1926
- Culex neavei Theobald, 1906
- Culex nebulosus Theobald, 1901
- Culex neglectus Lutz, 1904
- Culex nicaroensis Duret, 1967
- Culex nicceriensis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex niger (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex nigrimacula Lane and Whitman, 1943
- Culex nigripalpus Theobald, 1901
- Culex nigropunctatus Edwards, 1926
- Culex nilgiricus Edwards, 1916
- Culex ninagongoensis Edwards, 1928
- Culex obscurus (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex ocellatus Theobald, 1903
- Culex ocossa Dyar and Knab, 1919
- Culex oedipus Root, 1927
- Culex okinawae Bohart, 1953
- Culex olimpioi Xavier, da Silva and da Silva Mattos, 1970
- Culex omani Belkin, 1962
- Culex orbostiensis Dobrotworsky, 1958
- Culex oresbius Harbach and Rattanarithikul, 1988
- Culex orfilai Duret, 1953
- Culex orientalis Edwards, 1921
- Culex originator Gordon and Evans, 1922
- Culex ornatothoracis Theobald, 1909
- Culex orstom Brunhes, Adam and Bailly-Choumara, 1967
- Culex otachati Klein and Sirivanakarn, 1970
- Culex ousqua Dyar, 1918
- Culex oweni Belkin, 1962
- Culex pacificus Edwards, 1916
- Culex pairoji Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex pajoti da Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro, 1982
- Culex palaciosi Duret, 1968
- Culex pallidiceps (Theobald, 1905)
- Culex pallidothorax Theobald, 1905
- Culex palpalis Taylor, 1912
- Culex pandani Brunhes, 1969
- Culex panocossa Dyar, 1923
- Culex papuensis (Taylor, 1914)
- Culex paracrybda Komp, 1936
- Culex paraculeatus Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex paramaxi Duret, 1968
- Culex pavlovskyi Casal and García, 1967
- Culex peccator Dyar and Knab, 1909
- Culex pedicellus King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Culex pedroi Sirivanakarn and Belkin, 1980
- Culex penai Sirivanakarn, 1979
- Culex perexiguus Theobald, 1903
- Culex pereyrai Duret, 1967
- Culex perfidiosus Edwards, 1914
- Culex perfuscus Edwards, 1914
- Culex peringueyi Edwards, 1924
- Culex perkinsi Stone and Penn, 1948
- Culex perplexus Ludlow, 1907
- Culex perryi Belkin, 1962
- Culex pervigilans von Bergroth, 1889
- Culex petersi Colless, 1960
- Culex peytoni Bram and Rattanarithikul, 1967
- Culex phangngae Sirivanakarn, 1972
- Culex philipi Edwards, 1929
- Culex philippinensis Sirivanakarn, 1976
- Culex phlabistus Dyar, 1920
- Culex phlogistus Dyar, 1920
- Culex pholeter Bram and Rattanarithikul, 1967
- Culex phyllados Hutchings and Sallum, 2008
- Culex pifanoi Anduze, 1949
- Culex pilifemoralis Wang and Feng, 1964
- Culex pilosus (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Culex pinarocampa Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Culex pipiens Linnaeus, 1758
- Culex plectoporpe Root, 1927
- Culex pleuristriatus Theobald, 1903
- Culex plicatus Olivares, 1993
- Culex pluvialis Barraud, 1924
- Culex poicilipes (Theobald, 1903)
- Culex portesi Senevet and Abonnenc, 1941
- Culex postpiraculosus Lee, 1944
- Culex productus Sevenet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Culex propinquus Colless, 1955
- Culex prosecutor Séguy, 1927
- Culex pruina Theobald, 1901
- Culex psatharus Dyar, 1920
- Culex pseudoandreanus Bailly-Choumara, 1966
- Culex pseudojanthinosoma Sevenet and Abonnenc, 1946
- Culex pseudomelanoconia Theobald, 1907
- Culex pseudopruina van Someren, 1951
- Culex pseudornatus Colless, 1960
- Culex pseudorubithoracis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex pseudosinensis Colless, 1955
- Culex pseudostigmatosoma Strickman, 1990
- Culex pseudosubaequalis Cornel and Mayi in Cornel et al., 2020
- Culex pseudovishnui Colless, 1957
- Culex pulidoi Cova-García and Sutil, 1974
- Culex pullus Theobald, 1905
- Culex punctiscapularis Floch and Abonnenc, 1946
- Culex pusillus Macquart, 1850
- Culex putumayensis Matheson, 1934
- Culex quadrifoliatus Komp, 1936
- Culex quadripalpis (Edwards, 1914)
- Culex quasiguiarti Theobald, 1910
- Culex quasihibridus Galindo and Blanton, 1954
- Culex quasioriginator Duret, 1972
- Culex quettensis Mattingly, 1955
- Culex quinquefasciatus Say, 1823
- Culex quintetti Brunhes, Adam and Bailly-Choumara, 1967
- Culex quitensis Leví-Castillo, 1953
- Culex rabanicolus Floch and Abonnenc, 1946
- Culex rabelloi Forattini and Sallum, 1987
- Culex rachoui Duret, 1968
- Culex raghavanii Rahman, Chowdhury and Kalra, 1969
- Culex rajah Tsukamoto, 1989
- Culex rajaneeae Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex ramakrishnii Wattal and Kalra, 1965
- Culex ramalingami Sirivanakarn, 1973
- Culex rausseoi Cova García, Sutil and Pulido, 1972
- Culex reducens Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex reevesi Wirth, 1948
- Culex reginae Floch and Fauran, 1955
- Culex reidi Colless, 1965
- Culex rejector Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex renatoi Lane and Ramalho, 1960
- Culex restrictor Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex restuans Theobald, 1901
- Culex ribeirensis Forattini and Sallum, 1985
- Culex richardgarciai Jeffery, Oothuman and Rudnick, 1987
- Culex richei Klein, 1970
- Culex richeti Brunhes and Venard, 1966
- Culex rima Theobald, 1901
- Culex riojanus Duret, 1968
- Culex romeroi Surcouf and Gonzalez-Rincones, 1912
- Culex ronderosi de Linero, 1967
- Culex rooti Rozeboom, 1935
- Culex rorotaensis Floch and Abonnenc, 1946
- Culex roseni Belkin, 1962
- Culex rotoruae Belkin, 1968
- Culex rubensis Sasa and Takahashi, 1948
- Culex rubinotus Theobald, 1906
- Culex rubithoracis (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex ruthae Peters, 1958
- Culex ryukyensis Bohart, 1946
- Culex sacchettae Sirivanakarn and Jakob, 1982
- Culex salinarius Coquillett, 1904
- Culex salisburiensis Theobald, 1901
- Culex saltanensis Dyar, 1928
- Culex samoaensis (Theobald, 1914)
- Culex sandrae Berlin, 1969
- Culex sangengluoensis Wang, 1984
- Culex saramaccensis Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex sardinerae Fox, 1953
- Culex sasai Kano, Nitahara and Awaya, 1954
- Culex scanloni Bram, 1967
- Culex scheuberi Carpintero and Leguizamón, 2004
- Culex schicki Berlin, 1969
- Culex schilfgaardei Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex schwetzi Edwards, 1929
- Culex scimitar Branch and Seabrook, 1959
- Culex scottii Theobald, 1912
- Culex sechani Brunhes and Boussés, 2009
- Culex secundus Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920
- Culex secutor Theobald, 1901
- Culex sedlacekae Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex selai Klein and Sirivanakarn, 1970
- Culex selangorensis Sirivanakarn, 1976
- Culex seldeslachtsi Wolfs, 1947
- Culex semibrunneus Edwards, 1927
- Culex seniori Barraud, 1934
- Culex serratimarge Root, 1927
- Culex seyrigi Edwards, 1941
- Culex shanahani Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex shebbearei Barraud, 1924
- Culex shoae Hamon and Ovazza, 1954
- Culex shopei Forattini and Toda, 1966
- Culex silvai Duret, 1968
- Culex simplicicornis Edwards, 1930
- Culex simpliciforceps Edwards, 1941
- Culex simpsoni Theobald, 1905
- Culex simulator Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex sinaiticus Kirkpatrick, 1925
- Culex sinensis Theobald, 1903
- Culex singhbhumensis Natarajan and Rajavel, 2009
- Culex singuawaensis Sirivanakarn, 1969
- Culex siphanulatus Lourenço-de-Oliveira and da Silva, 1987
- Culex sitiens Wiedemann, 1828
- Culex solitarius Bonne-Wepster, 1938
- Culex solomonis Edwards, 1929
- Culex soperi Antunes and Lane, 1937
- Culex spathifurca (Edwards, 1915)
- Culex spathulatus Forattini and Sallum, 1987
- Culex sphinx Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Culex spiculostylus Chen, 1989
- Culex spiculosus Bram and Rattanarithikul, 1967
- Culex spinifer Sá and Sallum in Sá et al., 2020
- Culex spinosus Lutz, 1905
- Culex spissipes (Theobald, 1903)
- Culex squamosus (Taylor, 1914)
- Culex starckeae Stone and Knight, 1958
- Culex steffani Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex stellatus van Someren, 1947
- Culex stenolepis Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Culex stigmatosoma Dyar, 1907
- Culex stonei Lane and Whitman, 1943
- Culex striatipes Edwards, 1941
- Culex subaequalis Edwards, 1941
- Culex submarginalis Sirivanakarn, 1973
- Culex subrima Edwards, 1941
- Culex subsalisburiensis Hervé and Geoffroy, 1974
- Culex summorosus Dyar, 1920
- Culex sunyaniensis Edwards, 1941
- Culex surinamensis Dyar, 1918
- Culex sursumptor Dyar, 1924
- Culex sutili Cova García and Pulido, 1974
- Culex symbletos Sallum and Hutchings, 2003
- Culex szemaonensis Wang and Feng, 1964
- Culex taeniopus Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Culex tamsi Edwards, 1934
- Culex tarsalis Coquillett, 1896
- Culex tatoi Casal and García, 1971
- Culex tauffliebi Geoffroy and Hervé, 1976
- Culex tecmarsis Dyar, 1918
- Culex telesilla De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1945
- Culex tenagius van Someren, 1954
- Culex tenuipalpis Barraud, 1924
- Culex terebor Dyar, 1920
- Culex termi Thurman, 1955
- Culex territans Walker, 1856
- Culex terzii Edwards, 1941
- Culex thalassius Theobald, 1903
- Culex theileri Theobald, 1903
- Culex theobaldi (Lutz, 1904)
- Culex thriambus Dyar, 1921
- Culex thurmanorum Bram, 1967
- Culex tianpingensis Chen, 1981
- Culex toroensis Edwards and Gibbins, 1939
- Culex torrentium Martini, 1925
- Culex tournieri Sevenet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Culex toviiensis Klein, Rivière and Séchan, 1984
- Culex tramazayguesi Duret, 1954
- Culex traubi Colless, 1965
- Culex tricuspis Edwards, 1930
- Culex trifidus Dyar, 1921
- Culex trifilatus Edwards, 1914
- Culex trifoliatus Edwards, 1914
- Culex trigeminatus Clastrier, 1970
- Culex trilobulatus Duret and Barreto, 1956
- Culex trisetosus Fauran, 1961
- Culex tritaeniorhynchus Giles, 1901
- Culex tsengi Lien, 1968
- Culex tuberis Bohart, 1946
- Culex umbripes Edwards, 1941
- Culex uncinatus Delfinado, 1966
- Culex unicornis Root, 1928
- Culex uniformis (Theobald, 1905)
- Culex univittatus Theobald, 1901
- Culex urichii (Coquillett, 1906)
- Culex usquatissimus Dyar, 1922
- Culex usquatus Dyar, 1918
- Culex vagans Wiedemann, 1828
- Culex vansomereni Edwards, 1926
- Culex variatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Culex vattieri Geoffroy, 1971
- Culex vaxus Dyar, 1920
- Culex ventrilloni Edwards, 1920
- Culex versabilis Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex verutus Harbach, 1987
- Culex vexillifer Komp, 1936
- Culex vicinus (Taylor, 1916)
- Culex vinckei Hamon, Holstein and Rivola, 1957
- Culex viridiventer Giles, 1901
- Culex vishnui Theobald, 1901
- Culex vomerifer Komp, 1932
- Culex walukasi Belkin, 1962
- Culex wamanguae Sirivanakarn, 1968
- Culex wannonii Cova-García and Sutil, 1976
- Culex wansoni Wolfs, 1945
- Culex wardi Sirivanakarn, 1977
- Culex watti Edwards, 1920
- Culex wepsterae Komp and Rozeboom, 1951
- Culex weschei Edwards, 1935
- Culex whartoni Colless, 1965
- Culex whitei Barraud, 1923
- Culex whitmorei (Giles, 1904)
- Culex whittingtoni Belkin, 1962
- Culex wigglesworthi Edwards, 1941
- Culex wilfredi Colless, 1965
- Culex wilsoni Lane and Whitman, 1943
- Culex winkleri Belkin, 1962
- Culex worontzowi Pessoa and Galvão, 1936
- Culex xenophobus Ronderos, 1965
- Culex yaoi Tung, 1955
- Culex ybarmis Dyar, 1920
