Разговор с корисником:Dcirovic/Архива 4
Извините на сметњи, али овај чланак који сам написао има ознаку да је неопходно 'чишћење' па сам хтео да Вас питам шта је неопходно да се исправи/уреди како би чланак био добар. -Хвала на одговору унапред Dufaxd (разговор) 22:42, 22. април 2020. (CEST)
- @Dufaxd: Kako se zove članak koji ste napisali? --Dcirovic (разговор) 00:31, 23. април 2020. (CEST)
Ево @Dcirovic:, Грађанско право у средњовековној Србији Dufaxd (разговор) 00:44, 23. април 2020. (CEST)
- @Dufaxd: Pokušaću da vam pomognem u toku sledećih 24h. Dcirovic (разговор) 01:23, 23. април 2020. (CEST)
@Dcirovic: Hvala vam na izdvojenom vremenu u svakom slučaju :) Dufaxd (разговор) 01:28, 23. април 2020. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Поздрав, хтео сам да Вам предложим да се шаблон {{Death date and age-lat}} претвори у преусмерење у {{Datum smrti-lat}} који ради одлично и приказује формат датума на начин на који је правилно на српском језику. Колико видим параметар df=yes не прави никакав проблем тако да се не мора ботовски уклањати из шаблона. Иначе имамо доста шаблона око датума рођења и смрти које треба средити, и решавање овог је корак ближе ка решавању целокупног проблема. — SimplyFreddie (разговор) 14:10, 26. април 2020. (CEST)
- @SimplyFreddie: Urađeno , the affected pages seem to be fine. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:19, 26. април 2020. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Поздрав. Чему тагови за спречавање транслитерације у спољашњим везама ћириличког чланка? Колико знам, одавно је решен проблем транслитерације, тако да тагови сада имају смисла једино у чланцима на латиници, код ћириличких су непотребни. --Миљан Симоновић (разговор) 10:01, 27. април 2020. (CEST)
- @Miljan Simonović: Jednostrana prioritizacija jednog pisma nije, niti može biti „rešenje”. Ravnopravnost pisama podrazumeva jednobrazan tretman oba pisma. Da li su izmene kojima se favorizuje jedno pismo izglasane? --Dcirovic (разговор) 15:12, 27. април 2020. (CEST)
- Мислим да ме ниси разумео. :) Тагови за спречавање транслитерације се користе, као што им јелте и само име каже, да би речи на латиници остале на латиници без обзира на писмо на ком се чита чланак. Ако је чланак написан ћирилицом, његовим пребацивањем на латиницу ће све речи бити на том писму, укључујући и оне које морају бити. Стога су тагови непотребни у ћириличким чланцима. Са друге стране, у чланцима на латиници се таговима морају означити речи које треба да остану на латиници чак и када се чланак чита на ћирилици. Надам се да те нисам опет збунио. --Миљан Симоновић (разговор) 18:07, 27. април 2020. (CEST)
@Miljan Simonović: Da bi sistem funkcionisao na način opisan u prethodnom paragrafu neophodno je da program može da utvrdi identitet pisma u kome je tekst napisan. Potrebno je da program zna je članak napisan ćirilicom, tako da se pri
- (i) direktnom zahtevu za preslovljavanje u ćirilicu, ili
- (ii) zahtevu za vraćanje teksta u ćirilicu nakon prelovljavanja u latinicu,
zapravo ne vrši preslovljavanje već da se prikazuje originalni zapis, čime se eliminiše potreba za explicitnim zaptitom dela teksta. Illustracije radi, ovaj unos je napisan uglavnom latinicom. Međutim program ga smatra ćiriličnim člankom, i stoga je nemoguće presloviti članak u ćirilicu koristeći Viki interfejs. Postoje i drugi problematični scenariji. Dok se ne reši problem programskog određivanja identiteta pisma, sistem bi trebalo da preslovljava nezavisno od smera, i stoga je zaštita latiničnog sadržaja u ćiriličnom članku neophodna. --Dcirovic (разговор) 19:48, 27. април 2020. (CEST)
- Мислим да су чланци место где треба показати елоквенцију, а комуникацију са корисницима водити нормалним речником. :) Хоћу рећи да си ово могао много простије рећи, без потребе да покушаваш да држиш неутралан тон и избегаваш заменице. Интересантан си. :)
- Било како било, након пар читања сам успео да схватим шта си хтео да кажеш. Ја досад нисам имао проблема са чланцима на ћирилици и, играјући се са конвертором, нисам наишао на проблеме приликом пресловљавања ћириличких чланака на било које писмо. Али ако ти кажеш да за сваки случај треба да стоје тагови и у ћириличким чланцима, онда океј. --Миљан Симоновић (разговор) 22:19, 27. април 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #413
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Udder balm
- CheckUser nomination: علاء
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #11, May 3
- Upcoming: Live editing of Wikidata, May 2 18:00 (UTC) YouTube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- zotkat's exporter for Zotero (a software to manage bibliographic data) allows you to export bibliographies to the QuickStatements format. It is helpful to easily create bibliographical entries, especially as Zotero can read metadata about works from dozens of other websites, and can thus be used as intermediary.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata now includes more than seven million people (it has doubled since July 2017), also: project chat discussion
- Nobelprize.org has now redesigned its website so that Wikipedia can link to it easier using the Wikidata Property Nobel Laureate API ID (P8024) (more information)
- The use of Listeria to generate basic charts (pie, area, line, bar) with d:Template:Graph:Chart, see d:Template:Wikidata list#Charts
- Mohammed Sadat joined the Wikidata team as community communications manager for Wikidata and Wikibase
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: tournament format, dialect of computer language, located in the statistical territorial entity
- External identifiers: ModelSEED compound ID, UM-BBD compound ID, DLL Catalog author ID, DLL Catalog work ID, CPAN author ID, Fandango performer ID, Club Identifier Netherlands Handball Association, Forest Stewardship Council License Code, IDU theatre company ID, Internetowy Polski Słownik Biograficzny ID, Texas Historic Sites Atlas ID, Swedish Glaciers ID, Soccerdonna coach ID, Encyclopedia of České Budějovice ID, Il Sole 24 Ore ID, Inventory of Archaic and Classical Poleis ID, Moravian Lives ID, motorsportstats.com driver ID, motorsportstats.com series ID, motorsportstats.com venue ID, SAR ancestor ID, Ternopil Encyclopedia ID, Psocodea Species File ID, SkiMo Stats ID, National-Football-Teams.com club ID, re:publica speaker ID, Provenio ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: nerve origin, 法令番号, interpretation, DoME exhibition ID
- External identifiers: dbchgk, COVIDWHO ID, History Colorado ID, Maryland's National Register Properties ID, Epistemonikos ID, National Library of Israel J9U ID, Lexikon der Filmbegriffe ID, Dart thesis, DPE school code
- Query examples:
- Pairs of lakes named after a couple
- The longest river that feeds into another river (Source)
- Longest rivers that do not feed into a sea or ocean (Source)
- Map showing things in Wikidata that are located on or next to the River Thames (Source)
- Defining formulas of physical and other quantities (Source)
- TreeMap visualising the 12 times table (Source)
- Map of the "Leipzig University Villages" (Source)
- There are now more than 7 million people on Wikidata (Source)
- Recently published works on COVID-19 (Source)
- Welsh hospitals, health centres, doctors surgeries and temporary Covid19 hospitals (Source)
- Newest database reports: measures of gobbledygook
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on error screens for the Bridge
- Use updated data for the Bridge (phab:T240223)
- Display statements made with federated properties on item pages (phab:T246606)
- Automated references: normalizing data that the extractor gets out of HTML pages (phab:T249004)
- Create a distributed game so people can vet references easily (phab:T248997)
- Cleanup rows from wb_items_per_site (phab:T249613)
- Don't suggest initial uppercase in mobile termbox (phab:T241978)
- Have the focus on field when adding new element on Sense (phab:T203461)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Поздрав. Види ове нове измјене на чланку Kontraindikacija. Патролирати то?--Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 02:01, 1. мај 2020. (CEST) с. р.
- @Жељко Тодоровић: Урађено --Dcirovic (разговор) 02:26, 1. мај 2020. (CEST)
Таксони изнад нивоа рода
[уреди извор]Здраво,
Таксони изнад нивоа рода (сем у случају бактерија, вируса и гљива) би требало да се пишу штампаним словима. Види Scientific Nomenclature ("For organisms other than bacteria, fungi, and viruses, scientific names of taxa above the genus level (families, orders, etc.) should be in roman type"). Искошено се пишу само родови и врсте (сем у случају вируса и бактерија где се и породице пишу искошено "Italics are used for bacterial and viral taxa at the level of family and below."). У случају гљива мислим да се све пише искошено. ADprom (разговор) 13:37, 2. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @ADprom: Mogu da nastojim da se u svojim budućim unosima pridržavam ove konvencije. U postojećim tekstovima Vikipedije se iskošena slova često koriste za isticanje latinskih naziva taksona nezavisno od njihovog nivoa. Upotreba zadebljanih i zadebljano iskošenih latinskih naziva je isto tako zastupljena. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:42, 2. мај 2020. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Добар дан, Желим само да Вам се захвалим на доприносима и исправкама у чланцима које сам написао у оквиру 10 000 чланка која свака Википедија треба да има који су такође написани у акцији 100wikidays. Хвала још једном за указану помоћ. Acaalexaca (разговор) 18:55, 2. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @Acaalexaca: Hvala i vama na uloženom trudu i vremenu. Još ~700 članaka i imaćemo bar najosnovnije pokriće 10K seta. --Dcirovic (разговор) 19:04, 2. мај 2020. (CEST)
Хвала што си блокирао ону досаду која изгледа да константно прескаче дозу. Пријавио сам стјуардима и ту ИП адресу. --Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 19:34, 2. мај 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #414
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: A meta item namespace (Mxxx) for structured data about Wikidata
- Events
- Competition for the International Museum Day is about improving data about museums in Austria, France, Germany, Italy and Switzerland on Wikidata, from 3 May 2020 to 18 May 2020, more information on Museum Day 2020/Wikidata Competition
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Alex Jung on Wikidata and Wikipedia Infoboxes, 05 May. Agenda
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, Tuesday May 5 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Tool of the week
- ProWD explores completeness for entities and classes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- MachtSinn, a tool that allows you to easily add Senses to Lexemes, has lately been improved significantly
- 33,000 values of British Museum person or institution ID (d:Property:P1711) now have a useful target again. After their being mostly inoperative for several years, the new British Museum website now has information pages matching these values, with links to related objects. (Example). To work around bug T112081, a script by Andrew Gray is going through the items making null edits to update the relevant URLs.
- Outdated copy of wb_terms has been dropped on April 29th
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: COVIDWHO ID, Sicilian Regional Assembly ID, Sicilian Regional Assembly numeric ID, Accademia delle Scienze di Torino ID, Republic of Korea Parliamentarian Society ID, NKAA ID, MémorialGenWeb monument ID, History Colorado ID, SciProfiles ID, Bibliotheca Augustana author ID, CONI honoured ID, DGHS facility code, Diels-Kranz ID, DPVweb ID, Maryland's National Register Properties ID, Encyclopaedia Metallum label ID, WhatDoTheyKnow organisation ID, FactGrid item ID, Heritage Gateway ID, RPPS ID, Priset of Archidiecezja Gdańska ID, Sejm-Wielki.pl profile ID, Extratime.ie player ID, Slovak Registration ID, Infames Romani ID, Itch.io developer profile, Oregon Historic Sites Database ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Ex-libris, tabular case data, Geneanet URL(s), transitivity, Compatible with
- External identifiers: DPE school code, identifiant Prix de Lausanne, CDAPNC author ID, identificativo Giunta regionale della Sicilia, Goodreads work ID, Wikilengua, BeWeb cultural institution ID, Anagrafe Istituti Culturali Ecclesiastici ID, Group Properties wiki ID, House Divided ID, Southwest Harbor Public Library item, Gitabitan.net ID, The Conversation author ID
- Query examples:
- French municipalities which have the property "archived by" (P485) for the departmental archives of Bouches-du-Rhône (Source)
- Municipalities with less than 5,000 inhabitants in the Basque Country (Source)
- People born in Wales who became head of government in Wales or overseas (Source)
- Average stardate of Star Trek episodes (Source)
- Municipalities in mainland France with more than 50,000 inhabitants (Source)
- Graph showing direct ancestral lines linking Boris Johnson and George I, and Jesus and Abraham (Source)
- Photos by Carlton Watkins with their collection (Source)
- Works from Louvre Museum whose inventory number begins with an S (Source)
- Works from the Islamic arts department of Louvre Museum (Source)
- Map of artists with place of their birth on Wikidata (Source)
- Location and image of the cathedrals of Paris (Source)
- Jewish art collectors and dealers who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps (Source)
- Newest database reports: Notable descedents of Mayflower passengers
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Add monolingual language codes rm-rumgr, rm-surmiran, rm-sursilv, rm-sutsilv, rm-vallader, rm-puter (phab:T222426)
- More work on the test system for federated properties
- More work on displaying statements with federated properties (phab:T246606)
- Bridge: more work on generic error screens (phab:T241126)
- Bridge: warn the user that they are about to edit anonymously (phab:T246676)
- Work on a Wikidata distributed game for automated finding of references
- Automated finding references: build a scraper, simple value matching, item analyzer
- Have the focus on field when adding new element on Sense (phab:T203461)
- Add more properties to the PageImages list (phab:T249811)
- Use strict types everywhere in Wikibase (phab:T251382)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Формула 1
[уреди извор]Поздрав, можеш ли ботом да унесеш у све чланке о сезонама формуле 1 параметре из шаблона сезона формуле 1 и да попуниш параметре за претходну и наредну сезону? Остали параметри нека остану празни, нису сада толико битни, попунићу их ја или неко други временом, али су битни параметри за претходну и наредну сезону. Ако ти није проблем. -- Vux33 (разговор) 09:53, 11. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @Vux33: Odradiću taj posao u toku sledećih nedelju dana. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:06, 11. мај 2020. (CEST)
Поздрав, можеш ли само да преправиш да везе о претходној и следећој сезони воде до чланка о тим сезонама? Тренутно воде до чланака о годинама које су написане. -- Vux33 (разговор) 08:29, 17. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @Vux33: Mala izmena šablona je rešila taj problem. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:39, 17. мај 2020. (CEST)
Важи, хвала. -- Vux33 (разговор) 18:00, 17. мај 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #415
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Remote Wikimedia Hackathon, May 9-10 (see the showcase replay and the description of projects). Several Wikidata-related sessions took place:
- Past: Wikidata local school gathering was organised by Wikidata Taiwan. Link to Event page and dashboard
- Upcoming: Live SPARQL queries session in French about Lexemes by Vigneron, May 12th at 20:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Live Wikidata editing about video games by JeanFred, May 13th at 19:30 CEST
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Webinar introducing Wikidata and adding
tags into OpenStreetMap objects for OpenStreetMap contributors in the Philippines (in English and Tagalog): YouTube - Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Mark Graham from the Internet Archive
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Lydia Pintscher from Wikimedia Deutschland
- How to create external identifiers on Wikidata (in Italian): YouTube
- Open Data and Wikidata training (in Mandarin Chinese): YouTube
- Bandaid: using Wikidata to generate band names
- Webinar introducing Wikidata and adding
- Tool of the week
- WikidataExtract extracts schemas (shape expressions) from Wikidata entities
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata:WikiProject Authority control/VIAF linking to multiple items has been created: most of the items listed probably need merging - have a look!
- New tool: universal almanac based on Wikidata by Alexander Doria
- A proposal for a new Wikiproject Wikilambda that allows creating multilingual content in Wikidata that can be used in all Wikipedias. Signatures of support are needed and discussion and questions are welcomed!
- V1 of Wikidata Bridge is almost ready to be tested on Catalan Wikipedia
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: general property-based URL formatter, hardiness of plant, hardiness zone, ex-libris, voting system, supported metadata, tabular case data, Gazette of India notification
- External identifiers: motorsportstats.com team ID, Canadiana NCF ID, Indian Railways train number, SNCF Station Identifier, South African Company Registration Number, DART-Europe thesis ID, DoME exhibition ID, DPE school code, Epistemonikos ID, Lexikon der Filmbegriffe ID, National Library of Israel J9U ID, UK Modern House Index architect ID, UK Modern House Index building ID, Joconde technique ID, PragerU presenter ID, regional government of Sicily ID, Anagrafe Istituti Culturali Ecclesiastici ID, BeWeb cultural institution ID, ACUM work ID, Reta Vortaro ID, Mozilla Developer Network article
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: social media followers, Gobbledygook, forearm length, number of stepchildren, number of adopted children, CV, axe, banned in
- External identifiers: NMMA built heritage ID, NMMA antiquities ID, Super Mario Wiki ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, Archaeology in Greece Online place ID, iDAI.gazetteer ID, iDAI.chronontology ID, identifiant SILL d'un logiciel, Lower Austrian Castle ID, Naturdenkmal-ID Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, Bookogs credit ID, Bookogs work ID, Bookogs book ID, GMC membership number, Bibliography of the History of Slovakia ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali author ID, Augustins de l'Assomption ID, ASUT ID, Niden INE
- Query examples:
- Films claimed to pass the Bechdel test with less than 2 female cast members in Wikidata
- African-American librarians in Wikidata that don't have Wikipedia articles (Source)
- Magicians with known precise birth date (Source)
- Sheffield Shield cricket players and the number of states they have played in (Source)
- Number of Twitter followers of scientists at Dutch universities (Source)
- Former United Kingdom Parliament MP's still living (by first election) (Source)
- Number of paintings in National Gallery with artist and gender (Source)
- Nearby table tennis tables to public spaces for the Wiki Explorer Android application (Source)
- Map of Ramsar sites in France (Source)
- Highest software version numbers recorded on Wikidata (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Speed skating, Witches
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Display statements with federated properties (phab:T246606)
- Federated properties: fix a bug that caused some properties to not appear in search results (phab:T252024)
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on error messages
- Prevent Wikibase schema updaters to modify database directly (phab:T249598)
- Write a technical RFC about site-wide edit rate limiting (phab:T247459)
- Fix an issue on Wikibase: property names are missing when rendering (phab:T247196)
- More work on automated references
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #416
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Date in Wikidata not properly translated in Wikipedia table, Disallow merging into newer entity
- Events
- Upcoming: WikidataLab XXXIII: Wiki-Education and Data Literacy with Shani Evenstein - May 21st 1pm - 7pm (UTC). Organized by Wiki Movement Brazil User Group, the training will be held in English this time! Join us remotely!
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: João Alexandre Peschanski on Wikidata + Education projects he has worked on in Brazil, 19 May. Agenda
- Upcoming: Indian scientists datathon by Wikidata:WikiProject India. May 22nd to 24th, IST.
- Past: Live SPARQL queries session in French about Lexemes by Vigneron, May 12th at 20:00 CEST
- Past: Live Wikidata editing about video games by JeanFred (replay), May 13th at 19:30 CEST
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- WhatDoTheyKnow in Wikidata (blog post)
- How to use the Wikidata Query Service (in Italian): YouTube
- Introduction to Wikidata and data modeling: YouTube
- Tool of the week
- WikidataTrust.jsP updates the interface with the contributors to each statement, label, description and sitelink. It is similar to the “blame” tool on text-based wikis.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Update about the Wikidata 8th birthday events regarding the COVID19 situation
- The Wikimedia movement strategy recommendations have been published
- Read-only time for Wikidata on Tuesday 19th May at 05:00 AM UTC for 15 minutes due to upgrade and restart of services. Services targeting Wikidata may not work during the meantime.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: tilt, curriculum vitae
- External identifiers: The Conversation author ID, SILL ID of a software, LombardiaBeniCulturali artwork author ID, Bookogs work ID, Gitabitan.net ID, Arlington Cemetery person ID, CDAPNC author ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: selma'o, originated from individual of taxon, media franchise, préposition, Edible parts, local time, langue fille, langue mère, langue sœur, banned in
- External identifiers: LiederNet author ID, LiederNet composer ID, LiederNet text ID, LiederNet song cycle ID, Colon Classification, Wyoming SHPO ID, norsk fangeregister person ID, K-Scholar ID, Wiener Wohnen ID, MDAH's HRI ID, National Register Database, Louisiana ID, RI National Register Search ID, MACRIS ID, Mod DB mod ID, GameBanana video game ID, NexusMods video game ID, BaGLAMa GID, Arkansas Register of Historic Places ID, Mediaqueer.ca Artist ID, Mediaqueer.ca Movie ID, SNES central game ID, CTHS author ID, correspondent of, Liszt Academy Lexikon person ID, 500 Queer Scientists profile, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, Worlds Without End author ID, Goodreads work ID, FlashScore.com player ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID, Origin game ID, Ubisoft Store game ID, LGBT Danmark dictionary ID, Book Marks ID
- Deleted properties: P727
- Query examples:
- Recommended units of measurement listed in the SI Brochure (9th, concise edition) (Source)
- Border with which all the municipalities of the Basque Country share (Source)
- Map of hospitals (blue) and health centers (green) of Argentina (Source)
- Best snipers of the world by number of victims of killer (Source)
- Plans and photographs of the restoration works of cathedrals in the 19th century contained in the French National Archives) (Source)
- Map of railways stations in France (Source)
- List of African countries with their current leaders and their ages (Source)
- Point in time of Advisor and Student relationships for professions mathematician and computer scientist (Source)
- Drawings with an image that depicts a ship (Source)
- Map of National parks in Sweden (Source)
- US States with an A (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- In the query service, variable names with non-“Latin” characters (e. g.
) can now be used more easily. (T227952) - Wikidata Bridge: more work on error messages and warnings (phab:T246676, phab:T247250, phab:T244361)
- Federated properties: display statements made with deleted properties (phab:T250785)
- More work on fixing error messages on Wikidata's edit interface (phab:T247690)
- Form grammatical features: connect labels and inputs (phab:T198703)
- In the query service, variable names with non-“Latin” characters (e. g.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Тајанствена куповина
[уреди извор]Поздрав, видела сам да је мој чланак под називом Тајанствена куповина премештен у нацрте. Шта могу да исправим или уредим да би чланак био добар? Свака сугестија је добродошла. Хвала Вам. MShoppingTeam (разговор) 10:12, 19. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @MShoppingTeam: Potrebno je da se unesu vikiveze, formatiraju reference i prevedu strani termini (e.g. "Svetska asocijacija za Mystery Shopping", "Code of Proffesional standards i Ethics Agreement for Mystery Shopping Providers and for Mystery Shoppers", etc ).--Dcirovic (разговор) 15:35, 19. мај 2020. (CEST)
- @DCirovic: Хвала Вам на брзом одговору. Уредићу ћланак према сугестијама које сте написали. Велики поздрав! MShoppingTeam (разговор) 14:43, 20. мај 2020. (CEST)
Савезна држава и федерација
[уреди извор]Поздрав! Видим да сте направили чланак „савезна држава”. Желео бих да питам да ли у српском језику термин савезна држава представља синоним термина федерација. Тако макар пише у чланку федерација (Федерација ИЛИ савезна држава је...). Истраживао сам и на интернету и као резултат за савезну државу изађе, опет, федерација, као да су та два појма исти. Шта мислите о овоме; да ли има смисла објединити чланке или је најбоље оставити овако како јесте, уз то да се одраде корекције на чланку о федерацији? Свако добро! — Вукан ® 19:13, 23. 5. 2020. (CEST)
- @Вукан Ц: Федерација је композитна држава (нпр. САД, Канада), док је савезна држава једна од саставних јединица (нпр. држава Аризона, држава Тексас, ...). На већини Википедија се та два термина третирају у засебним чланцима, те бе тако могло да остане и овде. --Dcirovic (разговор) 19:22, 23. мај 2020. (CEST)
- Мислим да је Вукан Ц у праву, види „Уставни модели учешћа федералних јединица у централној власти”. Савезна држава = федерална држава = федерација, а федералне јединице су државе чланице (федерације). ADprom (разговор) 21:00, 23. мај 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #417
[уреди извор]This is the Wikidata summary of the week before 2020-05-25.
- Discussions
- Open requests for Oversight: Kostas20142, Esteban16
- Events
- Past: WikidataLab XXXIII: Wiki-Education and Data Literacy with Shani Evenstein on May 21st. The training in English was organized by Wiki Movement Brazil User Group. (replay)
- Past: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #6 (YouTube)
- Past: Art+Feminism virtual Wikidata editathon by Global Open Initiative on May 19. (Video) Part 1, Part 2
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wochenende, event dedicated to the German-speaking Wikidata community, will take place fully remote on June 12-14. If you're interested, don't forget to register. We're looking for speakers to give introductions to Wikidata & tools.
- Upcoming #vBIB20 (Q94495218) the first fully remote German library conference: May 26-28. Metadata about all presentations are already stored in Wikidata: Query. Some sessions and presentations are related to Wikidata or other Wikiprojects:
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #14, May 31
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- The Missing Path: Diagnosing Incompleteness in Linked Data ("We describe our iterative design process and evaluation with Wikidata contributors")
- EURECOM at the SemStats 2019 Challenge ("we study the coverage of [the official database of French enterprises] in Wikidata")
- Enriching Knowledge Bases with Interesting Negative Statements ("we argue for the importance of negative information on knowledge bases, and present two methods to mine it")
- Video: Editing Wikidata: File Candidates tool and World heritage of Visby - Youtube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- If you're looking for even more tools, the Tools Directory indexes over 130 Wikidata tools.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New tool: Structured Search, a tool allowing you to search through Wikimedia Commons using structured data, is now live. This tool by Hay Kranen was demoed at Wikimedia Hackathon 2020.
- New tool: script by Tohaomg to easily rearrange the order of values for statements in Wikidata (to be added to your common.js page)
- New documentation page: Wikidata:How to create Wikidata Tours
- Teaching notes for introducing people to Wikidataː d:User:Einebillion/Teaching notes
- The Wikidata development team created a distributed Wikidata game called Reference hunt!. With this game, you get a suggestion of an Item and a reference based on structured data from an external website. Try it and leave us feedback.
- Gabriel, an intern at the Google Summer of Code is developing a tool to assist users in verifying (structured) data of media on commons. If you want to help, feel free to fill out this questionnaire.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: molecular model, is metaclass for, lighting, type of age limit, nominal share capital, content partnership category, field of training
- External identifiers: iDAI.chronontology ID, iDAI.gazetteer ID, Archaeology in Greece Online place ID, ASUT ID, NMMA antiquities ID, NMMA built heritage ID, DB chgk, K-Scholar ID, Wyoming SHPO ID, Lower Austrian Castle ID, Co-Optimus ID, Bookogs credit ID, Wiener Wohnen ID, Arkansas Register of Historic Places ID, Augustins de l'Assomption ID, LiederNet author ID, LiederNet composer ID, LiederNet song cycle ID, LiederNet text ID, Bibliography of the History of Slovakia ID, MACRIS ID, National Register Database, Louisiana ID, Niden INE, 500 Queer Scientists profile, Mediaqueer.ca Artist ID, Mediaqueer.ca Movie ID, Natural Atlas ID, Colon Classification, MDAH's HRI ID, RI National Register Search ID, CTHS author ID, name-suggestion-index identifier, PC Games Database.de company ID, SNES central game ID, Super Mario Wiki ID, Wikilengua article
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: US Fault ID, estimated value, funder, principal investigator, contributed to Wikimedia Commons by, Theater poster, transitive over, approval of subject, living people protection class
- External identifiers: Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Library classifications' IDs for topics, Absolute Games game ID, Absolute Games person ID, Absolute Games developer and publisher IDs, ModelHub ID, npm package, AusStage person ID, AusStage venue ID, AusStage organization ID, AusStage work ID, Montreux Jazz Festival song ID, Montreux Jazz Festival person ID, motorsportstats.com event ID, Veldkruus, AustLit ID, AFL player ID, Bioweb Ecuador ID, FilmPolski press collection ID, NTB ID, Odeon ID, Montreux Jazz Festival concert ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Britannica Kids, Latin texts IDs, Medusa NRHP ID, Noovie person ID, Artsdatabanken ID, ICTV taxnode ID, LongTake person ID, ESRB video game ID, OnlyFans ID
- Query examples:
- Famous mathematicians related to famous actors (Source)
- West Highlands of Scotland rail line connections (Source)
- Universities ranked by PageRank on English Wikipedia (Source)
- Interactive, zoomable tree map of second level administrative regions of the world (Source)
- Number of alphabets which use this letter (Source)
- Metabolites and the species where they are found in (Source)
- Items in the United Kingdom with coordinate location (P625) on or near 1 degree 50 west (Source)
- Map of Tunisian museums (Source)
- Map of pairs of homonymous French municipalities linked by a colored line according to the distance (Source)
- Women botanists or botanical collectors with a birth date prior to 1900 (Source)
- vBIB20 lectures in Wikidata (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Schools
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Federated properties: Linking to the source wiki immediately after saving a statement (phab:T251776)
- Properly display federated properties on a local item's Revision History page (phab:T249836)
- Documentation for federated properties (phab:T252991, phab:T252861)
- Last steps of getting the distributed game "Reference hunt" ready
- Wikidata Bridge: more work on error messages
- Track errors people encounter when using the Bridge (phab:T252683)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #418
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Dan Koehl 2
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #15, June 7
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Discussion of our Wikidata priorities and needs as we plan for the group's future, 02 June. Agenda
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- The WikiCite annual report 2019-20 has been published. Describing the "satellite event grants" program that was run (and details of the nine successful proposals); the changes that resulted from the COVID-19 shutdown of all in-person events; and a summary of WikiCite-related news from across the movement. For more details see Meta:WikiCite/Administration. For more information, contact LWyatt (WMF)
- Defying Wikidata: Validation of Terminological Relations in the Web of Data
- KORE 50DYWC: An Evaluation Data Set for Entity Linking Based on DBpedia, YAGO, Wikidata, and Crunchbase
- SchemaTree: Maximum-Likelihood Property Recommendation for Wikidata
- Editorial: Special Issue on Quality Assessment of Knowledge Graphs Dedicated to the Memory of Amrapali Zaveri
- European Semantic Web Conference 2020
- Past video: Querying Wikidata with a glimpse of SPARQL - Thorsten Butz - PSCONFEU 2020. YouTube
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network Live Wikidata editing scheduled for 1st June at 7:00 PM UTC: YouTube, Facebook
- Upcoming video (in Spanish): Wikidata Online Workshop: "Connecting Authority Resources with the Knowledge Graph" scheduled for 2nd June at 3:00 PM UTC: YouTube
- Tool of the week
- wdumps allows you to create a limited RDF dump from Wikidata, for those times when your SPARQL queries keep timing out. It is not particularly user-friendly, and it typically takes several hours to get a complete dump, but it is the best way to for example get a list of all English names of humans in Wikidata, or a list of every scientific article with its title and DOI.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The former WikiProject iNaturalist was renamed WikiProject Biodiversity to allow discussions beyond iNaturalist.
- Special:FewestRevisions to be disabled, if you are currently using it, please leave a comment
- Winners of the Wikidata competition during Museum Day 2020: VIGNERON, Alexmar983, Braveheart, Pasleim, Benoît Prieur, Uli.ch, Nono314, Sukkoria and Airon90. Congratulations!
- As part of a thesis project, the search engine "Lister" has been developed to make it easier for the general public to access data on the Semantic Web in general, and WikiData specifically. It's in a usability test-phase right now, and if you'd like to try it out and help improve it, you can do so at this link. The test should at most 15 minutes.
- Follow the discussion about restricting editing of properties to autoconfirmed users.
- New domain
to be adopted by our Toolforge community. New domain/scheme for Toolforge-hosted webservices will change fromtools.wmflabs.org/toolname
with the aim to introduce permanent redirects for the legacy URLs on 2020-06-15. - Wikidata development team is currently running a survey until June 9th to understand better how people access and reuse Wikidata’s data from the code of their applications and tools (for example through APIs), and how we can improve the tools to make your workflows easier. If you would like to participate, please use this link (Google Forms, estimated fill-in time 5min).
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: curricula, attribution text, based on tabular data
- External identifiers: FlashScore.com player ID, Aberdeen Built Ships ID, Origin video game ID, npm package, FEMA number, Mod DB mod ID, Ubisoft Store game ID, Norwegian prisoner register person ID, ID natural monuments in Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID, BaGLAMa GID, GMC membership number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: parish church, ISCO-08 occupation code, official product site, tag, heraldic attitude, Non volatile storage capacity
- External identifiers: Australian Classification ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Semantic Scholar corpus ID, Olympedia ID, Emmys person ID, Archivio Storico Ricordi person ID, New York Times contributor ID, Cinema Context, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, Xfinity Stream ID, Juno Download album ID 2, sobory.ru, HBO Max ID, Yle Topic ID, Den Store Danske ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, Geneanet genealogist ID, IGRS video game ID, Wiki-Brest ID, Wiki-Narbonne ID, Wiki-Niort ID, Wiki Pas-de-Calais ID, Wiki-Rennes ID, Wikimanche ID, Wiki-Anjou ID, Picardia ID, Grandterrier.net ID, BoardGameGeek family ID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, VIAF partner ID
- Query examples:
- Map of German states with links to iNaturalist observations
- Cities/towns named after people (Source)
- Network of researchers who are vBIB20 co-presenters and are linked with a Wikidata item (Source)
- Timeline of legalized same-sex marriages by country (Source)
- BubbleChart of the 7,397 different keywords in DieDatenlaube (Source)
- Weight of royal crowns (Source)
- Recorded COVID-19 cases in difference Indian states (Source)
- Twitter accounts of current UK MP's (Source)
- Number of female employees at different organizations that Wikidata knows about (Source)
- Location of libraries that have a GitHub repository (Source)
- Location of 19th century infectious diseases published in Die Gartenlaube (Source)
- People with an entry in the Biographical Lexicon of the Austrian Empire and biographical articles in Die Datenlaube (Source)
- Fictional spaceship captains from the Star Trek multiverse (Source)
- Timeline of Selenographers, for the birthday of German astronomer Johann Heinrich von Mädler and his famous map of the Moon (Source)
- Points of interest 2 km within St. Jakobus church, Pesterwitz (Source)
- Images of religious art whose main theme is Pentecost (Source)
- World map of authors with both an ORCID and Twitter account ID's (Source)
- Ratio of (days country has been in the UN) with (sum of periods of office for Heads of Government during that time) (Source)
- Map of 2020 Art+Feminism editathons (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Public art
- Development
- More documentation for federated properties
- Properly display federated properties on a local item's Revision History page (phab:T249836)
- More improvements on the Wikidata Bridge
- Add Wikidata support for awawiki (phab:T252870)
- Fix various bugs on Wikibase
- Work on improving the unclear error messages (phab:T247690)
- Create reports for the reference hunt game
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #419
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Handling of stored IDs after they've been deleted or redirected in the external database
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Wochenende, June 12-14: online Wikidata workshop and hackathon in German. Don't forget to register to get access to attendees information.
- Upcoming: Video: Live Wikidata editing #9: Youtube, Facebook
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #16, June 14
- Upcoming: Webinar on Wikidata and cultural heritage collections, by Science Museum Group UK, June 19th
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata based Location Entity Linking
- WikiBank: Using Wikidata to Improve Multilingual Frame-Semantic Parsing
- Wikimedia Public (Research) Resources
- RDF Reasoning on Large Ontologies: A Study on Cultural Heritage and Wikidata
- What is an Open Knowledge Base anyway? (lists Wikidata as key example).
