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Duns Skot

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Jovan Duns Skot
Duns Skot
Lični podaci
Datum rođenja1265.
Mesto rođenjaDuns,
Datum smrti8. decembar 1308.
Mesto smrtiKeln,
ObrazovanjeUniverzitet u Oksfordu,[1][2] Merton College
Filozofski rad
Škola filozofijeScholasticism
Theological voluntarism[4]
Philosophical realism
Medieval realism (Scotistic realism)
Uticaji odAristotle, Avicenna,[5] Augustine of Hippo, Anselm of Canterbury,[6]
Uticao naAntonius Andreas, Henry Harclay,[7] Thomas Wilton,[8]

Jovan Duns Skot (engl. Duns Scotus; oko 12668. decembar 1308)[9] je bio katolički teolog, filozof i logičar. Bio je jedan od najuticajnijih teologa i filozofa visokog srednjeg veka, pa mu je, zbog pronicljivog duha, nadenut i latinski nadimak Doctor subtilis.[10]


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Nije sasvim jasno gde je rođen. Neki drže da je rođen u Dunsu u Škotskoj, dok drugi misle da je rođen u Irskoj. Stupio je u franjevački red, te je 1291. u Northamptonu, u Engleskoj zaređen za sveštenika, a studirao je i poučavao u Parizu (12931297) i Oksfordu, a možda i u Kembridžu. Bio je proteran s Pariskog univerziteta, jer je stao na stranu pape Bonifacija VIII, a protiv francuskog kralja Filip IV. Na koncu je 1307. došao u Keln u Nemačkoj.

Bio je jedan od najvećih franjevačkih teologa i utemeljitelj posebnog pravca unutar skolastike, koji će biti nazvan »skotizam«. Poticao je iz »Stare franjevačke škole« kojoj su pripadali Aleksandar Haleški (umro 1245), Bonaventura (umro 1274), Jovan Pekam (umro 1292) i drugi. Nazivali su ga Doctor subtilis, jer je bio izrazito vešt u mirenju različitih pogleda na neku stvar.

Umro je u Kelnu, a pokopan je u franjevačkoj crkvi u tom gradu. Na sarkofagu mu na latinskom piše: »Scotia me genuit. Anglia me suscepit. Gallia me docuit. Colonia me tenet.« - Škotska (Irska se do 13. stoljeća nazivala i Škotskom) me rodila. Engleska me prihvatila. Francuska me učila. Keln me drži.

U Kelnu se stolećima poštuje kao blaženik, a papa Jovan Pavle II proširio je 20. marta 1993. njegovo štovanje na celu Crkvu.


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Duns Skot bio je filozof hrišćanske skolastike. On je proučavao metafiziku i bavio se kategorijama kao što su postojanje, biće i drugo. On je takođe zastupao princip individuacije (npr. ljudi su različiti međusobno). Što se tiče problema univerzalija on je bio realista.