- Culex yeageri Baisas, 1935
- Culex yojoae Strickman, 1990
- Culex zeteki Dyar, 1918
- Culex zombaensis Theobald, 1901
- Culiseta alaskaensis (Ludlow, 1906)
- Culiseta amurensis Maslov, 1964
- Culiseta annulata (Schrank, 1776)
- Culiseta antipodea Dobrotworsky, 1962
- Culiseta arenivaga Marks, 1968
- Culiseta atlantica (Edwards, 1932)
- Culiseta atra (Lee, 1944)
- Culiseta bergrothi (Edwards, 1921)
- Culiseta drummondi (Dobrotworsky, 1960)
- Culiseta fraseri (Edwards, 1914)
- Culiseta frenchii (Theobald, 1901)
- Culiseta fumipennis (Stephens, 1825)
- Culiseta glaphyroptera (Schiner, 1864)
- Culiseta hilli (Edwards, 1926)
- Culiseta impatiens (Walker, 1848)
- Culiseta incidens (Thomson, 1869)
- Culiseta inconspicua (Lee, 1937)
- Culiseta inornata (Williston, 1893)
- Culiseta litorea (Shute, 1928)
- Culiseta littleri (Taylor, 1914)
- Culiseta longiareolata (Macquart, 1838)
- Culiseta marchettei García, Jeffery and Rudnick, 1969
- Culiseta megaloba Luh, Chao and Xu, 1974
- Culiseta melanura (Coquillett, 1902)
- Culiseta minnesotae Barr, 1957
- Culiseta morsitans (Theobald, 1901)
- Culiseta nipponica La Casse and Yamaguti, 1950
- Culiseta niveitaeniata (Theobald, 1907)
- Culiseta novaezealandiae Pillai, 1966
- Culiseta ochroptera (Peus, 1935)
- Culiseta otwayensis (Dobrotworsky, 1960)
- Culiseta particeps (Adams, 1903)
- Culiseta subochrea (Edwards, 1921)
- Culiseta sylvanensis (Dobrotworsky, 1960)
- Culiseta taiwanica Lien, Lin and Weng, 1999
- Culiseta tonnoiri (Edwards, 1925)
- Culiseta victoriensis (Dobrotworsky, 1954)
- Culiseta weindorferi (Edwards, 1926)
- Culiseta wui Lin, Tseng and Lien, 2008
- Deinocerites atlanticus Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites barretoi Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites belkini Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites cancer Theobald, 1901
- Deinocerites colombianus Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites costaricensis Adames and Hogue, 1970
- Deinocerites curiche Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites dyari Belkin and Hogue, 1959
- Deinocerites epitedeus (Knab, 1907)
- Deinocerites howardi Belkin and Hogue, 1959
- Deinocerites magnus (Theobald, 1901)
- Deinocerites mathesoni Belkin and Hogue, 1959
- Deinocerites mcdonaldi Belkin and Hogue, 1959
- Deinocerites melanophylum Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Deinocerites nicoyae Adames and Hogue, 1970
- Deinocerites panamensis Adames, 1971
- Deinocerites pseudes Dyar and Knab, 1909
- Deinocerites spanius (Dyar and Knab, 1909)
- Eretmapodites adami Ferrara and Eouzan, 1974
- Eretmapodites angolensis da Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro, 1992
- Eretmapodites argyrurus Edwards, 1936
- Eretmapodites brenguesi Rickenbach and Lombrici, 1975
- Eretmapodites brottesi Rickenbach, 1967
- Eretmapodites caillardi Rickenbach, Ferrara and Eouzan, 1968
- Eretmapodites chrysogaster Graham, 1909
- Eretmapodites corbeti Hamon, 1962
- Eretmapodites dracaenae Edwards, 1916
- Eretmapodites dundo da Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro, 1992
- Eretmapodites eouzani Rickenbach and Lombrici, 1974
- Eretmapodites ferrarai Rickenbach and Eouzan, 1970
- Eretmapodites forcipulatus Edwards, 1936
- Eretmapodites germaini Rickenbach and Eouzan, 1970
- Eretmapodites gilletti van Someren, 1949
- Eretmapodites grahami Edwards, 1911
- Eretmapodites grenieri Hamon and van Someren, 1961
- Eretmapodites haddowi van Someren, 1949
- Eretmapodites hamoni Grjebine, 1972
- Eretmapodites harperi van Someren, 1949
- Eretmapodites hightoni van Someren, 1947
- Eretmapodites inornatus Newstead, 1907
- Eretmapodites intermedius Edwards, 1936
- Eretmapodites jani Rickenbach and Lombrici, 1976
- Eretmapodites lacani Rickenbach and Eouzan, 1970
- Eretmapodites leucopous Graham, 1909
- Eretmapodites mahaffyi van Someren, 1949
- Eretmapodites marcelleae Adam and Hamon, 1959
- Eretmapodites mattinglyi (Hamon and van Someren, 1961)
- Eretmapodites melanopous Graham, 1909
- Eretmapodites mortiauxi da Cunha Ramos and Ribeiro, 1990
- Eretmapodites oedipodeios Graham, 1909
- Eretmapodites parvipluma Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites pauliani Grjebine, 1950
- Eretmapodites penicillatus Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites plioleucus Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites productus Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites quinquevittatus Theobald, 1901
- Eretmapodites ravissei Rickenbach and Eouzan, 1970
- Eretmapodites rickenbachi Ferrara and Eouzan, 1974
- Eretmapodites salauni Rickenbach, Ferrara and Eouzan, 1968
- Eretmapodites semisimplicipes Edwards, 1914
- Eretmapodites silvestris Ingram and De Meillon, 1927
- Eretmapodites subsimplicipes Edwards, 1914
- Eretmapodites tendeiroi da Cunha Ramos, Ribeiro and de Barros Machado, 1992
- Eretmapodites tonsus Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites vansomereni Hamon, 1962
- Eretmapodites wansoni Edwards, 1940
- Ficalbia circumtestacea (Theobald, 1908)
- Ficalbia ichiromiyagii Toma and Higa, 2004
- Ficalbia jacksoni Mattingly, 1949
- Ficalbia ludlowae Brunetti, 1920
- Ficalbia malfeyti (Newstead, 1907)
- Ficalbia minima (Theobald, 1901)
- Ficalbia nigra (Theobald, 1901)
- Ficalbia uniformis (Theobald, 1904)
- Galindomyia leei Stone and Barreto, 1969
- Haemagogus acutisentis Arnell, 1973
- Haemagogus aeritinctus Galindo and Trapido, 1967
- Haemagogus albomaculatus Theobald, 1903
- Haemagogus anastasionis Dyar, 1921
- Haemagogus andinus Osorno-Mesa, 1944
- Haemagogus argyromeris Dyar and Ludlow, 1921
- Haemagogus baresi Cerqueira, 1960
- Haemagogus boshelli Osorno-Mesa, 1944
- Haemagogus capricornii Lutz, 1904
- Haemagogus celeste Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
- Haemagogus chalcospilans Dyar, 1921
- Haemagogus chrysochlorus Arnell, 1973
- Haemagogus clarki (Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1953)
- Haemagogus equinus Theobald, 1903
- Haemagogus iridicolor Dyar, 1921
- Haemagogus janthinomys Dyar, 1921
- Haemagogus leucocelaenus (Dyar and Shannon, 1924)
- Haemagogus leucophoebus (Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1953)
- Haemagogus leucotaeniatus (Komp, 1938)
- Haemagogus lucifer (Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913)
- Haemagogus mesodentatus Komp and Kumm, 1938
- Haemagogus nebulosus Arnell, 1973
- Haemagogus panarchys Dyar, 1921
- Haemagogus regalis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Haemagogus soperi Leví-Castillo, 1955
- Haemagogus spegazzinii Brèthes, 1912
- Haemagogus splendens Williston, 1896
- Haemagogus tropicalis Cerqueira and Antunes, 1938
- Heizmannia achaetae (Leicester, 1908)
- Heizmannia aurea Brug, 1932
- Heizmannia aureochaeta (Leicester, 1908)
- Heizmannia carteri Amerasinghe, 1993
- Heizmannia catesi (Lien, 1968)
- Heizmannia chandi Edwards, 1922
- Heizmannia chengi Lien, 1968
- Heizmannia communis (Leicester, 1908)
- Heizmannia complex (Theobald, 1910)
- Heizmannia covelli Barraud, 1929
- Heizmannia demeilloni Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia discrepans (Edwards, 1922)
- Heizmannia funerea (Leicester, 1908)
- Heizmannia greenii (Theobald, 1905)
- Heizmannia heterospina Gong and Lu, 1986
- Heizmannia himalayensis Edwards, 1922
- Heizmannia indica (Theobald, 1905)
- Heizmannia kana Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Heizmannia kanhsienensis Tung, 1955
- Heizmannia lii Wu, 1936
- Heizmannia lui Gong and Li, 1999
- Heizmannia macdonaldi Mattingly, 1957
- Heizmannia mattinglyi Thurman, 1959
- Heizmannia maximalepido X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 2005
- Heizmannia menglianensis Lu and Gong, 1986
- Heizmannia menglianeroides X. Dong, L. Dong and Zhou, 2003
- Heizmannia occidentayunnana (Gong and Lu, 1991)
- Heizmannia persimilis Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia propinqua Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia proxima Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia rajagopalani Natarajan, Eapen and Jambulingam, 2020
- Heizmannia reidi Mattingly, 1957
- Heizmannia ruiliensis X. Dong, Zhou and Wang, 1997
- Heizmannia scanloni Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia scintillans Ludlow, 1905
- Heizmannia taiwanensis Lien, 1968
- Heizmannia tengchongensis X. Dong, Wang and Zhou, 2002
- Heizmannia thelmae Mattingly, 1970
- Heizmannia tripunctata (Theobald, 1908)
- Heizmannia viridis Barraud, 1929
- Hodgesia bailyi Barraud, 1929
- Hodgesia cairnsensis Taylor, 1919
- Hodgesia cyptopus Theobald, 1909
- Hodgesia lampangensis Thurman, 1959
- Hodgesia malayi Leicester, 1908
- Hodgesia nigeriae Edwards, 1930
- Hodgesia psectropus Edwards, 1930
- Hodgesia quasisanguinae Leicester, 1908
- Hodgesia sanguinae Theobald, 1904
- Hodgesia solomonis Belkin, 1962
- Hodgesia spoliata Edwards, 1923
- Isostomyia espini (Martini, 1914)
- Isostomyia lunata (Theobald, 1901)
- Isostomyia paranensis (Brèthes, 1910)
- Isostomyia perturbans (Williston, 1896)
- Johnbelkinia leucopus (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Johnbelkinia longipes (Fabricius, 1805)
- Johnbelkinia ulopus (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Kimia decorabilis (Leicester, 1908)
- Kimia imitata (Baisas, 1946)
- Kimia miyagii (Toma and Mogi, 2003)
- Kimia nemorosa (Gong, 1996)
- Kimia suchariti (Miyagi and Toma, 1989)
- Limatus andinus Leví-Castillo, 1954
- Limatus asulleptus (Theobald, 1903)
- Limatus durhamii Theobald, 1901
- Limatus flavisetosus de Oliveira Castro, 1935
- Limatus guayasi Leví-Castillo, 1954
- Limatus hoffmani Root, 1927
- Limatus martiali Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Limatus paraensis (Theobald, 1903)
- Limatus pseudomethysticus (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
- Lutzia agranensis Singh and Prakash, 2008
- Lutzia allostigma Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1915
- Lutzia bigoti (Bellardi, 1862)
- Lutzia chiangmaiensis Somboon and Harbach, 2019
- Lutzia fuscana (Wiedemann, 1820)
- Lutzia halifaxii (Theobald, 1903)
- Lutzia shinonagai (Tanaga, Mizusawa and Saugstadt, 1979)
- Lutzia tigripes (de Grandpré and de Charmoy, 1901)
- Lutzia vorax Edwards, 1921
- Malaya farquharsoni (Edwards, 1922)
- Malaya fraseri (Edwards, 1922)
- Malaya genurostris Leicester, 1908
- Malaya incomptas Ramalingam and Pillai, 1972
- Malaya jacobsoni (Edwards, 1930)
- Malaya leei (Wharton, 1947)
- Malaya marceli (Mattingly, 1953)
- Malaya moucheti (Hamon and Adam, 1955)
- Malaya solomonis (Wharton, 1947)
- Malaya splendens (de Meijere, 1909)
- Malaya taeniarostris (Theobald, 1911)
- Malaya trichorostris (Theobald, 1909)
- Mansonia africana (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia amazonensis (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia annulata Leicester, 1908
- Mansonia annulifera (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia bonneae Edwards, 1930
- Mansonia cerqueirai (Barreto and Coutinho, 1944)
- Mansonia chagasi (da Costa Lima, 1935)
- Mansonia dives (Schiner, 1868)
- Mansonia dyari Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Mansonia flaveola (Coquillett, 1906)
- Mansonia fonsecai (Pinto, 1932)
- Mansonia humeralis Dyar and Knab, 1916
- Mansonia iguassuensis Barbosa, da Silva and Sallum, 2007