- KGTK: A Toolkit for Large Knowledge Graph Manipulation and Analysis ("we present KGTK, a data science-centric toolkit... We illustrate KGTK with real-world scenarios... such as Wikidata")
- Video: Live Wikidata editing #8 - Wikidojo edition: YouTube, Facebook
- Wikidata Online Workshop (in Spanish): "Connecting Authority Resources with the Knowledge Graph" - YouTube
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Andrew Lih
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Jane Darnell
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Dr. Martin Poulter
- Tool of the week
- QuickStatements lets you edit thousands of Wikidata items at a time. Add labels and descriptions, or statements with sources and qualifiers, add sitelinks, create or merge items, or remove statements that were created in error. Batches can be discussed and, if necessary, reverted in full through the EditGroups tool.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Simple Query Builder: wrap-up of the feedback loop and next steps
- New page Subsetting under WikiProject Schemas for documenting how to define, construct, manage and maintain subsets of Wikidata.
- MyCroft, the open digital personal assistant now has a Wikidata skill to answer questions about current and historic facts & information about a person.
- Do you know a Wikidata/Wikibase community member who has accomplished something new or has been inspiring in the last year? If so, please take a few minutes and nominate someone in the 2020 Community Spotlight survey.
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Bengali nouns.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: curriculum topics, attribution text, based on tabular data, living people protection class, position in biological sequence, region within image, ISCO-08 occupation code, parish church, has grouping, has sorting, has column
- External identifiers: FlashScore.com player ID, Aberdeen Built Ships ID, Origin video game ID, npm package, FEMA number, Mod DB mod ID, Ubisoft Store game ID, Norwegian prisoner register person ID, ID natural monuments in Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz, LombardiaBeniCulturali architecture author ID, BaGLAMa GID, GMC registration number, AFL player ID, serial identifier on SerialZone, Absolute Games game ID, Modelhub ID, Liszt Academy Lexikon person ID, Medusa NRHP ID, motorsportstats.com event ID, LGBT Danmark online dictionary ID, Olympedia athlete ID, Worlds Without End author ID, Archivio Storico Ricordi person ID, AusStage organization ID, AusStage person ID, AusStage venue ID, AusStage work ID, AustLit ID, Cinema Context ID, New York Times contributor ID, HBO Max ID, Semantic Scholar corpus ID, Montreux Jazz Festival concert ID, Montreux Jazz Festival person ID, Montreux Jazz Festival song ID, ESRB video game ID, NexusMods video game ID, LongTake person ID, Yle Topic ID, digilibLT work ID, PHI Latin Texts work ID, Musisque Deoque work ID, Den Store Danske ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: official product site, tag, heraldic attitude, Non volatile storage capacity, introduced in version (2), height of center of mass, strike tone, number of migrations, depicted without, offset from vertical, for type elements, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, number of branches
- External identifiers: Australian Classification ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Emmys person ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, Xfinity Stream ID, Juno Download album ID 2, sobory.ru, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, Geneanet genealogist ID, IGRS video game ID, Wiki-Brest ID, Wiki-Narbonne ID, Wiki-Niort ID, Wiki Pas-de-Calais ID, Wiki-Rennes ID, Wikimanche ID, Wiki-Anjou ID, Picardia ID, Grandterrier.net ID, BoardGameGeek family ID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, VIAF partner ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Scholars Strategy Network ID, Opera Online work ID, Opera Online composer ID, ICP artist ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, Legacy.com person ID, AnyDecentMusic album ID, Uffizi artwork ID, Ancestry.com ID, Dlive game ID, Spotify songwriter ID, MuseScore artist ID, MNBAQ artist ID, kino-teatr.ru film ID, Cimetières de France ID, vglist video game ID, Gramophone composer ID, Political Graveyard politician ID, CAOI person ID
- Query examples:
- User:PAC2/Prenoms a notebook interface (Q28405706) to explore data about a given name (Q202444) : the idea is to ask simple questions and find answers
- Similarly the talk page of "Ada" with queries
- Postcards of exterior and interior views of theatres on CARTHALIA (Source)
- List of cities (or map) of Russia where no one famous was born and died (Source)
- Turkish scientists by citation count (Source)
- ESWC2020 papers with links to video lectures (Source)
- Women who have been Captain Regent of San Marino (Source)
- Species of birds (Source)
- List of open science fellows (Source)
- Spouses of the German Bundestag (Source)
- MWAPI searches in wikidata about people descibed as slave traders by citizenship (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Wikidata Bridge: Made a number of technical improvements to wrap up the work in the first version.
- Reference Hunt: Making final technical improvements and are now running the process to find references on the whole of Wikidata (as opposed to the initial small subset for testing). Once that's done we'll release them as a dump.
- Easier access to data for programmers: Researching and interviewing ways to improve the APIs in preparation for working on them.
- Query builder: Working on defining the first version and creating mockups based on the feedback we received.
- Use modern TypeScript syntax (3.2 -> 3.9) (phab:T253211)
- More technical documentation for Federated Properties (phab:T252991) & preparing for the next steps
- Convert some properties to external identifiers (phab:T253722)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Поздрав, потребно је вратити везе како сам их и ја ставио. Пљачка је looting, а разбојништво је robbery. — SimplyFreddie (разговор) 10:57, 15. јун 2020. (CEST)
- @SimplyFreddie: I am not persuaded by your argument. However, since there is no harm in having separate articles, a new one is added. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:03, 15. јун 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #420
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #17, June 21
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries in French by Vigneron, Tuesday June 16 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Program for Cooperative Cataloging's upcoming Wikidata pilot, June 16. Agenda
- Past: remote Wikidata Wochenende (list of projects - in German)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- KulturNav – a hub for museum vocabularies connected to Wikidata
- Library data as linked open data
- Lord of the Wiki Ring: Importing Wikidata into Neo4j and analyzing family trees
- Video: Live Wikidata editing #9 - YouTube
- How authors and publications are linked in Wikidata Scholia (in Swedish) - YouTube
- ISE2020 - Excursus: How to query Wikidata Knowledge Graph using SPARQL - YouTube
- Wikidata Live editing (replay)
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Navino Evans
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Dr. Daniel Mietchen
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting João Alexandre Peschanski
- Part 1 - Meet João! - YouTube
- Part 2 - On choosing to work with Wikidata in Academia - YouTube
- Part 3 - Auto-generating knowledge via Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 4 - Metadata Curation and reconciliation on Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 5 - Visualization of new data artifacts via Wikidata - YouTube
- Part 6 - Data Archaeology via Wikidata - YouTube
- Wikidata Course at TAU: Hosting Ewan McAndrew
- Tool of the week
- Mix'n'match lets you match lists of external identifiers to Wikidata items, or create new items if necessary. Thousands of catalogs already exist, in dozens of different topic areas, and it's easy to import new ones.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New: Overview of GLAM metadata standards and (if relevant) how they are mapped and crosswalked on Wikimedia projects. Feel free to add more to the list!
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms can now group forms înto sections, and (on wide screens) distribute sections across two columns!
- New Wikidata Lexeme Forms feature: the warning about duplicate lexemes now links to edit mode, where you can fix any forms that the existing lexeme might be missing.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, SIUSA archival fonds ID, qualifier for this property, SIUSA archive producer IDs, Library and bibliographic classification, gloss quote, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area
- External identifiers: Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, IDU person ID, SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Unique Property Reference Number, Legacy.com newspaper ID, GCatholic person ID, Econlib ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Opera Online conductor ID, PMSA ID, Deku Deals ID, duden id, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften, KKBox track ID, Rate Your Music album ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, locality number in Austria, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, Singapore Infopedia ID
- Query examples:
- Rose cultivars
- List of present-day countries and capital(s) (Source)
- Aliases of all sovereign states in Wikidata (Source)
- Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders (Source)
- Statues and monuments of slaveholders or traders (Source)
- Members of the Ku Klux Klan whose English description doesn’t mention that (Source)
- Bases named after Union soldiers (Source)
- Married couples who also sat in the Bundestag (Source)
- List of virtual conferences and their environment (Source)
- Network of the Erich Fried Prize winners (Source)
- Notable Russian people with possible (but unproved) descent from Genghis Khan (see the query for explanation)
- Researchers or academics with Native American ancestry
- Count of items by ethnic group (Source)
- Metro map of Stockholm Country showing line colors and layers (Source)
- Countries that have no world heritage sites (Source)
- Number of statues of women, per country (Source)
- 1st level subdivisions of Europe (and colonies) with less than 30 inhabitants per km² (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Collecting a lot of feedback and doing research around how to improve our APIs to start making it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers
- Finalized the initial feature list for the query builder and working on designs and prototypes for testing
- Doing user research on the Merge gadget to prepare for making it part of the proper code-base so that other Wikibase instances also benefit from easier merging
- Federated Properties: continued working on the first version of Federation that will make it possible to use Wikidata's Properties in another Wikibase installation
- Start of a new project (Wikibase Decoupling & Extension Registration) in order to clean up our codebase a bit and make it easier to extend with new features in the future
- More work on the design system to have a set of unified components for Wikidata that will make it easier to develop new features in the future because we don't have to rewrite components that are used in a lot of places
- Some MediaWiki skin changes meant broken edit links on Wikipedia and co. Fixed now. (phabricator:T252800)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #421
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Stanglavine
- Events
- Upcoming: Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language conference (remote, July 9-10): program & concept are published, registration is open
- Upcoming: live OpenRefine introduction et demonstration, by Vigneron, on Twitch and in French, Tuesday June 16 at 20:00 CEST (UTC+2)
- Past: Wikidata queries workshop, June 21st, in the frame of the Small wiki toolkits–Indic workshop series
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- When Deno meets Wikidata (blog post)
- Writing Wikidata Queries (Workshop Notes)
- Wikidata course at TAU: Hosting Denny Vrandečić. The future of Wikidata, Abstract Wikipedia WikiLambda - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- On Commons, c:Template:Wikidata Infobox now has over 3 million uses; see c:Category:Uses of Wikidata Infobox.
- New page about the Bibliography of Wikidata – needs help on expanding the list.
- Upcoming domain name migration on the Wikimedia Toolforge implies that OpenRefine users need to update their Wikidata reconciliation service to the new endpoint which will be available by default in the upcoming release of OpenRefine (3.4). phab:T254172
- Wikirecords - proposal for a Wikibase-based sister-project
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone, applies to name of value, entry receptor, estimated value, media franchise, Dewey Decimal Classification (works), Library of Congress Classification (edition), Universal Decimal Classification (works), Regensburg Classification (works), study type
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID, Cimetières de France ID, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, SIUSA archival fonds ID, Odeon ID, WikiTrek ID, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Spotify songwriter ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, vglist video game ID, Veldkruus ID, BitterDB compound ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, SIUSA archive producer family ID, SIUSA archive producer organization ID, Museum of Family History ID, Deku Deals ID, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, qualifier for this property, Library and bibliographic classification, gloss quote, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area, Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation, Encyclopedia Tatarica (tt) Online ID, twin town sign, floor material, Encyclopedia Tatarica (ru) Online ID, intended background color, is exception to constraint, prohibits, permits, Kunya, jour équivalent dans le calendrier correspondant, context of death, inverse agonist of, seatwidth, external error, set in environment
- External identifiers: IDU person ID, SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Unique Property Reference Number, Legacy.com newspaper ID, GCatholic person ID, Econlib ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Opera Online conductor ID, PMSA ID, duden id, KKBox track ID, Rate Your Music album ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, locality number in Austria, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, GCatholic diocese ID, BBFC ID, Criminological Thesaurus ID, FIPRESCI person ID, Web of Science ID, Crossref journal ID, KBpedia ID, QUDT quantity kind ID, Utenlandske krigsgraver i Norge ID, BWFpara.tournamentsoftware.com player ID, Directorio de Afrocubanas, Maitron des fusillés ID, TheFreeDictionary medical term ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Naturvårdsverket Amenity ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number
- Query examples:
- Apologies for both of the problematic queries ("MWAPI searches in wikidata about people described as slave traders by citizenship" in Weekly Summary #419 and "Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders” in Weekly Summary #420). The "MWAPI searches in wikidata about people described as slave traders by citizenship” in #419 lists any people with the word "slave" in a label, description or alias, among them several people who are not slave traders. The "Monuments named after/commemorating/depicting slave traders” in #420 incorrectly linked this query for enslaved people instead of this query for slavetraders.
- Ages of US presidents/vice-presidents: today, when leaving office, at death
- The subway network of Stockholm
- Former footballers who have ever been an MP in the UK parliament (Source)
- Latin American Women Writers with a GND ID (Source)
- Roads that are named after film directors (Source)
- Wikidata Queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and pandemic
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Sweden, WikiProject Ennegreciendo/Noircir Wikimedia
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continue working on the infrastructure review, in order to address the most pressing infrastructure issues
- Make the Wikibase.git code base PSR-4 compatible (phab:T172368)
- Work on an overview of existing types of coupling in Wikibase between Repo and Client (phab:T254902)
- More work on consistency of UX components
- Handle failed requests to the federation source wiki when saving statements (phab:T254889)
- Catch federated properties exceptions in getParserOutput and display error page (phab:T255010)
- Improve the permissions for Blazegraph in wdqs docker image (phab:T237248)
- Create entitySources config for WMF production wikis (phab:T254315)
- Participate in fixing several incidents (phab:T255855, phab:T255410)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #422
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Closed request for comments: Disallow merging into newer entity
- Events
- Past: Wikidata Wochenende 2020 (in German)
- Past: Cultural heritage webinar, Science Museum group. (presentations and videos)
- Past: Wikidata Query Service exercise (in Chinese) (video)
- Past: Wikidata in Toronto webinar with Alex Jung (video)
- Past: Writing Wikidata queries workshop, part of the Small Wikis Toolkit series (video recording)
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, Query Service special, July 21st at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Merrilee Proffitt, Chris Cyr, and Rob Fernandez on a project to surface library holdings to indicate possible notability for persons, June 30th. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #19, July 5
- Upcoming: Wikidata Parliament of Ghana contest, July 1st
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Lexemes in Wikidata: 2020 status, by Finn Årup Nielsen
- Upcoming video: Live Wikidata editing #10 - with guest: YouTube, Facebook
- Tool of the week
- The Sourcerer edit game suggests some sources that could fit to a claim and helps people adding references easily.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase Live sessions is coming back with the first call about Data Modeling in the context of Libraries happening on Thursday, July 2nd at 1600 UTC.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: funder, intended subject of deprecated statement, Democracy Index, principal investigator, file page offset, strike tone, applies to name of value, entry receptor, estimated value, media franchise, Dewey Decimal Classification (works and editions), Library of Congress Classification (works and editions), Universal Decimal Classification (works and editions), Regensburg Classification (works and editions), study type, number of branches, references work, tradition or theory, Dowker-Thistlethwaite notation, qualifier for this property, gloss quote, use with property value, use with qualifier, prompt when missing, offset from vertical
- External identifiers: Noovie person ID, NTB ID, sobory.ru ID, Philadelphia Museum of Art person ID, WorldFootball.net stadium ID, National Football Teams.com match ID, EU-Football.info stadium ID, Canadian Football League player ID, cadastral municipality number in Austria, Monasteries in the Netherlands until 1800 ID, Indonesian intangible cultural heritage, Australian Classification ID, Dansk litteraturs historie ID, DLive game ID, MuseScore artist ID, Uffizi artwork ID, MNBAQ artist ID, Cimetières de France ID, Dansk Biografisk Leksikon ID, SIUSA archival fonds ID, Odeon ID, WikiTrek ID, Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak, Spotify songwriter ID, NVE Elvenett elvID, Proleksis enciklopedija ID, Singapore Infopedia ID, vglist video game ID, Veldkruus ID, BitterDB compound ID, Helsinki persistent building ID Ratu, SIUSA archive producer family ID, SIUSA archive producer organization ID, Museum of Family History ID, Deku Deals ID, Thesaurus Sozialwissenschaften ID, GCatholic person ID, Legacy.com person ID, Econlib ID, UNBIS Thesaurus ID, Web of Science ID, Encyclopedia Tatarica (tt) Online ID, Criminological Thesaurus ID, Crossref journal ID, Duden ID, Encyclopedia Tatarica (ru) Online ID, Directory of Afrocubanas ID, Emmys person ID, finalesrugby.fr ID, Goodreads work ID, locality number in Austria, IDU person ID, Gramophone composer ID, Foreign war churchyards in Norway ID, Riksdagen person guid, GCatholic diocese ID, PMSA ID, BBK (library and bibliographic classification), Rate Your Music release ID, QUDT quantity kind ID, Unique Property Reference Number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: FIBA Hall of Fame, Vmusic.bg artist ID, black-and-white photograph, Gujin Tushu Jicheng link, version control system, provisions, sleeping capacity, floor area, twin town sign, floor material, intended background color, is exception to constraint, prohibits, permits, Kunya, jour équivalent dans le calendrier correspondant, context of death, inverse agonist of, seatwidth, external error, set in environment, property constraint for Commons, Dowker-Thistlethwaite name, Localised title, DOI formatter, Open Data portal, subscribed by, Knot Atlas identifier, theorised by, Knotilus identifier, KnotInfo identifier, sorting weight, character designer, image set, taxon synonym string
- External identifiers: SPOnG game ID, Bundesinventar der historischen Verkehrswege der Schweiz (IVS), Legacy.com newspaper ID, Opera Online opera house ID, Opera Online performer ID, Opera Online conductor ID, KKBox track ID, Offizielle Deutsche Charts album ID, Qobuz album ID 2, AZLyrics.com song ID, BBFC ID, FIPRESCI person ID, KBpedia ID, BWFpara.tournamentsoftware.com player ID, Maitron des fusillés ID, TheFreeDictionary medical term ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Naturvårdsverket Amenity ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number, Econlib person ID, NUKAT (non-VIAF) ID, Reposcope ID, People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID, PPN ID, Oxford Bibliographies ID, Grove Art Online ID, Maniadb artist ID, Maniadb album ID, Swiss Timber Bridges, PO ID, Wikipedia Library partner ID, InciWeb, HLTV ID, Les roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902 ID, Swedish Riksdag document, Church of Jesus Christ missionary ID, Church of Jesus Christ pioneer ID, Nauvoo community project ID, Dignity Memorial person ID, Oberwolfach mathematician ID, Unique Street Reference Number, TlF ID, identifiant lobbywatch.ch d'un parlementaire, identifiant Manioc livre, Bibliothèque Digital des Caraïbes, identifiant Manioc périodique, AlloCiné theater ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: no statements/enwiki
- Newest properties:
- Development
- It is now possible to search for EntitySchema pages using a shortcut “E:”, similar to “P:” for Properties and “L:” for Lexemes. For example: E:E10 or E:kakapo. T245529
- Continued working on the first version of Federation, which will allow other Wikibase installations to use Wikidata's Properties - getting closer to a first testable version
- More work on consistency of user interface components
- Finalizing the click-dummy for the first version of the Query Builder so we can start testing it with some editors soon and get feedback.
- Continuing to investigate how to improve our APIs and other ways to improve access to the data in Wikidata for programmers
- Discussed the future of the Wikidata Query Service and ideas for next steps we can take to make it scale better. Guillaume will join the next office hour to talk about it.
- More work on clearer separation of Wikibase repository and Wikibase client code in order to improve maintainability
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Радови у току
[уреди извор]Е, Ћировићу. Приметио сам да AWB (AutoWikiBrowser) не препознаје шаблон Радови у току. Зато тестирам нешто да видим да ли ће прорадити. Ајд' немој да поништавш на часак да проверим. Поздрав! — Жиле (✉) 17:35, 1. јул 2020. (CEST)
- @Acamicamacaraca: Nema potrebe za testiranjem. Jedino botovi bazirani na pywikipedia osnovi prepoznaju nobots šablon. U AutoWikiBrowseru se mora eksplicitno navesti kriterijum za izuzeće članaka. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:57, 1. јул 2020. (CEST)
- Постоји опција у алатки да се занемаре чланци са шаблоном nobots. Чекирана ми је, но бот и даље пролази кроз те чланке. Мислио сам да је проблем у шаблону, али изгледа да је до AWB-а. Покренућу таск на Фабрикатору. — Жиле (✉) 18:01, 1. јул 2020. (CEST)
Назив чланка „Casualty (person)”
[уреди извор]Поздрав! Како бисте назвали чланак Casualty (person) који се налази на списку 10.000 чланака која свака Википедија треба да има? Испрва сам га хтео назвати „Војне (Ратне) жртве”, али у наведеном чланку се спомиње да термин casualty означава сваку особу која више није способна за борбу, било да је погинула, повређена, дезертирала, болесна и сл. Појам „жртва” или „губитак”, колико знам, се користи само за оног који је убијен или је погинуо. Хвала унапред на одговору! — Вукан ® 13:19, 6. јул 2020. (CEST)
- @Вукан Ц: Појам „жртва” или „губитак” може да има шире значење, којим се обухватају сва онеспособљена лица. Стога би назив попут „Губитак (војни)” био адекватан превод. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:06, 6. јул 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #423
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Wikidata Parliament of Ghana contest launch (replay)
- Upcoming: Biohackathon 2020 Barcelona 2020 November 9th - 13th The accepted wikidata related proposal: Knowledge graphs and wikidata subsetting
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #20, July 12
- Upcoming: Celtic Knot conference, July 9-10, including several sessions about Wikidata, a Wikidata helpdesk
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Why Ariadne uses Getty AAT over Wikidata
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #10 - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Ptable displays the periodic table automatically extracted from information provided by Wikidata; it also provides a check that all the elements are there with some basic properties. Additional pages provide charts of the nuclides under different criteria such as half-life. Each element or nuclide is linked to its Wikidata item for more information or to edit if necessary.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Abstract Wikipedia was approved.
- OpenRefine 3.4 beta 2 was released.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Open Data portal, theorised by, DOI formatter, set in environment, academic appointment
- External identifiers: House Divided ID, thefreedictionary medical term ID, People's Representative Council of Indonesia ID, Grove Art Online ID, Supreme Court of Sweden case number, KBpedia ID, Swedish Environmental Protection Agency OBJECTID, Oxford Bibliographies ID, Swiss Timber Bridges ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: taxon synonym string, PM20 subject code, PM20 geo code, number of downloads, Interactive element, course, Zoning symbol, vanDerWaalsConstant, has pattern
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Pitchfork artist ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, Austrian encyclopedia of music online, Swiss Tunnel ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID, CPJF ID, TripAdvisor ID 2, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, public transport stop, Homebrew formula name, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, British Museum object ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, code EHESS d'une commune, IAPH code, ProtonDB video game ID
- Query examples:
- France has a new Prime Minister: see the list of all ministers in French history (very long scroll). If you want to know more, see this notebook
- Open data portals in Wikidata (using the newly created property Open Data portal (P8402))
- Objects that are named after people on Wikidata (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system (Phabricator board)
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other
- Polishing the first step of Federation (using Wikidata's Properties in another Wikibase installation) (incl. preventing users from selecting a federated property with a non-supported data type (phab:T252012) and preventing users from accessing Special:NewProperty when federation is enabled (phab:T255576) and viewing a list of all properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246339))
- Continuing research and interviews around the topic of making it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers
- Doing first testing of mockups and prototypes of the first version of the Query Builder - coding can start soon
- Convert a few properties from string to external identifier: Linguasphere code (P1396), KOATUU identifier (P1077) and ISIN (P946)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #424
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: New co-facilitator introductions and tools for editathons, 14 July. Agenda
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #12, 18 July Facebook, YouTube
- Past: Celtic Knot Wikimedia language conference, online, July 9-10. Videos, documentation and slides of sessions are accessible from the program page.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Using OpenRefine with Wikidata for the first time, by Addshore
- Using Wikidata in Mathematica and Wolfram, by Toni Schindler
- Fostering the presence of museums on Wikipedia and Wikidata, by Debora Lopomo
- Extending the Met’s reach with Wikidata, by Jennie Choi
- Wikidata-related videos from the Celtic Knot Conference:
- Wikidata and how you can use it to support minority languages (Mohammed Sadat)
- Wikidata-powered infoboxes (Pau Cabot)
- Hands-on Wikidata and lexicographical data (Nicolas Vigneron and Léa Lacroix)
- FAIR linguistic data thanks to norm data – Wikidata as part of the research project VerbaAlpina (Christina Mutter)
- Sámi placenames on Wikidata (Jon Harald Søby)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Introducing the Wikidata powered Dictionary of Welsh Biography timeline (Jason Evans), YouTube
- Video: Diving into Wikidata workshop (Will Kent), YouTube
- Video: Linked data for libraries with Wikibase, Infrastructure track (Jens Ohlig), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- DragNDrop.js makes it possible to show a Wikipedia article and drag items to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Dowker-Thistlethwaite name
- External identifiers: AlloCiné theater ID, Maniadb artist ID, Group Properties wiki ID, Oberwolfach mathematician ID, Archive Of Our Own tag, GameBanana video game ID, Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Image link, numeric ID, peak bagging classification, vanDerWaalsConstantA, vanDerWaalsConstantB, road name formatter, road number formatter, Medical Service, Ofsted inspection rating, OpenStreetMap numeric user ID, traffic sign template image, Vietnamese middle name
- External identifiers: Wiki Loves Earth Ukraine identifier, OHM Relation ID, Filmstarts title ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, SmallGroup ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, SAH Archipedia building ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Our Campaigns candidate ID, VPE railway line ID, Churches in Limburg, The Draft Review ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, ANZSOC ID, ASCRG ID, Encyclopédie berbère, 雑誌コード, OpenStreetMap user name, National Registry of Exonerations Case ID, Svenska Akademiens Ordbok ID, QLD Biota ID, Australian Weed ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued building out documentation for Federated Properties (phabricator:T255651) and making interface improvements to the first stage of the feature (incl. phabricator:T246886, changes to special pages that interact with both Items/Properties, and phabricator:T255581, changes to Special:ListDataTypes when federation is enabled)
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier
- Finalizing research and interviews to better understand what could be improved in the way developers access Wikidata's data (APIs, SPARQL)
- Testing the first prototype of the Simple Query Builder with some editors to get final input before coding starts
- Sorting of language links on Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects was broken (presumably by a change in MediaWiki core). A fix is being worked on. (phabricator:T257625)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Хвала на контактирању
[уреди извор]Хтио сам да се окушам да креирам чланак за "енглеску" Википедију, сада драфт чека на преглед, након доста исправки... Само најосновније, али и то се изгледа чека на преглед седмицама... У међувремену се трудим да изменим странице и ажурирам податке, ако уочим да треба ажурирати. Када ми одобре чланак, окушаћу се и на српском.
Хвала и поздрав!
— Npudar (разговор) 13:12, 16. јул 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #425
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: General semi protection for all property pages
- Events
- Upcoming: The First Wikidata Workshop: Second Call for Papers. Papers due: August 10, 2020 | Workshop date: October 29, 2020
- Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, July 21st at 16:00 UTC (18:00 CEST) in the Wikidata Telegram group. Query Service special with guests from WMF Search Team.
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXIV: Posicionamento digital relativo with Ederporto - July 23 17:00 UTC (14:00 BRT). In this technical training, we'll study the possibilities and functionalities of relative digital positioning in images and do practical activities on this topic using historical photographs of the city of São Paulo. The event will be held in Portuguese. Join us!
- Upcoming video: July 21 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx) Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming video: July 25 - Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #13 Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming: Kidok-Workshop, online workshop about church building data. In German, non-native users welcome. Currently looking for a date in the upcoming week and people to help!
- Upcoming video: Beyond Wikipedia - Knowledge that even a computer can understand. July 22, 2020 at 17:00 UTC. In this talk, Zbyszko Papierski will present Wikidata Query Service as one way that developers can interact with Wikidata.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities botany pilot using Wikidata QIDs
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #11 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Wikispore Day, including an interview of Denny Vrandečić about Abstract Wikipedia at 34'00
- Video: Merging elements on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Wikibase Ecosystem - taking Wikidata further (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:Frettie/consistency_check_add.js check consistency and add missing relations of a Wikidata object like father/son...
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Breaking change: removing special pageterms behavior on repo wikis, use entityterms instead (relevant for people using pageterms submodule of the query API module on Wikibase repository wikis)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: version control system, interactive elements, course, peak bagging classification, public transport stop, descriptive solubility, applies if regular expression matches, energy consumption per transaction, content partnership category, Van Der Waals Constant a, Van Der Waals Constant b
- External identifiers: Spanish Olympic Committee athlete ID, EHESS ID of a French commune, OpenHistoricalMap relation ID, IAPH code, Knot Atlas identifier, Knotinfo identifier, Swiss Tunnel ID, Wien Kulturgut: Kunstwerke im öffentlichen Raum ID, Österreichisches Musiklexikon Online ID, Swedish Riksdag document ID, Artprice artist ID, AnyDecentMusic album ID, SAH Archipedia architect ID, Personendatenbank Germania Sacra ID, Cistercian Biography Online ID, Digital Library of the Caribbean ID, Homebrew formula name, Our Campaigns candidate ID, UK Research and Innovation person ID, Unique Street Reference Number, Benerail station ID, Churches in Limburg, Vmusic.bg artist ID, US Quaternary Fault ID, ASCRG 2016 ID, ANZSOC 2011 ID, ANZSCO 2013 ID, Political Graveyard politician ID, SAH Archipedia building ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: BTI Status Index, BTI Governance Index, lyricsmule, number of majors offered, nationality (cultural identity), image of view, web interface software
- External identifiers: Native Plants Database ID, Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID, OpenCritic critic ID, DATAtourisme ID, ASCCEG 2019 ID, AHECC 2017 ID, ANZSIC 2006 ID, Unsplash User ID, South Africa EMIS code, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, HLTV Player ID, HLTV Team ID, SÚKL code, Nomenclature de tous les noms de rosiers, Science Fiction Awards Database author id, Fototeka person ID, Henrik Ibsen skrifter ID
- Query examples:
- Painters in Wikidata with the surname Ruiz (Source)
- Cities with female mayor (Source)
- MPs in the current UK parliament with identified mythical ancestors (Source)
- Indian subcontinent rail lines (Source)
- List of countries by age of the head of government (Source)
- Cities of the United States between 100,000 and 600,000 inhabitants with the counties and states they are located in (Source)
- Newest database reports: list of 1000, 2000 (without statements) and 10000 (filtered) random items
- Newest properties:
- Development
- More work on the consistent design system
- More work on decoupling the different Wikibase extensions from each other to make development easier:
- load WikibaseClient through the JSON file (phab:T257435),
- decoupling Client from Lib/Repo in the JavaScript code (phab:T256054),
- reduce the uses of Repo classes (phab:T255885, phab:T255882)
- Move all the special pages (phab:T257444), API modules (phab:T257443) and hooks (phab:T257445) from the PHP entry point to the JSON file
- Merge the registration of WikibaseLib into the Repo and Client extensions (phab:T257432) and merge WikibaseView into Repo (phab:T258043)
- Prepare the first development phase for the Simple Query Builder
- Reference game: run a scraper, work on a dashboard that will gives an overview of the potential references that have already been judged in the game
- Fix a bug related to maximum limit of search results (phab:T256885)
- Resolve some configuration issues regarding Entity Sources (phab:T254315)
- Federated Properties:
- Changes to special pages that interact with both items/properties when federation is enabled (phab:T246886)
- Changes to Special:ListDatatypes when federation is enabled (phab:T255581)
- Add new monolingual language codes: mic (Miꞌkmaq), gil (Kiribati)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Поздрав, потребна ми је помоћ око Инфокутије Бициклиста. Погледај тренутно стање, ту су одјељци Тур де Франс, Ђиро д’Италијс и Вуелта а Еспања другачијом бојом, како и треба да буде. Е сад, ја сам преуредио инфокутију, нисам још објављивао измјене јер не могу да нађем начин да задржим постојеће боје. Додао сам headerstyle и та боја се користи на све одјељке. Постоји ли могућност да боја буде различита како је сада, уз коришћење стандардног облика за инфокутије, са label i data? Оћу ли објавити измјене па да ти промијениш боје ако можеш? -- Vux33 (разговор) 12:04, 23. јул 2020. (CEST)
- @Vux33: Pogledajte uputstva na stranici en:Template:Infobox#Subboxes. Drugim rečima ako se pomenuti odeljci definišu kao potkutije, trebalo bi da imate više kontrole pri definisanju boja.--Dcirovic (разговор) 15:07, 23. јул 2020. (CEST)
Main 1 | |||||||
Main 2 | |||||||
| |||||||
| |||||||
Label 5 | Data 5 | ||||||
Main 6 |
| headerstyle = background-color:#eee;
| labelstyle = background-color:#eee;
| header1 = Main 1
| header2 = Main 2
| data3 = {{Infobox | subbox = yes
| headerstyle = background-color:#ADDFAD;
| labelstyle = background-color:#ddd;
| header1 = Sub 3-1
| header2 = Sub 3-2
| label3 = Label 3-3 | data3 = Data 3-3
| data4 = {{Infobox | subbox = yes
| labelstyle = background-color:#fca1ff;
| label1 = Label 4-1 | data1 = Data 4-1
| label5 = Label 5 | data5 = Data 5
| header6 = Main 6
Успио сам, хвала. Међутим, сад имам други проблем. Приказ није исти на сваком чланку. Погледај на примјер чланке Еди Меркс и Фабијан Канчелара, на њима параметри типа Ронде ван фландерен, Лијеж—Бастоњ—Лихеж и свјетски шампион не стају у исти ред, већ изгледа као да је стављен знак < br >, док је на примјер на чланцима Луизон Бобе и Рик ван Лој све у реду. Знаш ли можда од чега зависи то? Ставио сам ширину инфокутије на 30em, не ваља ако је ставим већу, а вјероватно није до ширине. -- Vux33 (разговор) 09:05, 24. јул 2020. (CEST)
- @Vux33: Шаблон настоји да балансира ширину натписа и података, тако да кад се унесе повећа количина података у једном од параметара датог сегмента, сви дугачки натписи тог сегмента бивају преломљени. То се може спречити на пример применом {{Nowrap}} шаблона:
| label93 = {{Nowrap|[[Лијеж—Бастоњ—Лијеж]]}}
- Ово може да доведе до непожељног исхода при уносу веома дугачких натписа.--Dcirovic (разговор) 18:23, 24. јул 2020. (CEST)
Можеш ли поново да ми помогнеш? Додао сам нове параметре и data110 Гран при сајклисте де Квебек је промијенила боју, не умијем да је вратим. Такође, на врху инфокутије стоји једно празно поље, ако можеш и њега да макнеш. И још нешто, додао сам ту инфокутију, као и још неке у категорију Бициклистичке инфокутије, али кад кликнем на категорију, нема их. Такође, можеш ли да повежеш ту категорију са оном на википодацима Category:Cycling infobox templates? Хвала. -- Vux33 (разговор) 09:12, 28. јул 2020. (CEST)
- @Vux33: Pokušaću da uklonim suvišno polje u toku sledećih par dana. Ostalo je urađeno. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:14, 28. јул 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #426
[уреди извор]- Events
- The Wikidata track of the LD4 conference on Linked Data in Libraries takes place on Thursday 30 and Friday 31 July. Free, upon registration.
