Hadsonov prolaz
Hadsonov prolaz (fr. Détroit d'Hudson) povezuje Atlantski okean i Labradorsko more sa Hadsonovim zalivom u Kanadi. Leži između Bafinove zemlje i severne obale provincije Kvebek u Kanadi. Istočni ulaz u Hadsonov prolaz obeležavaju ostrvo Rezolušon i rt Čidlej. Prolaz je širok između 120 i 200 km, a dugačak je oko 700 km. Tesnac je dugačak oko 750 km sa prosečnom širinom od 125 km, varirajući od 70 km na istočnom ulazu do 240 km u zalivu Desepšon.[4]
Engleski moreplovac ser Martin Frobišer je bio prvi Evropljanin koji je izvestio o ulasku u moreuz, 1578 godine. On je plimu na ulazu nazvao Besni preokret i nazvao moreuz Pogrešnim tesnacom, pošto je smatrao da manje obećava kao ulaz u Severozapadni prolaz,[5][6][7][8] nego vodeno telo koje je kasnije nazvano Frobišer Bej.[9] Džon Dejvis[10] je plovio pored ulaza u moreuz tokom svog putovanja 1587. godine.[11][12] Prvi Evropljanin koji je istražio moreuz bio je Džordž Vejmut koji je 1602. preplovio 300 nautičkih milja iza Besnog preokreta.[13][14] Tesnac je dobio ime po Henriju Hadsonu[15][16] koji ga je istražio 1610. na brodu Diskaveri,[17][18] istom brodu koji je prethodno koristio Džordž Vejmut 1602. Hadsona je pratio Tomas Baton 1612. i detaljnija ekspedicija mapiranja koju su vodili Robert Bajlot i Vilijam Bafin 1616. godine.[19][20]
Hadsonov moreuz povezuje severne morske luke Manitobe i Ontarija sa Atlantskim okeanom. Tesnac bi mogao da posluži kao istočni ulaz u Severozapadni prolaz da nije leda u moreuzu Furija i Hekla južno od zapadnog Bafinovog ostrva.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Međunarodna hidrografska organizacija definiše granice Hadsonovog moreuza na sledeći način:[21]
- Na zapadu. Linija od Nuvuk Pojnta (62° 21′ N 78° 06′ W / 62.350° S; 78.100° Z) do Lejson Pojta, odatle istočnom obalom ostrva Sauthampton do Sihors Pojnta, njegovog istočnog ekstrema, odatle linija do tačke Lojd (64° 25′ N 78° 07′ W / 64.417° S; 78.117° Z) Bafinovo ostrvo.
- Na severu. Južna obala Bafinovog ostrva između Lojd Pojnta i Ist Blafa.
- Na Istoku. Linija od Ist Blafa, jugoistočnog kraja Bafinovog ostrva (61° 53′ N 65° 57′ W / 61.883° S; 65.950° Z), do Pojnt Meridijana, zapadnog ekstremnog dela ostrva Louer Savidž, duž obale do njegovog jugozapadnog ekstrema i odatle linija preko do zapadnog krajnjeg dela ostrva Rezolušon, preko njegove jugozapadne obale do Haton hedlanda, njegove južne tačke, odatle linija do rta Čidli, Labrador (60° 24′ N 64° 26′ W / 60.400° S; 64.433° Z).
- Na jugu. Kopno između rta Čidli i tačke Nuvuk.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Henri Hadson je na brodu Diskaveri 1610. godine otkrio prolaz. Dugo se smatralo da je to čuveni Severozapadni prolaz prema Kini.
Sebastijan Kabo je prvi otkrio Hadsonov prolaz 1517. godine. Ipak prolaz je dobio ime po Hadsonu, jer je Hadson prvi prošao kroz celi prolaz.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ „Letter of Marque, p.60 - accessed 25 July 2017.” (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 20. 10. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 27. 10. 2018.
- ^ Cooper, Barry (1988). Alexander Kennedy Isbister: A Respectable Critic of the Honourable Company. McGill-Queen's Press. ISBN 9780773573529.
- ^ Houston, Stuart (1994). To the Arctic by Canoe 1819-1821: The Journal and Paintings of Robert Hood, Midshipman with Franklin. McGill-Queen's Press. ISBN 9780773512221.