- Mansonia indiana Edwards, 1930
- Mansonia indubitans Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Mansonia leberi Boreham, 1970
- Mansonia melanesiensis Belkin, 1962
- Mansonia papuensis (Taylor, 1914)
- Mansonia pessoai (Barreto and Coutinho, 1944)
- Mansonia pseudotitillans (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia septempunctata Theobald, 1905
- Mansonia suarezi Cova-García and Sutil, 1976
- Mansonia titillans (Walker, 1848)
- Mansonia uniformis (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia wilsoni (Barreto and Coutinho, 1944)
- Maorigoeldia argyropus (Walker, 1848)
- Mimomyia aurata (Doucet, 1951)
- Mimomyia aurea (Leicester, 1908)
- Mimomyia bernardi (Doucet, 1950)
- Mimomyia beytouti (Doucet, 1951)
- Mimomyia bougainvillensis (Belkin, 1962)
- Mimomyia brygooi Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia chamberlaini Ludlow, 1904
- Mimomyia collessi Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia deguzmanae (Mattingly, 1957)
- Mimomyia elegans (Taylor, 1914)
- Mimomyia femorata (Edwards, 1936)
- Mimomyia flavens (King and Hoogstraal, 1946)
- Mimomyia flavopicta (Edwards, 1936)
- Mimomyia fusca (Leicester, 1908)
- Mimomyia grjebinei (Brunhes, 1977)
- Mimomyia gurneyi (Belkin, 1962)
- Mimomyia hispida (Theobald, 1910)
- Mimomyia hybrida (Leicester, 1908)
- Mimomyia intermedia Barraud, 1929
- Mimomyia jeansottei (Doucet, 1950)
- Mimomyia kiriromi (Klein, 1969)
- Mimomyia lacustris (Edwards, 1935)
- Mimomyia levicastilloi Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia longicornis Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia luzonensis (Ludlow, 1905)
- Mimomyia marksae Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia martinei (Doucet, 1951)
- Mimomyia mattinglyi Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia mediolineata (Theobald, 1904)
- Mimomyia milloti Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia mimomyiaformis (Newstead, 1907)
- Mimomyia modesta (King and Hoogstraal, 1946)
- Mimomyia mogii Miyagi, Toma and Higa, 2004
- Mimomyia pallida Edwards, 1925
- Mimomyia parenti (de Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944)
- Mimomyia perplexens (Edwards, 1932)
- Mimomyia plumosa (Theobald, 1901)
- Mimomyia ramalai Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia roubaudi (Doucet, 1950)
- Mimomyia solomonis (Belkin, 1962)
- Mimomyia spinosa (Doucet, 1951)
- Mimomyia splendens Theobald, 1903
- Mimomyia stellata Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia vansomerenae Grjebine, 1986
- Mimomyia xanthozona (van Someren, 1948)
- Onirion aenigma Harbach, 2000
- Onirion brucei (del Ponte and Cerqueira, 1938)
- Onirion celatum Peyton and Harbach, 2000
- Onirion imparis Peyton and Harbach, 2000
- Onirion personatum (Lutz in Bourroul, 1904)
- Onirion regale Peyton and Harbach, 2000
- Onirion sirivanakarni (Duret, 1982)
- Opifex chathamicus (Dumbleton, 1962)
- Opifex fuscus Hutton, 1902
- Orthopodomyia alba Baker, 1936
- Orthopodomyia albicosta (Lutz, 1904)
- Orthopodomyia albipes Leicester, 1904
- Orthopodomyia ambremontis Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia andamanensis Barraud, 1934
- Orthopodomyia ankaratrensis Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia anopheloides (Giles, 1903)
- Orthopodomyia arboricollis (de Charmoy, 1908)
- Orthopodomyia aureoantennata Ferrara, 1973
- Orthopodomyia comorensis Brunhes, 1977
- Orthopodomyia fascipes (Coquillett, 1906)
- Orthopodomyia flavicosta Barraud, 1927
- Orthopodomyia flavithorax Barraud, 1927
- Orthopodomyia fontenillei Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia joyoni Brunhes, 1977
- Orthopodomyia kummi Edwards, 1939
- Orthopodomyia lanyuensis Lien, 1968
- Orthopodomyia madrensis Baisas, 1946
- Orthopodomyia milloti Doucet, 1951
- Orthopodomyia nkolbissonensis Rickenbach and Hamon, 1966
- Orthopodomyia ototomoensis Huang and Rueda, 2013
- Orthopodomyia papuensis Zavortink, 1968
- Orthopodomyia peytoni Leguizamón and Carpintero, 2005
- Orthopodomyia phyllozoa (Dyar and Knab, 1907)
- Orthopodomyia pulcripalpis (Rondani, 1872)
- Orthopodomyia rajaonariveloi Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia ravaonjanaharyi Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia reunionensis Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia rodhaini Brunhes and Hervy, 1995
- Orthopodomyia sampaioi da Costa Lima, 1935
- Orthopodomyia siamensis Zavortink, 1968
- Orthopodomyia signifera (Coquillett, 1896)
- Orthopodomyia vernoni van Someren, 1949
- Orthopodomyia wanxianensis Lei and Li, 1990
- Orthopodomyia waverleyi (Grabham, 1907)
- Orthopodomyia wilsoni Macdonald, 1958
- Psorophora albigenu (Lutz, 1908)
- Psorophora albipes (Theobald, 1907)
- Psorophora amazonica Cerqueira, 1960
- Psorophora champerico (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Psorophora ciliata (Fabricius, 1794)
- Psorophora cilipes (Fabricius, 1805)
- Psorophora cingulata (Fabricius, 1805)
- Psorophora circumflava Cerqueira, 1943
- Psorophora columbiae (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Psorophora confinnis (Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891)
- Psorophora cyanescens (Coquillett, 1902)
- Psorophora dimidiata Cerqueira, 1943
- Psorophora discolor (Coquillett, 1903)
- Psorophora discrucians (Walker, 1922)
- Psorophora ferox (Humboldt, 1819)
- Psorophora fiebrigi Edwards, 1922
- Psorophora forceps Cerqueira, 1939
- Psorophora funiculus Dyar, 1920
- Psorophora holmbergii Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Psorophora horrida (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
- Psorophora howardii Coquillett, 1901
- Psorophora infinis (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Psorophora insularius (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Psorophora jamaicensis (Theobald, 1901)
- Psorophora johnstonii (Grabham, 1905)
- Psorophora lanei Shannon and Cerqueira, 1943
- Psorophora leucocnemis Martini, 1931
- Psorophora lineata (von Humboldt, 1819)
- Psorophora longipalpus Randolph and O'Neill, 1944
- Psorophora lutzii (Theobald, 1901)
- Psorophora mathesoni Belkin and Heinemann, 1975
- Psorophora melanota Cerqueira, 1943
- Psorophora mexicana (Bellardi, 1859)
- Psorophora ochripes (Macquart, 1850)
- Psorophora pallescens Edwards, 1925
- Psorophora paulli Paterson and Shannon, 1927
- Psorophora pilipes (Macquart, 1834)
- Psorophora pilosa (Macquart, 1834)
- Psorophora pseudoalbipes Duret, 1971
- Psorophora pseudomelanota Barata and Cotrim, 1971
- Psorophora pygmaea (Theobald, 1903)
- Psorophora saeva Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Psorophora santamarinai Broche, 2000
- Psorophora signipennis (Coquillett, 1904)
- Psorophora stonei Vargas, 1956
- Psorophora tolteca (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Psorophora totonaci Lassmann, 1951
- Psorophora varinervis Edwards, 1922
- Psorophora varipes (Coquillett, 1904)
- Runchomyia cerqueirai (Stone, 1944)
- Runchomyia frontosa Theobald, 1903
- Runchomyia humboldti (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Runchomyia magna (Theobald, 1905)
- Runchomyia rapax Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Runchomyia reversa (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Runchomyia theobaldi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Runchomyia walcotti (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Sabethes albiprivus Theobald, 1903
- Sabethes amazonicus Gordon and Evans, 1922
- Sabethes andreae Harbach, 2018
- Sabethes aurescens (Lutz, 1905)
- Sabethes batesi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Sabethes belisarioi Neiva, 1908
- Sabethes bipartites Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Sabethes chloropterus (von Humboldt, 1819)
- Sabethes conditus Moses, Howard and Harbach, 2000
- Sabethes cyaneus (Fabricius, 1805)
- Sabethes fabricii Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Sabethes forattinii Cerqueira, 1961
- Sabethes glaucodaemon (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Sabethes gorgasi Duret, 1971
- Sabethes gymnothorax Harbach and Petersen, 1992
- Sabethes hadrognathus Harbach, 1995
- Sabethes identicus Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Sabethes idiogenes Harbach, 1994
- Sabethes ignotus Harbach, 1995
- Sabethes intermedius (Lutz, 1904)
- Sabethes lanei Cerqueira, 1961
- Sabethes luxodens Hall, Howard and Harbach, 1999
- Sabethes melanonymphe Dyar, 1924
- Sabethes nitidus Theobald, 1901
- Sabethes ortizi Vargas and Díaz Nájera, 1961
- Sabethes paradoxus Harbach in Harbach and Howard, 2002
- Sabethes paraitepuyensis Anduze, 1941
- Sabethes petrocchiae (Shannon and del Ponte, 1928)
- Sabethes purpureus (Theobald, 1907)
- Sabethes quasicyaneus Peryassú, 1922
- Sabethes schnusei (Martini, 1931)
- Sabethes shannoni Cerqueira, 1961
- Sabethes soperi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Sabethes spixi Cerqueira, 1961
- Sabethes tarsopus Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Sabethes theresae Harbach, 2018
- Sabethes tridentatus Cerqueira, 1961
- Sabethes undosus (Coquillett, 1906)
- Sabethes whitmani Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Sabethes xenismus Harbarch, 1995
- Sabethes xhyphydes Harbach, 1994
- Shannoniana fluviatilis (Theobald, 1903)
- Shannoniana moralesi (Dyar and Knab, 1919)
- Shannoniana schedocyclia (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
- Topomyia aenea Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia aliyusopi Miyagi and Toma, 2014
- Topomyia angkoris Klein, 1977
- Topomyia apsarsae Klein, 1977
- Topomyia argenteoventralis Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia argyropalpis Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia aureoventer (Theobald, 1910)
- Topomyia auriceps Brug, 1939
- Topomyia bambusaihole X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 1997
- Topomyia bannaensis Gong and Lu, 1995
- Topomyia baolini Gong, 1989
- Topomyia barbus Baisas, 1946
- Topomyia bifurcata X. Dong, Wang and Lu, 1995
- Topomyia cabrerai Miyagi, Toma and Rivera, 1983
- Topomyia chaii Miyagi and Toma, 2012
- Topomyia cristata Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia danaraji Ramalingam, 1988
- Topomyia dejesusi Baisas and Feliciano, 1953
- Topomyia discors Harbach, 2014
- Topomyia dubitans Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia dulongensis Gong and Lu, 1995
- Topomyia gracilis Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia hardini Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam, 1989
- Topomyia hernandoi Baisas and Feliciano, 1953
- Topomyia hirsuta Gong, 1989
- Topomyia houghtoni Feng, 1941
- Topomyia inclinata Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia irianensis Miyagi and Toma, 1997
- Topomyia javaensis Miyagi and Toma, 1995
- Topomyia katibasensis Miyagi and Toma, 2012
- Topomyia kelabitensis Miyagi and Toma, 2010
- Topomyia lehcharlesi Miyagi and Toma, 2008
- Topomyia leucotarsis Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia lindsayi Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia longisetosa Gong, 1994
- Topomyia malaysiensis Ramalingam and Banu, 1987
- Topomyia margina Gong and Lu, 1995
- Topomyia mengi X. Dong, Wang and Lu, 1990