- Seeking feedback on a possible WikiCite@Wikidata's 8th Birthday online conference; and what content/format/timing preferences you have. Please respond to this short survey. [Privacy policy: https://w.wiki/XfN]
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Liam Wyatt on WikiCite and its future plans, ways to get involved, and discussions that are happening in the community, 28 July. Agenda
- Past: Wikidata and Wikibase office hour with a focus on the Query Service, July 21st. Notes of the discussions
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #14, August 1 Facebook YouTube
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #23, August 2
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Croiser des données avec OpenRefine by Ash_Crow (in French, how to match data from inside and outside Wikidata with Open Refine)
- "OBA: An Ontology-Based Framework for Creating REST APIs for Knowledge Graphs"
- Library’s linked-data project gets new grant. "Known as Linked Data for Production, the project is part of a long-term collaboration among Cornell University Library, Stanford Libraries and the School of Library and Information Science at the University of Iowa. Through linked data, information about books and other items in library records will be enhanced by related information from external online sources". By Jose Beduya
- Wikidata Training Workshop 1, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association
- Video: Wikidata Lab XXIV on relative digital positioning (in Portuguese). YouTube
- Video: Women Writers in Review: Integrating special collections into Wikidata. YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - Entity Schemas and Shape Expressions (ShEx) Facebook YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #13 Facebook YouTube
- Tool of the week
- We would love suggestions for tools to include in this section of the weekly summary. Please add your suggestions directly under Status updates/Next#Backlog after checking that the tool isn't already listed.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikimedia Commons Query Service (WCQS) launches in Beta. This SPARQL endpoint for Structured Data on Commons can federate with Wikidata's Query Service. (Announcement & discussion)
- A new OpenRefine reconciliation service for Wikidata is available. Add it in OpenRefine with
or by replacingen
by any other Wikimedia language code.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: pertainym, BTI Governance Index, BTI Status Index, Ofsted inspection rating, distribution map of taxon
- External identifiers: Wiki-Rennes ID, Queensland Biota ID, Australian Weed ID, Encyclopedie berbere ID, Japanese magazine code, Lobbywatch.ch ID of a member of parliament, IVS ID, Svenska Akademiens Ordbok ID, National Registry of Exonerations Case ID, Described and Captioned Media Program producer ID, Český hudební slovník osob a institucí ID, PM20 geo code, PM20 subject code, DATAtourisme ID, OpenCritic critic ID, ASCCEG 2019 ID, SmallGroup ID, ANZSIC 2006 ID, AHECC 2017 ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: booking URL, member of lexicon, screen (display) resolution, in pixels, Size comparison diagram, Butcher tableau, related laws and regulations, Water area
- External identifiers: Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID, WISAARD ID, Jisho word id, UK Research and Innovation organisation ID, Opta football player ID, Opta football team ID, Opta football competition ID, Power plant operating licence (Turkey), Árvore de Interesse Público ID, MinDat taxon ID, Dizionario Biografico dei Protestanti in Italia ID, Twitter topics numeric ID, People Australia ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Changed the size of image previews to 1024 in the gallery view of the query service to avoid some images not loading sometimes (phabricator:T258241)
- Added an actual space between the entity title and the name of the fallback language (if any), so that the fallback language isn't selected anymore when double-clicking the entity title for copying (phabricator:T256857)
- Fixed the directionality of text pieces in placeholders that mix LTR and RTL (phabricator:T253812)
- Continued work on first pieces of design system to make coding new features easier in the future
- Continued untangling the code of Wikibase Client and Wikibase Repo to make it easier to develop on them
- Finished first piece of research on how to make it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers - more work to be done
- Preparing to start coding on the Query Builder to make it easier to create queries without having to know SPARQL
- Finished running the scraper that gets potential new references for unreferenced statements and preparing it for publishing
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Хвала на упозорењу. — Ljiljana Sundać (разговор) 19:46, 28. јул 2020. (CEST)
Списак администратора
[уреди извор]Здраво, управо мењам списак администратора па те позивам да испуниш одељак под твојим корисничким именом. Унапред ти захваљујем. Срдачно, Acaalexaca (разговор) 15:46, 31. јул 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #427
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Wiki13
- Events
- Upcoming: Search Platform Office Hours—August 5th, 2020. This event will be an occasion to talk about the Query Service.
- Upcoming: Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #15, August 8 Facebook, YouTube
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #24, August 9
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- (30 July) Wikidata Tutorial: Intro to the Basics (by User:Gamaliel)
- (30 July) Advanced Wikidata Tools and Concepts: More Than Just P's and Q's (by User:Mahir256)
- (30 July) Developing a Wikidata Project (by User:Will (Wiki Ed))
- (31 July) VanderBot: Using a Python script to create and update researcher items in Wikidata (by User:Baskaufs)
- (31 July) No bricks without clay: outcomes from the Stanford Wikidata Working Group (by User:Arcadialib)
- (31 July) LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour: Adding References to Wikidata (by User:Chicagohil)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #14 Facebook YouTube
- Video: Lexemes in Wikidata - structured lexicographical data for everyone (by Lydia Pintscher), YouTube
- Video: Wikidata presentation (in Turkish), YouTube
- Why You Should Do NLP Beyond English - Nice article giving some context about why it matters to have Lexemes in Wikidata in many different languages
- Wikidata track at the 2020 LD4 Conference on Linked Data in Libraries:
- Tool of the week
- SQID allows you to analyse, browse and query Wikidata. SQID is inspired by Magnus Manske's Reasonator, but focuses on prominently featuring information about Wikidata classes and properties.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: height of center of mass, road number formatter, Vietnamese middle name, heraldic attitude, traffic sign template image
- External identifiers: Tree of Public Interest ID, Denkmaldatenbank Thurgau ID, DSSTOX compound identifier, South Africa EMIS code, Archive Site Trinity College Cambridge ID, WISAARD resource ID, Gateway to Research organisation ID, SÚKL code, Science Fiction Awards Database author ID, Power plant operating licence (Turkey)
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: certified as, number of stages, convergence rate, step count, Alternative form, view, version type for works, advertisement copy
- External identifiers: LibraryThing series identifier, Swiss Industrial Heritage ID, TOPCMB ID, Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID, Sports-Reference.com college basketball school ID, SAT-matrikulo, Signal number, BHF author ID, BHF magazine ID, SPLC Group ID, SPLC Individual ID, Open Civic Data Division Identifiers, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Presence compositrices ID of work
- Query examples:
- Properties and the number of constraint definition statements on them - there are quite a few with 0 constraint definitions
- a graph of MPs and parties in the Swedish Parliament and with whom they worked together with to create motions 2018 SPOILER: >95% is just with people in the same party
- Wealthiest queer people on Wikidata (Source)
- Bubble chart showing the winners of the FA Cup (Source)
- Map of parks in Oslo missing images on Wikidata (Source)
- Commons queries:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
- Slices: We've had a lot of requests for accessing dumps of a smaller part of Wikidata's data since rarely anyone needs the complete data in Wikidata. The tricky part is figuring out which part is needed and if any of that can be generalized. We looked into for example how to make dump generation faster so we could potentially produce more smaller dumps that only cover a part of Wikidata's data, either thematically (e.g. humans) or by type of data (e.g. only statements and English labels and aliases but not sitelinks or descriptions).
- REST API: As part of our effort to make it easier to access Wikidata's data for programmers we looked into a REST API. We tried to see if we could cover the existing action API modules in a REST API. We could. We'll take this as input for our ongoing API work now.
- Improving quality ratings through ORES: ORES can judge the quality of an Item automatically. It is currently not very good at it however. We tried a few things to make it more accurate and found some easy wins we'll probably make happen in the next weeks.
- Query manipulator: One of the ways we could potentially improve the load situation of the Wikidata Query Service is by automatically analyzing and then redirecting a bunch of queries to other systems that are more suitable for that particular type of query. The nice thing about that would be that the person/program sending the query wouldn't have to care about it but it'd be done automagically for them. We tried to build such a system and the results look very promising but more work/experimenting is needed, especially together with the WMF Search team.
- The last week was our quarterly prototyping week. We worked on the following projects. None of them are ready for prime-time yet but we'll continue with them.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #428
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Hazard-SJ, Gnoeee, Wagino 20100516
- Closed request for adminship: Wiki13 (successful)
- Events
- Past: Wikibase Live Session - August 2020. This session had a few people present on some of their work with modeling GLAM data in Wikibase or Wikidata. (replay)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Daniel Mietchen and Lane Rasberry about Scholia, a project to present bibliographic information and scholarly profiles of authors and institutions, 11 August. [Agenda]
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #25, August 16
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - QuickStatements and Distributed Wikidata games Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Collaboration, contribution and use of Wikidata and Wikipedia by academic libraries (in Greek). YouTube
- Librarians work to broaden Vanderbilt’s research reputation with Wikidata tools. "To speed up the creation of metadata about faculty and their publications, Steven Baskauf, data science and data curation specialist for libraries, developed “VanderBot,” a set of scripts that can read and write to Wikidata, greatly improving the efficiency by which Vanderbilt’s faculty are discoverable through Wikidata".
- Tool of the week
- OSM ↔ Wikidata matcher links Wikidata entries to places in OpenStreetMap.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- wikidata2df, a Python package for easily turning a Wikidata SPARQL query into a pandas dataframe
- With Wikidata Concept Tree Generator, you can enter any concept and instantly see a visualization of its extended relations. (Source)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: size comparison diagram, view
- External identifiers: Legacy.com newspaper ID, ChemSynthesis ID, Dizionario Biografico dei Protestanti in Italia ID, Maitron des fusillés ID, Fototeka person ID, LibraryThing series ID, TOPCMB ID, Swiss Industrial Heritage ID, Library of Congress Medium of Performance Thesaurus ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: image of entrance, extinction date, notation writer, raga, tala, SMARTS, Editio princeps, recording location
- External identifiers: Sochy a města ID osoby, Sochy a města ID sochy, podvignaroda, Have I Been Pwned breach ID, European Investment Bank project ID, WordNet 3.1 Synset Id, cadastral municipality ID, NPR station ID, NYARC Discovery ID, Nasjonalt skoleregister-ID, ERIC Thesaurus ID, American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID, Trismegistos Texts ID
- Query examples:
- Commons queries:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- finalized designs for the query builder to start coding at the beginning of September
- wrapping up the initial work on the design system so that we can start using the first pieces of it in the query builder development
- working on properly linking redirects in recent changes, watchlist and co (phabricator:T255387)
- addressed remaining security review comments about the Wikidata Bridge so that we can deploy it finally on the first Wikipedia
- fixed a bug where string values had the wrong length limit (phabricator:T259440)
- finishing the work of untangling Wikibase Client and Wikibase Repository extensions to make development easier
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Шаблон за класе бродова
[уреди извор]Добар дан. Опет ја. Ако се не варам с Вама сам разговарао на тему превода шаблона за индивидуалне бродове. Остао је један шаблон непреведен, а биће потребан. У питању је Template:Infobox ship class overview. Ја бих сам превео гледајући шаблон за опште карактеристике и службу који су већ преведени, а ја сам их јуче мало естетски и терминолошки дорадио онако како сам знао, али просто речено, не знам где да кликнем како бих превео. Терминолошки сам превео онако како сам сматрао да је најбоље за шаблонско приказивање, ево слике. Такође, што се тиче оне документације шаблона, тј. за сваку страницу шаблона пошто их има четири, убацио бих и по једну слику која приказује поред енглеских назива шта је то преведено на српски (попут оне слике малопре) како не би људи гледали код, ако већ у самом коду не може да пише на српском већ је преведено. Надам се да нисам био конфузан при објашњењу мојих намера, или да нисам превише напоран. Андрејевић (разговор) 21:04, 10. август 2020. (CEST)
- @Андрејевић: Ваш шаблон је овде: {{Infobox ship class overview}}, док је његова документација на овој потстраници: Шаблон:Infobox ship class overview/док. Било до корисно да преведете документацију шаблона. --Dcirovic (разговор) 21:55, 10. август 2020. (CEST)
- Свакако! Ту сам могућност у више наврата разматрао, само да нађем нешто слободног времена да се томе детаљно посветим. Ако будем имао неких проблема с преводом Вики терминологије обратићу Вам се. Захваљујем! Андрејевић (разговор) 22:45, 10. август 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #429
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Closed requests for adminship: Hazard-SJ, Gnoeee, Wagino 20100516 (all successful)
- New request for comments: How (un)important is preserving the historic character of an item?
- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #26, August 23
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Editing Wikidata with information from Son jarocho (in Spanish). YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Entity Explosion: a new multilingual Chrome browser extension. "Taking the power of Wikidata with me wherever I go across the web!". Uses API calls to the Wikidata Query Service to match the URL you are browsing on to a Wikidata item, and then displays data and links to other sites about the same entity. (Video)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Bridge v1 will be deployed on Catalan Wikipedia on August 18th
- New description and screenshots for the Simple Query Builder project, feedback welcome
- Help:Dataset sizing
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: alternative form
- External identifiers: Henrik Ibsen writings ID, RKD thesaurus ID, TCLF ID, Sculptures and cities database ID for sculptures, Manioc book ID, Presence compositrices ID of composer, Offizielle Deutsche Charts song ID, ToS;DR service numerical identifier, Have I Been Pwned breach ID, Unsplash User ID, EIB project ID, ANZSRC 2020 FoR ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: latest start date, earliest end date, Number of votes after transferring, map URL, type of archaeological site, record number, front and back matter
- External identifiers: Sports-Reference.com college football school ID, Panteono de edukado.net, LSG local body code, MobyGames attribute ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles ID, Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938, Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Dictionary of Occupational Titles Code (fourth edition, revised), Proballers player ID, Linked Open Data Cloud identifier, Chrome Webstore extension ID, CTHS publication ID, LBS Physical ID, GBIF occurence ID
- Query examples:
- Largest collections of Picasso content (Source). The National Gallery of Art holds the most with 303 objects
- Bubble chart of snooker world champions (Source)
- Map of streets in Tillydrone named after WW2 military leaders (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed a bug where a length limit for strings seems to have reverted itself back from 1500 to its default 400 (phabricator:T259440)
- Fixed a bug that Wikibase is not always adding &redirect=no in situations when MediaWiki usually does (phabricator:T255387)
- Wrapping up the initial work on the design system so it is ready for use in the first new feature (Query Builder)
- Fixed the serialization of statements on Forms and Senses not containing the datatype (phabricator:T249206)
- Wrapping up work on the first version of Federated Properties so that other Wikibase installations can use Wikidata's Properties instead of having to maintain their own
- Worked on ensuring the data from the linked data interface at Special:EntityData is always up to date after an edit has been made (phabricator:T128486)
- Enabling clients to use Lua to request labels, descriptions and aliases in some (often minority) languages even when they are not content languages (phabricator:T259340, phabricator:T260118)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #430
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata distributed birthday in October. You can organize an (online) event with your local group or favorite WikiProject! See also: calendar in progress, information for organizers, 24-hours online meetup
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: We will talk about gadgets and user scripts. 25 August. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #27, August 30
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #17 Facebook, YouTube
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Commonsense Knowledge in Wikidata (via ArXiv)
- Wikidata-focused presentations at the Workshop "Data Science in Climate and Climate Impact Research" taking place on 20-21 August 2020 in Zurich and online.
- Sarasua, Cristina, & Mietchen, Daniel. (2020, August). Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Community Perspective. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3994272
- Mietchen, Daniel, & Sarasua, Cristina. (2020, August). Multilingual Structured Climate Research Data in Wikidata - The Data Perspective. Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3994266 (also on YouTube)
- Video: How to add missing descriptions to Wikidata using QuickStatments tool (in Arabic) - YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #16 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata (in Malayalam) - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata editing basics (in Chinese) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Sophox allows for SPARQL querying of Wikidata and OpenStreetMap in a single query
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Two new grant programs from WikiCite, in support of open citations and linked bibliographic data.
- Full documentation, eligibility requirements, selection criteria, program design principles, and contacts at the links. Apply by 1 October.
- Project & events [$2-10k]
- e-Scholarships [per-diem calculated on your city; 1-5 people (single, or as a 'remote group') for 2-4 days, for COVID-era "stay at home" projects. Paid in advance living allowance, no expense report required.]
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: SMARTS notation, tala, raga, recording location, law or regulation identifying number, earliest end date, latest start date, extinction date
- External identifiers: Filmstarts title ID, Trismegistos text ID, SPLC Individual ID, ERIC Thesaurus ID, American Folklore Society Ethnographic Thesaurus ID, BHF magazine ID, Macedonian cadastral municipality ID, Monumentbrowser ID, Frauen in Bewegung 1848–1938 ID, Nasjonalt skoleregister ID, BHF author ID, Proballers ID, Opera Online work ID, Opera Online composer ID, Opera Online opera house ID, CTHS publication ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Namesakes, Engineer's Line Reference, bibliography, external auditor, ITF-identificatiecode voor speler 2020, rotated image, mirrored image, combined from, overlaid from, number of deaths in senior care homes, number of cases intensive care, negotiated by, is solution to, Commons category for the exterior of the item, Number of taxpayers, medium
- External identifiers: Abbreviations related to ancient authors and works and to academic works regarding classical antiquity, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe ID, Emporis company ID, Sports-Reference.com college basketball box score ID, FBref.com squad ID, Operator licence number, Jewish Virtual Library person ID, Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century ID, JSTOR publisher ID, Istrapedia ID, monumenta.ch ID, Microsoft MVP profile ID, Art Bonus ID, The Living New Deal ID, TracesOfWar person ID, Hrvatski biografski leksikon ID, UG Digital Collections, jewishencyclopedia.com ID, Fancyclopedia 3 ID, Hrvatska tehnička enciklopedija ID, Grandterrier.net ID
- Query examples:
- British MPs with sons- or daughters-in-law who were also MPs (source)
- MPs with the largest number of children or childen-in-law who became MPs (source)
- Descendants of Robert Emett (born 1729), with counts of sitelinks and external IDs for them and their spouses (source)
- Programming languages written by women (Source)
- Bar chart showing the number of research output (articles, etc) annotated with a SARSCoV2 proteins as 'main subject' (Source)
- Female soccer players who have a (known) social media account (Source)
- Largest cities in France by population (Source)
- Commons queries:
- Newest WikiProjects: WikiProject Gazetteer
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Deployed the first version of the Wikidata Bridge to Catalan Wikipedia
- Creating Grafana Dashboards for the new Wikidata Bridge so we have some data to help us determine which datatypes to support next for example (phabricator:T260532)
- Finished working on ensuring Labels of Items in some unusual, often minority, languages are still available on Wikipedia and other clients (phabricator: T259340)
- Fixed error messages for API modules that will not work with the first version of Federated Properties (phabricator:T258558)
- Working on improving how ORES judges the quality of an Item to make it more accurate
- Started coding on Automated Configuration Discovery to make it easier for tool builders to make their tools work for other Wikibase instances as well
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Чланци са списка 10к за моју акцију
[уреди извор]Поздрав, да ли би могао да ажурираш списак? --Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 18:23, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- @Zoranzoki21: Bolje stoji ovako, da bi se jasno videlo šta je urađeno, a ne samo šta bi trebalo uraditi. Celokupan 10K spisak se frekventno ažurira. --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:33, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- Већ постоји евиденција где се може видети шта је урађено. --Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 18:36, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- @Zoranzoki21: Na toj drugoj stranici 10K članci nisu jasno obeleženi. Nisam ubeđen da postoji potreba za uklanjanjem članaka sa spiska. Međutim, ukoliko se kategorično ne slažete, uklonite ih. --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:48, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- Океј, опуштено, није толико битно. :) --Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 18:50, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- @Zoranzoki21: Na toj drugoj stranici 10K članci nisu jasno obeleženi. Nisam ubeđen da postoji potreba za uklanjanjem članaka sa spiska. Međutim, ukoliko se kategorično ne slažete, uklonite ih. --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:48, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
- Већ постоји евиденција где се може видети шта је урађено. --Zoranzoki21 (разговор) 18:36, 26. август 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #431
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Editing contest - Members of the 3rd Parliament of the 4th Republic of Ghana. By Global Open Initiative - YouTube (1), (2)
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 1 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: WMF search platform team office hour, September 2nd at 17:00 CEST (15:00 GMT). Etherpad, Google Meet. You can come and chat about the Wikidata & Commons Query Service.
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday events organizers call, September 2nd at 19:00 CEST.
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #28, September 6
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #18 Facebook, YouTube, September 5 at 19.00 UTC
- Upcoming: Onam label-a-thon (September 1st and 2nd): Online label-a-thon to improve Wikidata items related to Kerala and Malayalam on this Onam holidays.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: How to use the Wikidata Query Service, by Dr Chris Langley
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #17 Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Creating a Wikidata item (in Spanish) - YouTube
- WikiCite and bibliographic data on Wikidata, how to contribute and how to view it with Scholia (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Wikipedia's not so little sister is finding its own way - article by Lydia Pintscher in the Wikipedia Signpost
- Tool of the week
- Wikidata for Firefox is a browser extension that displays Wikidata items while browsing the web, adds missing IDs and extracts information from websites to Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Entity Explosion, the browser add-on for Chrome is now also available for Firefox. When the user visits a web page, it displays data from Wikidata, about the subject of that page.
- WMF will be performing data center maintenance operations by switching all traffic to the secondary data centre on Tuesday, September 1st 2020. You will be able to read, but not edit, all wikis for up to an hour from 14:00 UTC
- The Wikidata community now has a channel on the newly-established Wikimedia Chat service.
- reconciler, a Python wrapper for Open Refine's API to reconcile pandas data frames with Wikidata items.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Butcher tableau, front and back matter, external auditor
- External identifiers: edukado.net Panteono ID, Chrome Webstore extension ID, PARADISEC Catalog, NPR station ID, JSTOR publisher ID, Emporis company ID, Art Bonus ID, British Museum object ID, monumenta.ch ID, The Living New Deal ID, Jewish Virtual Library person ID, YIVO Encyclopedia of Jews in Eastern Europe ID, Spanish Artists from the Fourth to the Twentieth Century ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: parent superproperty, publisher of, performed at, Barcelona Public art identifier, opening hours (v.3), Fanbase name, aerial view, ground clearance, axle track, placeholder text element ID, displacement, Deutsche Bahn station abbreviation, entry in abbreviations table, Liturgical rank
- External identifiers: NHK Archives Portal person ID, EPA Ecoregion Level 1 Code, EPA Ecoregion Level 2 Code, EPA Ecoregion Level 3 Code, EPA Ecoregion US Level 3 Code, EPA Ecoregion US Level 4 Code, Encyclopaedia of Architects, Vienna 1770–1945, Firefox add-on ID, London Stock Exchange company, Fatcat ID, NDL law ID, e-Gov law ID, OFAC sanction ID, British and Irish Furniture Makers Online ID, Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings ID, Occupational Outlook Handbook ID, Regesta Ecclesiastica Salisburgensia ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, YUAG ID, Grove Music Online ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe person ID, McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia ID, Dostoyevsky and His Entourage ID
- Query examples:
- Map of cities and towns in the San Jose–San Francisco–Oakland combined statistical area - OSM/Wikidata query
- Map of structures that have won architectural awards - OSM/Wikidata query
- Birth places of Buffalo Sabres players (Source)
- Timeline of all of Bird’s tunes (Source)
- Approximate proportion of people called "John" in any given UK Parliament since 1372 (Source)
- People born in Czechia who died in Germany and vice versa, by decade of birth (Source)
- Location of decommissioned aircraft - OSM/Wikidata query (Source)
- Railway network in Czechia (Source)
- People born in Czechia who died in Germany and vice versa, by decade (of birth) (Source)
- List of locations of Woolf's books (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on Automated Configuration Discovery to make it easier for tool builders to make their tools work for other Wikibase instances as well
- Polishing remaining pieces of the first version of Federated Properties to make it possible to use Wikidata's Properties in other Wikibase instances
- Continuing to work on improving the way ORES automatically scores the quality of an Item to make it more accurate
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Нешто фали?
[уреди извор]Добио сам на Остави ообавештење да је Датотека Милики Јевремовић пред брисањем?! Пре пар дана је пребачена на Оставу, па види молим те у чему је проблем.— Ванилица (разговор) 06:13, 2. септембар 2020. (CEST)
- @Ванилица: Tim slikama nedostaju informacije o dozvoli. Dat je izvor, ali nema dokaza da se autor ili nosilac autorskih prava složio da licencira datoteku pod datom licencom. Potrebno je da navedite vezu do odgovarajuće veb stranice sa informacijama o licenci, ili da pošaljete e-poštu sa kopijom pismene dozvole OTRS-u (permissions-commons@vikimedia.org). --Dcirovic (разговор) 09:27, 2. септембар 2020. (CEST)
- Све је то урађено још приликом постављања слике. Неко није одрадио посао до краја. Видим да је враћена на српску Википедију. Поздрав и хвала.— Ванилица (разговор) 16:00, 2. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #432
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Rob Fernandez (Wikimedia District of Columbia) on Listeria, a tool that uses SPARQL queries to define a list, and provides a bot that will update a wiki page containing that list if the results of that SPARQL query change, all based on Wikidata, 08 September. Agenda
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 8 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #19 Facebook, YouTube, September 10
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #29, September 13
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Semantic Wikibase has been released by Professional.Wiki (Demo video)
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #18, workflows for SPARQL queries and QuickStatements Facebook, YouTube
- OpenRefine 3.4 was released
- How can I get data on all the dams in the world? Use Wikidata. By Addshore
- Wikidata Training Workshop 2, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association - YouTube
- Video: How to use QuickStatements - a tool to bulk upload data onto Wikidata. By Dr Sara Thomas
- Tool of the week
is a dashboard that measures Wikidata's usage and coverage on Wikimedia Foundation projects.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Entity Explosion, the browser add-on for Chrome is now also available for Firefox. When the user visits a web page, it displays data from Wikidata, about the subject of that page.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: none
- External identifiers: LSG local body code, NYARC Discovery ID, Encyclopaedia of Architects, Vienna 1770–1945 ID, Hrvatska tehnička enciklopedija ID, ICP artist ID, TracesOfWar person ID, Firefox add-on ID, NHK Archives Portal person ID, Hrvatski biografski leksikon ID, InciWeb ID, YUAG ID, Wikipedia Library partner ID, FIPRESCI person ID, Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Legacies of British Slave-ownership place ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: applies to form or aspect, blocked on the territory of, Liturgical category, Flickr image URL, turning radius, number of reboots, financials URL, SI base units, rank insignia2
- External identifiers: Syro-Malabar Church Parish ID, Database of Umgebinde houses in Bohemian Switzerland ID, Re-Member ID, DIL ID, Naver Vibe Artist ID, American Battlefield Trust battlefield ID, American Battlefield Trust person ID, L'Officiel des spectacles ID, VA facility ID, Hikr Waypoint ID, tvmaze ID, Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia ID, Danish educational institution number, Past Fellow of the Royal Society ID, photoLondon ID, uta-net.com song ID, Historic Montana ID, KHRI ID, Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID
- Query examples:
- Map of companies developing/manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that is at least in a phase 1 clinical trial
- A table of the 100 highest fees charged for using various kinds of facilities, normalized to United States dollars - OSM/Wikidata query
- Youngest age of UK MPs leaving office since 1900 (Source)
- Longest time UK MPs lived after leaving office since 1900 (Source)
- British cabinet members with past military service (Source)
- Earliest written record of 10 largest Czech cities (Source)
- Churches dedicated to Czech patron St. Wenceslas (blue) and Moravian patrons St. Cyril and Methodeus (orange) (Source)
- German municipality names ending with -in, -ing, -heim (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added Wikidata support to Japanese Wikivoyage. phab:T261451
- Investigating the nature of our training outliers to improve the way ORES automatically scores the quality of an Item.
- Working on error that sometimes causes Wikidata UI to report 2 error messages when saving a sitelink in an item. phab:T260869
- Completed various investigations to make an informed decision on the output format of WikibaseManifest files (automated configuration detection for toolbuilders) phab:T261285
- Completed various bug fixes and wrap-up tasks to conclude the major engineering work on the Federated Properties project
- More work on Item Quality Scoring and Federated Properties
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Погледај Википедија:Администраторска табла. Хвала.— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 22:57, 12. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Још један ИП корисник је наставио да врши вандализме истог карактера. Молим да се блокира [1].— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 23:17, 12. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Требало би посакривати измене где вређају кориснике [2], [3], [4]. Поздрав.— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 20:41, 13. септембар 2020. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #433
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Alternate disclosure policy
- Events
- Past: The Workshop On Open Citations And Open Scholarly Metadata 2020 took place in Bologna and online on September 9 and included a talk State of WikiCite in 2020, available on Zenodo via doi:10.5281/zenodo.4019954.
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 15 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday organizers call, September 16th at 13:00 UTC/GMT
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #20: Facebook, YouTube, September 19
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #30, September 20
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Youtuber Tom Scott tries to answer the question What Is The Best Thing?, using Wikidata to curate a collection of "things", and an online poll for people to vote on those things.
- "Our admiration for Wikidata and for the people who work with it knows no bounds. Having a single source of well modelled, massively interlinked, well managed data that anyone can query at the press of a button is a real thing of wonder." - says the UK Parliament data team
- Houcemeddine Turki, et al. (2020). Using logical constraints to validate information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of COVID-19 on Wikidata (Zenodo Preprint).
- Video: Wikidata basics short videos by Wikimedian in Residence at University of Edinburgh (YouTube)
- Video: Creating a Mix'n'Match set for Queensland Biota on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #19: Cradle and colours in queries. Facebook, YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Mbabel is a tool that simplifies article creation by providing pre-made sentences based on Wikidata statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The consultation phase for the Wikimedia movement Universal Code of Conduct (UCoC) is in progress until 6 October 2020. The UCoC drafting committee wants to learn which parts of the draft would present challenges for you or your work. What is missing from this draft? What do you like, and what could be improved?
- All the lists of languages used on Wikidata: feel free to improve this draft documentation page.
- The Wikidata development team is seeking to evaluate and improve the process of collecting and reacting to bug reports and feature requests. You can give feedback about your experience using this anonymous form until September 30th or add feedback publically to Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020.
- WikiMap, a tool by User:DB111 that maps geocoded images from Commons and Wikipedia articles, now supports Wikidata items as well (Q99232292)
- Wikidata QID's are approaching 9 digits. Now is the time to fix any code or schemas that assume that Q numbers are smaller than 9 characters.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: aerial view, ride height, category for the exterior of the item, axle track
- External identifiers: Anais do Museu Paulista article ID, Legacies of British Slave-ownership place ID, Wisconsin Historical Society NRHP ID, Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe ID, Jewish Encyclopedia ID, Grove Music Online ID, Hikr waypoint ID, DIL ID, Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: expansion of, Oakeshott typology, Slack URL, TDD number, Hill size, K point, number of negative votes, number of support votes
- External identifiers: Historic Montana ID, KHRI ID, KinoWiki ID, BD Gest' series ID, Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID, Discord username, China Treaty Database ID, Discord channel, Bollywood Hungama movie, NMC Heritage ID, identifiant d'un artiste département des arts graphiques du musée du Louvre, SPoT skater ID, Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID, Lambiek Special pages, Lambiek comic magazines, Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID, Delft municipal monument ID
- Query examples:
- Shortest path of descent from Charlemagne to George Washington, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Elizabeth II
- List of most recent common ancestors (ordered by number of total degrees separated) between George Washington and George W. Bush (9th cousin 8 times removed), George Washington and Barack Obama (12th cousin 9 times removed), George Washington and Elizabeth II (2th consin 7 times removed), George W. Bush and Barack Obama (11th cousin), George W. Bush and Elizabeth II (14th cousin once removed), Barack Obama and Elizabeth II (19th cousin 3 times removed)
- Artists that have recorded songs in several languages, by number of different languages used (Source)
- Average age of companies listed on major indices (Source)
- Basque Country sister cities with world municipalities (Source)
- Map of companies developing/manufacturing a COVID-19 vaccine candidate that is at least in a phase 1 clinical trial (Source)
- Map of mountains in Austria showing their heights; from red for the lowest through green to black for the highest (Source)
- Top World Heritage sites by number of paintings depicting them (Source)
- Map of sports pitches for team sports that require between 10 and 20 players on the field - Wikidata/OSM query
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixing an error that sometimes causes Wikidata UI to report 2 error messages when saving a sitelink in an Item instead of just one. (phabricator:T260869)
- Development of version one of Federated Properties has concluded! Expect an announcement with timing of the release of this feature soon. Wikibase users who want an early look at the feature are invited to reach out to participate in the pre-release testing round.
- Development of the WikibaseManifest extension has continued into its second sprint; we focused on determining a product specification for the Manifest output.
- Finishing a draft documentation for a REST API to get it ready for a feedback round before implementation.
- Finished improvements to the automated scoring of the quality of Items with ORES. Still need to retrain ORES and deploy the changes before the scores are actually different though.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #434
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata Introduction Workshop (German) (September 29)
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 21 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: A starting point for newer institutions to think through what is involved in coordinating a Wikidata project, including shared infrastructure, training, and documentation, 22 September. Agenda
- Upcoming video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #21 WikiDojo: Facebook, YouTube, September 25
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- "Representing COVID-19 information in collaborative knowledge graphs: a study of Wikidata"
- ProWD: Detecting Knowledge Imbalances on Wikidata on blog.wikimedia.de
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #20 WLM: Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Wikidata Training Workshop 3, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association (YouTube)
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata development team is seeking to evaluate and improve the process of collecting and reacting to bug reports and feature requests. You can give feedback about your experience using this anonymous form until September 30th or add feedback publically to Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020.
- WDQS/WCQS Status update (September 2): "We are planning to spend more time doing some analytics on our data. (1) What are the most expensive queries, what are they trying to achieve and is that reasonable? (2) Do we have performant subgraphs that we could expose independently?"
