Разговор с корисником:Dungodung/36
Results from global Wikimedia survey 2018 are published
[уреди извор]Hello! A few months ago the Wikimedia Foundation invited you to take a survey about your experiences on Wikipedia. You signed up to receive the results. The report is now published on Meta-Wiki! We asked contributors 170 questions across many different topics like diversity, harassment, paid editing, Wikimedia events and many others.
Read the report or watch the presentation, which is available only in English.
Add your thoughts and comments to the report talk page.
Feel free to share the report on Wikipedia/Wikimedia or on your favorite social media. Thanks!
--EGalvez (WMF)
21:25, 1. октобар 2018. (CEST)
Growth team updates #2
[уреди извор]Welcome to the second newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth Team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Our plan for the next quarter is ready
After consulting with many communities on the best ways to increase retention, we will focus during the next 3 months on these projects:
- Understanding first day: to see what new editors do right after creating their accounts. We will be careful with user privacy, and we hope to share initial results in December.
- Personalized first day: this idea will also help us learn a lot about new editors by adding some optional questions to the new editor’s registration process. We hope to share initial results in December.
- Focus on help desk: we plan to invite or redirect people to the local help desks where they can ask questions to help them make their first edits. We hope to have an initial experiment running in December.
You can read about the details of this plan on our team page.
How did we get to this plan?
We have set up our plan based on the 8 ideas we were considering. You can read about our analysis in our team updates, and detailed discussion on each idea.
We are looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project page for detailed updates on the projects we'll work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 15:31, 4. октобар 2018. (CEST) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.Viktorija Marinova
[уреди извор]Hoće li biti obrisana slika ove devojke, hteo sam da napravim stranicu ovde? Vidim da su stavili neki šablon i možemo li mi eventualno ako se obriše ovde da postavimo tu sliku pod poštenom upotrebom?--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 23:17, 8. октобар 2018. (CEST)
Broj stanovnika Opštine Požega
[уреди извор]Opština Požega ima 29.638 stanovnika, a ne 39.638, možete pogledati zvanične rezultate popisa, imate i referencu na dnu stranice..... Zeks127 (разговор) 12:56, 9. октобар 2018. (CEST)
Помоћ око нове странице
[уреди извор]Поздрав,
Пошто сам на Википедији, занима ме како да користим шаблон који сам направио и како да додам неке слике?
Konduras (разговор) 17:06, 18. октобар 2018. (CEST)
Шаблон (опет)
[уреди извор]Здраво. Шта би требао да исправим да би био употребљивији? Као основу сам узимао шаблон на енглеској википедији за калибре оружја? Konduras (разговор) 16:18, 19. октобар 2018. (CEST)
Да ли можеш ажурирати/направити следеће странице са Википедије на Викизворнику и Викицитату?
--نوفاك اتشمان 05:30, 4. новембар 2018. (CET)
Хвала ти за ажурирања! --نوفاك اتشمان 03:30, 6. новембар 2018. (CET)
Growth team updates #3
[уреди извор]Welcome to the third newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Two Growth team projects to be deployed in next two weeks
We will be deploying the "Understanding first day" and "Personalized first day" projects on Czech and Korean Wikipedias in the coming weeks. See the new project pages below for full details on the projects, and our project updates page for their progress.
- Understanding first day: learn about the actions new editors take right after creating their accounts. We will be careful with user privacy, and we hope to share initial results in December.
- Personalized first day: learn about new editors' objectives by adding some optional questions to the new editor’s registration process, and personalizing their onboarding. We hope to share initial results in December.
Third Growth team project begins
- Focus on help desk: direct newcomers to the local help desks where they can ask questions to help them make their first edits. We hope to have an initial experiment running in December.
Best practices for helping newcomers
We are going to direct newcomers to help desks. But what's the best way to reply to a newcomer there? We have gathered some best practices for successful interactions, based on community experiences and some external documentation. The page has also been reviewed by some experienced community members who suggested some changes. That page is now open for translations. Comments and suggestions are still welcome!
We are still looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project page for detailed updates on the projects we'll work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 14:30, 7. новембар 2018. (CET) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Wizz Air head office picture
[уреди извор]Hi! I saw the change in which the head office image of Wizz Air was removed. Your change did not have an edit summary saying why you did this edit. Can you please say why you did this? Thanks!
(I do not know Serbian and I apologize for using English)
WhisperToMe (разговор) 19:37, 12. новембар 2018. (CET)
- There are non-Serbian speaking editors like myself who are adding images to other Wikipedias, and the articles undoubtedly benefit from that. I would suggest in the future to explicitly ask editors who don't know Serbian to go to the Embassy or another page and request translation. WhisperToMe (разговор) 20:06, 12. новембар 2018. (CET)
- If I use the talk pages, would I need to ping particular editors? How often are talk pages monitored? In the last Wikipedia meetup in Hong Kong, an editor of the Chinese Wikipedia told me that on that zh-wiki people generally don't use talk pages very much, and even on the English Wikipedia many lesser-trafficked articles have talk pages that few read. WhisperToMe (разговор) 22:38, 12. новембар 2018. (CET)
Moji kolaži na https://sr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Посебно:Отпремања/Zeks127
[уреди извор]Izvini, možeš mi reći šta nije uredu sa ovim mojim kolažima i da li je broj slika u njima zaista problem? Na vikipediji na engleskom su ih sve uklonili zbog toga! Zeks127 (разговор) 18:08, 13. новембар 2018. (CET)
-Hvala ti, njima je problem jer kao ima mnogo slika, i prevelika rezolucija.... Zeks127 (разговор) 23:17, 13. новембар 2018. (CET)
DSS je levica ili desnica?