- Topomyia minor Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia murudensis Miyagi, Toma and Okazawa in Miyagi, Toma, Okazawa and Wong, 2021
- Topomyia nepenthicola Miyagi and Toma, 2007
- Topomyia nicksoni Miyagi and Toma, 2012
- Topomyia nigra Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia papuensis Marks, 1960
- Topomyia pilosa Brug, 1931
- Topomyia pseudoauriceps Miyagi and Toma, 2010
- Topomyia pseudobarbus Baisas, 1946
- Topomyia pseudoleucotarsis Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia roslihashimi Miyagi and Toma, 2005
- Topomyia rubithoracis Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia sabahensis Ramalingam and Ramakrishna, 1988
- Topomyia spathulirostris Edwards, 1923
- Topomyia spinophallus Zhou, Zhu and Lu, 1999
- Topomyia svastii Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia sylvatica Lu, X. Dong and Wang, 1986
- Topomyia tenuis Edwards, 1922
- Topomyia tipuliformis Leicester, 1908
- Topomyia trifida Edwards, 1922
- Topomyia tumetarsalis Chen and Zhang, 1988
- Topomyia unispinosa Thurman, 1959
- Topomyia vijayae Ramalingam, 1975
- Topomyia winter X. Dong, Wu and Mao, 2006
- Topomyia yanbarensis Miyagi, 1976
- Topomyia yanbareroides X. Dong and Miyagi, 1995
- Topomyia yongi Miyagi, Toma and Ramalingam, 1991
- Topomyia zhangi Gong, 1991
- Toxorhynchites acaudatus (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites aeneus (Evans, 1926)
- Toxorhynchites albipes (Edwards, 1922)
- Toxorhynchites amboinensis (Doleschall, 1857)
- Toxorhynchites angolensis Ribeiro, 1992
- Toxorhynchites angustiplatus Evenhuis and Steffan, 1986
- Toxorhynchites ater (Daniels, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites auranticauda Lane, 1992
- Toxorhynchites auripes (Edwards, 1935)
- Toxorhynchites bambusicola (Lutz and Neiva, 1913)
- Toxorhynchites barbipes Edwards, 1913
- Toxorhynchites bengalensis Rosenberg and Evenhuis, 1985
- Toxorhynchites bickleyi Thurman, 1959
- Toxorhynchites brevipalpis Theobald, 1901
- Toxorhynchites brunhesi Ribeiro, 2004
- Toxorhynchites camaronis Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites capelai Ribeiro, 1992
- Toxorhynchites catharinensis (da Costa Lima, Guitoon and Ferreira, 1962)
- Toxorhynchites cavalierii García and Casal, 1967
- Toxorhynchites christophi (Portschinsky, 1884)
- Toxorhynchites coeruleus (Brug, 1934)
- Toxorhynchites darjeelingensis Tyagi, Munirathinam, Krishnamoorthy et al., 2015
- Toxorhynchites dundo Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites edwardsi (Barraud, 1924)
- Toxorhynchites erythrurus (Edwards, 1941)
- Toxorhynchites evansae (Edwards, 1936)
- Toxorhynchites fontenillei Ribeiro, 2004
- Toxorhynchites funestus (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites gerbergi Belkin, 1977
- Toxorhynchites gigantulus (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Toxorhynchites grandiosus (Williston, 1900)
- Toxorhynchites gravelyi (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites grjebinei Ribeiro, 2004
- Toxorhynchites guadeloupensis (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis (Fabricius, 1787)
- Toxorhynchites helenae Ribeiro, 1992
- Toxorhynchites hexacis (Martini, 1931)
- Toxorhynchites hypoptes (Knab, 1907)
- Toxorhynchites indicus Evenhuis and Steffan, 1986
- Toxorhynchites inornatus (Walker, 1865)
- Toxorhynchites kaimosi (van Someren, 1946)
- Toxorhynchites kempi (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites klossi (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites leicesteri Theobald, 1904
- Toxorhynchites lemuriae Ribeiro, 2004
- Toxorhynchites lewisi Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites lutescens (Theobald, 1901)
- Toxorhynchites macaensis Ribeiro, 1997
- Toxorhynchites madagascarensis Ribeiro, 2004
- Toxorhynchites magnificus (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites manicatus (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites manopi Thurman, 1959
- Toxorhynchites mariae (Bourroul, 1904)
- Toxorhynchites metallicus Leicester, 1904
- Toxorhynchites minimus (Theobald, 1905)
- Toxorhynchites moctezuma (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Toxorhynchites nairobiensis (van Someren, 1946)
- Toxorhynchites nepenthicola Steffan and Evenhuis, 1982
- Toxorhynchites nepenthis (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Toxorhynchites nigeriensis Ribeiro, 2005
- Toxorhynchites nigripes (Edwards, 1935)
- Toxorhynchites okinawensis Toma, Miyagi and Tanaka, 1990
- Toxorhynchites pauliani (Doucet, 1951)
- Toxorhynchites pendleburyi (Edwards, 1930)
- Toxorhynchites phytophagus Theobald, 1909
- Toxorhynchites portoricensis (Roeder, 1885)
- Toxorhynchites purpureus (Theobald, 1901)
- Toxorhynchites pusillus (da Costa Lima, 1931)
- Toxorhynchites quasiferox (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites rajah Tsukamoto, 1989
- Toxorhynchites ramalingami Evenhuis and Steffan, 1986
- Toxorhynchites raris (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites rickenbachi Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites rizzoi (de Deus Palma and Galvão, 1969)
- Toxorhynchites rodhaini Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites rutilus (Coquillett, 1896)
- Toxorhynchites ruwenzori (van Someren, 1948)
- Toxorhynchites solstitialis (Lutz in Bourroul, 1904)
- Toxorhynchites speciosus (Skuse, 1889)
- Toxorhynchites splendens (Wiedemann, 1819)
- Toxorhynchites sumatranus (Brug, 1939)
- Toxorhynchites sunthorni Thurman, 1959
- Toxorhynchites theobaldi (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Toxorhynchites towadensis (Matsumara, 1916)
- Toxorhynchites trichopygus (Wiedemann, 1828)
- Toxorhynchites tyagii Krishnamoorthy et al., 2013
- Toxorhynchites violaceus (Wiedemann, 1821)
- Toxorhynchites viridibasis (Edwards, 1935)
- Toxorhynchites wolfsi Ribeiro, 2005
- Toxorhynchites zairensis Ribeiro, 2005
- Trichoprosopon andinum Leví-Castillo, 1953
- Trichoprosopon brevipes (da Costa Lima, 1931)
- Trichoprosopon castroi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Trichoprosopon compressum Lutz, 1905
- Trichoprosopon digitatum (Rondani, 1848)
- Trichoprosopon evansae Antunes in Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Trichoprosopon lampropus (Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913)
- Trichoprosopon lanei (Antunes, 1937)
- Trichoprosopon obscurum Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Trichoprosopon pallidiventer (Lutz, 1905)
- Trichoprosopon simile Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Trichoprosopon soaresi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Trichoprosopon vonplesseni (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Tripteroides adentata van den Assem, 1959
- Tripteroides aeneus (Edwards, 1921)
- Tripteroides affinis (Edwards, 1913)
- Tripteroides alboscutellatus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides altivallis Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Tripteroides antennalis Bohart and Farner, 1944
- Tripteroides apicotriangulatus (Theobald, 1910)
- Tripteroides apoensis Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides aranoides (Theobald, 1901)
- Tripteroides argenteiventris (Theobald, 1905)
- Tripteroides atripes (Skuse, 1889)
- Tripteroides bambusa (Yamada, 1917)
- Tripteroides barraudi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides belkini Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides bimaculipes (Theobald, 1905)
- Tripteroides binotatus Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides bisquamatus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides bonneti Belkin, 1962
- Tripteroides brevipalpis Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides brevirhynchus Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides caeruleocephalus (Leicester, 1908)
- Tripteroides caledonicus (Edwards, 1922)
- Tripteroides ceylonensis (Theobald, 1905)
- Tripteroides cheni Lien, 1968
- Tripteroides christophersi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides claggi Bohart and Farner, 1944
- Tripteroides coheni Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides collessi Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides concinnus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides confusus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides coonorensis Mattingly, 1981
- Tripteroides cuttsi van den Assem, 1959
- Tripteroides delpilari Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides denticulatus Delfinado and Hodges, 1968
- Tripteroides digoelensis Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides distigma (Edwards, 1925)
- Tripteroides dofleini (Guenther, 1913)
- Tripteroides dyari Bohart and Farner, 1944
- Tripteroides dyi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides edwardsi (Barraud, 1929)
- Tripteroides elegans Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides erlindae Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides exnebulis Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Tripteroides felicitatis Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Tripteroides filipes (Walker, 1861)
- Tripteroides flabelliger Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Tripteroides floridensis Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides folicola Belkin, 1955
- Tripteroides fuliginosus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides fuscipleura Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides hoogstraali Baisas, 1947
- Tripteroides hybridus (Leicester, 1908)
- Tripteroides indeterminatus Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides indicus (Barraud, 1929)
- Tripteroides intermediatus Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides kingi Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides knighti Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides latispinus Gong and Ji, 1989
- Tripteroides latisquama (Edwards, 1927)
- Tripteroides leei Peters, 1959
- Tripteroides lipovskyi Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides littlechildi (Edwards, 1930)
- Tripteroides longipalpatus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides longipalpis X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 1997
- Tripteroides longisiphonus X. Dong, Zhou and L. Dong, 2001
- Tripteroides lorengaui Peters, 1963
- Tripteroides mabinii Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides magnesianus (Edwards, 1924)
- Tripteroides malayi Delfinado and Hodges, 1968
- Tripteroides malvari Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides marksae Dobrotworsky, 1965
- Tripteroides mathesoni Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides melanesiensis Belkin, 1955
- Tripteroides mendacis (Daniels, 1908)
- Tripteroides microcala (Dyar, 1929)
- Tripteroides microlepis (Edwards, 1927)
- Tripteroides monetifer (Dyar, 1920)
- Tripteroides nepenthicola (Banks, 1909)
- Tripteroides nepenthis (Edwards, 1915)
- Tripteroides nepenthisimilis Mattingly, 1981
- Tripteroides nissanensis Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides nitidoventer (Giles, 1904)
- Tripteroides novohanoverae Peters, 1963
- Tripteroides obscurus Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides pallidothorax X. Dong, L. Dong and Wu, 2008
- Tripteroides pallidus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides perplexus Peters, 1963
