Инсекти Временски распон:
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У смеру казаљки на сату одозго лево: играјућа мува (Empis livida), дугоноса жижа (Rhinotia hemistictus), ровац (Gryllotalpa brachyptera), немачка оса (Vespula germanica), царски гумени мољац (Opodiphthera eucalypti), (Harpactorinae) | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Arthropoda |
Кладус: | Pancrustacea |
Подтип: | Hexapoda |
Класа: | Insecta L., 1758. |
Поткласе | |
Погледајте таксономију | |
Синоними | |
Инсекти (лат. Insecta) су најмногобројнија класа животиња.[3][4] Врло су разнолики по облику и начину живота;[5] већином су малих размера; тело им је састављено из три јасно одељена дела: главе, груди и трбуха; на глави имају пар писака и три пара усних делова; на грудима са доње стране имају три пара чланковитих ногу а са горње два пара крила, ређе један пар или су без њих. Према грађи крила и усног апарата деле се на многобројне редове: тврдокрилце, опнокрилце, правокрилце, лептире, двокрилце, риличаре итд. Развијају се преображајем (метаморфозом) која може да буде потпуна (обухвата jaje, ларву, лутку и одраслог инсекта) или непотпуна (без стадијума лутке). Играју значајну улогу у природи, као опрашивачи биљака, a многи су велике штеточине пољопривредних и шумских култура или паразити човека (бува, стеница) и домаћих животиња (обад, голубачка мушица[6]). Многи су преносиоци епидемичних болести човека и стоке (тифус, маларија, спаваћа болест). Многи су корисни као паразити и предатори штетних инсеката; директно су корисни пчела и свилопреља.
Процењује се да постоји око 800.000 описаних врста инсеката, што је више од броја свих осталих врста животиња заједно. Инсекти живе на свим местима на Земљи, у свим окружењима, мада је јако мали број инсеката прилагођен животу у мору. Постоји око 5.000 врста Odonata, 2.000 Mantodea, 20.000 скакаваца, 170.000 лептира, 120.000 мушица, 82.000 Hemiptera, 350.000 буба, и 110.000 врста мрава и пчела. Наука о инсектима се зове ентомологија.[7][8]
[уреди | уреди извор]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f2/Insect_anatomy_diagram.svg/260px-Insect_anatomy_diagram.svg.png)
Класа инсеката обухвата око милион описаних врста што чини 2/3 укупног броја врста на нашој планети, а по неким мишљењима њихов број је далеко већи и износи између 10 и 30 милиона врста. Осим по бројношћу врста инсекти доминирају и по бројношћу јединки унутар сваке врсте. Процењује се да је укупна биомаса инсеката на Земљи 12 пута већа од биомасе целокупног становништва. Инсекти имају огроман значај како у природи тако и за човека, тако да је развијена посебна наука, ентомологија, за њихово проучавање.
Обзиром на развиће, инсекти се деле у две групе:
- аметаболни инсекти, који имају директно развиће;
- метаболни инсекти који имају развиће метаморфозом.
Метаболни инсекти могу бити:
Хемиметаболни инсекти у развићу пролазе кроз три стадијума:
Холометаболни кроз четири развојна ступња:
- јаје,
- ларва,
- лутка и
- имаго.
Пресвлачење и метаморфоза су под утицајем јувенилног хормона. Понашање инсеката је веома сложено, поготово социјалних (образују друштва). На понашање утичу егзохормони (луче их егзокрине жлезде) названи феромони.
На телу инсеката разликују се три региона:
- глава (cephalon),
- груди (thorax) и
- трбух (abdomen).
На глави имају један пар антена на којима су чуло додира и мириса. Усни екстремитети (мандибуле и два пара максила) граде, у зависности од начина исхране, различите типове усних апарата:
Очи инсеката су сложене фацетоване које се одликују мозаичким видом. Инсекти су у стању да разликују облик, удаљеност, покрете па чак и боју.
Груди се састоје од три сегмента на којима се налазе три пара ногу за ходање. Поред ходања они могу да обављају и друге функције – копање, пливање, скакање и др. На другом и трећем грудном сегменту се, код крилатих инсеката, налазе два пара крила. На трбуху нема екстремитета, али се код неких група на последњем сегменту налазе остаци екстремитета у виду наставака, као што су легалица и жаока.
[уреди | уреди извор]Наука која се бави инсектима назива се ентомологија, а стручњаци за инсекте су ентомолози. Ентомологија је опсежна по подручју деловања, те се дели на ошту и примењену ентомологију. Популарна је широм света, те се њоме осим научника баве и бројни аматери, те бројна научна и стручна удружења.[9]
[уреди | уреди извор]Опис спољашњег изгледа (морфологија) инсеката, односи се на одрасле сполно зреле јединке, а не на ларве.
Величина инсеката јако варира. Већина инсеката је дуга од једног до 20 mm. Али постоје и врсте дужине од 0,2 mm, као и они који су дуги 16 а широке 6 cm (Titanus giganteus), или чак до 33 cm дугих јединки паличњаци (Phasmatodea). Тело инсекта може бити издужено, спљоштено или мање-више кугласто.
Тело свих инсеката изграђено је од хитина, који може бити крут (чврсти делови) или еластичан (повезивање чврстих делова). Јасно је подељено на 3 основна дијела: главу (Caput), груди (Thorax) и стомак (Abdomen). На оклопу се разликује леђна страна (дорзална), трбушна страна (вентрална), те бочне стране (плеуралне). Сваки део хитинског егзоскелета састоји се од појединачних сраслих сегмента: леђних плочица (тергити), трбушних плочица (стернити) и бочних плочица (плеурити). Отвори кроз које инсекти дишу (стигме) отварају се бочно, те у телу прелазе у густи капиларни сплет дишних цевчица трахеја помоћу којих дишу, а број трахеја јако варира од врсте до врсте.
Глава инсекта: очи, пипци, усни апарат
[уреди | уреди извор]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/85/Calliphora_sp_Portrait.jpg/220px-Calliphora_sp_Portrait.jpg)
Глава инсекта настала је спајањем 6 ембрионалних колутића, што се одражава на спољашње и унутрашње структуре. На горњој страни главе се налази један пар пипака с чулима за мирис, а са сваке стране главе је по једно сложено око. Сложено око се може састојати и од хиљада мањих окаца. Многе врсте (цврчци, осе, пчеле, мрави) имају и додатне једноставне очи на темену, а служе им за лакше сналажење у мраку. Многе пећинске врсте немају очи. На доњој страни хитинске чауре главе се налазе по три пара усних органа: горња усна (одозго затвара уста), горња и доња вилица и доња усна, са пипалима. Ти усни органи су прилагођени (врста хране, начин прехране) за грижење (термити), бодење (комарци), лизање (пчеле) и сисање (лептири). Начин исхране у уској је вези с начином кретања, па је неки ловац месождер нпр. трчак хитар, биљождер нпр. гусеница се често добро пење, а неки разлагач нпр. балегар добро копа. Ту су и разне комбинације с летењем и без летења, специјализације грађе вилице ловца за већи и мањи плен, или грађе рила биљождера (нпр. дужина рила лептира или бумбара) за посебне биљке.
[уреди | уреди извор]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c2/Motion_of_Insectwing.gif/250px-Motion_of_Insectwing.gif)
б спој крила
ц леђнотрбушни (дорзалновентрални) мишићи д уздужни мишићи.
a: кук (coxa);
b: ножни прстенак (trochanter);
c: бедро (femur);
d: цеваница (tibia);
e: стопало (tarsus);
f: предстопало (praetarsus);
g: канџе (ungues).
Груди је део на којем су смештене ноге и крила. Главна функција прсишта је покретачка. Инсекти су једини крилати чланконошци. У прсишту су смештени и снажни и издржљиви мишићи, који омогућују покретање ногу и крила. Прса се, бројећи од главе, деле на три дела: прототоракс, мезоторакс и метаторакс, тј. предње, средње и стражње груди. Сваки прсни колутић носи свој пар ногу, а средњи и задњи имају и свој пар крила. Што се инсект више служи крилима прсни колутићи су збијенији, што се више служи ногама колутићи су раздвојенији. На сваком делу налазе се плочице, длачице, рупице, шавови. У прсишту су смештени предњи део система за варење, нервног и респираторног система, те су њиме повезани глава и стомак.
[уреди | уреди извор]Инсекти углавном имају два пара крила иако су неким посебним прилагођавањима врстама крила деломично или потпуно нестала. Налазе се с горње стране средњег и задњег грудног сегмента. Обликом и величином прилагођена су њиховим животним потребама. Дневни лептири лагано лепршајући замахну крилима око 9 пута у секунди, ноћни лептири 70-80 пута, пчеле скоро 200 пута, а муве више од 300 пута.
Разноврсност облика крила и распореда ребара на њима омогућава распознавање група инсеката. Код вретенаца су оба пара једнаке опнасте структуре и покрећу се независно, код већине других инсеката предња и задња крила се покрећу заједно. Код мрежокрилаца су крила испрекрштана ребрима, код опнокрилаца и лептира су задња крила мања од предњих, код двокрилаца су задња крила смањена у незнатне маљице, код равнокрилаца су задња крила већа од предњих, код корњаша су предња крила хитинизирана у тврдо покриље испод којега је пресложен много већи опнасти задњи пар крила, код полукрилаца је јаче хитинизирана само предња половина предњих крила. Крила су потпуно нестала код паразита: бува, ваши, стеница, пећинских инсеката. Крила су нестала само код женки свитаца, неких грбица, код смоквине ковнарице (Blastophaga psenes) су само мужјаци без крила. Без крила су радници мрава и термита, док су полни облици крилати. Паразитска мува, овчија ушара (Melophaus ovinus) лети около док не нађе домаћина, а кад заседне на домаћину одбаци крила.
[уреди | уреди извор]Према употреби ноге могу бити ходалице, тркалице, пливалице, копалице, скакалице, грабилице, сабиралице, чистилице. Ходалице су ноге код већине инсеката, тркалице су јаке ноге за трчање (нпр. код трчка), пливалице су спљоштене и круте стражње ноге, на рубовима проширене дугим длакама (код водених полукрилаца), копалице су кратке и раширене предње ноге (код роваца), скакалице су јако продужене стражње ноге са снажним бедрима (код скакаваца, бува), грабилице су савијене предње ноге тако да је бут придружен бедру омогућава хватање плена (код богомољке), сабиралице су длакаве стражње ноге за сабирање цветног праха (у цветара), чистилице су нежне и длакаве предње ноге (код лептира).
[уреди | уреди извор]Трбух је стражњи дио инсекта у којему се налази највећи део утробе па се због тога његов волумен може мењати. Састоји се од 11 колутића, који су у неких инсеката срасли, а код неких утиснути једни у друге. Код одраслих облика трбух нема екстремитете, док се код гусеница и неких опнокрилаца на трбуху развијају лажне ножице. На задња два колутића чешћи су танки чланковити дршци (стyли) или наставци (церци), нпр. код воденоцветова и ухолажа. На задњем се колутићу налази анални отвор и органи за парење.
[уреди | уреди извор]Нервни систем
[уреди | уреди извор]Нервни систем чини низ нервних чворова (ганглија), који су лествичасто повезани. Ганглија главе сложене је структуре. Најразвијенија је код задружних опнокрилаца, и то јаче у радилица него код полних животиња. Код различитих се инсеката опажа повезаност између величине мозга и ступња активности. Мозак пчеле је 1/174 део тела, а гундеља 1/3290. Са нервним системом повезана су чула и поједини органи, код неких инсекта су видни живци већи од остатка мозга.[10][11][12]
Из 3 прсне ганглије живци излазе у ноге, а из средње и стражње прсне ганглије у крила. Симпатички нервни систем опскрбљује нервима утробу.
Дисање и крвоток
[уреди | уреди извор]Инсекти дишу преко ектодерма кроз дисајне цеви (уздушнице, трахеје), чији огранци залазе у све органе. Ваздух улази у трахеје кроз отворе на површини тела – стигме које се налазе са бочне стране у паровима и помоћу њих се врши размјена гасова између ткива и спољашње средине. Крвоток је отвореног типа што значи да нема артерија, вена и капилара него се крв слободно разлива по телесној шупљини инсеката. Боја инсекатске крви може бити зелена, смеђа, црвена или жута и у њој су заступљена само бела крвна зрнца тзв. леукоцити.
Варење и екскреција
[уреди | уреди извор]Систем за варење се састоји предњег, средњег и задњег црева. У предњем цреву се налази ждрело које је јако мишићаво. Једњак је танак и набран, у облику је праве цеви.
Полни органи
[уреди | уреди извор]Код већине инсеката је јасно изражено полно дволичје. Двополци (хермафродити) су ретки. Полне жлезде су парне, леже у задњем делу, већином имају заједнички отвор испред аналног отвора. Неки се инсекти паре само једном у животу, а сперма одложена у семеној врећици женке оплођује јаја годинама (нпр. код пчелиње матице). Женке неких врста имају посебну легалицу за полагање јаја.
Животни простори
[уреди | уреди извор]Инсекти су раширени по свим континентима и у свим климатским подручјима. Најчешће су копнене животиње, само понеки живе у слаткој води, а мали број у мору. То су организми који у свом телу садрже преко 50% воде и чији губитак доводи до пропадања, као што у сувишку доводи до угибања. Битан су чинилац у природи: разарају мртву органску материју, помажу при оплодњи биљки (30% европских цветница опрашују инсекти), преносе заразне болести, паразитирају на биљкама и животињама. Опстају на температури од -40 до 48 степени и изван те границе ниједна врста не може преживети.
Начин живота
[уреди | уреди извор]Инсекти су често добри летачи. Неки могу без одмарања прелетјети неколико стотина километара. Број замаха крилима варира од 6 до 10 у секунди код крупних дневних лептира, око 250 у секунди код пчела, а код комараца око 1.000 у секунди.
Трајање живота одраслог инсекта врло је различито: воденоцветокрилаши живе неколико сати, лептири неколико месеци, пчелиња матица 5 година, а неки мрави и до 15 година.[13]
Размножавање и развој
[уреди | уреди извор]Укратко: јаје - ларва - лутка - одрасли инсекат
Одрасли полно зрели инсект има довршен развој, па се назива и завршеним инсектом. Такав облик настаје дуготрајним растом, сазревањем и телесним преобликовањем низа млађих развојних облика, па живот инсекта свакако траје дуже од неколико дана, или недеља. Развој започиње оплодњом јајета, при чему се развија заметак (ембрион). То је тзв. заметни (ембрионални) развој. Старији заметак сазрева и настаје ларва, која је спремна за живот изван јајета. Након пробијања и изласка из јајета, ларве се морају хранити и расти. Зато су живахне и најчешће покретљиве, да могу дохватити храну. Приликом раста, морају одбацивати делове тела који не расту, тј. пресвлаче се. Пресвлачење се догађа код ларви свих врста инсеката. Осим раста, догађа им се и промена облика преобразба (метаморфоза).
Има више типова развоја инсеката, а најлакше је разликују два основна типа преобразбе:
1. непотпуни преображај
Ларве оних врста којима млади већ након изласка из јаја наликују одраслима (скакавци, богомољке, бубашвабе, стенице, ухолаже итд.) не морају да се потпуно промене да би изгледали као одрасли. Након сваког пресвлачења ларве постају све веће и све сличније одраслима, те у задњем пресвлачењу задобију и крила и полне органе.
- потпуна преобразба
Код другог типа развоја, ларве, иако се пресвлаче и расту, нису нимало сличне одраслима, него стално имају црволик изглед. Таква је већина инсеката (осе, пчеле, мрави, муве, лептири, корњаши, итд.). Лептирове ларве, иако су црволике, имају посебан назив гусјенице. Да би млади црволики инсекти постали одрасли комарци, корњаши итд., морају се потпуно и нагло променити. Задњим пресвлачењем ларве, уместо још веће црволике ларве, испод старе коже извирује нови и сасвим друкчији облик - лутка. Живот у облику лутке привидно је миран. Лутка се не помиче и не храни, али се у унутрашњости животиње догађају велике модификације органа. Кад лутка сазри, пуца њена спољашња површина, а из унутрашњости излази одрасли инсекат. Крила му олакшавају кретање, ради проналаска нових простора и партнера за продужење врсте. Почиње животна фаза одраслог инсекта.
Производња звука и слух
[уреди | уреди извор]Инсекти се најчешће оглашавају помоћу органа за стридулацију. Он се састоји од два тврда, назубљена, хитинска дела тела (зрикала) која се брзим покретима међусобно тару. Зрикање или чегртање зависи од структуре зупчаника, брзине превлачења и од придодатих резонатора. Положај зрикала може бити на предњим крилима, на ногама, прсима или стомаку. Зрикало често имају само мужјаци који се на тај начин јављају женкама.
Значај инсеката
[уреди | уреди извор]- Инсекти паразити и преносиоци заразних болести :
- телесна ваш (Pediculus humanis) која преноси пегави тифус;
- стидна ваш (Phthiris pubis), која није преносилац болести, већ само паразитира на човеку;
- обична бува (Pulex), ектопаразит који се храни крвљу човека;
- кућна мува (Musca domestica), преноси дизентерију и трахом (запаљење вежњаче ока);
- обичан комарац (Culex), храни се крвљу – ектопаразит;
- маларични комарац (Anopheles), преноси узрочника маларије;
- комарац жуте грознице (Aedes) који преноси жуту грозницу ;
- мува це-це (Glossina), преноси болест спавања;
- обад (Tabanus), чији се мужјаци хране биљним соковима, а женке крвљу животиња, а нападају и човека;
- Економски значајни инсекти :
- медоносна пчела (Apis melifera);
- бумбари (Bombus), значајни за опрашивање биљака;
- свилена буба (Bombyx mori) итд.
Систематика, таксономија и еволуција инсеката
[уреди | уреди извор]
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Кладограм живих група инсеката,[14] са бројевима врста у свакој групи.[8] Моуће је да су Apterygota, Palaeoptera, и Exopterygota парафилетске групе. |
Најстарији облици налазе се у слојевима средњега девона.[15][16] Традиционална систематика, која је базирана на морфологији или изгледу, обично даје хексаподама ранг суперкласе,[10]:180 и идентификује четири групе унутар ње: инсекти (Ectognatha), скокуни (Collembola), Protura, и Diplura, при чему су задње три груписане заједно као Entognatha на бази интернализованих делова уста. Хијерархијски односи су прошли кроз бројне промене са напретком метода базираних на еволуционој историји и генетичким подацима. Садашње становиште је да су хексаподе полифилетске (где задњи познати предак није био члан групе), при томе класа Entognatha има засебну еволуциону историју од Insecta.[17] За многе традиционалне, на изгледу базиране таксоне је показано да су парафилетски, тако да уместо коришћења рангова попут подкласа, надред, и подред, показано је да је боље да се користе монофилетске групе (у којима је задњи познати претходник члан групе). Следеће представља најбоље подржано монофилетско груписање класе Insecta.
Инсекти се могу поделити у две групе које су историјски третиране као подкласе: бескрилни инсекти, познати као Apterygota, и крилни инсекти, познати као Pterygota. Apterygota се састоји од примитивног бескрилног реда Zygentoma. Archaeognatha сачињава Monocondylia на бази облика њихових вилица, док су Zygentoma и Pterygota груписане заједно као Dicondylia. Могуће је да Zygentoma нису монофилетски, са фамилијом Lepidotrichidae, већ да су сестринска група Dicondylia (Pterygota и преосталих Zygentoma).[18][19]
Paleoptera и Neoptera су крилати редови инсеката који се диференцирају по присуству отврднутих делова тела званих склерити, и код Neoptera, мишића који омогућавају да се њихова крила равно преклопе преко стомака. Neoptera се може даље поделити на метаморфозно некомплетне (Polyneoptera и Paraneoptera) и комплетне групе. Показало се да је тешко да се појасне односи између редова код Polyneoptera, зато што константан прилив нових налаза условљава ревизије таксона. На пример, испоставило се да је Paraneoptera сроднија са Endopterygota него са осталим члановима Exopterygota. Недавни молекуларни налази налазе да су традиционални редови ваши Mallophaga и Anoplura произашли из Psocoptera је довело до формирања новог таксона Psocodea.[20] Предложено је да Phasmatodea и Embiidina формирају Eukinolabia.[21] Сматра се да Mantodea, Blattodea, и Isoptera формирају монофилетску групу Dictyoptera.[22]
Могуће је да је Exopterygota парафилетска у односу на Endopterygota. Питања која су произвела полемике укључују заједничко груписање Strepsiptera и Diptera као Halteria на бази редукције једног пара крила – што је становиште које нема јаку подршку ентомолошке заједнице.[23] Neuropterida се често спајају или раздвајају по хировима таксономиста. За буве се сад сматра да су блиско сродне бореидним мекоптеранима.[24] Многа питања остају отворена у погледу основних релација међу редовима ендоптеригота, а посебно Hymenoptera.
Изучавање класификације или таксономије инсеката се зове систематска ентомологија. Ако је фокус на спедифичном реду или фамилији, термин може да постане специфичан за тај ред или фамилију, на пример систематска диптерологија.
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acanaloniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthametropodidae
- Acanthocnemidae Crowson, 1964
- Acanthopteroctetidae
- Acanthosomatidae Signoret, 1864
- Acartophthalmidae
- Achilidae Stål, 1866
- Achilixiidae Muir, 1923
- Aclerdidae Cockerell, 1905
- Acrididae MacLeay, 1819
- Acroceridae
- Acrolepiidae
- Acrolophidae
- Adelgidae
- Adelidae
- Aderidae Winkler, 1927
- Adiheterothripidae Shumsher, 1946
- Aenictopecheidae Usinger, 1932
- Aeolothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Aepophilidae Lethierry and Severin, 1896
- Aeshnidae
- Agaonidae
- Agapythidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1969
- Agromyzidae
- Agyrtidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Akalyptoischiidae Lord, Hartley, Lawrence, McHugh, Whiting and Miller, 2010
- Alexiidae Imhoff, 1856
- Aleyrodidae Westwood, 1840
- Alucitidae
- Alydidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ameletidae
- Ametropodidae
- Amphientomidae
- Amphipsocidae
- Amphipterygidae
- Amphisbatidae
- Amphizoidae LeConte, 1853
- Ampulicidae Shuckard, 1840
- Anamorphidae Strohecker, 1953
- Anaxyelidae
- Andrenidae
- Angarosphecidae
- Anisembiidae
- Anisopodidae
- Anobiidae Fleming, 1821
- Anomalopsychidae Flint, 1981
- Anostostomatidae
- Anthicidae Latreille, 1819
- Anthocoridae Fieber, 1837
- Anthomyiidae
- Anthomyzidae
- Anthribidae Billberg, 1820
- Antipodoeciidae Ross, 1967
- Apataniidae Wallengren, 1886
- Aphelinidae
- Aphelocheiridae Fieber, 1851
- Aphididae
- Aphrophoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Apidae
- Apioceridae
- Apionidae Schönherr, 1823
- Apteropanorpidae
- Aradidae Spinola, 1837
- Archaeocynipidae
- Archeocrypticidae Kaszab, 1964
- Archipsocidae
- Argidae
- Artematopodidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Artheneidae Stål, 1872
- Arthropleidae
- Ascalaphidae Rambur, 1842
- Asilidae
- Asiopsocidae
- Aspidytidae Ribera, Beutel, Balke and Vogler, 2002
- Asteiidae
- Asterolecaniidae Cockerell, 1896
- Atelestidae
- Athericidae
- Atriplectididae Neboiss, 1977
- Attalomimidae Majer, 1995
- Attelabidae Billberg, 1820
- Aulacidae
- Aulacigastridae
- Austrocynipidae
- Austroniidae
- Austropetaliidae
- Austrophasmatidae Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Autostichidae
- Axymyiidae
- Baetidae
- Baetiscidae
- Bahiaxenidae Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto and Beutel, 2009
- Barbarochthonidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Batrachedridae
- Bedelliidae
- Beesoniidae Ferris, 1950
- Behningiidae
- Belidae Schönherr, 1826
- Belohinidae Paulian, 1959
- Belostomatidae Leach, 1815
- Beraeidae Wallengren, 1891
- Berothidae Handlirsch, 1906
- Berytidae Fieber, 1851
- Bethylidae
- Bethylonymidae
- Bibionidae
- Biphyllidae LeConte, 1861
- Bittacidae
- Blaberidae
- Blasticotomidae
- Blattellidae
- Blattidae
- Blephariceridae
- Blissidae Stål, 1862
- Boganiidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Bohartillidae Kinzelbach, 1969
- Bolithophilidae
- Bombycidae
- Bombyliidae
- Boopiidae
- Boreidae
- Boridae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Bostrichidae Latreille, 1802
- Bothrideridae Erichson, 1845
- Brachycentridae Ulmer, 1903
- Brachypsectridae LeConte and Horn, 1883
- Braconidae Nees von Esenbeck, 1811
- Bradynobaenidae
- Braulidae
- Brentidae Billberg, 1820
- Bryopsocidae
- Bucculatricidae
- Buprestidae Leach, 1815
- Byrrhidae Latreille, 1804
- Byturidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Caeciliusidae
- Caenidae
- Calamoceratidae Ulmer, 1905
- Caliscelidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Callipappidae
- Calliphoridae
- Callirhipidae Emden, 1924
- Calocidae Ross, 1967
- Calopsocidae
- Calopterygidae
- Camillidae
- Campichoetidae
- Canaceidae
- Cantharidae Imhoff, 1856
- Capniidae Banks, 1900
- Carabidae Latreille, 1802
- Carayonemidae
- Carcinophoridae Hincks, 1954
- Caridae Thompson, 1992
- Carnidae
- Carposinidae
- Cavognathidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Cecidomyiidae
- Cephidae
- Cerambycidae Latreille, 1802
- Ceraphronidae
- Ceratocombidae Fieber, 1860
- Ceratophyllidae
- Ceratopogonidae
- Cercopidae Leach, 1815
- Cerophytidae Latreille, 1834
- Cerylonidae Billberg, 1820
- Chaetosomatidae Crowson, 1952
- Chalcididae
- Chalcodryidae Watt, 1974
- Chamaemyiidae
- Chaoboridae
- Charilaidae
- Chathamiidae Tillyard, 1925
- Chelisochidae Burr, 1907
- Chelonariidae Blanchard, 1845
- Chimabachidae
- Chironomidae
- Chloroperlidae
- Chloropidae
- Choreutidae
- Choristidae Esben-Petersen, 1915
- Chorotypidae
- Chrysididae
- Chrysomelidae Latreille, 1802
- Chrysopidae Schneider, 1851
- Chyromyidae
- Cicadellidae
- Cicadidae Batsch, 1789
- Ciidae Leach in Samouelle, 1819
- Cimbicidae
- Cimicidae Latreille, 1802
- Cixiidae Spinola, 1839
- Cladiopsocidae
- Clambidae Fischer, 1821
- Clastopteridae Dohrn, 1859
- Cleridae Latreille, 1802
- Clusiidae
- Cneoglossidae Champion, 1897
- Coccidae Stephens, 1829
- Coccinellidae Latreille, 1807
- Coelopidae
- Coelostomidiidae Morrison, 1927
- Coenagrionidae
- Coleophoridae
- Colletidae
- Colobathristidae
- Compsocidae
- Conchaspididae Green, 1896
- Coniopterygidae Burmeister, 1839
- Conoesucidae Ross, 1967
- Conopidae
- Cooloolidae
- Copromorphidae
- Cordulegastridae
- Corduliidae
- Coreidae Leach, 1815
- Corethrellidae
- Corioxenidae Kinzelbach, 1970
- Corixidae Leach, 1815
- Corydalidae
- Corylophidae LeConte, 1852
- Cosmopterigidae
- Cossidae
- Crabronidae Latreille, 1802
- Crambidae
- Cretostylopidae Kathirithamby and Engel, 2014
- Crowsoniellidae Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1983
- Cryptocercidae
- Cryptochetidae
- Cryptococcidae
- Cryptolaryngidae Schalkwyk, 1966
- Cryptophagidae Kirby, 1826
- Cryptorhamphidae
- Cucujidae Latreille, 1802
- Culicidae Meigen, 1818
- Cupedidae Laporte, 1836
- Curaliidae Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Curculionidae Latreille, 1802
- Curtonotidae
- Cybocephalidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Cyclaxyridae Gimmel, Leschen and Slipinski, 2009
- Cydnidae Billberg, 1820
- Cylindrachetidae
- Cymidae Baerensprung, 1860
- Cynipidae
- Cypselosomatidae
- Dactylopiidae Signoret, 1875
- Dalceridae
- Dascillidae Guérin-Méneville, 1843