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: category for the exterior of the item, axle track, Stairway To Hell ID, Oakeshott typology, construction point, turning radius, hill size, bibliography
- External identifiers: Seattle Art Museum ID, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art artwork ID, TV Maze series ID, Barcelona Public art ID, University of Ghana Digital Collections (UGSpace) ID, Istrapedia ID, OnlyFans person ID, Linked Open Data Cloud identifier, The Cutting Room Floor ID, Fatcat ID, China Treaty Database ID, e-GOV law ID, Portugal. Dicionário Histórico ID, past Fellow of the Royal Society ID, Regesta Ecclesiastica Salisburgensia ID, Slack organization ID, Kansas Historic Resources Inventory ID, Historic Montana ID, ITF player ID 2020, BD Gest' series ID, American Battlefield Trust battlefield ID, P8624
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: defining mutations, nombre d'essais marqués, Netflix maturity rating, held event, number of paying subscribers, has census
- External identifiers: Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID, Delft municipal monument ID, identificativo Ministero dell'interno, Dallas Museum of Art ID, Cincinnati Art Museum ID, Energy Identification Code, Wikimedia Chat channel, Symptom Ontology ID, MnDOT Historic Bridges ID, monumentsauxmorts.fr ID, monumentsdememoire.fr ID, Lower Sorbian place name ID, Région Île-de-France ID, Museen Dresden article ID, Turkey's Culture Portal ID, NPS place ID, SSYK 2012
- Query examples:
- Map of anything that memorializes or is named after a Whig Party member - OSM/Wikidata query
- Map of every railway station presently connected directly or indirectly to St Pancras on Wikidata
- Age of the winners of the Tour de France (Source)
- Location and date of death of Danish rulers (Source)
- Map of the places & causes of death of Roman Emperors (Source)
- Images of members of the 16th Odisha Assembly (2019-24) (Source)
- Star signs of Japanese Prime Ministers (Source)
- Video game series with the longest time gap between a game and its direct sequel (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- WQS now supports mwapi service request for Wikibooks (phab:T261125)
- The language codes lij-mc, ja-Hira, ja-Kana, ja-Hrkt, ja-Hani, ojp, ojp-Hira and ojp-Hani" have been added for use in monolingual text property values (phab:T254968, phab:T195816)
- The language codes de-1901, eo-hsistemo and eo-xsistemo, ja-hira, ja-kana and ja-hrkt have been added for Lexemes (phab:T262330,phab:T257422, phab:T250559)
- P1438 has been converted from string to external ID datatype (phab:T262198)
- Worked on fixing an input issue with invisible characters (phab:T261071)
- Investigating what work would be needed to get the new termbox that's available on mobile to also work on desktop
- Fixing several issues with Special:Undelete (phab:T261747)
- Fixing an error message being shown twice (phab:T260869)
- Starting the coding work on the Query Builder
- Continuing to write a draft for a REST API specification
- Finishing the remaining work needed to get the improved quality scoring for Items deployed to ORES
- Continuing work on WikibaseManifest: Determined the essential metadata that will be included in the WikibaseManifest file, added some new features (mostly MediaWiki metadata) to the Manifest that were requested by the OpenRefine team (phab:T262805 and phab:T262804) and set up a test system that will soon be ready for tool builders to use for testing the integration of their tools with WikibaseManifest
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
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Wikidata weekly summary #435
[уреди извор]- Events
- Linking the 20th century paper history to the sum of all knowledge (Best practice presentation at DCMI Virtual 2020)
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 29 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: WikiNeocomensia: Wikidata + OpenRefine, workshop in Neuchâtel (Switzerland) and in French, October 3
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #32, October 4
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- The International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions [IFLA] have published a series of six videos "discussions with professionals in order to discuss projects, issues, progress of Wikidata, Wikibase and bibliographic data in the field of libraries." Currently available as a playlist on YouTube under CC-By (Wikimedia Commons upload soon), with subtitles in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French (Arabic and Chinese coming soon). The production was made by the IFLA Wikidata Working Group and funded by a WikiCite grant.
- Sidestepping the limitations of collection catalogues with machine learning and Wikidata
- Navigating the maze of Wikidata query logs by Angela Bonifati, Wim Martens, Thomas Timm
- Video: Wikipedia Weekly Network - LIVE Wikidata editing #21 - WikiDojo on the Global Climate Strike: Facebook, YouTube
- Video: Wikidata tutorial for lecturers (in Czech) - YouTube
- Video: Creating and enriching linked data with Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Mix'n'Match Tutorial - YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata for librarians (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- omeka-s-wikidata is an Omeka-S module for auto-suggesting Wikidata URIs and labels.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikidata development team is seeking to evaluate and improve the process of collecting and reacting to bug reports and feature requests. You can give feedback about your experience using this anonymous form until September 30th or add feedback publically to Wikidata talk:Contact the development team/Process review 2020.
- Nominate your favorite tools for the Coolest Tool Award 2020 before October 14th.
- Wikidata Walkabout is a new site that lets you browse and drill down through different "classes" of data on Wikidata: wikidatawalkabout.org
- Como is a new Android app, that uses Wikidata lexemes and senses to create a word-guessing game. It let's players create new senses and tests them on other players to finally save them in Wikidata. The app is developed as part of a BA thesis, to determine if this concept is useful to create more lexicographical data, and testers would be very welcome.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: construction point, turning radius, hill size, bibliography, opening time, closing time, engine displacement, expansion of, Netflix maturity rating, TDD number
- External identifiers: American Battlefield Trust battlefield ID, American Battlefield Trust ID (person), Occupational Outlook Handbook ID, Thomas Jefferson Encyclopedia ID, Canadian Women Artists History Initiative ID, Book Marks ID, Re-Member ID, SPoT skater ID, NDL law ID, McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia ID, L'Officiel des spectacles ID, British and Irish Furniture Makers Online ID, Cincinnati Art Museum ID, Dallas Museum of Art ID, FBref.com squad ID, Dostoyevsky and His Entourage ID, Lambiek comic magazines ID, Energy Identification Code, Library of Congress Children's Subject Headings ID, Ministry of the Interior of Italy ID, National Park Service place ID, MnDOT Historic Bridges ID, Open Civic Data Division ID, Museen Dresden article ID, SSYK 2012 The Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, LoC HABS/HAER/HALS place ID, Symptom Ontology ID, photoLondon ID, Syro-Malabar Catholic Church ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Regional Council of Tuscany ID, level of professionalness, defined in terms of, form of property constraint, Attraction to, group identity, analog television standard, ritual object, number of rooms
- External identifiers: USA Water Polo Hall of Fame ID, Encyclopaedia Beliana ID, Indonesian prison database ID, LinkedIn group ID, Naver movie ID, CINE21 film ID, Movist film ID, KOBIS-ID, Max Movie film ID, The Boardr profile ID, Slovník českých nakladatelství 1848-1949 person ID, Google Play developer slug, Passion Patrimoine ID, FVLB work ID, BBC Sound Effects Asset ID, ITHL author ID, Quebec Dams Directory ID, Doktori.hu ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- A long-standing bug has been fixed (T217144) where Items and Lexemes created via OAuth would not be added to the user’s watchlist even if the user had the
Додај странице које направим и датотеке које отпремим на мој списак надгледања
setting enabled. (TheДодај странице и датотеке које уредим на мој списак надгледања
setting was probably likewise ineffective, but this was not tested specifically.) Affected tools include QuickStatements, Mix'n'Match, and Wikidata Lexeme Forms; users of these and other tools may see more pages being added to their watchlists now. (This only applies to new edits and page creations; previously created or edited pages will not be automatically added to the watchlist retroactively.) - Working on the basic building blocks of the Query Builder towards making it possible to create the first very simple query with it
- Talking to people about comparing Wikidata's data against other databases and flagging mismatches
- Fixing an issue with Item creations via the API by blocked users leading to skipped entity IDs (phab:T232620)
- Fixed an input issue with invisible characters (phab:T261071)
- Finishing the draft of the REST API spec to get it ready for feedback
- WikibaseManifest: created a separate key for local entities and decided what we do about non-local entity sources based on tool-builder feedback (phab:T263527) and specifying the API in OpenApi format (phab:T262919)
- A long-standing bug has been fixed (T217144) where Items and Lexemes created via OAuth would not be added to the user’s watchlist even if the user had the
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #436
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Fuzheado
- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Professor Toby Hudson on Entity Explosion, a browser extension which allows you to get information about entities on the web page you’re visiting, 06 October. Agenda
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, October 27th at 17:00 CEST (15:00 GMT)
- Upcoming: plenty of events for the Wikidata birthday, check the calendar and feel free to organise one!
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- What does/doesn’t follow Benford’s law: An analysis of hundreds of sets of numbers from Wikidata.
- Video: How to create and edit items on Wikidata (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata and wikiprojects of interest to librarians (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- IllWill.js is a userscript that searches Wikidata for foreign-language sitelinks, to populate Template:ill and replace plain red links on other Wikimedia projects.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- omeka-s-wikidata is a new module for the open source GLAM collection management software Omeka, that allows cataloguers to use Wikidata as a vocabulary for persons, places, subjects, etc.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: TDD number, twin town sign, character designer, Deutsche Bahn station code
- External identifiers: Museen Dresden article ID, SSYK 2012 The Swedish Standard Classification of Occupations, LoC HABS/HAER/HALS place ID, Symptom Ontology ID, photoLondon ID, Syro-Malabar Catholic Church ID, Native Plants Database ID, Lower Sorbian place name ID, Les roses cultivées à l'Haÿ en 1902 ID, Maniadb album ID, USA Water Polo Hall of Fame ID, Présence Compositrices work ID, Regional Council of Tuscany ID, Indonesian prison database ID, Encyclopaedia Beliana ID, Twitter topics ID, Naver movie ID, Bollywood Hungama movie ID, BoardGameGeek family ID, London Stock Exchange company ID, Région Île-de-France ID, Slovník českých nakladatelství 1848-1949 person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Infobox based on, CompositionToday composers showcase ID, parallel street, World Factbook country code, port calls, described at Wikipedia page, erected by, PIM award ID, Stadtwiki Dresden article
- External identifiers: Quebec Dams Directory ID, Doktori.hu ID, CompositionToday composer ID, Slovník českých nakladatelství 1848-1949 publishing house ID, ACER code, Dictionnaire biographique du fouriérisme ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority ID, SwissLipids identifier, Scottish Brick History Brick & Tileworks ID, Minecraft UUID, Minecraft username, Science Museum Group ID, Kicker.de player ID (actual scheme), RNACentral ID, NPS people ID, Directory of Belgian Photographers-ID, Dresden Street ID, Spotify playlist ID
- Query examples:
- Birthplace of people named Michael or any other variant of the name (Source)
- Map of outdoor warning sirens, color-coded by manufacturer. A layer selector lets you toggle individual manufacturers on and off. Clicking a siren shows its make and model if available. - OSM/Wikidata query
- Soviet cartoons in descending order of popularity in the world (Source)
- List of ISO countries showing each country's synonyms, labels, etc. (Source)
- Norwegian politicians who have been members of at least 3 parties (Source)
- Streets in Leiden named after people/things (Source)
- Maps of arts and humanities research grants funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council in UK between 2013-2019. Sorted by year, Sorted by budget (Source)
- Newest database reports:
- EntitySchema directory - feedback welcome on the report talk page.
- Newest properties:
- Development
- First pieces of the Query Builder are coming together and we are working towards making it generate the first dumb query
- Talking to people about their thoughts on checking Wikidata's data against other databases. If you're interested reach out to Mohammed.
- Got some first internal feedback for the REST API specification draft. We'll publish it for feedback in the next days.
- Fixing an issue with certain language codes no longer being available (phab:T264294)
- Working on making sure blocked bots don't waste Item IDs when trying to create new Items (phab:T232620)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #437
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, October 13 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Wikidata birthday organizers call, October 14 at 12:00 GMT
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #34, October 18
- Search Platform Office Hours happens first Wednesday of each month. Come with questions related to Wikimedia search, Wikidata Query Service, Wikimedia Commons Query Service, etc.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata reaches Q100000000, by Lydia Pintscher and Denny Vrandečić
- A new extension can add support for linking to local media files in Statements (and not just files on Wikimedia Commons) to a Wikibase instance (Demo video, developed by Professional.Wiki)
- LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group presentation: How Entity Explosion fits into the Wikidata ecosystem, by Toby Hudson
- Video: Wikidata and COVID-19: Creating a collaborative knowledge graph from CORD-19, by Csisc
- Tool of the week
- OD2WD automatically converts CSV files from Open Data portals into QuickStatements for Wikidata republishing. Demo video
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- noratelimit for bots to be removed on October 20th
- The new Wikibase/Consultants and Support Providers' directory on Meta lists people/companies that provide professional help with Wikibase -- be it technical support (installation and setup), custom development, or data modeling services.
- The 2020 Coolest Tool Award is still accepting nominations until October 14th. Please use this form to recommend tools. You can nominate as many tools as you want by filling out the form multiple times.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of negative votes, number of support votes, x-offset, y-offset, social media followers, fandom, has census, parallel street, entry in abbreviations table
- External identifiers: Dictionary of Occupational Titles Code (fourth edition, revised), FVLB work ID, Passion Patrimoine ID, Biographical dictionary of Fourierism ID, CompositionToday composer ID, ITHL author ID, Quebec Dams Directory ID, SwissLipids identifier, ACER code, Science Museum Group ID, Slovník českých nakladatelství 1848-1949 publishing house ID, Directory of Belgian Photographers ID, RNACentral ID, Turkey's Culture Portal ID, NSW State Archives and Records Authority ID, Scottish Brick History Brick & Tileworks ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ship's captain, planetary coordinates, Date of signature, Unicode name
- External identifiers: CPV Supplementary, PeoplePill person ID, O*NET OnLine code, Emojipedia ID, GADM ID, CTAN package ID, MinDat taxon ID, AniList anime ID, AniList manga and light novel ID, Normattiva ID, ILO Thesaurus ID
- Query examples:
- Map of trees whose species is categorized as threatened on the IUCN Red List - OSM/Wikidata query
- Women actress less than 70 years old who are descendants of the first king of Navarre, ordered by number of sitelinks
- Dead Social Democratic Party members who have been ministers in 1992 or later (Source)
- Artworks with an image in Wikidata by year of creation (Source)
- Map of mountains in Switzerland (Source)
- Map of markets in the city of Surabaya (Source)
- National Anthems by tonality (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The RFC to semi-protect all property pages has been implemented, all properties now require the “autoconfirmed” right to edit (T254280)
- Working on enabling JSON dumps for Lexemes (phab:T220883)
- Finishing preventing blocked users from making us skip QIDs (phab:T232620)
- Continuing work on the Wikibase Manifest extension that allows toolbuilders to easily access configurations of a specific Wikibase instance so it is easier for them to make their tools work with not just Wikidata but also other Wikibase instances
- Started analyzing what we consider a mismatch for our work around checking Wikidata's data against other databases
- Continued work on the Query Builder to get it to create the first very simple query. It can do that now but not yet visualize the result.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #438
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Other: Proposal to spin-off non-Earth coordinates from property P625 (coordinates location), currently only 7000 of 8 million values: see Property proposal/planetary coordinates
- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, October 20 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: hands-on work with Wikidata on creating items for authors of COVID 19 papers and brainstorming for future hands-on work, 20 October. Agenda
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXV: Interoperabilidade e acesso aos dados, in Portuguese by Ederporto (Wiki Movimento Brasil) - October 22 17:00 UTC (14:00 BRT)
- WikiCite 2020: Virtual Conference happening 26-28 October 2020. Many live-stream sessions across several languages and timezones. LWyatt (WMF) (разговор)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Tisane Labs announce new feature in Tisane API, allowing tagging and extraction of Wikidata entities: blog post
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing at HACK4OPENGLAM - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata Lexeme BY Mahir256 - YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata (in Swedish) - YouTube
- Video: Introduction to SPARQL (in Swedish) - YouTube
- Video: Bibliographic data on Wikidata (in Swedish) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Prepbio tool uses Wikidata to create the beginnings of a Wikipedia stub biography article. (2020-10-19)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ritual object
- External identifiers: Scottish Brick History Brick & Tileworks ID, Spotify playlist ID, Artist ID of the department of Prints and Drawings of the Louvre, NBIC taxon ID, Danish educational institution number, CTAN package ID, Dresden Street ID, Emojipedia ID, FIBA Hall of Fame ID, Stadtwiki Dresden article
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Unicode name, branch or affiliate, economy of topic, checkin and checkout times (v.2), maximum current, Skipsrevyen ID, route operated, power plant unit, annual average daily traffic, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID, isotopically modified form of, Numérisé par
- External identifiers: Kramerius of Moravian Library UUID, Hungarian Water Polo Federation player ID, Irish Statute Book ID, Mir@bel publisher ID, CCFr library ID, Decorati onorificenze repubblica, BHL name ID, AWMDB person ID, AVN person ID, American Heritage ID, xHamster ID, Great Places ID, Famepedia ID, Nachlässe in Austria, Archivio Storico Ricordi opera ID, PAN member, DC Historic Sites ID, Literary Encyclopedia (1929-1939), Concise Literary Encyclopedia, aagm people ID, aagm sites ID, Yandex Zen ID, GeoGuessr ID, Polski Słownik Judaistyczny ID, SMB-digital ID, identifiant station Vélib' Métropole
- Query examples:
- Gallery of 3D models of structures mapped in OpenStreetMap that are available under Creative Commons licenses at Wikimedia Commons - OSM/Wikidata query (sophox.org)
- Item named after item named after item named after item named after item named after item
- UK parliament members' opposition posts, start dates and end dates where Wikidata has a Parliament ID for that member (Source)
- Count of Irish Statutory Instruments, 1948-2020 (Source)
- Movie genre trends (Source)
- Scientific papers explaining backward contact tracing (Source)
- List of sovereign states in en, fr, de, ru (Source)
- Locations depicted in paintings (Source)
- The most commonly depicted locations (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Blocked users trying to create new Items no longer make us skip QIDs (phab:T232620)
- So far we don't have JSON dumps for Lexemes. We're working on regularly generating them as well now (phab:T264883)
- Continuing work on getting the Query Builder to generate the first query. Almost there.
- Started the feedback round for the REST API. Please provide your input if you are currently using the action API or plan to develop against Wikidata's API in the future.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #439
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Providing sustainable data services through Wikibase and Wikidata, SEMIC Conference 2020 - (replay)
- Past: Introduction to Wikidata by Frimelle, Software Freedom Kosova 2020 - (replay)
- Past: What's new in Wikidata? by Lea Lacroix, Lydia Pintscher and Mattia Capozzi, ItWikiCon 2020 - (replay)
- Ongoing: plenty of Wikidata birthday events, online and onsite! Here's an overview of the upcoming events, you can find the links and details in the main calendar.
- WikiCite virtual conference on October 26-28, live-streamed on Youtube and Twitter, with sessions across many timezones and languages – English, French, German, Indonesian, and Portuguese.
- Wikidata Education Week, online, on October 26-30
- 24-hours online meetup, on October 28-29: an open discussion with plenty of community members facilitating exchange around the topic "what makes you enthusiastic about Wikidata"
- Gene Wiki: how to synchronize and curate primary sources with and in Wikidata, online, on October 29th
- Birthday celebration in Rennes, France, on October 29th
- Birthday Celebration in Accra, Ghana, and online, on October 29th
- Upcoming: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, October 27th at 17:00 CET (16:00 GMT)
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, October 27 at 18:00 CET
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Excerpts from Wikidata Birthday events
- Analyze Swedish politics with Wikidata (Blog post)
- WikiCite awards 23 grants & eScholarships to improve open citations (including plenty of Wikidata-related projects)
- Video: Eyoungstrom and Evolution and evolvability explore and explain different Wikidata tools in 15-part series on YouTube - Playlist
- Video: Wikidata Lab XXV: Interoperability and data access (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata for cultural institutions and GLAM-WIKI partnerships (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- Wikidata Training Workshop 4, by Canadian Arts Presenting Association - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- WikibaseJS-cli allows to edit Wikidata from command line, including creating items from samples ("templates") and do complex transformations of statements
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Server switch: all wikis will be in read-only on Tuesday, October 27th at 14:00 UTC for up to an hour (more information). All services hosted by WMF (e.g. tools hosted on wmcloud.org) are also impacted. Non-essential code deployments will not happen this week.
- Wikimedia Israel (WMIL) develops instructional material for the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS): wdqs-tutorial.toolforge.org
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of rooms, permits, prohibits, economy of topic, check-in time, check-out time
- External identifiers: CTAN package ID, Dresden Street ID, Emojipedia ID, FIBA Hall of Fame ID, Stadtwiki Dresden article, GADM ID, Lambiek Special pages ID, Mir@bel publisher ID, ILO Thesaurus ID, AVN performer ID, CCFr library ID, xHamster performer ID, AWMDB performer ID, Normattiva ID, American Heritage place ID, BHL name ID, Hungarian Water Polo Federation player ID, Irish Statute Book ID, Minecraft UUID, Nachlässe in Austria ID, AniList anime ID, National Park Service people ID, AniList manga ID, Archivio Storico Ricordi opera ID, O*NET OnLine code, Opta football competition ID, Opta football player ID, Opta football team ID, The Boardr profile ID, Great Places ID, PIM award ID, Scholars Strategy Network ID, DC Historic Sites place ID, Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: annual average daily traffic, isotopically modified form of, Numérisé par, Online catalog, funeral, Inaugural address, Hong Kong film rating, word lookup, hair or facial hair style, Cup size, for color scheme
- External identifiers: aagm people ID, aagm sites ID, Yandex Zen ID, GeoGuessr ID, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID, Polski Słownik Judaistyczny ID, SMB-digital ID, identifiant station Vélib' Métropole, Base constructions bibliothèques ID, Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses ID, Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID, Malmö Museer, IMVDb music video ID, NSSDCA ID, Docker Hub repository, Ontology of units of Measure 2.0 unit ID, Persée article ID, Geneanet Family Name ID, Blogger user profile ID, USL League One ID, Stolperstein identifiers, State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia artwork ID, Royal Horticultural Society plant ID, EGAFD ID
- Query examples:
- Commemorative plaques and their subjects in Aberdeen, Scotland; with photos of plaque and subject and Wikipedia links. (Source)
- Cities with female mayor (Source)
- Most common variants of the name "Susanne" in each country (Source)
- Birthplaces of art historians (Source)
- Invasive species in EU and whether they have articles in different languages (Source)
- Birthplace of Olympique de Marseille players (Source)
- COVID-19 deaths by month (Source)
- Wikimedia Commons Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Got the Query Builder to create the first simple queries. You can follow along the development from now on on the test system.
- Preparing regular JSON dumps for Lexemes (phab:T264883)
- Analyzed a number of queries to the query service together with the WMF search team to better understand what the queries are doing and what further optimizations we can make to the query service and which queries need different systems to answer them.
- Working on creating and tracking implicit usages of Wikidata descriptions so description changes show up in the watchlist on Wikipedia and co (phab:T265897)
- Created Extension:WikibaseManifest documentation on MediaWiki.
- Looking into what would be considered a mismatch when comparing WIkidata's data against another database. This is groundwork for potentially automating this in the future to find potential issues in the data to flag to editors.
- Working on deploying the new Item quality scoring model for ORES to production so we have improved quality scores
- Finished investigating how to handle a restricted list of external Wikibase services. (phab:T265118)
- Removed noratelimit on bots for wikidata.org (phab:T258354)
- Published Easier Access for Programmers to Wikidata research report
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #440
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Hasley (RfP scheduled to end after 2 November 2020 17:23 UTC)
- Events
- Past: Wikidata & Wikibase office hour, October 27 (notes)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Arthur Smith and Daniel Mietchen discussing author items in Wikidata and the Author Disambiguator Tool, 3 November. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata editathon in Swedish #37, November 8
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, November 3 at 18:00 CET
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata is eight years old - an interview with product manager Lydia Pintscher (in German), by Elisabeth Giesemann
- Wikidata 8th birthday, Message from the development team
- Happy 8th birthday, Wikidata! (8 reasons why Wikidata is great), by Will Kent
- Happy Eighth Birthday Wikidata!, by Stella Wisdom
- Tree networks, national history and open mountains of data - knowledge through node formation with Wikidata for the 8th, by Jens Bemme
- Video: Why is Wikidata important? (Wikidata birthday event - in Spanish)
- SPARQL in the shadow of Structured Data on Commons, by Zbyszko Papierski
- Answers to curious questions and where to find them: here's how to query wikidata with SPARQL, by Lianna D'amato
- CiTO updates #2: annotation migration to Wikidata and first Scholia patch, by Egon Willighagen
- Video: Wikidata+OpenStreetMaps talk and discussion
- Video: Wikidata – what libraries need to know about wikidata - Kohacon20, by David Nind
- Video: Visualizing the neuroscience research ecosystem via Wikidata Scholia, by Daniel Mietchen
- Video: Knowledge Graphs and Wikidata (in Indonesian)
- All videos from the WikiCite 2020 Virtual Conference are now on Commons, and embedded in the program page on Meta.
- This is 32 hours of video covering 85 individual presentations in 7 languages.
- 1266 "unique viewers" have watched some portion on YouTubeSince the conference began last Monday.
- Tool of the week
- reCH is a Wikidata anti-vandalism tool that is used to review edits and patrol new changes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Eighth Birthday Presents
- All recordings of Wikidata Labs are now available on Wikimedia Commons (Wiki Movimento Brasil)
- Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) tutorial website – a new user-friendly tutorial to querying Wikidata (Wikimedia Israel)
- Wikidata Spanish Tutorials Website – a brand new user-friendly (with Dublin Core Metadata!) digital collection of Wikidata slides, tutorials, and manuals in Spanish (Biblioteca Daniel Cosío Villegas, Mexico)
- Happy Birthday from Semantic MediaWiki
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms
feature: announcement tweet and documentation edit - Automated finding references: dump and dashboard (Wikidata development team - announcement)
- Better Item quality judgments from ORES (Wikidata development team)
- Announcement of the distributed WikidataCon 2021 (Wikidata development team - announcement)
- Results of Sum of all Indian paintings datathon organized by WikiProject India.
- Happy birthday Wikidata! In the Abstract Wikipedia Updates (2020-10-29) by the project team, speaking about the future integration with Wikidata.
- Knowledge Grapher filmmaker mode can visually display all the films and cast members of an individual director or producer.
- User:Teester/EntityShape.js - a userscript to show how an item conforms to an entityschema
- The next WikidataCon will take place on 29-30-31 October 2021, in a distributed format. Follow this page to keep up to date: WikidataCon 2021.
- The Election Tracker, uses Wikidata to keep track of upcoming national elections around the world.
- Accepted published papers for the Wikidata Workshop on Monday, 02.11 are now available online wikidataworkshop.github.io
- witches.is.ed.ac.uk shows the geographical residence location for accused witches in Scotland.
- Wikidata Eighth Birthday Presents
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: die axis, annual average daily traffic, maximum current
- External identifiers: Rheinland-Pfälzische Personendatenbank ID, Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses ID, Unione Romana Biblioteche Scientifiche ID, Kramerius of Moravian Library UUID, OpenStreetMap numeric user ID, VA facility ID, Sports-Reference.com college basketball box score ID, Persée article ID, Polski Słownik Judaistyczny ID, Base constructions bibliothèques ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Matrix room, regex (lang), Ukrainian romanization, Power consumption index, Heating energy consumption index, Business Number (Canada), notable tv series, number of points or goals attempted
- External identifiers: Royal Horticultural Society plant ID, EGAFD ID, NCAA Statistics coach ID, NCAA school code, NCAA Statistics team season ID, Twitch team ID, Twitch tag ID, FINA Wiki ID, All the Tropes identifier, MTMT journal ID, UAF person ID, Soccerway stadium ID, NCAA Statistics player ID, Portuguese Football Federation ID, Wolfram language WordData sense, Namuwiki
- Query examples:
- Movies by rate of actors who studied at RADA (When distribution has at last 5 actors)
- Central libraries in California linked to their branch library
- Writers in the SIEFAR dictionary with a portrait in Wikimedia Commons (Source)
- Place and date of birth of people buried at Père Lachaise Cemetery (one color per century of birth) (Source)
- Occupations of people on Wikidata dying of coronavirus (politician ranks higher than the next 3 occupations combined) (Source)
- Things Donald Trump and others own / have owned (Source)
- Graveplots by gender in Père Lachaise Cemetery (Source)
- Co-authorship between researchers from National University of La Plata (Source)
- Number of Harvard Law graduates dead by year between 1850 and 1950 (Source)
- Visualization of the works of Charles Heaphy (Source)
- Identifiers present on the item for Penelope Cruz (or other movie people), but not on the item for Sean Connery
- Map of places of birth of people with an identifier Inter-university Health Library in Wikidata colored by century of birth (Source)
- Map of the trees recorded in OSM with protection status. OSM/Wikidata query (Source)
- Newest WikiProjects: Wikiproject European Film Awards
- Newest database reports: Sean Connery filmography
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixing the issue of `content was: ""` (empty string) when deleting Lexemes (phab:T263435)
- Final steps for deployment of JSON dumps for Lexeme (phab:T264883)
- Working on fixing an issue with adding statements with datatype mathematical formula (phab:T266673)
- The Query Builder can now generate its first very simple query and show the result. You can follow along as we develop it at the demo system.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #441
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Cleaning up the ontology of anonymous
- Other
- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries about visualisation on maps 🗺️ on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, November 10 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #38, November 15
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata Eighth Birthday Meetup - Database validation of Wikidata by Houcemeddine Turki
- Turning Scholia into a platform for living scientometric studies (French, English) by Houcemeddine Turki
- Wikidata Workshop for the scientific Wikidata community @ ISWC 2020 with papers about interesting aspects of Wikidata.
- Video: Visualizing the research ecosystem of neuroscience research via Wikidata. by Daniel Mietchen at Neuromatch Conference
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #23 - YouTube, Facebook
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #24 - YouTube, Facebook, November 14, 19.00 UTC
- Tool of the week
- Template:Cite Q on Wikipedia makes it easier to use Wikidata items as Wikipedia references.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 12 November 2020 (Add to calendar). Come and share-out anything new or exciting that’s been happening with your Wikibase instance; what have you been doing recently, what is working well, what has been challenging for you - we would like to hear them all!
- Remember to claim your Cloud VPS project and mark it as
. Unclaimed projects risk being suspended or shutdown on 2020-12-01. - Wrap up of the feedback about bug reports and feature requests
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: birth rate, port calls, rank insignia, online catalog, format as language specific regular expression
- External identifiers: Sports-Reference.com college football school ID, NCAA Statistics team season ID, Royal Horticultural Society plant ID, EGAFD ID, Ontology of units of Measure 2.0 unit ID, Vélib' Métropole station ID, Blogger user profile ID, Malmö Museer ID, MTMT journal ID, Soccerway stadium ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: favicon, Dedicated heritage institution, MetaSat ID, epithet, Poverty incidence (Philippines), covid info, filestore
- External identifiers: AniDB tag ID, ClassInd audiovisual work ID, ClassInd game ID, Qobuz label ID, IMMuB album ID, FIS grass skier ID, AlKindi ID, French Paralympic and Sports Committee athlete ID, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute personal profile ID, Mathematical Sciences Research Institute institution profile ID, EIK, edition humboldt digital ID, European Film Awards ID, Memorial Book for the victims of National Socialism at the University of Vienna 1938, IMMuB artist ID, AIWARDS ID, LIMIS person ID, IAFD distributor ID
- Query examples:
- Terminus locations of A Roads in Britain (Source)
- POTUS/UK PM age at inauguration/appointment and England mean age (Source)
- Map of (public-sector) winners of H2020 projects in the Netherlands sortable by year (Source)
- People who have held the positions of both Vice President and President of the United States (Source)
- Crew of missions to the ISS and human spaceflights that have docked with the ISS (Source)
- Graph of reasons UK MPs have left Parliament, grouped by decade since the 1890s (Source)
- Number of successful UK election petitions by parliamentary term, 1859 onwards (includes by-elections as well as general elections) (Source)
- List of longest Cars (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continuing work with the WMF search team to automatically categorize WDQS queries to see how they can better be served
- Query Builder work is continuing. Next step is making it possible to create a query with an arbitrary Property instead of the currently hard-coded post code.
- Feedback round for the REST API is finishing this week and then we will review all the feedback and make changes to the spec accordingly.
- Preparing to release 1.35 version of Wikibase docker image (phab:T264538)
- Fixed Math extension to not require JS parser which caused issues creating new Statements for mathematical formulae (phab:T266673)
- Made sure there is a meaningful edit summary when deleting a Lexeme (phab:T263435)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #442
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, November 17 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: SWIB20 (Semantic Web in Libraries) conference, multiple Wikidata-related presentations, free and online, November 23-27
- Upcoming: Editathon (or "connection sprint") on parliamentarian documents in Swedish, November 20
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Dan Shick on creating and managing community documentation, November 17. Agenda
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #39, November 22
- Past: ELIXIR BioHackathon 2020 updates:
- Project #13: >20 thousand PDB ligand identifiers added and new formatter URL: https://twitter.com/ESchymanski/status/1326875606177492993
- Project #33: Using wikidata query service in the taxon_mapper in Molseq - connecting molecular (genbank) and specimen (GBIF) data app
- Project #35: Video: ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2020 Introduction to ShEx/Entity Schemas with Wikidata starting at 18:00
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Upcoming: Wikidata Knowledge graph (in Polish) by Zbyszko Papierski on Wednesday, 18 November 2020 6:45 pm to 9:30 pm GMT+1
- Video: A Linked and Open Bibliography for Aegean Glyptic in the Bronze Age by Martina Trognitz, recorded in April 2019
- Video: ELIXIR BioHackathon Europe 2020 Introduction to ShEx/Entity Schemas
- Video: Introduction to Gene Wiki
- Video: ISB Biocuration 2020 Online Workshop: Genewiki 2 Methodology - Updating with bots
- Video: An Introduction to Wikibase and Wikidata. Barbara Fischer and Sarah Hartmann
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #24
- Video: Programming for Cultural Heritage: Using Python to retrieve data from Wikidata
- Video: Wikipedia & Wikidata for Middle East Librarians
- Video: OpenStreetMap & Wikidata using Sophox - OpenStreetMap US Connect 2020
- Video: Adding Pashas to Wikidata. 7 videos: Wikipedia to OpenRefine, Standardizing dates, Standardizing names in OpenRefine, Wikidata reconciliation, Adding additional data, Combining Arabic and English Lists, Wikidata Schema
- Blogpost: Introducing Mapping the Scottish Reformation: Clerics, Manuscripts, and Open Data. "Most of the individuals we have found are obviously relatively obscure and have no item entry in Wikidata...As such, we have created around one thousand new items over the last two months, all of which serve as a framework to record the key parameters of a cleric’s career".
- Tool of the week
- ALEC (A List of Everything Cool) is a tool to explore biodiversity content in Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Join the upcoming #1Lib1Ref Wikipedia campaign from January 15th to February 5th 2021 and improve Wikidata items by adding references to statements.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: dedicated heritage entity, defining mutations, digitised by, for color scheme, parent (unspecified)
- External identifiers: MTMT journal ID, Soccerway stadium ID, IMVDb music video ID, NCAA Statistics coach ID, Docker Hub repository, USL League One ID, Portuguese Football Federation ID, ClassInd game ID, AAGM people ID, AAGM site ID, AniDB tag ID, UAF person ID, Dignity Memorial person ID, Opera Online performer ID, Bioweb Ecuador ID, Decorati onorificenze repubblica ID, BBFC reference, AlKindi ID, FilmPolski press collection ID, French Paralympic and Sports Committee athlete ID, Twitch tag ID, European Film Awards ID, MSRI institution ID, MSRI person ID, stolpersteine-berlin.de Stolperstein identifier, stolpersteine-hamburg.de Stolperstein identifier, LIMIS person ID, NSDOK Stolperstein identifier, stolpersteine-bremen.de Stolperstein identifier, snublestein.no Stolperstein identifier, AIWARDS ID, Twitch team ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: use as citation in Wikimedia page, GitLab username, given name identical to this family name, population connectée, indexed in bibliographic review, ISDS ID, inscription image, Wanfang article ID, CQVIP article ID, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, CIP data sheet
- External identifiers: IMMuB artist ID, IAFD distributor ID, Swiss-Gym Male ID, Swiss-Gym Female ID, FISG person ID, Ligue 1 player ID, Ligue 2 player ID, AAA ID, Museum Day ID, TeachMe tutor ID, ISOF place, CRGPG ID, Visages du diocèse d'Autun ID, Geneall ID, Namuwiki (2), Union des artistes ID, Kinorium Movie ID, Kinorium Person ID, Prêtres du diocèse de Quimper ID, Union Catalog of Armenian Libraries authority ID, Restaurant Guru Restaurant ID, Foodlocate Restaurant ID, Musica Brasilis ID, IEV number, CONOR authority IDs, LibraryThing venue ID, BPI ID, PromoDj ID, Salzburgwiki, Drizly Product ID, Baijiahao ID, ESPN men's college basketball team ID
- Query examples:
- Rivers and canals in the United Kingdom.