- Tripteroides pilosus Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides plumiger Bonne-Wepster, 1948
- Tripteroides plumosus (Brug, 1931)
- Tripteroides ponmeki Miyagi and Toma, 2001
- Tripteroides powelli (Ludlow, 1909)
- Tripteroides proximus (Edwards, 1915)
- Tripteroides punctolateralis (Theobald, 1903)
- Tripteroides purpuratus (Edwards, 1921)
- Tripteroides quasiornatus (Taylor, 1915)
- Tripteroides reiseni Basio, 1971
- Tripteroides riverai Miyagi, Toma and Tsukamoto, 1983
- Tripteroides rotumanus (Edwards, 1929)
- Tripteroides roxasi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides rozeboomi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides serratus (Barraud, 1929)
- Tripteroides similis (Leicester, 1908)
- Tripteroides simplex Brug, 1934
- Tripteroides simulatus Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides solomonis (Edwards, 1924)
- Tripteroides splendens Lee, 1946
- Tripteroides standfasti Peters, 1959
- Tripteroides stonei Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides subnudipennis (Edwards, 1927)
- Tripteroides sullivanae Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides sylvestris (Theobald, 1910)
- Tripteroides tarsalis Delfinado and Hodges, 1968
- Tripteroides tasmaniensis (Strickland, 1911)
- Tripteroides tenax (de Meijere, 1910)
- Tripteroides tityae Sloof, 1961
- Tripteroides toffaletii Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides torokinae Belkin, 1950
- Tripteroides uichancoi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides vanleeuweni (Edwards, 1927)
- Tripteroides vicinus (Edwards, 1914)
- Tripteroides werneri Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Udaya argyrurus (Edwards, 1934)
- Udaya lucaris Macdonald and Mattingly, 1960
- Udaya subsimilis (Barraud, 1927)
- Uranotaenia abdita Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia abstrusa Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia aequatorianna Leví-Castillo, 1953
- Uranotaenia alba Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia albescens Taylor, 1914
- Uranotaenia albimanus da Cunha and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia albinotata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia albipes Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia alboabdominalis Theobald, 1910
- Uranotaenia alboannulata (Theobald, 1905)
- Uranotaenia albocephala da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia albosternopleura Peters, 1963
- Uranotaenia ambodimanga da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia amiensis Peters, 1963
- Uranotaenia andavakae Doucet, 1950
- Uranotaenia andreae Doucet, 1962
- Uranotaenia angolensis da Cunha Ramos, 1985
- Uranotaenia anhydor Dyar, 1907
- Uranotaenia annandalei Barraud, 1926
- Uranotaenia annulata Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia anopheloides Brunhes and Razafindrasolo, 1975
- Uranotaenia antalahaensis da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia antennalis Taylor, 1919
- Uranotaenia apicalis Theobald, 1903
- Uranotaenia apicosquamata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia apicotaeniata Theobald, 1909
- Uranotaenia approximata Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia argentipleura da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia arguellesi Baisas, 1935
- Uranotaenia argyrotarsis Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia ascidiicola de Meijere, 1910
- Uranotaenia atra Theobald, 1905
- Uranotaenia balfouri Theobald, 1904
- Uranotaenia bambusicola da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia barnesi Belkin, 1953
- Uranotaenia belkini Grjebine, 1979
- Uranotaenia benoiti Wolfs in Benoit, 1964
- Uranotaenia bertii Cova-García and Rausseo, 1964
- Uranotaenia bicincta da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia bicolor Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia bidentata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia bifasciata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia bilineata Theobald, 1909
- Uranotaenia bimaculata Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia bimaculiala Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia bosseri Grjebine, 1979
- Uranotaenia boussesi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia breviseta da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia bricenoi Cova García et al., 1987
- Uranotaenia briseis Dyar, 1925
- Uranotaenia browni Mattingly, 1955
- Uranotaenia brumpti Doucet, 1951
- Uranotaenia brunhesi Grjebine, 1979
- Uranotaenia cachani (Doucet, 1950)
- Uranotaenia caeruleocephala Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia caliginosa Philip, 1931
- Uranotaenia calosomata Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Uranotaenia campestris Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia capelai da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia carcinicola da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia cavernicola Mattingly, 1954
- Uranotaenia chorleyi Edwards, 1936
- Uranotaenia christophersi Barraud, 1926
- Uranotaenia civinskii Belkin, 1953
- Uranotaenia clara Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Uranotaenia coatzacoalcos Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Uranotaenia colocasiae Edwards, 1928
- Uranotaenia combesi Doucet, 1950
- Uranotaenia comorensis da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia confusa Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia connali Edwards, 1912
- Uranotaenia contrastata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia cooki Root, 1937
- Uranotaenia cornuta da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia damasei Grjebine, 1979
- Uranotaenia dandakaranyensis Natarajan, Rajavel and Jambulingam, 2017
- Uranotaenia davisi Lane, 1943
- Uranotaenia demeilloni Peyton and Rattanarithikul, 1970
- Uranotaenia devemyi Hamon, 1955
- Uranotaenia diagonalis Brug, 1934
- Uranotaenia dibrugarhensis Bhattacharyya et al., 2004
- Uranotaenia diraphati Peyton and Klein, 1970
- Uranotaenia ditaenionota Prado, 1931
- Uranotaenia donai da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia douceti Grjebine, 1953
- Uranotaenia dumonti Doucet, 1949
- Uranotaenia edwardsi Barraud, 1926
- Uranotaenia enigmatica Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia falcipes Banks, 1906
- Uranotaenia fimbriata King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Uranotaenia fraseri Edwards, 1912
- Uranotaenia fulgens da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia fusca Theobald, 1907
- Uranotaenia gabaldoni Cova García, Pulido, Escalante de Ugueto and Mora, 1987
- Uranotaenia garnhami van Someren, 1948
- Uranotaenia geniculata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia geometrica Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia gerdae Sloof, 1963
- Uranotaenia gigantea Brug, 1931
- Uranotaenia gouldi Peyton and Klein, 1970
- Uranotaenia grassei da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia grenieri Doucet, 1951
- Uranotaenia grjebinei da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia haddowi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia hamoni Grjebine, 1953
- Uranotaenia harrisoni Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia hebes Barraud, 1931
- Uranotaenia hebrardi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia heiseri Baisas, 1935
- Uranotaenia henrardi Edwards, 1935
- Uranotaenia henriquei da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia hervyi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia hirsuta Boussés and Brunhes, 2013
- Uranotaenia hirsutifemora Peters, 1964
- Uranotaenia hongayi Galliard and Ngu, 1947
- Uranotaenia hopkinsi Edwards, 1932
- Uranotaenia husaini Qutubuddin, 1947
- Uranotaenia hystera Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Uranotaenia incognita Galindo, Blanton and Peyton, 1954
- Uranotaenia iriartei Cova García, Pulido, Escalante de Ugueto and Mora, 1987
- Uranotaenia jacksoni Edwards, 1935
- Uranotaenia jinhongensis X. Dong, L. Dong and Zhou, 2003
- Uranotaenia joucouri da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia koli Peyton and Klein, 1970
- Uranotaenia kraussi Grjebine, 1953
- Uranotaenia laffosseae da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia lanei Martínez and Prosen, 1953
- Uranotaenia lateralis Ludlow, 1905
- Uranotaenia lavieri Doucet, 1950
- Uranotaenia lebiedi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia legoffi da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia leiboensis Chu, 1981
- Uranotaenia leucoptera (Theobald, 1907)
- Uranotaenia longirostris Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia longitubus da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia lousthei Boussés and Brunhes, 2013
- Uranotaenia lowii Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia lucyae van Someren, 1954
- Uranotaenia ludlowae Dyar and Shannon, 1925
- Uranotaenia lui Lien, 1968
- Uranotaenia lunda da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia luteola Edwards, 1934
- Uranotaenia lutescens Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia macfarlanei Edwards, 1914
- Uranotaenia machadoi da Cunha Ramos, 1986
- Uranotaenia maculipleura Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia madagascarensis da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia madagascarica da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia maikalensis Natarajan, Rajavel and Jambulingam, 2017
- Uranotaenia manakaraensis da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia mashonaensis Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia mathesoni Lane, 1943
- Uranotaenia mattinglyi Qutubuddin, 1951
- Uranotaenia maxima Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia mayeri Edwards, 1912
- Uranotaenia mayottensis Brunhes, 1977
- Uranotaenia mendiolai Baisas, 1935
- Uranotaenia mengi Chen, Wang and Zhao, 1989
- Uranotaenia metatarsata Edwards, 1914
- Uranotaenia micans Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia micromelas Edwards, 1934
- Uranotaenia modesta Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia montana Ingram and De Meillon, 1927
- Uranotaenia moramangae da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia moresbyensis Peters, 1963
- Uranotaenia moufiedi Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia moultoni Edwards, 1914
- Uranotaenia musarum Edwards, 1936
- Uranotaenia nataliae Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Uranotaenia neireti Edwards, 1920
- Uranotaenia neotibialis King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Uranotaenia nepenthes (Theobald, 1912)
- Uranotaenia nigricephala da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia nigripes (Theobald, 1905)
- Uranotaenia nigripleura da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia nigromaculata Edwards, 1941
- Uranotaenia nivea Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia nivipes (Theobald, 1905)
- Uranotaenia nivipleura Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia nivipous Theobald, 1912
- Uranotaenia nocticola Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia novaguinensis Peters, 1963
- Uranotaenia novobscura Barraud, 1934