[уреди извор]Link(referenca) jasno kaže "Vukadinović: DSS, Dveri i SRS nisu ekstremna desnica". Drugi argument je: "Покрети који се називају демохришћанским су настали у другој половини 19. века у Европи као својеврсна реакција на појаву модерне световне државе која је својим либералним секуларизмом представљала изазов дотадашњим конзервативним друштвеним институцијама утемељеним на вери".https://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A5%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%88%D1%9B%D0%B0%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BE%D0%BA%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%98%D0%B0 Jasno je da se protive LIBERALNOM a u to spada definitivno LIBERALNA EKONOMIJA tj desnica. Uopšte ne vidim u čemu je problem?? VladimirMi (разговор) 07:39, 22. новембар 2018. (CET)
Поповић Тимотеј
[уреди извор]Зашто брисати литературу? Чак и брисање латиничне верзије имена није сасвим оправдано, јер тога има на википедији, поготово што је у загради.— Претходни непотписани коментар оставио је корисник (разговор • доприноси)
- Није било добро форматирано... --Ф± 15:56, 25. новембар 2018. (CET)
[уреди извор]Mozeš li napraviti u bazi podataka upit velikih članaka bez interwiki veza. Kad vidim ovakve teme, pitam se da li ljudi razlikuju internet enciklopediju od bloga. Te članke bi trebalo preraditi, obrisati, spojiti. Samo ovako da ne ostaju. -- Bojan Razgovor 06:24, 2. децембар 2018. (CET)
Kome stižu mejlovi za dozvolu za slike ako dobijemo (ova adresa: permissions-sr@wikimedia.org)? Trebalo bi tamo da bude jedan od izvesne Inke Peršić iz Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika Bosne i Hercegovine. U privatnom mejlu mi je poslala da možemo da koristimo nj. sadržaj sa sajta, al ne znam dal je poslala na taj mejl kako procedura nalaže (poslao sam joj da treba i tamo da pošalje/prekopirao onaj obrazac). Pozz. --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 16:35, 4. децембар 2018. (CET)
- @Ivan VA: стижу Филипу и мени, тј. ми имамо приступ као ОТРС агенти. Погледаће ускоро неко од нас и евентуално обрадити пристиглу дозволу. Поздрав, Miljan Simonović (разговор) 21:48, 4. децембар 2018. (CET)
Период за уређивање странице
[уреди извор]Поздрав. Пре пар сати сам кренула са превођењем једне странице. Међутим, остала сам без конекције и нисам могла да уредим страницу. Сада видим да је страница обрисана. Занима ме, који је то период за уређивање странице, без ризика да иста буде обрисана. Свакако ми сваки савет значи јер сам нови члан. Унапред хвала на одговору. Tanja011 (разговор) 23:48, 4. децембар 2018. (CET)
Growth team updates #4
[уреди извор]Welcome to the fourth newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
We need your feedback!
We have two requests for community members:
- Now that data is coming in for the welcome survey, we are planning how to use that data to personalize the newcomer's first day. See our current thoughts here, and join the conversation here.
- Try out the help panel's interactive prototype, and read about how we're planning to roll it out, and post any thoughts or reactions here.
Two Growth team projects have been deployed (detailed updates here)
- Personalized first day (welcome survey) was deployed on November 20 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- The survey is now being shown to half of new users (A/B test). Responses are being recorded in the database. We'll report on initial results during December.
- We are planning to test a second version of the survey, called "Variation C", which we think will maximize the number of users who complete the survey and stay on the wiki.
- The original objective of this project was to give newcomers the materials they need to achieve their goals, and so now we are currently planning how we will use the information collected in the welcome survey to personalize the newcomer's experience. We hope community members will read our current thinking and join the conversation here. Some of the plans we are considering include:
- Making it easy for newcomers to see editing activity around the topic areas in which they indicated that they're interested.
- Connecting interested newcomers to experienced editors.
- Surfacing the help content most relevant to the reason for which the newcomers created their accounts.
- Understanding first day (EditorJourney) was deployed on November 15 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias. It has been done after a longer security review and final testing than expected. Data is now being recorded for all new users on those wikis, and we've been auditing the data and preparing to make initial reports during December. Stay tuned for the next newsletter!
Help panel is under construction
- Focus on help desk (help panel) is planned to be deployed during the week of January 7 on both Czech and Korean Wikipedias.
- This interactive prototype is the best way to see the design and wording in the feature.
- We ran live user tests on the prototype, with results posted here.
- In addition to giving the ability to ask a question, the help panel will also contain a set of links to existing help content. Our ambassadors on Czech and Korean Wikipedias are determining the right initial set of most helpful links in this task.
- We encourage community members to try out the prototype and read about the rules for who will get the feature, and add any thoughts to this discussion.
We are still looking for volunteers
Do you want to participate to our experiments? We are looking for new communities to work with us (especially a new mid-size wiki), and people to become ambassadors to help us to communicate with the different communities. Discover how you can involve yourself or your community.
Also, please share this update with your community and interested people!
Learn more about us
You can visit our team page to find out why our team was formed and how we are thinking about new editors, and our project updates page for detailed updates on the projects we work on.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 10:31, 7. децембар 2018. (CET) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
[уреди извор]Plx pogledaj dal je poslato šta na otrs adresu glede one dozvole. Da znam dal da šaljem tamo ponovo, ako su zaboravili. --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 03:03, 9. децембар 2018. (CET)
Jel ne važi dozvola ako bi ti poslao skrinšot poruke na moj privatni imejl u kome ona (osoba zadužena za odnose sa javnoću ispred Komisije) direktno oslovljava i kaže da daje dozvolu vikipediji da koristi dotične fotke? Stvarno ne znam zašto ne šalju taj isti mejl na otrs adresu.
Ovo je bila moja poruka Komisiji:
Dobar dan.Urednik sam vikipedije na srpskom jeziku i želeo bih da vas pitam da li ste zainteresovani da nam omogućite/date dozvolu da, uz navođenje vas kao izvora, koristimo sadržaj sa vašeg sajta? Pišemo dosta članaka o nacionalnim spomenicima BiH na vikipediji, ali nažalost nam često fale fotografije da ilustrujemo te članke. Bilo bi mnogo korisno kada bi nam vi kao Komisija za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika omogućili da koristimo sadržaj/materijal sa vašeg sajta. Osim što bi se proširio i obogatilo članke, pozitivno bi uticalo na raširenost ovih informacija u širokoj javnosti, imajući u vidu da ogroman broj ljudi koristi vikipediju kao primaran izvor infromacija.
U nastavku ću vam postovati kako izgleda naša zvanična forma/obrazac koji šaljemo kada pitamo neke institucije/sajtove za dozbolu za objavljivanje.
Srdačan pozdrav, Ivan Jelić
-- Poštovani,kao urednici Vikipedije na srpskom jeziku (http://sr.wikipedia.org) angažovali smo se u izradi ove slobodne enciklopedije. U ovu, svima dostupnu, enciklopediju željeli bismo da uvrstimo i materijal sa vašeg sajta.
Vaš materijal bi bio objavljen pod uslovima Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 Unported licence (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.sr). Ukratko, po tim uslovima, svako bi mogao slobodno da preuzme, izmijeni, koristi i objavi tekst i slike uz uslov navođenja izvora/autora i da djelo, koje uključuje materijal sa vašeg sajta, objavi pod istim ili sličnim uslovima.
Takođe vas pozivamo da slobodno koristite tekstove iz našeg fonda članaka, koji stalno raste i dopunjava se.
Ukoliko nam dozvolite uključivanje vašeg materijala, kako je gore objašnjeno, vaš sajt će na našim stranicama biti naveden kao izvor. To vašem sajtu može da poveća rejting jer je Vikipedija jedan od najposjećenijih internet sajtova (i jedan od onih sa najdinamičnijim rastom), dok su njeni članci često među prvim pogocima na pretraživačima.
Važna napomena: molimo vas da vaš odgovor pošaljete na adresu permissions-sr@wikimedia.org i istovremeno na adresu sa koje vam je upućen ovaj zahtjev. Samo odgovori koji stignu na adresu permissions-sr@wikimedia.org smatraće se punovažnim. Preporuku kako vaš odgovor treba da izgleda možete da vidite ovdje: http://sr.wikipedia.org/wiki/VP:ODGOVOR. Hvala!}-
Ово је одговор:
Inka Peršić <Inka.Persic@kons.gov.ba>To: ivanjelic@rocketmail.com Cc: Mirzah Fočo
Dec 4 at 10:23 AM
Poštovani gospodine Jelić,
Možete koristiti podatke sa naše web stranice uz navođenje izvora i linka na naš službeni sajt.
Pored toga, ako Vam treba dodatna dokumentacija o nacionalnim spomenicima, a koja nije objavljena na našem sajtu, možete kontaktirati moje kolege u Bibliotečko-dokumentacionom centru Komisije za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika. http://www.kons.gov.ba/Servisi/Bibliotecko-dokumentacijski_centar/Default.aspx?id=6039&langTag=sr-SP-Cyrl}-
Inka Peršić
Odnosi s javnošću
Komisija za očuvanje nacionalnih spomenika
Ја сам додао заграде на задњем линку да би прошао, јер не може без тога да се сачува коментар. Рекао сам јој да идти овај одговор пошаље на отрс адресу. Дакле, тамо би стигло исто ово. Нзн што не шаљу. --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 20:50, 10. децембар 2018. (CET)
U svsl. ne bih ništa čačkao na skrinšotu (niti znam kako se to radi). --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 20:53, 10. децембар 2018. (CET)
Да ли можеш обрисати странице из следећих категорија на Викикњигама и Викиречнику?
--نوفاك اتشمان 12:50, 11. децембар 2018. (CET)
Хвала ти за брисања! --نوفاك اتشمان 12:00, 16. децембар 2018. (CET)
stranica Materijalna kultura Srbije: crkve brvnare
[уреди извор]Vaš komentar o nedostacima je na mestu. Ovo je bilo samo prvo "nabacivanje", sutra kačim komplet sa dopunama. Potrebna pomoć: jedna fotografija, koju sam okačio zajedno sa svim ostalima, prikazuje samo link. Link je OK, pošto se preko njega dolazi do fotke. Drugo: ne nalazim spisak postojećih kategorija, kao ni format za unos više njih u nizu. Hvala, pozdrav.Panadjur (разговор) 22:55, 11. децембар 2018. (CET)
Споменица за тебе!
[уреди извор]Општа споменица | |
Najbolji administrator Matevcanin018 (разговор) 14:44, 18. децембар 2018. (CET) |
Марко Николић
[уреди извор]Поздрав, мислим да би чланак о глумцу Марку Николићу требало вратити на Марко Николић, јер је он савакао најпознатији Марко Николић. Далеко познатији од фудбалског тренера и пратећег вокала. --Pinki (разговор) 09:23, 3. јануар 2019. (CET)
- Smatram da za tim nema potrebe jer je ovo očigledna stvar, koja je već primenjivana na Vikipediji. --Pinki (разговор) 22:14, 3. јануар 2019. (CET)
Феликс бот
[уреди извор]Ако можеш, настави да ажурираш Корисник:FelixBot/патрол и сродне статистике. — Обсусер✉ 07:39, 9. јануар 2019. (CET)
[уреди извор]Ајде молим те обрати пажњу на неке измене и чланке које патролираш. Већ пар месеци наилазим на чланке који су за бб а у дневнику патролирања стојиш ти, овај последњи, где момци играју у пет марака Лигу шампиона, а стоји од веровао или не 19. децембра 2018. године. Поздрављам те. --MareBG (разговор) 02:28, 17. јануар 2019. (CET)
[уреди извор]Поздрав, покренуо сам дискусију у вези кандидовања чланка Списак држава без војске за добар чланак, замолио бих Вас да погледате и прокоментаришете чланак, да ли заслужује статус доброг чланка и предложите потребне измјене. Хвала унапријед. --Sampita2 (разговор) 21:13, 30. јануар 2019. (CET)
ОТРС дозволе
[уреди извор]Здраво. Провјери јесу ли стигле дозволе са адреса info@pref.rs.ba и office@epf.ba да не би слике из неких чланака брисали. --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 23:08, 31. јануар 2019. (CET) с. р.
- За шта конкретно ниси да се више прихвата? --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 23:47, 31. јануар 2019. (CET) с. р.
- Наша политика о дозволама управо и наглашава да сав материјал (посебно слике) на неком сајту не мора бити да је њихов. Али дужност да о томе пазимо је на нама уредницима. То што ти причаш би било пребацивање одговорности на неког ко нема везе са Википедијом и било би контрапродуктивно за нас. Не знам да ли би на такав начин уопште могли и комуницирати са било ким, да очекујемо од неког да нам таксативно поднесе извјештај по нашој директиви? Не знам како би то изводили. Уосталом, шта и када неко таксативно нешто наведе као њихово а оно није њихово? Опет се своди да ми морамо основано процијенити шта припада „аутентично” том сајту тако да смо на почетним позицијама. А и та твоја идеја би захтијевала расправу и гласање о промјени политике. И јесмо ми то негдје означени да муљамо са сајтовима и тиме користимо недозвољен материјал и слике или је то твоје неко виђење како да појачамо дисциплину? --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 15:53, 1. фебруар 2019. (CET) с. р.
Постави на ове слике ОТРС број да и њих неко не би избрисао:
- Датотека:Sasa Stevanovic PREF.jpg
- Датотека:Gordana Drobnjak.JPG
- Датотека:Ljiljana Amidžić-Gligorić.jpg
А што се тиче твог предлога, ја заиста не знам како си то замислио. Мени баш не дјелује исправно да се ми добровољно ограничавамо при тражењу дозвола на тачно одређена мјеста на сајту ако то глобална политика већ не тражи од нас (а са друге стране не чинимо никакве злоупотребе по садашњем систему). --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 15:39, 2. фебруар 2019. (CET) с. р.
- Ако сматраш тако онда треба да консултујеш заједницу јер досад нисмо тако радили. Обрасци порука које шаљемо се јасно односе на сајт, а не на поједине текстове или слике (осим ако сам сајт не одговори да неки садржај није слободан). Ја сам у начелу против тога, али не мора значити да сам тај „проблем” сагледао свеобухватно. --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 12:26, 3. фебруар 2019. (CET) с. р.
[уреди извор]Jel možeš molim te da vidiš koji retard je na Komonsu obrisao sliku iz ovog članka (desna strana)? Na fotki je bio prikazan Tito kako pali večnu vatru na tom groblju. Fotku je postavio Marko kad je volontirao u Muzeju Jugoslavije. Podrazumeva se sa dozvolom. I neki kreten je to tamo obrisao. Ja ne znam kako to da pogledam. Traži da se fotka vrati. Plix. Poz --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 12:15, 1. фебруар 2019. (CET)
100% je imala dozvolu. Evo ti ovde i ovde prepiske mene i Marka, glede tih fotki. Fotku je postavio dok je volontirao u Muzeju. Zajedno sa ostalim fotkama (2 od kojih su u članku u galeriji) koje sve imaju dozvolu. Tu fotku (zajedno sa još 2 iz galerije) je eksplicitno postavio na moju molbu, jer su mi trebale za taj članak. --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 11:02, 2. фебруар 2019. (CET)
[уреди извор]Поштовани г. Маљковићу
Обраћам Вам се пошто сте активни администратор. Администратор НиколаБ ме је блокирао 28. децембра 2018 на месец дана. Блок је истекао и ја сам се на његову одлуку притужио на администраторској табли 30. јануара 2019. НиколаБ је обрисао ову притужбу и поново ме блокирао на следећи месец дана оптужујући ме да избегавам блок! Не разумем шта се дешава на српској Википедији? Корисник IP10992163218AD
Growth team updates #5
[уреди извор]Welcome to the fifth newsletter for the new Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
New projects for discussion
[уреди извор]We began the "Personalized first day" project with the welcome survey so that we could gather information about what newcomers are trying to accomplish. The next step is to use that information to create experiences that help the newcomers accomplish their goal – actually personalizing their first day. We asked for community thoughts in the previous newsletter, and after discussing with community members and amongst our team, we are now planning two projects as next steps: "engagement emails" and "newcomer homepage".
- Engagement emails: this project was first discussed positively by community members here back in September 2018, and the team how has bandwidth to pursue it. The idea is that newcomers who leave the wiki don't get encouraged to return to the wiki and edit. We can engage them through emails that send them the specific information they need to be successful – such as contact from a mentor, the impact of their edits, or task recommendations. Please read over the project page, and comment on its discussion page with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Do you think this is a good idea? Where could we go wrong?
- Newcomer homepage: we developed the idea for this project after analyzing the data from the welcome survey and EditorJourney datasets. We saw that many newcomers seem to be looking for a place to get started – a place that collects their past work, options for future work, and ways to learn more. We can build this place, and it can connect to the engagement emails. The content of both could be guided by what newcomers say they need during their welcome survey, and contain things like contact from a mentor, impact of their edits, or task recommendations. Please read over the project page, and comment on its discussion page with any ideas, questions, or concerns. Do you think this is a good idea? Where could we go wrong?
Initial reports on newcomer activity
[уреди извор]We have published initial reports on each of the team's first two projects. These reports give the basic numbers from each project, and there are many more questions we will continue to answer in future reports. We're excited about these initial findings. They have already helped us define and design parts of our future projects.
- Welcome survey: the initial report on welcome survey responses is available here. Some of the main findings:
- Most users respond to the survey, giving it high response rates of 67% and 62% in Czech and Korean Wikipedias, respectively.
- The survey does not cause newcomers to be less likely to edit.
- The most common reason for creating an account in Korean Wikipedia is to read articles—not for editing—with 29% of Korean users giving that responses.
- Large numbers of respondents said they are interested in being contacted to get help with editing: 36% in Czech and 53% in Korean.
- Understanding first day: the initial report on what newcomers do on their first day is available here. Some of the main findings:
- Large numbers of users view help or policy pages on their first day: 42% in Czech and 28% in Korean.
- Large numbers of users view their own User or User Talk page on their first day: 34% in Czech and 39% in Korean.
- A majority of new users open an editor on their first day – but about a quarter of them do not go on to save an edit during that time.
Help panel deployment
[уреди извор]The help panel was deployed in Czech and Korean Wikipedias on January 10. Over the past four weeks:
- About 400 newcomers in each wiki have seen the help panel button.
- About 20% of them open up the help panel.
- About 50% of those who open it up click on one of the links.
- About 5% of Czech users ask questions, and about 1% of Korean users ask questions.
We think that the 20% open rate and 50% click rate are strong numbers, showing that a lot of people are looking for help, and many want to help themselves by looking at help pages. The somewhat lower numbers of asking questions (especially in Korean Wikipedia) has caused us to consider new features to allow people to help themselves. We're going to be adding a search bar to the help panel next, which will allow users to type a search that only looks for pages in the Help and Wikipedia namespaces.
How to create a good feedback page?
[уреди извор]What is the way to built a good help page? What blocks you when writing an help page? Your replies will help to create better help contents to newcomers, that would be used on Help panel.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot, 15:15, 13. фебруар 2019. (CET) • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Дискусија за добар чланак
[уреди извор]Поздрав, покренуо сам дискусију у вези кандидовања чланка ФК Норич Сити за добар чланак, замолио бих Вас да погледате и прокоментаришете чланак, да ли заслужује статус доброг чланка и предложите потребне измјене. Хвала унапријед. --Sampita2 (разговор) 17:04, 24. фебруар 2019. (CET)
[уреди извор]Може ли се обрисати ова вандалска измјена или барем сакрити. [1] Поздрав! --Karakondzula (разговор) 00:26, 2. март 2019. (CET)
Сајтнотис, кандидат
[уреди извор]Здраво. Треба поставити и моју кандидатуру горе. --Жељко Тодоровић (разговор) 20:42, 4. март 2019. (CET) с. р.
Hello. ФК Тракај before 2019 season changed their name, now they FK Riteriai. фК Ритерјај in SRB? You can look at link and change club name by yourself.
Všį „Trakų futbolo klubo“ prašymas keisti klubo vardą iš FK „Trakai“ į FK „Riteriai“.alyga.lt
--Makenzis (разговор) 10:22, 5. март 2019. (EET)
Kandidatura za patrolera
[уреди извор]Pozdrav kolega, zamolio bih te da se izjasniš u glasanju ovde [2]. Hvala unapred :) --Rastko Milenković (разговор) 17:43, 7. март 2019. (CET)
Growth team updates #6
[уреди извор]Welcome to the sixth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Plans for the next three months
[уреди извор]The Growth team has been working on features to increase new editor retention for the last seven months. We have made a lot of progress and learned a lot, and we've just finished planning for our next three months. During the next three months, we're going to focus on iterations of the help panel and the newcomer homepage. We have decided not to start the engagement emails project, because we think that we will be able to do better work by improving the projects we have already started. Specifically, these are our team goals:
- Deploy and iterate on newcomer homepage
- Continued iteration on help panel
- Make the help panel available to more wikis
- Add a fourth Wikipedia to our set of target wikis
- Publish in-depth quantitative reporting on the data from this year
- Assemble a report on what our team has learned so far about newcomers
Newcomer homepage
[уреди извор]We have recently decided on the specifications for an initial version that we can deploy and iterate on:
- Shown in the User space
- Desktop only (mobile comes next)
- Four modules
- Help module: help links and ability to ask help desk questions
- Mentorship module: all newcomers assigned a mentor to whom they can ask questions
- Impact module: shows the number of pageviews for pages the newcomer edited
- Account completion module: gives some very simple recommendations of how to get started (add an email, start your user page)
- Layout not yet personalized for each user
We're currently running live user tests on this configuration. Future work will include adapting the homepage for mobile, working on a task recommendation module, and considering how to encourage newcomers to visit their homepage.