- Map of images taken for the Wicipics photography campaign in Wales (Source)
- Number of people and terms of UK parties since the 1945 election (Source)
- UK MPs who have voluntarily resigned their seats and then come back for a different seat in the same Parliament (Source)
- Media articles, public documents and academic references on backward/cluster-focused contact tracing (including models) (Source)
- Date of birth of current French prefects and their sources (Source)
- Protected heritage related to the Camino in the Basque Country (Source)
- Living 'notable' people with the given name "Karen" per 100k per country (Source)
- Paintings in the Suter Art Gallery (Source)
- Chilean ministers who were not educated at any high school (Source)
- Age of US presidents start and end time (Source)
- Map of Welsh Railways (Source)
- Connections of railways of the Netherlands (Source)
- Distinct languages of Wikidata lexemes. Top 5 are Russian-101144, English-69066, Latin-32106, Hebrew-28286 and Basque-22904.(Source)
- Death place of all Basque people with known birthplace on Wikipedia, by century. Interactive map on kepler.gl (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Added "Random lexeme" link under dedicated section for lexicographical data in the Wikidata sidebar (phab:T205525). Thanks to Matěj Suchánek!
- Working on language/spelling variant selector bug on Special:NewItem and Special:NewLexeme that makes it difficult to continue creating Items or Lexemes (phab:T266638)
- Work on the Query Builder continues. We're focusing on making it possible to query for all Items with a specific Property but any value next.
- Went over all the feedback we have received for the REST API specification draft. Overall the feedback is positive and really useful. So we will move ahead after thinking more about the remaining points that were raised.
- Working on making changes to descriptions show up in the RecentChanges feed and watchlists on Wikipedia and co as well even if they are not explicitly used (phab:T191831)
- Fixed a problem adding statements with Properties of datatype mathematical formula (phab:T266496)
- Kicked off our new effort to implement a predictable release cycle and release infrastructure for Wikibase suite by creating a prototype build workflow (phab:T267553) and prototype test workflow (phab:T267554)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
ikidata weekly summary #443
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Wikidata Workshop 2020 presentations YouTube playlist
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, November 24 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: rC3, the remote version of the Chaos Communication Congress, on December 27-30. Like in previous years, the WikipakaWG will host sessions and workshops related to Wikidata and other Wikimedia projects. The call for participation is open until November 30th.
- Upcoming: Ghana Histo Cita-thon. Friday 27th November 2020. 9am to 2pm UTC.
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #40, November 29
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Wikidata, the collaborative database for machines and humans. Blogpost by Àlex Hinojo (in Catalan)
- 24 hours of open data - The meetup for the eighth Wikidata birthday, Blogpost by Lea Lacroix (in German)
- The future of the Riksdag's data in Wikidata. Blogpost by Jan Ainali (in Swedish)
- WikiPathways: connecting communities: research article outlining, among other things, how Wikidata is used and integrated
- Using SPARQL to combine Wikidata and OSM triples
- ANN: A platform to annotate text with Wikidata IDs (report) "Report of the work done by the Ann team at the eLife Sprint 2020. It describes the effort pursued towards a system for universal annotation of biomedical articles using the collaborative knowledge graph of Wikidata".
- TU Dresden lecture on Knowledge Graphs (replay)
- Tool of the week
- EntityShape.js is a script that allows you to check an Item against an EntitySchema. On the Item page, it will display various information about the Item, like the properties that should be present on the Item.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The proposals phase of the Community Wishlist Survey 2021 is open until November 30th. You can submit wishes in various categories, like Wikidata.
- SMWCon 2020 virtual conference is from 24 to 26 November 2020. Do not forget to register at Hopin!
- The note-taking app Kanopi got first pieces of Wikidata integration.
- The Listeria Evolution: Listeria has got an update
- Wikimedia Deutschland has two open positions around the Wikidata development team; Full Stack Developer and Partner Relationship Manager
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: epithet, attraction to, hairstyle, poverty incidence
- External identifiers: IMMuB artist ID, IMMuB album ID, WordNet 3.1 Synset ID, IAFD film distributor ID, Yandex Zen ID, NCAA school code, Church of Jesus Christ pioneer ID, Pitchfork artist ID, Monuments de mémoire ID, Memorial Book for the Victims of National Socialism ID, Xfinity Stream ID, Sports-Reference.com college basketball school ID, edition humboldt digital ID, GitLab username, AAA attraction ID, Swiss-Gym Male ID, Swiss-Gym Female ID, Museum Day ID, PAN member, Union Catalog of Armenian Libraries authority ID, MetaSat ID, Visages du diocèse d'Autun ID, SPOnG game ID, Prêtres du diocèse de Quimper ID, LibraryThing venue ID, Union des artistes ID, Restaurant Guru Restaurant ID, PromoDj ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: vénéré à, Number of blood donors, People reached, number of awards, has positive marker, ID pattern, lunar coordinates, adjacent to, date posted, ITRANS, National Library at Kolkata romanization, complementary property, MTRCB rating, DBLP conference ID, fait l'objet d'une vénération à
- External identifiers: DriveThruComics numeric publisher identifier, Hyperion Records person ID, Arken, AAA hotel ID, AAA restaurant ID, AAA campground ID, AstroGen ID, Reliwiki page ID, Sonneveld-index, SIL ID, AniDB Episode ID, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ID, Lumni ID, Archives at Yale Names ID
- Query examples:
- Aberdeen recycling centers and recycling points (Source)
- Map of Semantic Web in Libraries 2020 participant's institutions (federated query) (Source)
- Women who play chess and have a Wikipedia article in Spanish (They are 132 while men have 899 entries) (Source)
- Timeline of Dietary Advocates (Source)
- Philosophers born between 0 and 500 grouped by the decade where they lived (Source)
- Video games from ?country (template) (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Query Builder: We're making it possible to switch between querying for specific values (e.g. all Items with a specific post code) or any value (all Items with a post code statement regardless of which one it is)
- Correcting the behaviour of what automatically happens on Wikidata when a page is moved on Wikipedia and co to an excluded namespace with the "suppress redirect" option (phab:T261275)
- Making language fallback indicators not show up for language variant fallbacks in a few more places (phab:T267502)
- Adding html language attributes for statements linking to Forms and Senses (phab:T267023)
- Working on language and lexical category fields turning red on unfocus even though no changes are made after a change in ooui (phab:T266936)
- Finished building the 1.35 versions of the Wikibase base and bundle docker images and published to dockerhub (phab:T264538)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #444
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: We will have several speakers joining us to discuss their projects in lightning talks, 1 December. Agenda
- Upcoming: WMF search platform team office hour, Wednesday, December 2nd, 2020. 16:00-17:00 GMT / 08:00-09:00 PST / 11:00-12:00 EST / 17:00-18:00 CET. Etherpad, Google Meet. You can come and chat about the Wikidata & Commons Query Service.
- Online edition of the Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award ceremony, on Friday, December 11th at 17:00 UTC.
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #41, December 6
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Linking OpenStreetMap with knowledge graphs — Link discovery for schema-agnostic volunteered geographic information (the KGs referred to are Wikidata & DBPedia)
- "Women’s representation and voice in media coverage of the coronavirus crisis": an analysis linking news articles to information on Wikipedia and Wikidata.
- Wikidata Bib v0, prototype for personalized analytics of scientific readings using Wikidata.
- Video: Strategies for Assembling the Biodiversity Knowledge Graph by Roderic Page
- Video: Semantic Web in Libraries 2020 (replay)
- Tool of the week
- osm2kg is a tool to facilitate matching Wikidata entries to OSM nodes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The second edition of the Coolest Tool Award will happen online on Friday 11 December 2020 at 17:00 UTC The awarded tools will be showcased in a virtual event, with broadcasted video and chat channels for socializing.
- The University of Nevada has an open position around Wikidata; Digital Collections Wikimedian-in-Residence
- Round 2 of the consultation on using Wikidata for curriculum digitization begun on November 24th, and will end on December 7th. You can participate by sharing your ideas in this response form (Google forms)
- Wiki Movimento Brasil will support WikidataCon 2021
- Wikidata descriptions changes will be included more often in Recent Changes and Watchlist on Wikimedia wikis
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: facial hair, identity element, mathematical inverse, has operator, has marker, Hong Kong film rating, indexed in bibliographic review, number of taxpayers, ITRANS, complementary property, number of points/goals attempted, Water area, MTRCB rating, power consumption index, heating energy consumption index
- External identifiers: Absolute Games person ID, FIS grass skier ID, FISG athlete ID, Kinorium movie ID, CONOR.AL ID, CONOR.BG ID, CONOR.KS ID, CONOR.SR ID, Musica Brasilis ID, Salzburgwiki ID, IEV number, British Phonographic Industry ID, CRGPG ID, Drizly product ID, Canada Business Number, FINA Wiki ID, Foodlocate restaurant ID, Qobuz label ID, AAA campground ID, AAA hotel ID, AAA restaurant ID, Hyperion Records person ID, Southwest Harbor Public Library item ID, DriveThruComics numeric publisher identifier, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada ID, HLTV player ID, Kinorium person ID, AstroGen ID, BBC sound effects asset ID, Namuwiki ID, CIP data sheet, AniDB episode ID, edition humboldt digital Flora ID, Sistema de Información Legislativa ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: ELSPA rating, cites work string, artistic director, MDJF ID, Coordinates of depicted place, first family name in Portuguese name, propriétés à éviter, Commons category for the view from the item, Filmstriben film-ID, Mailing List, provides HTML microdata, provides JSON-LD data
- External identifiers: vets.cz ID, Parler ID, HAL Journal id, Fitzwilliam Museum ID, National Gallery of Australia ID, U.S. Masters Swimming ID, Gab ID, Museo del Prado ID, National Gallery of Ireland ID, Auckland Art Gallery ID, Artfacts ID, Order of Canada ID, SKD ID, DIA ID, ZOBODAT, AppGallery app ID, Czech Gymnastics athlete ID, Students of Prague Universities ID, Amsterdam Museum ID, theses.cz ID, curid
- Query examples:
- Politicians with an account at GitHub, CPAN, or Wikimedia (Source)
- Percentage of deaths caused by tuberculosis by decade (Source)
- Number of programming languages and their paradigms (Source)
- Museums within 2 miles of MoMA (federated query) (Source)
- Largest cities of the world ordered by population (Source)
- Italian politicians who served as a minister in more than one cabinet since 1990 (Source)
- People born after 1800 whose “name in native language” is in Latin (Source)
- UK statues and whether they are of nobles and/or women (Source)
- Location of German cities with a population count greater than 50.000 (Source)
- Map of medicines used (green) to fight infectious diseases (orange) (Source)
- Schema examples: museum
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Development on the Query Builder is continuing. You can follow along at https://query-builder-test.toolforge.org
- Fixed an issue where language fallback indicators were still shown when falling back from a variant of the language (phab:T267502)
- Fixed an issue on Lexeme pages where language and lexical category fields turn red on unfocus even though no changes were made (phab:T266936)
- Working on improving what happens to sitelinks when an article is moved to a unsupported namespace (phab:T261275))
- Investigating a significant increase in skipped Item IDs (phab:T268625)
- Addressing the feedback for the draft of the REST API spec
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #445
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXVI: Structured citations module on Wikipedia, presented in English by Mike Peel (Wiki Movimento Brasil). The event is supported by a WikiCite e-scholarship. December 8th 17:00 UTC (14:00 BRT), via YouTube.
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, December 8 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: Wikimedia 2020 Coolest Tool Award Ceremony, December 11th at 17:00 GMT (details)
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #42, December 13
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- A massive new effort to name millions sold into bondage during the transatlantic slave trade. The Washington Post writes about enslaved.org, a Wikibase instance run at Michigan State University, that collects and creates Linked Open Data about the transatlantic slave trade. (Source)
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata by and with Alicia Fagerving from Wikipedia Day 2020
- Video: How to use Wikidata Mix'n'match tool - YouTube
- Video: Semantic Web in Libraries 2020 (replay)
- Tool of the week
- User:Zvpunry/EntitySchemaHighlighter.js user script highlights the entities in the content of a Schema and shows information when hovering the link. (2020-12-07)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- We now have a central repository for wikibase-cli templates, with the aim to document best practices, offer general purpose request/create/edit templates, but also offer more niche templates as examples of what's possible: contributions and template requests welcome!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: identity element, mathematical inverse, has operator, has marker, Hong Kong film rating, indexed in bibliographic review, number of taxpayers, ITRANS, complementary property, number of points/goals attempted, water area, MTRCB rating, power consumption index, heating energy consumption index, road name formatter, ELSPA rating, kunya, religion or world view
- External identifiers: FINA Wiki ID, Foodlocate restaurant ID, Qobuz label ID, AAA campground ID, AAA hotel ID, AAA restaurant ID, Hyperion Records person ID, Southwest Harbor Public Library item ID, DriveThruComics numeric publisher identifier, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada ID, HLTV player ID, Kinorium person ID, AstroGen ID, BBC sound effects asset ID, Namuwiki ID, CIP data sheet, AniDB episode ID, edition humboldt digital Flora ID, Sistema de Información Legislativa ID, BG EIK, All the Tropes identifier, Concise Literary Encyclopedia ID, Reliwiki page ID, Arken ID, HuijiWiki Wiki ID, Archives at Yale names ID, HAL journal id, Parler username, Museo del Prado ID, National Gallery of Ireland ID, Auckland Art Gallery artwork ID, CINE21 film ID, National Gallery of Australia ID, Fitzwilliam Museum ID, Sonneveld-index, Kicker.de player ID (actual scheme), NSSDCA ID, ZOBODAT person ID, ZOBODAT taxon ID, DIA ID, SKD ID, Max Movie film ID, Gab username, Movist film ID, KOBIS ID, Amsterdam Museum ID, SMB-digital ID, State Catalogue of the Museum Fund of Russia artwork ID, CQVIP article ID, DBLP conference ID, Filmstriben film-ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: cites work string, artistic director, MDJF ID, Coordinates of depicted place, first family name in Portuguese name, propriétés à éviter, Commons category for the view from the item, Mailing List, curid, provides HTML microdata, provides JSON-LD data, archaeological site of, does not have cause, conductor for, reason for normal rank, value is one of, tribunsdelaplebe.fr ID, lineage marker, has surface, DBLP journal id
- External identifiers: U.S. Masters Swimming ID, Artfacts ID, Order of Canada ID, AppGallery app ID, Czech Gymnastics athlete ID, Students of Prague Universities ID, theses.cz ID, Encyklopedie mostů v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku ID, CollEx-Persée ID, The Galileo Project ID, Dizionario degli artisti ID, Museo Galileo biography ID, Museo Galileo authority ID, Biblioteca Marciana owner ID, Chinese Painting Database ID, National Galleries of Scotland ID, Bavarian State Painting Collections ID, Chapels of southern Bohemia ID, Kunsthistorisches Museum ID, Max-Movie-Personen-ID, CINE21 person ID, Georgia Museum of Art ID, Basic Formal Ontology ID, Fichier des décès ID
- Query examples:
- Russian cuisine
- Belgian artists that rise to the public domain in 2021 (Source)
- Asian food made from noodles (Source)
- Bubble diagram by wiki page numbers in each language on objects kept at the Bardo National Museum (note: Commons is counted as English) (Source)
- Amusement parks around the world (Source)
- Schema examples: Video game
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Simple Query Builder development continues. We worked on combining different query conditions as well as internationalisation.
- Making the precision translatable in geocoordinate and date inputs (phab:T269102)
- Changes to descriptions in a specific language now show up on watchlist and recent changes on the Wikipedia and co for that language (phab:T191831)
- Finished working on the problem of incorrectly-escaped label being included in a link to Special:NewItem if there are no search results (phab:T263258)
- Investigating why we're currently skipping a significant number of Item IDs (phab:T268625)
- Wikibase Release Strategy/Infrastructure: We have decided where to host future Docker and tarball releases of Wikibase. You can read about the details and the reasoning in the following ADRs: Docker Image Repository, Tarball Repository
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help untangle items that refer to different concepts.
- Help write the next summary!
Uređivanje članka: Orhan Dragaš
[уреди извор]Uređivao sam članak o autoru knjiga ( https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orhan_Draga%C5%A1 ) i konstantno vidim da Vi dodajete šablone obaveštenja:
"Ovaj članak sadrži tekst koji je napisan kao reklama. Unapredite članak uklanjanjem promotivnog sadržaja i neodgovarajućih spoljašnjih veza, kao i dodavanjem enciklopedijskog sadržaja napisanog sa neutralne tačke gledišta. (detaljnije o uklanjanju ovog šablona obaveštenja)"
"Ovaj članak je autobiografija ili je osoba ili institucija na koju se članak odnosi značajno izmenila članak. Zbog toga je možda potrebno uređivanje u skladu sa Vikipedijinim pravilom o neutralnoj tački gledišta. Relevantna rasprava možda postoji na stranici za razgovor. (detaljnije o uklanjanju ovog šablona obaveštenja)".
Šta je potrebno da uradim da se to ne bi ponavljalo, jer su dodate reference i administratori na engleskoj verziji nisu videli problem u članku?
Srdačan pozdrav, Marko
- @Markojankovic87: Vikipedija je besprofitna enciklopedija. Korišćenje njenih resursa za samopromotivne i reklamne svrhe nije dozvoljeno. Neke od relevantnih smernica su Vikipedija:Autobiografija i Vikipedija:Sukob interesa. Imajući u vidu da se vaš celokupan doprinos Vikipediji sastoji od unosa materijala vezanog za jednu osobu, pravo pitanje šta vi možete da udradite za dobrobit Vikipedije. --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:52, 8. децембар 2020. (CET)
- @Dcirovic: Molim Vas, objasnite mi na koji način tačno je ovo u samopromotivne i reklamne svrhe. Ja nisam Orhan Dragaš niti imam zaradu od prodaje knjiga ovog autora. Čovek je jedan od naših istaknutih stručnjaka iz oblasti bezbednosti i ne vidim na koji način Vi vidite ovo kao samopromociju, očigledno je da ste se Vi zbunili ili niste dobro pročitali članak jer su navedeni izvori i reference.
Molba sa sh.wiki
[уреди извор]Pozdrav. Izvinjavam se što smetam i ulećem sa tuđe wiki. Pišem vama jer znam da ste nekad bili aktivni na sh.wiki. Imamo problem u tome što su IP korisnici onemogućeni da pišu na svim stranicama za razgovor o člancima, pa sam pomislio da vi možda možete proniknuti u to o čemu se radi. IP korisnici bi trebalo da budu slobodni da pišu i na SZR. Evo naših "žalopojki" ovde. Još jednom se izvinjavam na upadu i srdačno vas pozdravljam, — Igor Windsor (разговор) 00:22, 12. децембар 2020. (CET)
- @Igor Windsor: Odgovor je ostavljen nn trgu shwiki.--Dcirovic (разговор) 01:25, 12. децембар 2020. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #446
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Adopt Help:SitelinksToRedirects as policy
- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, December 15 at 18:00 CET
- Past: m:WikiConference North America/2020
- Past: Localization and structuring of open data-Zhu Tinghong-Wikidata Community of Local Studies - MOPCON 2020 (replay), YouTube
- Past: SMWCon 2020/Day 2 - "Wikidata Walkabout" by Yaron Koren (replay), YouTube
- Past: Wikidata Lab XXVI: Structured citations module on Wikipedia (replay), YouTube
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Building the SWIB20 participants map - combining Wikidata with custom data points via a federated query (ZBW Labs).
- Introducing the Mapping the Scottish Reformation Website - A new Wikidata-driven website to explore the Scottish Reformation.
- Introduction to Querying Wikidata Knowledge Graph using SPARQL by John Samuel
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #25 - climate change, YouTube
- Video: How to take data from OpenRefine to Wikidata through QuickStatements, YouTube
- Video: Editing Wikidata live - casual session by Jan Ainali, YouTube
- Tool of the week
is a visual tool for querying and exposing Wikidata easily.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Coolest Tool Award 2020 featured some Wikidata tools: Lingua Libre won in the category “Diversity”; Listeria, Lexeme Forms and Entity Explosion got honorable mentions. Congratulations!
- Complex constraint check for recency of value
- The voting phase of the Community Wishlist Survey 2021 is open until December 21st. You can vote on as many wishes as you want. There's a separate category for Wikidata.
- Template:Notebook Given name is a new template which gives for each given name a list of useful SPARQL queries. The template can be used on the talk page of given names. See Alexandre (Q16002466) for an example. Comments are Contributions are welcome.
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 17 December 2020 (Add to calendar). We will have a few people share out about their project in the first half of the call and then continue our conversation from the last session about what will be a better platform for community discussions. Everyone is welcome to attend!
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: category for the view from the item, mailing list archive, word lookup, inappropriate property for this type, compatible with
- External identifiers: Church of Jesus Christ missionary ID, Encyklopedie mostů v Čechách, na Moravě a ve Slezsku ID, Czech Gymnastics athlete ID, Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ID, CollEx-Persée ID, theses.cz ID, Google Play developer slug, AppGallery app ID, The Galileo Project ID, Artfacts ID, Biblioteca Marciana owner ID, Museo Galileo biography ID, National Galleries of Scotland ID, Museo Galileo authority ID, Bavarian State Painting Collections artwork ID, Delft municipal monument ID, Dizionario degli artisti ID, Order of Canada recipient ID, Students of Prague Universities ID, vets.cz ID, Chapels of southern Bohemia ID, GS1 GPC brick code
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: insufficiently precise value, OpenReview.net group ID, OpenReview.net submission ID, OpenReview.net profile ID, applies when property is used, River Code, Wikimedian in Residence, Commons compatible image available at URL (non-artwork), number of at bats, runs batted in, stolen bases, subdivision monétaire
- External identifiers: PBA ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries IDs, LFH staff ID, Cephalopod Ontology entity ID, Fungal gross anatomy entity ID, Plant Ontology entity ID, Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology entity ID, DataTrek ID, DBLP publication ID, PeriodO period ID, KANTO, CITWF title ID, CITWF person ID, identifiant de la Cinémathèque québécoise pour une personne, Encyclopedia Titanica ID, DzygaMDB film, DzygaMDB person ID, XXXBios female performer ID, XXXBios transgender performer ID, AVN movie ID, Lichess Username, Evil Angel movie ID, Evil Angel video ID
- Query examples:
- All stumbling stones in the city of Hannover
- (partial) list, timeline and gallery of successful ascents of Mount Everest (and few other summits)
- Web & social media URLs for UK Civic Societies (Source)
- Publication related to Research Institute of Text Analysis and Applications: no. of pages per author/year, authors network (Source)
- Map of the ritual objects said to be used by accused witches in Scotland (colourcoded layer accessible on top right to see the list of objects) (Source)
- Seats of the Parliament of England, and the first year we have a named person listed for them (Source)
- Female race car drivers on Spanish Wikipedia (Source)
- Places of Geological Interest in Alamedilla (Source)
- Number of Nature articles that were published on a Sunday in a given year
- Schema examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We spend the week doing some exploratory work for the next year. Among other things we looked into how to measure the number of constraint violations on an average Item and what we can learn from it.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Драги корисник Dcirovic! Погрешили сте када сте вратили моје уређивање. Наслов Националне академије наука на руском језику је "Национальная академия наук Беларуси", наслов на белоруском језику је "Нацыянальная акадэмія навук Беларусі", које можете проверити на указ председника Републике Белорусије. Такође имајте на уму да белоруски нема слово "и". --Jarash (разговор) 20:51, 20. децембар 2020. (CET)
- @Jarash: U članku o Belorusiji bi beloruskim nazivima trebalo davati prednost. U gore navedenom slučaju, članak možete sami korigovati unosom beloruskog i ruskog naziva, zajedno sa referencom koju ste dali. --Dcirovic (разговор) 21:24, 20. децембар 2020. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #447
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: OpenAlt 2020 Conference (replay)
- Wikidata: how to get involved (in Czech)
- Lexemes on Wikidata (in Czech)
- Past: OpenAlt 2020 Conference (replay)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: HGAPS Speaker Series by Thomas Shafee
- Wikidata for Bat Collectors, YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: National Library at Kolkata romanization, URL match pattern, URL match replacement value
- External identifiers: ClassInd audiovisual work ID, Georgia Museum of Art ID, Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien ID, tribunsdelaplebe.fr ID, PBA artwork ID, OpenReview.net profile ID, OpenReview.net group ID, OpenReview.net submission ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: applicable "stated in" value, WMF hosted image that could be moved to Commons, Category for the view of the item, OSM object, property related to this topic, personality traits, graph girth, ALA-LC romanization
- External identifiers: SAPA, Manus Online author ID, Mapy.cz ID, CollectieGelderland-creator-ID, SVTplay identifier, identifiant Mediafilm, IFLA form of music ID, IFLA key of musical work ID, IFLA mode of musical work ID, RDA support type ID, SLAM artwork ID, Kunstmuseum Basel ID, NPG ID, jeuxvideo.com ID, Dizionario bio-bibliografico dei bibliotecari italiani del XX secolo ID, Google Podcasts show ID, Royal Museums Greenwich ID, PIAC ID, Castbox show ID, Stitcher show ID, Pocket Casts show ID, Podcast Addict show ID, Radio.com Podcasts show ID
- Deleted properties: street address (P969)
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Media Representation
- Newest database reports: Reports on Italian given names
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continuing to work on the query builder. It can now have more than one query conditions. One of the next steps is making it possible to query for Item values. You can follow along on the demo system.
- Finished working on the problem of values of Statements that link to Forms and Senses not having language attributes associated with them in the HTML code (phab:T267023)
- Fixed language selectors covering other input fields when using keyboard navigation for Special:NewItem and Special:NewLexeme (phab:T266638)
- Fixed language fallback indicators sometimes still shown for variant fallbacks (phab:T267502)
- Working on whitespace stripped while typing when editing lexemes (phab:T250550)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Help add human (Q5) to properties that currently don't have it.
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help untangle items that refer to different concepts.
- Help write the next summary!
Žalba na administratora
[уреди извор]Pozdrav!
Želim da podnesem žalbu na administratora Željka Todorovića! Počeo je sa uklanjanjem proverenog sadržaja i sa generalnim uništavanjem člankova (uklanja tabele sa glumcima). Ovo što on radi je čist vandalizam! Ostavljam poruku svim administratorima u nadi da će njegovo ponašanje doći kraju i da će se informacije vratiti onakve kakve su bile! VelikiFan99 (разговор) 23:11, 24. децембар 2020. (CET)
Blokiraj ovaj nalog na beskonačno i sakrij izmenu. Hvala.— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 16:14, 27. децембар 2020. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #448
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for CheckUser: 997kB
- There's a discussion about what the best label for required qualifier constraint happens to be.
- Events
- Ongoing: rC3 (remote Chaos Communication Congress). Several Wikidata-related talks and meetups happening on December 27th, 28th and 29th: introduction to Wikidata, Wikidata for datajournalists, Wikidata meetups in German and English, and a Query Service workshop. (see Wikipaka schedule for more details)
- Tool of the week
- Template:TP administrative area is a new template designed for all items which are instance of administrative territorial entity. It defines useful queries for those items. For example, {{QT|Q173695}} links to this page. Feedback and contributions are welcome.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Project Grants open call for proposals in 2021. Changes in the review process for Project Grants in 2021; the open call for community organizing proposals will be from January 11 to February 10 and the open call for software and research proposals will be from February 15 to March 16.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: small logo or icon, lunar coordinates
- External identifiers: CINE21 person ID, Chinese Painting Database ID, Cinémathèque québécoise person ID, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Tasking Manager project ID, SAPA ID, Manus Online author ID, Lichess username, CITWF person ID, DBLP publication ID, DataTrek ID, KANTO ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: abstract, thesis committee chair, character type, Calificación de videojuegos, Regente, Nação (candomblé), Liderança, Bharati Braille, number of walks, number of hits, doubles hit, triples hit, Through point
- External identifiers: TuneIn Podcasts show ID, RadioPublic show ID, Player.fm show ID, World Rowing ID, MNBAQ ID, Libsyn show ID, PodBean show ID, BG School ID, JAD ID, RDA value vocabularies ID, BHCL UUID, Podtail show ID, Provenio UUID, AbandonSocios ID, Mitre ATT&CK ID, Lexikon zum Literatur- und Kulturbetrieb im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit ID, International Encyclopedia of the First World War ID, SFLI ID, Game UI Database ID, DiVo person ID, e-GEDSH ID, Projecto Vercial author ID, Calaméo ID, Lumières Lausanne ID, Swiss Unihockey Player ID, IFF player ID, Internet Game Database numeric game ID, AV Production person ID, Magyar Életrajzi Lexikon ID, Studium Parisiense ID, I professori dell'Università di Pavia (1859-1961) ID, A*dS Encyclopedia, Viceversa Letteratura author ID, Ancient History Encyclopedia ID, The Podcast App show ID, viaggiareinpuglia.it ID, Encyclopedia of Saami Culture ID, DiCamillo Database Country House ID, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ID, Biographical Archive of Psychiatry ID, Play:Right video game ID, Spletni biografski leksikon znanih Primorcev in Primork ID, TheCocktailDB ID, Muck Rack media outlet ID, Biographical Dictionary of the Czech Lands
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
Due to the winter holidays, the development team is taking a break and no deployment is happening for Wikidata at the moment :)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #449
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Martin Urbanec (RfP scheduled to end after 7 January 2021 17:21 UTC)
- Should we rename place of burial (P119) to place of mortal remains?
- Events
- Upcoming: live SPARQL queries on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, January 5 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #26 - YouTube, Facebook, 9 January
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #44, January 10
- Past: Wikidata sessions at rC3 (remote Chaos Communication Congress) (replay)
- Past: Wikidata sessions at g0vsummit2020 (in Chinese) (replay)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Video: Applying linked data model for the Bogotá Digital Library (in Spanish) - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata with Shani Evenstein Sigalov, Wikimedia Armenia - YouTube
- Video: How to import scholarly articles to Wikidata using Zotero - YouTube
- Video: How to import books to Wikidata using a spreadsheet and OpenRefine - YouTube
- Video: How to import library materials to Wikidata using MarcEdit and OpenRefine - YouTube
- Video: Introduction to Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Linking a new Wikipedia article to a Wikidata item - YouTube
- Video: Schema and Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Using Twinkle on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Managing Interlanguage links with Wikidata (in Urdu) - YouTube
- Blog post: 52 Wikidata weeks 2020
- Blog post: Scottish nautical wrecks in wikidata
- Tool of the week
- User:Bargioni/WikiBridge.js userscript enables you to add a tabbed section to Wikidata items showing some paragraphs from Wikipedias chosen by the Babel languages of the logged-in user. Demo video (in Italian)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now lists languages on the index page using their autonyms (language name in that language). (Source)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: graph girth, category for the view of the item, ALA-LC romanization, liturgical rank
- External identifiers: PIAC ID, CPV Supplementary, Dizionario bio-bibliografico dei bibliotecari italiani del XX secolo ID, ISDS ID, Mapy.cz ID, World Rowing ID (UUID format), 1914-1918-Online ID, JAD ID, Game UI Database ID, Lumières.Lausanne ID, Swiss Unihockey player ID, IFF player ID, Magyar életrajzi lexikon ID, Lexikon zum Literatur- und Kulturbetrieb im Österreich der Zwischenkriegszeit ID, Ancient History Encyclopedia ID, Literary Encyclopedia ID, Google Podcasts show ID, Stitcher show ID, Castbox show ID, Pocket Casts show ID, Podcast Addict show ID, TuneIn Podcasts show ID, RadioPublic show ID, Player.fm show ID, PodBean show ID, Podtail show ID, Encyclopedia of Saami Culture ID, The Podcast App show ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries manuscript ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries work ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries person ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries place ID, Medieval Manuscripts in Oxford Libraries organization ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: YouTube custom URL, Author last names, Author first names, Naval flag, supplements, closed WMF project sitelink, has part (string value), member, number of data sets
- External identifiers: IFPI Danmark work ID, National Museum in Warsaw ID, Olympedia Affiliations ID, IFLA value vocabularies ID, Erudit article ID, Olympedia Event ID, dati.beniculturali.it ID, Barnivore product ID, Archivo Histórico de diputados de España ID, Port Letter, FFF player ID (new scheme), Hungarian Film Archive ID, GEPRIS-Historisch ID (Person), EuroBabeIndex ID, MFAT person ID, SportsLogos.net team ID, Alpine Linux package, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine ID, Povos Indígenas no Brasil ID, NLS place type ID, BookDepository publisher ID, National Historic People id, NFL.com ID (new scheme)
- Query examples:
- Works identified (via dedicated property P3893) as entering the public domain on 1/1/2021, ordered by number of articles on Wikimedia sites (Source)
- Painters in the collections of Paris Musées which enter the public domain on January 1 (Source)
- Map of forts related to Dutch trading companies VOC and WIC found in the Atlas of Mutual Heritage (Source)
- Map of forts in the Cologne fortress ring (Source)
- First-level administrative divisions in Germany
- Population of cities in Germany corresponds to the total number of vaccinations in Germany (Source)
- Most popular theorems according to their number of articles on Wikipedia (Source)
- Number of people who have died, or been diagnosed, of COVID-19, grouped by occupation (Source)
- Deaths in 2020 - date of birth, date of death, cause of death and country of nationality (Source)
- Summary of a UK parliamentary career seat-party-start pairs(Source)
- Timeline of aircraft types around the world and the first time a type of aircraft made a flight (Source)
- Indonesian legislation related to indigenous people (Source)
- Which artist could be "D.K. 1964"? (source)
- Line graph of colleges and universities in India by year of establishment (Source)
- Graph of Indian films that are remakes of other Indian films (Source)
- Graph of academic descendants of C. R. Rao and K. Ananda Rau (Source)
- Map of gram panchayats in Kerala by literacy rate in 2001 (Source)
- Maps of different places in West Bengal according to suffix (Source)
- Tree map of Rabindranath's poems according to the month of writing (Source)
- Count of locations of exhibitions on Wikidata (Source)
- Wikidata lexeme forms by language (Source)
- Newest database reports: 2021, Greek given names
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Due to the winter holidays, no deployment has happened for Wikidata in the last two weeks.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Почетнички чланак
[уреди извор]Шта треба исправиту у чланку Марко Стијеповић да би био ок чланак? Bokez (разговор) 15:00, 5. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @Bokez: Ваш новозапочети чланак „Марко Стијеповић” је био дупликат чланка „Мајк Степовић”, који сте ви написали током 2019. Из тог разлога је „Марко Стијеповић” претворен у преусмерење на „Мајк Степовић”. Постојећи чланак би требало проширити, тако да по количини садржаја одражава чланак en:Mike Stepovich. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:43, 5. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @Dcirovic: Поштовани, не ради се о дупликату. Ради се о двије особе, оцу и сину, оцу је био надимак Мајк а сину је Мајк било право име. О сину је раније направљен чланак, а овај нови чланак се односи на оца. Bokez (разговор) 17:20, 5. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @Bokez: Своју измену на чланку Marko Stijepović сам поништио. На Википедији постоје смернице о значају унетог садржаја. Колико могу да видим из унетог садржаја, Марко Стијеповић не прелази праг енциклопедијског значаја. Овај чланак ће вероватно временом бити избрисан по основу недовољне релевантности --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:49, 5. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @Dcirovic:Захваљујем на разумијевању. Bokez (разговор) 18:13, 5. јануар 2021. (CET)
Kristina Uhelji
[уреди извор]Pozdrav, obrisali ste clanak biografije koji sam postavila. Zamolila sam na trgu za pomoc kako bi clanak bio prevacen iz pocetnickog ali se niko nije odazvao. Da li mi mozete pomoci da ovaj clanak uvrstimo medju regularne? Srdacno, Marijana! MarijanaLit (разговор) 17:01, 10. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @MarijanaLit: Википедија је енциклопедија. Особа о којој сте писали није енциклопедијски значајна. Постоје сајтови друштевених мрежа, где су такве биографије веома пожељне (нпр. Linkedin, Facebook, ...). --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:18, 10. јануар 2021. (CET)
Ovim omalovažavate jednu jako razvijenu granu industrije. Ne slažem se da nije enciklopedijski značajna. Proverite samo značenje pojma ENCIKLOPEDIJA. Takođe ukoliko se više puta nameće ova tema verujem da je tražena i te kako značajna za ljude iz beauty branše. Usput bi ovim odgovorom isključili potrebu za postojanjem biografije bilo kog umetnika u ovoj enciklopediji. MarijanaLit (разговор) 20:57, 10. јануар 2021. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #450
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Martin Urbanec (successful)
- New request for comments: How should we develop and deploy documentation for items?