- Uranotaenia obscura Edwards, 1915
- Uranotaenia ohamai Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1975
- Uranotaenia orientalis Barraud, 1926
- Uranotaenia ornata Theobald, 1909
- Uranotaenia orthodoxa Dyar, 1921
- Uranotaenia oteizai Perez Vigueras, 1956
- Uranotaenia ototomo da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia painei Edwards, 1935
- Uranotaenia pallidipleura da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia pallidocephala Theobald, 1908
- Uranotaenia pallidoventer Theobald, 1903
- Uranotaenia palmeirimi De Meillon and Rebelo, 1941
- Uranotaenia paludosa Galindo, Blanton and Peyton, 1954
- Uranotaenia pandani (Theobald, 1912)
- Uranotaenia paralateralis Peters, 1964
- Uranotaenia paranovaguinensis Peters, 1963
- Uranotaenia patriciae Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia pauliani Doucet, 1949
- Uranotaenia philonuxia Philip, 1931
- Uranotaenia pifanoi Cova García, Pulido and Escalante de Ugueto, 1981
- Uranotaenia pilosa da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia prajimi Peyton and Rattanarithikul, 1970
- Uranotaenia principensis da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia propinqua Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia pseudoalbimanus da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia pseudohenrardi Peters, 1955
- Uranotaenia pseudomaculipleura Peyton and Rattanarithikul, 1970
- Uranotaenia pseudoshillitonis da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia pseudostricklandi Natarajan, Rajavel and Jambulingam, 2018
- Uranotaenia pulcherrima Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891
- Uranotaenia pygmaea Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia pylei Baisas, 1946
- Uranotaenia quadrimaculata Edwards, 1929
- Uranotaenia quasimodesta Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia qui X. Dong, L. Dong and Zhou, 2003
- Uranotaenia quinquemaculata Bonne-Wepster, 1934
- Uranotaenia rachoui Xavier, da Silva Mattos and da Silva, 1970
- Uranotaenia ramosa da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia rampae Peyton and Klein, 1970
- Uranotaenia ravenalaphila Boussés and Brunhes, 2013
- Uranotaenia ravenalicola da Cunha and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia recondita Edwards, 1922
- Uranotaenia reinerti Peyton, 1977
- Uranotaenia reyi Baisas, 1935
- Uranotaenia rickenbachi da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia riverai Duret, 1970
- Uranotaenia roberti da Cunha and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia rossi Delfinado, 1966
- Uranotaenia rutherfordi Edwards, 1922
- Uranotaenia sapphirina (Osten Sacken, 1868)
- Uranotaenia satpuraensis Natarajan, Rajavel and Jambulingam, 2017
- Uranotaenia scutostriata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia setosa King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Uranotaenia sexaueri Belkin, 1953
- Uranotaenia shillitonis Edwards, 1932
- Uranotaenia signata da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia socialis Theobald, 1901
- Uranotaenia solomonis Belkin, 1953
- Uranotaenia sombooni Peyton and Klein, 1970
- Uranotaenia spiculosa Peyton and Rattanarithikul, 1970
- Uranotaenia spinitubus da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia spinosa da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia spiraculata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia srilankensis Peyton, 1974
- Uranotaenia stricklandi Barraud, 1926
- Uranotaenia subnormalis Martini, 1920
- Uranotaenia subtibioclada King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Uranotaenia sumethi Peyton and Rattanarithikul, 1970
- Uranotaenia tanakai Miyagi and Toma, 2013
- Uranotaenia tanzaniae da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia telmatophila Galindo, Blanton and Peyton, 1954
- Uranotaenia testacea Theobald, 1905
- Uranotaenia tibialis Taylor, 1919
- Uranotaenia tibioclada King and Hoogstraal, 1947
- Uranotaenia trapidoi Galindo, Blanton and Peyton, 1954
- Uranotaenia tricolor da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia tridentata da Cunha Ramos and Brunhes, 2004
- Uranotaenia trilineata Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia tsaratananae Doucet, 1950
- Uranotaenia typhlosomata Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Uranotaenia ugandae da Cunha Ramos, 1993
- Uranotaenia unguiculata Edwards, 1913
- Uranotaenia unimaculiala Leicester, 1908
- Uranotaenia wysockii Belkin, 1953
- Uranotaenia xanthomelaena Edwards, 1925
- Uranotaenia yaeyamana Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1975
- Uranotaenia yovani van Someren, 1951
- Uranotaenia yunnanensis X. Dong, L. Dong and Wu, 2004
- Verrallina abdita (Barraud, 1931)
- Verrallina adusta (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina agrestis (Barraud, 1931)
- Verrallina andamanensis (Edwards, 1922)
- Verrallina assamensis Bhattacharyya et al., 2004
- Verrallina atria (Barraud, 1928)
- Verrallina atriisimilis (Tanaka and Mizusawa, 1973)
- Verrallina azureosquamata (Bonne-Wepster, 1948)
- Verrallina bancrofti (Taylor, 1914)
- Verrallina bifoliata (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina butleri (Theobald, 1901)
- Verrallina campylostylus (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina carmenti (Edwards, 1924)
- Verrallina cauta (Barraud, 1928)
- Verrallina ceylonica (Edwards, 1917)
- Verrallina clavata (Barraud, 1931)
- Verrallina comata (Barraud, 1931)
- Verrallina comosa (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina consonensis (Reinert, 1973)
- Verrallina cretata (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina cuccioi (Belkin, 1962)
- Verrallina cyrtolabis (Edwards, 1928)
- Verrallina dux (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Verrallina embiensis (Huang, 1968)
- Verrallina foliformis (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina fragilis Leicester, 1908
- Verrallina funerea (Theobald, 1903)
- Verrallina gibbosa (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina hamistylus (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina harrisonica (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina hispida (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina indecorabilis Leicester, 1908
- Verrallina indica (Theobald, 1907)
- Verrallina iriomotensis (Tanaka and Mizusawa, 1973)
- Verrallina johnsoni (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina johorensis (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina killertonis (Huang, 1968)
- Verrallina komponga (Klein, 1973)
- Verrallina latipennis (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina leicesteri (Edwards, 1917)
- Verrallina leilae (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina lineata (Taylor, 1914)
- Verrallina lugubris (Barraud, 1928)
- Verrallina macrodixoa (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Verrallina margarsen (Dyar and Shannon, 1925)
- Verrallina mccormicki (Belkin, 1962)
- Verrallina milnensis (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina multifolium (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina neomacrodixoa (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina nigrotarsis (Ludlow, 1908)
- Verrallina nobukonis (Yamada, 1932)
- Verrallina notabilis (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina nubicola (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina obsoleta (Huang, 1968)
- Verrallina pahangi (Delfinado, 1968)
- Verrallina panayensis (Ludlow, 1914)
- Verrallina parasimilis (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina petroelephantus (Wijesundara, 1951)
- Verrallina philippinensis (Delfinado, 1968)
- Verrallina phnoma (Klein, 1973)
- Verrallina pipkini (Bohart, 1957)
- Verrallina prioekanensis (Brug, 1931)
- Verrallina protuberans (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina pseudodiurna (Theobald, 1910)
- Verrallina pseudomediofasciata (Theobald, 1910)
- Verrallina pseudovarietas (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina quadrifolium (Brug, 1934)
- Verrallina quadrispinata (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina ramalingami (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina rami (Barraud, 1928)
- Verrallina rara (Delfinado, 1968)
- Verrallina reesi (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina robertsi (Laffoon, 1946)
- Verrallina sabahensis (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina seculata (Menon, 1950)
- Verrallina sentania (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina similis (Theobald, 1910)
- Verrallina simpla (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina singularis (Leicester, 1908)
- Verrallina sohni (Reinert, 1974)
- Verrallina spermatheca (Wijesundara, 1951)
- Verrallina srilankensis (Reinert, 1977)
- Verrallina stunga (Klein, 1973)
- Verrallina taeniata (Leicester, 1908)
- Verrallina torosa (Delfinado, 1967)
- Verrallina trispinata (King and Hoogstraal, 1947)
- Verrallina unca (Theobald, 1901)
- Verrallina uniformis (Theobald, 1910)
- Verrallina vallistris (Barraud, 1928)
- Verrallina vanapa (Huang, 1968)
- Verrallina variabilis (Huang, 1968)
- Verrallina varietas (Leicester, 1908)
- Verrallina virilis Leicester, 1908
- Verrallina yerburyi (Edwards, 1917)
- Verrallina yusafi (Barraud, 1931)
- Wyeomyia abebela Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Wyeomyia ablechra Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Wyeomyia adelpha Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia aequatorianna Leví-Castillo, 1954
- Wyeomyia airosai Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia alani Lane and Cerqueira, 1957
- Wyeomyia albosquamata Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1919
- Wyeomyia amazonica Leví-Castillo, 1954
- Wyeomyia aningae Motta and Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 2005
- Wyeomyia antunesi Lane and Guimarães, 1937
- Wyeomyia aphobema Dyar, 1918
- Wyeomyia aporonoma Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia arborea Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1951
- Wyeomyia argenteorostris (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
- Wyeomyia arthrostigma (Lutz, 1905)
- Wyeomyia atrata Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Wyeomyia autocratica Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia bahama Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia baltae Porter, 2009
- Wyeomyia bicornis (Root, 1928)
- Wyeomyia bonnei (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia bourrouli (Lutz, 1905)
- Wyeomyia caracula Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1928
- Wyeomyia carrilloi (Sutil Oramas and Pulido, 1978)
- Wyeomyia celaenocephala Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia cesari Del Ponte and Cerqueira, 1938
- Wyeomyia chalcocephala Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia charmion Dyar, 1928
- Wyeomyia chocoensis Porter and Wolff, 2004
- Wyeomyia circumcincta Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Wyeomyia clasoleuca Dyar and Knab, 1908
- Wyeomyia codiocampa Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Wyeomyia coenonus Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Wyeomyia colombiana Lane, 1945
- Wyeomyia complosa (Dyar, 1928)
- Wyeomyia confusa (Lutz, 1905)