Help panel
[уреди извор]During the last month, the help panel was deployed on Vietnamese Wikipedia, adding it to Czech and Korean Wikipedias.As of 2019-03-14:
- 2,425 newcomers have seen the help panel
- 422 of them have opened it
- 175 have clicked links
- 27 have run searches
- 40 have asked questions
We have been analyzing the data around usage, and we'll be publishing numbers in the coming weeks. At a high level, we see at least some users are being helped by the panel, with many clicking on links, running searches, and asking questions. We do not yet see any problems that have arisen from the help panel. Therefore, we think that the help panel is generally a positive feature – though data is still coming that will allow us to see its numerical impact. If other wikis are interested in using the help panel, please contact us on our team's talk page, in the language of your choice.
Over the past month, we have iterated on the help panel to take into account the usage patterns we are seeing. You can see in the accompanying image how the help panel currently looks.
- We added a search capability, in which users can search the Help and Wikipedia namespaces.
- The help panel was previously available whenever a newcomer was in "edit" mode. We are now also showing the help panel when a newcomer is in "read" mode on a page in the Help, Wikipedia, or User namespaces.
We want to see whether users find the "search" useful. If so, we may spend time on improving search results. We're also looking forward to learning whether exposing the help panel in "read" mode in more namespaces will increase usage.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
19:19, 18. март 2019. (CET)
мислим да ниси требао блокирати марета, јер он није крив за "дивљање" обсусера по чланцима. он је писао на тргу, покушао да скрене пажњу другима, помињао је админе, на обсусерово понашање. неслагање са блоком су већ показала двојица уредника. правило о три враћања су раније "кршили" и други искусни уредници али се није посезало за њиме како би били блокирани, јер има и других начина решити дати "проблем". пошто се не слажем са твојом одлуком, блок ћу скратити. Lackope (разговор) 15:29, 20. март 2019. (CET)
Филипе блок је био неоправдан. Иако те много поштујем, овај пут си погрешио. Углавном, како год, Маре је одслужио пола блокаде. Идемо даље. Поздрав.--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 22:03, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- Зашто се ниси удостојио да реагујеш на мој захтев да се дотични корисник упозори и да сасечемо проблем у старту? Цео дан стоји захтев, нико не реагује. Правила три враћања су јасна, али ако је реч о очигледном вандализму то је друга прича. Али добро да знам да следећи пут попустим пред вандализмом како би заштитио себе. --MareBG (разговор) 22:09, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- У овом случају је тешко применити то правило до краја, јер је у питању Обсусер. Он је својеврсни lex specialis, ја разумем вас админе, човек је недоказан. Јесте вредан и активан, али тврдоглава мазга што би рекао народ. Маре је вредан, нешто супротно од Обсусера. Пријавио се за такмичење, воли овај пројекат и у том смислу, заслужује шансу. Још једном срдачан поздрав.--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 22:16, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- Не сумњам у тебе. Не можеш све да стигнеш. Али, веруј ми понекад је тешко са Обсусером, значи тежак случај. Нека га сад нек размисли мало :) --Soundwaweserb (разговор) 22:24, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- У овом случају је тешко применити то правило до краја, јер је у питању Обсусер. Он је својеврсни lex specialis, ја разумем вас админе, човек је недоказан. Јесте вредан и активан, али тврдоглава мазга што би рекао народ. Маре је вредан, нешто супротно од Обсусера. Пријавио се за такмичење, воли овај пројекат и у том смислу, заслужује шансу. Још једном срдачан поздрав.--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 22:16, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- Разумем те, улазиш и видиш 150 враћања двојице корисника, око више-мање небитних ствари. Опет из другог аспекта имаш корисника који мења све на своју руку, иде по чланцима и скрнави шта год стигне. Добије критику од неколико колега који се не слажу са њим али настави по свом. Ја након тога изнесем случај на таблу и ту је мук. Цео дан гледам како мења на своју руку, нема деловања админа и покушавам да са њим комуницирам, што дотични одбија. Није му први нити последњи пут, моје деловање није било плод сујете, хира или сличног већ само заштита пројекта. Иако имам пола корисника приватно, нисам желео да иког цимам јер сматрам да није у реду увлачити друге. Нисам ни ја цвећка то стоји, нити желим овим да представим тебе као лошег админа, далеко си од тога. Разумем твоју реакцију, али опет када се уђе у суштину приче, ствари су нешто другачије. Одслужио сам пола казне, ако сматраш да је то грешка, изволи продужи па се чујемо од сутра у 10:35. --MareBG (разговор) 22:36, 20. март 2019. (CET)
- Управо тако. Додуше синоћ нисам веровао у то ;) --MareBG (разговор) 22:46, 20. март 2019. (CET)
формално гледано правило је испоштовано, блок је остао, санкција је примењена. чуди ме да говориш како је мењање туђег блока "увредљиво" када су то радили и други админи, међу којима и ти. мислим да треба бити мало више објективан и да није коректно тако говорити. по мени блок обсусеру је требао бити дужи, јер он је искусан уредник, који је икс пута, како је описао админ који га је својевремено блокирао, ратовао изменама, чије су санкције претходно два пута биле по месец дана, а он своје понашање очигледно није уопште променио. марету сам скренуо пажњу да следећи пут, ако га буде било, не наседа на провокативно понашање других и ратује изменама. свако добро. Lackope (разговор) 15:27, 21. март 2019. (CET)
- Још нешто Филипе, видим тек сад да је корисник ДЋировић писао да је неко са наводно исте ИП адресе брљао по твојој страници. Вероватно сте погрешили или је превелика случајност (са СББ имамо сви идентичне ИП адресе). Прилично јадан покушај некога, ја немам проблем да у лице кажем шта мислим. Није то сад важно, само сам желео да знаш да то никако нисам био ја. Поздрав --MareBG (разговор) 16:59, 21. март 2019. (CET)
[уреди извор]Zdravo! Eto mene opet, samo kad mi treba pomoc :). Elem, cerka jedne moje drugarice navodno treba ds postavi "nesto" na Vikipediju, nisam uspela da shvatim sta. Ucenik je Devete gimnazije. Pogledala sam Википедија:Вики_гимназијалац, vidim da je poslednji unos bio peta gimnazija, 2015. godine. Da li je jos u funkciji ta stranica i taj sistem? Znas li bilo sta o nekoj akciji koju treba da obave ucenici Devete? Ako ne znas, ko bi mogao da me vise informise? Nisam pricala s cerkom, ali moja drugarica izgleda prilicno izgubljeno, pa bih volela da joj objasnim detaljnije sta mala treba da uradi (mada sam poprilicno ubedjena da su ucenici dobili od vas detaljna uputstva, al ajde... Osim toga, zanima me kako se to sad radi, jer je mala pominjala neki "pesak", a i vidim da onaj projekat Vikigimnazijalac izgleda vise ne funkcionise). Thank you very much in advance! --Јагода испеци па реци 18:52, 31. март 2019. (CEST)
