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Koordinate: 41° 28′ 31″ N 19° 46′ 35″ E / 41.47528° S; 19.77639° I / 41.47528; 19.77639
S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije
(preusmereno sa Албанополис)
Položaj Albana 150. godine
41° 28′ 31″ N 19° 46′ 35″ E / 41.47528° S; 19.77639° I / 41.47528; 19.77639

Albanopolj (antgrč. Ἀλβανόπολις [Albanópolis] — Albanopolis, lat. Albanopolis — Albanopolis)[1][2] je bio grad u rimskoj provinciji Makedoniji ilirskog plemena Albani. Mnogi istoričari ovaj grad danas smeštaju na područje današnjeg sela Zgerdeš, blizu Kroje u Albaniji.[3] Stari grad Albanopolj može odgovarati kasnije spominjanim u naseljima Arbanonu i Albanonu u srednjem veku, iako ih se nigde ne dovodi u vezu.[4] Grad se pojavljuje oko 150. godine, gotovo 300 godina posle rimskog osvajanja.

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Ptolemy. „III.13(12).23”. Geography (na jeziku: grčki). 
  2. ^ Smith, William, ur. (1854). „ILLYRICUM: 4. Race and National Character”. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography. „Ptolemy is the earliest writer in whose works the name of the Albanians has been distinctly recognised. He mentions (3.13.23) a tribe called ALBANI (Ἀλβανοί) and a town ALBANOPOLIS (Ἀλβανόπολις), in the region lying to the E. of the Ionian sea; and from the names of places with which Albanopolis is connected, it appears clearly to have been in the S. part of the Illyrian territory, and in modern Albania. There are no means of forming a conjecture how the name of this obscure tribe came to be extended to so considerable a nation 
  3. ^ „Albanopolis”. Arhivirano iz originala 16. 7. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 29. 3. 2010. 
  4. ^ Wilkes, J. J. (1992). The Illyrians. str. 279. ISBN 978-0-631-19807-9. „We cannot be certain that the Arbanon of Anna Comnena is the same as Albanopolis of the Albani, a place located on the map of Ptolemy