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Radi grubim hronološkim redom
  • Pre 1295:
    • Parva logicalia
      • Quaestiones super Porphyrii Isagogem
      • Quaestiones in librum Praedicamentorum
      • Quaestiones in I et II librum Perihermeneias
      • Octo quaestiones in duos libros Perihermeneias
      • Quaestiones in libros Elenchorum
  • Quaestiones super libros De anima (1295–1298?)
  • Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis (1298–1300?; revidirano kasnije)
  • Notabilia Scoti super Metaphysicam (a set of notes concerning books II–X and XII of Aristotle's Metaphysics, otriveno tek 1996[11])
  • Lectura (Early Oxford Lectures on the four books of the Sentences of Peter Lombard)
    • Books 1 and 2 (1300–1301)
    • Book 3 (Verovatno napisano u Parizu, 1303–04)
    • Book 4 (nije sačuvana)
  • Ordinatio or Opus Oxoniense (Oxford Lectures: a revision of the lectures given at Oxford, books 1 and 2 summer 1300–1302, books 3 and 4, 1303–1304)
  • Collationes oxonienses (1303–04 or 1305–08)
  • Collationes parisienses (1302–07)
  • Reportatio parisiensis (Paris Lectures, 1302–07)
  • Quaestiones Quodlibetales (edited by Felix Alluntis in Obras del Doctor Sutil, Juan Duns Escoto, Madrid, Biblioteca de Autores Cristianos, 1963)
  • Tractatus de Primo Principio (Treatise on the First Principle) English Translation
  • Theoremata
Dubiozni radovi
  • Theoremata
Lažni radovi
  • De Rerum Principio (Of the Beginning of Things).
Latinska izdanja
  • OPERA OMNIA. (Wadding Edition, so-called after its editor Luke Wadding) Lyon, 1639; reprinted Hildesheim: Georg Olms Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1968.
  • OPERA OMNIA. (Vatican Edition = VE) Civitas Vaticana: Typis Polyglottis Vaticanis, 1950–.
    • ORDINATIO (complete critical edition)
    • I, De Ordinatione Ioannis Duns Scoti disquisitio historico critica. Prologus totius operis, 1950.
    • II, Ordinatio. Liber Primus. Distinctiones 1–2, 1950.
    • III, Ordinatio. Liber Primus. Distinctio 3, 1954.
    • IV, Ordinatio. Liber Primus. Distinctiones 4–10, 1956.
    • V, Ordinatio. Liber Primus. Distinctiones 11–25, 1959.
    • VI, Ordinatio. Liber Primus. Distinctiones 26–48, 1963.
    • VII, Ordinatio. Liber Secundus. Distinctiones 1–3, 1973.
    • VIII, Ordinatio. Liber Secundus. Distinctiones 4–44, 2001.
    • IX, Ordinatio. Liber Tertius. Distinctiones 1–17, 2006.
    • X, Ordinatio. Liber Tertius. Distinctiones 26–40, 2007.
    • XI, Ordinatio. Liber Quartus. Distinctiones 1–7, 2008.
    • XII, Ordinatio. Liber Quartus. Distinctiones 8–13, 2010.
    • XIII, Ordinatio. Liber Quartus, Distinctiones 14–42, 2011.
    • XIV, Ordinatio. Liber Quartus, Distinctiones 43–49, 2013.
    • XVI, Lectura in Librum Primum Sententiarum. Prologus et Distinctiones 1–7, 1960.
    • XVII, Lectura in Librum Primum Sententiarum. Distinctiones 8–45, 1966.
    • XVIII, Lectura in Librum Secundum Sententiarum. Distinctiones 1–6, 1982.
    • XIX, Lectura in Librum Secundum Sententiarum. Distinctiones 7–44, 1993.
    • XX, Lectura in Librum Tertium Sententiarum. Distinctiones 1–17, 2003.
    • XXI, Lectura in Librum Tertium Sententiarum. Distinctiones 18–40, 2004.
  • OPERA PHILOSOPHICA (= OP). St. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute:, 1997–2006:
    • Vol. I: Quaestiones super Porphyrius Isagoge et Aristoteles Categoriae, Franciscan Institute Publications, 1999. ISBN 978-1-57659-121-5
    • Vol. II: Quaestiones super Peri hermeneias et Sophistici Elenchis (along with) Theoremata, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2004, ISBN 978-1-57659-122-2.
    • Vol. III-IV: Quaestiones super libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis Franciscan Institute Publications, 2004. ISBN 978-1-57659-124-6.
    • Vol. V: Quaestiones super Secundum et Tertium de Anima. Franciscan Institute Publications, 2006. ISBN 978-0-8132-1422-1.
  • The Examined Report of the Paris Lecture, Reportatio I-A, Volume 1, edited and translated by Allan B. Wolter, OFM and Oleg Bychkov. Franciscan Institute Publications, 2004 ISBN 978-1-57659-193-2
  • The Examined Report of the Paris Lecture, Reportatio I-A, Volume 2, edited and translated by Allan B. Wolter, OFM and Oleg Bychkov. Franciscan Institute Publications, 2008. ISBN 978-1-57659-150-5
Prevodi na engleski
  • John Duns Scotus, A Treatise on God as First Principle. Chicago: Franciscan Herald Press 1982. A Latin text and English translation of the De Primo Principio. Second edition, revised, with a commentary by Allan Wolter, (First edition 1966).
  • John Duns Scotus, God and Creatures. The Quodlibetal Questions, Translated by Wolter, Allan B., OFM, and Felix Alluntis, Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press, 1975.
  • Duns Scotus on the Will and Morality, Translated by Wolter, Allan B., OFM, Washington, DC: The Catholic University of America Press, 1986.
  • Duns Scotus: Philosophical Writings, Translated by Wolter, Allan B., OFM, Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company, 1987.
  • Duns Scotus' Parisian Proof for the Existence of God, edited By Allan B. Wolter and Marilyn McCord Adams, Franciscan Studies 42, 1982, pp. 248–321. (Latin text and English translation).
  • John Duns Scotus, Contingency and Freedom. Lectura I 39, translation, commentary and introduction by A. Vos Jaczn, H. Veldhuis, A.H. Looman-Graaskamp, E. Dekker and N.W. den Bok. The New Synthese Historical Library 4. Dordrecht/Boston/London: Kluwer, 1994.
  • Questions on the Metaphysics of Aristotle by John Duns Scotus, Translated by Etzkorn, Girard J., and Allan B. Wolter, OFM, St. Bonaventure, NY: The Franciscan Institute, 1997–1998.
  • John Duns Scotus. Four Questions on Mary, Introduction with Latin text and English translation and notes by Allan B. Wolter, OFM, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2000.
  • John Duns Scotus. A Treatise on Potency and Act. Questions on the Metaphysics of Aristotle Book IX, Introduction with Latin text and English translation and notes by Allan B. Wolter, OFM, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2000.
  • John Duns Scotus. Political and Economic Philosophy, Introduction with Latin text and English translation and notes by Allan B. Wolter, OFM, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2001.
  • Duns Scotus on Divine Love: Texts and Commentary on Goodness and Freedom, God and Humans, translated by A. Vos, H. Veldhuis, E. Dekker, N.W. den Bok and A.J. Beck (ed.). Aldershot: Ashgate 2003.
  • John Duns Scotus. Early Oxford Lecture on Individuation, Introduction with Latin text and English translation and notes by Allan B. Wolter, OFM, Franciscan Institute Publications, 2005.
  • John Duns Scotus. Questions on Aristotle's Categories, Translated by Lloyd A. Newton, Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2014.
  • Duns Scotus on Time and Existence: The Questions on Aristotle's "De interpretatione", Translated with Introduction and Commentary by Edward Buckner and Jack Zupko, Washington, DC: Catholic University of America Press, 2014.