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata+Wikibase office hour, Thursday, January 21st, at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time), on Telegram
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Using QuickStatements for bulk uploading archived website data to Wikidata with Peter Chan, 12 January. Agenda
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #27 on Wikipedia20 - YouTube, Facebook, 16 January
- Past: SMWCon videos are published incl. quite a few Wikidata related ones
- Past: Wiki Workshop 2021 is accepting submissions. The deadline for the submissions to be considered for proceedings is January 29. All other submissions should be received by March 1.
- Past: Czech editaton Výzva 63 000 (Q102733400) finished (30.11.2020-31.12.2020). Purpose was connect NKCR AUT ID (P691) to Wikidata by hand in Mix'n'match (Q28054658). Detailed info.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogpost: The nobody who could overtake Wikipedia (in German)
- Blogpost: Documenting Software Applications on Wikidata, by John Samuel
- Article: Nitpicking online knowledge representations of governmental leadership: The case of Belgian prime minsters in Wikipedia and Wikidata
- Paper: Familiar Wikidata: The Case for Building a Data Source We Can Trust - an introduction to the value of Wikidata for humanities research making the case for humanities researchers’ intervention in its development.
- Video: How to use WikiBridge - a userscript that enables you to add a tabbed section to Wikidata items showing some paragraphs from Wikipedias chosen by the Babel languages of the logged-in user. Demo video
- Tool of the week
- QueryGraph is a web tool for creating queries in SPARQL from graphs.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikibase now has a dedicated Twitter account: Follow @WikibaseHQ for updates on everything Wikibase.
- You can now create and curate catalog groups on Mix’n’match, and find the most common unmatched entries between them (Source)
- Wikidata Walkabout browsing tool has had some important recent improvements in language support, interface, etc. See a list of all comedy films directed by a vegetarian (in Spanish)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Bharati Braille, Consejo de Calificación Cinematográfica's video game rating, solution to, archaeological site of
- External identifiers: AV Production person ID, Mediafilm ID, Radio.com Podcasts show ID, Libsyn show ID, Mitre ATT&CK ID, SFLI ID, e-GEDSH ID, Viceversa Letteratura author ID, Barnivore product ID, AVN movie ID, Archivo Histórico de diputados de España ID, BG School ID, Muck Rack media outlet ID, I professori dell'Università di Pavia (1859-1961) ID, BHCL UUID, Calaméo ID, Studium Parisiense ID, viaggiareinpuglia.it ID, DiVo person ID, DiCamillo Database Country House ID, Internet Game Database numeric game ID, GEPRIS-Historisch ID (Person), Alpine Linux package, A*dS Encyclopedia ID, Biographical Archive of Psychiatry ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: minutes played, two-pointers made, two-pointers attempted, three-pointers attempted, three-pointers made, free throws made, free throws attempted, field goals made, personal fouls, Short DOI, total rebounds, offensive rebounds, defensive rebounds, number of vaccinations, category for software under a license, assessment outcome, quality for this class, Template combines topics, CCCM Museum (Macau Museum) object ID, CCCM Museum Object ID, Medium, FL number, Notable ascent
- External identifiers: CantoDict identifiers, Norwegian State Administration Database ID, POSIX locale identifier, Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal GTB ID, BABEL author ID, Songlexikon ID, FANZA AV actress ID, VAi Building ID, Biographies.net person ID, Literature.com book ID, National Museum Norway artwork ID, TikTok music ID, Oxford Classical Dictionary ID, Conservapedia Article, NZ Museums ID, Akademická encyklopedie českých dějin ID, WreckSite ID
- Query examples:
- Mathematicians born in prime number years featuring Albert Einstein, Pierre de Fermat, Georg Ohm, Carl Gauss, Évariste Galois, Augustin-Louis Cauchy, James Maxwell et al.
- Timeline of coups d'état of the 21st century (including attempted ones) (Source)
- Map of Karens / Johns per million according to Wikidata (Source)
- Children of which were born with by a person, and their step child
- Map of the shortest railway path (in terms of number of stations) between Dibrugarh and the Scottish Highlands (Source)
- Map of place of birth of Olympique de Marseille football players (Source)
- Map of Kolkata wards by number of schools (Source)
- Map of beaches in Mexico (Source)
- Graph of shared borders between Indian districts (Source)
- Descendants of Upendrakishore Roy (Source)
- Timeline of Indian High Commissioners to Britain (Source)
- A tree map of items for artworks depicting Mughal emperors (Source)
- Example of documented usage of different Bengali words (Source)
- 'Llan' place names in the UK (Source)
- Organizations with DZI donation seal approval according to donation amount (Source)
- Newest database reports: Russian given names
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued working on the Query Builder. We focused on making it possible to query for Item values and being able to limit the number of Items in the result. We also looked into how to query for quantity values.
- Changed P920’s data type from string to external identifier (phab:T269205)
- Finished working on the problem of Items that have the page prop wikibase:statements set to 0 but actually do have statements (phab:T145712)
- Continued work on the “Publishing” step of the Wikibase release pipeline by building and testing three components of the software suite: Wikibase (phab: T267893), Query Service frontend (phab:T268025), and Query Service backend (phab:T268022)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Brisanje stranice Drina Štajnberg
[уреди извор]Zanima me razlog brisanja stranice Drina Štajnberg i ko odredjuje koje su ličnosti relevantne da se pojave na "vašoj" vikipediji? SirVladimir666 (разговор) 20:53, 11. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @SirVladimir666:Ваш унос је враћен и пренет на ову локацију.--Dcirovic (разговор) 21:02, 11. јануар 2021. (CET)
- Mislim da sam je sredio, a ti pogledaj. Pozdrav, — Ванилица (разговор) 00:33, 12. јануар 2021. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #451
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Alphama (RfP scheduled to end after 24 January 2021 15:12 (UTC))
- Other: Wikidata will be one of the communities involved in the Phase 2 of the Universal Code of Conduct consultation. Have your say at the consultation talk page or get in contact with the UCoC facilitator, User:Sannita (WMF).
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata+Wikibase office hour, Thursday, January 21st, at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time), on Telegram
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #28 - YouTube, Facebook, 23 January
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #46, January 24
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogpost: Automatically maintained citations with Wikidata and Cite Q, by Mike Peel and Andy Mabbett.
- Video: Wikidata editing #27: #Wikipedia20 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Dealing with more than one date value in Wikidata (using preferential rank) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:Lagewi/navigation.js userscript enables adding links to list subclasses and instances to Wikidata items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- New dashboard for lexicographical data statistics: Wikidata Datamodel Lexemes
- The Wikidata Analytics dashboards are now available at a new URL: https://wikidata-analytics.wmcloud.org/ (announcement)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: date canceled, subdivision of this unit
- External identifiers: dati.beniculturali.it agent ID, dati.beniculturali.it site ID, dati.beniculturali.it cultural heritage ID, Projecto Vercial author ID, National Historic People ID, Olympedia event ID, TheCocktailDB drink ID, TheCocktailDB ingredient ID, Fichier des personnes décédées ID, POSIX locale identifier, National Museum in Warsaw ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: shadows, Sacrament conferred by, logo image within scope, BAMID film rating, ABC News Topic, number of rooms to rent
- External identifiers: Portal da Literatura author ID, Base de Dados de Autores Portugueses ID, Parabola package, JAANUS ID, Studio di Fonologia Musicale RAI person ID, BiblioLMC ID, Le Lettere di Theodor Mommsen agli Italiani ID, StrategyWiki page, Encyclopedia of Brno Object ID, Holocaust.cz ID, Australian Fungi ID, DeCS ID, Australian Lichen ID, KBR Catalogue ID, Enciclopedia del Museo del Prado ID, The Language Council of Norway Term ID, Red Cross FDRS ID, Xinjiang Data Project identifier, SISSCO ID, SEARCH on line catalogue ID, 45cat release ID, Aracne author ID
- Query examples:
- Red Cross and Red Crescent societies
- The people of the government of Bangladesh on 13 January 2005 (Source)
- Buildings in the Basque Country dedicated to San Roque (Source)
- List of words for "beard" in Eighth Schedule languages (Source)
- Map of train services starting at Howrah station (Source)
- Map of big sculptures of New Zealand (Source)
- Map of mosques in Bangladesh according to architectural style (Source)
- UK deaths per month since 2005 split by sex/gender (Source)
- Timeline of Indian cricket tours abroad (Source)
- Timeline of inception of Mexican universities (Source)
- Mangifera species and mango cultivars (Source)
- Locations where The Antartic Circumpolar Voyage expedition passed (Source)
- English Language forms missing an audio pronunciation -- you can contribute via LinguaLibre
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Greek War of Independence, development of content relative to the Грчки рат за независност (Q182062) (this year is the 200th anniversary, from its beginning in 1821)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued working on the Query Builder. We continued to set up tracking for the number of queries that result in an error, timeout, etc. (phab:T269224). We als made it possible to query for Item values (phab:T268814). You can always try the current state on the test system.
- Finished fixing an issue with whitespace being stripped while typing when editing Lexemes (phab:T250550)
- Worked on no error being shown when trying to save Lemma with invalid language code (phab:T265783)
- Working on using Special:MyLanguage feature for more links in the Wikidata Query Service interface to redirect people to documentation in their language (phab:T267656)
- Continued interviewing people to better understand how to best compare Wikidata's data against other databases in order to find mismatches that need the editors' attention
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Potrebna pomoć oko ispravki mog članka kako ne bi bio izbrisan
[уреди извор]Postovani,
Zamolila bih Vas za pomoć. Naime objavila sam stranicu da bih dobila poruku koju sam Vam šaljem u nastavku. Molim Vas da mi pomognete kako i šta je potrebno da izmenim kako bi stranica bila u redu. Takođe bih Vas zamolila da mi kažete šta trebam da uradim da bi stranica bila vidljiva kada je pretražujem pod putnim nazivom na google pretraživaču.
Unapred Vam se puno zahvaljum.
"Upravo ovako su izgledali prvi članci nekih sada iskusnih vikipedijanaca. Početnik treba samostalno ili uz pomoć drugih korisnika da, nakon što se upozna sa osnovama uređivanja, članak sredi kako bi se uklopio u stotine hiljada postojećih članaka.
Možete da zatražite pomoć na Trgu ili se obratite za pomoć nekom od članova Vikiprojekta početnički članci. Ako imate pitanja, nedoumice i predloge, koristite stranicu za razgovor.
Članak je označen ovim šablonom 23. 01. 2021. Ako ne bude ispravljen u roku od sedam dana, biće premešten u prostor nacrta, na korisničku podstranicu ili izbrisan."
- @Sunce07: Trebalo bi da unesete unutrašnje veze i reference u članak, kao i da ga uvrstite u odgovarajuće kategorije. Pogledajete kako je to urađeno u tematski srodnim člancima, kao što su Milan Gajić (fudbaler, rođen 1996), Vladimir Dišljenković ili Stefan Ilić (fudbaler, 1995), i formatirajte svoj unos u tako da poprimi vikipedijski izgled. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:57, 23. јануар 2021. (CET)
- @Dcirovic: Poštovani, pratila sam Vaša upustva i sve sam promenila, ali opet mi se daje ista poruku, da li možete da mi pomognete i proverite šta još nije u redu? Takođe mislim da je problem do naziva stranice, da li ovaj nije odgovrajući ili je nešto drugo u pitanju ne bih znala, takođe menjano je ime stranice u naslov koji meni ne odgovara više puta pa sam ga ja vraćala, pa bih Vas zamolila da mi kažete koje opciju imam, takođe verujem da ćete mi pomoći da nađem rešenje. Unapred Vam se zahvaljujem. Sunce07 (разговор)
Wikidata weekly summary #452
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Wikidata+Wikibase office hour happened on January 21st. See notes here (English).
- Past: 2021 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Beginner Teaching Workshop (in Chinese). Replay on YouTube 1, 2, 3, 4
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Wikibase, the Integrated Authority File (GND) pilot at the German National Library, and the WikiLibrary Manifesto, 26 January. Agenda
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries and OpenRefine live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, Januray 26 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #29 - YouTube, Facebook, 30 January
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #47, 31 January
- Upcoming: The Open Festival of Persistent Identifiers starts from 27 January 2021. See schedule here.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog: Adding New Literature Sources to the Wikidata Integrator, by Charles Tapley Hoyt
- Blog: Using Wikidata for teaching computer programming using real-world cases (in Basque)
- Bog: Wikidata: data for everyone (in Dutch)
- Methodology paper: A protocol for adding knowledge to Wikidata: aligning resources on human coronaviruses
- Video: Wikidata editing #28 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Wikidata for research (webinar in French) - YouTube
- Video: Let's make sparks with SPARQL tools(in French), by Nicolas Vigneron -YouTube
- Video: Wrap up presentation of the SWAT4HCLS hackathon project
- Tool of the week
- TAViewer is a web-based anatomy atlas viewer that cross-references Terminologia Anatomica terms with data from Wikipedia and Wikidata.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Change to how Cloud VPS and Toolforge contact Wikis to go live on 2021-02-08. If you are a Cloud VPS user or Toolforge developer, check your tools after that date to make sure they are properly running.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: character type, derived from organism type, applicable “stated in” value, number of aid beneficiaries
- External identifiers: BABEL author ID, Base de Dados de Autores Portugueses ID, Povos Indígenas no Brasil ID, Parabola package, FL number, Hungarian Film Archive ID, IFPI Danmark work ID, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia ID, Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine ID, NZ Museums ID, StrategyWiki page, Australian Fungi ID, Discord invite ID, Red Cross FDRS ID, JAANUS ID, SEARCH on line catalogue ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: onscreen participant, catégorie d'établissement sanitaire et social, code Activité principale exercée, catégorie d'entreprise, Imagehash perceptual hash
- External identifiers: SISSCO ID, 45cat release ID, Aracne author ID, Malpedia ID, Kulturdenkmal-ID Sachsen-Anhalt, Swiss Games Showcase ID, Baudenkmal-ID Niedersachsen, PeriodO ID, Pepys Encylopedia ID, Pantone color ID, Family Video Game Database ID, AAR ID, github topic, TeatralRo ID, Landshuth ID, Patrinum ID, ChemRxiv ID, TlF ID, PO ID, Jewish Museum Berlin object ID, CinefanRo person ID, CinefanRo film ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer IDs, BookBub Author ID, HERIS-ID
- Query examples:
- Czech religious buildings used also as a fire station
- Common ingredients to prepare a sandwich (Source)
- Location of GLAMs with open access policies (Source)
- Mexican presidents who have an image of their signature on Wikidata (Source)
- Timeline of Mexican writers who were born between 1800 and 1900 (Source)
- TV-Series in Spain by Decade (Source)
- Diplomats who are also art collectors (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued working on the Query Builder: made it possible to limit the number of results in the result set, made it possible to include results from subclasses when querying for Item values, worked on negating queries and started on sharing of queries via URL. As always you can try the current state on the test system.
- Making links in the Query Service redirect to the proper translations of their pages on-wiki by using Special:MyLanguage redirects (phab:T267656)
- Working on fixing an issue with displaying large numbers for quantity values (phab:T268456)
- Fixed a case where no error message was shown when trying to save a Lemma with an invalid language code (phab:T265783)
- Talked to a few more people about checking Wikidata's data against other databases to find potential errors
- Continuing the Release Strategy project for Wikibase, with the following progress:
- Created a “release pipeline” for Wikibase extension (phab:T267627)
- Created MediaWiki docker images based off release branches (phab:T270133)
- Defined format and contents of Wikibase suite components not maintained by Wikimedia Germany (phab:T271194)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #453
[уреди извор]- Events
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #30 - YouTube, Facebook, 6 February
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #48, 7 February
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Paper: A Review of the Semantic Web Field
- Paper: Towards a Systematic Approach to Sync FactualData across Wikipedia, Wikidata and ExternalData Sources
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #29 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Set preferences and common.js (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Entity Linking and Neural Semantic Parsing - YouTube
- Video: Persistent identifiers as the basis for multilingual and human-machine collaboration - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Labelcleaner is a script by Andrew Gray used to clean up Wikidata labels/aliases/descriptions for a given language on a set of items.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- OpenRefine has got a new user manual and your feedback is welcome;
- A new tool, Ranker (documentation, announcement tweet and video), lets you edit the ranks of multiple statements at once.
- The SPARQL endpoint for linguaLibre is now available (Source)
- New Wikidata property GitHub topic (P9100) announced at the GITHUB community
- Wikimedia Foundation is hiring a Wikidata Query Service(WDQS) Data Analyst Consultant. Apply today!
- Clean-up tasks to experiment with bots or other tools
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: BAMID film rating
- External identifiers: Akademická encyklopedie českých dějin ID, 45cat 7" release ID, ABC News topic ID, Aracne author ID, Econlib person ID, KBR Catalogue ID, Songlexikon ID, Swiss Games Showcase ID, MNBAQ ID, Art in the Christian Tradition ID, Australian Lichen ID, Pantone color ID, Kunstmuseum Basel ID, Malpedia ID, AAR ID, BiblioLMC ID, Cultural heritage ID in Lower Saxony, GitHub topic, Discord username
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: represented in sport by, photographer of, reissue, master's thesis, service status information URL, unusualness, Debian Package Tracker ID, Seismic classification
- External identifiers: Dictionnaire des journalistes ID, EMS ID, FloGrappling ID, SOUNZ contributor ID, Wolfram language WordData word ID, Mathematica Italiana person ID, Musica Brasilis score ID, Finna ID, LexML ID, Swedish Literature Bank placeID, BVFE author ID, Union Catalog of Armenian Continuing Resources authority ID, playDB play ID, playDB artist ID, DicoPolHiS ID, Pandektis ID, NHS Organisation Data Service ID, Bayerischer Denkmal-Atlas Objekt-ID (Baudenkmal), Bayerischer Denkmal-Atlas Objekt-ID (Bodendenkmal), Whiskybase distillery ID
- Query examples:
- Basque lexemes and their attestations in a 1745 Spanish-Basque dictionary, with links to dictionary entries in Wikisource
- Lexemes describing a color (Source)
- Danish-Hebrew Lexeme pairs (Source)
- Lexemes in Swedish with usage example that demonstrates both a form and a sense and a reference (Source)
- Episodes of the TV series "The Mentalist"
- Nationality of authors publishing papers relevant to the Australian fauna (Source)
- Number of musicians on Wikidata by country (Source)
- Map of ISO 3166-2 codes (Source)
- Map films that have been filmed in Mexico (Source)
- Map of Githubtopics on Wikidata (Source)
- Eye color distribution of the people on Wikidata (Source)
- Timeline with the start date of the Summer Olympics (Source)
- Newest database reports: Czech given names
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continuing development on the first version of the Query Builder. It's starting to be able to do the first really meaningful queries now. Latest addition was the ability to negate conditions. Up next is the ability to connect conditions with OR instead of only AND as well as querying for quantities and ranges. You can follow along on the test system.
- Exploring possible solutions for how to compare Wikidata's data against other databases to find and highlight mismatches automatically.
- Added lexicographical data codes for a few languages: rkt, ctg (phab:T271589), and az-cyrl (phab:T265906)
- Finished working on the issue of TypeError on a diff of a Wikidata talk page phab:T271402
- Updated Wikidata unit conversion configuration (phab:T267644)
- Fixed two last places where links in the the Query Service UI were not using Special:MyLanguage yet to redirect to the documentation page in the user's language (phab:T267656)
- Pushing JSON dumps for Lexemes over the finish line (phab:T264883)
- Working on showing an error when trying to save lemmas with invalid language codes (phab:T265783)
- Wikibase Release Strategy
- Investigated the release of Wikibase suite components not maintained by Wikimedia (phab:T271193)
- Continued process of adding additional components to the Wikibase release, including OAuth (phab:T272580)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #454
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Parliament of Ghana Wikidata contest launch: from February 1 to February 28, 2020 - (YouTube replay)
- Upcoming: Next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 11 February 2021 (Add to calendar). You're welcome to come and share out about your project or what you're working on around Wikibase.
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Mapping the Scottish Reformation, Tuesday, February 9th.[5]
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, February 9 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #49, February 14
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #31 Free Software Day - YouTube, Facebook, February 14
- Upcoming: Bug triage hour about Lexemes, February 16
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog post by 62mkv about importing Estonian Lexemes on Wikidata
- Video: Wikidata editing #30 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Global Open Initiative Foundation Open Refine and Quikstatement Workshop. By Ursula Oberst - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata and Minority Languages (Art+Feminism 2021 in Ghana). By Dagbani Wikimedians User Group - (YouTube)
- Video: Wikidata as a PID community. By Simon Cobb - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- Item documentation has two new features. First, it now includes two predefined SPARQL queries. The first one give the number of statements about the item by property and the second the list of statement about the properties. Second, for items of class award, it includes predefined SPARQL queries from TP award. See Q1624297 for an example.
- Ranker lets you edit the ranks of several statements at once.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Update on the state of WikidataCon 2021 for January
- New development roadmap for Wikidata and Wikibase for 2021 has been published. In addition, you will find here the status updates on what was achieved for each of the 2020 goals.
- Update on the development of the Easy Query Builder, your feedback is welcome
- Call for feedback on Wikimedia Foundation Community Board seats has started on February 1. More information and ways to participate are available on this Meta-Wiki page.
- New updates to Mix'n'match:
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of vaccinations, Commons media contributed by
- External identifiers: CineFanRo person ID, Enciclopedia del Museo del Prado ID, Encyclopedia of Brno object ID, Dictionnaire des journalistes ID, Oxford Classical Dictionary ID, Erudit article ID, Holocaust.cz person ID, Le Lettere di Theodor Mommsen agli Italiani ID, SISSCO ID, IFLA value vocabularies ID, Patrinum ID, Mathematica Italiana person ID, Jewish Museum Berlin object ID, Musica Brasilis score ID, BVFE author ID, Family Video Game Database ID, LexML Brazil ID, Pepys Encylopedia ID, National Museum Norway artwork ID, SportsLogos.net team ID, Catalan Vikidia ID, Russian Vikidia ID, Microsoft MVP profile ID, Debian Package Tracker ID, Data Collection of the Hungarian Peerage ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: IPHAE ID, FLOSS policy URL, Digest, subsidy, fingerprint
- External identifiers: TlF Artist ID, Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists ID, GTDB taxon, Joods Monument ID, HathiTrust Volume Identifier, Open Tree of Life ID, AllMusic IDs, Evighetsrunor, Tree of Life contributor ID, Astro Awani topic ID, Rate Your Music genre ID, De Lakenhal-artwork-ID, Encyclopédie berbère article ID, Can I use, identifiant inventaire Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, identifiant inventaire Centre-Val de Loire, identifiant inventaire Hauts-de-France, identifiant inventaire Normandie, identifiant inventaire Île-de-France, identifiant inventaire Pays de la Loire, identifiant inventaire Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Made it possible to connect query conditions with OR (instead of only AND) in the Query Builder (phab:T272694)
- Making it possible to query only for statements with or without a reference in the Query Builder (phab:T272699)
- Continuing to work on adding a rate limit for creating Item IDs to prevent people from allocating a large number of unassigned Item IDs that are then lost (phab:T272032)
- Working on the problem of Lexeme merging failing if the source Lexeme has links to its own Senses (phab:T273830)
- Working on showing an error when trying to save a Lemma with invalid language code on a Lexeme (phab:T265783)
- Fixing an issue in the Property selector fallback where it is not falling back from language variant to major language (phab:T272712)
- Making it possible to add Interwiki links to/from Multilingual Wikisource (phab:T138332)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Obrisati Иван Мишић. Hvala, pozdrav.— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 02:53, 9. фебруар 2021. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #455
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Other: Tool ideas/ImproveWikidata
- Events
- Past: Linked Open Storytelling - Winter School 2021 - Fellow-Programm Freies Wissen (in German) (reply on YouTube)
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, February 16 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: Bug triage hour about Lexemes, February 16
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #32 - YouTube, Facebook, February 20
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #50, February 21
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blog post: The promise of Wikidata: How journalists can use the crowdsourced open knowledge base as a data source, by Monika Sengul-Jones
- Blog post: Data donation to Wikidata, part 2: country/subject dossiers of the 20th Century Press Archives (by Joachim Neubert, ZBW Labs)
- Blog post: Bibliography and Citations of Hausa Folklore by Anasskoko
- Video: Querying Linked (Wiki)data with SPARQL ✨ (presentation by Lucas Werkmeister at rC3, 90 minutes)
- Video: Wikidata editing #31 Free Software Day - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Knowledge Graphs for AI: Wikidata and beyond - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- UseAsRef script allows you to add references to statements using one external ID as source (see User:Bargioni/UseAsRef and this YouTube video for more information)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Abstract Wikipedia presents prototypes of two tools that could help people to visualize, exemplify, and better guide our understanding of the coverage of lexicographic data in Wikidata.
- Public Domain Tool, developed by the Flemish Institute for Archives automates the process of determining whether their collection items could be in the public domain.
- Sizes of country items (like "Portugal" (Q45)) were recently reduced by 30% to 50% by moving a few economics properties to "economy of"-items (sample: "economy of Portugal" (Q1649355)). The item "economy of Portugal" is currently larger than "Portugal". This can simplify uses of country items that previously timed-out. Infoboxes can still access the properties with the link through "economy of topic" (P8744).
- Later this week, the development team will enable a rate limit for assigning new item IDs. Bots and users who successfully create items should notice no change, since the rate limit is equal to the existing limit on all edits. However, bots that often fail to create items may start to see different error messages than usual. This will hopefully reduce the problem of skipped item IDs.
- Guidelines and compensation for UX research lead by Wikimedia Germany (announcement)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: service status information URL, first family name in Portuguese name, time played, coordinates of depicted place
- External identifiers: CompositionToday composers showcase ID, Royal Museums Greenwich artwork ID, Saint Louis Art Museum artwork ID, AZLyrics.com song ID, Studio di Fonologia Musicale RAI person ID, WreckSite ID, SOUNZ contributor ID, Doktori.hu ID, Portal da Literatura ID, IPHAE ID, Play:Right ID, National Portrait Gallery (London) artwork ID, Xinjiang Data Project identifier, CITWF title ID, Union Catalog of Armenian Continuing Resources ID, Saxony-Anhalt cultural heritage object ID, FloGrappling ID, Can I use feature ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: National Gallery of Art Library Bibliographic ID, letterer, set during recurring event, number of references, sensors, Applying institution
- External identifiers: Lexikon Literatur in Tirol, Danmarks Adresseregister named street ID, Baidu Baike ID (2), Kickstarter username, Protagonisti della storia delle scienze della mente ID, Curling.fi player ID, RILM ID, Swiss vote ID, svoyak.info player ID, Germanistenverzeichnis, Svenska Institutet i Rom ID, CinemaRx title ID, Sinemalar title ID, English Placenames MADS ID, Armenian Book ID, identifiant inventaire Occitanie, AaRC title ID, Biblioteca Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma ID, BFS ID, Dizionario biografico online degli anarchici italiani ID, JedeSchule.de ID, bashenc.online ID, Svoya Igra television player ID, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory ID
- Query examples:
- Spanish Wikipedia articles about women astronauts (Source)
- Websites related to works in the Women's & Gender History DH list (Source)
- List of states with more than one official language (Source)
- Location of the organizations in the Name Assigning Authority Number (NAAN) registry (Source)
- List of locations named after the planned language Esperanto or its founder, L. L. Zamenhof
- Use the MediaWiki API to get the content of a Wikipedia category into a query
- Number of scholarly articles sharing their datasets (Source)
- Most specific taxon that includes two given species (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on the Simple Query Builder continues. We finished connecting query conditions via OR (phab:T272694). Next we will work on adding the UI for sharing the visual query via a link (phab:T272887)
- Improved the deployment process for the Query Service UI to make it easier to deploy
- Fixed language code "dag" for Dagbani not working for Lemmas for Lexemes (phab:T272242)
- Fixing the bug where the Property selector is not falling back from language variant to major language for Property labels (phab:T272712)
- Adding a rate limit for creating Item IDs to avoid skipping so many due to misbehaving bots (phab:T272032)
- Fixed the case where no error was shown when trying to save a lemma with an invalid language code (phab:T265783)
- Fixed a but where merging two Lexemes fails if the source Lexeme has links to its own Senses (phab:T273830)
- Increasing the rate of edits that trigger a check by the constraint checker to 50%. This will increase the number of constraints violations that you can query in the Query Service. (phab:T204031)
- Making it possible to add interwiki links to/from Multilingual Wikisource (phab:T138332)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #456
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Dr.üsenfieber - RfP scheduled to end after 24 February 2021 14:19 (UTC)
- New request for comments: P155/P156 as qualifiers only, rather than as main statements
- Events
- Past: Wikidata bug triage hour about Lexemes. Notes available here
- Past: Online Talk Show on Fri, Feb 19, 2021, by Wikimedia Indonesia and Fariz Darari - Take a peek into the data warehouse of Wikimedia projects (= Wikidata): Youtube link
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Adding bibliographic data to Wikidata with Jason Evans, Wikimedian in residence at the Wales National Library, Tuesday, February 23rd.[6]
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #33 - YouTube, Facebook, February 27
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #51, February 28
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogpost: Wikidata and the sum of all video games − 2020 edition
- Video: Basic tutorial on how to annotate an article with Wikidata tags for the ANN project - YouTube
- Video: The Wikidata community: tools to communicate, ask for help, exchange ideas and opinions (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: REfB (Reference Bot): Adding new references to WikiData statements by Houcemeddine Turki - YouTube
- Video: Wikidata editing #32 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: Knowledge graphs lecture - RDF, Wikidata, SHACL, ShEx (in Russian) - YouTube
- Podcast: Adam Shorland talks about Wikidata and Wikibase on Between The Brackets Mediawiki podcast.
- Tool of the week
- LexemeForms-SearchPage adds links on the search results page for creating new lexemes using the Lexeme Forms tool based on the languages in your Babel box.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Vglist is a video game library tracking web app that is mostly based on Wikidata.
- WMF Board of Trustees - Call for feedback: Community Board seats: Meetings with the Wikidata community on Feb 24 and Mar 3.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: coordinates of depicted place, thesis committee member, number of at bats
- External identifiers: IPHAE ID, Play:Right ID, National Portrait Gallery (London) artwork ID, Xinjiang Data Project identifier, CITWF title ID, Union Catalog of Armenian Continuing Resources ID, Saxony-Anhalt cultural heritage object ID, FloGrappling ID, Can I use feature ID, CollectieGelderland-creator-ID, VAi building ID, Heritage Information System ID in the database of cultural heritage in Austria, Joods Monument ID, Lumni person ID, Open Tree of Life ID, Wurdboek fan de Fryske taal GTB ID, People Australia ID, Biographical Dictionary of the Czech Lands ID, EMS ID, Spletni biografski leksikon znanih Primorcev in Primork ID, Svenska Institutet i Rom ID, Lexikon Literatur in Tirol ID, Curling.fi player ID, De Lakenhal artwork ID, Hauts-de-France Inventory identifier, Tree of Life contributor ID, Taiwan River Code, RILM ID, playDB artist ID, Rate Your Music genre ID, XXXBios transgender performer ID, Centre-Val de Loire Inventory identifier, Occitanie Inventory identifier, playDB play ID, Biblioteca Franco Serantini ID, Biblioteca Iglesia Nacional Española en Roma ID, Germanistenverzeichnis ID, uta-net.com song ID, uta-net.com artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: sensors, Applying institution, FAQ url, digital distribution platform, Bandcamp Tag, Anzahl der Staffeln, PDDikti ID, template applies category, workers represented by, alt text, demographics of topic
- External identifiers: AaRC title ID, Dizionario biografico online degli anarchici italiani ID, JedeSchule.de ID, bashenc.online ID, Svoya Igra television player ID, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory ID, TaDiRAH ID (2), Oklahoma's NRHP ID, Sauvons nos tombes cemetery ID, Discogs genre ID, Sauvons nos tombes person ID, Odnoklassniki user numeric ID, CPC-PR ID, Obituaries Australia ID, Indigenous Australia ID, Women Australia ID, AIATSIS Subject Thesaurus ID, Biografisches Handbuch – Todesopfer der Grenzregime am Eisernen Vorhang ID, Filmitalia film ID, Filmitalia person ID, Resident Advisor Venue ID, GB1900 ID, AIATSIS Place Thesaurus ID, Mixcloud ID, Labour Australia ID, Mexicana Repositorio, Science Magazine author ID, Everipedia ID, ARAE ID, Archivo Linz de la Transición Española ID, Museo Nacional de la Estampa ID, NParks Flora & Fauna Web ID, identifiant inventaire Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, identifiant inventaire Île-de-France, identifiant inventaire Normandie, identifiant inventaire Pays de la Loire, identifiant inventaire Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID
- Query examples:
- List of vegan restaurants
- List of food that are iconic to particular countries (Source)
- Map of monuments in Lower Saxony, Germany (Source)
- Map of former plantations in Surinam (Source)
- Map of Wats in Thailand - (Source)
- Localities in Mexico and contain 𝐒𝐚n in their name (Source)
- Female mycologists born pre-1900, sorted by number of sitelinks (Source)
- Women scientists who were born between the year 1500 and 1900 (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed wrongly encoded HTML in some messages in the Wikidata Bridge (phab:T272350)
- Working on showing all languages in the language suggester for monolingual text Properties (phab:T124758)
- Fixed an issue with spaces in external identifier URLs being replaced by "+" (phab:T271126)
- Added a rate limit for creating Item IDs, which should help with decreasing the number of skipped Q-IDs (phab:T272032)
- Fixed an issue where whitespace was stripped while typing when editing Lexemes (phab:T250550)
- Fixing the case where you cannot easily edit negative quantities after saving (phab:T274129)
- Working on making it possible to query for quantity values in the Query Builder (phab:T268942)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #457
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Dr.üsenfieber (unsussesful)
- New request for comments: P155/P156 as qualifiers only, rather than as main statements
- Events
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, March 2 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming video: LIVE Wikidata editing #34 Open Data Day - YouTube, Facebook, March 6
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #52, March 7
- Upcoming: Wikidata bug triage hour about Lexemes, March 22nd
- Upcoming: Wikidata-based Data Sprint hosted by the University of New Brunswick. One Wikidata data set will be provided on 11th March 2021 and various teams will have 2 hours to run a set of SPARQL queries against the Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) and showcase their results.
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogpost: Wikidata and Correspondence Archives (Enriching basic metadata with a knowledge graph)
- Blogpost: The promise of Wikidata - How journalists can use the crowdsourced open knowledge base as a data source (at DataJournalism.com)
- Video: Accra Archive Wikidata and Wikipedia Workshop (GLAMS Campaign Ghana) - YouTube
- Video: COVID-19 coverage on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Identify and describe items of bibliographic interest (articles, monographs, authors) on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Video: Visualizing the global research ecosystem via Wikidata and Scholia - YouTube
- Video: Demo: How to upload new bibliography and create dashboards on Wikidata - YouTube
- Video: Reconciliation Open Refine Wikidata (in Swedish) - YouTube
- Video: Reconciling researchers to Wikidata via Google Sheets - YouTube
- Video: LIVE Wikidata editing #33 - YouTube, Facebook
- Video: How to create new Wikidata item (in Dutch) - YouTube
- Video: Merging Wikidata items (in Dutch) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- EditSum, a new user script which allows to attach custom summary text to any label/statement/sitelink/etc. modification.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- User:Nikki/LexemeInterwikiLinks.js, is a userscript that adds Wiktionary interwiki links in the sidebar on Lexeme pages. (It links to pages corresponding to the first lemma and puts the lexeme language's Wiktionary first, followed by languages in the user's Babel box).
- User:Lucas Werkmeister/addStatementCountsToCategories.js, is a userscript that shows the number of statements of the linked item for all pages in a category.
- Shared Citations, a proposal arising from the WikiCite project, for a central reference management database supporting all Wikimedia projects, with significant relationship to Wikidata. Seeking feedback.
- Modèle:Indice de diversité de genre (Template:Gender diversity index) is a new template in the French Wikipedia which use P21 (gender property) to count the number of people by gender mentioned in an article. It helps to find articles which "forget" to cite women.
- Lexeme JSON dumps are now available as a collection of individual lexeme data in the regular JSON format, separate from the regular Wikidata dumps containing Items and Properties. phab:T264883
- We found a way to improve the performance of scrolling on the Item page by changing how we move the Property labels as you scroll through the page. You should see the effect after the next deployment.
- BBC Things includes links to Wikidata to provide a single reference for the growing collection of entities that matter to the BBC and their audiences.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: number of at bats, number of hits, bases on balls, runs batted in, letterer, sensors, FAQ URL, set during recurring event, stolen bases, doubles hit, triples hit
- External identifiers: Germanistenverzeichnis ID, uta-net.com song ID, uta-net.com artist ID, AllMusic genre/style ID, DicoPolHiS ID, EuroBabeIndex.com ID, Sauvons nos tombes cemetery ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer person ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer organization ID, LombardiaBeniCulturali archive producer family ID, BookBub author ID, TlF artist ID, Encyclopédie berbère article ID, Protagonisti della storia delle scienze della mente ID, English Placenames MADS ID, Norwegian State Administration Database ID, teatral.ro play/theater ID, CineFAN.ro title ID, CinemaRX title ID, Sinemalar title ID, Swissvote ID, Bourgogne-Franche-Comté inventory identifier, Île-de-France inventory identifier, Normandie inventory identifier, Pays de la Loire inventory identifier, Wisconsin Architecture and History Inventory ID, Dizionario biografico online degli anarchici italiani ID, Swedish Literature Bank place ID, Opera Online conductor ID, Discogs genre ID, Discogs style ID, Danmarks Adresseregister named street ID, bashenc.online ID, Provenio UUID, JedeSchule.de ID, ARAE ID, Encyclopedia Titanica ID, U.S. Masters Swimming ID, DzygaMDB person ID, NLS place type ID, Archivo Linz de la Transición Española ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: demographics of topic, strikeouts, district heating, number of signatories, opt-out, payer, secondary topic, grant number, Future Salaries ID, Index égalité professionnelle F/H, Commons incompatible image URL, verbal ability
- External identifiers: Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID, ANPI person ID, ANPI person numeric ID, APS author ID, EEVA author ID, Archives West finding aid ID, BiographySampo person ID, Discord server numeric ID, Discord user numeric ID, CUT ID, Amathus ID, EUC ID, UPSA ID, RePEc EconPapers ID, Dark Horse contributor ID, ComiXology publisher ID, Austrian Newspapers Online ID, Cyprus Library ID, MyMusic artist ID, LFCHistory.net player ID, MeSH qualifier ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- WikiProject Templates for templates in Wikidata
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Working on first version of small tool that lets you get the average ORES quality score for a list of Items and find the lowest-quality Items in the batch so it's easier to improve them.
- Taking a closer look at what larger improvements we want to make to Lexemes later this year.
- Thinking through different ways how we can technically get mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases so we can later expose them.
- Thinking through what the first version of the REST API should contain and what should come later.
- Fixed an issue with whitespaces when editing Lexemes (phab:T250550)
- Made sure all languages show up in the language selector for monolingual text Properties at least with their language code because them not showing up was very confusing (phab:T124758)
- Fixed an issue with generating correct links for external IDs with + (phab:T271126)
- Fixing an issue with Property selector not falling back from language variant to major language (phab:T272712)
- Continuing to build out the Query Builder and focusing on input for quantity and date queries (phab:T268942 and phab:T272697)
- Due to the planned delay of the release of MediaWiki 1.36, the Wikibase team has been working on preparing a Wikibase update that includes new functionality (such as the “Federated Properties” feature) based on v1.35. To that end, we started backporting certain features and fixes into the Wikibase 1.35 release. Follow our progress here.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #458
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: SORSE - Wikidata as a research tool for data modelling and integration in the humanities (replay on YouTube)
- Past: Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 2021-03-06 , Тајпеј (Q1867), 臺中市 (Q245023), 臺南市 (Q140631) and online stream (FB and Youtube)
- Upcoming: OSM TW x Wikidata Taiwan Тајпеј (Q1867) Meetup 2021-03-08 Mozilla Community Space Taipei (Q61752245)
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: OCLC Research’s CONTENTdm Wikibase data model for pilot project to improve collection discoverability, Tuesday, March 9th.[7]
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, March 9 at 18:00 CET
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #35 - YouTube, Facebook, March 13
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #53, March 14
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- "Giving knowledge back to Wikipedia: Towards a Systematic Approach to Sync Factual Data across Wikipedia, Wikidata and External Data Sources" (by DBPedia)
- Papers
- Videos
- Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia by Denny Vrandečić - YouTube
- Working hour on items of bibliographic interest in Wikidata (in Italian) -YouTube
- Open Data Day Taiwan 2021 -Youtube Live
- LIVE Wikidata editing #34 Open Data Day - YouTube, Facebook
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Panoviewer.js inserts an iframe from the Panoviewer tool to photosphere image (P4640) statements.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata has now items about nine million people: 99,991,000,000 to do (project chat)
- A new browser for Wikidata is available: the SLING knowledge base browser by User:Mringgaard. It is lightning fast and entirely based on modern Web components.
- Help choose focus languages for improvements to the lexicographic extension of Wikidata and Abstract Wikipedia. Nominations should be submitted by April 7, and the decision will be made by April 14 by the teams taking your comments into account.
- Help to choose a design concept for the logo of the new Wikifunctions wiki. Voting ends before Monday March 15th 23:59 UTC.
- PetScan can now generate KML map overlay data. E.g. University towns in Germany. (Map view)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: supplement to, seismic classification, reissue of, staking percentage, affiliated worker organisation, demographics of topic, assessment outcome, notation writer
- External identifiers: Archivo Linz de la Transición Española ID, Obituaries Australia ID, XXXBios female performer ID, RDA value vocabularies ID, Encyclopedia of Seventh-day Adventists ID, Whiskybase distillery ID, NParks Flora & Fauna Web ID, Women Australia ID, Labour Australia ID, Indigenous Australia ID, Pontifical University of Salamanca ID, EEVA author ID, Nauvoo Community Project ID, Cyprus Library ID, Cyprus University of Technology ID, Amathus ID, European University Cyprus ID, Museo Nacional de la Estampa ID, Resident Advisor club ID, Diccionari de la traducció catalana ID, CPC-PR ID, Austrian Newspapers Online ID, Oklahoma's NRHP ID, ChemRxiv ID, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Inventory ID, FFF player ID (new scheme), Physics Magazine author ID, Ligue 1 player ID, ANPI person numeric ID, Science Magazine author ID, Odnoklassniki user numeric ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: verbal ability, 易玩應用程序標識符, earned run average, named place on map, inhabitants of topic, consequence of text, writing style, applicant, co-applicant, Cantonese romanisation, repairability
- External identifiers: MeSH qualifier ID, Encyclopedia of Ostrava person ID, Encyclopedia of Plzeň person ID, Stadtlexikon Karlsruhe, Museum of the jewish people ID, Encyclopaedia Herder concept ID, Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia ID, Biblioteca Capitolare di Verona author ID, Enciclopedia de Puerto Rico, PorcelanaBrasil ID, Eesti entsüklopeedia ID, Encyclopedia of Melbourne ID, Cyprus Bibliography ID, JaneladaHistoria ID, OsobnostiRegionu.cz ID, Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID, Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel de l'Amérique française ID, Inforegister ID, Terezín Memorial Database ID, AWB lemma ID, MWB lemma ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for Middle High German, Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for modern German, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Newest database reports:
- Gadget usage statistics - Includes gadgets enabled in preferences or common.js
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed an issue where the Property selector is not falling back from language variant to major language (phab:T272712)
- Working on support for editing statements on Senses on Lexemes via wbeditentity (phab:T199896)
- Continuing to work on the Query Builder and making it possible to query for quantities and dates with it.
- Putting finishing touches on a small tool that lets you get the average ORES quality score for a list of Items as well as the individual scores for each of the Items
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Извини нисам видео није било на почету у врху него доле у чланку ово за Старка. Мислио сам да само на врху чланка може да стоји за радове, зато и нисам видео. Поздрав. Ничим неизазван (разговор) 08:11, 10. март 2021. (CET)
Српска википедија
[уреди извор]Добро вече. Од јуче поподне (9.3.2021.) приметила сам неке промене у изгледу странице у Српској википедији. Да ли се нешто мења и шта? Рецимо: са десне страна екрана велика празнина, глобус је мали, са леве стране глобуса дата је могућност да се уклони мени, претраживање википедије је са десне стране а не са леве, итд. — З.Вукобрат (разговор) 21:20, 10. март 2021. (CET)
- @З.Вукобрат: Moguće je da su izvršene neke izmene, međutim nisam uočio vid promena koje ste vi opisali. Proverite da ste još ovek na sajtu za desktop računare: sr.wikipedia.org. Postoji i verzija mobilne uređaje, koja se donekle podudara sa vašim opisom (sr.m.wikipedia.org). Ukoliko ova napomena ni pomogne, ostavite poruku na trgu. Moguće je da drugi urednici imaju bolje sugestije. --Dcirovic (разговор) 22:27, 10. март 2021. (CET)
- 11. март 2021.
Поздрав. Јутрос сам добила овди можете видети расправу од "Ничим неизазван" корисника. Ја сам вратила на старо. У сваком случају изгледа да се ради на новом изгледу.— З.Вукобрат (разговор) 10:06, 11. март 2021. (CET)
- 23. мај 2021.
Поздрав. Имам нови рачунар. Приметила сам, да кад се погрешно напише нека реч она није подвучена црвеном цртом. Ја бих волела да то и даље постоји. Да ли ја треба нешто да урадим да то функционише? Хвала унапред. — З.Вукобрат (разговор) 14:31, 23. мај 2021. (CEST)
- @З.Вукобрат: Мислим да је потребно је да инсталирате речнике. У зависности од браузера један од ових линкова се може користити.
- Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/language-tools/
- MS edge: edge://settings/languages
- Chrome: chrome://settings/languages
Након што је подршка за српски додата потребно је да се кликне десном типком миша на кутију у којој се текст уноси, и да се изабере језик. Dcirovic (разговор) 14:55, 23. мај 2021. (CEST)
Џорџ Флојд
[уреди извор]Помаже Бог. Која је фора са овим блокирањем Флојдовога чланка кога сам ја превео и сада не могу да уведем неке измене, које сам данас сазнао. Разумем вандализовање, али и Аца је заштитио неки чланак села у РС па ја ипак имам право да приступим. Претпоставите добру вољу и намеру. Ничим неизазван (разговор) 12:28, 15. март 2021. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #459
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Open request for adminship: Minorax (RfP scheduled to end after 19 March 2021 11:23 UTC)
- Events
- Upcoming: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, from March 15th to April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 15: Kickstart and open discussion about lexicographical data
- March 16: SPARQL queries about Lexemes (in French) with Vigneron
- March 17: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- March 20: Live editing on Lexemes with Ainali and Abbe98
- March 22: Bug triage hour about Lexemes with Lydia Pintscher
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #54, March 21
- Upcoming: Wikidata - The Linked Open Data Platform Everyone Can Contribute To (Public talk) - Registration link
- Upcoming: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, from March 15th to April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Internet Archive Scholar is launched - Wikidata is thanked in the acknowledgements
- 10 basic but essential SPARQL queries for lexicographical data on Wikidata
- Using Wikidata to model Aberdeen’s Industrial Heritage
- Carnegie Hall experienced a veritable rock explosion during its 1971-72 season, with 70 rock concerts between September 1971 and June 1972
- Writing your own data to Wikidata using spreadsheets: Part 1
- Videos
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/LexemeToggleSections.js script allows to expand/collapse the sections on lexeme pages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Plant Humanities Lab is a website you can use to explore the cultural histories of plants and their influence on human societies.
- DX Lab Art Index is an interactive database of over 18,000 nineteenth century Australian Artworks by over 2000 artists with links to Wikidata & compiled by volunteers over 10 years.
- The new WDQS Streaming Updater is live as of March 15, 2021 on a pre-production test server for feedback. Available at https://query-preview.wikidata.org/. Release details here.
- Wikimedia Foundation Research Award of the Year - Call for Nominations! The research must be on, about, using data from, and/or of importance to Wikipedia, Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons or other Wikimedia projects. Deadline to submit your nomination is no later than 2021-03-22.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: assessment outcome, music transcriber, subsidy, inverse agonist of, gender equality index, transitivity, script style
- External identifiers: Oklahoma's NRHP ID, ChemRxiv ID, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur Inventory ID, FFF player ID (new scheme), Physics Magazine author ID, Ligue 1 player ID, ANPI person numeric ID, Science Magazine author ID, Odnoklassniki user numeric ID, ANSI/NISO standard ID, Kickstarter username, DeCS ID, RePEc EconPapers ID, Encyclopedia of Ostrava History person ID, LFChistory.net player ID, Pandektis ID, Museum of the Jewish People at Beit Hatfutsot ID, Encyclopedia of Greater Philadelphia ID, Catalogue of the Capitular Library of Verona author ID, AaRC film ID, GB1900 ID, Stadtlexikon Karlsruhe ID, Encyclopaedia Herder concept ID, Cyprus Bibliography ID, EncyclopediaPR ID, Filmitalia person ID, TikTok music ID, Eesti entsüklopeedia ID, Encyclopédie du patrimoine culturel de l'Amérique française ID, AIATSIS Place Thesaurus ID, AIATSIS Subject Thesaurus ID, Astro Awani topic ID, TapTap application ID, Encyclopedia of Plzeň person ID, OsobnostiRegionu.cz ID, Terezín Memorial Database ID, National Gallery of Art Library Bibliographic ID, svoyak.info player ID, Encyclopedia of Melbourne ID, Max Movie person ID, EudraCT trial ID, Fancyclopedia 3 ID, operator licence number
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Cantonese romanisation, repairability, Gedong Kirtya classification, Valence, has graphical element, Antarctic Specially Protected Area ID, CBO Occupation Code (en) / Classificação Brasileira de Ocupações (CBO) (pt), Reason for unknown/no value, generalization of/generalized by, acronym, Sales of arms and military services, formé en même temps que, Suggested fields
- External identifiers: AWB lemma ID, MWB lemma ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for Middle High German, Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire ID, Woerterbuchnetz.de IDs for modern German, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID, SVKKL authority ID, Demozoo Group ID, GameSpot developer ID, Washington Place Names ID, PatER ID, Latin Place Names ID, Enslaved ID, Ávvir topic ID, Salaborsa building ID, storiaememoriadibologna ID, UniversalMusic France artist ID, Oxford African American Studies Center ID, La Fenice Theatre in Venice person ID, MeSH descriptor/qualifier ID, Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú researcher ID, Fortalezas.org ID, Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID, France24 topic ID, CNA topic ID, Portrait Archive ID, athletics.lv athlete id, temples.ru ID
- Query examples:
- Latin American women who are activists and were born between 1900-1999 (ordered by the number of articles written on Wikipedia) (Source)
- Transportation routes in Zurich named after women (Source)
- Location of buildings designed by Zaha Hadid (Source)
- Proportion of Basque men / women in Donostialdea region (Source)
- Count of the industry companies on Wikidata belong to (Source)
- Danish verbs-derived-from-non-verbs (Source)
- Mountains of the Basque Country (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Continued working on the Query Builder and focused on querying for quantity values (phab:T268942), handling special cases around sub classes for taxons and locations (phab:T274634) adding tooltips (phab:T275542) and sharing a visual query (phab:T272887)
- Making changes to how Cognate handles redirects on Wiktionary to make more pages accessible through interwiki links (phab:T165061)
- Creating a dashboard to break down the number of editors by namespace (phab:T275999)
- Finishing support for editing statements on Senses on Lexemes via wbeditentity API module (phab:T199896)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #460
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Signed Statements (T138708)
- Events
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 22: Bug triage hour about Lexemes with Lydia Pintscher
- March 23: SPARQL querying for Lexemes with Vigneron
- March 24: Open discussion in French about Lexemes
- March 25: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- March 27: Lingua Libre, how you can record words in your language and use them on Wikidata, with Poslovitch
- Upcoming: The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 25 March 2021 (Add to calendar). This month we will have a team member from Enslaved.org talk to us briefly about how they are using Linked Open Data (LOD) with the help of Wikibase (due of technical challenges they couldn't join us last time). Everyone is welcome to attend the call.
- Upcoming: The Arctic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference is taking place remotely on June 24-25, and focusing on indigenous and underrepresented languages on the Wikimedia projects. The call for submissions is now open until April 15th, if you want to present something related to Wikidata and languages, feel free to apply.
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Members of the EthicsLD Group will be leading a discussion on ethics in linked data, Tuesday, March 23rd.[8]
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #37 - YouTube, Facebook, March 27
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #55, March 28
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Intercessory Rote Prayer, Life Longevity and the Mortality of Roman Catholic Bishops: An Exploratory Study (Using Wikidata to study whether prayers have an effect)
- Videos
- Papers
- Tool of the week
- Sparql_rc is a recent changes feed that only shows you changes in an area of Wikidata you care about. It now also supports Lexemes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports Portuguese nouns
- erinnerungshort.de/kap/ is a data and photo research project and map visualization tool with federated license query from Structured Commons, by Raymond and Elya.
- ~7500 person items have been enriched with the new property GEPRIS person ID (P4872), imported from a high quality dataset from the Q707283.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: pHash checksum, Jyutping transliteration, Yale romanization, Cantonese Pinyin, Cantonese Transliteration Scheme transliteration, Gedong Kirtya Classification, has graphical element
- External identifiers: TaDiRAH ID, AWB lemma ID, Latin Place Names ID, Enslaved person ID, MyMusic artist ID, Ávvir topic ID, Dark Horse creator ID, ComiXology publisher ID, Inforegister ID, SVKKL authority ID, BiographySampo person ID, PatER ID, Cartigli di Bologna ID, Universal Music France artist ID, Svoya Igra television player ID, Washington Place Names ID, Storiaememoriadibologna ID, Oxford African American Studies Center ID, LFH staff ID, Cephalopod Ontology entity ID, Archives West finding aid ID, Das wissenschaftliche Bibellexikon im Internet ID, Keratsini-Drapetsona libraries' catalogue authority ID, NFL.com ID (new scheme), Bavarian Monument Map object ID (architectural monument), MeSH descriptor/qualifier ID, MeSH qualifier ID, Bavarian Monument Map Object-ID (ground monument), temples.ru ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: zugeschrieben, IMDb rating, death rate, trade union membership rate, identifier shared with lexeme, introduced on, instances are former instances of, presentation template, voted on by, has supplier, キロ程
- External identifiers: Slovník českých filosofů ID, Encyklopedie migrace ID, Encyclopedia of Migration ID, Tacoma Local History & Biography Index ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Buildings Index ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Obituary Index ID, Rombase ID, Stalker author ID, ODLIS ID, Enslaved place ID, CAOI person ID, IBSF-Wettbewerbs-ID, FranceArchives agent ID, Pango lineage code, Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID, Place Names NI ID, NMRShiftDB Structure ID, Modernist Commons ID, Megale Kypriake Enkyklopaideia ID, Encyclopédie de l’humanisme méditerranéen ID, Sociologické encyklopedie ID, Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus ID, Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ID, Routes & Places ID, Rekhta Author ID, Rekhta Book ID, National Database of Laws and Regulations ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija person ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija concept ID
- Query examples:
- Railway junctions in Scotland (Source)
- Maps of Y-shaped subway lines (Source)
- Map of the hometown of Real Sociedad / Athletic Club players (Source)
- Count of type of things with IIIF links known to Wikidata (Source)
- Successful candidates during 2016 Kerala Legislative Assembly in each constituencies (Source)
- COVID-19 external Identifier URLs in Wikidata (Source)
- Public spaces whose names are of women (Source)
- Place of birth of females with biography articles on Basque Wikipedia (Source)
- Map of places in iNaturalist (Source)
- Number of elements of scientists by nationality (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Work on the first version of the Query Builder is nearing its end. Doing remaining work on querying for quantities, dates and ranges as well as polishing and bug fixing.
- Made Cognate work correctly for redirects on Wiktionary (phab:T165061)
- Fixed an issue where the termbox on Item pages used the wrong list of languages on the mobile version (phab:T275611)
- Cleaned up deleted Items from the term store database table (phab:T263730)
- Got feedback on the initial click-dummies for checking Wikidata's data against other databases to find mismatches
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
[уреди извор]Можеш ли да обришеш овај вандализам. Хвала унапред.— Soundwaweserb (разговор) 02:31, 27. март 2021. (CET)
Wikidata weekly summary #461
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Closed request for adminship: Minorax, welcome onboard!
- Events
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- March 30: Live SPARQL queries about Lexemes in French by Vigneron
- March 30: Abstract Wikipedia & Lexemes Q&A with Denny Vrandečić
- April 1: Documentation Q&A with Dan Shick
- April 5-11: Climate Lexeme Week
- April 5: Abstract Wikipedia & Lexemes Q&A with Denny Vrandečić
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #38 - YouTube, Facebook, April 3
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #56, April 4
- Upcoming: WikiCommons metadata analysis tool is intended to be developed at the online hackathon at hack.glam.opendata.ch, 16-17 April 2021
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Videos
- Live Wikidata editing #37 - YouTube, Facebook
- Live SPARQL queries on Lexemes by Vigneron (in English): on Youtube
- Tool of the week
- d:User:Nikki/LexemeEntitySuggester.js userscript is a proper entity suggester that gives a fixed set of properties for various languages.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Sitelinks links for two new Wikipedias can be entered: Atayal Wikipedia (Q105723660) and Seediq Wikipedia (Q105975521)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: does not have cause, external georeferencing URL
- External identifiers: Discord server numeric ID, France24 topic ID (French), France24 topic ID (English), France24 topic ID (Spanish), France24 topic ID (Arabic), PeriodO period ID, MHDBDB lemma ID, Portrait Archive ID, Porcelana Brasil ID, Slovník českých filosofů ID, Hymenoptera Anatomy Ontology ID, Encyclopedia of French Cultural Heritage in North America ID, MWB lemma ID, Encyclopedia of Migration ID, Ministry of Education New Zealand school ID, Encyklopedie migrace ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Obituary Index ID, Encyclopedia of Mediterranean Humanism ID, Modernist Commons ID, Rombase ID (English), Filmitalia film ID, CNA topic ID, Fortalezas.org ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Ottoman Association ID, url text, audio transcription 2, OFDb person ID, won sets, Number of stitches
- External identifiers: Biblio.com ID, Czech Encyclopedia of Theater identifiers (Czech and German), Identifiant des Collections du Louvre, Verified Handles VHID, Michigan State University Library Record Number, Washington Flora Checklist ID, Washington Flora Checklist species ID, Washington Rare Plant Field Guide ID, KATOTTH identifier, Viasona ID, Musikasten ID, Discover the networks, GCD publisher ID, Image Comics creator ID, BLPL ID, MnM ID, Arca author ID, Editorial Freelancers Association member ID, IFCVPF ID, American University of Beirut's Libraries Title ID, Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro ID, Burke Herbarium Image Collection ID, USCG MIC ID, Berlin Bezirkslexika identifiers, Burke Herbarium Image Collection contributor ID, Brapci author ID, ÖCV Biolex ID, OregonFlora taxon ID, Oregon Flora Image Project ID
- Deleted properties:
- Query examples:
- Donald P. Bellisario credits as screenwriter or director
- Interwiki table from P6720, with end date for prefixes that are no longer in use (source)
- Index map of Ordnance Survey Old Series preparatory drawings, with georeferencer links (source)
- Listed buildings in Wales that would be lost if the sea level rose by 70 metres (source)
- Music releases with incomplete track lists, showing diff count (Source)
- Date and place of birth of female musicians in Nigeria (Source)
- Scholarly articles on multilingualism and bilingualism (Source)
- Things in Czechia which changed coordinate location at some point (Source)
- Images about women programmers (Source)
- UK railway stations connected from Topsham railway station (Source)
- Most awarded person affiliated with the Technical University of Denmark (Source)
- Newest database reports: current TV seasons
- Newest properties:
- Development
- The dev team spent the last week prototyping a few things to learn if some things would be feasible/a good idea. Among other things we tried building a small tool to connect Senses to Items, looked into the different types of ontology issues that can be found on Wikidata and checked what using a document store for data storage would look like.
- Note: from March 29th until April 12th, Mohammed Sadat (WMDE) is not available to answer messages. If you have any requests for the development team, please ask on Contact the development team. For any emergency, you can contact Lea Lacroix (WMDE). Because of Easter holidays in Germany, the upcoming newsletter will be issued one day later, on April 6th.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #462
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past NIH Virtual Workshop on InChI (Q106114408): "InChI and InChIKey in Wikidata and Scholia", https://zenodo.org/record/4633789
- Ongoing: 30 Lexic-o-days, events and projects around lexicographical data, continues until April 14th. (full schedule, details and links here)
- April 5-11: Climate Lexeme Week
- April 7: Data import for Lexemes: how to add a lot of content in your language
- April 8: Documentation Q&A
- April 8: Leveraging text corpora for curating lexicographical data
- April 10: Lingua Libre, how you can record words in your language and use them on Wikidata
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Cliff Landis (Digital Initiatives Librarian, Atlanta University Center Robert W. Woodruff Library) on “GaNCH: Using Wikidata for Georgia's Natural, Cultural, and Historic Organizations' Disaster Response.” April 6th.[9]
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #39 - YouTube, Facebook, April 10
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #57, April 11
- Upcoming: OSM TW x Wikidata Taiwan Тајпеј (Q1867) Meetup 2021-04-12 Mozilla Community Space Taipei (Q61752245)
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXVII: WikiProject Brazilian Laws (English), supported by WikiCite, April 13
- Upcoming: Wikidata Bug Triage Hour about Entity Schemas / shape expressions, April 19
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXVIII: Aplicativos de metadados (Portuguese), on metadata apps, April 29
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Papers
- Mining Wikidata for Name Resources for African Languages "fostering development of technology for the languages of Africa with a Wikidata-derived resource of lists of 1.9M names across 28 African languages".
- Videos
- SPARQL queries around lexemes, words, lexicography (in French) by VIGNERON - YouTube
- Editing lexemes on Wikidata (in Swedish) by Ainali - YouTube
- WikiActivate sessions introduction to Wikidata - YouTube 1, 2
- LIVE Wikidata editing #38 - YouTube, Facebook
- Launch of Climate Lexeme Week (Youtube, Facebook)
- Tool of the week
- QRank is a tool providing a rank for Wikidata entities based on page view statistics from several Wikimedia projects.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The final version of the Wikibase Yearly Summary 2020 has been published.
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms now supports additional Breton templates (Source)
- User:Nikki/LexemeAddIPA.js userscript adds a link in the header for forms on lexeme pages which opens a dialog for adding IPA statements to forms that do not have any yet.
- LexSAOB adds Svenska Akademiens ordbok (SAOB) identifiers to Swedish lexemes in Wikidata.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Ukrainian national romanization, law digest, Unicode character name, trade union membership rate, placeholder text element ID
- External identifiers: Place Names NI ID, FranceArchives agent ID, NHS Organisation Data Service ID, ODLIS ID, Sociologická encyklopedie ID, BMZ lemma ID, FindeB lemma ID, Lexer lemma ID, LexerN lemma ID, Enslaved place ID, The Mountaineers Routes & Places ID, Adelung lemma ID, DWB lemma ID, DWB2 lemma ID, GWB lemma ID, Meyers lemma ID, RDWB1 lemma ID, Wander lemma ID, Česká divadelní encyklopedie ID, Tschechische Theaterenzyklopädie ID, Tacoma-Pierce County Buildings Index ID, Louvre Museum ARK ID, Verified Handles VHID, Lëtzebuerger Online Dictionnaire ID, Armenian Book ID, athletics.lv athlete ID, Government of Canada Core Subject Thesaurus ID, Thésaurus des sujets de base du gouvernement du Canada ID, GameSpot developer ID, Musée national de la Marine ID, OFDb person ID, NMRShiftDB structure ID, Tacoma Local History & Biography Index ID, Megale Kypriake Enkyklopaideia ID, Washington Flora Checklist ID, American University of Beirut's Libraries title ID, USCG MIC, Arca author ID, BLPL author ID, Viasona ID, ÖCV Biolex ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: specific part, personal library at, departement, antipode, MovieMeter person ID, bicycle
- External identifiers: CNN contributor ID, Our Campaigns race ID, Proveana ID, Storybook ID, Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit (WIAG) ID, National Association of Teachers of Singing member ID, The World Factbook country ID, SonyLIV show ID, EGID, Letecká badatelna accident ID, Camptocamp ID, National Inventory of Dams ID, PeakVisor ID, PeakVisor range ID, PeakVisor area ID, PeakVisor park ID, Urban Archive ID, bridgesport.ru player ID, Catalogue of the General State Archives ID, Podchaser Creator Id, La Réunion des Livres ID, vindskyddskartan.se ID, naturkartan.se ID, ANPI place numeric ID, Russians of Latvia ID, Virginia House of Delegates ID, Generals of World War II ID, DCinemaToday Organization ID, Swedish Bioguiden Movie Theater ID, bio.se Movie Theater ID, Encyclopedia of Jewish Women ID, Terras Indígenas ID, Personnel de l'administration préfectorale ID, Europalexikon ID, Politiklexikon ID, Encyklopedie antropologie ID
- Query examples:
- interwiki prefixes without corresponding Wikidata property by 2019 linkcount (some filtered) (source)
- Women whose article on English Wikipedia has the featured article badge (source)
- Map of males and females after which streets are named (Leiden, NL) (source)
- Map of birthplaces of trans women and men with articles in the Basque Wikipedia (source)
- Map of institutions where UNR faculty got their academic degrees (source)
- Map of location of sense usage (P6084) by language
- Botanists with image of signature and optional IPNI author ID (source)
- Subclasses of musical instrument with the most individual instances (source, result starts with: bell, organ)
- list of U.S. state songs, anthems, marches, hymns, cantatas, or missing (source)
- Adjacency map of Ordnance Survey Old Series preparatory drawings (source)
- Ordinals in all languages/notations: 0th to 100th (source)
- locked-room mysteries (source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- We continued to make improvements to the Query builder. We worked on adding a footer to the Query Builder (phab:T268643) and showing all relevant columns in the query result (phab:T277646) as well as querying for dates (phab:T272697)
- Fixed a bug where Item pages scrolls back to "In more languages" block after every change of DOM (phab:T277999, being deployed to Wikidata later this week)
- Continued working on a new grafana graph to track editor numbers split by namespace (phab:T275999)
- Finished a small tool to get the ORES quality score for a list of Items. Waiting for deployment to toolforge for broader use now.
- Defined remaining work for redirect sitelink exceptions (phab:T278962)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Aкција писања биографија
[уреди извор]Здраво! Желели смо да Вам скренемо пажњу да је у току aкција писања биографија која има за циљ побољшање чланака о биографијама на Википедији. Помислили смо да ћете бити заинтересовани за ову тему, па Вас овом приликом позивамо да нам се придружите. Направите неки нови чланак или побољшајте већ постојећи. У случају да желите да нам се придржите, упишите се овде. |
— Николина Ш. ✉ 13:51, 9. април 2021. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #463
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments: Is it worth to import labels from interlanguage links of other wikipedia projects to wikidata
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata Lab XXVII - Gathering and modelling of metadata pertaining to all Brazilian laws. April 13, 14-18 (UTC-3). register
- Upcoming: closing of d:Wikidata:Events/30 lexic-o-days 2021, April 14. If you participated in the contribution month, please drop a line about your work on the outcomes page.
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #40 - YouTube, Facebook, April 17
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #58, April 18
- Upcoming: Wikidata Bug Triage Hour about Entity Schemas / shape expressions, April 19
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #39 - YouTube, Facebook
- Data imports for Wikidata Lexemes (panel discussion 30 Lexicodays) (Youtube, Commons)
- Leveraging text corpora for curating lexicographical data (30 Lexicodays) (Youtube, Commons)
- Wiki2Prop: A Multi-Modal Approach for Predicting Wikidata Properties from Wikipedia - YouTube
- Wiki World Heritage User Group: Capacity Building Wikidata Training - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- EditSum, a user script which allows to attach custom summary text to any label/statement/sitelink/etc. modification.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- A simple portal of women that study metabolomics powered by Wikidata
- Do you have any cool Wikidata tips and tricks that you use? Share them with everyone on Twitter under the hashtag #WikidataTips
- Entitree is a graph generator that can display family trees, but also other graphs like taxa or company subsidiaries.
- Royal Trees, powered by Wikidata is an interactive website that shows royal family trees, for all royal families worldwide. See an example of Philip Duke of Edinburgh.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: personal library at
- External identifiers: ScoreStorybook company ID, Camptocamp ID, Biblio.com ID, CNN contributor ID, IFVPF ID, Musikasten ID, OregonFlora taxon ID, Demozoo group ID, Image Comics creator ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Commons-Kategorie für Portraits, pH, taxonomic treatment, Degrees day, NBM identifier, size of unit under command, Archdiocese of Liverpool identifier
- External identifiers: HistoryLink essay number, National Provider Identifier, Singers.com ID, Oregon State Parks ID, Washington State Parks ID, Wikiroute ID, ID v Databázi periodického tisku pro veřejnost, GLEI RAL, OpenCorporates register id, OpenCorporates register jurisdiction, hPSCreg ID, Den Danske Ordbog article ID, Den Danske Ordbog idiom ID, Biographia Benedictina ID, Gyldendals Teaterleksikon ID, Trap Danmark ID
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Started research and collecting material for the work on improvements to the Lexeme UI and prepared the first interviews
- Finishing up the work on the first version of the Query Builder. We still need to get the security review before we can deploy it properly. Current state can be tested on the test system.
- Finalized the dashboard to see the number of (active/very active) editors split by namespace. See the graphs at the bottom of this dashboard.
- Continued working on the remaining pieces needed to fully support editing statements on Senses of a Lexeme (phab:T199896)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #464
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Wikidata - HackaLOD Online sessions (replay in Dutch)
- Upcoming: SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, April 20 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Alexandra Wong on experiences and workflows for linking archival collections to Wikidata. There will also be a recap of insights from the recent Canadian archivists’ panel on Wikidata by the University and College Archives Special Interest Section (UCASIS) of the Association of Canadian Archivists (ACA). Agenda, April 20
- Upcoming: Wikipedia Weekley Network - Biodiversity edition: iNaturalist place ID YouTube, Facebook, April 23
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #41 - YouTube, Facebook, April 24
- Upcoming: 25 April - WikidataDays Sessions II, an online editing session dedicated to democracy and political parties, coinciding with the celebration of Freedom Day.
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #59, April 25
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Videos
- Structured Data on Commons explained, with Andrew Lih, John Cummings and Pharos (Youtube)
- Discovering history's notable people (audio). Using Wikidata and Wikipedia as the backbone, this project "construct[s] a new dataset of more than seven million notable individuals across recorded human history".
- LIVE Wikidata editing #40 - YouTube, Facebook
- Adding information through EntitySchemas to Wikidata Andra Waagmeester and Jose Labra
- SPARQL query requests around lexicography mapping] by VIGNERON - YouTube
- Fast Linking of Mathematical Wikidata Entities in Wikipedia Articles Using Annotation Recommendation - YouTube
- Wiki2Prop: A Multimodal Approach for Predicting Wikidata Properties from Wikipedia - YouTube
- Wikidata Lab XXVII: WikiProject Brazilian Laws - YouTube
- Librarians and Wikidata. A short tour - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:So9q/Gadget-CreateNewEntity.js is a userscript to add a "create new item" link in the dropdown menu for when you want to * add an item to a property, but the item does not exist. (recently modified to support lexemes).
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Humaniki March Update: Public Launch of Alpha Release
- Another history of Denelezh
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms no longer automatically redirects you to login, so you can now use edit mode to view the forms of a lexeme in the “right” order. Here is an example.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: pH value, introduced on, ALA-LC romanization for Ukrainian
- External identifiers: Generals of World War II ID, La Réunion des Livres ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija concept ID, Humanitāro zinātņu virtuālā enciklopēdija person ID, Encyclopedia of Jewish Women ID, Urban Archive ID, GCD publisher ID, Letecká badatelna accident ID, Proveana ID, KATOTTH ID, La Fenice Theatre in Venice person ID, Politiklexikon ID, Europalexikon ID, National Inventory of Dams ID, Wissens-Aggregator Mittelalter und Frühe Neuzeit ID, Indigenous Lands in Brazil ID, Virginia House of Delegates ID, CAOI person ID, Encyklopedie antropologie ID, Our Campaigns race ID, Olympedia affiliations ID, ANPI place numeric ID, National Provider Identifier, Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro ID, Brapci author ID, Wikiroute ID, Biographia Benedictina ID, Periodical ID in a database of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, National Database of Laws and Regulations ID, Russians of Latvia ID, Rekhta author ID, Washington Rare Plant Field Guide ID, DzygaMDB film ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: translator name string, scope note, LIMA media artist ID, CofE archives ID, CofE archives name ID, CofE archives place ID, has artist file in, term in higher taxon, accessibility statement URL, Hotel des Causses
- External identifiers: Dialnet thesis ID, IAU member ID, MileSplit ID, Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors ID, Malaysian school code, synonymer.se Swedish synonym ID, Prague City Gallery inventory number in Art for the City, Yukon Archives authority record ID, Cimiterium ID, Encyclopedia of Korean Culture ID, HERO-tunniste, Smithsonian Ark ID, Oregon Poetic Voices poet ID, J! Archive player ID, Gender Glossar ID, Beirut Arab University's Libraries Title ID, music austria ID, identifiant Localisation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, identifiant techniques - Joconde du Service des musées de France, identifiant utilisation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, identifiant représentation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, NC Highway Historical Marker Program ID
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects: Cyprus
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Finished work on the support for editing statements on Senses on Lexemes via the API (phab:T199896)
- Got all feature work done on the first version of the Query Builder. It is now awaiting security review.
- Statements linking to deleted Lexemes now indicate this similar to statements linking to deleted Items (phab:T277089)
- Fixing a bug with misaligned grammatical features after an OOUI update (phab:T278522)
- Finished work on the small tools to get the number of constraints violations and ORES scores for a list of Items. Will publish soon.
- Did interviews with a few people about how they work around lexicographical data
- Selected focus languages for continued work on lexicographical data and Abstract Wikipedia together with Abstract Wikipedia team. The selected ones are Hausa, Igbo, Bengali, Malayalam and Dagbani. You can read more about it in the Abstract Wikipedia newsletter.
- Gave input to WMF search platform team for a survey draft around the query service in order to better understand how to move forward with improvements
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #465
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- Events
- Upcoming: Wikidata/Wikibase office hour, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday 28th April 2021 (18:00 Berlin time), on the Wikidata Telegram channel.
- Upcoming: The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 29th April 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). Everyone is welcome to come and share out about your project or what you're working on around Wikibase.
- Upcoming: OpenStreetMap TW x Wikidata Taiwan Тајпеј (Q1867) Meetup 2021-05-10
- COSCUP 2021 CFP is now open
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #42 - YouTube, Facebook, May 1
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #60, May 2
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- User:Lucas Werkmeister/P642 considered harmful
- New extension: Wikibase EDTF by Professional.Wiki (Demo video)
- Videos
- OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Meetup #27 - Wikidata Lexeme Teaching - LBRY, Odysee
- (Workshop) Introduction to Wikidata by Lucie Aimée Kaffee
- Graphic Possibilities Comics Wikidata Tutorial
- SPARQL tutorial (in Portuguese)
- An Introduction to Wikidata (in Malayalam)
- Wikidata tutorials in Albanian (1, 2, 3, 4)
- SPARQL #Wikidata back to basics (in French)
- (Workshop) #1Lib1Ref on Wikidata
- Adding an article to Wikidata by DOI (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing #41 - YouTube, Facebook
- Working with Zotero on WiKidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Tool of the week
- User:So9q/AddNewLexemeMenu.js is a userscript that adds a section to the sidebar with links for creating new lexemes.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- WMDE built two tools to help editors get a better understanding of the quality of Wikidata's data in a specific area of interest. Try them out and let us know what you think.
- Collaborative translation of Cita is now available on translatewiki.net. Cita is a Wikidata addon that adds citations metadata support to Zotero, using cites work (P2860) information from Wikidata, and enabling users to easily contribute missing data. Cita is currently under development with a WikiCite grant from the Wikimedia Foundation, and presentation workshops will be held on May 27th (Spanish) and May 31st (English). More info and pre-registration here.
- RaiseWikibase is a tool for speeding up multilingual knowledge graph construction with Wikibase. Among other features, it can be utilized to create a mini Wikibase instance with Wikidata properties in a few minutes.
- SPARQL-Blockly is a tool to visualise and construct SPARQL queries as visual blocks (Wikidata example)
- Wikibase/FAQ is a living document of a list of frequently asked questions about Wikibase. Community members are welcome to contribute to it.
- RIP Liz Marley
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: ALA-LC romanization for Ukrainian
- External identifiers: ANPI place numeric ID, National Provider Identifier, Dicionário Histórico-Biográfico Brasileiro ID, Brapci author ID, Wikiroute ID, Biographia Benedictina ID, Periodical ID in a database of the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, National Database of Laws and Regulations ID, Russians of Latvia ID, Rekhta author ID, Washington Rare Plant Field Guide ID, DzygaMDB film ID, Bioguiden movie theater ID, MovieMeter person ID, Biblioteca Digital Curt Nimuendajú ID, SonyLIV show ID, Gyldendals Teaterleksikon ID, IAU member ID, LIMA media artist ID, Singers.com ID, HistoryLink essay number, inventory number of a work of art in the Art for the City database, Cimiterium ID, Smithsonian Ark ID, Oregon Poetic Voices poet ID, Encyclopedia of Korean Culture ID, Malaysian school code, Trap Danmark ID, Finna ID, Berliner Bezirkslexikon: Mitte ID, Berliner Bezirkslexikon: Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf ID, Berliner Bezirkslexikon: Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg ID, Catalogue of the General State Archives ID, CofE archives ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: accessibility statement URL, symbol represents, main upper course, Political Graveyard geography ID, diel cycle, Taxon holotype location, Smithsonian trinomial prefix, Digital Atlas of Idaho taxon ID, hardware threading standard
- External identifiers: music austria ID, identifiant Localisation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, identifiant utilisation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, identifiant représentation - Joconde du Service des musées de France, NC Highway Historical Marker Program ID, Forbes (Russia) profile ID, Indiana State Historical Marker Program ID, Digital DISCI ID, The Draft Review ID 2, Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte ID, Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens ID, National Historical Museums of Sweden agent ID, IUCN Green List ID, Gardens of the Roman Empire ID, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation ID, UNITER Award person ID, ID právnické osoby vedené Ministerstvem kultury ČR, CEV Team-ID, Anime Filler List show id, CEV Coach-ID, memento.wien person ID, MyBIS ID, Ultime lettere di condannati a morte e di deportati della Resistenza italiana person ID, am.hayazg.info ID, The Criterion Collection film ID, Digital Library of Armenian Literature author ID, Kielitoimiston sanakirja ID, Gopo Award ID, Director Identification Number, TheTVDB character ID, JECFA number, Norges Fotballforbund klubb ID, representatives1821.gr ID, Parliament of Romania person ID, Apple TV movie ID
- Query examples:
- Timeline of road vehicles crashing into Montague Street Bridge, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
- Coal-fired power plants in Germany (Source)
- Average lifespan by profession (Select the desired columns and get labels) (Source)
- The number of natural disasters in various countries since 1970 (Source)
- Heads of states/governments whose cause of death was a military casualty (Source)
- List of French stations sorted by number of tracks (Source)
- Relationship of the different Corona viruses (Source)
- Map of about one third of the ancient trees in Bulgaria (Source)
- Lexemes without statements or senses by language
- Newest database reports: Doctor Who companions
- Newest properties:
- Development
- wbeditentity now supports editing statements on Senses (phab:T199896)
- We added syntax highlighting for viewing Entity Schema pages. There is not syntax highlighting for editing of Entity Schemas yet. (phab:T238831)
- Improved the way Lua deals with redirects (phab:T238831)
- Worked on making it possible to add a title to the top of a query visualization via a comment in the SPARQL code (phab:T225883)
- Discussed how to get persistent storage of constraint violations unstuck as this is a prerequisite to making it easier to analyze and query constraint violations (phab:T214362)
- Discussed a high-level plan for how to move forward with checking Wikidata's data against 3rd-party databases
- Finished work on version 1 of the Query Builder. Not it is awaiting security review before we can deploy it.
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Take a list of cities in your country, add {{Item documentation}} in the talk page and have fun looking at people born in this place ordered by number of sitelinks. You may have some surprises!
- Help write the next summary!
Провера чланка
[уреди извор]Молим за проверу и упутство у вези са исправном израдом чланка на страници https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9C%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D0%A2%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B7%D0%B8%D1%9B;
Тренутно се на страници налази шаблон за почетнике који носи упозорење да ће чланак бити обрисан. Како су додати извори (референце) у траженим облицима и интерне везе спољашње везе молим за уклањање ознаке да се ради о почетничком чланку.— Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник SX-10000-50000 (разговор • доприноси)
- @SX-10000-50000: Покушаћу да помогнем. --Dcirovic (разговор) 19:02, 1. мај 2021. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #466
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past: Wikidata+Wikibase office hour happened on April 28th. See notes here (English).
- Upcoming: International Museum Day, May 3-18, including a Wikidata competition
- Upcoming: Basics about SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, May 4 at 18:00 CEST
- Upcoming: Scholia - Open Bibliometrics for Researchers webinar on Zoom, May 5 at 10h30 UTC (free, but registration needed)
- Upcoming: LIVE Wikidata editing #42 - YouTube, Facebook, May 8
- Upcoming: Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #61, May 9
- Upcoming: the next Wikidata bug triage hour will take place on May 17th on the topic of quality constraints
- Upcoming: Wikimedia Hackathon, May 22-23. The call for proposals for the program is now open until May 9th for the main track (May 19th for the open rooms) More information
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- WBStack Infrastructure - current deployment and architecture of wbstack.com
- Videos
- Mix'n'match workshop in (Italian) - YouTube
- SPARQL #Wikidata back to basics (in French) - YouTube
- Wikidata Lab XXVIII: Metadata applications (a technical training on the process of metadata applications development) - YouTube
- Upload workshop (in Dutch) - datacleaning, reconciliation, upload, embed metadata with exiftool & Upload images with Pattypan and link with Wikidata.
- LIVE Wikidata editing #42 - YouTube, Facebook
- Overview of all LIVE Wikidata editing episodes including topics and tools used to make search easier
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- Wikinegata is a platform for browsing interesting negations about Wikidata entities. (Overview video)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Template:Item classification and Template:Item documentation now include more generic queries for classes: it include the number of subclasses, the number of instances, the number of instances by class, the list of instances and the list of most frequent properties for items of this class.
- TP organization now includes generic queries for items of class school.
- Over 3,000,000 usages of taxon name (P225)
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: field of usage, artist files at, accessibility statement URL, degrees day, Beirut Arab University's Libraries title ID
- External identifiers: J! Archive player ID, CofE archives name ID, HERO ID, GLEI RAL, Archdiocese of Liverpool parish ID, Yukon Archives authority record ID, CofE archives place ID, NC Highway Historical Marker Program ID, National Historical Museums of Sweden agent ID, Australian Thesaurus of Education Descriptors ID, Enzyklopädie des europäischen Ostens ID, Reallexikon zur Deutschen Kunstgeschichte ID, Oregon Flora Image Project ID, Digital DISCI ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: Clubhouse account, Danmarks Tekniske Kulturarv book ID, hat Gedenkort, Secondary Archive artist ID, date of probate
- External identifiers: LMIC musician ID, DC Books store book ID, ctext data entity ID, SAIA authority ID, AdServio school ID, Apple Music label ID, MacArthur Fellows Program ID, Encyclopedia of China Online Database ID, DHLE, APA Dictionary of Psychology entry, Scholarpedia article ID, Biology Online Biology Dictionary entry, Biblioteca di Santa Sabina ID, Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID, Universal equine life number, Auschwitz Prisoners Database ID, Nevada SHPO marker ID, Sigla ID, Bing Entity ID, light characteristic, Lexikon der österreichischen Provenienzforschung ID, Identificativo Polo bibliografico della Ricerca, LTit person ID
- Query examples:
- Newest database reports: new screenwriters
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Entity Schemas now have syntax highlighting for viewing (phab:T238831, example)
- Reviewing a patch that will make it possible to use templates on d:MediaWiki:Wikibase-SortedProperties. This will for example make it possible to show labels automatically for each Property ID. Thanks, Luca! (phab:T280787)
- Evaluated the interviews and other research we did around improvements for lexicographical data
- Worked on/fixed small remaining bugs in the Query Builder (phab:T280505, phab:T279928, phab:T279945)
- Continuing to work on evaluating and addressing scaling issues of the Query Service
- Provided input to a research team working on a potential new and improved Property Suggester
- Wikibase: we are completing the final tasks necessary to prepare the Wikibase Spring release and expect to publish new versions of the tarball and Docker images on or before May 15, 2021
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Suggested and open tasks!
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Ничим неизазван или свачим изазван?
[уреди извор]Погледај исправке корисника Ничим неизазван на страници Вилијам Робинсон па ме посаветуј како да спречим његову упорност и тврдоглавост да његова буде последња по сваку цену, макар и погрешним решењима? Да ли уопште треба нешто предузимати или оставити глупости типа Uilliam и шизофрени коментар "transkripcija, hegemonija nad jednim narodom ne može proći, to što neki ovde žele ircima, to je kao da se srbima nameće latinica" исписан латиницом?
Gmihail (разговор) 15:17, 9. мај 2021. (CEST)
- @Gmihail: Измена враћена. Корисника је блокирао Аца џуниор, тако да је ово решено. Ипак, за њим је остао хаос који треба средити. — Аца 💬 ● ❤️️ 15:25, 9. мај 2021. (CEST)
Wikidata weekly summary #467
[уреди извор]- Events
- Ongoing
- Wikidata contest for International Museum from May 3-18 2021
- Upcoming
- OpenStreetMap TW x Wikidata Taiwan Taipei (Q1867) Meetup 2021-05-10
- Basics about SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, May 11 at 18:00 CEST
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #62, May 16
- Wikidata Bug triage hour about constraints, May 17
- COSCUP 2021 Call For Papers now open
- Wikimedia Taiwan x NCKUHis Digital humanities Wikidata Workshop National Cheng Kung University (Q706708), 2021-05-29 ~ 2021-05-31
- Ongoing
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- WBStack setting changes, Federated properties, Wikidata entity mapping & more (covering some of the recent UI and setting changes that happened on WBStack in the past months by Addshore
- Academic ancestor graphs from Wikidata
- Papers
- Roderic D. M. Page, Wikidata and the Bibliography of Life, doi:10.1101/2021.05.04.442638
- Friederike Ehrhart, et al. Aresource to explore the discovery of rare diseases and their causative genes (Q106708178), doi:10.1038/S41597-021-00905-Y
- Videos
- SPARQL #Wikidata retour aux bases #3 - YouTube
- Wikidata, Linked Data… all the data! Knowledge representation for everybody - YouTube
- Wikidata Nigeria tutorials on YouTube - How to contribute to Wikidata, add statements for streets named after a person
- SPARQL Wikidata tutorial (in Portuguese) - YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing #42 - YouTube, Facebook
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:Nikki/Ranker.js adds a link to the Ranker tool next to every property on an entity page.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The Wikibase spring release is now available! This new release is compatible with MediaWiki 1.35 and it contains new features: Federated Properties, WikibaseManifest & Wikibase Pingback.
- May 2021 Query Builder updates: We finished usability testing of new features and incorporated feedback from users including people with visual impairments and RTL languages. It is now possible to query for dates and we're also looking into making the Query Builder discoverable from the Wikidata Query Service.
- Template:Generic queries for filmmakers is a new wikidata template which defines generic SPARQL queries specific for filmmakers.
- Template:Generic queries for occupations is a new wikidata template with generic queries for items of items such as occupations or professions
- Wikimedia Foundation 2021 Board Elections has been announced. Please sign-up as an Election Volunteer if you'd like to support the elections. Election Volunteers serve as a bridge between the Elections Committee, the facilitation team and the movement.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: Digital Atlas of Idaho URL, identifier shared with lexeme, audio transcription
- External identifiers: MyBIS species ID, Beirut Arab University's Libraries title ID, Gardens of the Roman Empire ID, Ultime lettere di condannati a morte e di deportati della Resistenza italiana person ID, NBM authority ID, MileSplit ID, Mixcloud ID, Forbes (Russia) profile ID, am.hayazg.info ID, bridgesport.ru player ID, APA Dictionary of Psychology entry, The Draft Review ID, Nevada SHPO marker ID, IUCN Green List ID, National Association of Teachers of Singing member ID, Danmarks Tekniske Kulturarv book ID, Auschwitz Prisoners Database ID, Biology Online Biology Dictionary entry, Biblioteca di Santa Sabina ID, Senate of Romania person ID, Chamber of Deputies of Romania person ID, LMIC musician ID, Scholarpedia article ID, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation place ID, Digital Library of Armenian Literature author ID, Den Danske Ordbog article ID, Den Danske Ordbog idiom ID, OpenCorporates register ID, Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID, IBSF competition ID, SAIA authority ID, Football Association of Norway Club ID, music austria ID, Secondary Archive artist ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: official podcast, Danish redlist ID, Velocity Relative to Earth, athletics program, North Carolina session law
- External identifiers: vedidk ID, MyBIS protected area ID, COG ID, Badok ID, Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity person ID, DTB-Gerätturner-ID, Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy ID, UK Renewable Energy Planning Database ID, University of Washington Campus Map ID, Australian Music Centre composer ID, Romanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs - diplomatic mission IDs, SOUNZ work ID, Canadian Music Centre Composer Showcase ID, Repositório da Produção USP Person ID, Online Archive of California finding aid ID, SOSBrutalism ID, Microlepidoptera.nl ID, OSDN project, SOR bird ID, Companies Registration Office (Ireland) Registration Number, ToateAnimalele ID, Muziekencyclopedie ID
- Query examples:
- List of French firms without SIREN id (P1616) ordered by number of sitelinks with search links in annuaire-entreprises‧data‧gouv.fr : the query makes it easy to find the SIREN number (P1616) (source Property talk P1616)
- Number of works per year by researchers supervised by Lars Kai Hansen (source)
- Count of sitelinks of Nigerians on Wikidata (Source)
- 30 largest cities with female mayor (Source)
- Recent locations of boundary stones in Upper Lusatia (see pictures by clicking on the dots) (Source)
- Types of items in Australia that don't have identifier properties (Source)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Omaha-Ponca language is now available for monolingual text properties. (phab:T265296)
- Added a meaningful error message when trying to use Special:EntityData with a Lexeme subentity like L123-F1 in cases where the Lexeme L123 was redirected to another Lexeme (phab:T257494)
- Changed the “type” and “value type” constraints to ignore deprecated values (phab:T170401)
- Working on rendering empty claims in JSON as `claims: {}` instead of `claims: []` (phab:T241422)
- Investigating some issues with page_props missing on Commons wiki after adding sitelinks to Commons categories (phab:T280627)
- Removed Google Knowledge Graph Id (P2671) and Wolfram Language entity code (P4839) from the Property Suggestions as they are usually not useful suggestions (phab:T280779)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #468
[уреди извор]- Discussions
- New request for comments:
- Closed request for comments:
- Allow for Wikidata items to be created that only link to a single Wikimedia Commons category (Wikidata notability discussion). Outcome --> no change to WD:N
- Inverse constraint on cause-and-effect properties. Outcome --> constraints were removed
- Events
- Ongoing:
- Data literacy snacks - Talk about "Wikibase knowledge graphs for data management & data science" on 23rd of June. For registration, send e-mail to infoberd-bw.de
- Upcoming
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, May 18 at 18:00 CEST
- Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Mahir Morshed will be discussing Lexemes in Wikidata; Agenda, May 18th.
- May 21-22, 2021 [10] Boston Rock City: Explore Wikidata and Learn About Local Music: Boston Public Library is partnering with Harvard Library for a guided exploration of Wikidata and local music history. Join us for two days of music and Wikidata editing; no prior experience or punk cred necessary! This public event is free to all and will take place via Zoom; please register in advance. The subject of this project is the Arthur Freedman Collection, and audiovisual archive that captures over four decades of Boston rock music performances. We’ll provide: instructions, tools, data sources, visualizations, optional Discord chat, and a soundtrack. If you have questions, please contact Harvard Library staff member Peter Laurence at laurenc@fas.harvard.edu.
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #63, May 23
- OpenStreetMap Taiwan x Wikidata Taiwan Taipei (Q1867) Meetup 2021-06-07 Mozilla Community Space Taipei (Q61752245).
- Ongoing:
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Papers
- Hiba Arnaout et al, Negative Knowledge for Open-world Wikidata (full text link)
- Videos
- LIVE Wikidata editing #44 - YouTube
- Link to all the Wikipedia Weekly Network/Live Wikidata Editing sessions by Ainali and Abbe98
- Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons und Wikipedia bearbeiten 2021/001 (in German) - YouTube
- SPARQL #Wikidata retour aux bases #4 - YouTube
- How to use Wikidata to list nearby tourist places on a web page (in French) - YouTube
- How to add lexemes to Wikidata (in Swedish) - YouTube
- How to edit library data in Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- Editing the drawings in the Gambara Bovardi collection at the Levi Foundation in Venice on Wikidata (in Italian) - YouTube
- LIVE Wikidata editing #44 - YouTube
- Papers
- Tool of the week
- User:Lucas Werkmeister/hyphenation-point.js is a user script that replaces any | characters with U+2027 HYPHENATION POINT when editing hyphenation snaks.
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- 20k+ DOIs of Chinese language scientific journal articles have now been added to WD, thanks to scraping->validation->matching->quickstatements workflow built by Stevenliuyi (via a WikiCite eScholarship)
- Template:Annotate QID (currently on en. & de.Wikisource) allows names and other terms in texts to be semantically annotated with the equivalent QIDs. sv.Wikisource has a similar template.
- Template:Item documentation displays Template:Generic queries for occupations for items of class occupation (Q12737077) and Template:Generic queries for filmmakers for items with occupation (P106) filmmaker (Q2526255)
- Wikimedia Foundation 2021 Board Elections has been announced. Please sign-up as an Election Volunteer if you'd like to support the elections. Election Volunteers serve as a bridge between the Elections Committee, the facilitation team and the movement.
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: identifier shared with lexeme, audio transcription, counterpart position, earned run average, official podcast, diel cycle, intended background color, scope note
- External identifiers: LMIC musician ID, Scholarpedia article ID, Historic Hawai‘i Foundation place ID, Digital Library of Armenian Literature author ID, Den Danske Ordbog article ID, Den Danske Ordbog idiom ID, OpenCorporates register ID, Biblioteche della Custodia di Terra Santa a Gerusalemme ID, IBSF competition ID, SAIA authority ID, Football Association of Norway club ID, music austria ID, Secondary Archive artist ID, Editorial Freelancers Association member ID, MacArthur Fellows Program ID, representatives1821.gr ID, Memento Vienna person ID, universal equine life number, Encyclopedia of China Online Database ID, Indiana State Historical Marker Program ID, Apple Music label ID (US version), bio.se movie theater ID, MyBIS protected area ID, Dialnet thesis ID, hPSCreg cell line ID, Michigan State University Library Comic Art Collection Record Number, LTit person ID, JECFA number, Badok ID, Sigla ID, DCinemaToday company ID, CEV coach ID, CEV team ID, Encyclopedia of Renaissance Philosophy ID, Biographical Dictionary of Chinese Christianity ID, AdServio ID, PeakVisor peak ID, PeakVisor range ID, PeakVisor area ID, PeakVisor park ID, Anime Filler List show ID, Anime Filler List episode slug, Australian Music Centre composer ID, Danish 2010 redlist identifier, synonymer.se ID, SOUNZ work ID, vedidk ID, Microlepidoptera.nl ID, UNITER Award person ID, sense on DHLE
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: infects, setlist, oral history at, DIVA author ID, DIVA record ID, type of lens
- External identifiers: ToateAnimalele ID, Muziekencyclopedie ID, CDep.Ro NGO ID, causesanti.va ID, Adevărul topic ID, bathingWaterIdentifier, Scenic Washington scenic drives and road trips ID, Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts ID, cIMeC.Ro Museum ID, Newspaper Genre List ID, Styria Museum ID, What Works Clearinghouse study ID, WUA author ID, hush.am person ID, Archive Alsharekh person ID, Douban series ID, RomArchive IDs, Moths and Butterflies of Europe and North Africa ID, Scholasticon person ID, Japan PlayStation Software Database ID, WMF lang code
- Deleted properties: iFixit repairability score (P7478)
- Query examples:
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Fixed the entity usage dashboards that no longer showed data due to technical issues. It tracks how much data from Wikidata is used on the other Wikimedia projects. (phab:T279762)
- Configured the Property Suggester to not suggest Google Knowledge Graph ID (P2671) and Wolfram Language entity code (P4839) (phab:T280779)
- Investigated remaining issue with updating the page_props table on the client wikis, which is confusing some bots making use of that table (phab:T280627)
- Fixed an issue in the Query Builder where it got confused when adding several conditions with the same Property (phab:T279945)
- Working on tracking the number of edits per namespace over time (phab:T281356)
- Working on fixing a bug where old revisions of Items have edit buttons but should not (phab:T281587)
- Fixing an issue where value suggestions are not showing all values that are defined in the property constraint (phab:T280650)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Near 6,100 items have the Template:Item documentation in their talk page. Help deploy this template.
- Help write the next summary!
Wikidata weekly summary #469
[уреди извор]- Events
- Past
- HackaLOD Online: Estimating the interest of art relationships with Wikidata - YouTube
- Ongoing
- #1Lib1Ref Campaign by IFLA Wikidata Working Group (May 15 - June 5)
- #1Lib1Ref Campaign in Italy, as part of the IFLA Wikidata Working Group campaign (May 15 - June 5); more than 10k references have already been added (see the dashboard for more details)
- #1Lib1Ref Campaign by IFLA Wikidata Working Group (May 15 - June 5)
- Upcoming
- The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 27th May 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). Everyone is welcome to come and share out about your project or what you're working on around Wikibase.
- 27/05 (17h UTC): Wikidata Lab XXIX: Roundtripping process with Ederporto, Pharos e Susannaanas (in English), on YouTube
- SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, May 25 at 18:00 CEST
- LIVE Wikidata editing #45 - YouTube, Facebook, May 29 at 18:00 UTC
- Online Wikidata meetup in Swedish #64, May 30
- LD4 Wikibase Working Hour: The history, present and future of WBStack & WBaas (Wikibase as a service) 27 May 2021, 1PM Eastern US. Please fill in this form to register!
- Past
- Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- KELM: Integrating Knowledge Graphs with Language Model Pre-training Corpora. Wikidata was used to generate sentences to train a language model.
- An Introduction to Knowledge Graphs
- Videos
- Wikimedia Hackathon 2021 - Main track - Saturday 22
- Curating bibliographic metadata of scholarly publications: demo of Wikidata-based Scholia workflows
- Demo of Ordia, a Wikidata tool to visualize lexicographic information from Wikidata
- Adding references to Wikidata items, as part of #1Lib1Ref campaign (in Italian)
- Blogs
- Tool of the week
- User:Jon Harald Søby/compact items.css is a stylesheet that shrinks the vertical space items take up on your screen, reducing the need to scroll to get an overview of an item. (screenshot)
- Other Noteworthy Stuff
- The prefix
allows to link to a search for lexemes on any Wikimedia wiki. Sample: lexemes:describe (project chat announcement). - The
JS module got a major update, and now makes accessible pre-generated mappings between Wikidata ids, Wikimedia language code (P424), ISO 639-1 code (P218), ISO 639-2 code (P219), ISO 639-3 code (P220), and ISO 639-6 code (P221), that can also be used by non-JS programs by fetching the desired JSON. Examples: - Wikidata-related projects that have been developed/improved during the Wikimedia Hackathon 2021:
- User:Lucas_Werkmeister/Ranker - Finished and announced the batch modes for the Ranker tool, allowing users to edit the ranks of statements in Wikidata or Structured Data on Commons in bulk
- Wikidata Lexeme Forms: Portuguese modal adverb - Deployed support for Portuguese modal adverbs in the Wikidata Lexeme Forms tool
- User:Jon Harald Søby/addSenseImage.js - User script to add images to sense statements on lexemes
- Wikidata:Tools/Enhance user interface#identifierInput.js - fixing a bug in IdentifierInput.js gadget for Wikidata to better handle when a property has no format restraints
- The prefix
- Did you know?
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes: type of lens, oral history at, official map URL
- External identifiers: The Criterion Collection film ID, Lexikon der österreichischen Provenienzforschung ID, Apple TV movie ID, Canadian Music Centre Composer Showcase ID, causesanti.va ID, Muziekencyclopedie ID, North Carolina session law, #SOSBrutalism ID, Online Archive of California finding aid ID, Museums in Styria ID, Bodleian Archives & Manuscripts person ID, SOR bird ID, ToateAnimalele ID, Polo bibliografico della ricerca entity ID, Polo bibliografico della ricerca author ID, OSDN project, Scholasticon person ID
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes: music for work, in sense, academic calendar type
- External identifiers: Romanistenlexikon ID, Buzer.de law identification, senato.archivioluce.it person ID, Apple TV show ID, Apple TV episode ID, Australian Music Centre work ID, fondoambiente.it ID, Unified book number, GLEI ELF, RBF event ID, Poetsgate poet ID, Badkartan.se ID, Book Owners Online person ID, ifixit device ID, Price One Penny Author ID, Price One Penny Publisher ID, Price One Penny Work ID, Medical Institution Code, AlternativeTo software ID, RoBasketballFed IDs, Online Coins of the Roman Empire ID, bathingWaterIdentifier, Enciclopedia della Matematica ID
- Query examples:
- Danish idioms (Source)
- Map of coronavirus research organizations active from before 2020 (Source)
- Scholarly articles about COVID-19 with "Wikipedia" in the title
- 20th-century UK parliaments with count of father/mother who were MPs (Source)
- The tallest known female politicians (Source)
- Writing systems/characters and their year of appearance (Source)
- Nocturnal animals based on diel cycle (Source)
- Newest database reports: Doctor Who episodes (new series)
- Newest properties:
- Development
- Designing and planning for the first version of a tool to compare Wikidata's data against other databases and find mismatches that might need fixing
- Looking into unit conversion for the Commons Query Service (phab:T281468)
- Improving RDF export performance problems for very large Items (phab:T281272)
- Fixed entity suggestions not showing all Items defined in that Property's constraint (phab:T280650)
- Removed edit buttons that had reappeared on old revisions of Items where they shouldn't be (phab:T281587)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
- Monthly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Comment on property proposals: all open proposals
- Contribute to a Showcase item.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!