- E, hvala. Au ala je mala zakasnila! Pa to je pocelo u januaru! Znam cemu sluzi pesak, bje, nisam toliko bas sve zaboravila. :) Nego me cudi da se ne aktualizuje ona stranica sa podacima kampanja. Eto, ja npr ne bi u snu mogla naci to da mi nisi rekao. A da se tamo aktualizuje, ne bih morala da te gnjavim... Sad cu da pitam tog Nebojsu sta oni to treba da rade... Hvala ti puno na brzom odgovoru. --Јагода испеци па реци 21:44, 31. март 2019. (CEST)
Буде Будисављевић
[уреди извор]Не ради се о никаквом уређивачком рату, већ о бахатости овог новајлије, који на исти начин вандалише неколико чланака. Требао си га упозорити, а зрео је за једну малу блокаду. Мада ми се чини да то и није неки новајлија, него неки стари корисник које се анонимно вратио. --Pinki (разговор) 20:16, 31. март 2019. (CEST)
- Već sam ga upozorio, a upravo je aktivan. Pogledaj skorašnje izmene. --Pinki (разговор) 20:25, 31. март 2019. (CEST)
То је онај Андрија, лик је тврдоглав ко мазга и једноставно му је немогуће доказати било шта --ΝικόλαςΜπ. (разговор) 20:35, 31. март 2019. (CEST)
Застава СРЈ
[уреди извор]Поздрав Филипе,
не знам да ли би ти могао да помогнеш, али ето да покушам од тебе. Наиме о чему се ради. Чланак застава СРЈ тај назив носи само на нашој Википедији, док се на свим осталим зове застава СЦГ што је погрешно. Наиме Државна заједница СЦГ никада није имала своје државне симболе. Када је 2003. године формирана било је предлога да добије своју заставу, грб и химну, а пошто је дошло до неких политичких сукоба на релацији српских и црногорских политичара, одлулучено је да се привремено задрже државни симболи СЦГ (укључујући одликовања и војне ознаке) јер је и сама држава била орочена на три године. Како је потом дошло до раздруживања, државна заједница никад није ни добила своје симболе. Тако да је назив ових чланка треба да буде застава СРЈ, а не застава СЦГ јер она то никад у званичном смислу није ни била, већ само привремено. Да ли би то могао да појасниш на Википедији на енглеском језику и преименујеш чланак тамо?
И наш чланк је првобитно носио назив застава СЦГ, па сам га ја октобра 2017. преименовао. Овај назив сви ови чланци су изгледа добили по инерцији, а сад сам баш са Дражетом дискутовао на страници за разговор чланака како је то уствари погрешно. Поздрав --Pinki (разговор) 20:24, 3. април 2019. (CEST)
Погледај ово . Срдачан поздрав и лепи снови. — Александар (✉) 01:40, 7. април 2019. (CEST)
Надам се да ти се свиђа како сам дорадио оно што си ти започео. — SimplyFreddie (разговор) 15:13, 9. април 2019. (CEST)
Види плиз скини ово гласање о сликама на главној са сајтнотиса. Пошто се завршило (још јуче). Позз --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 23:09, 18. април 2019. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Јел то нешто Феликсбот забаговао, недељу дана не ради . Поздрав.--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 21:47, 24. април 2019. (CEST)
Growth team updates #7
[уреди извор]Welcome to the seventh newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Newcomer homepage release this week
[уреди извор]Like the other Growth team features, this will be deployed in a controlled experiment, in which half of newcomers will have access to their homepage and half will not. Users with the feature will be able to access it by clicking their username at the top of their browser, and it will only be available on desktop -- not mobile. Experienced users who want to see their homepage will be able to turn it on in their preferences.
Wikis receiving the newcomer homepage can expect these things:
- Additional questions will come to the help desk from the "help module" on the homepage.
- Mentors who have signed up for the "mentorship module" will start to receive questions on their user talk pages.
- More users may create and edit user pages through the "start module".
Recent and future homepage development
[уреди извор]The most important piece developed for the homepage over the last month is the "start module", which gives newcomers clear actions to take when they are new: add/confirm their email, go through a tutorial, start their user page. We learned about the need for this module from user tests last month. The next priorities for the newcomer homepage are:
- Mobile design: to work well in mobile browsers, the homepage needs a separate design and engineering. See the accompanying mockups for potential mobile designs.
- Features for discovery: only about 15% - 30% of newcomers will discover their homepage by clicking their username at the top of their browser. We are going to be designing additional ways for newcomers to find out about it.
- Additional modules: the initial version contains some of the simpler modules. Potential upcoming modules include task recommendations and a feed of activity on the wiki.
Other updates
[уреди извор]- Help panel leading indicators: our team published data on the help panel's initial performance. The evaluation exposes some areas for improvement, but we think the help panel's behavior so far is healthy and that it is not having a negative impact on the wikis. We will be publishing additional data, making plans, and asking for community thoughts around the future of the help panel over the course of the next two weeks. If you are interested in trying out the help panel on your wiki, please let us know on our team's talk page.
- Long term plans: the team had a week of planning meetings, in which we talked about some longer-term ideas for Growth work. Some of the top ideas are: to extend the newcomer homepage to help user's build their identity through a user profile, and to revisit the "engagement emails" project that the team put on hold. Over the next month, we will be asking for community conversation around how the team can spend our time in the next fiscal year, that starts in July.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
18:19, 29. април 2019. (CEST)
Call for submissions for the Community Growth space at Wikimania 2019
[уреди извор]Welcome to a special newsletter from the Growth team! This special newsletter is not about Wikimedia Foundation Growth team projects. Instead, it is a call for submissions for the Community Growth space at Wikimania 2019. We think that many people who receive this newsletter may have something valuable to contribute to this space at Wikimania. We haven't translated the newsletter, because Wikimania's language is English.
Please see below for the message from the organizers of the Community Growth space at Wikimania.
Wikimania 2019 is organized into 19 “spaces”, which are all accepting proposals for sessions. This message comes from the team organizing the Community Growth space.
Since you are interested b Growth team projects, and potentially involved in welcoming newcomers initiatives on your wiki, we would like to invite you to submit a proposal to the Community Growth space because of the actions you’ve done around newcomers on wikis. The deadline for submission is June 1. See below for Community Growth submission topics and session formats. Topics and sessions have to be in English.
In the Community Growth space, we will come together for discussions, presentations, and workshops that address these questions:
- What is and is not working around attracting and retaining newcomers?
- How should Wikimedia activities evolve to help communities grow and flourish?
- How should our technology and culture evolve to help new populations to come online, participate and become community members?
Recommended topics: please see this link for the list for the list of recommended topics. If you do not plan to submit a proposal, you can also suggest additional topics here. If your topic does not fit into our space, remember that there are 18 other spaces that could welcome you sharing your knowledge and perspective.
Types of session. We prefer sessions that are participatory, interactive, promote conversations, and give a voice to parts of our movement that are heard less often. Please see this link for the list of recommended session formats.
Poster submissions. Posters are also a good way to introduce a topic, or show some results of an action. Please consider submitting one!
More information about the Community Growth space, topics, and submission formats is available on the proposal page.
Please submit your proposal. The reviews will happen at the beginning of June.
If you have questions about Wikimania in general, please ask them on the Wikimania wiki.
On behalf of the Community Growth leadership team, Trizek (WMF), 13:44, 16. мај 2019. (CEST)
Tickets in hr
[уреди извор]Hi. There are 2 tickets in permissions-commons, but no one can read that language: Ticket:2019051610004654 and Ticket:2019051610004672. Could you help us? The files are in DR. If you prefer, I can move the tickets to info-hr, since I think you're one of the few volunteers in that language. Regards. --Ganímedes (разговор) 19:08, 18. мај 2019. (CEST)
[уреди извор]You've got a mail! If you want to respond, please do at [3]. Zenkaino lovelive (разговор) 00:42, 26. мај 2019. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Ajde molim te pokretni Felixbota da promeni nesto kroz neke clanke obelezene sa radovi u toku. Mislim da nije problem u botovima (jedan je u pisan u Pythonu, drugi u PHP), jer vrlo je nemoguce da botovi imaju istu gresku. -- Bojan Razgovor 04:39, 27. мај 2019. (CEST)
- Dobro, ima li po tebi smisla dva bota, pisana u dva jezika, ne dele ni jednu liniju koda, rade istu stvar. Onda nije problem u njima vec u necem drugom. I ja budem nevino optuzen (i kaznjavan) od neznalica. -- Bojan Razgovor 17:16, 27. мај 2019. (CEST)
- Pa mogu, ali svakako nisam u pravu. Od juce u 5 poslepodne presao sam na core. -- Bojan Razgovor 01:56, 28. мај 2019. (CEST)
Опет Феликсбот касни са ажурирањем [4]. Поздрав.--Soundwaweserb (разговор) 00:11, 8. јун 2019. (CEST)
Growth team updates #8
[уреди извор]Welcome to the eighth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
May was a busy month, and we apologize for a slightly late newsletter.
General news
[уреди извор]- The Growth team will begin to work with the Arabic Wikipedia community as a new target wiki. This is in addition to Korean, Czech, and Vietnamese Wikipedias.
- Several members of the Growth team attended Wikimedia Hackathon. To see what we worked on and learned, read this update (in English).
- Wikimania 2019 is coming up in August. The conference will include a "Community Growth" space, for sessions about how our communities expand through software and programs.
Early results from newcomer homepage release
[уреди извор]- The newcomer homepage was deployed in Czech and Korean Wikipedias on May 6 for desktop users. It is deployed in an A/B test, so that half of newcomers have access to the homepage and half do not. They access it by clicking on their username in their personal tools along the top of the window.
- After about a month of usage, we see a few interesting trends. We think that the usage is going well so far, as we continue to work on the feature
- About half of users who visit the homepage click on a link or button.
- About half of users visit the homepage more than once, with about a fifth of users visiting on multiple days.
- Users are interacting with all the different modules on the page -- there is no clear favorite.
- Users have been asking questions to their mentors -- but not on the help desk.
Next steps for homepage
[уреди извор]- Because we are seeing good reactions to the homepage from the first users, we are prioritizing work that helps more users find their homepage:
- Mobile homepage: the team is currently building the mobile version of the homepage. We tested this design with five users, giving us confidence that the design is strong.
- Features to aid discovery: only a minority of newcomers who have a homepage will find their homepage on their own. The team is designing features that help newcomers learn where to find their homepage. The most important feature will point to the homepage link using a GuidedTour.
- User tests showed that the most important thing to add to the homepage are clear task recommendations to help newcomers get started with editing right away. This is the module that we will be working on next.
Future of team in the next year
[уреди извор]- The Growth team has been working since September 2018, and we're now planning for the work we'll be doing for the next fiscal year, which begins in July.
- Though we have not yet developed a feature that clearly increases growth in our target wikis, we believe that the features we have been developing have high potential to increase growth if we continue to work on them.
- Therefore, the team will continue to work on the features we have started, and we will develop related features that improve the overall newcomer experience. These features may include:
- Improvements to how newcomers can build their user pages and develop their on-wiki identity. See initial notes here.
- Improvements to how newcomers receive notifications on-wiki and through email, so that they quickly find out if other users are contacting them.
- Processes that help newcomers get awards or recognition for good work.
- Ways for newcomers to see the activity on the wiki and find others who share their interests.
- We will start discussions with communities to help us define these ideas before we work on them.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
11:02, 13. јун 2019. (CEST)
[уреди извор]Pozz Fićo. Jel bi mogao, plx, da pošalješ mejl sa dozvolom za objavljivanje Komisiji za nacionalne spomenike BiH? Ako se sećaš, pre pola godine, meni su poslali imejl sa dozvolom, ali ne i na wikimedijinu adresu, pa zbog toga nije bio validan, a na moj kontra zahtev da i tu pošalju mejl, nisu odgovorili (ništa, do danas). Pa pošto je prošlo više od pola godine, rekoh da probam ponovo. Al mislim da će bolje stvar proći ako pošalješ ti sa zvanične adrese na koju se šalju dozvole. Ako budeš imao vremena, pliz pošalji. Stavio sam ti gore u link njihov kontakt/aresu. Poz --ANTI_PRO (разговор) 14:13, 21. јун 2019. (CEST)
Здравко Чолић, патролирање
[уреди извор]Поздрав. Испатролирао си, ваљда мислећи да су с добром намером па не проверавајући или заборавивши поништити, измене на чланку Здравко Чолић. Корисник је променио црту у цртицу тамо где не треба, ставио икс уместо пута, те мењао називе песама при чему је само један елеменат био добар. Ево како је требало да дода оно што је хтео. — Обсусер✉ 13:19, 17. јул 2019. (CEST)
Growth team updates #9
[уреди извор]Welcome to the ninth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
Opening Growth features to more wikis
[уреди извор]The Growth team has existed for about one year. During that time, we have developed several features that we think can help increase retention. Though we are still gathering data to detect scientifically whether the features increase retention, we think that some of the features are ready to be deployed on more wikis that want to experiment with them. If your community is enthusiastic about welcoming newcomers, we encourage you to contact us so that we can verify together if your wiki is eligible.
Then, go through the checklist to start the process of getting these features:
- Help panel: allow newcomers to find help and ask questions while they edit.
- Welcome survey: learn what topics and types of edits newcomers are interested in.
- EditorJourney: learn what workflows newcomers go through on their first day.
General news
[уреди извор]- A new quarter of the year has started, and the team has set our goals for the next three months. The most important goals are:
- Newcomer homepage: increase activity through a task recommendations module. Now that we have seen several weeks of positive activity on the newcomer homepage, we think that the most important thing to add is a way for newcomers to find tasks to work on. The challenge will be recommending the right kind of tasks at the right point of their journey.
- Newcomer homepage: increase feature discovery rate by 100%. Right now, only 20% - 30% of newcomers ever visit their homepage. We want to double that number by making sure all newcomers know how to find it.
- Help panel: increase usefulness through improvements to affordance, search, and UX flow. We have looked closely at data and anecdotes from the usage of the help panel, and we plan to pursue specific improvements to increase its effectiveness (see accompanying image of a feature that helps newcomers find responses to their questions).
- Wikimania is coming up next month, which includes a "Community Growth" space. We hope to see people from all communities there to talk about how to bring newcomers into our movement.
- We have started to deploy features to our team's fourth target wiki: Arabic Wikipedia. That wiki is the biggest one we target, it has a high percentage of mobile users, and also is our first right-to-left language. This will help us make sure that our features are valuable for as many types of users as possible.
Mobile homepage and early analysis
[уреди извор]- The mobile version of the newcomer homepage was deployed to Czech, Korean, and Vietnamese Wikipedias. Now, newcomers can access their homepage from both desktop and mobile devices.
- We have published our first set of data about the performance of the newcomer homepage. In summary, we are happy with the homepage's performance so far. We see about half of visitors clicking on something, and the majority of them returning to the homepage multiple times.
- Because we see positive usage of the homepage, we will deploy several small features in the next two weeks that help more newcomers discover their homepage (see accompanying image of a feature that helps newcomers discover their homepage from their empty Contributions page).
- As listed in our goals above, we'll be starting to focus on adding task recommendations to the newcomer homepage. We'll be publishing early thoughts on this feature so that community members can give their thoughts and advice.
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
16:26, 23. јул 2019. (CEST)
Community Insights Survey
[уреди извор]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Dungodung/36,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Википедија and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) 16:48, 6. септембар 2019. (CEST)
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
[уреди извор]Share your experience in this survey
Hi Dungodung/36,
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Please take 15 to 25 minutes to give your feedback through this survey. It is available in various languages.
This survey is hosted by a third-party and governed by this privacy statement (in English).
Find more information about this project. Email us if you have any questions, or if you don't want to receive future messages about taking this survey.
RMaung (WMF) 17:14, 20. септембар 2019. (CEST)
Потребне странице
[уреди извор]Е здраво, једно питање: да ли имаш неке спискове потребних категорија и шаблона као што то феликс има на фаленам и фаленамБСХР подстраницама? — SimplyFreddie (разговор) 15:43, 2. октобар 2019. (CEST)
Growth team updates #10
[уреди извор]Welcome to the tenth newsletter from the Growth team!
The Growth team's objective is to work on software changes that help retain new contributors in mid-size Wikimedia projects.
General news
[уреди извор]- Growth team features are now fully deployed in Arabic Wikipedia and Basque Wikipedia (along with Czech, Korean, and Vietnamese Wikipedias). If your community is enthusiastic about welcoming newcomers, we encourage you to contact us so that we can verify together if your wiki is eligible. Then, go through the checklist to start the process of configuring the features.
- We have deployed features that help newcomers find their newcomer homepage. These features were successful, and more than doubled the number of newcomers who find their homepage. In Czech Wikipedia, 72% of newcomers visit their homepage and in Korean Wikipedia, 49% of newcomers visit their homepage.
- You can now join the Growth discussion space on the Wikimedia Space. This space has been created during Wikimania, to coordinate initiatives around welcoming newcomers. Please come and say hello!
Growth at Wikimania
[уреди извор]- Several members of the Growth team attended Wikimania in Stockholm. We helped organize a conference track around Community Growth, presented about our team's work, and had many conversations with community members from around the world.
- Here are the most important links:
- These are some of our topline notes:
- Alignment on newcomer retention: It seems like Wikimania attendees generally believe that newcomer retention is an important problem.
- Connecting offline to online: Enthusiasm for ideas that connect our features better to offline events, such as making homepage mentors correspond to offline mentors.
- Mentor dashboard: Experienced users requested a dashboard with which they could monitor newcomers who may need help.
Newcomer tasks -- feedback needed!
[уреди извор]- The Growth team's main project right now is newcomer tasks, which will suggest easy edits for newcomers. It will be built as a new module for the newcomer homepage.
- We hope that this project will help newcomers build their skills before attempting more difficult edits, such as creating new articles or adding images.
- These are the three main challenges we've been working on:
- Where to find the tasks? After considering many different sources for tasks, we've decided to start by using maintenance templates, which are applied by editors on most wikis, and including tasks like copy editing, adding links, and adding references.
- How to match to interests? Research shows that users are more likely to work on articles that are related to their interests. We are currently prototyping methods to ask newcomers their interests and then find articles that match.
- How to guide the newcomer? Once a newcomer has selected a recommended article, they will need guidance on how to complete the edit. We have decided to use the help panel to provide that guidance while the newcomer edits.
- We are currently engineering on this feature, and we recently published notes from user tests that give mostly positive feedback.
- You can explore the design for newcomer tasks in these interactive mockups. We hope to hear from you about your thoughts on the project talk page. Do you think this could be helpful for newcomers? What are we missing?
Growth team's newsletter prepared by the Growth team and posted by bot • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
20:49, 2. октобар 2019. (CEST)