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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Polish spelling[уреди извор]

Hello! I'm writing in answer to the question you asked on Polish Wikipedia about the spelling of "polski". It is a small letter, as in your native language, and possibly all Slavic languages. There is a rule in Polish to start "nationality adjectives" with small leters. Greetings! You can contact me on pl wiki here: [1]. Selena

The name of Bulgarian in interwiki links[уреди извор]

"български" is written with a small letter unlike "English" etc. --bg:Потребител:Emil 08:14, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

Czech - česky[уреди извор]

It should be written "česky" (small letter). --Luděk 08:19, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

Yes, "česky" means "in Czech", as eg. "in English". The name of the language, though, is "čeština" (Czech as language). It is not clear to me how and where you want to change the interwiki names of the language. For me, I am perfectly happy with the current state. --Dodo 14:45, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

Hungarian - magyar[уреди извор]

It is to be written with a small initial letter. 09:15, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

(I tend to disagree, if the question is the interlang links at the side! That is a list, and not a sentence. --grin@huwiki)

The situation is similar to the Russian one as outlined by ajvol below. We generally write names of languages with a small initial letter, but there is nothing wrong about starting the names of items in a list with a capital letter since they may be considered titles. — KovacsUr 12:11, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

It is written by a small initial in sentences, but on the interwiki list it would seem odd with small initials. – (Alensha from HunWiki)

"Русский" или "русский"[уреди извор]

From w:ru:Википедия:Форум

I am seeking for right orthography inside for interwiki links. The question is: Is to correct to write the name of Russian language "Русский" or "русский"? (Hm. I know that you are writing "русский", but you should tell do you agree to write it in such way in interwiki links or not :) ) For example, Italian, Serbian, Croatian and Serbo-Croatian would be written with the starting small letter because by orthography of these languages language name is written with the starting small letter. --millosh (обсуждение (sr:)) 05:23, 13 июля 2005 (UTC)

Yes, we write "русский" in text, but about list it's unclear. Variants:
List with semicolons:
  • итальянский;
  • русский;
  • сербский.
List with points (the list item is sentence consisting of one word):
  • Итальянский.
  • Русский.
  • Сербский.
But in the text-design purposes it is possible to clean both points, and semicolons.
--ajvol 08:03, 13 июля 2005 (UTC)

Slovak - Slovenčina[уреди извор]

Similarly as for the languages above is "slovenčina" written starting with a small "s" in the beggining. --Maros 11:05, 13 јул 2005 (CEST)

Милбот[уреди извор]

Мислим да је направио грешку овде 13. новембар, треба погледати због чега --Саша Стефановић (разговор) 23:04, 14 јул 2005 (CEST)

The name of Portugese in interwiki links[уреди извор]

Sorry for taking so long to reply. You wrote, at pt:Wikipedia:Esplanada:

I am seeking for right orthography inside for interwiki links. The question is: Is to correct to write the name of Portugese language "Português" or "português"? For example, Italian, Serbian, Croatian and Serbo-Croatian would be written with the starting small letter because by orthography of these languages language name is written with the starting small letter. --millosh (discussão (sr:)) 11:21, 13 Julho 2005 (UTC)

That's a tricky question. IMHO, if you insert the portuguese language in the middle of a sentence, the correct way to do it it's lowercasing the first letter, since it's not a noun, but rather an adjective (?). However, if you just want to state "Portuguese language" with nothing else around it, as an isolated expression - as an interwiki label -, you should do it uppercase, as if there was punctuaction symbol before it (thus, starting a new sentence).

Anyway, my vote is for uppercasing the initial letter. Nuno Tavares 06:31, 16 јул 2005 (CEST)
He does have a point. --Дунго (разговор) 12:48, 16 јул 2005 (CEST)