- Dasydemellidae
- Decliniidae Nikitsky, Lawrence, Kirejtshuk and Gratshev, 1994
- Delphacidae Leach, 1815
- Deoclonidae
- Derbidae Spinola, 1839
- Dericorythidae
- Dermestidae Latreille, 1804
- Derodontidae LeConte, 1861
- Deuterophlebiidae
- Diadocidiidae
- Diapheromeridae
- Diapriidae
- Diaspididae Maskell, 1878
- Diastatidae
- Dicteriadidae
- Dictyopharidae Spinola, 1839
- Dilaridae Newman, 1853
- Dinidoridae Stål, 1867
- Diopsidae
- Diphyllostomatidae Holloway, 1972
- Diprionidae
- Dipseudopsidae Ulmer, 1904
- Dipsocoridae Dohrn, 1859
- Discolomatidae Horn, 1878
- Ditomyiidae
- Dixidae
- Doidae Donahue and Brown, 1987
- Dolabellopsocidae
- Dolichopodidae
- Douglasiidae
- Drepanidae Boisduval, 1828
- Drilidae Blanchard, 1845
- Drosophilidae
- Dryinidae
- Dryomyzidae
- Dryopidae Billberg, 1820
- Dytiscidae Leach, 1815
- Ebboidae Perrichot et al., 2006
- Eccoptarthridae Arnoldi, 1977
- Echinophthiriidae Enderlein, 1904
- Ecnomidae Ulmer, 1903
- Ectopsocidae
- Elachistidae
- Elateridae Leach, 1815
- Electrentomidae
- Elenchidae Perkins, 1905
- Elipsocidae
- Elmidae Curtis, 1830
- Embolemidae
- Empididae
- Encyrtidae
- Enderleinellidae Ewing, 1929
- Endomychidae Leach, 1815
- Eneopteridae
- Enicocephalidae Stål, 1860
- Eobelidae Arnoldi, 1977
- Eoichneumonidae
- Eomeropidae
- Epermeniidae
- Ephemerellidae
- Ephemeridae
- Ephydridae
- Epicopeiidae
- Epimetopidae Zaitzev, 1908
- Epipsocidae
- Epipygidae Hamilton, 2001
- Epipyropidae
- Episactidae
- Erebidae Leach, 1815
- Eriococcidae
- Eriocraniidae
- Eriosomatidae
- Erirhinidae Schönherr, 1825
- Erotylidae Latreille, 1802
- Eucharitidae
- Eucinetidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Eucnemidae Eschscholtz, 1829
- Eulichadidae Crowson, 1973
- Eulophidae
- Eumastacidae Burr, 1898
- Eupelmidae
- Eupsilobiidae Casey, 1895
- Eurybrachidae Stål, 1862
- Eurytomidae
- Euschmidtiidae
- Euteliidae Grote, 1882
- Euthyplociidae
- Euxestidae Grouvelle, 1908
- Evaniidae
- Falsiformicidae
- Fanniidae
- Fauriellidae Priesner, 1949
- Figitidae
- Flatidae Spinola, 1839
- Forficulidae Stephens, 1829
- Formicidae
- Fulgoridae
- Galacticidae
- Gasteruptiidae
- Gelastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gelechiidae
- Gengidae Fennah, 1949
- Geocoridae Baerensprung, 1860
- Geometridae
- Georyssidae Laporte, 1840
- Geotrupidae Latreille, 1802
- Gerridae Leach, 1815
- Glaphyridae MacLeay, 1819
- Glaresidae Kolbe, 1905
- Glossosomatidae Wallengren, 1891
- Glyphidoceridae
- Glyphipterigidae
- Goeridae Ulmer, 1903
- Gomphidae
- Gracillariidae
- Gryllacrididae Blanchard, 1845
- Gryllidae
- Grylloblattidae E. M. Walker, 1914
- Gryllotalpidae Saussure, 1870
- Gyrinidae Latreille, 1810
- Gyropidae
- Haematomyzidae
- Haematopinidae Enderlein, 1904
- Haglidae
- Halictidae
- Halictophagidae Perkins, 1905
- Halimococcidae Brown and McKenzie, 1962
- Haliplidae Aubé, 1836
- Hamophthiriidae Johnson, 1969
- Hebridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Heleomyzidae
- Helicophidae Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Helicopsychidae Ulmer, 1906
- Heliodinidae
- Heliozelidae
- Helophoridae Leach, 1815
- Heloridae
- Helotidae Reitter, 1876
- Helotrephidae Esaki and China, 1927
- Hemerobiidae Latreille, 1802
- Hemipsocidae
- Henicocoridae Woodward, 1968
- Hepialidae Stephens, 1828
- Heptageniidae
- Hermatobatidae Coutière and Martin, 1901
- Hesperiidae Latreille, 1809
- Hesperinidae
- Heteroceridae MacLeay, 1825
- Heterogastridae Stål, 1872
- Heterogynaidae Nagy, 1969
- Heterothripidae Bagnall, 1912
- Hilarimorphidae
- Hippoboscidae
- Hispanocaderidae Golub and Popov, 2012
- Histeridae Gyllenhal, 1808
- Hobartiidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1966
- Hodotermitidae Desneux, 1904
- Hoplopleuridae Ewing, 1929
- Hyblaeidae
- Hybophthiridae Ewing, 1929
- Hybosoridae Erichson, 1847
- Hybotidae
- Hydraenidae Mulsant, 1844
- Hydrobiosidae Ulmer, 1905
- Hydrochidae Thomson, 1859
- Hydrometridae Billberg, 1820
- Hydrophilidae Latreille, 1802
- Hydropsychidae Curtis, 1835
- Hydroptilidae Stephens, 1836
- Hydrosalpingidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Hydroscaphidae LeConte, 1874
- Hygrobiidae Régimbart, 1878
- Hymenopodidae
- Hyocephalidae Stål, 1874
- Hypochthonellidae China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypsipterygidae Drake, 1961
- Hystrichopsyllidae
- Ibaliidae Thomson, 1862
- Ichneumonidae
- Idiostolidae Scudder, 1962
- Ignotingidae Zhang et al., 2005
- Incurvariidae
- Inocelliidae
- Ischnopsyllidae
- Isonychiidae
- Issidae Spinola, 1839
- Ithonidae Newman, 1853
- Ithyceridae Schönherr, 1826
- Jacobsoniidae Heller, 1926
- Joppeicidae Reuter, 1910
- Jurapriidae
- Jurodidae Ponomarenko, 1985
- Kalotermitidae Froggart, 1897
- Kateretidae Erichson in Agassiz, 1846
- Kermesidae Signoret, 1875
- Kermidae
- Keroplatidae
- Kinnaridae Muir, 1925
- Kokiriidae McFarlane, 1964
- Kuwaniidae MacGillivray, 1921
- Labiduridae Verhoeff, 1902
- Labiidae Burr, 1909
- Lacciferidae
- Lachesillidae
- Lacturidae
- Laemobothriidae
- Laemophloeidae Ganglbauer, 1899
- Lamingtoniidae Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1969
- Lampyridae Rafinesque, 1815
- Largidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lasiocampidae
- Lathiceridae
- Latridiidae Erichson, 1842
- Lauxaniidae
- Lecanodiaspididae Targioni Tozzetti, 1869
- Leiodidae Fleming, 1821
- Lentulidae
- Lepiceridae Hinton, 1936
- Lepidopsocidae
- Lepidostomatidae Ulmer, 1903
- Lepidotrichidae Silvestri, 1912
- Lepismatidae
- Leptoceridae Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Leptohyphidae
- Leptophlebiidae
- Leptopodidae Brullé, 1836
- Leptopsyllidae
- Lestidae
- Leucospidae Walker, 1834
- Leuctridae
- Libellulidae
- Limacodidae
- Limnephilidae Kolenati, 1848
- Limnichidae Erichson, 1846
- Limnocentropodidae Tsuda, 1942
- Linognathidae Webb, 1946
- Liopteridae
- Liposcelididae
- Lithidiidae
- Lonchaeidae
- Lonchopteridae
- Lophopidae Stål, 1866
- Lucanidae Latreille, 1804
- Lutrochidae Kasap and Crowson, 1975
- Lycaenidae [Leach], 1815
- Lychnocolacidae Bohart, 1951
- Lycidae Laporte, 1836
- Lygaeidae Schilling, 1829
- Lygistorrhinidae
- Lymexylidae Fleming, 1821
- Lyonetiidae
- Maamingidae
- Machaerotidae Stål, 1866
- Machilidae
- Macroveliidae McKinstry, 1942
- Maimetshidae
- Malcidae Stål, 1865
- Malgasiidae
- Mantidae
- Mantispidae Leach, 1815
- Mantoididae
- Mantophasmatidae Zompro, Klass, Kristensen and Adis, 2002
- Margarodidae Newstead, 1901
- Mastacideidae
- Mauroniscidae Majer, 1995
- Meenoplidae Fieber, 1872
- Megachilidae
- Megalodontesidae Konow, 1897
- Megalopodidae Latreille, 1802
- Megalopygidae
- Megalyridae
- Megapodagrionidae
- Megaspilidae
- Meinertellidae Verhoeff, 1910
- Melandryidae Leach, 1815
- Melanthripidae Bagnall, 1913
- Melittidae
- Meloidae Gyllenhal, 1810
- Melyridae Leach, 1815
- Membracidae
- Mengeidae Pierce, 1908
- Mengenillidae Hofeneder, 1910
- Menoponidae
- Meropeidae
- Merothripidae Hood, 1914
- Mesopsocidae
- Mesoserphidae
- Mesoveliidae Douglas and Scott, 1867
- Metaxinidae Kolibác, 2004
- Metretopodidae
- Micromalthidae Barber, 1913
- Micronectidae Jaczewski, 1924
- Micropezidae
- Microphoridae
- Microphysidae Dohrn, 1859
- Micropterigidae
- Microthoraciidae Kim and Ludwig, 1978
- Milichiidae
- Mimallonidae
- Miridae
- Mogoplistidae
- Molannidae Wallengren, 1891
- Monomachidae
- Monotomidae Laporte, 1840
- Morabidae
- Mordellidae Latreille, 1802
- Murmidiidae Jacquelin du Val, 1858
- Musapsocidae
- Muscidae
- Mutillidae
- Mycetaeidae Jacquelin du Val, 1857
- Mycetophagidae Leach, 1815
- Mycetophilidae
- Mycteridae Blanchard, 1845
- Mydidae
- Mymaridae
- Mymarommatidae
- Myopsocidae
- Myraboliidae Lawrence and Britton, 1991
- Myrmecolacidae Saunders, 1872
- Myrmecophilidae
- Myrmeleontidae Latreille, 1802
- Nabidae Costa, 1853
- Nannochoristidae
- Nanophyidae Gistel, 1856
- Naucoridae Leach, 1815
- Nemestrinidae
- Nemonychidae Bedel, 1882
- Nemopteridae
- Nemouridae
- Neoephemeridae
- Neolinognathidae Fahrenholz, 1936
- Neopetaliidae
- Nepidae Latreille, 1802
- Nepticulidae
- Neriidae
- Neurostigmatidae
- Nevrorthidae
- Nicoletiidae
- Ninidae Barber, 1956
- Nitidulidae Latreille, 1802
- Noctuidae Latreille, 1809
- Nogodinidae Melichar, 1898
- Nolidae Bruand, 1846
- Nosodendridae Erichson, 1846
- Noteridae C. G. Thomson, 1860
- Notodontidae Stephens, 1829
- Notonectidae Latreille, 1802
- Nymphalidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Nymphomyiidae
- Obrieniidae Zherikhin and Gratshev, 1994
- Ochodaeidae Mulsant and Rey, 1871
- Ochteridae Kirkaldy, 1906
- Odiniidae
- Odontoceridae Wallengren, 1891
- Oecanthidae
- Oeconesidae Tillyard, 1921
- Oecophoridae
- Oedemeridae Latreille, 1810
- Oestridae
- Oligoneuriidae
- Oligotomidae
- Omalisidae Lacordaire, 1857
- Omaniidae Cobben, 1970
- Omethidae LeConte, 1861
- Ommatidae Sharp and Muir, 1912
- Ommexechidae
- Opostegidae
- Ormyridae
- Orsodacnidae Thomson, 1859
- Ortheziidae Green, 1896
- Orussidae
- Osmylidae Leach, 1815
- Otitidae
- Oxycarenidae Stål, 1862
- Pachygronthidae Stål, 1865
- Pachyneuridae
- Pachytroctidae
- Palaeoleptidae Poinar and Buckley, 2009
- Paleomelittidae
- Palingeniidae
- Pallopteridae
- Pamphagidae
- Pamphiliidae Cameron, 1890
- Panorpidae
- Panorpodidae
- Pantophthalmidae
- Papilionidae Latreille, 1802
- Paragryllidae
- Paraphrynoveliidae Andersen, 1978
- Passalidae Leach, 1815
- Passandridae Erichson, 1845
- Pecaroecidae Kéler, 1963
- Pedicinidae Enderlein, 1904
- Pediculidae Leach, 1817
- Pelecinidae
- Pelecorhynchidae
- Peleopodidae
- Peloridiidae
- Peltoperlidae
- Pentatomidae Leach, 1815
- Peradeniidae
- Pergidae
- Perilampidae
- Perilestidae
- Perimylopidae St. George, 1939
- Peripsocidae
- Periscelididae
- Perlidae
- Perlodidae
- Petaluridae
- Petrothrincidae Scott in Scholtz & Holm, 1985
- Phalacridae Leach, 1815
- Phalangopsidae
- Phasmatidae
- Phengodidae LeConte, 1861
- Philopotamidae Stephens, 1829
- Philopteridae
- Philorheithridae Mosely, 1936
- Philotarsidae
- Phlaeothripidae Uzel, 1895
- Phloeostichidae Reitter, 1911
- Phloiophilidae Kiesenwetter, 1863
- Phoridae
- Phryganeidae Leach, 1815
- Phryganopsychidae Wiggins, 1959
- Phycosecidae Crowson, 1952
- Phylloxeridae
- Pieridae Swainson, 1820
- Piesmatidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Piophilidae
- Pipunculidae
- Pisuliidae Ross, 1967
- Plastoceridae Crowson, 1972
- Plataspidae
- Platygastridae Haliday, 1833
- Platypezidae
- Platystictidae
- Platystomatidae
- Pleciidae
- Plectrotarsidae Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Pleidae Fieber, 1851
- Pleocomidae LeConte, 1861
- Plumariidae
- Plutellidae
- Pneumoridae
- Podabrocephalidae Pic, 1930
- Podoscirtidae
- Polycentropodidae Ulmer, 1903
- Polyctenidae Westwood, 1874
- Polymitarcyidae
- Polyphagidae
- Polyplacidae Fahrenholz, 1912
- Polythoridae
- Pompilidae
- Potamanthidae
- Potamocoridae Usinger, 1941
- Praeaulacidae
- Praeichneumonidae
- Priasilphidae Crowson, 1973
- Prionoceridae Lacordaire, 1857
- Prionoglarididae
- Proctorenyxidae
- Proctotrupidae
- Prodoxidae
- Prophalangopsidae Saussure, 1878
- Proscopiidae
- Prostomidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Protelmidae Jeannel, 1950
- Protocucujidae Crowson, 1954
- Protoneuridae
- Protoxenidae Pohl, Beutel and Kinzelbach, 2005
- Protroctopsocidae
- Psephenidae Lacordaire, 1854
- Pseudironidae
- Pseudocaeciliidae
- Pseudococcidae Heymons, 1915
- Pseudophasmatidae
- Pseudostigmatidae
- Psilidae
- Psilopsocidae
- Psocidae
- Psoquillidae
- Psychidae
- Psychodidae
- Psychomyiidae Walker, 1852
- Psyllidae
- Psyllipsocidae
- Pterogeniidae Crowson, 1953
- Pteromalidae
- Pteronarcyidae
- Pterophoridae
- Pteroplistidae
- Pthiridae Ewing, 1929
- Ptiliidae Erichson, 1845
- Ptilodactylidae Laporte, 1836
- Ptiloneuridae
- Ptinidae Latreille, 1802
- Ptychopteridae
- Pulicidae
- Pyralidae
- Pyrgacrididae
- Pyrgomorphidae
- Pyrgotidae
- Pyrochroidae Latreille, 1807
- Pyrrhocoridae Fieber, 1860
- Pythidae Solier, 1834
- Raphidiidae
- Rasnicynipidae
- Ratemiidae Kim and Ludwig, 1978
- Raymondionymidae Reitter, 1913
- Reduviidae Latreille, 1807
- Rhagionidae
- Rhagophthalmidae Olivier, 1907
- Rhaphidophoridae
- Rhinophoridae
- Rhinorhipidae Lawrence, 1988
- Rhinotermitidae Froggart, 1897
- Rhipiceridae Latreille, 1834
- Rhopalidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhopalopsyllidae
- Rhopalosomatidae
- Rhyacophilidae Stephens, 1836
- Rhyparochromidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhysodidae Laporte, 1840
- Ricaniidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Richardidae
- Ricinidae
- Riodinidae Grote, 1895
- Ripiphoridae Gemminger and Harold, 1870
- Ripipterygidae
- Romaleidae
- Ropalomeridae
- Roproniidae
- Rossianidae Gall, 1996
- Rotoitidae
- Saldidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Salpingidae Leach, 1815
- Sapygidae
- Sarcophagidae
- Saturniidae Boisduval, 1837
- Scarabaeidae Latreille, 1802
- Scathophagidae
- Scatopsidae
- Scelionidae Haliday, 1839
- Scenopinidae
- Schizodactylidae
- Schizopodidae LeConte, 1859
- Schizopteridae Reuter, 1891
- Schreckensteiniidae
- Sciaridae
- Sciomyzidae
- Scirtidae Fleming, 1821
- Sclerogibbidae
- Scolebythidae
- Scoliidae
- Scraptiidae Mulsant, 1856
- Scutelleridae Leach, 1815
- Scydmaenidae Leach, 1815
- Sematuridae
- Sepsidae
- Sericostomatidae Stephens, 1836
- Serphitidae
- Sesiidae
- Sialidae
- Sierolomorphidae
- Signiphoridae
- Silphidae Latreille, 1806
- Silvanidae Kirby, 1837
- Simuliidae
- Siphlonuridae
- Siricidae
- Sisyridae Handlirsch, 1908
- Smicripidae Horn, 1879
- Spercheidae Erichson, 1837
- Sphaeritidae Shuckard, 1839
- Sphaeriusidae Erichson, 1845
- Sphaeroceridae
- Sphaeropsocidae
- Sphecidae Latreille, 1802
- Sphindidae Jacquelin du Val, 1860
- Sphingidae Latreille, 1802
- Staphylinidae Latreille, 1802
- Stemmocryptidae Stys, 1983
- Stenocephalidae Dallas, 1852
- Stenopelmatidae Burmeister, 1838
- Stenopsocidae
- Stenopsychidae Martynov, 1924
- Stenotrachelidae C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Stenotritidae
- Stephanidae
- Stigmaphronidae
- Stratiomyidae Latreille, 1802
- Strongylophthalmyiidae
- Stylopidae Kirby, 1813
- Synchroidae Lacordaire, 1859
- Synlestidae
- Synneuridae
- Synteliidae Lewis, 1882
- Syrphidae
- Tabanidae
- Tachinidae
- Taeniopterygidae
- Tanaoceridae Rehn, 1948
- Tanaostigmatidae
- Tanyderidae
- Tanypezidae
- Tanzaniophasmatidae Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Tasimiidae Riek, 1968
- Tasmosalpingidae Lawrence and Britton, 1991
- Telegeusidae Leng, 1920
- Tenebrionidae Latreille, 1802
- Tenthredinidae
- Tephritidae Newman, 1834
- Teratembiidae
- Teredidae Seidlitz, 1888
- Termitaphididae
- Termitidae Latreille, 1802
- Termopsidae Holmgren, 1911
- Tessaratomidae Stål, 1864
- Tethinidae
- Tetracampidae
- Tetratomidae Billberg, 1820
- Tetrigidae
- Tettigarctidae Distant, 1905
- Tettigometridae Germar, 1821
- Tettigoniidae Krauss, 1902
- Thanerocleridae Chapin, 1924
- Thaumaleidae
- Thaumastocoridae Kirkaldy, 1908
- Therevidae
- Thericleidae
- Thripidae Stephens, 1829
- Throscidae Laporte, 1840
- Thyreocoridae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Thyrididae
- Timematidae
- Tineidae
- Tingidae
- Tiphiidae
- Tipulidae
- Tischeriidae
- Torridincolidae Steffan, 1964
- Tortricidae
- Torymidae
- Trachelostenidae Lacordaire, 1859
- Trachypachidae C. G. Thomson, 1857
- Trichoceridae
- Trichodectidae
- Trichogrammatidae
- Trichopsocidae
- Tricorythidae
- Trictenotomidae Blanchard, 1845
- Tridactylidae
- Trigonalidae
- Trigonidiidae
- Trigonopterygidae
- Trimenoponidae
- Tristiridae
- Troctopsocidae
- Trogidae MacLeay, 1819
- Trogiidae
- Trogossitidae Latreille, 1802
- Tropiduchidae Stål, 1866
- Uenoidae Iwata, 1927
- Ulodidae Pascoe, 1869
- Ulyanidae Zherikhin, 1993
- Uraniidae
- Urodidae
- Vanhorniidae
- Veliidae Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Velocipedidae Bergroth, 1891
- Vermilconidae
- Vermileonidae
- Vermipsyllidae
- Vespidae
- Xenidae Saunders, 1872
- Xiphocentronidae Ross, 1949
- Xiphydriidae
- Xyelidae
- Xylomyidae
- Xylophagidae
- Xyloryctidae
- Xyronotidae
- Yponomeutidae
- Ypsolophidae
- Zopheridae Solier, 1834
- Zorotypidae Silvestri, 1913
- Zygaenidae
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aaages Barovsky, 1926
- Aaata Semenov, 1906
- Aaroniella Mockford, 1951
- Ababa Casey, 1897
- Abablemma Nye, 1975
- Abacaria Mosely, 1941
- Abachrysa Banks, 1938
- Abacoceraphron Dessart, 1975
- Abaeis Hübner, 1819
- Abaeletes Cooman, 1940
- Abagazara Distant, 1905
- Abagrotis Smith, 1890
- Abantiades Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Abapa
- Abaria Mosely, 1948
- Abaris Dejean, 1831
- Abaristophora
- Abasanistus Kertesz, 1923
- Abatoleon Banks, 1924
- Abavus Enderlein, 1914
- Abax Bonelli, 1810
- Abbrosoga Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Abdastartus Distant, 1910
- Abditicoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1975
- Abdiunguis Park and Wagner, 1962
- Abedus Stål, 1862
- Abelamocoris Miller, 1958
- Abelocephala Maldonado, 1996
- Abgrallaspis
- Abila Stål, 1878
- Abiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Abiskomyia
- Ablabesmyia Johannsen, 1905
- Ablautus
- Ableptemetes Wiersema and McCafferty, 2003
- Abraeomorphus Reitter, 1886
- Abraeus Leach, 1817
- Abrentodes Sharp, 1895
- Abricta Stål, 1866
- Abrocomaphthirus Durden and Webb, 1999
- Abroma Stål, 1866
- Abrosiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Abrostola Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Abscondita Ballantyne, Lambkin and Fu in Ballantyne et al., 2013
- Absidiella Wittmer, 1972
- Abtrichia Mosely, 1939
- Abulites Stål, 1876
- Abutiloneus Bridwell, 1946
- Acaciacoris Schaffner, 1977
- Acalcarella
- Acallepitrix J. Bechyné, 1956
- Acalles Schönherr, 1825
- Acallodes LeConte, 1876
- Acallurothrips Bagnall, 1921
- Acalymma Barber, 1947
- Acalypta Westwood, 1840
- Acalyptomerus Crowson, 1979
- Acalyptus Schönherr, 1833
- Acampsis Wesmael, 1835
- Acamptocladius
- Acamptopoeum Cockerell, 1905
- Acamptus LeConte, 1876
- Acanonicus Dallas, 1852
- Acanthaclisis Rambur, 1842
- Acanthagrion Selys, 1876
- Acanthallagma Williamson and Williamson, 1924
- Acanthametropus Tshernova, 1948
- Acanthasargus White, 1914
- Acanthaspis Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acantherus Scudder and Cockerell, 1902
- Acanthinevania Bradley, 1908
- Acanthinomyia Hunter, 1901
- Acanthinus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Acanthiophilus Becker, 1908
- Acanthischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthocaudus Smith, 1944
- Acanthocausus Fritz and Toro, 1977
- Acanthocephala Laporte, 1833
- Acanthocerus Palisot de Beauvois, 1818
- Acanthocheila Stål, 1858
- Acanthocinus Megerle in Dejean, 1821
- Acanthocnema Becker, 1894
- Acanthococcus
- Acanthocoris Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthocrios Del Ponte and Riesel, 1945
- Acanthodes Baly, 1864
- Acanthodotheca
- Acanthogethes Reitter, 1871
- Acanthognathus Mayr, 1887
- Acantholeria
- Acantholespesia Wood, 1987
- Acantholomidea Sailer, 1945
- Acantholybas Breddin, 1898
- Acantholyctus Lesne, 1924
- Acantholyda Costa, 1894
- Acanthomigdolus Bruch, 1941
- Acanthomyops Mayr, 1862
- Acanthomyrmex Emery, 1893
- Acanthonevra Macquart, 1843
- Acanthonevroides Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Acanthophorides
- Acanthoplectron Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Acanthoponera Mayr, 1862
- Acanthopus Klug, 1807
- Acanthorhinocoris Miller, 1940
- Acanthormius Ashmead, 1906
- Acanthoscelides Schilsky, 1905
- Acanthoscelidius Hustache, 1930
- Acanthoscelio Ashmead, 1893
- Acanthosoma Curtis, 1824
- Acanthostethus Smith, 1869
- Acanthostichus Mayr, 1887
- Acanthothrips Uzel, 1895
- Acanthotingis Monte, 1940
- Acanthotoca Fletcher, 1979
- Acanthotrichia Wells, 1982
- Acanthotyla Stål, 1873
- Acanthoventris Ruschel in Ruschel et al., 2023
- Acaricoris Harris and Drake, 1944
- Acarihygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Acarinus Kapur, 1948
- Acaromimus Jordan, 1907
- Acartophthalmus
- Acasis Duponchel, 1845
- Acedanthidium Michener, 2000
- Acemya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acentrella Bengtsson, 1912
- Acentria Stephens, 1829
- Acentrinops Casey, 1920
- Acentroptera Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Acentropus Curtis, 1834
- Acerbia Sotavalta, 1963
- Acericecis
- Acerocnema Becker, 1894
- Aceropyga Duffels, 1977
- Acerotella Masner, 1964
- Aceroteta Kozlov & Masner, 1977
- Acerpenna Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Acerra Grote, 1874
- Acestra Dallas, 1852
- Acetropis Fieber, 1858
- Achaea Hübner, 1823
- Achaiabracon Belokobylskij, 2009
- Achalarus Scudder, 1872
- Achalcus Loew, 1857
- Achatia Hübner, 1813
- Achatodes Guenée, 1852
- Acherdoa Walker, 1865
- Acherontia Laspeyres, 1809
- Acheta Linnaeus, 1758
- Achillas Torre Bueno, 1914
- Achilorma Metcalf and Bruner, 1930
- Achlyodes Hübner, 1819
- Acholla Stål, 1862
- Achoropsyche Holzenthal, 1984
- Achorotile Fieber, 1866
- Achradocera
- Achrastenus Horn, 1876
- Achrionota Pascoe, 1872
- Achryson Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Achurum Saussure, 1861
- Acidia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acidiella Hendel, 1914
- Acidiostigma Hendel, 1927
- Acidogona Loew, 1873
- Acidomeria Stål, 1870
- Acidosterna Stål, 1872
- Acidoxantha Hendel, 1914
- Acidoxanthopsis Hering, 1941
- Acilius Leach, 1817
- Acinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Acinocoris Hahn, 1834
- Acinoeuphranta Hardy, 1971
- Acinopterus
- Aciura Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aciurina Curran, 1932
- Aciuropsis Hardy, 1974
- Acizzia
- Acladocera Wittmer, 1981
- Aclerda Signoret, 1874
- Aclitus Förster, 1862
- Aclosma Morse, 1974
- Aclypea Reitter, 1885
- Aclytia Hübner, 1819
- Acmaegenius LeConte, 1876
- Acmaeodera Eschscholtz, 1829
- Acmaeoderoides Van Dyke, 1942
- Acmaeoderopsis Barr, 1974
- Acmaeops LeConte, 1850
- Acmaeopsoides Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Acmenychus Weise, 1905
- Acmonotus McLachlan, 1871
- Acnemia
- Acneus Horn, 1880
- Acoccidula Barovsky, 1928
- Acocopus Stål, 1864
- Acoenonia
- Acolobicus Sharp, 1894
- Acolomorpha Dodd, 1914
- Acolonia Casey, 1894
- Acoma Casey, 1889
- Acomoptera
- Acompocoris Reuter, 1875
- Aconchus Horváth, 1905
- Acontia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Acontistoptera
- Acontosceles Champion, 1924
- Acopa Harvey, 1875
- Acoptus LeConte, 1876
- Acordulecera Say, 1836
- Acosmetocoris Miller, 1954
- Acostatrichia Mosely, 1939
- Acramorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Acrapex Hampson, 1894
- Acraspis Mayr, 1881
- Acratodes Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Acratoleon Banks, 1915
- Acratus Lacordaire, 1865
- Acreophthiria
- Acricotopus
- Acridiophaga
- Acridomyia
- Acrimea Casey, 1911
- Acrisis Foerster, 1863
- Acrisius Stål, 1862
- Acritispa Uhmann, 1940
- Acritodes Cooman, 1935
- Acritogramma Franclemont, 1986
- Acritomorphus Wenzel, 1944
- Acritoptila Wells, 1982
- Acritosoma Pakaluk and Slipinski, 1995
- Acritus J. L. LeConte, 1853
- Acrocassis Spaeth, 1922
- Acrocera
- Acroceratitis Hendel, 1913
- Acrochaeta Wiedemann, 1830
- Acrocyum Jacoby, 1885
- Acrodectes Rehn and Hebard, 1920
- Acrodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Acroelytrum Mayr, 1865
- Acrolister Bickhardt, 1917
- Acrolophitus Thomas, 1871
- Acromacer Kuschel, 1989
- Acromis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Acromyrmex Mayr, 1865
- Acronesia
- Acroneuria Pictet, 1841
- Acronicta Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Acronneus Munro, 1939
- Acropeltates Kertesz, 1923
- Acrophaga
- Acrophylax Brauer, 1867
- Acrophyma Bergroth, 1917
- Acroplectis Meyrick, 1927
- Acropteromma Bezzi, 1926
- Acropteroxys Gorham, 1887
- Acropyga Roger, 1862
- Acroria Walker, 1858
- Acrosathe
- Acrosothrips Stannard, 1963
- Acrossus Mulsant, 1842
- Acrosternum Fieber, 1860
- Acrosticta
- Acrotaenia Loew, 1873
- Acrotaeniacantha Hering, 1939
- Acrotaeniostola Hendel, 1914
- Acrotelsa Escherich, 1905
- Acrotona Thomson, 1859
- Acrotrichis
- Acsala Benjamin, 1935
- Actebia Stephens, 1829
- Actenobius Fall, 1905
- Actenodes Dejean, 1833
- Actenoptera
- Actia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Actias Leach, 1815
- Actiastes Casey, 1897
- Actidium
- Actina Meigen, 1804
- Actinocoris Reuter, 1878
- Actinomyia Lindner, 1949
- Actinoptera Rondani, 1871
- Actium Casey, 1886
- Actizona Chandler, 1985
- Acupalpus Latreille, 1829
- Acutibaeus Meunier, 1917
- Acuticephala Torres, 1958
- Acyphoderes Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Acyrocera Lindner, 1937
- Acyrocerops James, 1978
- Acyroneura Torres, 1958
- Acyrthosiphon
- Acysta Champion, 1898
- Adaleres Casey, 1895
- Adalia Mulsant, 1846
- Adalurnus Maulik, 1936
- Adectophylax Neboiss, 1982
- Adejeania Townsend, 1913
- Adelia Moulds, 2012
- Adelina
- Adelomyrmex Emery, 1897
- Adeloneivaia Travassos, 1940
- Adelopygus Desbordes, 1917
- Adelothrips Hood, 1938
- Adelpha Hübner, 1819
- Adelphagrotis Smith, 1890
- Adelphocoris Reuter, 1896
- Adelphydraena Perkins, 1989
- Ademon Haliday, 1833
- Ademula McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Adendrocera Wittmer, 1976
- Adeniana Distant, 1905
- Adenostomocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Aderus Westwood, 1829
- Adetomyrma Ward, 1994
- Adetus LeConte, 1852
- Adhemarius Oiticica, 1939
- Adia
- Adialytus Foerster, 1863
- Adicella McLachlan, 1877
- Adicophasma Engel and Grimaldi, 2004
- Adicroneura
- Adicrophleps Flint, 1965
- Adidactus Senna, 1894
- Adinarthrella Mosely, 1941
- Adinarthrum Mosely, 1949
- Adinolepis Neboiss, 1984
- Adinopsis Cameron, 1918
- Adiplosis
- Adira Gordon and Almeida, 1986
- Adlerzia Forel, 1902
- Admetovis Grote, 1873
- Admontia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Adoceta Bourgeois, 1882
- Adoneta Clemens, 1860
- Adopaeoides Godman, 1900
- Adoretus Dejean, 1833
- Adota Casey, 1910
- Adoxellus Weise, 1895
- Adoxomyia Kertesz, 1907
- Adraga Walker, 1858
- Adrama Walker, 1859
- Adramoides Hardy, 1973
- Adraneothrips Hood, 1925
- Adranes LeConte, 1849
- Adrania Stål, 1863
- Adricomius Distant, 1903
- Adroctenes Jordan, 1912
- Adusella Haupt, 1918
- Aedeastria Boer, 1990
- Aedeomyia Theobald, 1901
- Aedes Meigen, 1818
- Aegialia Latreille, 1807
- Aegialites Mannerheim, 1853
- Aegilipsicola J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Aegilipsovelia J. Polhemus, 1970
- Aegomorphus Haldeman, 1847