- Wyeomyia corona Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Wyeomyia covagarciai Sutil Oramas and Pulido, 1974
- Wyeomyia davisi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia deanei (Lourenço-de-Oliveira, 1983)
- Wyeomyia diabolica (Lane and Forattini, 1952)
- Wyeomyia downsi Lane, 1945
- Wyeomyia dyari Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia edwardsi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia esmeraldasi (Leví-Castillo, 1955)
- Wyeomyia exallos Rocha, Lourenço-de-Oliveira and Motta, 2012
- Wyeomyia felicia (Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927)
- Wyeomyia fernandezyepezi (Cova García, Sutil Oramas and Pulido, 1974)
- Wyeomyia finlayi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia fishi Zavortink, 1986
- Wyeomyia flabellata (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia flavifacies Edwards, 1922
- Wyeomyia florestan Dyar, 1925
- Wyeomyia flui (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
- Wyeomyia forattinii Clastrier, 1974
- Wyeomyia forcipenis Lourenço-de-Oliveira and da Silva, 1985
- Wyeomyia fuscipes Edwards, 1922
- Wyeomyia galvaoi (Corrêa and Ramalho, 1956)
- Wyeomyia gaudians Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
- Wyeomyia gausapata Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927
- Wyeomyia grayii Theobald, 1901
- Wyeomyia guatemala Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia gutierrezi Duret, 1971
- Wyeomyia hemisagnosta Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia hirsuta (Hill and Hill, 1946)
- Wyeomyia hosautos Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Wyeomyia howardi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia incaudata Root, 1928
- Wyeomyia ininicola Fauran and Pajot, 1974
- Wyeomyia intonca Dyar and Knab, 1910
- Wyeomyia jocosa (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
- Wyeomyia juxtahirsuta Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Wyeomyia knabi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia kummi Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia labesba Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1913
- Wyeomyia lamellata (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
- Wyeomyia lassalli (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1921)
- Wyeomyia lateralis Petrocchi, 1927
- Wyeomyia leucostigma Lutz in Bourroul, 1904
- Wyeomyia limai Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia longirostris Theobald, 1901
- Wyeomyia lopesi (Corrêa and Ramalho, 1956)
- Wyeomyia lopezii Cova García, Sutil and Pulido, 1974
- Wyeomyia luna Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Wyeomyia luteoventralis Theobald, 1901
- Wyeomyia lutzi (da Costa Lima, 1930)
- Wyeomyia mattinglyi Lane, 1953
- Wyeomyia medioalbipes Lutz, 1904
- Wyeomyia melanocephala Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia melanopus Dyar, 1919
- Wyeomyia mitchellii (Theobald, 1905)
- Wyeomyia moerbista (Dyar and Knab, 1919)
- Wyeomyia muehlensi Petrocchi in Shannon and Del Ponte, 1927
- Wyeomyia mystes Dyar, 1924
- Wyeomyia negrensis Gordon and Evans, 1922
- Wyeomyia nigricephala Clastrier and Claustre, 1978
- Wyeomyia nigritubus Galindo, Carpenter and Trapido, 1951
- Wyeomyia oblita (Lutz in Bourroul, 1904)
- Wyeomyia occulta Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1919
- Wyeomyia pallidoventer (Theobald, 1907)
- Wyeomyia palmata (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia pampithes (Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1928)
- Wyeomyia paucartamboensis Porter, 2014
- Wyeomyia pertinans (Williston, 1896)
- Wyeomyia phroso Howard, Dyar and Knab, 1915
- Wyeomyia pilicauda Root in Dyar, 1928
- Wyeomyia pseudopecten Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia pseudorobusta Pajot and Fauran, 1975
- Wyeomyia quasilongirostris (Theobald, 1907)
- Wyeomyia robusta Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Wyeomyia rooti (del Ponte, 1939)
- Wyeomyia rorotai Sevenet, Chabelard and Abonnenc, 1942
- Wyeomyia roucouyana (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1920)
- Wyeomyia sabethea Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia scotinomus (Dyar and Knab, 1907)
- Wyeomyia serrata (Lutz, 1905)
- Wyeomyia serratoria (Dyar and Nuñez Tovar, 1927)
- Wyeomyia shannoni Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia simmsi (Dyar and Knab, 1908)
- Wyeomyia smithii (Coquillett, 1901)
- Wyeomyia sororcula Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia splendida Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1919
- Wyeomyia staminifera Lourenço-de-Oliveira, Motta and de Castro, 1992
- Wyeomyia stellata Belkin, Heinemann and Page, 1970
- Wyeomyia stonei Vargas and Martínez Palacios, 1953
- Wyeomyia subcomplosa (del Ponte, 1939)
- Wyeomyia surinamensis Bruijning, 1959
- Wyeomyia tarsata Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Wyeomyia taurepana Anduze, 1941
- Wyeomyia testei Senevet and Abonnenc, 1939
- Wyeomyia theobaldi (Lane and Cerqueira, 1942)
- Wyeomyia trifurcata Clastrier, 1973
- Wyeomyia trinidadensis Theobald, 1901
- Wyeomyia tripartita (Bonne-Wepster and Bonne, 1921)
- Wyeomyia ulocoma (Theobald, 1903)
- Wyeomyia undulata Del Ponte and Cerqueira, 1938
- Wyeomyia vanduzeei Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Wyeomyia ypsipola Dyar, 1922
- Wyeomyia zinzala Zavortink, 1986
- Zeugnomyia aguilari Baisas and Feliciano, 1953
- Zeugnomyia fajardoi Baisas and Feliciano, 1953
- Zeugnomyia gracilis Leicester, 1908
- Zeugnomyia lawtoni Baisas, 1946
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aedes abnormalis abnormalis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes abnormalis kabwachensis Edwards, 1941
- Aedes aegypti aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762)
- Aedes aegypti formosus (Walker, 1848)
- Aedes annandalei annandalei (Theobald, 1910)
- Aedes annandalei quadricinctus Barraud, 1923
- Aedes argenteoventralis argenteoventralis (Theobald, 1909)
- Aedes argenteoventralis dunni (Evans, 1928)
- Aedes aurantius aurantius (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes aurantius chrysogaster (Taylor, 1927)
- Aedes boneti boneti Gil Collado, 1936
- Aedes boneti kumbae Chwatt, 1948
- Aedes canadensis canadensis (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes canadensis mathesoni Middlekauff, 1944
- Aedes caspius caspius (Pallas, 1771)
- Aedes caspius hargreavesi Edwards, 1920
- Aedes caspius meirai Ribeiro, Ramos, Capela and Pires, 1980
- Aedes cumminsii cumminsii (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes cumminsii mesosticus Harbach, 2018
- Aedes durbanensis angolae Ribeiro and da Cunha Ramos, 1974
- Aedes durbanensis durbanensis (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes flavopictus downsi Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Aedes flavopictus flavopictus Yamada, 1921
- Aedes flavopictus miyarai Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes fulvus fulvus (Wiedemann, 1828)
- Aedes fulvus pallens Ross, 1943
- Aedes gardnerii gardnerii (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes gardnerii imitator (Leicester, 1908)
- Aedes gubernatoris gubernatoris (Giles, 1901)
- Aedes gubernatoris kotiensis Barraud, 1934
- Aedes hirsutus adenensis (Edwards, 1941)
- Aedes hirsutus hirsutus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes impiger daisetsuzanus Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes impiger impiger (Walker, 1848)
- Aedes japonicus amamiensis Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes japonicus japonicus (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes japonicus shintienensis Tsai and Lien, 1950
- Aedes japonicus yaeyamensis Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Aedes lasaensis gyirongensis Ma, 1982
- Aedes lasaensis lasaensis Meng, 1962
- Aedes lineatopennis aureus Gutsevich, 1955
- Aedes lineatopennis lineatopennis (Ludlow, 1905)
- Aedes mediopunctatus mediopunctatus (Theobald, 1905)
- Aedes mediopunctatus sureilensis Barraud, 1934
- Aedes michaelikati gurneri van Someren, 1946
- Aedes michaelikati michaelikati van Someren, 1946
- Aedes notoscriptus montana (Brug, 1939)
- Aedes notoscriptus notoscriptus (Skuse, 1889)
- Aedes pulcritarsis asiaticus Edwards, 1926
- Aedes pulcritarsis pulcritarsis (Rondani, 1872)
- Aedes rusticus rusticus (Rossi, 1790)
- Aedes rusticus subtrichurus Martini, 1927
- Aedes spencerii idahoensis (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes spencerii spencerii (Theobald, 1901)
- Aedes tricholabis bwamba van Someren, 1950
- Aedes tricholabis tricholabis Edwards, 1941
- Aedes vexans arabiensis (Patton, 1905)
- Aedes vexans nipponii (Theobald, 1907)
- Aedes vexans nocturnus (Theobald, 1903)
- Aedes vexans vexans (Meigen, 1830)
- Aedes vigilax ludlowae (Blanchard, 1905)
- Aedes vigilax vansomerenae Mattingly in Mattingly and Brown, 1955
- Aedes vigilax vigilax (Skuse, 1889)
- Anopheles aitkenii aitkenii James in Theobald, 1903
- Anopheles aitkenii britanniae Strickland and Chowdhury, 1931
- Anopheles bancroftii bancroftii Giles, 1902
- Anopheles bancroftii barbiventris Brug, 1938
- Anopheles cinereus cinereus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles cinereus hispaniola (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles eiseni eiseni Coquillett, 1902
- Anopheles eiseni geometricus Corrêa, 1944
- Anopheles gigas crockeri Colless, 1955
- Anopheles gigas danaubento Mochtar and Walandouw, 1934
- Anopheles gigas formosus Ludlow, 1909
- Anopheles gigas gigas Giles, 1901
- Anopheles gigas oedjalikalah Nainggolan, 1939
- Anopheles gigas pantjarbatu Waktoedi Koesoemawinangoen, 1954
- Anopheles gigas refutans Alcock, 1913
- Anopheles gigas simlensis (James, 1911)
- Anopheles lindesayi benguetensis King, 1931
- Anopheles lindesayi cameronensis Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles lindesayi japonicus Yamada, 1918
- Anopheles lindesayi lindesayi Giles, 1900
- Anopheles lindesayi pleccau Koidzumi, 1924
- Anopheles ludlowae ludlowae (Theobald, 1903)
- Anopheles ludlowae torakala Stoker and Waktoedi Koesoemawinangoen, 1949
- Anopheles moucheti moucheti Evans, 1925
- Anopheles moucheti nigeriensis Evans, 1931
- Anopheles parapunctipennis guatemalensis de Leon, 1938
- Anopheles parapunctipennis parapunctipennis Martini, 1932
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis levicastilloi Leví-Castillo, 1944
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis neghmei Mann, 1950
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis noei Mann, 1950
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis patersoni Alvarado and Heredia, 1947
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis pseudopunctipennis Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles pseudopunctipennis rivadeneirai Leví-Castillo, 1945
- Anopheles rhodesiensis rhodesiensis Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles rhodesiensis rupicolus Lewis, 1937
- Anopheles rufipes broussesi Edwards, 1929
- Anopheles rufipes rufipes (Gough, 1910)
- Anopheles saperoi ohamai Ohama, 1947
- Anopheles saperoi saperoi Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Anopheles sergentii macmahoni Evans, 1936
- Anopheles sergentii sergentii (Theobald, 1907)