- ^ Proceedings of a Workshop: Marine Ecosystem studies in Hudson Strait, http://www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/Library/117149.pdf, retrieved 28 October 2017
- ^ „Northwest passage”. Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary.
- ^ Mitchell, Alanna (5. 2. 2000). „The Northwest Passage Thawed”. The Globe and Mail. str. A9. Arhivirano iz originala 30. 7. 2007. g.
- ^ Brigham, L.; McCalla, R.; Cunningham, E.; et al. (2009). Brigham, L.; Santos-Pedro, V.M.; Juurmaa, K., ur. Arctic Marine Shipping Assessment (PDF) (Izveštaj). Norway: Protection of the Arctic Marine Environment (PAME), Arctic Council. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 16. 10. 2011. g.
- ^ Østreng, Willy; Eger, Karl Magnus; Fløistad, Brit; et al. (2013). Shipping in Arctic Waters: A Comparison of the Northeast, Northwest and Trans Polar Passages. Springer. ISBN 978-3642167898. S2CID 41481012. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-16790-4.
- ^ Frobisher Bay in The Canadian Encyclopedia
- ^ Markham, Clements R. (1889). A life of John Davis, the navigator, 1550-1605, discoverer of Davis straits. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company.
- ^ „John Davis: Master Navigator”. Collections Canada. 19. 3. 2004. Pristupljeno 9. 6. 2009.
- ^ Gosch, C.C.A. Danish Arctic Expeditions, 1605 to 1620. Book I.—The Danish Expeditions to Greenland in 1605, 1606, and 1607; to which is added Captain James Hall's Voyage to Greenland in 1612. Hakluyt Society (London), 1897.
- ^ Glyn Williams, "Arctic Labyrinth", Toronto: Penguin, 2009, p 45
- ^ Douglas Hunter, "God’s Mercies. Rivalry, Betrayal and the Dream of Discovery", Anchor/Random House, 2007, pp. 13-14
- ^ Butts, E. (2009). Henry Hudson: new world voyager. Toronto: Dundurn. str. 17. ISBN 9781554884551.
- ^ Hunter, D. (2007). God's Mercies: rivalry, betrayal and the dream of discovery. Toronto: Doubleday. str. 12. ISBN 9780385660587.
- ^ Rink, O. A. (1986). Holland on the Hudson: an economic and social history of Dutch New York. Ithaca: Cornell University Press. str. 29. ISBN 9780801418662.
- ^ De Laet, J. (1625). Nieuvve wereldt, ofte, Beschrijvinghe van West-Indien (na jeziku: holandski). Leyden: Elzevier. str. 83. OCLC 65327738.
- ^ Nuttal, Mark, "Encyclopedia of the Arctic", Routledge: 2004, pp. 295-296
- ^ Fick, Steven; Hunter, Douglas (1. 4. 2010). „In Hudson’s wake”. Canadian Geographic. The Royal Canadian Geographical Society. Arhivirano iz originala 1. 4. 2019. g. Pristupljeno 16. 4. 2019.
- ^ „Limits of Oceans and Seas, 3rd edition” (PDF). International Hydrographic Organization. 1953. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 8. 10. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 28. 12. 2020.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Allard, Michel, Baolai Wang, and Jean A Pilon. 1995. "Recent Cooling Along the Southern Shore of Hudson Strait, Quebec, Canada, Documented from Permafrost Temperature Measurements". Arctic and Alpine Research. 27, no. 2: 157.
- Andrews, J. T., and D. C. Barber1. 2002. "Dansgaard-Oeschger Events: Is There a Signal Off the Hudson Strait Ice Stream?" Quaternary Science Reviews. 21, no. 1-3: 443–454.
- Barr, W. 1994. "The Eighteenth Century Trade between the Ships of the Hudson's Bay Company and the Hudson Strait Inuit". Arctic. 47, no. 3: 236.
- Campbell, N. J. The Oceanography of Hudson Strait. [S.l.]: Atlantic Oceanographic Group, 1958.
- Easton, A. K. Tides of Hudson Strait. Dartmouth, Nova Scotia: Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 1972.