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  1. ^ Williams, Thomas (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Duns Scotus. Cambridge University Press, 2002, p. 2.
  2. ^ He has long been claimed as a Merton alumnus, but there is no contemporary evidence to support this claim and as a Franciscan, he would have been ineligible for fellowships at Merton (see Martin, G. H. & Highfield, J. R. L. (1997). A History of Merton College. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 53).
  3. ^ Cross, Richard (2014). Duns Scotus's Theory of Cognition. Oxford University Press. str. 18. ISBN 9780199684885. „Scotus is a good Aristotelian, in the sense that he believes that cognition always has an empirical starting point 
  4. ^ Walker, L. (1912). Voluntarism. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Retrieved September 27, 2019 from New Advent.
  5. ^ The Sheed & Ward Anthology of Catholic Philosophy. Rowman & Littlefield. 2005. ISBN 9780742531987. 
  6. ^ „Anselm of Canterbury (1033–1109)”, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2006, Pristupljeno 10. 11. 2017 
  7. ^ Anthony Kenny, Wyclif in His Times, Oxford UP, 1986, p. 35 n. 13.
  8. ^ Harjeet Singh Gill, Signification in language and culture, Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 2002, p. 109.
  9. ^ Williams, Thomas (2019), „John Duns Scotus”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 
  10. ^ Spade, Paul Vincent (2018), „Medieval Philosophy”, The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, „Histories of medieval philosophy often treat Thomas Aquinas (1224/25–74), John Duns Scotus (c. 1265–1308), and William of Ockham (c. 1287–1347) as the “big three” figures in the later medieval period; a few add Bonaventure (1221–74) as a fourth. 
  11. ^ Giorgio Pini, "Duns Scotus' Literal Commentary on the "Metaphysics" and the "Notabilia Scoti super Metaphysicam" (Milan, Biblioteca Ambrosiana, C 62 Sup, ff. 51r–98r)", Bulletin de philosophie médiévale, 38 (1996), 141–142.


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