- Anopheles tessellatus kalawara Stoker and Waktoedi Koesoemawinangoen, 1949
- Anopheles tessellatus orientalis (Swellengrebel and Swellengrebel de Graaf, 1920)
- Anopheles tessellatus tessellatus Theobald, 1901
- Anopheles turkhudi telamali Saliternik and Theodor, 1942
- Anopheles turkhudi turkhudi Liston, 1901
- Anopheles wellcomei ugandae Evans, 1934
- Anopheles wellcomei ungujae White, 1975
- Anopheles wellcomei wellcomei Theobald, 1904
- Armigeres subalbatus chrysocorporis Hsieh and Liao, 1956
- Armigeres subalbatus subalbatus (Coquillett, 1898)
- Culex andersoni abyssinicus Edwards, 1941
- Culex andersoni andersoni Edwards, 1914
- Culex andersoni bwambanus Edwards, 1941
- Culex annulioris annulioris Theobald, 1901
- Culex annulioris consimilis Newstead in Newstead et al., 1907
- Culex annulirostris annulirostris Skuse, 1889
- Culex annulirostris marianae Bohart and Ingram, 1946
- Culex argenteopunctatus argenteopunctatus (Ventrillon, 1905)
- Culex argenteopunctatus kingii (Theobald, 1913)
- Culex aurantapex aurantapex Edwards, 1914
- Culex aurantapex ellinorae Ovazza, Hamon and Neri, 1956
- Culex aurantapex jinjaensis Edwards, 1941
- Culex comorensis comorensis Brunhes, 1977
- Culex comorensis kartalae Brunhes, 1977
- Culex curtipalpis curtipalpis (Edwards, 1914)
- Culex curtipalpis sumatranus Brug, 1931
- Culex grahamii farakoensis Hamon, 1955
- Culex grahamii grahamii Theobald, 1910
- Culex guiarti guiarti Blanchard, 1905
- Culex guiarti sudanicus Edwards, 1941
- Culex hayashii hayashii Yamada, 1917
- Culex hayashii ryukyuanus Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Culex horridus horridus Edwards, 1922
- Culex horridus rageaui (Hamon and Rickenbach, 1955)
- Culex hortensis hortensis Ficalbi, 1889
- Culex hortensis maderensis Mattingly, 1955
- Culex imitator imitator Theobald, 1903
- Culex imitator retrosus Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex inimitabilis fuscatus Lane and Whitman, 1951
- Culex inimitabilis inimitabilis Dyar and Knab, 1906
- Culex invidiosus invidiosus Theobald, 1901
- Culex invidiosus vexillatus Edwards, 1941
- Culex invidiosus vicinalis De Meillon and Lavoipierre, 1944
- Culex nebulosus nebulosus Theobald, 1901
- Culex nebulosus pseudocinereus Theobald, 1901
- Culex pipiens pallens Coquillett, 1898
- Culex pipiens pipiens Linnaeus, 1758
- Culex pruina eschirasi Galliard, 1931
- Culex pruina pruina Theobald, 1901
- Culex salisburiensis capensis De Meillon, 1935
- Culex salisburiensis coursi Doucet, 1949
- Culex salisburiensis salisburiensis Theobald, 1901
- Culex shoae shoae Hamon and Ovazza, 1954
- Culex shoae ugandae van Someren, 1967
- Culex striatipes joanae Muspratt, 1955
- Culex striatipes striatipes Edwards, 1941
- Culex toroensis macrophyllus Edwards and Gibbins, 1939
- Culex toroensis toroensis Edwards and Gibbins, 1939
- Culex trifilatus aenescens Edwards, 1941
- Culex trifilatus trifilatus Edwards, 1914
- Culex vansomereni draconis Ingram and De Meillon, 1927
- Culex vansomereni elgonicus Edwards, 1941
- Culex vansomereni vansomereni Edwards, 1926
- Culex weschei gediensis Edwards, 1941
- Culex weschei weschei Edwards, 1935
- Culiseta alaskaensis alaskaensis (Ludlow, 1906)
- Culiseta alaskaensis indica (Edwards, 1920)
- Culiseta frenchii atritarsalis (Dobrotworsky, 1954)
- Culiseta frenchii frenchii (Theobald, 1901)
- Eretmapodites plioleucus brevis Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites plioleucus plioleucus Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites silvestris conchobius Edwards, 1941
- Eretmapodites silvestris silvestris Ingram and De Meillon, 1927
- Eretmapodites wansoni douceti Adam and Hamon, 1959
- Eretmapodites wansoni wansoni Edwards, 1941
- Mansonia africana africana (Theobald, 1901)
- Mansonia africana nigerrima Theobald, 1910
- Mimomyia chamberlaini chamberlaini Ludlow, 1904
- Mimomyia chamberlaini clavipalpus (Theobald, 1908)
- Mimomyia chamberlaini metallica (Leicester, 1908)
- Toxorhynchites brevipalpis abyssinicus Ribeiro, 1991
- Toxorhynchites brevipalpis brevipalpis Theobald, 1901
- Toxorhynchites brevipalpis conradti Grünberg, 1907
- Toxorhynchites christophi aurifluus (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites christophi christophi (Portschinsky, 1884)
- Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis haemorrhoidalis (Fabricius, 1787)
- Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis separatus (Lynch Arribálzaga, 1891)
- Toxorhynchites haemorrhoidalis superbus (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Toxorhynchites inornatus albitarsis (Brug, 1939)
- Toxorhynchites inornatus inornatus (Walker, 1865)
- Toxorhynchites manicatus manicatus (Edwards, 1921)
- Toxorhynchites manicatus yaeyamae Bohart, 1956
- Toxorhynchites manicatus yamadai (Ouchi, 1939)
- Toxorhynchites rutilus rutilus (Coquillett, 1896)
- Toxorhynchites rutilus septentrionalis (Dyar and Knab, 1906)
- Toxorhynchites viridibasis viridibasis (Edwards, 1935)
- Toxorhynchites viridibasis voltaicus Ribeiro, 2005
- Trichoprosopon compressum compressum Lutz, 1905
- Trichoprosopon compressum mogilasium (Dyar and Knab, 1907)
- Trichoprosopon digitatum digitatum (Rondani, 1848)
- Trichoprosopon digitatum townsendi Stone, 1944
- Tripteroides bambusa bambusa (Yamada, 1917)
- Tripteroides bambusa yaeyamensis Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Tripteroides powelli escodae Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides powelli laffooni Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides powelli mattinglyi Baisas and Ubaldo-Pagayon, 1953
- Tripteroides powelli powelli (Ludlow, 1909)
- Uranotaenia anhydor anhydor Dyar, 1907
- Uranotaenia anhydor syntheta Dyar and Shannon, 1924
- Uranotaenia novobscura novobscura Barraud, 1934
- Uranotaenia novobscura ryukyuana Tanaka, Mizusawa and Saugstad, 1979
- Uranotaenia unguiculata pefflyi Stone, 1961
- Uranotaenia unguiculata unguiculata Edwards, 1913
- Wyeomyia hosautos hosautos Dyar and Knab, 1907
- Wyeomyia hosautos leucotarsis Lane, 1936
Врсте значајне за хуману и ветеринарску медицину
[уреди | уреди извор]![](
Поједине врсте комараца нападају човека и животиње, када се хране сисајући њихову крв. Женке помоћу усног апарата, који је прилагођен за бодење пробијају кожу и истовремено излучују секрет пљувачних жлезда који спречава згрушавање крви домаћина. После оплођења, које се најчешће врши у лету, женке полажу јаја у воду или влажну земљу где се вода сакупља. Пре полагања јаја женке обично узимају крв једанпут или више пута. Мужјаци живе поред воде и нису паразити човека и животиња већ се хране биљним соковима, нектаром и другим течностима. Комарци су веома вешти у инфилтрацији и познато је да налазе пут до станова и кроз искључене клима-уређаје.
Врсте значајне за хуману и ветеринарску медицину чланови су две потфамилије[3]:
- Anophelinae, у коју су сврстана три рода са најважнијим представником маларичним комарцем[27];
- Culicinae са 31 родом од којих су најпознатији у нашем подручју родови:
- комарац жуте грознице (Aedes) и
- обичан комарац (Culex)
Маларични комарац
[уреди | уреди извор]За маларичног комарца Anopheles maculipennis се раније сматрало да је јединствена врста, а од 1925. године прво Фалерони (Falleroni) открива да постоје две, а касније се долази до сазнања да постоји и већи број сестринских врста. Треба одмах нагласити да су мишљења научника различита и да већина не прихвата мишљење о сестринским врстама већ сматра да се ради о политипској врсти која има 6 палеарктичких подврста. Најуочљивије морфолошке разлике уочене су између јаја.
Женке полажу по 150-300 јаја појединачно на води и то по неколико пута током живота. Ларве се развијају у стајаћим водама богатим биљкама и имају респираторне цевчице које вире из воде, а на задњем делу тела и трахејне шкрге. У току године се образује већи број генерација, а неповољни услови се презимљују у стадијуму оплођене женке. У стању мировања тело маларичног комарца постављено је косо према подлози.
Ова врста комарца преноси узрочнике следећих болести:
- три основна типа маларије које изазива протозоа плазмодијум (Plasmodium);
- слоновске болести, елефантијазиса, чији је узрочник ваљкасти црв Filaria bancrofti;
- туларемије коју проузрокује бактерија и од које у природи обољевају првенствено пољски глодари па је позната и под називом зечја куга;
- грознице и главобоље изазване вирусом.
Комарац жуте грознице
[уреди | уреди извор]Род едес (Aedes) је са више врста:
- Aedes vexanus, која је најчешћа у нашим крајевима, чије се ларве развијају у плавним подручјима, барицама; ова врста најчешће напада човека; миграторна је и космополитска; преносилац је низа вируса од којих је у Срему изолован Tahyna вирус који изазива грип код човека и енцефалитис код животиња;
- Aedes aegypti који преноси узрочника жуте грознице.
Обичан комарац
[уреди | уреди извор]Обичан комарац се од маларичног разликује по положају тела у односу на подлогу: он има паралелан положај према подлози, док је маларични постављен косо, са подигнутим задњим делом тела.
Ларве се развијају у стајаћим водама, барама, базенима, сливницима, каналима итд. Ова врста је распрострањена широм наше земље и може досећи и висине од 2.500 m. Јединке које живе на југу су много агресивније него оне на северу.
Врсту Culex pipiens чине подврсте:
- C. pipiens fatigans
- C. p. quienquefasciatus (на слици)
- C. p. molestus.
Обичан комарац (Culex pipiens) је вектор многих вирусних и бактеријских обољења:
- јапанског енцефалитиса;
- лимфатичног менингитиса;
- грознице Западног Нила;
- Сан-Луи грознице;
- туларемије;
- бруцелозе.
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Многе мере су испробане за контролу комараца, укључујући елиминацију места узгоја, искључивање путем прозорских засуна и мрежа за комарце, биолошку контролу са паразитима као што су гљивице[28][29] и нематоди,[30] или предаторима као што су рибе,[31][32][33] веслоношци,[34] нимфе и одрасли вилини коњици, и неке врсте гуштера и гека.[35] Други приступ је увођење великог броја стерилних мужјака.[36] Истражене су генетичке методе укључујући некомпатибилност цитоплазме, хромозомске транслокације, сексуално дисторзију и замену гена. Оне су јефтиније и не подлежу векторском отпору.[37]
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Спољашње везе
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- American Mosquito Control Association - Mosquito Information Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (13. фебруар 2018)
- University of Florida Public Health Pesticide Applicator Training Manual - Chapter on Mosquitoes
- Mosquito Genomics WWW Server
- Mosquitoes - Micscape September 2003
- Mosquito pictures Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (25. фебруар 2021) - Shares facts and pictures regarding mosquitoes and their behavior, life cycle, and feeding habits.
- The evolution of DDT resistant mosquitoes
- Комарци на сајту Curlie (језик: енглески)
- Mosquito Information Website
- Mosquitoes Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (20. децембар 2019) chapter in United States Environmental Protection Agency National Public Health Pesticide Applicator Training Manual
- „Mosquitoes: The Worst”. Stuff You Should Know (Подкест). Приступљено 30. 6. 2015.
- Parasitic Insects, Mites and Ticks: Genera of Medical and Veterinary Importance Wikibooks