- Aeipeplus Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Aeithauma Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aeletes Horn, 1873
- Aeletodes Gomy, 1977
- Aelia Fabricius, 1803
- Aellopos Hübner, 1819
- Aemulister Reichensperger, 1938
- Aenetus Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Aenictocoris Woodward, 1956
- Aenictogiton Emery, 1901
- Aenictopechys Breddin, 1905
- Aenictus Shuckard, 1840
- Aenigmabracon Perrichot, Nel and Quicke, 2009
- Aenigmatias
- Aenigmaticum Matthews, 1888
- Aeolagrion Williamson, 1917
- Aeoloplides Caudell, 1915
- Aeolothrips Haliday, 1836
- Aeolus
- Aeopelys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepophilus Signoret, 1879
- Aepycysta Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Aepykorys Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Aepytus Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Aerenicopsis Bates, 1885
- Aeropedellus Hebard, 1935
- Aerophilus Szépligeti, 1901
- Aeropteryx Riek, 1968
- Aeschnosoma Selys, 1870
- Aesepus Stål, 1876
- Aeshna Fabricius, 1775
- Aesobia Jäch, 1982
- Aestuansella Boulard, 1981
- Aetanna Lee, 2014
- Aethaloida McDunnough, 1920
- Aethaloptera Brauer, 1875
- Aethalura McDunnough, 1920
- Aethammobates Baker, 1994
- Aethecerinus Fall and Cockerell, 1907
- Aethina Erichson, 1843
- Aethionectes Sharp, 1882
- Aethiopocassis Spaeth, 1922
- Aethiothemara Hendel, 1928
- Aethodelphax Bartlett and Hamilton, 2011
- Aetholagynodes Dessart, 1994
- Aethomyctus Williams, 1981
- Aethus Dallas, 1851
- Afghanoderus B. Lis, 2001
- Afghanoleon Hölzel, 1972
- Afgoia Linnavuori, 1976
- Afidenta Dieke, 1947
- Afidentula Kapur, 1958
- Afilia Schaus, 1901
- Afissa Dieke, 1947
- Afotella Barnes and Benjamin, 1925
- Afraciura Hering, 1941
- Aframixia Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Afranthidium Michener, 1948
- Afreutreta Bezzi, 1924
- Afrevania Benoit, 1953
- Africanister Gomy, 2010
- Africodytes Biström, 1988
- Africophilus Guignot, 1948
- Afrida Möschler, 1886
- Afrisolia Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Afrobittacus Londt, 1994
- Afrocastra Breddin, 1903
- Afrochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Afrocimex Schouteden, 1951
- Afrocneros Bezzi, 1924
- Afrocordus Damoiseau, 1980
- Afrocoronacella Asche, 1988
- Afrocorynus Marshall, 1955
- Afrodasypoda Engel, 2005
- Afrodecius Jeannel, 1919
- Afrodermus Mantilleri, 2005
- Afrodiaphanes Geisthardt, 2007
- Afrodontomyia James, 1940
- Afroelfus Gnezdilov, 2012
- Afrogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Afrogorytes Menke, 1967
- Afroheriades Peters, 1970
- Afrohister Mazur, 2006
- Afrokalpa Fennah, 1969
- Afrolimnichus Delève, 1968
- Afromantispa Snyman and Ohl in Snyman et al., 2012
- Afromelampsalta Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Afromelecta Lieftinck, 1972
- Afromenotes Kment and Kocorek, 2014
- Afroprinus Lackner, 2013
- Afrorhysipolis Belokobylskij, 1999
- Afrosaprinus Vienna, 2015
- Afrosellana Asche, 1988
- Afrosoma Mazur, 1999
- Afrostelis Cockerell, 1931
- Afrosydne Fennah, 1969
- Afrotheora Nielsen & Scoble, 1986
- Afrotingis Drake and Hill, 1964
- Afrotritermus Belokobylskij, 1995
- Afroxyidris Belshaw & Bolton, 1994
- Afzeliada Boulard, 1972
- Aga Distant, 1910
- Agabetes Crotch, 1873
- Agabinus Crotch, 1873
- Agabus Leach, 1817
- Agachila Drake and Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Agaeocera Saunders, 1871
- Agallia
- Agallissus Dalman, 1823
- Agamedes Stål, 1876
- Agaotingis Drake, 1954
- Agapanthinus LaBerge, 1957
- Agapema Neumoegen and Dyar, 1894
- Agapetus Curtis, 1834
- Agapophyta Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Agaporomorphus Zimmermann, 1921
- Agapostemon Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Agapostemonoides Roberts & Brooks, 1987
- Agaraea Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Agaricochara Kraatz, 1856
- Agaricomorpha Ashe, 1984
- Agarodes Banks, 1899
- Agasicles Jacoby, 1904
- Agasphaerops Horn, 1876
- Agathacrista Sharkey, 2013
- Agathidium Panzer, 1797
- Agathigma Sharkey, 2017
- Agathirsia Westwood, 1882
- Agathis Latreille, 1804
- Agathispa Weise, 1905
- Agathobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Agathomerus Lacordaire, 1845
- Agathomyia
- Agathon Rodor, 1890
- Agathymus H. Freeman, 1959
- Agathyrna Stål, 1861
- Agdistocoris Kormilev, 1962
- Ageiton Kertesz, 1914
- Agelastica Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Ageneotettix McNeill, 1897
- Agenysa Spaeth, 1905
- Agkistrocerus
- Aglae Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825
- Aglais Dalman, 1816
- Aglaoapis Cameron, 1901
- Aglaomelissa Snelling and Brooks, 1985
- Aglaomyia
- Aglaonice Möschler, 1890
- Aglaothorax Caudell, 1907
- Aglenus Erichson, 1845
- Aglotingis Drake, 1954
- Aglycyderes Westwood, 1864
- Aglymbus Sharp, 1880
- Aglyptinus Cockerell, 1906
- Agna Smetana, 1978
- Agnesiotis Pascoe, 1870
- Agnetina Klapálek, 1907
- Agnocoris Reuter, 1875
- Agnorisma Lafontaine, 1998
- Agnoshydrus Biström, Nilsson and Wewalka, 1997
- Agnostokasia Gurney and Rentz, 1964
- Agoerodella Mosely, 1941
- Agoerodes Mosely, 1949
- Agoliinus Schmidt, 1913
- Agoniella Weise, 1911
- Agonita Strand, 1942
- Agonoleptus Casey, 1914
- Agonoscelis Spinola, 1837
- Agonum Bonelli, 1810
- Agra Fabricius, 1801
- Agramma Stephens, 1829
- Agraphus Say, 1831
- Agraptocorixa Kirkaldy, 1898
- Agraulis Boisduval and Le Conte, 1835
- Agraulomyrmex Prins, 1983
- Agraylea Curtis, 1834
- Agreuocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Agria
- Agrilaxia Kerremans, 1903
- Agrilinellus Dellacasa, Dellacasa and Gordon, 2008
- Agrilus Curtis, 1825
- Agrioblepis Kleine, 1921
- Agriocleptes Stål, 1866
- Agrioclopius Stål, 1866
- Agriocoris Stål, 1866
- Agriogomphus Selys, 1869
- Agriolestes Stål, 1866
- Agriopocodemus Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocoris Miller, 1954
- Agriopocoscelis Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopocostella Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Agriopodes Hampson, 1908
- Agriorrhynchus Power, 1878
- Agriosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Agriotes
- Agripialus C. Mielke, Grehan & Koike, 2021
- Agrisicula Asche, 1980
- Agrius Hübner, 1819
- Agrochola Hübner, 1821
- Agroecomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Agroecotettix Bruner, 1908
- Agroiconota Spaeth, 1913
- Agromyza
- Agronus Horn, 1876
- Agrothrips Jacot-Guillarmod, 1939
- Agrotis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Agrotisia Hampson, 1908
- Agrypnetes McLachlan, 1876
- Agrypnia Curtis, 1835
- Agulla Navás, 1914
- Aguna R. Williams, 1927
- Agupta Fernández-Triana, 2018
- Agylla Walker, 1854
- Agymnastus Scudder, 1897
- Agyrius Stål, 1863
- Agyrtes Froelich, 1799
- Aha Menke, 1977
- Ahasverus Gozis, 1881
- Ahomana Distant, 1905
- Aidemona Brunner, 1893
- Aidium Popov, 1968
- Aidochara Casey, 1906
- Aidoia Spaeth, 1952
- Aidomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Aidoneus Distant, 1909
- Aidophus Balthasar, 1963
- Aiolocaria Crotch, 1871
- Airamia Barnes and Benjamin, 1926
- Aischrocrania Hendel, 1927
- Akamba Distant, 1905
- Akemetopon Weglarz and Bartlett, 2011
- Akephorus LeConte, 1852
- Akilas Distant, 1916
- Akorhexoza
- Alabagrus Enderlein, 1920
- Alabama Grote, 1895
- Alaocybites Gilbert, 1956
- Alarcta Torres, 1958
- Alaskaperla Stewart and DeWalt, 1991
- Alastria Lafontaine and Troubridge, 2004
- Alaus
- Alavametra Sánchez-García and Nel in Sánchez-García et al., 2016
- Alayocimex Hernández Triana and de la Cruz, 1994
- Albanycada Villet, 1989
- Albardia van der Weele, 1903
- Alberprosenia Martínez and Carcavallo, 1977
- Alcaeorrhynchus Bergroth, 1891
- Alcestis Stål, 1862
- Alcidion Sturm, 1843
- Alcmena Stål, 1859
- Alcmenoides Miller, 1954
- Alcocerniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Alcumena Schmidt, 1932
- Aldrichia
- Aldrichina
- Aldrichiomyza
- Alecton Laporte, 1833
- Aleeta Moulds, 2003
- Alena Navás, 1916
- Aleochara Gravenhorst, 1802
- Aleodorus Say, 1830
- Alepidiella Poppius, 1914
- Alepidosceles Moure, 1947
- Aleptina Dyar, 1902
- Aleptinoides Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Aleurocanthus
- Aleurocybotus
- Aleurodicus
- Aleurodothrips Franklin, 1909
- Aleuropteryx Löw, 1885
- Aleurothrixus
- Aleurotuberculatus
- Aleurotulus
- Alexicles Grote, 1883
- Aleyroctonus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Aleyrodes Latreille, 1796
- Alfocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Alfredella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Algarobius Bridwell, 1946
- Alienates Barber, 1953
- Alienister Reichensperger, 1926
- Alienocacculus Kanaar, 2008
- Alienodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Alincocallistomyia Hardy, 1986
- Alinia Antropov, 1993
- Alinotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Alisalia Casey, 1911
- Alisotrichia Flint, 1964
- Alkowdiella Stys, 2002
- Allacompsus Kleine, 1921
- Allacrotelsa Silvestri, 1935
- Allaeometrus Senna, 1903
- Allagogus Gahan, 1909
- Allagrapha Franclemont, 1964
- Allandrus LeConte, 1876
- Allanthalia
- Allantus Jurine, 1807
- Allarete
- Alleloplasis Waterhouse, 1839
- Allenanicia
- Allenhyphes Hofmann and Sartori, 1999
- Allerastria Brown, 1987
- Alliocera Saunders, 1845
- Alliophleps Becker, 1908
- Alliopsis
- Alloaepytus Viette, 1951
- Allobiosis Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Alloblackburneus Bordat, 2009
- Allobracon Gahan, 1915
- Allobroma Duffels, 2011
- Allobrox Fletcher, 1928
- Allocader Drake, 1950
- Allocapnia Claassen, 1928
- Allocara Bergroth, 1894
- Allochorema Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Allocosmoecus Banks, 1943
- Allocotidus Muesebeck, 1963
- Allocotocera
- Allodape Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
- Allodapinus Hedicke, 1923
- Allodapula Cockerell, 1934
- Allodessus Guignot, 1953
- Allodia
- Allodiopsis
- Allodioxys Popov, 1947
- Allodromia
- Alloecella Banks, 1939
- Alloecentrella Wise, 1958
- Alloecentrellodes Flint, 1979
- Alloeocranum Reuter, 1881
- Alloeoderes Drake, 1961
- Alloeohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Alloeomyia Hardy, 1986
- Alloeorhynchus Fieber, 1860
- Alloformica Dlussky, 1969
- Allogamus Schmid, 1955
- Allognosta Osten Sacken, 1883
- Allogorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Allograpta
- Allohelea
- Alloiodites Reichensperger, 1939
- Alloiothucha Drake, 1927
- Allokermes Bullington and Kosztarab, 1985
- Allomantispa Liu, Wu, Winterton and Ohl in Liu et al., 2015
- Allomerus Mayr, 1878
- Allomethus
- Allomyella Malloch, 1923
- Allomyia Banks, 1916
- Alloneda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1979
- Allonemobius Hebard, 1913
- Allonicoletia Mendes, 1992
- Allopachria Zimmermann, 1924
- Alloperla Banks, 1906
- Allopetalia Selys, 1873
- Allopeza Bergroth, 1912
- Allophorocera Hendel, 1901
- Allopiophila
- Alloplitis Nixon, 1965
- Allopoda LeConte, 1866
- Allopodagrion Förster, 1910
- Allopodops Harris and Johnston, 1936
- Allopogonia Cockerell, 1906
- Alloretochus Sun and McCafferty, 2008
- Allorhinocoris Reuter, 1876
- Alloscirtetica Holmberg, 1909
- Allosmaitia Clench, 1964
- Allostemma Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Allostigmus Melo and Naumann, 1999
- Alloteleia Kieffer, 1917
- Allothrips Hood, 1908
- Allotingis Drake, 1930
- Allotria Hübner, 1823
- Allotrichoma
- Allotrimium Park, 1943
- Allotropa Förster, 1856
- Alloxaea Ascher, Engel and Griswold, 2006
- Alloxycorynus Voss, 1957
- Alluaudomyia
- Almargella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Almodes Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Alniphagus Swaine, 1918
- Alocandrena Michener, 1986
- Alocha Melichar, 1926
- Aloconota Thomson, 1858
- Alofa Herring, 1976
- Aloha Kirkaldy, 1904
- Alopecuroceras Lindner, 1936
- Alosternida Podany, 1961
- Alotanypus Roback, 1971
- Alpagut Kryak, 1995
- Alphesiboea Schmidt, 1932
- Alphitobius
- Alphomelon Mason, 1981
- Alsangelisca Ito, 1984
- Alsophila Hübner, 1825
- Altekon Fennah, 1975
- Althaeus Bridwell, 1946
- Althanus Lewis, 1903
- Althos Kirkaldy, 1904
- Altica Geoffroy, 1762
- Alumeda Popov, 1989
- Alurnus Fabricius, 1775
- Alveotingis Osborn and Drake, 1916
- Alvilla Stål, 1874
- Alydus Fabricius, 1803
- Alypia Hübner, 1818
- Alypiodes Grote, 1883
- Alysia Latreille, 1804
- Alysson Panzer, 1806
- Amaclardea Muir, 1931
- Amalus Schönherr, 1825
- Amannus LeConte, 1858
- Amapala Melichar, 1914
- Amara Bonelli, 1810
- Amarochara Thomson, 1858
- Amarodytes Régimbart, 1900
- Amartus LeConte, 1861
- Amarygmus
- Amathomyia
- Amaurochrous Stål, 1872
- Amauroclopius Stål, 1868
- Amauromyza
- Amazoneura Machado, 2004
- Ambarcader Perrichot et al., 2006
- Ambarvalia Distant, 1917
- Ambastus Stål, 1872
- Amberiana Distant, 1911
- Amberobyrsa Heiss, 2009
- Ambigonalia
- Ambilobea Villiers, 1971
- Amblispa Baly, 1858
- Amblonoxia Reitter, 1902
- Amblopusa Casey, 1893
- Amblyaspis Förster, 1856
- Amblycerus Thunberg, 1815
- Amblycheila Say, 1830
- Amblycorypha Stål, 1873
- Amblycoryphenes
- Amblycotis Stål, 1853
- Amblyderus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Amblygnathus Dejean, 1829
- Amblyomia Stål, 1870
- Amblyonychus
- Amblyopone Erichson, 1842
- Amblypelta Stål, 1873
- Amblyscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Amblyscirtes Scudder, 1872
- Amblysterna Saunders, 1871
- Amblystira Stål, 1873
- Amblythyreus Westwood, 1842
- Amblytropidia Stål, 1873
- Amblytylus Fieber, 1858
- Ambotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Ambragaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Ambrinemesa Villiers, 1971
- Ambrocharis Sicard, 1909
- Ambrosiodmus Hopkins, 1915
- Ambrosiophilus Hulcr and Cognato, 2009
- Ambrysus Stål, 1861
- Ambycysta Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Amedissia Kirejtshuk and Mantic, 2015
- Ameenocoris Ahmad and Moizuddin, 1990
- Ameghinoia Viana & Haedo Rossi, 1957
- Amegilla Friese, 1897
- Ameletus Eaton, 1885
- Amemboa Esaki, 1925
- Amemboides J. Polhemus and Andersen, 1984
- Amercaenis Provonsha and McCafferty, 1985
- Amercedes Casey, 1894
- Americabaetis Kluge, 1992
- Americina Malloch, 1923
- Americodema Henry, 2000
- Amerinus Casey, 1884
- Amerismus Lacordaire, 1865
- Amerizus Chaudoir, 1868
- Amerocroce Mansell, 1983
- Ameroduvalius Valentine, 1952
- Amerohelea
- Ameromyia Banks, 1913
- Ameropterus Esben-Petersen, 1922
- Ametadoria Townsend, 1927
- Ametastegia Costa, 1882
- Ametor Semenow, 1900
- Ametris Hübner, 1822
- Ametrodiplosis
- Ametropus Albarda, 1878
- Amiana Dyar, 1904
- Amiculus Dégallier and Bello, 2008
- Amida Lewis, 1896
- Amintinus Anonymous, 1939
- Amiocentrus Ross, 1938
- Amiota
- Amischa Thomson, 1858
- Amissus Stål, 1863
- Amitermes Silvestri, 1901
- Amitus Haldeman, 1850
- Ammatomus A. Costa, 1859
- Ammianus Distant, 1903
- Ammobaenetes Hubbell, 1936
- Ammobates Latreille, 1809
- Ammobatoides Radoszkowski, 1867
- Ammonaios
- Ammopelmatus Rentz and Weissman, 1965
- Ammophila W. Kirby, 1798
- Ammophorus
- Ammoplanellus Gussakovskij, 1931
- Ammoplanops Gussakovskij, 1931
- Ammoplanus Giraud, 1869
- Ammopsen Krombein, 1959
- Ammostigmus Antropov, 2010
- Ammostyphrus Reichardt, 1924
- Amnestus Dallas, 1851
- Amniscus Dejean, 1835
- Amobaeus Kleine, 1925
- Amobia
- Amoea Lefèbvre, 1842
- Amolita Grote, 1874
- Amorbus Dallas, 1852
- Amorpha Hübner, 1809
- Amorphocephala Damoiseau, 1966
- Amorphococcus Green, 1902
- Amotus Casey, 1888
- Ampeloglypter LeConte, 1876
- Amphaces Dallas, 1851
- Amphasia Newman, 1838
- Amphelasma Barber, 1947
- Ampheremus Fall, 1917
- Amphiagrion Selys, 1876
- Amphiareus Distant, 1904
- Amphibolips Reinhard, 1865
- Amphibolus Klug, 1830
- Amphicerus LeConte, 1861
- Amphichorema Schmid, 1989
- Amphicnephes
- Amphicordus Heller, 1913
- Amphicosmoecus Schmid, 1955
- Amphicosmus
- Amphicrossus Erichson, 1843
- Amphigerontia Kolbe, 1880
- Amphilecta Brauer, 1882
- Amphimallon Latreille, 1825
- Amphinemura Ris, 1902
- Amphion Hübner, 1819
- Amphipoea Billberg, 1820
- Amphipopon
- Amphipsalta Fleming, 1969
- Amphipsyche McLachlan, 1872
- Amphipteryx Selys, 1853
- Amphipyra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Amphithetobrentus Damoiseau, 1963
- Amphitornus McNeill, 1897
- Amphizoa LeConte, 1853
- Amphoropsyche Holzenthal, 1985
- Amphotis Erichson, 1843
- Amphycyrta Erichson, 1843
- Amphylaeus Michener, 1965
- Ampsalis Walker, 1859
- Ampulex Jurine, 1807
- Ampumixis Sanderson, 1954
- Amputoearinus Sharkey, 2006
- Amsaria Adisoemarto, 1974
- Amulius Stål, 1866
- Amurodytes Fery and Petrov, 2013
- Amydetes Hoffmannsegg in Illiger, 1807
- Amydropa Reitter, 1877
- Amygdalops Lamb
- Amygdonia Schouteden, 1938
- Amyna Guenée, 1852
- Amynothrips O'Neill, 1968
- Amyssonotum Horvath, 1919
- Amythra Spaeth, 1913
- Anaballus Blanchard, 1849
- Anabittacus Kimmins, 1929
- Anabolia Stephens, 1837
- Anabrus Haldeman, 1852
- Anacaena Thomson, 1859
- Anacanthella Macquart, 1855
- Anacanthesancus Miller, 1955
- Anacanthiocnemis Reuter, 1882
- Anacanthopus Montandon, 1894
- Anacassis Spaeth, 1913
- Anacentrinus Buchanan, 1932
- Anacerilocus Miller, 1957
- Anacestra Hsiao, 1964
- Anacharis Dalman, 1823
- Anachyra van Achterberg, 1995
- Anacimas
- Anaclileia
- Anacrabro Packard, 1866
- Anacroneuria Klapálek, 1909
- Anacrunoecia Mosely, 1949
- Anactorus Damoiseau, 1967
- Anacyptus Horn, 1877
- Anadasynus China, 1934
- Anadrilus Kirsch, 1875
- Anaea Hübner, 1819
- Anagapetus Ross, 1938
- Anaglymma Lewis, 1894
- Anagrapha McDunnough, 1944
- Anagrus Haliday, 1833
- Anakelisia Wagner, 1963
- Analanca Miller, 1955
- Analcoceroides Hollis, 1962
- Analcocerus Loew, 1855
- Analeptura Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Analetris Edmunds, 1972
- Anallacrotelsa Mendes, 1996
- Analysson Krombein, 1985
- Anambodera Barr, 1974
- Anametis Horn, 1876
- Anamorphus LeConte, 1878
- Anampyx Damoiseau, 1963
- Ananca Fairmaire and Germain, 1863
- Anandromesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Ananesiotes Kleine, 1922
- Ananthidium Urban, 1991
- Anapausis
- Anaphothrips Uzel, 1895
- Anaplectoides McDunnough, 1929
- Anapleus Horn, 1873
- Anaprixia Mason, 1991
- Anapsaltoda Ashton, 1921
- Anaptus Kerzhner, 1968
- Anapus Stål, 1858
- Anaraiorrhinus Damoiseau, 1987
- Anarete
- Anaretella
- Anargemus Lindner, 1965
- Anarta Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Anartia Hübner, 1819
- Anasa Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Anascirtothrips Bhatti, 1961
- Anaspis Geoffroy, 1762
- Anastatus Motschulsky, 1860
- Anastoechus
- Anastrangalia Casey, 1924
- Anastrepha Schiner, 1868
- Anastrephoides Hendel, 1927
- Anastrus Hübner, 1824
- Anasynodites Reichensperger, 1935
- Anatella
- Anatheta Casey, 1910
- Anathix Franclemont, 1937
- Anathracophaga
- Anatis Mulsant, 1846
- Anatopynia Johannsen, 1905
- Anatralata Munroe, 1961
- Anatrichis LeConte, 1853
- Anatrytone Dyar, 1905
- Anatya Kirby, 1889
- Anaulacus W. McLeay, 1825
- Anavinemina Rindge, 1964
- Anavitrinella McDunnough, 1922
- Anax Leach, 1815
- Anaxipha Saussure, 1874
- Anchastus
- Anchiacanthonevra Hardy, 1986
- Anchidelphax Fennah, 1965
- Anchieta Navás, 1909
- Anchisteus Kolbe, 1883
- Anchitelus Van Dyke, 1936
- Anchitrichia Flint, 1970
- Anchodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Anchomenus Bonelli, 1810
- Anchonoderus Reiche, 1843
- Anchonus Schönherr, 1825
- Anchorius Casey, 1900
- Anchycteis Horn, 1880
- Anchylarthron Brendel, 1887
- Anchytarsus Guérin-Méneville, 1843
- Ancistronycha Märkel, 1852
- Ancistroplax Waterston, 1929
- Ancognatha Erichson, 1847
- Anconia Scudder, 1876
- Ancyla Lepeletier, 1841
- Ancylandrena Cockerell, 1930
- Ancylobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Ancylocera Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Ancylodiplosis
- Ancyloscelis Latreille, 1829
- Ancyloxypha C. Felder, 1863
- Ancyridris Wheeler, 1935
- Ancyronyx Erichson, 1847
- Andaeschna De Marmels, 1994
- Andaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Andeabatis Nielsen & Robinson, 1983
- Andersenella J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Andersenius Zettel and Chen, 1996
- Andesipolis Whitfield and Choi, 2004
- Andevocassis Spaeth, 1924
- Andex Sharp, 1882
- Andinagrion Bulla, 1973
- Andinaugochlora Eickwort, 1969
- Andinopanurgus Gonzalez and Engel, 2011
- Andogyrus Ochs, 1924
- Andonectes Guéorguiev, 1971
- Andrallus Bergroth, 1905
- Andrena Fabricius, 1775
- Andrenosoma
- Andricus Hartig, 1840
- Andriscus Stål, 1876
- Androchorema Flint, 1979
- Androclus Stål, 1863
- Androloma Grote, 1873
- Androlyperus Crotch, 1873
- Andropolia Grote, 1895
- Androya Spaeth, 1911
- Andrzej Slipinski, 2007
- Aneaporia Casey, 1908
- Anectadius Kieffer, 1905
- Anectopia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Aneflomorpha Casey, 1912
- Aneflus LeConte, 1873
- Anegleis Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Anelaphus Linsley, 1936
- Anelastes
- Anelpistina Silvestri, 1905
- Anelpistus Horn, 1870
- Aneorhachis Kleine, 1923
- Anepeorus McDunnough, 1925
- Anepsiomorpha Spaeth, 1913
- Anepsiotes Kleine, 1917
- Anergates Forel, 1874
- Aneuidellana Asche, 1988
- Aneuides Fennah, 1969
- Aneuretellus Dlussky, 1988
- Aneuretus Emery, 1893
- Aneurobaeus Kieffer, 1912
- Aneurobracon Brues, 1930
- Aneurocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aneurops Sharp, 1900
- Aneuroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Aneurus Curtis, 1825
- Aneuterapus Reichensperger, 1958
- Anevrina
- Anexaireta Woodley, 1995
- Angamiana Distant, 1890
- Angaronecta Popov, 1971
- Angelogelasinus Ito, 1984
- Angilia Stål, 1865
- Angilovelia Andersen, 1981
- Anginopachria Wewalka, Balke and Hendrich, 2001
- Angiocader Drake, 1950
- Angolotingis Drake, 1955
- Angolusa Drake, 1958
- Angulochterus Yao, Zhang and Ren in Yao et al., 2011
- Angulostiria Poole, 1995
- Angusta Wang and Cong, 2024
- Angustia Sellers, 1943
- Anhimella McDunnough, 1943
- Anhomoeus Hsiao, 1963
- Anhypotrix Lafontaine, Ferris and Walsh, 2010
- Anicia
- Anicla Grote, 1874
- Anidrytus Gerstaecker, 1858
- Anillaspis Casey, 1918
- Anillidris Santschi, 1936
- Anillinus Casey, 1918
- Anillodes Jeannel, 1963
- Anillomyrma Emery, 1913
- Animomyia Dyar, 1908
- Anirama Kozlov, 1970
- Anisagrion Selys, 1876
- Anisandrus Ferrari, 1867
- Anischys Dallas, 1851
- Anisembia Krauss, 1911
- Anisia Wulp, 1890
- Anisocentropus McLachlan, 1863
- Anisochalepus Uhmann, 1940
- Anisodactylus Dejean, 1829
- Anisodera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Anisogamodes Martynov, 1924
- Anisogamus McLachlan, 1874
- Anisolabis Fieber, 1853
- Anisolemnia Crotch, 1874
- Anisomorpha Gray, 1835
- Anisopheidole Forel, 1914
- Anisopilothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Anisops Spinola, 1837
- Anisopus
- Anisorcus Crotch, 1874
- Anisorhizobius Hofmann, 1970
- Anisoscapus McFadden, 1970
- Anisoscelis Latreille, 1829
- Anisostena Weise, 1910
- Anisosticta Dejean, 1836
- Anisota Hübner, 1820
- Anisotoma Panzer, 1797
- Anitra Casey, 1894
- Ankleineella Zimmerman, 1994
- Ankonophallus Zaragoza and Navarrete, 2014
- Ankothrips D. L. Crawford, 1909
- Ankylacantha Lindner, 1955
- Ankylomyrma Bolton, 1973
- Annaphila Grote, 1873
- Annegialia Howden, 1971
- Annettella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Annitella Klapalek, 1907
- Anoamyia Lindner, 1935
- Anobiopsis Fall, 1905
- Anobium Fabricius, 1775
- Anoblepsis Engel and Bennett, 2008
- Anocamara Kleine, 1920
- Anocha
- Anochetus Mayr, 1861
- Anodocheilus Babington, 1841
- Anogdus LeConte, 1866
- Anolisimyia
- Anomala Samouelle, 1819
- Anomalacanthimyia Woodley, 2001
- Anomalacra Casey, 1915
- Anomalempis
- Anomalobittacus Kimmins, 1928
- Anomalochrysa McLachlan, 1883
- Anomalococcus Green, 1902
- Anomalocosmoecus Schmid, 1957
- Anomalomyrma Taylor, 1990
- Anomalopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Anomalophlebia Belle, 1995
- Anomaloplectron Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Anomalopsyche Flint, 1967
- Anomalopterygella Fischer, 1966
- Anomis Hübner, 1821
- Anomisma McLachlan, 1877
- Anommatelmis Spangler, 1981
- Anommatocoris China, 1945
- Anommatus Wesmael, 1835
- Anomobrenthus Fairmaire, 1881
- Anomoea Agassiz, 1847
- Anomognathus Solier, 1849
- Anomoia Walker, 1835
- Anomopsocus Roesler, 1940
- Anonychomyrma Donisthorpe, 1947
- Anopedias Förster, 1856
- Anopercalna Boulard, 2008
- Anopheles Meigen, 1818
- Anophtaeletes Olexa, 1976
- Anopisthocrania Lindner, 1935
- Anopliomorpha Linsley, 1936
- Anoplius Dufour, 1834
- Anoplocerus Kiritshenko, 1926
- Anoplocnemis Stål, 1873
- Anoplocurius Fisher, 1920
- Anoploderma Guérin-Méneville, 1840
- Anoplodonta James, 1936
- Anoplognatho Rivers, 1888
- Anoplolepis Santschi, 1914
- Anoplomus Bezzi, 1913
- Anoplophora Hope, 1839
- Anoplotermes Mueller, 1873
- Anorostoma
- Anortalia Weise, 1902
- Anorthodes Smith, 1891
- Anorus LeConte, 1859
- Anotheorus Blackburn, 1877
- Anotylus Thomson, 1859
- Anoxynops Townsend, 1927
- Antabhoga Distant, 1912
- Antanambecoris Brailovsky, 2001
- Antanambeus Villiers, 1948
- Antankaria Distant, 1904
- Antarcticodomus Brookes, 1951
- Antarctoecia Ulmer, 1907
- Antarctonomus Chaudoir, 1861
- Antarctophthirus Enderlein, 1906
- Antecerococcus
- Antennoleon New, 1985
- Anteos Hübner, 1819
- Antepione Packard, 1876
- Antepirrhoe Warren, 1905
- Anterastria Sugi, 1982
- Anteris Förster, 1856
- Anteromorpha Dodd, 1913
- Anthalia
- Anthanassa Scudder, 1875
- Anthaxia Eschscholtz, 1829
- Anthelephila Hope, 1833
- Anthepiscopus
- Antheraea Hübner, 1819
- Antherophagus Dejean, 1821
- Anthicus Paykull, 1798
- Anthidiellum Cockerell, 1904
- Anthidioma Pasteels, 1984
- Anthidium Fabricius, 1804
- Anthocharis Boisduval, Rambur, [Duméril] and Graslin, 1833
- Anthocoris Fallén, 1814
- Anthodioctes Holmberg, 1903
- Anthomyia
- Anthomyiopsis Townsend, 1916
- Anthomyza
- Anthonaeus Horn, 1879
- Anthonomopsis Dietz, 1891
- Anthonomus Germar, 1817
- Anthonyon Huggert & Masner, 1983
- Anthophora Latreille, 1803
- Anthophorula Cockerell, 1897
- Anthophylax LeConte, 1850
- Anthopotamus McCafferty and Bae, 1990
- Anthrax
- Anthrenoides Ducke, 1907
- Anthrenus O. F. Müller, 1764
- Anthribus Geoffroy, 1762
- Anthylla Stål, 1876
- Antiagrion Ris, 1904
- Antianthe
- Antiblemma Hübner, 1821
- Anticarsia Hübner, 1818
- Antichaeta
- Antichthonidris Snelling, 1975
- Anticlea Stephens, 1831
- Antidryas Asche, 1998
- Antidythemis Kirby, 1889
- Antigonus Hübner, 1819
- Antihepialus Janse, 1942
- Antilissus Sharp, 1879
- Antillea Higgins, 1959
- Antilleptostylus Gilmour, 1963
- Antilliscaris Bänninger, 1949
- Antillocladius
- Antillocoris Kirkaldy, 1904
- Antillopsyche Banks, 1941
