Daraut-Kurgan (Kirgistan)
Daraut-Kurgan je selo u zapadnom delu Alajske doline koja pripada Oškoj oblasti, u Kirgistanu. Ono je sedište okruga Čong-Alaj. Locirano je oko 90 km zapadno od Sari-Taša, na reci Vahš. Na severu je put do Oša preko prevoja Tengiz-baj, koji su koristili ruski istraživači pre izgradnje puta kroz Sari-Taš.
Na jugu, reka Altin teče na sever kroz duboku dolinu u Trans-alajskom planinskom vencu. u čelu doline nalazi se tadžikistanska granična postaja, a zatim Altin Mazar na reci Muksu koja teče na zapad i utiče u reku Vahš. Južno od ovoga je podnožje glečera Fedčenko.
Selo Kara-Šibak je 3 km (2 milje) južno, a Kizil-Ešme 5 km (3 milje) istočno.
Aurel Štajn sugerisao je da je to lokacija „Kamene kule“, za koju je Ptolemej rekao da je bila mesto gde su se sastajali karavani iz Kine i Rimskog carstva i razmenjivali robu.[1][2] Drugi naučnici ne slažu se sa ovom identifikacijom, iako ona i dalje važi za jedno od četiri potencijalna mesta lokacije „Kamenu kulu”.[3]
Daraut-Kurgan je najviše naseljeno mesto u Kirgistanu. 2021. godine u selu je živelo 6 421 stanovnika.[4]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ John E. Hill, Through the Jade Gate,2015, Appendix E. quoting Stein(1932), pp 22-23 and Stein(1928), vol II, pp-847-850. Hill's extract does not explain Stein's reasons.
If this is true the route east to Kashgar is obvious. The route west would have gone about 25 miles south up the Altyn River and down a 2000-foot slope to the Tadjik border post at Altyn Mazar ('Golden Shrine'). It would follow the Muksu 55 miles west to its junction with the Kyzyl-Suu. It would then follow the Vakhsh River about 140 miles west-southwest until the country becomes flat and then southwest to Balkh. Alternatively the route could have followed the Kyzyl-Suu west until its junction with the Muksu. The hill above Altyn Mazar looks difficult. but if the Kyzyl-Suu route were used there would be no reason for Daroot-Korgan to be a landmark, unless it was some kind of border post. - ^ Stein, Aurel (1928). Innermost Asia: Detailed Report of Explorations in Central Asia, Kansu, and Eastern Īrān Carried Out and Described under the Orders of H.M. Indian Government (4 Volumes). Oxford: Clarendon Press. str. 847—51 (Vol 2).
- ^ Dean, Riaz (2015). „The Location of Ptolemy's Stone Tower: the Case for Sulaiman-Too in Osh”. The Silk Road. 13: 77.
- ^ „Population of regions, districts, towns, urban-type settlements, rural communities and villages of Kyrgyz Republic” (XLS) (na jeziku: ruski). National Statistics Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic. 2021. Arhivirano iz originala 10. 11. 2021. g.