- Gaston, A. J. Seabird Investigations in Hudson Strait Report on Activities in 1980. OLABS Program report. [Canada]: Canadian Wildlife Service, 1981.
- Payne, F. F. Eskimo of Hudson's Strait. Toronto?: s.n.], (1889) ISBN 0-665-09301-2
- 2005. "A Sentry at the Atlantic Gateway – An Experimental Mooring Monitors Water Flow Through Strategic Hudson Strait". Oceanus. 44, no. 3: 30.
- Berton, Pierre (1988). The Arctic Grail: The Quest for the North West Passage and the North Pole, 1818-1909. Doubleday Canada. ISBN 978-0-385-67362-4.
- Day, Alan (2006). Historical Dictionary of the Discovery and Exploration of the Northwest Passage. Scarecrow Press. ISBN 978-0-8108-6519-8.
- Griffiths, Franklyn (1987). Politics of the Northwest Passage. Kingston: McGill–Queen's University Press. ISBN 0-7735-0613-6.
- Robinson, J. Lewis (4. 3. 2015) [August 12, 2013]. „Northwest Passage”. The Canadian Encyclopedia (online izd.). Historica Canada.
- Waterman, Jonathan (2001). Arctic Crossing: A Journey Through the Northwest Passage and Inuit Culture. Random House Canada. ISBN 978-0-679-31090-7.
- Williams, Glyndwr (2003). Voyages of Delusion: The Quest for the Northwest Passage. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-09866-2.
- Edinger, Ray (2003). Fury Beach. Penguin. ISBN 978-0-425-19604-5.
- Neatby, Leslie H. (1958). In Quest of the North West Passage. Longmans, Green. Illustrated with black&white photos and reproductions and with maps (some fold to open out).
- Rundall, Thomas, ur. (1849). Narratives of voyages towards the north-west in search of a passage to Cathay and India, 1496 to 1631. Hakluyt Society. ISBN 9780665422331.
- Scholefield, E.O.S. (1914). „Chapter II: Apocryphal Voyages”. British Columbia from the Earliest Times to the Present. S. J. Clarke Publishing Company. str. 18—31.
- Andrews, John T. (1987). Cumberland Sound and Frobisher Bay, Southeastern Baffin Island, N.W.T. Ottawa, Ont: National Research Council of Canada. ISBN 0-660-12477-7.
- Eggertsson, Olafur, and Dosia Laeyendecker. 1995. "A Dendrochronological Study of the Origin of Driftwood in Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, N.W.T., Canada". Arctic and Alpine Research. 27, no. 2: 180.
- Finkler, Harold W. (1976). Inuit and the Administration of Criminal Justice in the Northwest Territories The Case of Frobisher Bay. Ottawa: Minister of Indian and Northern Affairs. ISBN 0-662-00222-9.
- Grainger, E. H. The Food of Ice Fauna and Zooplankton in Frobisher Bay. Ste-Anne de Bellevue, Que: Arctic Biological Station, Dept. of Fisheries and Oceans, 1985.
- Gullason, Lynda (2001). Engendering Interaction Inuit-European Contact in Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island. Ottawa: National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada. ISBN 0-612-50180-9.
- Henshaw, Anne Stevens. Central Inuit Household Economies Zooarchaeological, Environmental, and Historical Evidence from Outer Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Canada. BAR international series, 871. Oxford, England: Archaeopress, (2000) ISBN 1-84171-073-3
- Mallon, S. T. Inuktitut, Frobisher Bay Version. Yellowknife, N.W.T.: Dept. of Education, 1977.
- Odess, Daniel (1996). Interaction, Adaptation, and Culture Change Lithic Exchange in Frobisher Bay Dorset Society, Baffin Island, Arctic Canada.
- Roy, Sharat Kumar (1941). The Upper Ordovician Fauna of Frobisher Bay, Baffin Land.
- Thomson, G. James. A Ring of Urgency An Engineering Memoir : from the Halls of Humberside to the Shores of Frobisher Bay. Scarborough, Ont: Abbeyfield Publishers, (1995) ISBN 0-9699536-0-7
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- US Navy: Identifying Surface Warfare Missions in an Ice-free Arctic Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (5. oktobar 2011)
- Northwest Passage website History of NW exploration with numerous maps and illustrations.