- Antillothrips Stannard, 1957
- Antineda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Antiopula Bergroth, 1863
- Antiopuloides Miller, 1952
- Antipetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Antiphoides Rindge, 1990
- Antiplecta Warren, 1900
- Antipodoecia Mosely, 1934
- Antiporus Sharp, 1882
- Antisophira Hardy, 1974
- Antispila Hübner, 1825
- Antissa Walker, 1854
- Antissella White, 1914
- Antistrophus Walsh, 1869
- Antliarhinus Schoenherr, 1823
- Antocha Osten Sacken, 1859
- Antomartinezius Fritz, 1955
- Antonaria Jacoby and Clavareau, 1905
- Antongilus Gomy, 1969
- Antonina Signoret, 1875
- Antopocerus Hardy, 1965
- Antoxya Munro, 1957
- Antroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Anurapteryx Hampson, 1918
- Anurogryllus Saussure, 1877
- Anycteola Barnes and Benjamin, 1929
- Anyttus Stål, 1865
- Aon Neumögen, 1892
- Aonidiella Berlese and Leonardi, 1895
- Aoraia Dumbleton, 1966
- Aorphallus Zaragoza and Gutiérrez, 2018
- Aoteapsyche McFarlane, 1976
- Aoteasalda Larivière and Larochelle, 2016
- Aoyuanus Ding and Chen in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Apachekolos
- Apachemiris Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Apagobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Apagodiplosis
- Apallates
- Apalocnemis
- Apalonia Casey, 1906
- Apamea Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Apanisagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Apanteles Foerster, 1863
- Apantesis Walker, 1855
- Apastillus Kirejtshuk and Mantic, 2015
- Apatania Kolenati, 1848
- Apataniana Mosely, 1936
- Apatanodes Navás, 1934
- Apate Fabricius, 1775
- Apateticus Dallas, 1851
- Apatidelia Mosely, 1942
- Apatides Casey, 1898
- Apatolestes
- Apechtia Reuter, 1881
- Apedilum Townes, 1945
- Apegus Förster, 1856
- Apeltastes Howden, 1968
- Apenes LeConte, 1851
- Apeplopoda Watson, 1980
- Apetasimus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Aphaenogaster Mayr, 1853
- Aphaniosoma Becker
- Aphanister Reichensperger, 1933
- Aphanisticus Latreille, 1829
- Aphanogmus Thomson, 1858
- Aphanomerella Dodd, 1913
- Aphanomerus Perkins, 1905
- Aphanotrigonum
- Apharus Reitter, 1882
- Aphelagathis Sharkey, 2015
- Aphelampyx Quentin, 1966
- Aphelinus Dalman, 1820
- Aphelocheirus Westwood, 1833
- Aphelonecta Lansbury, 1965
- Aphelonyx Mayr, 1881
- Aphelosternus Wenzel in Arnett, 1962
- Aphelotingis Drake, 1948
- Aphelotoma Westwood, 1841
- Aphenolia Reitter, 1884
- Aphidecta Weise, 1893
- Aphidius Nees von Esenbeck, 1819
- Aphidoletes
- Aphilanthops Patton, 1881
- Aphilorheithrus Mosely, 1936
- Aphis
- Aphlebocoris Handlirsch, 1908
- Aphleboderrhis Stål, 1860
- Aphodiplosis
- Aphodius Illiger, 1798
- Aphoebantus
- Aphomomyrmex Emery, 1899
- Aphonocoris Miller, 1950
- Aphonus LeConte, 1856
- Aphorista Gorham, 1873
- Aphotaenius Cartwright, 1952
- Aphrania Jordan and Rothschild, 1912
- Aphrastomyia
- Aphrastus Say, 1831
- Aphria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aphrissa Butler, 1873
- Aphrophora Germar, 1821
- Aphrosylus Haliday, 1851
- Aphrovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1988
- Aphthona Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Aphylla Selys, 1854
- Apianthidium Pasteels, 1969
- Apicrenus Maldonado, Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1993
- Apiculonia Wang, 1990
- Apidaurus Stål, 1870
- Apiloscatopse
- Apimela Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Apiocera
- Apiomerus Hahn, 1831
- Apion Herbst, 1797
- Apis Linnaeus, 1758
- Aplanodes Fennah, 1965
- Aplatissa Viette, 1953
- Aplatyphylax Kimmins, 1950
- Aplectoides Butler, 1878
- Apleurus Chevrolat, 1873
- Aplocera Stephens, 1827
- Aploderus Stephens, 1833
- Aplogompha Warren, 1897
- Aplomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Aplomyopsis Townsend, 1927
- Apoavga van Achterberg, 1995
- Apobaetis Day, 1955
- Apobaeus Masner, 1964
- Apobletes Marseul, 1860
- Apobletodes Desbordes, 1918
- Apocaucus Distant, 1909
- Apocedria van Achterberg and Chen, 2004
- Apocellus Erichson, 1839
- Apocemus Calabresi, 1921
- Apocephalus
- Apocrisias Franclemont, 1966
- Apodemia C. Felder and R. Felder, 1865
- Apoderus Olivier, 1807
- Apodrepanulatrix Rindge, 1949
- Apoleon Gorham, 1885
- Apolephthisa
- Apolinus Pope and Lawrence, 1990
- Apolysis
- Apomecyna Latreille, 1829
- Apometriocnemus
- Apomyrma Brown, Gotwald & Levieux, 1971
- Aponephus Booth, 1991
- Aponwaopterus García and Jiménez-Ramos, 2019
- Aporhina Boisduval, 1835
- Aporocassida Spaeth, 1952
- Aposigalphus van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Aposthonia Krauss, 1911
- Apote Scudder, 1897
- Apotomaspis Lindner, 1972
- Apotrepus Casey, 1892
- Apotrigona Moure, 1961
- Apozyx Mason, 1978
- Appalachia Rehn and Rehn, 1936
- Appasus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Aprepolestes Stål, 1868
- Aprionus
- Apristus Chaudoir, 1846
- Aproida Pascoe, 1863
- Apronius Stål, 1865
- Aprostocetus Westwood, 1833
- Apsaphida Franclemont, 1973
- Apsectrotanypus
- Apsectus LeConte, 1854
- Apseudoscymnus Hoang, 1984
- Apsilocephala
- Apsilochorema Ulmer, 1907
- Apsilops Förster, 1868
- Aptenopedes Scudder, 1877
- Apterachalcus Bickel, 1991
- Apterobittacus MacLachlan, 1893
- Apterocis Perkins, 1900
- Apterocyclus Waterhouse, 1871
- Apteroloma Hatch, 1927
- Apteromechus Faust, 1896
- Apteromyia
- Apteropanorpa Carpenter, 1941
- Apteroperla Matsumura, 1931
- Apteroreduvius Villiers, 1975
- Apteroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Apterostigma Mayr, 1865
- Apterothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Apterygothrips Priesner, 1933
- Aptilotus
- Aptinocoris Montandon, 1897
- Aptinothrips Haliday, 1836
- Apulvillus Malloch
- Apyrrothrix Lindsey, 1921
- Apystomyia
- Aquarius Schellenberg, 1800
- Aquatica Fu, Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2010
- Aquilonia Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Aquulavelia Thirumalai, 1999
- Arabiopsis
- Aracanthus Say, 1831
- Arachnidomyia
- Arachnis Geyer, 1837
- Aradelloides Malipatil, 1983
- Aradellus Westwood, 1874
- Aradomorpha Champion, 1899
- Aradophagus Ashmead, 1893
- Aradus Fabricius, 1803
- Araecerus Schoenherr, 1823
- Araeoderes Schaeffer, 1906
- Araeodontia Barr, 1952
- Araeopidius Cockerell, 1906
- Araeopteron Hampson, 1893
- Araeopus Spinola, 1839
- Aragnomus Horn, 1876
- Aragualna Champanhet, Boulard and Gaiani, 2000
- Araiobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Araiorrhinus Senna, 1893
- Aralius Kuschel, 1990
- Araneaster Hesse, 1925
- Araphocoris Miller, 1954
- Araptus Eichhoff, 1878
- Araucaleon Banks, 1938
- Araucariocladus Silveira and Mermudes, 2017
- Araucastigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Arawacus Kaye, 1904
- Arawana Leng, 1908
- Arbolister Mazur, 1990
- Arcantivelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Arcesius Stål, 1863
- Archaeoaenetus Simonsen, 2018
- Archaeoditomotarsus Faúndez, Carvajal and Rider, 2014
- Archaeogomphus Williamson, 1919
- Archaeophylax Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Archaeopodagrion Kennedy, 1939
- Archaeopone Dlussky, 1975
- Archaeoptilomera Zettel, 2009
- Archaeorhyssalus Engel, 2016
- Archaeoscelio Brues, 1940
- Archaeoteleia Masner, 1968
- Archaesalepta Grimaldi and Engel in Grimaldi et al., 2013
- Archanara Walker, 1866
- Archaphidus Starý and Schlinger, 1967
- Archarias Dejean, 1821
- Archegleis Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1984
- Archeoglenes
- Archepandemis Mutuura, 1978
- Archephedrus Ortega-Blanco, Bennett, Delclòs and Engel, 2009
- Archepopovia Golub, 2001
- Archiearis Hübner, 1823
- Archilagarinus Enderlein, 1932
- Archileptocera
- Archilestes Selys, 1862
- Archilestidium Breddin, 1900
- Archilestris
- Archimimus
- Archimyrmex Cockerell, 1923
- Archimyza Enderlein, 1921
- Archipines Strohecker, 1953
- Archiponera Carpenter, 1930
- Archipraon Starý, 1973
- Archips Hübner, 1822
- Archipsocopsis Badonnel, 1948
- Archipsocus Hagen, 1882
- Archirhoe Herbulot, 1951
- Archistratiomys Enderlein, 1913
- Archisynarsis Szabó, 1973
- Archithremma Martynov, 1935
- Archodontes Lameere, 1903
- Archophileurus Kolbe, 1910
- Archytas Jaennicke, 1867
- Arcifrons Ding and Yang in Ding et al., 1986
- Arcobara Walker, 1863
- Arcofaciella Fennah, 1956
- Arcofacies Muir, 1915
- Arctia Schrank, 1802
- Arctobyrrhus Münster, 1902
- Arctoconopa
- Arctocorisa Wallengren, 1894
- Arctodiamesa
- Arctodium Burmeister, 1844
- Arctonotus Boisduval, 1852
- Arctopelopia
- Arctopiophila
- Arctopora Thomson, 1891
- Arctopsyche McLachlan, 1868
- Arctorthezia
- Arctostaphylocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Arcuaplectron New, 1985
- Arcuavena Woodley, 1995
- Arcynopteryx Klapálek, 1904
- Arcystasia Distant, 1882
- Ardistomis Putzeys, 1846
- Arefbea Jessop, 1983
- Arenaeocoris Blinn, 2012
- Arenasella Schmidt, 1932
- Arenigena
- Arenivaga Rehn, 1903
- Arenocoris Hahn, 1834
- Arenopsaltria Ashton, 1921
- Areopraon Mackauer, 1959
- Arescus Perty, 1832
- Arethaea Stål, 1876
- Arfaka Distant, 1905
- Arge Schrank, 1802
- Argenta Granara de Willink in Granara de Willink et al., 2023
- Argentipilosa Gordon and Almeida, 1991
- Argentoleon Stange, 1994
- Argentostiria Poole, 1995
- Argia Rambur, 1842
- Argiacris Hebard, 1918
- Argillophora Grote, 1873
- Argogorytes Ashmead, 1899
- Argopistes Motschulsky, 1860
- Argoravinia
- Argosadalia Vandenberg, 2019
- Argyra
- Argyrobrithes Grunberg, 1915
- Argyrocoris Van Duzee, 1912
- Argyrogramma Hübner, 1823
- Argyrophylax Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Argyrostrotis Hübner, 1821
- Argyrothemis Ris, 1909
- Arhaphe Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Arhinobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Arhopalus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Arhysoceble Moure, 1948
- Arhysosage Brèthes, 1922
- Arhyssus Stål, 1870
- Arianops Brendel, 1893
- Ariasa Distant, 1905
- Aridonevra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Arigomphus Needham, 1897
- Arigorytes Rohwer, 1912
- Arilus Hahn, 1831
- Arioge Stål, 1867
- Ariotus Casey, 1895
- Ariphanarthra Moure, 1951
- Aripoa Fennah, 1945
- Aristaria Guenée, 1854
- Aristathlus Bergroth, 1913
- Aristobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Aristomorphus Lewis, 1913
- Aristonister Dégallier, 1998
- Aritaerius Kovarik and Tishechkin, 2004
- Arizonacritus Gomy and Warner, 2013
- Armania Dlussky, 1983
- Armaniella Dlussky, 1983
- Armigeres Theobald, 1901
- Armilargulus Stehlík and Jindra, 2007
- Armstrongocoris Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Armstrongula Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Arnoldita Pate, 1948
- Aroliagorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Arorathrips Bhatti, 1990
- Arotis Mabille, 1904
- Arpactophilus F. Smith, 1863
- Arpediothrips Hood, 1927
- Arphia Stål, 1873
- Arractocetus Kurosawa, 1985
- Arrenodes Schoenherr, 1823
- Arrhinactia Townsend, 1927
- Arrilpecoris Malipatil, 1988
- Arsapnia Banks, 1897
- Artemita Walker, 1854
- Artemitomima James, 1948
- Arteurotia Butler and H. Druce, 1872
- Artheneis Spinola, 1837
- Arthmius LeConte, 1849
- Arthria
- Arthroceras
- Arthrocnodax
- Arthrolips Wollaston, 1854
- Arthromacra
- Arthronemina Lindner, 1980
- Arthropeas
- Arthroplea Bengtsson, 1908
- Artipus Sahlberg, 1823
- Arugisa Walker, 1865
- Arunta Distant, 1904
- Arushia Drake, 1951
- Arvelius Spinola, 1840
- Asahaya Schmid, 1991
- Asamangulia Maulik, 1915
- Asaphidion des Gozis, 1886
- Asaphomyia
- Asbolis Mabille, 1904
- Ascalapha Hübner, 1809
- Ascalaphomerus Walker, 1852
- Ascalobyas Penny, 1981
- Ascaloptynx Banks, 1915
- Ascalorphne Banks, 1915
- Asceloconchaspis Williams, 1992
- Ascetotrephes J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2003
- Aschistocoris Bergroth, 1909
- Ascia Scopoli, 1777
- Asciodema Reuter, 1878
- Ascioplaga Neboiss, 1984
- Asclepios Distant, 1915
- Asclera Stephens, 1839
- Ascotrichia Flint, 1983
- Aselas Barnard, 1934
- Asemoplus Scudder, 1897
- Asemum Eschscholtz, 1830
- Aseptis McDunnough, 1937
- Ashantina Kertesz, 1914
- Asheum
- Ashlockaria Harrington, 1980
- Ashlockhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Ashmeadiella Cockerell, 1897
- Ashmira Mosely, 1939
- Asiarcha Stål, 1870
- Asiaster Cooman, 1948
- Asilus
- Asimoneura Czerny, 1909
- Asindulum
- Asiocoris Tomokuni and Cai, 2002
- Asioplax Wiersema and McCafferty, 2000
- Asiopsocus Günther, 1968
- Asiraca Latreille, 1796
- Asiracemus Asche, 1988
- Asiracina Melichar, 1912
- Aslamidium Borowiec, 1984
- Asmicridea Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Asobara Förster, 1862
- Asolenus Lewis, 1906
- Aspartimas Woodley, 1995
- Aspathines Champion, 1888
- Asperagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Asperala Lambkin, 1986
- Asperotingis Péricart, 2000
- Asphaera Duponchel and Chevrolat, 1842
- Asphinctanilloides Brandao, Diniz, Agosti & Delabie, 1999
- Asphinctopone Santschi, 1914
- Asphondylia
- Aspidacantha Kertesz, 1916
- Aspidacanthina Lindner, 1966
- Aspidelmis Delève, 1954
- Aspidiella
- Aspidimerus Mulsant, 1850
- Aspidimorpha Hope, 1840
- Aspidiotus Bouche, 1833
- Aspidispa Baly, 1869
- Aspidoglossa Putzeys, 1846
- Aspidolister Bickhardt, 1920
- Aspidosmia Brauns, 1926
- Aspilodemon Fischer, 1966
- Aspilosterna Stål, 1873
- Aspiodiotus
- Aspisoma Laporte, 1833
- Aspisomoides Zaragoza, 1995
- Aspistes
- Aspitates Treitschke, 1825
- Asprothrips J. C. Crawford, 1938
- Asseclamyia Reinhard, 1956
- Astalotesia Ferguson, A. Blanchard and Knudson, 1983
- Astata Latreille, 1797
- Asteia Meigen
- Asteliamiris Schwartz and Polhemus, 1999
- Astenophylina Mosely, 1936
- Asterix Mazur, 1993
- Asteriza Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Asterocampa Röber, 1916
- Asterodiaspis Signoret, 1877
- Asterolecanium Targioni Tozzetti, 1868
- Asteromyia
- Asthenesita Casey, 1893
- Asthenocoris Usinger, 1938
- Astictoneura
- Astigmapraon Tian and Chen, 2017
- Astinus Stål, 1859
- Astiosoma
- Astolphos Distant, 1904
- Astraptes Hübner, 1819
- Astraptor Murray, 1868
- Astratodina Mosely, 1936
- Astromula Chemsak and Linsley, 1965
- Astrophanes
- Astygiton Berg, 1884
- Astylidius Casey, 1913
- Astylopsis Casey, 1913
- Asymmetricata Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Asymphylomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Asynapta
- Asynarchus McLachlan, 1880
- Asyncritula Strand, 1929
- Asyndetus
- Atacta Schiner, 1868
- Atactopsis Townsend, 1917
- Ataeniopsis Petrovitz, 1973
- Ataenius Harold, 1867
- Ataenogera
- Atalantycha Kazantsev, 2005
- Atalopedes Scudder, 1872
- Atanatolica Mosely, 1936
- Atarba Osten-sacken, 1869
- Ataxia Haldeman, 1847
- Ateledera Lacordaire, 1845
- Ateledrosophila Hardy, 1965
- Ateloglossa Coquillett, 1899
- Ateloplus Scudder, 1894
- Atenophthalmus Kleine, 1920
- Ateuchus Weber, 1801
- Athaumastus Mayr, 1865
- Atheas Champion, 1898
- Atherigona
- Atherix Meigen, 1803
- Athesapeuta Faust, 1894
- Athestia Melichar, 1914
- Atheta Thomson, 1858
- Athetis Hübner, 1821
- Atholus C. Thomson, 1859
- Athomalus Mazur, 1993
- Athripsodes Billberg, 1820
- Athrostictus Bates, 1878
- Athrycia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Athyrma Hübner, 1823
- Athyroglossa
- Atimia Haldeman, 1847
- Atinus Horn, 1868
- Atisne Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Atissa Haliday, 1837
- Atlantea Higgins, 1959
- Atlanticus Scudder, 1894
- Atlides Hübner, 1819
- Atomaria Stephens, 1829
- Atomoscelis Reuter, 1875
- Atomosia
- Atoniomyia
- Atopobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Atopomacer Kuschel, 1989
- Atopomyrmex Andre, 1889
- Atopophlebia Flowers, 1980
- Atopophthirus Kim, 1977
- Atoposmia Cockerell, 1935
- Atopozelus Elkins, 1954
- Atopsyche Banks, 1905
- Atrachelus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Atrachorema McFarlane, 1964
- Atractelmis Chandler, 1954
- Atractocerus Palisot de Beauvois, 1801
- Atractomorpha Saussure, 1861
- Atractothrips Hood, 1938
- Atractotomus Fieber, 1858
- Atractuchus Vanin, 1976
- Atranus LeConte, 1847
- Atrapsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Atrazonotus Slater and Ashlock, 1966
- Atribalus Bickhardt, 1921
- Atricholeon Stange, 1994
- Atrichomelina
- Atrichonotus Buchanan, 1939
- Atrichopogon
- Atriplectides Mosely, 1936
- Atritermus Belokobylskij, Zaldívar-Riverón and Quicke, 2007
- Atropsocus Mockford, 1993
- Atrusca Kinsey, 1930
- Atrytone Scudder, 1872
- Atrytonopsis Godman, 1900
- Atta Fabricius, 1804
- Attagenus Latreille, 1802
- Attalister Bruch, 1937
- Attaneuria Ricker, 1954
- Attaphila Wheeler, 1900
- Attelabus Linnaeus, 1758
- Attenella Edmunds, 1971
- Attenuella Boulard, 1973
- Attopsis Heer, 1850
- Atylostagma White, 1853
- Atylotus
- Atyphella Olliff, 1890
- Auchenophorus R. Turner, 1907
- Audernaculus Miller, 1941
- Audernacus Distant, 1904
- Aufeius Stål, 1870
- Augochlora Smith, 1853
- Augochlorella Sandhouse, 1937
- Augochlorodes Moure, 1958
- Augochloropsis Cockerell, 1897
- Augocoris Burmeister, 1835
- Augyles Schiødte, 1866
- Aulacaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Aulacidea Ashmead, 1897
- Aulacigaster
- Aulacochthebius Kuwert, 1887
- Aulacoclopius Breddin, 1903
- Aulacoderes Chevrolat, 1839
- Aulacogenia Stål, 1870
- Aulacophilinus Lomholdt, 1980
- Aulacophilus F. Smith, 1869
- Aulacopone Arnol'di, 1930
- Aulacorthum
- Aulacoscelis Duponchel and Chevrolat in d'Orbigny, 1842
- Aulacosolus Jäch and Boukal, 1997
- Aulacosphodrus Stål, 1870
- Aulacosterjanus Brailovsky, 2002
- Aulacosternum Dallas, 1852
- Aulacosternus Marseul, 1853
- Aulacus Jurine, 1807
- Auladoria Brèthes, 1925
- Aulana Walker, 1864
- Auletobius Desbrochers, 1869
- Auleutes Dietz, 1896
- Aulicus Spinola, 1841
- Aulis Mulsant, 1850
- Aulobaris LeConte, 1876
- Aulocara Scudder, 1876
- Auloceromyia Lindner, 1969
- Aulonium Erichson, 1845
- Aulonogyrus Motschulsky, 1853
- Aulonothroscus Horn, 1890
- Aulosaphanes Belokobylskij, 2004
- Aulosaphes Muesebeck, 1935
- Aulosaphobracon Belokobylskij and Long, 2005
- Aulosaphoides van Achterberg, 1995
- Aulostyrax Maulik, 1929
- Aulotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Aumakua Hayes and Sattler, 1980
- Aurantiocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Aurantothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Aurelianus Distant, 1902
- Auritibicen Lee, 2015
- Aurivilliana Distant, 1881
- Aurungabada Distant, 1906
- Auscala Moulds, 2012
- Austinicotesia Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Australanius Gomy, 2009
- Australaphodius Balthasar, 1942
- Australcmena Miller, 1958
- Australeon Miller and Stange, 2012
- Australoactina Woodley, 1995
- Australoberis Lindner, 1958
- Australobiosis Schmid, 1958
- Australocader B. Lis, 1997
- Australocleptes Miller, 1951
- Australoluciola Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2013
- Australomalus Mazur, 1981
- Australoneda Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1984
- Australostolus Stys, 1980
- Australotingis Hacker, 1927
- Australoxenos Kathirithamby, 1990
- Australphilus Watts, 1978
- Australymexylon Wheeler, 1986
- Austrarcesius Miller, 1957
- Austratrichia Wells, 1982
- Austrelmis Brown, 1984
- Austrheithrus Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Austrobates Andersen and Weir, 1994
- Austrobittacus Riek, 1954
- Austrocentrus Schmid, 1964
- Austrochorema Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Austroclimaciella Handschin, 1961
- Austrocosmoecus Schmid, 1955
- Austrocotesia Austin and Dangerfield, 1992
- Austrodytes Watts, 1978
- Austrogorytes R. Bohart, 1967
- Austrogymnocnemia Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Austrohebrus Andersen and Weir, 2004
- Austrohormius Belokobylskij, 1989
- Austrokatanga Weirauch, Rabitsch and Rédei, 2009
- Austroleon Banks, 1909
- Austrolimnius Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Austrolimnophila Alexander, 1920
- Austrolysitermus Belokobylskij, 1999
- Austromantispa Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Austromerope Killington, 1933
- Austromerus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Austronecta Tinerella, 2013
- Austronepa Menke and Stange, 1964
- Austronevra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Austropanurgus Toro, 1980
- Austrophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Austrophorocera Townsend, 1916
- Austroplebeia Moure, 1961
- Austropsecadia Hincks, 1950
- Austropsyche Banks, 1939
- Austrorioxa Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Austrostelis Michener and Griswold, 1994
- Austrothurgus Gonzalez and Engel, 2013
- Austrotinodes Schmid, 1955
- Austrovelia Malipatil and Monteith, 1983
- Austrovelinus Malipatil, 1991
- Auta Distant, 1897
- Autalia Leach, 1819
- Autarcus Senna, 1892
- Authenta Bergroth, 1894
- Autochton Hübner, 1823
- Autographa Hübner, 1821
- Automeris Hübner, 1819
- Autometrus Kleine, 1922
- Automola
- Autoplusia McDunnough, 1944
- Autosebus Kolbe, 1916
- Autotela Weise, 1900
- Autriquella Starý, 1988
- Autumnimiris Schwartz, 1989
- Auxanommatidia
- Avpanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Axarus Roback
- Axelinus Kryzhanovskij in Kryzhanovskij and Reichardt, 1976
- Axenus Grote, 1873
- Axestinus LeConte, 1873
- Axestotrigona Moure, 1961
- Axinidris Weber, 1941
- Axinopalpus LeConte, 1846
- Axinoscymnus Kamiya, 1963
- Axiocerina Ross, 1957
- Axiokersos Distant, 1909
- Axion Mulsant, 1850
- Axiothauma Munro, 1946
- Axylophilus Casey, 1895
- Axymyia
- Axysta
- Ayesha Distant, 1905
- Aykhustigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Aylax Hartig, 1840
- Ayuthia Distant, 1919
- Azana
- Azelia
- Azemius Damoiseau, 1961
- Azenia Grote, 1882
- Azeta Guenée, 1852
- Azoria Mulsant, 1850
- Azteca Forel, 1878
- Aztecacris Roberts, 1947
- Aztecanthidium Michener and Ordway, 1964
- Aztecarpalus Ball, 1970
- Azya Mulsant, 1850
- Babalimnichus Satô, 1994
- Babia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Babras Jacobi, 1907
- Bacaniomorphus Mazur, 1989
- Bacanius J. L. LeConte, 1853
- Baccha
- Bacillometra Esaki, 1927
- Bacillometroides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2010
- Backomyia
- Baclozygum Bergroth, 1909
- Baconia Lewis, 1885
- Bactridium LeConte, 1861
- Bactrocera Macquart, 1835
- Bactrocerus LeConte, 1866
- Bactrocoris Kormilev, 1953
- Bactrodes Stål, 1860
- Bactrodosoma Stål, 1860
- Bactromantis Scudder, 1896
- Bactropalpus
- Bactrophya Breddin, 1901
- Bactrophyamixia Brailovsky, 1991
- Bactropota Bezzi, 1924
- Bactrothrips Karny, 1912
- Badilloniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Badister Clairville, 1806
- Badukiella Mey in Mey & Mueller, 1979
- Baebius Stål, 1865
- Baeochila Drake and Poor, 1937
- Baeoctenus
- Baeonotus
- Baeopterogyna
- Baeotingis Drake and Poor, 1939
- Baetiella Ueno, 1931
- Baetis Leach, 1815
- Baetisca Walsh, 1862
- Baetodes Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Baetopus Keffermüller, 1960
- Baeturia Stål, 1866
- Baeus Haliday, 1833
- Bafutalna Boulard, 1993
- Bagauda Bergroth, 1903
- Bagaudella Miller, 1952
- Bagaudina Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Bagisara Walker, 1858
- Bagnalliella Karny, 1920
- Bagous Germar, 1817
- Bagriella McAtee and Malloch, 1923
- Bahiaxenos Bravo, Pohl, Silva-Neto and Beutel, 2009
- Baicalina Martynov, 1914
- Baicalinella Martynov, 1924
- Baicaloides Martynov, 1924
- Baichila Drake and Slater, 1955
- Baikaloperla Zapekina-Dulkeit and Zhiltzova, 1973
- Baikuris Dlussky, 1987
- Baileya Grote, 1896
- Baileyothrips Kono and O'Neill, 1964
- Bajcaridris Agosti, 1994
- Bakerella Crawford, 1914
- Bakerinia Kormilev, 1962
- Bako Schouteden, 1923
- Balboa Distant, 1893
- Balclutha Kirkaldy, 1900
- Baldus Stål, 1868
- Balega Reitter, 1882
- Baliemocoris Miller, 1958
- Baliga Navás, 1912
- Balinta Distant, 1905
- Baliomorpha Neboiss, 1984
- Baliosus Weise, 1905
- Baliothrips Uzel, 1895
- Ballella Knight, 1959
- Ballhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Ballida Mulsant, 1850
- Balliella Badonnel, 1949
- Ballucus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Baloghicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Balolina
- Balsa Walker, 1860
- Balta Tepper, 1893
- Balticovelia Andersen, 2000
- Balyana Péringuey, 1898
- Bambucibatus Muir, 1915
- Bambusaspis Cockerell, 1902
- Bambusiphaga Huang and Ding in Huang et al., 1979
- Bamona Sharp, 1883
- Banahaona Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Bananellodes Strand, 1928
- Banarocoris Miller, 1958
- Banasa Stål, 1860
- Bandelia Lindsey, 1923
- Bandidus Navás, 1914
- Baniana Walker, 1858
- Bankisus Navás, 1912
- Banksiola Martynov, 1924
- Bannania Hsiao, 1973
- Banyallarga Navas, 1916
- Banyutus Navás, 1912
- Baolacus Pic, 1915
- Baptarma Smith, 1904
- Baptista Distant, 1904
- Baracidris Bolton, 1981
- Barbaetis Waltz and McCafferty, 1985
- Barbarochthon Barnard, 1934
- Barbarus Mazur, 2005
- Barberiella Poppius, 1914
- Barbiellinia Bezzi, 1922
- Barbotinia Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Barce Stål, 1866
- Bardesanes Distant, 1909
- Bargylia Stål, 1865
- Bariamyrma Lattke, 1990
- Barilepis Casey, 1920
- Barilepton LeConte, 1876
- Barinus Casey, 1887
- Baris Germar, 1817
- Barlireduvius Malipatil, 1988
- Barracris Gurney, Strohecker and Helfer, 1964
- Barrellus Nelson and Bellamy, 1996
- Barreratalpa Brailovsky, 1988
- Barretthydrus Lea, 1927
- Barticaria Jacoby and Clavareau, 1905
- Baryconus Förster, 1856
- Baryglossa Bezzi, 1918
- Barynema Banks, 1939
- Barynotus Germar, 1817
- Barypeithes Jacquelin du Val, 1854
- Barypenthus Burmeister, 1839
- Baryplegma Wulp, 1899
- Baryrhynchus Lacordaire, 1865
- Barytettix Scudder, 1897
- Basa Distant, 1905
- Basenius Kolbe, 1892
- Basentidema Macquart, 1838
- Basiaeschna Selys, 1883
- Basiceros Schulz, 1906
- Basicondyla
- Basilia
- Basiliobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Basilodes Guenée, 1852
- Basiprionota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Basipta Chevrolat, 1849
- Bassareus Haldeman, 1849
- Bassus Fabricius, 1804
- Bastactister Reichensperger, 1939
- Bathanthidium Mavromoustakis, 1953
- Bathysolen Fieber, 1860
- Bathythrix Förster, 1868
- Batocera Dejean, 1835
- Batrachomatus Clark, 1863
- Batriasymmodes Park, 1951
- Batrisodes Reitter, 1882
- Battus Scopoli, 1777
- Batyle Thomson, 1864
- Baulius Casey, 1895
- Baumannella Stark and Stewart, 1985
- Baumannhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Bavea Distant, 1905
- Bayerus Distant, 1904
- Beamerella Knight, 1959
- Beameria Davis, 1934
- Beameromyia
- Beanana Villiers, 1960
- Beardius Reiss and Sublette, 1985
- Bebaeus Dallas, 1851
- Beckerina
- Beckidia
- Beckocoris Knight, 1968
- Becquartina Kato, 1940
- Beerellus Nelson, 1982
- Beesonia Green, 1926
- Befotaka Villiers, 1962
- Beharus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Behrensia Grote, 1875
- Bekilia Benoist, 1962
- Bekilya Villiers, 1949
- Belaphotroctes Roesler, 1943
- Belarnoldus Antropov, 2007
- Belemnocoris Miller, 1952
- Belenus Distant, 1909
- Belida Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Belladessus K. B. Miller and Short, 2015
- Bellamira LeConte, 1873
- Bellamynacoris Brailovsky, 1997
- Bellardia
- Bellieria
- Bellura Walker, 1865
- Belminus Stål, 1859
- Belocephalus Scudder, 1875
- Belocera Muir, 1913
- Belohina Paulian, 1959
- Belokohlus Antropov, 2007
- Belomicrinus Antropov, 2000
- Belomicroides Kohl, 1899
- Belomicrus A. Costa, 1867
- Beloneuria Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Belonochilus Uhler, 1871
- Belonocnema Mayr, 1881
- Belonomus Uhler, 1869
- Belonopelta Mayr, 1870
- Belonopteryx Gerstaecker, 1863
- Belonuchus Bordmann, 1837
- Belopherus Schoenherr, 1833
- Belorhynchus Berthold, 1827
- Belosta
- Belosternella Maldonado and van Doesburg, 1996
- Belostoma Latreille, 1807
- Belothrips Haliday, 1836
- Belotus Gorham, 1881
- Belvosia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Bembecinus A. Costa, 1859
- Bembidion Latreille, 1802
- Bembix Fabricius, 1775
- Bemisia Quaintance and Baker, 1914
- Benacus Stål, 1861
- Benanthis Pasteels, 1969
- Bendisodes Hampson, 1924
- Benhamyia Miller, 1945
- Benibotarus Kono, 1932
- Benjaminiola Strand, 1928
- Beothukus Wiggins in Wiggins & Larson, 1989
- Bequaertidea Schouteden, 1932
- Beraea Stephens, 1833
- Beraeamyia Mosely, 1930
- Beraeodes Eaton, 1867
- Beraeodina Mosely, 1931
- Beraeoptera Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Berberigetta Costa, Nunes, Marabuto, Mendes and Simões in Costa et al., 2017
- Bercaea
- Bercaeopsis
- Berchmansus Navás, 1913
- Berdura Reitter, 1882
- Bergalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Bergemesa Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bergeviniella Villiers, 1948
- Berginus Erichson, 1846
- Bergrothellus Miller, 1954
- Bergrotheus Schouteden, 1913
- Beridella Becker, 1919
- Beridops Enderlein, 1913
- Beris Latreille, 1802
- Berisina Malloch, 1928
- Berismyia Giglio-Tos, 1891
- Berkshiria Johnson, 1914
- Berlandiana Villiers, 1949
- Bermejanus Brailovsky, 2018
- Berosus Leach, 1817
- Berothella Banks, 1934
- Berotingis Drake, 1956
- Bertamyia
- Bertholdia Schaus, 1896
- Bertilia Reuter, 1913
- Bertkauia Kolbe, 1882
- Berytinus Kirkaldy, 1900
- Beskia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Besma Capps, 1943
- Bessa Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Besseria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Betocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Betrichia Mosely, 1939
- Bettotanocoris Miller, 1941
- Bettyella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Betuloxys Mackauer, 1960
- Beutelspacoris Brailovsky, 1987
- Bevismyia Munro, 1957
- Bewanicoris Miller, 1958
- Beyarslania Kocak and Kemal, 2009
- Beyeria Fenyes, 1910
- Bezzia
- Bezzina Munro, 1957
- Biastes Panzer, 1806
- Biasticus Stål, 1866
- Bibio
- Bibiocephala
- Bibiodes
- Biblis [Fabricius], 1807
- Bibloplectus Reitter, 1881
- Bibloporus Thomson, 1859
- Bicarinaus García, 2018
- Bicaubittacus Tan and Hua, 2009
- Bicellaria
- Bicellonycha Motschulsky, 1853
- Bicilia Amsel, 1956
- Bicyrtes Lepeletier, 1845
- Bidesmida V. Johnson, 1977
- Bidessodes Régimbart, 1895
- Bidessonotus Régimbart, 1895
- Bidessus Sharp, 1882
- Bijaurana Distant, 1912
- Billaea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Billmasonius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Binodoxys Mackauer, 1960
- Biorbitella
- Biorhiza Westwood, 1840
- Biotus Casey, 1887
- Bipectilus Chu & Wang, 1985
- Birabena Drake and Hurd, 1945
- Biroia Szépligeti, 1900
- Bironannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Bironella Theobald, 1905
- Bironiola Horváth, 1914
- Birrima Distant, 1906
- Biruga Fennah, 1944
- Bisancora Surdick, 1981
- Bispinalta Delorme, 2017
- Bistica Dyar, 1912
- Bistinda Bezzi, 1928
- Biston Leach, 1815
- Bistrispinaria Speiser, 1913
- Bitheca
- Bithoracochaeta
- Bitoma Herbst, 1793
- Bittacomorpha Westwood, 1835
- Bittacomorphella
- Bittacus Latreille, 1805
- Biturinannus Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Biturix Walker, 1855
- Biura Lee and Sanborn, 2015
- Blaberus Serville, 1831
- Blackburneus Schmidt, 1913
- Blackburnia Sharp, 1878
- Blaesodiplosis
- Blaesoxipha
- Blaisdelliana Gordon, 1970
- Blanchardinella Nielsen, Robinson & Wagner, 2000
- Blapstinus
- Blapton Spinola, 1850
- Blaste Kolbe, 1883
- Blastocera Gerstaecker, 1857
- Blastophaga Gravenhorst, 1829
- Blastopsocus Roesler, 1943
- Blatchleya Knab, 1910
- Blatta Linnaeus, 1758
- Blattella Caudell, 1903
- Blattodeaphagus Kathirithamby, 1992
- Blaudus Stål, 1872
- Bledius Leach, 1819
- Blemus Dejean, 1821
- Blepharepium
- Blepharhymenus Solier, 1849
- Blepharicera Macquart, 1843
- Blepharida Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Blepharidatta Wheeler, 1915
- Blepharidopterus Kolenati, 1845
- Blepharipa Rondani, 1856
- Blepharomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Blepharoneura Loew, 1873
- Blepharopus Kolenati, 1859
- Bleptina Guenée, 1854
- Blera
- Blethisa Bonelli, 1810
- Blissoxenos Miyamoto and Kifune, 1984
- Blissus Burmeister, 1835
- Bloeteomedes van Doesburg, 1970
- Blondelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Blypotehus Vienna, 2000
- Blysmia Pascoe, 1872
- Blyzophilus Anderson, Kjaerandsen, & Morse, 1999
- Bobba Bergroth, 1914
- Bocana Walker, 1859
- Bocatella Villiers, 1948
- Boettcheria
- Bogcia Barr, 1978
- Bohartella Menke, 1968
- Bohartia
- Bohartilla Kinzelbach, 1969
- Boisea Kirkaldy, 1910
- Bolacothrips Uzel, 1895
- Bolbelasmus Boucomont, 1911
- Bolbocerastes Cartwright, 1953
- Bolbocerosoma Schaeffer, 1906
- Bolbocranius Kolbe, 1897
- Bolbodera Valdés, 1910
- Bolbodimyia
- Bolbomyia
- Bolborhombus Cartwright, 1953
- Boletina
- Bolitochara Mannerheim, 1831
- Bolitophila
- Bolla Mabille, 1903
- Boloria Moore, 1900
- Bolothrips Priesner, 1926
- Bolotoperla Ricker and Ross, 1975
- Bolshecapnia Ricker, 1965
- Bolteria Uhler, 1887
- Bombus Latreille, 1802
- Bombyliomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Bombylius
- Bombyx Linnaeus, 1758
- Bondroitia Forel, 1911
- Bontomtes Grigarick and Schuster, 1980
- Booneacris Rehn and Randell, 1962
- Boopedon Thomas, 1870
- Bootettix Bruner, 1890
- Borboridea Kertesz, 1916
- Borborillus
- Borborophilus Stål, 1865
- Borborophyes Stål, 1870
- Borboropora Kraatz, 1862
- Borboropsis
- Boreades Parson, 1943
- Boreellus
- Borencona Davis, 1928
- Boreochlus Edwards
- Boreodromia
- Boreogalba Mackauer, 1962
- Boreoheptagyia Brundin, 1966
- Boreoides Hardy, 1920
- Boreonectes Angus, 2010
- Boreophilia Benick, 1973
- Boreophorbia
- Boreopiophila
- Boreostiba Lohse in Lohse, Klimaszewski and Smetana, 1990
- Boreostolus Wygodzinsky and Stys, 1970
- Boreothrinax
- Boreus Latreille, 1816
- Borgatomelissa Patiny, 2000
- Borgmeierina Wygodzinsky, 1949
- Borneodessus Balke, Hendrich, Mazzoldi and Biström, 2002
- Borophaga
- Boros Herbst, 1797
- Borowiecius Anton, 1994
- Boryzops Richards, 1936
- Boschalis Weise, 1897
- Boschella Barr, 1980
- Bostaera Ball, 1902
- Bostrichoclerus Van Dyke, 1938
- Bostrichus Geoffroy, 1762
- Bostrycharis Lesne, 1925
- Bostrychoplites Lesne, 1899
- Bostrychopsis Lesne, 1899
- Botanochara Dejean, 1836
- Botanophila
- Bothrideres Dejean, 1835
- Bothriomyrmex Emery, 1869
- Bothriophorus Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Bothriorhinus Fairmaire, 1881
- Bothrispa Uhmann, 1940
- Bothrocalvia Crotch, 1874
- Bothromegalopus Monrós, 1947
- Bothrostethus Fieber, 1860
- Bothynostethus Kohl, 1884
- Bothynotus Fieber, 1864
- Botocudo Kirkaldy, 1904
- Botrodus Casey, 1890
- Botryonopa Guérin-Méneville, 1840
- Botynella Weise, 1891
- Boudinotiana Leraut, 2002
- Boyeria McLachlan, 1895
- Bracalba Dodd, 1931
- Brachevania Turner, 1927
- Brachiacantha Chevrolat, 1837
- Brachicoma
- Brachineura Rondani, 1840
- Brachinus Weber, 1801
- Brachionycha Hübner, 1819
- Brachiopterna Bezzi, 1924
- Brachyaciura Bezzi, 1924
- Brachybaenus Karny, 1937
- Brachybamus Germar, 1835
- Brachycara Thomson, 1869
- Brachycaudus
- Brachycentrus Curtis, 1834
- Brachyceratocoris Knight, 1968
- Brachycercus Curtis, 1834
- Brachycerophytum Costa, Vanin, Lawrence and Ide, 2003
- Brachycerus Olivier, 1789
- Brachycoryna Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Brachycorynus Valentine, 1998
- Brachycraera Muir, 1916
- Brachydesis Hancock, 1986
- Brachydeutera
- Brachygaster Leach, 1815
- Brachygastra Perty, 1833
- Brachyglossula Hedicke, 1922
- Brachygluta Thomson, 1859
- Brachyhesma Michener, 1965
- Brachyinsara Rehn and Hebard, 1914
- Brachylacon
- Brachylampis Van Dyke, 1939
- Brachyleon Tillyard, 1916
- Brachyleptura Casey, 1913
- Brachylinga
- Brachylobopyga Duffels, 1982
- Brachylomia Hampson, 1906
- Brachylybas Stål, 1870
- Brachylybastella Brailovsky, 1996
- Brachymelecta Linsley, 1939
- Brachymesia Kirby, 1889
- Brachymetra Mayr, 1865
- Brachymetroides Andersen, 2001
- Brachymyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Brachynemurus Hagen, 1888
- Brachynomada Holmberg, 1886
- Brachynotocoris Reuter, 1880
- Brachyodina Lindner, 1949
- Brachyogmus Linell, 1897
- Brachyopa
- Brachypalpus
- Brachypanorpa Carpenter, 1931
- Brachypeplus Erichson, 1842
- Brachypeza
- Brachyphleps Lindner, 1965
- Brachyplectron Esben-Petersen, 1925
- Brachypnoea Gistel, 1850
- Brachypogon
- Brachypremna Osten Sacken, 1886
- Brachypsectra LeConte, 1874
- Brachypsyche Schmid, 1952
- Brachyptera Newport, 1851
- Brachypterodrilus Pic, 1918
- Brachypterolus Grouvelle, 1913
- Brachypterus Kugelann, 1794
- Brachys Dejean, 1833
- Brachysandalus Stål, 1866
- Brachyscelio Brues, 1940
- Brachysetodes Schmid, 1955
- Brachysomida Casey, 1913
- Brachysomus Schönherr, 1823
- Brachystegus A. Costa, 1859
- Brachysteles Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Brachystola Scudder, 1876
- Brachystoma
- Brachystylus Schönherr, 1845
- Brachytes Westwood, 1842
- Brachythrix McFadden, 1970
- Brachytonus China, 1925
- Brachytrupanea Hancock, 1986
- Brachyusa Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Brachyvatus Zimmermann, 1919
- Bracon Fabricius, 1805
- Bradoponera Mayr, 1868
- Bradycassis Spaeth, 1952
- Bradycellus Erichson, 1837
- Bradycinetulus Cockerell, 1906
- Bradynotes Scudder, 1870
- Bradyrhynchoides Pierce, 1913
- Bradysia
- Brancuporus Hendrich, Toussaint and Balke, 2014
- Brandtomyia Hardy, 1986
- Brasiella Rivalier, 1954
- Brasileon Miller and Stange, 1989
- Brasiliogomphus Belle, 1995
- Brasilister Dégallier, 1999
- Brasilocerus Wittmer, 1963
- Brassicogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Brassivola Distant, 1904
- Braula
- Braunsapis Michener, 1969
- Braunsia Kriechbaumer, 1894
- Bravothrips Johansen, 1966
- Brechivelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2004
- Brechmorhoga Kirby, 1894
- Breddinella Dispons, 1962
- Breddinia Bergroth, 1903
- Bredinia Flint, 1968
- Bredo Schouteden, 1931
- Bregmatomyrma Wheeler, 1929
- Bregmatothrips Hood, 1912
- Bremia
- Brennania
- Brentiscerus Scudder, 1962
- Brentus Fabricius, 1787
- Brephidium Scudder, 1876
- Brepholoxa Van Duzee, 1904
- Brevennia
- Brevialavenosa Sanborn, 2021
- Brevicornu
- Brevicoryne Van Der Goot, 1915
- Breviculala Ito, 1984
- Brevidorsus Kritsky, 1977
- Breviperna
- Brevipogon Lawrence, 2005
- Breviscapus
- Breviscelio Sundholm, 1970
- Brevisiana Boulard, 1972
- Brevitanna Lee, 2022
- Brevitrichia
- Brevrimatus Zhang, Yao and Ren, 2011
- Briaraxis Brendel, 1894
- Brillia Kieffer, 1913
- Brimocelus Arnold, 1927
- Brisbanocoris Miller, 1957
- Brisus Navás, 1931
- Brittonella Fisher, 1932
- Brochella
- Brochymena Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Bromeliagrion De Marmels in De Marmels and Garrison, 2005
- Bromeloecia
- Bromius Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Bromleyus
- Brontaea
- Brontispa Sharp, 1904
- Brontolaemus Sharp, 1885
- Brontostoma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Brookesiella Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1974
- Brooksetta Kelton, 1979
- Brooksiella Vockeroth, 1987
- Broscodera Lindroth, 1961
- Broscus Panzer, 1813
- Brotheolus Bergroth, 1908
- Brothylus LeConte, 1859
- Bruceia Neumögen, 1893
- Brucheiser Navás, 1927
- Bruchia Weise, 1906
- Bruchidius Schilsky, 1905
- Bruchodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Bruchophagus Ashmead, 1888
- Bruchus Linnaeus, 1767
- Brucita Wilcox, 1965
- Bruggmannia
- Brulecoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Brumoides Chapin, 1965
- Brumus Mulsant, 1850
- Brundiniella
- Bruneria McNeill, 1897
- Brunettia
- Brunneria Saussure, 1869
- Brunsellius Distant, 1902
- Bryania Aldrich
- Bryantonaria Pic, 1951
- Brychius Thomson, 1859
- Bryelmis Barr, 2011
- Bryobiota Casey, 1893
- Bryodemina
- Bryolymnia Hampson, 1908
- Bryomyia
- Bryophaenocladius Thienemann
- Bryothinusa Casey, 1904
- Bubiacoris Miller, 1959
- Bucephalina Malloch, 1919
- Buchananiella Reuter, 1884
- Buchananius Kissinger, 1957
- Bucimex Usinger, 1963
- Buckellacris Rehn and Rehn, 1945
- Bucolellus Blackburn, 1889
- Bucolus Mulsant, 1850
- Bucrates Burmeister, 1838
- Buenoa Kirkaldy, 1904
- Bufolucilia
- Bukacoris Miller, 1958
- Bulaea Mulsant, 1850
- Bulbocornis Brailovsky and Barrera, 2022
- Bulbogaster Lacordaire, 1865
- Bulia Walker, 1858
- Bullanga Navás, 1917
- Bulolispa Gressitt and Samuelson, 1990
- Buloloa Hardy, 1986
- Buluka de Saeger, 1948
- Bunia Schouteden, 1955
- Buninotus Maldonado, 1981
- Bunites Spangler, 1972
- Bunotingis Drake, 1948
- Buprestis Linnaeus, 1758
- Buprestodera Sicard, 1910
- Buquetia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1847
- Bura Mulsant, 1850
- Burbunga Distant, 1905
- Burmabracon Li, Shiuh and Ren, 2021
- Burmabrithes Lindner, 1937
- Burmacader Heiss and Guilbert, 2013
- Burmacicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Burmametra Huang et al., 2015
- Burnilia Muir and Giffard, 1924
- Burtinus Stål, 1860
- Buruhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Busas Jacobi, 1909
- Butuanocoris Miller, 1954
- Buyda Navás, 1926
- Buyisa Distant, 1907
- Byrrhinus Motschulsky, 1858
- Byrrhodes LeConte, 1878
- Byrrhus Linnaeus, 1758
- Byrsodepsus Stål, 1872
- Byrsopteryx Flint, 1981
- Bystus Guérin-Méneville, 1857
- Bythinoplectus Reitter, 1882
- Byturus Latreille, 1796
- Cabares Godman and Salvin, 1894
- Cabecar Baumgardner in Baumgardner and Ávila, 2006
- Cabecita Lee, 2014
- Cabera Treitschke, 1825
- Cabreraia Enderlein, 1929
- Cacama Distant, 1904
- Cacarulla Navás, 1910
- Caccodes Sharp, 1885
- Caccoplectus Sharp, 1887
- Caccothryptus Sharp, 1902
- Cachanocoris Villiers, 1959
- Cachexia Lewis, 1888
- Cacodmus Stål, 1873
- Cacoides Cowley, 1934
- Cacophrissus Bates, 1885
- Cacopsalis Sharp, 1895
- Cacoschizus Sharp, 1900
- Cacosis Walker, 1856
- Cacostola Fairmaire and Germain, 1859
- Cactobia James, 1966
- Cactophagus LeConte, 1876
- Cactopinus Schwarz, 1899
- Cadeguala Reed, 1892
- Cadegualina Michener, 1986
- Cadiz Andrews and Gilbert, 1992
- Cadmilos Distant, 1909
- Cadrema
- Caecina Stål, 1863
- Caecossonus Gilbert, 1955
- Caelius Lewis, 1895
- Caelostomus W. MacLeay, 1825
- Caenacantha Wulp, 1885
- Caenaugochlora Michener, 1954
- Caenelmis Spangler, 1996
- Caenia Newman, 1838
- Caenis Stephens, 1835
- Caenocara Thomson, 1859
- Caenocephaloides Strand, 1928
- Caenocholax Pierce, 1909
- Caenoculis Soldán, 1986
- Caenodelphax Fennah, 1965
- Caenohalictus Cameron, 1903
- Caenolister Bickhardt, 1921
- Caenominurus Voss, 1965
- Caenonomada Ashmead, 1900
- Caenopachyella Szépligeti, 1908
- Caenopamera Barber, 1918
- Caenoprosopina Roig-Alsina, 1987
- Caenoprosopis Holmberg, 1886
- Caenoriata Foote, 1978
- Caenoscelis Thomson, 1863
- Caenosebus Kleine, 1916
- Caenota Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Caenoteleia Kieffer, 1926
- Caenotoides
- Caenotus
- Caenurgia Walker, 1858
- Caenurgina McDunnough, 1937
- Caerosternus J. L. LeConte, 1852
- Caffrocysta Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Caffrommatissus Fennah, 1967
- Cafius Stephens, 1829
- Cahuallitermes Constantino, 1994
- Cailloma Ross & King, 1952
- Cainosternum Notman, 1921
- Calabresia Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Calacanthia Reuter, 1891
- Calada Nielsen & Robinson, 1983
- Calamispa Gressitt, 1957
- Calamoceras Brauer, 1865
- Calamocoris Breddin, 1901
- Calamomyia
- Calamoncosis
- Calamosternus Motschulsky, 1859
- Calandrinus LeConte, 1876
- Calaphidius Mackauer, 1961
- Calathus Bonelli, 1810
- Calbodus Spinola, 1852
- Calcagninus Distant, 1892
- Calcaritermes Snyder, 1925
- Caledoderus Guilbert, 2012
- Caledonispa Uhmann, 1952
- Caledonotrichia Sykora, 1967
- Caledopsalta Delorme, 2018
- Caledopsyche Kimmins, 1953
- Calephelis Grote and Robinson, 1869
- Calicovatellus K. B. Miller and Lubkin, 2001
- Calidota Dyar, 1901
- Calidroides Schwartz, 2005
- Caliginopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Caligodorus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Calileuctra Shepard and Baumann, 1995
- Calineuria Ricker, 1954
- Caliothrips Daniel, 1904
- Calipsalta Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Caliroa Costa, 1859
- Calisius Stål, 1860
- Calistocoris Reuter, 1881
- Calisuspensus Ding, 2006
- Callanispa Uhmann, 1959
- Callanocoris Villiers, 1960
- Calledapteryx Grote, 1868
- Calleida Latreille, 1824
- Calles Kissinger, 1964
- Calliaspis Dejean, 1836
- Callibaetis Eaton, 1881
- Callicaria Crotch, 1871
- Callicera
- Callicerus Gravenhorst, 1802
- Callichlamydia Stål, 1873
- Callichroma Latreille, 1816
- Calliclopius Stål, 1868
- Callicorixa White, 1873
- Callidiellum Linsley, 1940
- Callidium Mulsant, 1839
- Calligrapha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Calligypona Sahlberg, 1871
- Callilestes Stål, 1866
- Callimormus Scudder, 1872
- Callimoxys Kraatz, 1863
- Callinapaea
- Callinicus
- Calliodis Reuter, 1871
- Callionima Lucas, 1857
- Calliopsida Torres, 1958
- Calliopsis Smith, 1853
- Calliopum
- Callipappus Guérin-Méneville, 1841
- Callipareius Senna, 1892
- Calliperla Banks, 1947
- Callipharixenos Pierce, 1918
- Calliphora
- Callipielus Butler, 1882
- Callipogon Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Callipogonius Linsley, 1935
- Callirhopalus Hochhuth, 1851
- Callirhynchinus Kuschel, 1955
- Callirhytis Förster, 1869
- Calliscelio Ashmead, 1893
- Callispa Baly, 1858
- Callistege Hübner, 1823
- Callistodema Reuter, 1890
- Callistola Dejean, 1836
- Callistoleon Banks, 1910
- Callistomyia Bezzi, 1913
- Callithrincus Horváth, 1925
- Callizzia Packard, 1876
- Calloeneis Grote, 1873
- Callogaeana Chou and Yao, 1985
- Callohesma Michener, 1965
- Callohispa Uhmann, 1960
- Calloides LeConte, 1873
- Callomelitta Smith, 1853
- Callomyia
- Callona Waterhouse, 1840
- Callonychium Brèthes, 1922
- Callophrys Billberg, 1820
- Callopisma Motschulsky, 1853
- Callopistria Hübner, 1821
- Callopistromyia
- Callosamia Packard, 1864
- Callosobruchus Pic, 1902
- Callotillus Wolcott, 1911
- Calobatina
- Caloca Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Calochromus Guérin Méneville, 1833
- Calocoenia
- Calocoides Neboiss, 1984
- Calocoris Fieber, 1858
- Calodectes Lesne, 1906
- Calodera Mannerheim, 1831
- Calodromus Guérin-Méneville, 1832
- Calodrypta Lesne, 1906
- Caloloma Drake and Bruner, 1924
- Calolydella Townsend, 1927
- Calomacraspis Bates, 1888
- Calomantispa Banks, 1913
- Calomerella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Calomycterus Roelofs, 1873
- Calomyrmex Emery, 1895
- Calonistes Lesne, 1936
- Caloparyphus James, 1939
- Calopertha Lesne, 1906
- Calophagus Lesne, 1902
- Calophasia Stephens, 1829
- Calophorus Lesne, 1906
- Calopsaltria Stål, 1861
- Calopteron Laporte, 1838
- Calopteryx Leach, 1815
- Caloptognatha Green, 1954
- Calopus Fabricius, 1775
- Calorychodes Kleine, 1925
- Calosoma Weber, 1801
- Calosopsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977
- Calosphenisca Hendel, 1914
- Calotarsa
- Calotelea Westwood, 1837
- Calotingis Drake, 1918
- Calotrachelum Pic, 1930
- Caloundranius Miller, 1957
- Calphurniella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Calphurnioides Distant, 1913
- Calpodes Hübner, 1819
- Calvertagrion St. Quentin, 1960
- Calvia Mulsant, 1846
- Calybe Laporte, 1834
- Calycomyza
- Calycopis Scudder, 1876
- Calymmaderus Solier, 1849
- Calyptillus Horn, 1876
- Calyptites Scudder, 1877
- Calyptobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Calyptocephala Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Calyptocephalus Gray in Griffiths, 1832
- Calyptomerus Redtenbacher, 1849
- Calyptomyrmex Emery, 1887
- Calyptra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Calyptulus Kleine, 1922
- Calyria Stål, 1862
- Calythea
- Calytheca White, 1973
- Calytohygia Brailovsky, 1998
- Calyxochaetus
- Camargoia Moure, 1989
- Camelobaetidius Demoulin, 1966
- Camelopsocus Mockford, 1965
- Camerunilla Haglund, 1899
- Camilla
- Camirus Stål, 1862
- Camnula Stål, 1873
- Campaea Lamarck, 1816
- Campanacella Handschin, 1961
- Campeprosopa Macquart, 1850
- Campichoeta
- Campiglossa Rondani, 1870
- Campion Navás, 1914
- Camponotites Dlussky, 1981
- Camponotus Mayr, 1861
- Campsicnemus
- Campsiophora Flint, 1964
- Campsocnemis Stål, 1870
- Campsolomus Stål, 1870
- Campsurus Eaton, 1868
- Camptibia Cai and Tomokuni, 2003
- Camptischium Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptocladius
- Camptodes Erichson, 1843
- Camptomyia
- Camptoneuromyia
- Camptonotus Uhler, 1864
- Camptopoeum Spinola, 1843
- Camptoprosopella
- Camptops
- Camptopteromyia Meijere, 1914
- Camptopus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Camptothlipsis Enderlein, 1920
- Camptozygum Reuter, 1896
- Campylacantha Scudder, 1897
- Campylirhynchus Dejean, 1821
- Campylocheta Rondani, 1859
- Campylocia Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Campylomma Reuter, 1878
- Campylomyza
- Campyloneura Fieber, 1860
- Campylorhabdus Schmidt, 1889
- Campylorhyncha Stål, 1870
- Campylosteira Fieber, 1844
- Campylotingis Drake and Bondar, 1932
- Canacea
- Canaceoides Cresson, 1934
- Canarinus Mazur, 1993
- Canberria Belokobylskij, 1991
- Candace Stål, 1870
- Canephorula Jörgensen, 1909
- Canifa LeConte, 1866
- Canistes Casey, 1892
- Canistra Erichson, 1847
- Cannaphila Kirby, 1889
- Canoptila Mosely, 1939
- Cantacader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cantata Lee and Pham in Pham and Lee, 2021
- Cantharis Linnaeus, 1758
- Cantharoctonus Viereck, 1912
- Canthesancus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Canthidium Erichson, 1847
- Canthon Hoffmannsegg, 1817
- Canthydrus Sharp, 1882
- Canthyporus Zimmermann, 1919
- Canthysellus Baca and Toledo, 2015
- Cantinona Distant, 1913
- Cantopelopia
- Cantoreanus Dlabola, 1971
- Canualna Boulard, 1985
- Canungrantmictis Brailovsky, 2002
- Canyra Stål, 1862
- Capcicada Villet, 1989
- Capelatus Turner and Bilton, 2015
- Capelocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Caperhantus Balke, Hájek and Hendrich, 2017
- Caphalia
- Capicola Friese, 1911
- Capicua Navás, 1921
- Capis Grote, 1882
- Capitites Foote & Freidberg, 1981
- Capitonisalda J. Polhemus, 1981
- Capitonisaldoida J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Capitophorus Van Der Goot, 1913
- Capnia Pictet, 1841
- Capniella Klapálek, 1920
- Capnioneura Ris, 1905
- Capnobotes Scudder, 1897
- Capnochroa
- Capnopsis Morton, 1896
- Capnura Banks, 1900
- Capophanes Banks, 1938
- Capparimyia Bezzi, 1920
- Capraita J. Bechyné, 1957
- Caprilesia Gil-Santana, Marques and Costa, 2006
- Caprithrips Faure, 1933
- Caprocethera Breddin, 1903
- Capsula Fibiger, Zilli, Ronkay and Goldstein, 2005
- Capsus Fabricius, 1803
- Car Blackburn, 1897
- Carabdytes Balke, Hendrich and Wewalka, 1992
- Carabhydrus Watts, 1978
- Carabus Linnaeus, 1758
- Caracoris Schwartz, 1989
- Caradrina Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Carales Walker, 1855
- Caraphractus Walker, 1846
- Carathrips Hood, 1950
- Carayonella Poisson, 1948
- Carayonema Richard, 1986
- Carayonhygia Brailovsky, 2002
- Carayonia Villiers, 1951
- Carcelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Carcinochelis Fieber, 1861
- Carcinocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Carcinomma Bergroth, 1894
- Carcinophora Scudder, 1876
- Carcinops Marseul, 1855
- Cardiastethus Fieber, 1860
- Cardiocladius Keiffer
- Cardiocondyla Emery, 1869
- Cardiophorus
- Cardopomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Carebara Westwood, 1840
- Carebarella Emery, 1906
- Carectocultus Blanchard, 1975
- Cargasdama Villiers, 1950
- Cargida Schaus, 1901
- Caria Hübner, 1823
- Cariblatta Hebard, 1916
- Cariboptila Flint, 1964
- Caricea
- Caridomma Bergroth, 1894
- Carinametra Andersen and Grimaldi, 2001
- Carinatala Hill, 2015
- Carineta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Carinichremylus van Achterberg, 2000
- Cariniocoris Henry, 1989
- Carinispa Uhmann, 1930
- Carinisphindus McHugh, 1900
- Carinitermus van Achterberg, 2000
- Carinodelphax Ding and Yang, 1987
- Carinodula Gordon, Pakaluk and Slipinski, 1989
- Carinodulina Slipinski and Jadwiszczak, 1995
- Carinodulinka Slipinski and Tomaszewska, 2002
- Carinofrons Chen and Li, 2000
- Carinostigmus Tsuneki, 1954
- Caripeta Walker, 1863
- Cariridris Brandao & Martins-Neto, 1990
- Carldrakeana Froeschner, 1968
- Carlisis Stål, 1858
- Carlmuesebeckius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Carlobembix Willink, 1958
- Carlobruchia Spaeth, 1911
- Carmenula Maldonado, 1992
- Carneocephala
- Carnus
- Carodes Zimmerman, 1994
- Carpelimus Leach, 1819
- Carphobius Blackman, 1943
- Carphoborus Eichhoff, 1864
- Carphoides McDunnough, 1920
- Carphonotus Casey, 1892
- Carphuroides
- Carpilis Stål, 1874
- Carpomya Costa, 1854
- Carpona Dohrn, 1863
- Carpophilus Stephens, 1830
- Carpophthoracidia Shiraki, 1968
- Carpophthorella Hendel, 1914
- Carpophthoromyia Austen, 1910
- Carptima Pearsall, 1906
- Carrhenes Godman and Salvin, 1895
- Carsia Hübner, 1825
- Carteris Dognin, 1914
- Carterocephalus Lederer, 1852
- Carthasis Champion, 1900
- Cartodere
- Cartodiplosis
- Carulaspis
- Carvalhoiella De Carlo, 1963
- Carvalhotingis Froeschner, 1995
- Carvalhygia Brailovsky, 1995
- Caryedes Hummel, 1827
- Caryedon Schoenherr, 1823
- Caryobruchus Bridwell, 1929
- Caryomyia
- Casaleia Pagliano & Scaramozzino, 1990
- Cascadoperla Szczytko and Stewart, 1979
- Cassida Linnaeus, 1758
- Cassidinoma Hincks, 1950
- Cassidispa Gestro, 1899
- Cassidomorphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Cassidopsis Fairmaire, 1899
- Castilia Higgins, 1981
- Castolus Stål, 1858
- Castoraeschna Calvert, 1952
- Catabena Walker, 1865
- Catabenoides Poole in Becker and Miller, 2002
- Catablysmia Kleine, 1926
- Catachlorops
- Cataclinusa
- Catacraerus Bickhardt, 1920
- Catadipson Breddin, 1903
- Catagapetus McLachlan, 1884
- Cataglyphis Förster, 1850
- Catagogus Kleine, 1926
- Catala Villiers, 1951
- Catamiarus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Catanoplotina Kovar, 1995
- Catapastus Casey, 1892
- Catapotia Thomson, 1860
- Cataractocoris Usinger, 1941
- Catasphactes Stål, 1866
- Catasticta Butler, 1870
- Catatasis Kertesz, 1912
- Cataulacus Smith, 1853
- Catharosia Rondani, 1868
- Cathartocryptus Sharp, 1886
- Cathartosilvanus Grouvelle, 1912
- Cathartus Reiche, 1854
- Cathetopteron Hamilton in Leng and Hamilton, 1896
- Catinathrips O'Neill, 1967
- Catocala Schrank, 1802
- Catocha
- Catogenus Westwood, 1830
- Catoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Catopocerus Motschulsky, 1870
- Catops Paykull, 1798
- Catoptrichus Murray, 1856
- Catorhintha Stål, 1859
- Catotricha
- Catoxyethira Ulmer, 1912
- Cattasoma
- Catullia Stål, 1870
- Catulliaria Muir, 1931
- Catullioides Bierman, 1910
- Caucanannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Caudatella Edmunds, 1959
- Caularis Walker, 1858
- Caulophilus Wollaston, 1854
- Caulopsis Redtenbacher, 1891
- Caulotops Bergroth, 1898
- Caunus Stål, 1865
- Caupolicana Spinola, 1851
- Caurinella Allen, 1984
- Caurinus Russell, 1979
- Cautethia Grote, 1865
- Cavariella Del Guercio, 1911
- Cavaticovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Cavernicola Barber, 1937
- Cavocoris La Rivers, 1971
- Ceblurgus Urban & Moure, 1993
- Cebrenis Stål, 1862
- Cebreniscella Brailovsky, 1995
- Cebrenistella Brailovsky, 1995
- Cecconia Kieffer, 1902
- Cecharismena Möschler, 1890
- Cechorismenus Kertesz, 1916
- Cecidocharella Hendel, 1936
- Cecidochares Bezzi, 1910
- Cecidomyia
- Cedius LeConte, 1849
- Cedria Wilkinson, 1934
- Celaenorrhinus Hübner, 1819
- Celaenotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Celantia Distant, 1903
- Celastrina Tutt, 1906
- Celaticoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1976
- Celatoria Coquillett, 1890
- Celerobates Zettel, 2009
- Celidodacus Hendel, 1914
- Celidosoma Hardy, 1965
- Celidosphenella Hendel, 1914
- Celina Aubé, 1837
- Celiptera Guenée, 1852
- Celithemis Hagen, 1861
- Cellariella Strand, 1926
- Celotes Godman and Salvin, 1899
- Celticecis
- Cemolobus Robertson, 1902
- Cemopsis Fennah, 1978
- Cemus Fennah, 1964
- Cenocorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Cenomanoscelio Schlüter, 1978
- Cenophengus LeConte, 1861
- Censorinus Distant, 1903
- Centraspis Schaum in Peters and Schaum, 1853
- Centrinaspis Casey, 1920
- Centrinites Casey, 1892
- Centrinogyna Casey, 1892
- Centrinopus Casey, 1892
- Centrinus Schönherr, 1825
- Centris Fabricius, 1804
- Centrochilus Krikken, 1976
- Centroclisis Navás, 1909
- Centrocnemis Signoret, 1852
- Centrocnemoides Miller, 1956
- Centrocoris Kolenati, 1845
- Centrocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Centrodera LeConte, 1850
- Centrogastocoris Miller, 1958
- Centrogonus Bergroth, 1894
- Centromacronema Ulmer, 1905
- Centromyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Centroplax Horváth, 1932
- Centropleurocoris Miller, 1955
- Centroptilum Eaton, 1869
- Centuriatus Pacheco, 1964
- Ceocephalus Guérin-Méneville, 1833
- Ceoncophalus Villiers, 1961
- Ceophyllus LeConte, 1849
- Cephalalna Boulard, 2006
- Cephalidiosus Guilbert, 1999
- Cephalobarus Schoenherr, 1840
- Cephalobyrrhinus Pic, 1922
- Cephalobyrrhus Pic, 1923
- Cephalochrysa Kertesz, 1912
- Cephalocyclus Dellacasa, Gordon and Dellacasa, 1998
- Cephalohygia Brailovsky, 2005
- Cephaloleia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cephalolimnius Delève, 1973
- Cephalometra D. Polhemus and Ferreira, 2018
- Cephalomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Cephalonomia Westwood, 1833
- Cephaloon Newman, 1838
- Cephalophrixothrix Wittmer, 1976
- Cephalophysa Hering, 1940
- Cephaloscymnus Crotch, 1873
- Cephalospargeta Möschler, 1890
- Cephalosphaera
- Cephalotes Latreille, 1802
- Cephalothrips Uzel, 1895
- Cephalotoma Lesne, 1911
- Cephalotrigona Schwarz, 1940
- Cephaloxynum Bernhauer, 1907
- Cephenemyia
- Cephennodes
- Cephise Evans, 1952
- Cephisus Stål, 1866
- Cephus Latreille, 1802
- Cepphis Hübner, 1823
- Ceracia Rondani, 1865
- Ceracis Mellié, 1848
- Ceraclea Stephens, 1829
- Ceraeochrysa Adams, 1982
- Ceragogus Kleine, 1925
- Ceraleptus Costa, 1847
- Cerapachys Smith, 1857
- Cerapanorpa Gao, Ma and Hua, 2016
- Ceraphron Jurine, 1807
- Cerapteryx Curtis, 1833
- Cerasma McLachlan, 1876
- Cerasmatrichia Flint, Harris & Botosaneanu, 1994
- Cerastipsocus Kolbe, 1884
- Cerastis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Ceratacis Thomson, 1859
- Ceratalictus Moure, 1943
- Cerataltica Crotch, 1873
- Cerataphis Lichtenstein, 1882
- Ceratempis
- Cerathosia Smith, 1887
- Ceratina Latreille, 1802
- Ceratinoderma Stål, 1873
- Ceratinostoma Meade, 1885
- Ceratispa Gestro, 1895
- Ceratitella Malloch, 1939
- Ceratitis Macleay, 1829
- Ceratitoides Hendel, 1928
- Ceratobaeus Ashmead, 1893
- Ceratobarys
- Ceratocader Drake, 1950
- Ceratocanthus White, 1842
- Ceratocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Ceratochaetops Mesnil, 1954
- Ceratocomboides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Ceratocombus Signoret, 1852
- Ceratocoris White, 1842
- Ceratoculicoides
- Ceratodacus Hendel, 1914
- Ceratodalia Packard, 1876
- Ceratohister Reichensperger, 1924
- Ceratoleon Esben-Petersen, 1917
- Ceratomegilla Crotch, 1873
- Ceratomia Harris, 1839
- Ceratomonia Michener, 1981
- Ceratonyx Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Ceratopachys Westwood, 1842
- Ceratophyus Fischer von Waldheim, 1823
- Ceratopidea Knight, 1968
- Ceratopirates Schouteden, 1933
- Ceratopogon Meigen, 1803
- Ceratopsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977
- Ceratostigmus Melo and Naumann, 1999
- Ceratothripoides Bagnall, 1918
- Ceratothrips Reuter, 1899
- Ceratotingis Montemayor, 2008
- Ceratotrichia Flint in Quintero & Aiello, 1992
- Ceratotrupes Jekel, 1865
- Ceraturgus
- Cerceris Latreille, 1802
- Cercinthinus Kiritshenko, 1916
- Cercinthus Stål, 1860
- Cercobrachys Soldán, 1986
- Cercomantispa Handschin, 1959
- Cercopedius Sleeper, 1955
- Cercopeus Schönherr, 1842
- Cercotmetus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cercyon Leach, 1817
- Cercyonis Scudder, 1875
- Cerellius Distant, 1903
- Cerenotoides
- Ceresium Newman, 1842
- Ceriana
- Cerilocus Stål, 1859
- Cerma Hübner, 1818
- Cernotina Ross, 1938
- Cerobasis Kolbe, 1882
- Cerobates Schoenherr, 1840
- Cerodontha
- Ceromasia Rondani, 1856
- Ceromya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Cerophanes Tobias, 1971
- Cerophytum Latreille, 1809
- Ceroplastes
- Ceropsilopa
- Ceroptera
- Ceroptres Hartig, 1840
- Cerotainia
- Cerotainiops
- Cerotelion
- Cerotoma Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cerotrioza Crawford, 1918
- Ceroxys
- Ceruchus MacLeay, 1819
- Cerura Schrank, 1802
- Cervantistellus Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Cervarita Tseng, Chu & Chen, 1992
- Cerylon Latreille, 1802
- Cetema
- Cethera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cetheromma Jeannel, 1917
- Cetiothucha Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Ceuthophilus Scudder, 1863
- Ceuthothrips Hood, 1938
- Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1824
- Ceylalictus Strand, 1913
- Ceylanodrilus Pic, 1929
- Ceylanopsyche Fischer, 1970
- Chacocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Chaenosternum Blackburn, 1885
- Chaenusa Haliday, 1839
- Chaeridiona Baly, 1869
- Chaetabraeus Portevin, 1929
- Chaetacantha Bergroth, 1895
- Chaetaglaea Franclemont, 1943
- Chaetanaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Chaetarthria Stephens, 1833
- Chaetechidius Sleeper, 1955
- Chaetellipsis Bezzi, 1913
- Chaetexorista Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1895
- Chaetisothrips Priesner, 1957
- Chaetobacanius Gomy, 1977
- Chaetochlorops
- Chaetocladius Kieffer
- Chaetocnema Stephens, 1831
- Chaetococcus Maskell, 1898
- Chaetocrania Townsend, 1915
- Chaetofoveolocoris Knight, 1968
- Chaetogaedia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Chaetoglossa Townsend, 1892
- Chaetohermetia Lindner, 1929
- Chaetoleon Banks, 1920
- Chaetolonchaea
- Chaetolotis Slipinski, 2004
- Chaetometra Hungerford, 1950
- Chaetomiris Bliven, 1973
- Chaetonodexodes Townsend, 1916
- Chaetonopsis Townsend, 1915
- Chaetopauesia Mackauer, 1967
- Chaetophloeus Leconte, 1876
- Chaetophora Kirby and Spence, 1823
- Chaetoplagia Coquillett, 1895
- Chaetopleurophora
- Chaetopsis
- Chaetopterna Martynov, 1913
- Chaetopteroides Kumanski, 1987
- Chaetopterygopsis Stein, 1874
- Chaetopteryx Stephens, 1829
- Chaetorellia Hendel, 1927
- Chaetosa Coquillett, 1898
- Chaetosargus Roder, 1894
- Chaetosciara
- Chaetostigmoptera Townsend, 1916
- Chaetostomella Hendel, 1927
- Chaetovoria Villeneuve, 1920
- Chagasia Cruz, 1906
- Chainochora van Achterberg and Chen, 2021
- Chalarus
- Chalcidomorphina Enderlein, 1914
- Chalcionellus Reichardt, 1932
- Chalciope Hübner, 1823
- Chalcodermus Dejean, 1835
- Chalcolepidus
- Chalcopasta Hampson, 1908
- Chalcophora Dejean, 1833
- Chalcopteryx Selys, 1853
- Chalcosyrphus
- Chalcothore De Marmels, 1985
- Chalcurgus H. Kolbe, 1897
- Chalepispa Uhmann, 1955
- Chalepogenus Holmberg, 1903
- Chaleponotus Casey, 1892
- Chalepotatus Weise, 1910
- Chalepoxenus Menozzi, 1923
- Chalepus Thunberg, 1805
- Chalumalna Boulard, 1998
- Chalybdicus Kleine, 1922
- Chalybion Dahlbom, 1843
- Chamaeclea Grote, 1883
- Chamaemyia
- Chamaesyrphus
- Champaka Distant, 1905
- Changeondelphax Kwon, 1982
- Chaoa Luo and You, 2004
- Chaoborus Lichtenstein, 1800
- Chapinaria Laczynski and Tomaszewska, 2012
- Chapinula Ukrainsky, 2006
- Chapischema Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Charadra Walker, 1865
- Charadrodromia
- Charadropsyche Flint, 1970
- Charaphloeus Casey, 1916
- Charidotella Weise, 1896
- Charidotis Boheman, 1854
- Chariessa Perty, 1830
- Chariesterus Laporte, 1833
- Charisalia Casey, 1913
- Charisina Lindner, 1951
- Charistena Baly, 1864
- Charmatometra Kirkaldy, 1899
- Charoxus Sharp, 1883
- Chartosaldoida Cobben, 1987
- Chartoscirta Stål, 1868
- Chasmacephala Fennah, 1945
- Chasmatonotus
- Chasmogenus Sharp, 1882
- Chathamia Tillyard, 1925
- Chauliodes Latreille, 1796
- Chauliognathus Hentz, 1830
- Chauliops Scott, 1874
- Chaunocolus Saylor, 1937
- Chazeauiana Tomaszewska and Szawaryn in Szawaryn et al., 2015
- Cheesmanomyia Malloch, 1939
- Cheguevaria Kazantsev, 2007
- Cheilister Reichensperger, 1924
- Cheilomenes Dejean, 1836
- Cheilosia
- Cheilotrichia
- Cheimacheramus Barnard, 1934
- Cheirochela Hope, 1841
- Chejuparia Kwon, 1985
- Chelapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Chelifera
- Chelinidea Uhler, 1863
- Cheliomyrmex Mayr, 1870
- Chelipoda
- Chelisoches Scudder, 1876
- Chelobasis Gray, 1832
- Chelocoris Bianchi, 1899
- Chelonarhister Dégallier, 2004
- Chelonarium Fabricius, 1801
- Chelonomima Enderlein, 1914
- Chelonosternus Bickhardt, 1909
- Chelonychus Dietz, 1891
- Chelorhinus Kleine, 1922
- Chelostoma Latreille, 1809
- Chelymorpha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Chelyocephalus Schmidt, 1893
- Chelyophora Rondani, 1875
- Chelyoxenus Hubbard, 1894
- Chelysida Fairmaire, 1882
- Chenacidiella Shiraki, 1968
- Chenevelia Zettel, 1996
- Chepuvelia China, 1963
- Chernokrilus Ricker, 1952
- Chernovskiia
- Cheronea Stål, 1863
- Cheronella Miller, 1955
- Chersinellina Hincks, 1950
- Chersodromia
- Chersotis Boisduval, 1840
- Chesiadodes Hulst, 1896
- Chesippus Reinhard, 1967
- Chespirito Ferreira, Keller and Branham, 2020
- Chetogena Rondani, 1856
- Chetostoma Rondani, 1856
- Cheumatopsyche Wallengren, 1891
- Chiasmognathus Engel, 2006
- Chiastocheta
- Chibidoronus Satô, 1966
- Chilacis Fieber, 1864
- Chilaspis Mayr, 1881
- Chilearinus Sharkey, 2022
- Chilecar Kuschel, 1992
- Chilecicada Sanborn, 2014
- Chilenius Lesne, 1921
- Chilicola Spinola, 1851
- Chilimalopsis Toro, 1976
- Chilo Zincken, 1817
- Chilocentropus Navás, 1934
- Chilocorellus Miyatake, 1994
- Chilocoris Mayr, 1865
- Chilocorus Leach, 1815
- Chilodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Chiloecia Navas, 1930
- Chilophaga
- Chilosphex Menke in R. Bohart and Menke, 1976
- Chilostictia Gillaspy, 1983
- Chilostigma McLachlan, 1876
- Chilostigmodes Martynov, 1914
- Chilothorax Motschulsky, 1859
- Chilothrips Hood, 1916
- Chiloxanthus Reuter, 1891
- Chimaeragathis Sharkey, 2017
- Chimaeridris Wilson, 1989
- Chimaeromyrma Dlussky, 1988
- Chimarocephala Scudder, 1875
- Chimarra Stephens, 1829
- Chimarrhodella Lestage, 1925
- Chimarrhometra Bianchi, 1896
- Chimila Pate, 1944
- Chimiloides Leclercq, 1951
- Chinannus Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Chinaola Blatchley, 1928
- Chinaria Davis, 1934
- Chinemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Chioides Lindsey, 1921
- Chiomara Godman and Salvin, 1899
- Chionaspis
- Chionea
- Chionomus Fennah, 1971
- Chionophylax Schmid, 1951
- Chipingomyia Hancock, 1986
- Chiricahua Ferris, 2010
- Chiricahuia Townsend, 1918
- Chiricocoris Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Chiridopsis Spaeth, 1922
- Chiridula Weise, 1889
- Chiromyza Wiedemann, 1820
- Chironomus
- Chirosia
- Chirothripoides Bagnall, 1915
- Chirothrips Haliday, 1836
- Chivaenius Olexa, 1980
- Chlaenius Bonelli, 1810
- Chlamisus Rafinesque, 1815
- Chlamydatus Curtis, 1833
- Chlamydocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Chlamydonia Caterino, 2006
- Chlamydonotum Lindner, 1949
- Chlamydopsis Westwood, 1869
- Chlamyopsallus Schwartz, 2005
- Chlerogas Vachal, 1904
- Chlerogella Michener, 1954
- Chlerogelloides Engel, Brooks & Yanega, 1997
- Chloealtis Harris, 1841
- Chlorichaeta Becker
- Chlorida Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Chlorion Latreille, 1802
- Chloriona Fieber, 1866
- Chlorionidea Löw, 1885
- Chlorixanthe Bates, 1889
- Chlorizococcus
- Chlorocanta Chatfield-Taylor in Cole et al., 2023
- Chlorochlamys Hulst, 1896
- Chlorochroa Stål, 1872
- Chloroclystis Hübner, 1825
- Chlorococcus
- Chlorocoris Spinola, 1837
- Chlorocysta Westwood, 1851
- Chlorohystricia Townsend, 1927
- Chloromelas Enderlein, 1914
- Chloromyia Duncan, 1837
- Chloroneda Timberlake, 1943
- Chloronia Banks, 1908
- Chloroperla Newman, 1836
- Chlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863
- Chloroplus Hebard, 1918
- Chloroprocta
- Chlorops
- Chloropsalta Haupt, 1920
- Chloropsina Becker
- Chloropteryx Hulst, 1896
- Chlorosea Packard, 1873
- Chlorostrymon Clench, 1961
- Chlorotabanus
- Chlosyne Butler, 1870
- Chnaunanthus Burmeister, 1844
- Chnoodes Chevrolat, 1837
- Chnootriba Chevrolat, 1837
- Choephora Grote and Robinson, 1868
- Choeras Mason, 1981
- Choerommatus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cholinobaris Casey, 1920
- Cholomyia Bigot, 1884
- Chondrocera Laporte, 1832
- Chondrolophus Bergroth, 1895
- Chonocephalus
- Chonosia Distant, 1905
- Chopardita Villiers, 1944
- Choragus Kirby, 1819
- Choranthus Scudder, 1872
- Chordonota Gerstaecker, 1857
- Chorebus Haliday, 1833
- Choreopraon Mackauer, 2012
- Choreutocoris Miller, 1957
- Choriolaus Bates, 1885
- Chorisoneura Brunner, 1865
- Chorisops Rondani, 1856
- Chorista Klug, 1836
- Chorophthalmyia Lindner, 1964
- Choroterpes Eaton, 1881
- Chorotingioites Wappler, 2003
- Chorotingis Drake, 1961
- Chorthippus Fieber, 1852
- Chortinaspis
- Chortophaga Saussure, 1884
- Chostonectes Sharp, 1880
- Choucoris Cai in Cai, Yan and Chen, 2000
- Chramesus LeConte, 1868
- Chremistica Stål, 1870
- Chremyloides van Achterberg, 1995
- Chremylomorpha Belokobylskij, 1986
- Chremylus Haliday, 1833
- Christometra Pêgas, Leal and Damgaard, 2017
- Chromagrion Needham, 1903
- Chromatocera Townsend, 1915
- Chromatomyia
- Chromatopoda Brauer, 1882
- Chromolepida
- Chromoteleia Ashmead, 1893
- Chrotoma Casey, 1891
- Chrysagria
- Chrysanthrax
- Chrysanympha Grote, 1896
- Chrysendeton Grote, 1881
- Chrysetaerius Reichensperger, 1923
- Chrysina Kirby, 1828
- Chrysis Linnaeus, 1761
- Chrysispa Weise, 1897
- Chrysobasis Rácenis, 1959
- Chrysobothris Eschscholtz, 1829
- Chrysochlora Latreille, 1829
- Chrysochlorina James, 1939
- Chrysochraon Fischer, 1853
- Chrysochromioides Brunetti, 1926
- Chrysochus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Chrysocicada Boulard, 1989
- Chrysocolletes Michener, 1965
- Chrysodeixis Hübner, 1821
- Chrysodinopsis J. Bechyné, 1950
- Chrysoecia Hampson, 1908
- Chrysoexorista Townsend, 1915
- Chrysogaster
- Chrysolasia Moulds, 2003
- Chrysoleon Banks, 1910
- Chrysolina Motschulsky, 1860
- Chrysomela Linnaeus, 1758
- Chrysomphalus Ashmead, 1880
- Chrysopa Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Chrysoperla Steinmann, 1964
- Chrysophana LeConte, 1860
- Chrysopilus
- Chrysopodes Navás, 1913
- Chrysops
- Chrysosoma
- Chrysosyrphus
- Chrysotachina Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Chrysotimus
- Chrysotoxum
- Chrysotrichia Schmid, 1958
- Chrysotus
- Chryxus Champion, 1898
- Chujochilus Sasaji, 2005
- Chyliza
- Chymomyza
- Chyranda Ross, 1944
- Chyromya
- Chytolita Grote, 1873
- Chytonix Grote, 1874
- Cibolacris Hebard, 1937
- Cibotogaster Enderlein, 1914
- Cibyra Walker, 1856
- Cicada Linnaeus, 1758
- Cicadatra Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadetta Kolenati, 1857
- Cicadettana Marshall and Hill, 2017
- Cicadmalleus Boulard and Puissant, 2013
- Cicindela Linnaeus, 1758
- Cidoria Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ciliometra J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Cillaeopeplus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Cillenus Samouelle, 1819
- Cimberis Gozis, 1881
- Cimbex Olivier, 1790
- Cimbocera Horn, 1876
- Cimbus Hahn, 1831
- Cimex Linnaeus, 1758
- Cimexopsis List, 1925
- Cimolus Stål, 1862
- Cinacanthus Schmidt, 1913
- Cinara Curtis, 1835
- Cinderella
- Cingilia Walker, 1862
- Cinochira Zetterstedt, 1844
- Cinygma Eaton, 1885
- Cinygmula McDunnough, 1933
- Cionomimus Marshall, 1939
- Cionopsis Champion, 1903
- Cionus Clairville, 1798
- Cipia Stål, 1866
- Circocerus Motschulsky, 1855
- Circotettix Scudder, 1876
- Circulifer
- Cirocolla Vandenberg, 1992
- Cirrhophanus Grote, 1872
- Cirrispa Uhmann, 1936
- Cirrula
- Cis Latreille, 1796
- Cisseps Franclemont, 1936
- Cissites Latreille, 1804
- Cissusa Walker, 1856
- Cistalia Stål, 1874
- Cisthene Walker, 1854
- Cistudinella Champion, 1894
- Cistudinomyia
- Citheronia Hübner, 1819
- Citroriginis Sanborn, 2021
- Ciucephalus Stys, 1982
- Cixiopsis Matsumura, 1900
- Claassenia Wu, 1934
- Cladara Hulst, 1896
- Cladella
- Cladis Mulsant, 1850
- Cladispa Baly, 1858
- Cladius Illiger, 1807
- Cladochaeta
- Cladodes Solier in Gay, 1849
- Cladomyrma Wheeler, 1920
- Cladopelma Kieffer, 1921
- Cladotanytarsus Kieffer, 1921
- Cladoxycanus Dumbleton, 1966
- Cladura Osten Sacken, 1859
- Claeoderes Schoenherr, 1833
- Clairvillia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Clambus Fischer, 1820
- Clanis Hübner, 1819
- Clanoneurum
- Clardea Signoret, 1862
- Clarissimyia Woodley, 2001
- Clarkhydrus Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Clarkinella Mason, 1981
- Clasiopella
- Claspettomyia
- Clastoneuriopsis Reinhard, 1939
- Clastoptera Germar, 1839
- Clathroneuria Banks, 1913
- Clausicella Rondani, 1856
- Clavaspis
- Clavatus Duverger, 2001
- Clavichorema Schmid, 1955
- Clavicoccus Ferris, 1948
- Clavigralla Spinola, 1837
- Clavigralloides Dolling, 1978
- Clavilispinus Bernhauer, 1926
- Clavimyia Lindner, 1924
- Clavipanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Cleitamiphanes Hering, 1941
- Clematochaeta Hering, 1941
- Clematodes Scudder, 1900
- Clemensia Packard, 1864
- Clemmus Hampe, 1850
- Clemnius Villastrigo, Ribera, Manuel, Millán and Fery, 2017
- Cleobora Mulsant, 1850
- Cleoliturus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cleonice Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Cleonidius Casey, 1891
- Cleonis Dejean, 1821
- Cleontes Stål, 1874
- Cleora Curtis, 1825
- Cleothera Mulsant, 1850
- Cleotopetalops Brailovsky, 2000
- Cleptelmis Sanderson, 1954
- Cleptes Latreille, 1802
- Cleptotrigona Moure, 1961
- Cleptria Stål, 1853
- Clerada Signoret, 1862
- Cletomorpha Mayr, 1866
- Cletoscellus Brailovsky, 2011
- Cletus Stål, 1859
- Clidophleps Van Duzee, 1915
- Clientister Reichensperger, 1935
- Cligenes Distant, 1893
- Climacia McLachlan, 1869
- Climaciella Enderlein, 1910
- Clinata Moulds, 2012
- Clinidium Kirby, 1835
- Clinocarispa Uhmann, 1935
- Clinocera Meigen, 1803
- Clinodiplosis
- Clinohelea
- Clinopleura Scudder, 1894
- Clinopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Clinotaenia Bezzi, 1920
- Clinotanypus
- Clioperla Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Clistoronia Banks, 1916
- Clitellaria Meigen, 1803
- Clitemnestra Spinola, 1851
- Clitostethus Weise, 1885
- Clivina Latreille, 1802
- Clivinema Reuter, 1876
- Cloeodes Traver, 1938
- Cloeon Leach, 1815
- Cloresmus Stål, 1860
- Clostera Samouelle, 1819
- Closterocoris Uhler, 1890
- Clostoeca Banks, 1943
- Clunio
- Clusia
- Clusiodes
- Clusiosoma Malloch, 1926
- Clusiosomina Malloch, 1939
- Clusiota Casey, 1910
- Cluzobra
- Clydonagma Fennah, 1969
- Clynis Mulsant, 1850
- Clypastraea Haldeman, 1842
- Clypeadon Patton, 1897
- Clypeodytes Régimbart, 1894
- Clytoleptus Casey, 1912
- Clytus Laicharting, 1784
- Cneius Stål, 1865
- Cnemiandrus Distant, 1902
- Cnemodus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Cnemogonus LeConte, 1876
- Cnemomis Stål, 1860
- Cnemonyx Eichhoff, 1868
- Cnemotettix Caudell, 1916
- Cnemyrtus Stål, 1860
- Cnephia Enderlein, 1921
- Cnesinus LeConte, 1868
- Cnestus Sampson, 1911
- Cnethocymatia Jansson, 1982
- Cnetispa Maulik, 1930
- Cnidocampa Dyar, 1905
- Cnizocoris Handlirsch, 1897
- Cnodacophara
- Cnodocentron Schmid, 1982
- Cnopus Champion, 1893
- Coata Distant, 1906
- Cobalocephalus Morimoto, 1982
- Cobalos Smith, 1899
- Cobaloscelio Johnson & Masner, 2007
- Coboldia
- Cobubatha Walker, 1863
- Coccidomyia
- Coccidophilus Brèthes, 1905
- Coccidula Kugelann, 1798
- Coccinella Linnaeus, 1758
- Coccinula Dobzhansky, 1925
- Coccivora McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Coccobaphes Uhler, 1878
- Coccodiplosis Meijere, 1917
- Coccographis Lesne, 1901
- Coccopsis
- Coccotorus LeConte, 1876
- Coccotrypes Eichhoff, 1878
- Coccus Linnaeus, 1758
- Coccygidium Saussure, 1892
- Cochabambia Pirán, 1959
- Cochisea Barnes and McDunnough, 1916
- Cochleopsaltria Pham and Constant, 2017
- Cochliomyia
- Cochlochila Stål, 1873
- Cockerelliana Townsend, 1915
- Cocles Bergroth, 1905
- Cocytius Hübner, 1819
- Codatractus Lindsey, 1921
- Codocera Eschscholtz, 1821
- Codophila Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Codotingis Drake, 1942
- Coelaenomenodera Blanchard, 1845
- Coelhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Coeliaria Mulsant, 1850
- Coelioxoides Cresson, 1879
- Coelioxys Latreille, 1809
- Coelister Bickhardt, 1917
- Coelocraera Marseul, 1857
- Coelofletium Orchymont, 1925
- Coelolotis Miyatake, 1994
- Coelometopon Janssens, 1972
- Coelopa Meigen, 1830
- Coelopacidia Enderlein, 1911
- Coelophora Mulsant, 1850
- Coelophthinia
- Coelopina
- Coelopterus Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Coelosia
- Coelostoma Brullé, 1835
- Coelostomidia Cockerell, 1900
- Coelotanypus Kieffer, 1913
- Coelotrachelus Schmidt, 1913
- Coelotrypes Bezzi, 1923
- Coenagrion Kirby, 1890
- Coenia
- Coenipeta Hübner, 1818
- Coenomyia
- Coenonica Kraatz, 1857
- Coenonycha Horn, 1876
- Coenonympha Hübner, 1819
- Coenophila Stephens, 1850
- Coenopoeus Horn, 1880
- Coenoria Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Coenosia
- Coenosopsia
- Coenus Dallas, 1851
- Cogia Butler, 1870
- Coilopus Elkins, 1969
- Colacina Westwood, 1877
- Colapteroblatta Hebard, 1920
- Colaspidea Laporte, 1833
- Colaspis Fabricius, 1801
- Colastes Haliday, 1833
- Colastinus Belokobylskij, 1984
- Colastocoris Miller, 1959
- Colcondamyia
- Colecerus Schönherr, 1840
- Colemanus Fisher, 2015
- Colenis Erichson, 1842
- Coleomegilla Timberlake, 1920
- Coleomethia Linsley, 1940
- Coleomyia
- Coleophora Hübner, 1822
- Coleopterodes Philippi, 1864
- Coleorozena Moldenke, 1970
- Coleothorpa Moldenke, 1981
- Coleotichus White, 1839
- Colgorma Kirkaldy, 1904
- Colias [Fabricius], 1807
- Coliniella Schouteden, 1932
- Collarhamphus P. Putshkov and Popov, 1995
- Collaria Provancher, 1872
- Collartida Villiers, 1949
- Collartiella Schouteden, 1931
- Collatia Stål, 1862
- Collessomyia Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Colletes Latreille, 1802
- Collinutius Distant, 1903
- Colliuris De Geer, 1774
- Collomena Möschler, 1891
- Colobaea
- Colobicus Latreille, 1807
- Colobochyla Hübner, 1825
- Colobopterus Mulsant, 1842
- Colobopyga Bréthes, 1912
- Colobostema
- Colobostroter Enderlein, 1911
- Colobostruma Wheeler, 1927
- Colocasia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Colomyia
- Colon Herbst, 1797
- Colonides Schmidt, 1889
- Colophon Gray, 1832
- Colophotia Motschulsky, 1853
- Colopterus Erichson, 1842
- Coloradia Blake, 1863
- Coloradoa Wilson, 1910
- Coloradomyia Arnaud, 1963
- Colostygia Hübner, 1825
- Colotois Hübner, 1823
- Colovocera
- Colpochilocoris Reuter, 1881
- Colpodes MacLeay, 1825
- Colpoproctus Stål, 1870
- Colporidius J. Lis, 1990
- Colposternus Fall, 1905
- Columbiana Muir, 1919
- Columbisoga Muir, 1921
- Colydium Fabricius, 1792
- Colymbetes Clairville, 1806
- Colyphus Spinola, 1841
- Comachara Franclemont, 1939
- Comacmaeops Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Comaldessus Spangler and Barr, 1995
- Comantella
- Comasarcophaga
- Commoptera
- Composia Hübner, 1820
- Compseuta Stål, 1873
- Compsidolon Reuter, 1899
- Compsilura Bouché, 1834
- Compsobata
- Compsodes Hebard, 1917
- Compsoleon Banks, 1913
- Compsomelissa Alfken, 1924
- Compsothrips Reuter, 1901
- Compsus Schönherr, 1823
- Compteromesa
- Compterosmittia
- Comstockiella Cockerell, 1896
- Conalcaea Scudder, 1897
- Conalia Mulsant and Rey, 1858
- Conanthalictus Cockerell, 1901
- Conarete
- Concana Walker, 1857
- Conchapelopia Fittkau
- Conchaspis Cockerell, 1893
- Conchita Mazur, 1994
- Conchopterella Handschin, 1955
- Conchotingis Drake, 1954
- Conchyloctenia Spaeth, 1902
- Conchyoptera Signoret, 1860
- Concoctio Brown, 1974
- Condica Walker, 1856
- Condocerus Neboiss, 1977
- Condylostylus
- Confluens Wise, 1962
- Conga Evans, 1955
- Conglobatus T. R. Smith, 2020
- Congochila Drake, 1954
- Congoxenus Kinzelbach, 1972
- Conibosa Distant, 1905
- Coniceps
- Conicera
- Coniceromyia
- Coniferocoris Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Coninomus
- Coniocompsa Enderlein, 1905
- Coniophyrta Breddin, 1912
- Coniopteryx Curtis, 1834
- Conioscinella
- Conocassis Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Conocephalocoris Knight, 1927
- Conocephalus Thunberg, 1815
- Conocraera Muir, 1916
- Conoderus
- Conoesucus Mosely, 1936
- Conomelus Fieber, 1866
- Conophorus
- Conophthorus Hopkins, 1915
- Conoplectus Brendel, 1888
- Conops
- Conostethus Fieber, 1858
- Conostigmus Dahlbom, 1858
- Conotelus Erichson, 1843
- Conotrachelus Dejean, 1835
- Conozoa Saussure, 1884
- Conradtina Enderlein, 1911
- Conservula Grote, 1874
- Consociata Qin and Zhang, 2006
- Consorophylax Schmid, 1955
- Constempellina Brundin
- Contacyphon Des Gozis, 1886
- Contarinia Rondani, 1860
- Contiger Lange, 1956
- Contipus Marseul, 1854
- Contulma Flint, 1969
- Conura Spinola, 1837
- Convexa Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Convivister Reichensperger, 1936
- Conwentzia Enderlein, 1905
- Coomanister Kryzhanovskij, 1972
- Cooronga Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Copablepharon Harvey, 1878
- Copaeodes Speyer, 1877
- Copanarta Grote, 1895
- Copecrypta Townsend, 1908
- Copelatus Erichson, 1832
- Copestylum
- Cophes Champion, 1905
- Cophura
- Copibryophila Smith, 1900
- Copicerus Swartz, 1802
- Copidita LeConte, 1866
- Copiolepis Enderlein, 1920
- Copiphora Serville, 1831
- Copium Thunberg, 1822
- Copivaleria Grote, 1883
- Copris Geoffroy, 1762
- Coproica
- Copromyza
- Coprophanaeus D'Olsoufieff, 1924
- Coprophilus Latreille, 1829
- Coproxenus Lewis, 1897
- Coptoborus Hopkins, 1915
- Coptocarpus Chaudoir, 1857
- Coptocatus Montandon, 1909
- Coptocycla Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Coptodera Dejean, 1825
- Coptodisca Walsingham, 1895
- Coptops Serville, 1835
- Coptosternus Lewis, 1914
- Coptotermes Wasmann, 1896
- Coptotomus Say, 1830
- Coptotrophis Lewis, 1902
- Copturus Schönherr, 1825
- Coquillettia Uhler, 1890
- Coquillettidia Dyar, 1905
- Coquillettomyia
- Cora Selys, 1853
- Coracodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Coraia H. Clark, 1865
- Coraliomela Jacobson, 1899
- Corallocoris Cobben, 1970
- Coranarta Beck, 1991
- Coranopsis Horváth, 1892
- Coranus Curtis, 1832
- Corcia Stål, 1859
- Cordalia Jacobs, 1925
- Cordillacris Rehn, 1901
- Cordillonotus Scudder, 1984
- Cordilura Fallen, 1810
- Corduba Stål, 1862
- Cordulecerus Rambur, 1842
- Cordulegaster Leach, 1815
- Cordulia Leach, 1815
- Cordus Schoenherr, 1847
- Cordyla
- Cordyligaster Macquart, 1844
- Cordylodiplosis
- Cordylomyia
- Cordylopteryx Hering, 1941
- Cordylospasta Horn, 1875
- Cordylurella Malloch, 1919
- Cordysceles Hsiao, 1963
- Corethrella
- Coreus Fabricius, 1794
- Corhinoris Villiers, 1953
- Coribergia Casini, 1984
- Coridiellus J. Lis, 1990
- Coridius Illiger, 1807
- Coridromius Signoret, 1862
- Corimelaena White, 1839
- Corinthiscus Fairmaire and Germain, 1861
- Corinthomyia
- Corinthus Distant, 1920
- Coriomeris Westwood, 1842
- Coriophagus Kinzelbach, 1971
- Corioxenos Blair, 1936
- Corisella Lundblad, 1928
- Corixa Geoffroy, 1762
- Corixidea Reuter, 1891
- Corizoplatus Spinola, 1837
- Cormidius Emeljanov, 1972
- Cormopus Kolbe, 1892
- Cornitermes Wasmann, 1897
- Cornonannus Luo, Gong and Xie, 2022
- Cornuplura Davis, 1944
- Cornutrypeta Han & Wang, 1993
- Coronacella Metcalf, 1950
- Coronagathis van Achterberg & Long, 2010
- Corporaalia Kleine, 1921
- Corrinea Wooldridge, 1980
- Corthylus Erichson, 1836
- Corticalinus Gomy, 2004
- Corticaria
- Corticea Evans, 1955
- Corticoris McAtee and Malloch, 1922
- Cortodera Mulsant, 1864
- Corupaia Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1948
- Corycera Drake, 1922
- Corydalus Latreille, 1802
- Corynispa Uhmann, 1940
- Corynocera
- Corynomalus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Corynoneura
- Corynoptera
- Corynura Spinola, 1851
- Coryphaeschna Williamson, 1903
- Coryphista Hulst, 1896
- Corythaica Stål, 1873
- Corythauma Drake and Poor, 1939
- Corythotingis Drake and Poor, 1943
- Corythucha Stål, 1873
- Coscinocephalus Prell, 1936
- Coscinoptera Lacordaire, 1848
- Cosina Navás, 1912
- Cosipara Munroe, 1972
- Cosmariomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Cosmetopus Becker, 1894
- Cosmetothrix Munro, 1952
- Cosmia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Cosmobaris Casey, 1920
- Cosmoclopius Stål, 1866
- Cosmococcus Borchsenius, 1959
- Cosmoleptus Stål, 1873
- Cosmolestes Stål, 1866
- Cosmopepla Stål, 1867
- Cosmopolites Chevrolat, 1885
- Cosmopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Cosmopterix Hübner, 1825
- Cosmosalia Casey, 1913
- Cosmosoma Hübner, 1823
- Cosmosycanus Ishikawa and Tomokuni, 2004
- Cossonus Clairville, 1798
- Cossula Bailey, 1882
- Cossutia Stål, 1866
- Cossyphodister Reichensperger, 1936
- Costachorema McFarlane, 1939
- Costaconvexa Agenjo, 1949
- Costalampys Silveira, Roza, Vaz and Mermudes, 2021
- Costatrichia Mosely, 1937
- Costomedes van Doesburg, 2004
- Costora Mosely, 1936
- Cosumnoperla Szczytko and Bottorff, 1987
- Cotalpa Burmeister, 1844
- Cotesia Cameron, 1891
- Cotinis Burmeister, 1842
- Cotoya Anufriev, 1977
- Cottothucha Drake and Poor, 1941
- Covellia Ferguson, 2009
- Coxelmis Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Coxelus Dejean, 1821
- Coxina Guenée, 1852
- Crabro Fabricius, 1775
- Cracenpsaltria Sanborn, 2016
- Crama Galloway, 1984
- Crambelea Spaeth, 1913
- Crambidia Packard, 1864
- Crambodes Guenée, 1852
- Crambomorphus McLachlan, 1867
- Crambostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Cramptonomyia
- Craneiobia
- Cranophorus Mulsant, 1850
- Cranoryssus Brèthes, 1921
- Craponius LeConte, 1876
- Craspedometopon Kertesz, 1909
- Craspedonispa Weise, 1910
- Craspedonotus Schaum, 1863
- Craspedonta Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Craspedoxantha Bezzi, 1913
- Craspedoxanthitea Hardy, 1987
- Craspeduchus Stål, 1874
- Crassicimex Ferris and Usinger, 1957
- Crassisternalna Boulard, 1980
- Crassitarsus Martin, 2019
- Crassomicrodus Ashmead, 1900
- Crassopsaltria Boulard, 2008
- Cratacanthus Dejean, 1829
- Crataraea Thomson, 1858
- Cratocora Martins-Neto in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Cratomorphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Cratonerthra Martins-Neto, 2005
- Cratopelocoris López Ruf and Perez Goodwyn in López Ruf et al., 2005
- Cratypedes Scudder, 1876
- Crawforda Caldwell, 1940
- Crawfordapis Moure, 1964
- Crawfordia Pierce, 1908
- Creator Alekseev, 1980
- Cregya LeConte, 1861
- Creightonidris Brown, 1949
- Cremastobaeus Ashmead, 1893
- Cremastocheilus Knoch, 1801
- Cremastus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Crematogaster Lund, 1831
- Cremersia
- Cremifania
- Cremnops Foerster, 1863
- Cremnoptoides van Achterberg & Chen, 2004
- Crenidorsum
- Crenitis Bedel, 1881
- Crenulister Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Creoleon Tillyard, 1918
- Creontiades Distant, 1883
- Creophilus
- Crephalia Casey, 1910
- Crepidodera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Crescoccus Wang, 1982
- Cresson Pate, 1938
- Cressonomyia
- Cretaceometra Nel and Popov, 2000
- Cretaceomira McKellar and Engel, 2014
- Cretaxenomerus Nel & Azar, 2005
- Cretevania Rasnitsyn, 1975
- Cretogerris Perrichot, Net and Neraudeau, 2005
- Cretomyrma Dlussky, 1975
- Cretonthophilus Caterino, Wolf-Schwenninger and Bechly, 2015
- Cretopone Dlussky, 1975
- Cretorhyssalus Belokobylskij, 2012
- Cretostylops Grimaldi and Kathirithamby in Grimaldi et al., 2005
- Cribrorioxa Hering, 1952
- Cricetopareis Breddin, 1903
- Cricotopus Wulp, 1874
- Crimona Smith, 1902
- Crinitisophira Hardy, 1986
- Crinocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Crinodes Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
- Crinodessus K. B. Miller, 1997
- Crinophleba
- Crioceris Geoffroy, 1762
- Criocoris Fieber, 1858
- Criodion Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Criomica Kozlov, 1975
- Criomorphus Curtis, 1833
- Crioprosopus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Criorhina
- Cristicaudus Starý and Remaudière, 1982
- Cristobalia Malloch, 1939
- Crociaeus Breddin, 1900
- Crocidema Van Dyke, 1934
- Crocigrapha Grote, 1875
- Crocinosoma Reinhard, 1947
- Crocothemis Brauer, 1868
- Crocutasis Lindner, 1935
- Croesus
- Cromerus Distant, 1902
- Crophius Stål, 1874
- Cropia Walker, 1858
- Crorhopalum Tsuneki, 1984
- Croscius Stål, 1874
- Crossidius LeConte, 1851
- Crossocerus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835
- Crossopalpus
- Crotopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Crowsoniella Pace, 1975
- Crumomyia
- Crunoecia McLachlan, 1876
- Cryophila Edwards, 1930
- Cryphalus Erichson, 1836
- Cryphia Hübner, 1818
- Cryphocricos Signoret, 1850
- Cryphula Stål, 1874
- Cryptamorpha Wollaston, 1854
- Cryptarcha Shuckard, 1839
- Crypticolus Strohecker, 1953
- Cryptobiosella Henderson, 1983
- Cryptobium
- Cryptocala Benjamin, 1921
- Cryptocarenus Eggers, 1937
- Cryptocephalus Geoffroy, 1762
- Cryptocercus Scudder, 1862
- Cryptochetum
- Cryptochia Ross, 1950
- Cryptochironomus
- Cryptochrysa Freitas and Penny, 2001
- Cryptocladopelma
- Cryptococcus Douglass, 1890
- Cryptodacus Hendel, 1914
- Cryptognatha Mulsant, 1850
- Cryptogonus Mulsant, 1850
- Cryptolabis
- Cryptolaemus Mulsant, 1853
- Cryptolarynx Schalkwyk, 1966
- Cryptolepidus Van Dyke, 1936
- Cryptolestes Ganglbauer, 1899
- Cryptomalus Mazur, 1993
- Cryptomannus Hill, 1984
- Cryptomeigenia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Cryptonannus Dougherty, 1995
- Cryptonychus Gyllenhal, 1817
- Cryptopetalops Brailovsky, 2021
- Cryptophagus Herbst, 1792
- Cryptophilus Reitter, 1874
- Cryptophorellia Freidberg & Hancock, 1989
- Cryptophysoderes Wygodzinsky and Maldonado, 1972
- Cryptopleurum Mulsant, 1844
- Cryptopone Emery, 1893
- Cryptorama Fall, 1905
- Cryptoramorphus White, 1966
- Cryptorhopalum Guérin-Méneville, 1838
- Cryptorhynchus Illiger, 1807
- Cryptoscatomaseter Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Cryptostemma Herrich-Schaeffer, 1835
- Cryptotendipes Lenz
- Cryptotermes Banks, 1906
- Cryptothrips Uzel, 1895
- Cryptothrix McLachlan, 1867
- Cryptotreta Blanc & Foote, 1961
- Cryptotympana Stål, 1861
- Cryptovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Crypturgus Erichson, 1836
- Csiroleon New, 1985
- Cteisella Weise, 1896
- Ctenandropus
- Ctenaphydes Pascoe, 1870
- Ctenelmis Delève, 1964
- Ctenicera
- Ctenioschelus Romand, 1840
- Ctenipocoris Montandon, 1897
- Ctenisis Raffray, 1890
- Ctenisodes Raffray, 1897
- Ctenobium LeConte, 1865
- Ctenobostrychus Reichardt, 1962
- Ctenocassida Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenocharidotis Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenocolletes Cockerell, 1929
- Ctenodactylomyia
- Ctenolepisma Escherich, 1905
- Ctenomelynthus Breddin, 1903
- Ctenophilaspis Spaeth, 1926
- Ctenophilothis Kryzhanovskij, 1987
- Ctenophora Meigen, 1803
- Ctenophthirus Ferris, 1922
- Ctenoplectra Kirby, 1826
- Ctenoplusia Dufay, 1970
- Ctenothrips Franklin, 1907
- Ctenotrachelus Stål, 1868
- Ctenucha W. Kirby, 1837
- Ctesias Stephens, 1830
- Ctesibius Champion, 1897
- Ctydinna Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Cuahtemoca Hogue, 1963
- Cubanoptila Sykora in Botosaneanu & Sykora, 1973
- Cubispa Barber, 1946
- Cubitalia Friese, 1911
- Cuca Navás, 1923
- Cucochodaeus Paulsen, 2007
- Cucujopsis Crowson, 1946
- Cucujus Fabricius, 1775
- Cucullia Schrank, 1802
- Cucullomyia
- Cuernolestes Miller, 1954
- Cueta Navás, 1911
- Culcua Walker, 1856
- Culex Linnaeus, 1758
- Culicoides Latreille, 1809
- Culiseta Felt, 1904
- Culoptila Mosely, 1954
- Cultellunguis McKey-Fender, 1950
- Cultus Ricker, 1952
- Cumare Blöte, 1945
- Cuneifrons Munroe, 1961
- Cuneoceps Williams, 1981
- Cuneogaster Choi and Whitfield, 2006
- Cuneopalpus Badonnel, 1943
- Cupes Fabricius, 1801
- Cupido Schrank, 1801
- Cupila Casey, 1897
- Curalium Schuh, Weirauch and Henry in Schuh et al., 2008
- Curculio Linnaeus, 1758
- Curelius Casey, 1900
- Curicta Stål, 1861
- Curimopsis Ganglbauer, 1902
- Curinus Mulsant, 1850
- Curius Newman, 1840
- Curranops
- Curticella Hardy, 1959
- Curticornis Gordon, 1971
- Curtius Stål, 1870
- Curtomerus Stephens, 1839
- Curtometopum Muir, 1926
- Curtonotum
- Curtos Motschulsky, 1845
- Curvicicauda Chou and Lu, 1997
- Cuspidevia Jäch and Boukal, 1995
- Custotychus Park and Wagner, 1962
- Cuterebra
- Cutina Walker, 1866
- Cuyana Ronderos and Capri, 1969
- Cyaforma Wang, 1989
- Cyamops
- Cyanallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Cyananthrax
- Cyanauges Rondani, 1863
- Cyanogomphus Selys, 1873
- Cyanolicimex Carpintero, Di Iorio, Masello and Turienzo in Di Iorio et al., 2010
- Cyanophrys Clench, 1961
- Cyanus
- Cybister Curtis, 1827
- Cybocephalus Erichson, 1844
- Cychramus Kugelann, 1794
- Cychrus Fabricius, 1794
- Cyclargus Nabokov, 1945
- Cyclechinus Bickhardt, 1917
- Cyclica Grote, 1882
- Cyclobacanius G. Müller, 1925
- Cyclocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Cyclocephala Dejean, 1821
- Cyclochila Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclodinus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Cyclogastridea Reuter, 1884
- Cyclolimnichus Delève, 1968
- Cycloneda Crotch, 1871
- Cyclopelta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyclophleps James, 1943
- Cyclophora Hübner, 1822
- Cyclopocoris Miller, 1950
- Cyclopsia Malloch, 1939
- Cyclopsiella Kjaerandsen, 1997
- Cycloptiloides Sjöstedt, 1909
- Cycloptilum Scudder, 1869
- Cyclorhipidion Hagedorn, 1912
- Cyclosoma Guérin-Méneville, 1835
- Cyclotaspis Lindner, 1964
- Cyclotelus
- Cyclotoma Mulsant, 1851
- Cyclotrachelus Chaudoir, 1838
- Cyclotrypema Blake, 1966
- Cyclotynaspis Montandon, 1892
- Cyclotypus Sharp, 1882
- Cycnia Hübner, 1818
- Cycrillum Knisch, 1921
- Cydamus Stål, 1860
- Cydistus Bourgeois, 1885
- Cydnocoris Stål, 1859
- Cydnoides Malloch, 1919
- Cydnus Fabricius, 1803
- Cydosia Duncan and Westwood, 1841
- Cylapus Say, 1832
- Cylas Latreille, 1802
- Cylicovelia J. Polhemus and Copeland, 1996
- Cylindera Westwood, 1831
- Cylindrarctus Schaufuss, 1887
- Cylindridia Casey, 1920
- Cylindrobates Wappler and Andersen, 2004
- Cylindrocnema Mayr, 1864
- Cylindrocopturinus Sleeper, 1963
- Cylindrocopturus Heller, 1895
- Cylindrolister Bickhardt, 1921
- Cylindromyia Meigen, 1803
- Cylindromyrmex Mayr, 1870
- Cylindronotum Putzeys, 1845
- Cylindrostethus Mayr, 1865
- Cylindrotoma Macquart, 1834
- Cylistosoma Lewis, 1905
- Cyllarus Stål, 1866
- Cyllodes Erichson, 1843
- Cylloepus Erichson, 1847
- Cyllopsis R. Felder, 1869
- Cymaenes Scudder, 1872
- Cymagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Cymatala C.-k. Yang, 1986
- Cymatia Flor, 1860
- Cymatodera Grey, 1832
- Cymatoderella Barr, 1962
- Cymatophora Hübner, 1812
- Cymbiodyta Bedel, 1881
- Cymindis Latreille, 1805
- Cymodema Spinola, 1837
- Cymoninus Breddin, 1907
- Cymothales Gerstaecker, 1893
- Cymus Hahn, 1832
- Cynegetis Dejean, 1837
- Cynipimorpha Brauer, 1882
- Cynips Linnaeus, 1758
- Cynomya
- Cynorhinella
- Cyoceraphron Dessart, 1975
- Cyperispa Gressitt, 1957
- Cyperobia Bergroth, 1927
- Cypha Leach, 1819
- Cyphacolus Priesner, 1951
- Cyphagogus Parry, 1849
- Cyphanthidium Pasteels, 1969
- Cyphea Fauvel, 1863
- Cyphoceratops Uhler, 1901
- Cyphodemidea Reuter, 1903
- Cyphoderris Uhler, 1864
- Cyphoidris Weber, 1952
- Cyphomella Saether
- Cyphomyia Wiedemann, 1819
- Cyphomyrmex Mayr, 1862
- Cyphonocerus Kiesenwetter, 1879
- Cyphonotida Casey, 1913
- Cyphopelta Van Duzee, 1910
- Cyphoprosopa James, 1975
- Cyphostethus Fieber, 1860
- Cyptocephala Berg, 1883
- Cypturus Erichson, 1834
- Cyrea Gordon and Canepari in Gordon et al., 2013
- Cyrema Blackburn, 1889
- Cyrenoberotha MacLeod and Adams, 1968
- Cyriodontus Kirsch, 1868
- Cyrnellus Banks, 1913
- Cyrnodes Ulmer, 1910
- Cyrnopsis Martynov, 1935
- Cyrnus Stephens, 1836
- Cyrotyphus Pascoe, 1870
- Cyrtaulis Crotch, 1874
- Cyrtepistomus Marshall, 1913
- Cyrtinus LeConte, 1852
- Cyrtobagous Hustache, 1929
- Cyrtocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtocaria Crotch, 1874
- Cyrtomenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Cyrtomoptera Motschulsky, 1860
- Cyrtomycta Williams, 1981
- Cyrtonota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Cyrtopeltis Fieber, 1860
- Cyrtopeltocoris Reuter, 1876
- Cyrtophleba Rondani, 1856
- Cyrtophorus LeConte, 1850
- Cyrtophyllicus Hebard, 1908
- Cyrtopogon
- Cyrtopus Bigot, 1883
- Cyrtorhinus Fieber, 1858
- Cyrtoxipha Saussure, 1874
- Cyrtusa Erichson, 1842
- Cysteochila Stål, 1873
- Cysteodemus LeConte, 1851
- Cystiphora
- Cystopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Cystosoma Westwood, 1842
- Cytilus Erichson, 1847
- Cyzenis Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Dacatria Rigato, 1994
- Dacerla Signoret, 1881
- Dacetellum Hedicke, 1922
- Dacetinops Brown & Wilson, 1957
- Daceton Perty, 1833
- Daclera Signoret, 1863
- Dacne Latreille, 1796
- Dacnitus
- Dacnophora
- Dacnusa Haliday, 1833
- Dacoderus LeConte, 1858
- Dacopsis Hering, 1944
- Dacota Uhler, 1872
- Dactuliothrips Moulton, 1931
- Dactylacantha Lindner, 1964
- Dactylispa Weise, 1897
- Dactylocerca Ross, 1940
- Dactylodeictes Kertesz, 1914
- Dactylolabis
- Dactylonotum Chou and Xang, 1981
- Dactylopius Costa, 1829
- Dactylopodocoris Miller, 1957
- Dactylosternum Wollaston, 1854
- Dactylotinda Lindner, 1965
- Dactylotrypes Eggers, 1927
- Dactylotum Charpentier, 1843
- Dactylurina Cockerell, 1934
- Dacus Fabricius, 1805
- Dadophora Duponchel, 1844
- Dagbertus Distant, 1904
- Dagon Higgins, 1981
- Dahana Grote, 1875
- Dahlgrenius Penati and Vienna, 1996
- Daihinia Haldeman, 1850
- Daihinibaenetes Tinkham, 1962
- Daihiniella Hubbell, 1936
- Daihiniodes Hebard, 1929
- Daillea Péricart, 1991
- Daitrosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Dalaca Walker, 1856
- Dalader Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Daladeropsis Karsch, 1894
- Dalara Ritsema, 1884
- Dalcantha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Dalcerides Neumogen and Dyar, 1893
- Daleapidea Knight, 1968
- Dalensocoris Brailovsky, 2015
- Dallasiellus Berg, 1901
- Dalmannia
- Dalmatomammurius Brailovsky, 1982
- Dalmonexus Park, 1942
- Dalmosanus Park, 1952
- Dalmosella Casey, 1897
- Dalotia Casey, 1910
- Damaromyia Kertesz, 1916
- Damatula Gordon, 1975
- Damoisiella Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Danae Reiche, 1847
- Danascelis Tomaszewska, 1999
- Danaus Kluk, 1780
- Danepteryx Uhler, 1889
- Daniavelia Andersen, 1998
- Dannella Edmunds, 1959
- Danothrips Bhatti, 1971
- Danumococcus Takagi and Hodgson, 2005
- Danzigia Popov, 2003
- Daphnasa Brailovsky, 1984
- Daphnis Hübner, 1819
- Dapolia Mulsant, 1850
- Daptesister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Daradacella Fennah, 1949
- Daradax Walker, 1857
- Daradaxoides Distant, 1917
- Darapsa Walker, 1856
- Daraxa Stål, 1859
- Dargida Walker, 1856
- Darlingtonea Valentine, 1952
- Darmistus Stål, 1860
- Darwinhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Darwinivelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Dascillus Latreille, 1796
- Dasineura
- Dasiops Rondani, 1856
- Dasyblemma Dyar, 1923
- Dasycerus
- Dasychira Hübner, 1809
- Dasycnemus Bergroth, 1898
- Dasycorixa Hungerford, 1948
- Dasydactylus Gorham, 1887
- Dasyfidonia Packard, 1876
- Dasyhelea
- Dasyhesma Michener, 1965
- Dasylagon Muesebeck, 1958
- Dasylechia
- Dasylophia Packard, 1864
- Dasymutilla Ashmead, 1899
- Dasynus Burmeister, 1834
- Dasyopa
- Dasypoda Latreille, 1802
- Dasyproctus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835
- Dasyrhicnoessa Hendel
- Dasysyrphus
- Dasytanobium Pic, 1902
- Dasythemis Karsch, 1889
- Dasytingis Drake and Poor, 1936
- Dasyuris Guenée, 1868
- Datana Walker, 1855
- Davidraena Jäch, 1994
- Daza Distant, 1905
- Dazollina Sanborn, 2018
- Dearthrus LeConte, 1861
- Debilia Stål, 1859
- Debora Power, 1879
- Decachaetophora
- Decadiomus Chapin, 1933
- Decamastinocerus Wittmer, 1988
- Decamorium Forel, 1913
- Decarloa La Rivers, 1969
- Decarthrocerus Orchymont, 1948
- Decarthron Brendel, 1865
- Decatelia Weise, 1904
- Decebalus Distant, 1920
- Deceia
- Decevania Huben, 2003
- Decinea Evans, 1955
- Declivitata Fürsch, 1964
- Dectes LeConte, 1852
- Decticita Hebard, 1939
- Dectodesis Munro, 1957
- Decusa Casey, 1900
- Degallierister Gomy, 2001
- Deidamia Clemens, 1859
- Deielia Kirby, 1889
- Deilephila Laspeyres, 1809
- Deilus Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Deinelenchus Perkins, 1905
- Deinocerites Theobald, 1901
- Deinocossonus Perkins, 1900
- Deinomimesa Perkins, 1899
- Deinopa Walker, 1856
- Deinophloeus Sharp, 1899
- Deinopsis Matthews, 1838
- Dejuna Navás, 1924
- Delacampius Distant, 1903
- Deleaster Erichson, 1839
- Delfimeus Navás, 1912
- Delgadus Navás, 1914
- Delia
- Delina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Dellacasiellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Delochilocoris Bergroth, 1893
- Delocrania Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Deloyala Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Delphacellus Haupt, 1929
- Delphacinus Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodes Fieber, 1866
- Delphacodoides Muir, 1929
- Delphastus Casey, 1899
- Delphax Fabricius, 1798
- Delphinia
- Delta Saussure, 1855
- Deltaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Deltocephalus Burmeister, 1838
- Deltochilum Eschscholtz, 1822
- Deltoptila LaBerge and Michener, 1963
- Deltostethus Sharp, 1882
- Deltote R.L., 1817
- Demeijerea
- Demicryptochironomus
- Demoticus Macquart, 1854
- Demotina Baly, 1863
- Demotispa Baly, 1858
- Dendrobiella Casey, 1898
- Dendrocerus Ratzeburg, 1852
- Dendrocoris Bergroth, 1891
- Dendrocranulus Schedl, 1937
- Dendroctonus Erichson, 1836
- Dendroides
- Dendroleon Brauer, 1866
- Dendromyrmex Emery, 1895
- Dendrophagus Schönherr, 1809
- Dendrophilus Leach, 1817
- Dendrosinus Chapuis, 1869
- Dendroterus Blandford, 1904
- Dendrotettix Packard, 1890
- Dendrothripoides Bagnall, 1923
- Dendrothrips Uzel, 1895
- Denopelopia Roback and Rutter, 1988
- Denophoelus Stephan, 1989
- Dentatella Allen, 1980
- Dentifibula
- Dentisebus De Muizon, 1960
- Deopalpus Townsend, 1908
- Deporaus Samouelle, 1819
- Deraeocapsus Knight, 1921
- Deraeocoris Kirschbaum, 1856
- Derallus Sharp, 1882
- Dercylinus Chaudoir, 1883
- Derelomus Schönherr, 1825
- Deremeces Sanborn, 2021
- Derephysia Spinola, 1837
- Derepteryx White, 1839
- Deretaphrus Newman, 1842
- Dermestes Linnaeus, 1758
- Derobrachus Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Derocrepis Weise, 1886
- Derodontus LeConte, 1861
- Derolathrus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Deronectes Sharp, 1882
- Deroparia Munro, 1957
- Derophthalma Berg, 1883
- Derospidea Blake, 1931
- Derotettix Berg, 1882
- Derotmema Scudder, 1876
- Derovatellus Sharp, 1882
- Derrima Walker, 1858
- Dersagrena Kirkaldy, 1904
- Desbordesia Mazur, 1999
- Descarpentriesus Villiers, 1961
- Desgodinsia Senna, 1894
- Desmatogaster Knutson, 1963
- Desmatomyia
- Desmatoneura
- Desmella Munro, 1957
- Desmiphora Audinet-Serville, 1835
- Desmocerus Dejean, 1821
- Desmoglyptus Casey, 1892
- Desmogomphus Williamson, 1920
- Desmometopa
- Desmona Denning, 1954
- Desmopachria Babington, 1841
- Despaxia Ricker, 1943
- Destutia Grossbeck, 1908
- Desystellores Villiers, 1958
- Dettopsomyia
- Deuterixys Mason, 1981
- Deuteronectes Guignot, 1945
- Deuterophlebia Edwards, 1922
- Deutoleon Navás, 1927
- Deutominettia
- Devia Blackwelder, 1952
- Dexia Meigen, 1826
- Dexicrates Lesne, 1899
- Dexiogyia Thomson, 1858
- Dexosarcophaga
- Dextritubus Hill, 2015
- Dhatrichia Mosely, 1948
- Diabletes Reichardt, 1933
- Diabolicoris Wall and Cassis, 2003
- Diabrotica Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Diacamma Mayr, 1862
- Diacheila Motschulsky, 1844
- Diachlorus
- Diachrysia Hübner, 1821
- Diachus J. L. LeConte, 1880
- Diacrisia Hübner, 1819
- Diacrita
- Diactor Perty, 1830
- Diadasia Patton, 1879
- Diadasina Moure, 1950
- Diademophora Lindner, 1955
- Diadiplosis
- Diaditus Stål, 1859
- Diadocidia
- Diaeretellus Starý, 1960
- Diaeretiella Starý, 1960
- Diaeretus Foerster, 1863
- Diagrynia Melichar, 1914
- Dialampsis Kertesz, 1916
- Dialeurodes Cockerell, 1902
- Dialineura
- Diallactia
- Dialysis
- Dialytellus Brown, 1929
- Dialytes Harold, 1869
- Dialytodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Diambon O'Brien, 2010
- Diamesa
- Diamimus Horn, 1876
- Dianomictis O'Shea, 1980
- Dianthidium Cockerell, 1900
- Dianus Ding, 2006
- Dianusa Casey, 1906
- Diaperis
- Diaphanes Motschulsky, 1853
- Diapheromera Gray, 1835
- Diaphlebia Selys, 1854
- Diaphnidia Uhler, 1895
- Diaphorina
- Diaphorocoris Montandon, 1897
- Diaphorostylus Kertesz, 1908
- Diaphorus Meigen, 1824
- Diaprepes Schönherr, 1823
- Diaprepocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Diapterna Horn, 1887
- Diargemus Kertesz, 1916
- Diariptus Stål, 1859
- Diarrhegma Bezzi, 1913
- Diarrhegmoides Malloch, 1939
- Diarsia Hübner, 1821
- Diarthrotarsus Bergroth, 1905
- Diaspidius Westwood, 1837
- Diaspis Costa, 1828
- Diastata
- Diastatops Rambur, 1842
- Diastema Guenée, 1852
- Diastictus Mulsant, 1842
- Diastophthalmus Lindner, 1949
- Diastrophocoleps Damoiseau, 1967
- Diastrophus Hartig, 1840
- Diatraea Guilding, 1828
- Diaulota Casey, 1893
- Diazonema Weise, 1926
- Diazosoma
- Dibaryconus Kieffer, 1926
- Dibolia Latreille, 1829
- Dibusa Ross, 1939
- Dicaelus Bonelli, 1813
- Dicaminus Mueller, 1879
- Dicamptocrana Frey, 1934
- Dicentropyx Emeljanov, 1972
- Dicentrus LeConte, 1880
- Dicerapanorpa Zhong and Hua, 2013
- Diceratobasis Kennedy, 1920
- Diceratothrips Bagnall, 1908
- Dicerca Eschscholtz, 1829
- Diceroprocta Stål, 1870
- Diceropyga Stål, 1870
- Dicerura
- Dichaetocoris Knight, 1968
- Dichagyris Lederer, 1857
- Dichaina Weise, 1923
- Dicheirotrichus Jacquelin du Val, 1855
- Dicheirus Mannerheim, 1843
- Dichelacera
- Dichelonyx Harris, 1827
- Dicheniotes Munro, 1938
- Dichocera Williston, 1895
- Dichocysta Champion, 1898
- Dichoglena
- Dichoneura Lethierry, 1890
- Dichopetala Brunner, 1878
- Dichorda Warren, 1900
- Dichordophora Prout, 1913
- Dichoteleas Kieffer, 1907
- Dichotomius Hope, 1838
- Dichoxenus Horn, 1876
- Dichozoma Munroe, 1961
- Dichromorpha Morse, 1896
- Dichromothrips Priesner, 1932
- Dichrooscytus Fieber, 1858
- Dicladispa Gestro, 1897
- Diclasiopa
- Diclidia LeConte, 1862
- Dicolonus
- Diconocoris Mayr, 1865
- Dicordylus Lacordaire, 1863
- Dicorymbimyia Woodley, 2001
- Dicorymbus Bergroth, 1918
- Dicosmoecus McLachlan, 1875
- Dicraeus
- Dicranocephalus Hahn, 1826
- Dicranoclista
- Dicranophora Macquart, 1834
- Dicranopselaphus Guérin-Méneville, 1861
- Dicranoptycha Coquillett, 1910
- Dicranorhina Shuckard, 1840
- Dicranota
- Dicranotropis Fieber, 1866
- Dicranus
- Dicroaspis Emery, 1908
- Dicrodiplosis
- Dicromantispa Hoffman in Penny, 2002
- Dicropaltum
- Dicroscelio Kieffer, 1913
- Dicrotelus Erichson, 1842
- Dicrotendipes Kieffer, 1913
- Dicrotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Dicterias Selys, 1853
- Dictya
- Dictyacium
- Dictyla Stål, 1874
- Dictyobia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyoleon Esben-Petersen, 1923
- Dictyonia Uhler, 1889
- Dictyonissus Uhler, 1876
- Dictyonota Curtis, 1827
- Dictyophorodelphax Swezey, 1907
- Dictyoptera Latreille, 1829
- Dictyotangia Fennah, 1945
- Dictyotingis Drake, 1942
- Dictyotrypeta Hendel, 1914
- Dictyssa Melichar, 1906
- Dictyssonia Ball, 1936
- Dicyphoma James, 1937
- Dicyphus Fieber, 1858
- Dicysta Champion, 1897
- Didactylomyia Felt, 1911
- Didasys Grote, 1875
- Didea
- Dideomima
- Didineis Wesmael, 1852
- Didion Casey, 1899
- Didugua Druce, 1891
- Didymops Rambur, 1842
- Diekeana Tomaszewska and Szawaryn in Szawaryn et al., 2015
- Diemeniana Distant, 1906
- Diestota Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Dietheria Hardy, 1973
- Dietzella Champion, 1907
- Dietzianus Sleeper, 1953
- Dieunomia Cockerell, 1899
- Dieuryneura James, 1937
- Diglotta Champion, 1887
- Digrammia Gumppenberg, 1887
- Dihammaphora Chevrolat, 1859
- Diister Mazur, 1989
- Dilacra Thomson, 1858
- Dilar Rambur, 1838
- Dilatitibialis Duverger, 2001
- Dilobocondyla Santschi, 1910
- Dilobopyga Duffels, 1977
- Dilophocoris Miller, 1959
- Dilophus
- Diloponis Pope, 1962
- Dilychnia Motschulsky, 1853
- Dilycochtha Karsch, 1895
- Dimalus Marseul, 1870
- Dimarella Banks, 1913
- Dimares Hagen, 1866
- Dimecoenia
- Dimeragrion Calvert, 1913
- Dimeringophrys Enderlein, 1911
- Dimetrota Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Dimissalna Boulard, 2007
- Dimitshydrus Uéno, 1996
- Dinacoma Casey, 1889
- Dinagapostemon Moure & Hurd, 1982
- Dinapate Horn, 1886
- Dinaraea Thomson, 1858
- Dinardilla Wasmann, 1901
- Dinarobia Mamet, 1957
- Dinarthrella Ulmer, 1907
- Dinarthrena Mosely, 1941
- Dinarthrodes Ulmer, 1907
- Dinarthropsis Ulmer, 1913
- Dinarthrum McLachlan, 1871
- Dinema Fairmaire, 1849
- Dinera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Dinetus Panzer, 1806
- Dineutus Macleay, 1825
- Dingiana Qin, 2005
- Dinidor Latreille, 1829
- Dinocleptes Stål, 1866
- Dinocoryna Casey, 1893
- Dinocras Klapálek, 1909
- Dinoderopsis Lesne, 1906
- Dinoderus Stephens, 1830
- Dinomyia Martynov, 1909
- Dinoponera Roger, 1861
- Dinosargus Lindner, 1968
- Dinumma Walker, 1858
- Dinurothrips Hood, 1913
- Diocalandra Faust, 1894
- Diochanthrax
- Diochus
- Diocles Stål, 1866
- Diocophora
- Dioctria
- Diodelphax Yang, 1989
- Diodontus Curtis, 1834
- Diogmites
- Diokterocoris Miller, 1959
- Diolcogaster Ashmead, 1900
- Diolcus Mayr, 1864
- Diomus Mulsant, 1850
- Dione Hübner, 1819
- Dioptoma Pascoe, 1860
- Dioptopsis
- Diorhabda Weise, 1883
- Diorhyssalus Engel, 2016
- Dioria Mulsant, 1850
- Diorymeropsis Champion, 1908
- Diospilites Brues, 1933
- Diostracus
- Diotrephes Reinhard, 1964
- Dioxycanus Dumbleton, 1966
- Dioxyna Frey, 1945
- Dioxyomus Fennah, 1945
- Dioxys Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Dipalta
- Dipetalogaster Usinger, 1939
- Diphaglossa Spinola, 1851
- Diphetor Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Diphleps Bergroth, 1924
- Diphthera Hübner, 1809
- Diphuia
- Diphyllostoma Fall, 1901
- Diphyothrips Stannard, 1963
- Diplacaspis Jacobson, 1924
- Diplatygaster Kieffer, 1926
- Diplectrona Westwood, 1840
- Diplectronella Ulmer, 1928
- Diplephippium Speiser, 1908
- Diplex Mosely, 1951
- Diplochaetus Chaudoir, 1872
- Diplocheila Brullé, 1835
- Diplochorda Osten Sacken, 1881
- Diplocladius
- Diplocladon Gorham, 1883
- Diplocoelus Guérin-Ménéville, 1838
- Diplocysta Horváth, 1925
- Diplolepis Geoffroy, 1762
- Diplomorium Mayr, 1901
- Diplonevra
- Diplonychus Laporte, 1833
- Diplopeltina Lindner, 1972
- Diploperla Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Diploplectron W. Fox, 1893
- Diploptera Saussure, 1864
- Diplosiacanthia Breddin, 1903
- Diplosmittia
- Diplostix Bickhardt, 1921
- Diplotaxis Kirby, 1837
- Diplotoxa
- Diplous Motschulsky, 1850
- Diplozona Van Duzee, 1915
- Diprion Schrank, 1802
- Dipseudopsis Walker, 1852
- Dipsopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Dipterophagus Drew and Allwood, 1985
- Dirabius Casey, 1920
- Diradius Friederichs, 1934
- Dircenna E. Doubleday, 1847
- Dirhiza
- Dirioxa Hendel, 1928
- Dirotognathus Horn, 1876
- Dischizocera Lindner, 1952
- Disclisioprocta Wallengren, 1861
- Discocerina
- Discocoris Kormilev, 1955
- Discoderus LeConte, 1853
- Discodon Gorham, 1881
- Discogaster Burmeister, 1835
- Discomorpha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Discomyza
- Discopteromyia Meijere, 1913
- Discoscelis Schmidt, 1889
- Discotenes Labram and Imhoff, 1839
- Discothyrea Roger, 1863
- Discotoma Mulsant, 1850
- Discozantaena Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Disersus Sharp, 1882
- Disholcaspis Dalla Torre & Kieffer, 1910
- Disonycha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Disophrys Foerster, 1863
- Disphragis Hübner, 1820
- Disponsopsis Villiers, 1979
- Dissochaetus Reitter, 1884
- Dissosteira Scudder, 1876
- Distantada Orian, 1963
- Distantalna Boulard, 2009
- Distantus Villiers, 1943
- Distatrix Mason, 1981
- Distenia Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Latreille, 1828
- Distichona Wulp, 1890
- Distigmoptera Blake, 1943
- Distirogaster Horváth, 1914
- Distocader Froeschner, 1968
- Distocupes Neboiss, 1984
- Distoleon Banks, 1910
- Distonemurus Krivokhatsky, 1992
- Distoplectron Banks, 1943
- Distotrephes J. Polhemus, 1990
- Distremocephalus Wittmer, 1976
- Ditaxis McLachlan, 1867
- Dithectocoris Swanson, 2017
- Dithmarus Distant, 1904
- Dithryca Rondani, 1856
- Dithygater Moure and Michener, 1955
- Ditomotarsus Spinola, 1850
- Ditomyia
- Ditora Schouteden, 1938
- Ditrichophora
- Ditropis Kirschbaum, 1868
- Ditropsis Wagner, 1963
- Ditulocoris Miller, 1955
- Ditylometopa Kertesz, 1923
- Ditylus Fischer, 1817
- Diura Billberg, 1820
- Diurocoris Maa and Lin, 1956
- Dixa
- Dixella
- Djalmabatista
- Dlusskyidris Bolton, 1994
- Doa Neumögen and Dyar, 1894
- Doblepardocoris Dougherty, 1995
- Doblina Navás, 1927
- Dochmiocera Hardy, 1922
- Dochmonota Thomson, 1859
- Docimocaria Crotch, 1874
- Docophthirus Waterston, 1923
- Docosia
- Dodacles E. Olivier, 1885
- Doddiella Kieffer, 1913
- Doddsia Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Dodecatoma Westwood, 1843
- Dodia Dyar, 1901
- Dodogaster Rousse, 2013
- Doeringiella Holmberg, 1886
- Doesbergiana Durai, 1987
- Doesburgella Rédei and Jindra, 2013
- Dogodelphax Lindberg, 1956
- Dohrnemesa Wygodzinsky, 1945
- Dohrniphora
- Doithrix
- Dolania Edmunds and Traver, 1959
- Dolba Walker, 1856
- Dolbogene Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Doldina Stål, 1859
- Doleromyrma Forel, 1907
- Dolichobostrychus Lesne, 1899
- Dolichocentrus Martynov, 1935
- Dolichocephala
- Dolichocephalometra Hungerford, 1939
- Dolichocis Dury, 1919
- Dolichocodia Townsend, 1908
- Dolichodema Kertesz, 1916
- Dolichoderus Lund, 1831
- Dolichogenidea Viereck, 1911
- Dolicholister Bickhardt, 1917
- Dolicholygus Bliven, 1957
- Dolichomiris Reuter, 1882
- Dolichomyia
- Dolichomyrma Dlussky, 1975
- Dolichopeza
- Dolichopus
- Dolichotarsus Brooks, 1945
- Dolichotelus
- Dolichothrix McFadden, 1970
- Dolichovespula Rohwer, 1916
- Dolichurus Latreille, 1809
- Dolioponera Brown, 1974
- Dollingocoris O'Shea, 1980
- Doloclanes Banks, 1937
- Dolocucullia Poole, 1995
- Dolomyia Schmid, 1991
- Dolophilodes Ulmer, 1909
- Dolopsidea Hinks, 1944
- Dolopsyche Schmid, 1991
- Dolurgus Eichhoff, 1868
- Domenechus Navás, 1913
- Dominicicada Poinar and Kritsky, 2012
- Domnus Stål, 1858
- Donaceus Cresson
- Donacia Fabricius, 1775
- Donaciella Reitter, 1920
- Donadiola Dessart, 1975
- Donara Richter, 1972
- Doncricotopus
- Dorachosa Distant, 1892
- Dorcaschema Haldeman, 1847
- Dorcasina Casey, 1913
- Dorcasta Pascoe, 1858
- Dorcathispa Weise, 1901
- Dorcatoma Herbst, 1792
- Dorcus MacLeay, 1819
- Dorisiana Metcalf, 1952
- Dorocordulia Needham, 1901
- Doroneuria Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Doronomyrmex Kutter, 1945
- Doros
- Dorrigocoris Miller, 1957
- Doru Burr, 1907
- Dorycricus Munro, 1947
- Doryctomorpha Ashmead, 1900
- Dorylomorpha
- Dorylus Fabricius, 1793
- Dorymyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Dorynota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Doryodes Guenée, 1857
- Dorypteryx Aaron, 1883
- Dorytomus Germar, 1817
- Downeshelea
- Downesia Baly, 1858
- Doxocopa Hübner, 1819
- Dracontomyia Becker, 1919
- Dracotettix Bruner, 1889
- Draeculacephala
- Drapetis
- Drasteria Hübner, 1818
- Drasterius
- Draymonia Aubertin, 1932
- Drepana Schrank, 1802
- Drepanacanthoides Schmidt, 1913
- Drepanicus Blanchard in Gay, 1851
- Drepanocassis Spaeth, 1936
- Drepanocentron Schmid, 1982
- Drepanocerus
- Drepanoglossa Townsend, 1891
- Drepanothrips Uzel, 1895
- Drepanovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Drepanulatrix Gumppenberg, 1887
- Drescheria Weise, 1911
- Drescherocoris Miller, 1954
- Drilaster Kiesenwetter, 1879
- Drilonius Kiesenwetter, 1874
- Drino Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Dromaeolus
- Dromius Bonelli, 1810
- Dromochorus Guérin-Méneville, 1849
- Dromogaster Vockeroth, 1995
- Dromogomphus Selys, 1854
- Drosimomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Drosophila
- Druceiella Viette, 1949
- Drunella Needham, 1905
- Drusilla Leach in Samouelle, 1819
- Drusus Stephens, 1833
- Dryadula Michener, 1942
- Dryas Hübner, 1807
- Drymeia
- Drymomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Drymopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Drymus Fieber, 1860
- Dryobius LeConte, 1850
- Dryocampa Harris, 1833
- Dryocoetes Eichhoff, 1864
- Dryocoetoides Hopkins, 1915
- Dryocosmus Giraud, 1859
- Dryomyza
- Dryophthorus Germar, 1824
- Dryopomorphus Hamilton, 1936
- Dryops Olivier, 1791
- Dryotribodes Zimmerman, 1942
- Dryotribus Horn, 1873
- Dryotype Hampson, 1906
- Dryoxylon Bright and Rabaglia, 1999
- Drypta Latreille, 1796
- Dryptelytra Laporte, 1833
- Dryudella Spinola, 1843
- Duadicus Dallas, 1851
- Duarina Dodd, 1926
- Dubiraphia Sanderson, 1954
- Duboisius Abdullah, 1961
- Duckeanthidium Moure and Hurd, 1960
- Duckeola Moure, 1944
- Dufourea Lepeletier, 1841
- Dufouria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Dufouriellus Kirkaldy, 1906
- Dugdaleiella Grehan & C. Mielke, 2018
- Dulderana Distant, 1905
- Dulichius Stål, 1866
- Dulinius Distant, 1903
- Dulitocoris Miller, 1940
- Dumbia Schouteden, 1932
- Dumbletonius Dugdale, 1994
- Dundonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Dundoxenos Luna de Carvalho, 1956
- Dundubia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Duonota Hill, 1984
- Duplaspidiotus Macgillivray, 1921
- Dupophilus Mulsant and Rey, 1872
- Durangona Distant, 1911
- Durevius Villiers, 1962
- Durganda Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Durgandana Miller, 1957
- Duriocoris Miller, 1940
- Duriopsis Melichar, 1906
- Durium Stål, 1861
- Duta Nixon, 1933
- Dyakocoris Miller, 1951
- Dycoderus Uhler, 1901
- Dycticopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Dyctidea Uhler, 1889
- Dyctionannus Gross, 1951
- Dymasia Higgins, 1960
- Dynamine Hübner, 1819
- Dynastes MacLeay, 1819
- Dynatopechus Marshall, 1931
- Dynatosoma
- Dynatus Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau, 1845
- Dypterygia Stephens, 1829
- Dysaphis
- Dysbiota Lindner, 1958
- Dyscheromorphus Kleine, 1916
- Dyschimus Barnard, 1934
- Dyschirius Bonelli, 1810
- Dyscinetus Harold, 1869
- Dyscophellus Godman and Salvin, 1893
- Dyscritobaeus Perkins, 1910
- Dyscritulus Hincks, 1943
- Dysdercus Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Dyseuaresta Hendel, 1928
- Dysides Perty, 1832
- Dysis Mulsant, 1850
- Dysmerus Casey, 1884
- Dysmicoccus
- Dysmicohermes Munroe, 1953
- Dyspharsa Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Dysphenges Horn, 1894
- Dyspteris Hübner, 1818
- Dyspyralis Warren, 1891
- Dysschema Hübner, 1818
- Dysstroma Hübner, 1825
- Dystaxia LeConte, 1866
- Dystecta Breddin, 1901
- Dysticheus Horn, 1876
- Dythemis Hagen, 1861
- Dyticodopoea Sanborn, 2020
- Dytiscus Linnaeus, 1758
- Dziedzickia
- Ea Distant, 1911
- Eacles Hübner, 1819
- Eantis Boisduval, 1836
- Earias Hübner, 1825
- Earinus Wesmael, 1837
- Earomyia
- Earota Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Ebboa Perrichot et al., 2006
- Eblisia Lewis, 1889
- Ebonius Lewis, 1885
- Eburia Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830
- Eburniogaster Seevers, 1938
- Ecarinosphaerula Hatch, 1929
- Ecchaetomyia Lindner, 1949
- Ecclisister Reichensperger, 1935
- Ecclisocosmoecus Schmid, 1964
- Ecclisomyia Banks, 1907
- Ecclisopteryx Kolenati, 1848
- Eccoptarthrus Arnoldi, 1977
- Eccoptomera
- Eccoptura Klapálek, 1921
- Eccritosia
- Ecdelphax Yang, 1989
- Ecdyonurus Eaton, 1868
- Ecelenodalus Elkins and Wygodzinsky, 1957
- Echidnophaga
- Echinargus Nabokov, 1945
- Echinocoris Miller, 1949
- Echinogalla Takagi, 2001
- Echinohelea
- Echinophthirius Giebel, 1871
- Echinopla Smith, 1857
- Echinothrips Moulton, 1911
- Echmepteryx Aaron, 1886
- Echoma Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Echthodopa
- Echthrodesis Masner, 1968
- Echthromyrmex McLachlan, 1867
- Echucoides Leclercq, 1957
- Ecitocala Frank in Frank and Thomas, 1981
- Ecitomyia
- Eciton Latreille, 1804
- Ecitonetes Brues, 1902
- Ecitonidia Wasmann, 1900
- Ecitoptera
- Ecitoxenidia Wasmann, 1909
- Ecliptopera Warren, 1894
- Ecnomina Kimmins in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Ecnomobrentus Damoiseau, 1965
- Ecnomus McLachlan, 1864
- Ecphorella Forel, 1909
- Ectaetia
- Ectatoderus Guérin-Méneville, 1847
- Ectatomma Smith, 1858
- Ectatommiphila Lea, 1914
- Ectecephala
- Ectemnia Enderlein, 1930
- Ectemnius Dahlbom, 1845
- Ectemnostega Enderlein, 1912
- Ectemnostegella Lundblad, 1928
- Ectinoderus Westwood, 1843
- Ectinoplectron Ohaus, 1915
- Ectmetacanthus Reuter, 1882
- Ectobius Stephens, 1835
- Ectocemus Pascoe, 1862
- Ectomocoris Mayr, 1865
- Ectopiocerus Uhler, 1890
- Ectopomyia Hardy, 1973
- Ectopria LeConte, 1853
- Ectopsocopsis Badonnel, 1955
- Ectopsocus McLachlan, 1899
- Ectrepesthoneura
- Ectrichodia Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Ectrichodiella Fracker and Bruner, 1924
- Ectropis Hübner, 1825
- Ectrychotes Burmeister, 1835
- Ectrychotoides Miller, 1954
- Ectypia Clemens, 1861
- Ecualeon Stange, 1994
- Ecyrus LeConte, 1852
- Edaphobates Jäch and Díaz, 2003
- Edessa Fabricius, 1803
- Edestochilus
- Edestosperma
- Edia Dyar, 1913
- Edidapus
- Edidiehlia Malicky, 1993
- Editha J. Parker, 1929
- Edmundsius Day, 1953
- Edocla Stål, 1859
- Edoclella Miller, 1956
- Edoclina Jeannel, 1919
- Edonis Needham, 1905
- Edpercivalia McFarlane, 1964
- Edriobittacus Byers, 1974
- Efferia
- Efflagitatus Pacheco, 1964
- Effractapis Michener, 1977
- Egerniella Brailovsky, 2000
- Egidyella Reitter, 1899
- Egira Duponchel, 1845
- Egius Mulsant, 1850
- Egle
- Egleis Mulsant, 1850
- Eicissus Fowler, 1897
- Eicochalcidina Lindner, 1964
- Eidalimus Kertesz, 1914
- Eidmannia Taeuber, 1934
- Eidoreus Sharp, 1885
- Eileenella Fergusson, 1992
- Eilema Hübner, 1819
- Eilithyia Distant, 1912
- Einfeldia Keiffer
- Eisonyx LeConte, 1880
- Elacatis Pascoe, 1860
- Elachiptera
- Elachisme Kirkaldy, 1904
- Elachisoma
- Elachistelmis Maier, 2012
- Elachodelphax Vilbaste, 1965
- Elachyleon Esben-Petersen, 1927
- Elachysoma Torres, 1964
- Elaeomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Elaphidion Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Elaphidionopsis Linsley, 1936
- Elaphocranus Bergroth, 1904
- Elaphodelphax Fennah, 1949
- Elaphria Hübner, 1818
- Elaphromyia Bigot, 1859
- Elaphropoda Lieftinck, 1966
- Elaphropus Motschulsky, 1839
- Elaphrothrips Buffa, 1909
- Elaphrus Fabricius, 1775
- Elasmia Möschler, 1886
- Elasmocnema Karsch, 1892
- Elasmocniella Brailovsky, 2011
- Elasmodema Stål, 1860
- Elasmogaster Stål, 1854
- Elasmognathus Fieber, 1844
- Elasmolomus Stål, 1859
- Elasmomorpha Kozlov, 1975
- Elasmopoda Stål, 1873
- Elasmostethus Fieber, 1860
- Elasmothemis Westfall, 1988
- Elasmotropis Stål, 1874
- Elasmucha Stål, 1864
- Elassoneura Torres, 1964
- Elassoptes Horn, 1873
- Elateroides Schaeffer, 1766
- Elateropsis Chevrolat, 1862
- Elatophilus Reuter, 1884
- Elatotrypes Fisher, 1919
- Eldarca Signoret, 1863
- Electotreta Kazantsev, 2012
- Electragapetus Ulmer, 1912
- Electribius Crowson, 1973
- Electrobates Andersen and Poinar, 1992
- Electrogerris Andersen, 2000
- Electromyrmex Wheeler, 1910
- Electroponera Wheeler, 1915
- Electrostrymon Clench, 1961
- Electroteleia Brues, 1940
- Electrovelia Andersen, 1998
- Elemacoris Miller, 1958
- Elencholax Kinzelbach, 1971
- Elenchus Curtis, 1831
- Eleodiphaga Walton, 1918
- Elephantomyia Osten-sacken, 1859
- Eleusis Laporte, 1835
- Elga Ris, 1909
- Elgiva
- Elgonina Munro, 1957
- Elhamma Walker, 1856
- Elicura Navás, 1911
- Elipsocus Hagen, 1866
- Elissoma White, 1916
- Elixothrips Stannard and Mitri, 1962
- Elizabetha Schouteden, 1916
- Ellescus Dejean, 1821
- Ellida Grote, 1876
- Ellipes Scudder, 1902
- Elliponeura
- Ellipsoptera Dokhtouroff, 1883
- Elliptera Schiner, 1863
- Elliptoleus Bates, 1882
- Elmidolia Fairmaire, 1879
- Elmis Latreille, 1802
- Eloceria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Elodes Latreille, 1796
- Elongicoris Hidaka and Miller, 1959
- Elonus Casey, 1895
- Elophila Hübner, 1822
- Elousa Walker, 1858
- Elpidemis Delève, 1964
- Eludohygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Elymiotis Walker, 1857
- Elysoceraphron Szelenyi, 1936
- Elytracantha Kleine, 1915
- Elytrogona Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Elytroleptus Duges, 1879
- Elytroteinus Marshall, 1920
- Emarginea Guenée, 1852
- Emarginoptyx Ballantyne in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Emariannia Benjamin, 1933
- Emasia Bocáková and Janisova, 2010
- Emathia Stål, 1866
- Ematurga Lederer, 1853
- Embidobia Ashmead, 1896
- Embidopsocus Hagen, 1866
- Embioctonus Masner, 1980
- Emblemasoma
- Emblethis Fieber, 1860
- Embolophora Stål, 1853
- Embolorrhinus Jeannel, 1942
- Embolosterna Stål, 1870
- Emdenia Spaeth, 1915
- Emeia Fu, Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2012
- Emelinus Casey, 1895
- Emelyanodelphax Koçak, 1981
- Emeryopone Forel, 1912
- Emesa Fabricius, 1803
- Emesaya McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Emesella Dohrn, 1859
- Emesis [Fabricius], 1807
- Emesites Popov and Weitschat, 2005
- Emesopsis Uhler, 1893
- Emheringia Hardy, 1989
- Emilianovelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Emmelostiba Pace, 1982
- Emmesa
- Emmesomyia
- Emoloana Asche, 2000
- Empedocles Stål, 1867
- Emphyastes Mannerheim, 1852
- Empia Weise, 1900
- Empicoris Wolff, 1811
- Empidideicus
- Empiploiariola Popov, 1993
- Empis
- Emplastus Donisthorpe, 1920
- Empoasca Walsh, 1862
- Empocryptus Sharp, 1900
- Empyreuma Hübner, 1818
- Empyrocoris Miller, 1954
- Empysarus Martin, 1904
- Enacantha Donnelly and Alayo, 1966
- Enada Walker, 1868
- Enagria Spaeth, 1913
- Enallagma Charpentier, 1840
- Enalosalda J. Polhemus, 1969
- Enantia Hübner, 1819
- Enaphalodes Haldeman, 1847
- Enargia Hübner, 1821
- Encedonia Stål, 1868
- Encephalus Kirby, 1832
- Enchemicrum Pate, 1929
- Enchoria Hulst, 1896
- Encopognathus Kohl, 1897
- Encoptolophus Scudder, 1875
- Encosternum Spinola, 1850
- Encyclops Newman, 1838
- Encyrtoscelio Dodd, 1914
- Endaphis
- Endasys Förster, 1868
- Endecascelio Masner & Dessart, 1972
- Endecatomus Mellié, 1847
- Endeitoma Sharp, 1894
- Endelomyia Ashmead, 1898
- Endeodes
- Enderleinellus Fahrenholz, 1912
- Enderleiniella
- Endernia Danzig, 1971
- Endochiella Hsiao, 1979
- Endochilus Weise, 1898
- Endochironomus Kieffer
- Endochopsis Hsiao, 1979
- Endochus Stål, 1859
- Endoclita C. Felder & R. Felder in C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874
- Endomychus Panzer, 1795
- Endotribelos Grodhaus
- Endrodiellus Endrödy-Younga, 1962
- Endynomena Chaudoir, 1872
- Enema Hope, 1837
- Engelhardtia Barnes and Benjamin, 1923
- Engicerus Lindner, 1964
- Engynoma Drake, 1942
- Engyotingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1961
- Engytatus Reuter, 1875
- Enhydrus Laporte, 1834
- Enicita
- Enicocephalus Westwood, 1837
- Enicomira
- Enicoptera Macquart, 1848
- Enicopterina Malloch, 1939
- Enicosoma Lewis, 1904
- Enigmocephala Rédei, 2007
- Enigmogramma Lafontaine and Poole, 1991
- Enischnispa Gressitt, 1957
- Enithares Spinola, 1837
- Enitharoides Brooks, 1953
- Enkyosoma Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Enlinia
- Enneadesmus Mulsant, 1851
- Enneamerus Mayr, 1868
- Ennearthron Mellié, 1847
- Enneboeus Waterhouse, 1878
- Ennomos Treitschke, 1825
- Enochrus Thomson, 1859
- Enoclerus Gahan, 1910
- Enoicyla Rambur, 1842
- Enoicylopsis Navas, 1917
- Enoplocephala Miller, 1940
- Enoplolindenius Rohwer, 1911
- Enoplops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Enoplopteron Meijere, 1913
- Enosmaeus Thomson, 1878
- Enrera Navás, 1915
- Enrogalia Reinhard, 1964
- Ensina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Ensliniana Alfken, 1938
- Ensorra Navás, 1915
- Entanoneura Enderlein, 1910
- Entephria Hübner, 1825
- Entomocrabro Kohl, 1905
- Entomognathus Dahlbom, 1844
- Entomopison Menke, 1968
- Entomopisthius De Muizon, 1959
- Entomoscelis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Entomosericus Dahlbom, 1845
- Entomovelia Esaki, 1930
- Enyo Hübner, 1819
- Enypia Hulst, 1896
- Enypnium Kertesz, 1914
- Eoadalia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Eoanthidium Popov, 1950
- Eoaphidius Samanta and Raychaudhuri, 1990
- Eobates Drake and Harris, 1934
- Eobelus Arnoldi, 1977
- Eobrachycentrus Wiggins, 1965
- Eocader Drake and Hambleton, 1934
- Eocanthecoma Bergroth, 1915
- Eocapnia Kawai, 1955
- Eocenidris Wilson, 1985
- Eocenometra Andersen, 1982
- Eocenoxenos Henderickx and Bosselaers in Henderickx et al., 2013
- Eocosmoecus Wiggins & Richardson, 1989
- Eoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Eodelphax Kirkaldy, 1901
- Eodinarthrum Martynov, 1931
- Eodipseudopsis Marlier, 1959
- Eodryas Kirkaldy, 1907
- Eoeurysa Muir, 1913
- Eoevania Nel, Waller, Hodebert & De Ploëg, 2002
- Eoformica Cockerell, 1921
- Eogorytes R. Bohart, 1976
- Eohydara Bergroth, 1925
- Eoluciola Kazantsev, 2012
- Eomyrmex Hong, 1974
- Eonaemia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Eonecrophorus Kurosawa, 1985
- Eoneureclipsis Kimmins, 1955
- Eonychius Jäch and Boukal, 1996
- Eopachylopus Reichardt, 1926
- Eoparargyractis Lange, 1956
- Eopenthes
- Eophanes Banks, 1931
- Eopycna Sanborn, 2020
- Eorissa Fennah, 1965
- Eosericostoma Schmid, 1955
- Eosphoropteryx Dyar, 1902
- Eotapinoma Dlussky, 1988
- Eotettix Scudder, 1897
- Eothea Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1986
- Eotingis Scudder, 1890
- Eotrechus Kirkaldy, 1902
- Eovernevania Deans, 2004
- Eoxenos Peyerimhoff, 1919
- Epacalles Kissinger, 1964
- Epacanthaclisis Okamoto, 1910
- Epacmus
- Epacrocerus Hardy, 1982
- Epactiohellica Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Epalpus Rondani, 1850
- Epanthidium Moure, 1947
- Epantius Le Conte, 1851
- Epargyreus Hübner, 1819
- Eparsothrips zur Strassen, 1968
- Epelis Hulst, 1896
- Epelysidris Bolton, 1987
- Epeoloides Giraud, 1863
- Epeolus Latreille, 1802
- Epeorus Eaton, 1881
- Epeurysa Matsumura, 1900
- Ephebus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Ephedrodoma Polhemus and Polhemus, 1984
- Ephedrus Haliday, 1833
- Ephelops Dietz, 1891
- Ephemera Linnaeus, 1758
- Ephemerella Walsh, 1862
- Ephimia Reitter, 1883
- Ephistemus Stephens, 1829
- Ephoron Williamson, 1802
- Ephydra
- Ephyriades Hübner, 1819
- Ephyrodes Guenée, 1852
- Epiaeschna Hagen, 1877
- Epicaerus Schönherr, 1834
- Epicauta Dejean, 1834
- Epicharis Klug, 1807
- Epichlorops
- Epiclopocoris Miller, 1952
- Epiclopus Spinola, 1851
- Epicoinoneus Senna, 1892
- Epicypta
- Epidaucus Hsiao, 1979
- Epidaus Stål, 1859
- Epidemas Smith, 1894
- Epidiplosis
- Epidromia Guenée, 1852
- Epiechinus Lewis, 1891
- Epierus Erichson, 1834
- Epiglaea Grote, 1878
- Epiglyptus Lewis, 1906
- Epigomphus Hagen in Selys, 1854
- Epigorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Epigrimyia Townsend, 1891
- Epigryon Masner, 1980
- Epilachna Dejean, 1836
- Epilampra Burmeister, 1838
- Epimechus Dietz, 1891
- Epimecis Hübner, 1825
- Epimetopus Lacordaire, 1854
- Epimixia Kirkaldy, 1908
- Epimyia
- Epimyrma Emery, 1915
- Epina Walker, 1866
- Epinettyra Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Epinysson Pate, 1935
- Epiphanis
- Epiphile E. Doubleday, 1845
- Epiphrades Wiersema and McCafferty, 2000
- Epiphragma Osten-sacken, 1859
- Epiplema Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Epipleoneura Williamson, 1915
- Epipleuria Fürsch, 2001
- Epipocus Germar, 1843
- Epipotoneura Williamson, 1915
- Epipyga Hamilton, 2001
- Epiroderoides Villiers, 1962
- Epirranthis Hübner, 1823
- Epirrhoe Hübner, 1825
- Epirrita Hübner, 1822
- Episalus Gerstaecker, 1885
- Episcepsis Butler, 1877
- Episcirrus Kuschel, 1958
- Episemasia Hulst, 1896
- Episernus Thomson, 1863
- Episphales Kirsch, 1871
- Epistictina Hincks, 1950
- Epistrophe
- Episus Billberg, 1820
- Episyron Schiödte, 1837
- Epitausa Walker, 1857
- Epitheca Burmeister, 1839
- Epitoxasia Cooman, 1932
- Epitoxus Lewis, 1900
- Epitrix Foudras in Mulsant, 1859
- Epiverta Dieke, 1947
- Epochrinopsis Hering, 1939
- Epodelmis Hinton, 1973
- Epoicocladius Zavrel, 1924
- Epopostruma Forel, 1895
- Epopterus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Epora Walker, 1857
- