Пређи на садржај

Adi Šankara

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
(преусмерено са Adi Shankara)
Adi Šankara
Adi Shankara with Disciples, by Raja Ravi Varma (1904)
Adi Šankara sa sledbenicima, rad Raža Ravi Varme (1904)
Ime po rođenjuŠankara
Datum rođenja788.[1]
Mesto rođenjaKaladi
sadašnji Kočin, Kerala
Datum smrti820.[1] (starost 32)
Mesto smrtiKedarnat
sadašnji Utarakand
Zanimanjefilozof i teolog

Adi Šankaračarja (Sanskrit: आदि शङ्कराआचार्य }) bio je indijski filozof i teolog iz 8. veka[2] koji je konsolidovao doktrine Advajta Vedanta.[1][3][note 1] On je zaslužan za objedinjavanje i uspostavljanje glavnih tokova misli u hinduizmu.[5][6]Christophe Jaffrelot (1998). The Hindu Nationalist Movement in India. Columbia University Press. ISBN 978-0-231-10335-0. . Quote: "The main current of Hinduism – if not the only one – which became formalized in a way that approximates to an ecclesiastical structure was that of Shankara".</ref>

Njegovi radovi na sanskrtu raspravljaju o jedinstvu atmana i Nirgune Brahmana „brahmana bez atributa”.[7] On je napisao bogate komentare o vedskom kanonu (Brahma Sutras, glavnim Upanišadima i Bhagavadgiti) u prilog svojoj tezi.[8] Njegova dela obrađuju ideje pronađene u Upanišadima. Šankarove publikacije su kritikovale ritualno orijentisanu školu hinduizma Mimamsa.[9] On je takođe objasnio ključnu razliku između hinduizma i budizma, navodeći da hinduizam tvrdi da „Atman (duša, ja) postoji”, dok budizam tvrdi da „nema duše, nema sebstva”.[10][11][12]

Šankara je putovao širom Indijskog potkontinenta kako bi propagirao svoju filozofiju kroz diskurse i debate sa drugim misliocima. On je uspostavio važnost monaškog života kakav je sankcionisan u Upanišadima i Brahma Sutri, u vremenu kada je škola Mimamsa uspostavila strogi ritual i ismejavala monaštvo. Smatra se da je on osnovao četiri matasa („manastira”), koji su pomogli u istorijskom razvoju, oživljavanju i širenju Advajta Vedante, te je poznat kao najveći revivalista.[13] Smatra se da je Adi Šankara organizator monaškog reda Dašanami i da je objedinio tradiciju Šanmata. On je poznat i kao Adi Šankaračarija, Šankara Bagavatpada, (Ādi) Śaṅkarācārya, Śaṅkara Bhagavatpāda i Śaṅkara Bhagavatpādācārya.

  1. ^ Modern scholarship places Shankara in the earlier part of the 8th century CE (c. 700–750).[3] Earlier generations of scholars proposed 788–820 CE.[3] Other proposals are 686–718 CE, 44 BCE,[4] or as early as 509–477 BCE.
  1. ^ а б в Sharma 1962, стр. vi.
  2. ^ „Shankara | Indian philosopher”. Encyclopedia Britannica. 
  3. ^ а б в Comans 2000, стр. 163.
  4. ^ Y. Keshava Menon, The Mind of Adi Shankaracharya 1976 pp. 108
  5. ^ Johannes de Kruijf and Ajaya Sahoo (2014). Indian Transnationalism Online: New Perspectives on Diaspora. Ashgate Publishing. стр. 105. ISBN 978-1-4724-1913-2. . Quote: "In other words, according to Adi Shankara's argument, the philosophy of Advaita Vedanta stood over and above all other forms of Hinduism and encapsulated them. This then united Hinduism; (...) Another of Adi Shankara's important undertakings which contributed to the unification of Hinduism was his founding of a number of monastic centers."
  6. ^ Hoiberg, Dale (2000). Shankara. Popular Prakashan. стр. 379. ISBN 978-0-85229-760-5. . Student's Encyclopedia Britannia – India , Volume 4, Encyclopaedia Britannica Publishing. . isbn=978-0-231-10335-0. 2000. стр. 2.  Недостаје или је празан параметар |title= (помоћ) , Quote: "Shankaracharya, philosopher and theologian, most renowned exponent of the Advaita Vedanta school of philosophy, from whose doctrines the main currents of modern Indian thought are derived.";
    David Crystal (2004), The Penguin Encyclopedia, Penguin Books, pp. 1353, Quote: "[Shankara] is the most famous exponent of Advaita Vedanta school of Hindu philosophy and the source of the main currents of modern Hindu thought."
  7. ^ Sri Adi Shankaracharya, Sringeri Sharada Peetham, India
  8. ^ Pattanaik, Devdutt (19. 9. 2016). „How Adi Shankaracharya united a fragmented land with philosophy, poetry and pilgrimage”. Scroll.in. 
  9. ^ Chattopadhyaya, Shyama Kumar (2000). The Philosophy of Sankar's Advaita Vedanta. Sarup & Sons. ISBN 978-81-7625-222-5. . Sarup & Sons, New Delhi. ISBN 81-7625-222-0
  10. ^ Edward Roer (Translator), to Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad. Shankara's Introduction на веб-сајту Гугл књиге
  11. ^ Edward Roer (Translator) (1908). „Shankara's Introduction”. Brihad Aranyaka Upanishad. стр. 3. OCLC 19373677.  Пронађени су сувишни параметри: |pages= и |page= (помоћ)
  12. ^ KN Jayatilleke , Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge (2010). Early Buddhist Theory of Knowledge. Motilal Banarsidass Publishe. стр. 246—249. ISBN 978-81-208-0619-1. . from note 385 onwards;
    Steven Collins , Religion and Practical Reason (Editors: Frank Reynolds, David Tracy), State University of New York Press. {{cite book|author= |title= Religion and Practical Reason: New Essays in the Comparative Philosophy of Religions|location=Pali: anattā, Sanskrit |publisher=anātman, the opposed doctrine of year=1994 |isbn=978-0-7914-2217-5|pages=64}}. Quote: "Central to Buddhist soteriology is the doctrine of not-self|ātman is central to Brahmanical thought). Put very briefly, this is the [Buddhist] doctrine that human beings have no soul, no self, no unchanging essence.";
    Edward Roer (Translator), Shankara's Introduction на веб-сајту Гугл књиге]
    Katie Javanaud (2013), Is The Buddhist 'No-Self' Doctrine Compatible With Pursuing Nirvana?, Philosophy Now;
    John C (1993). Global History of Philosophy. Plott et al. (2000), Global History of Philosophy: The Axial Age, Volume 1, Motilal Banarsidass. стр. 63. ISBN 978-81-208-0158-5. . Quote: "The Buddhist schools reject any Ātman concept. As we have already observed, this is the basic and ineradicable distinction between Hinduism and Buddhism".

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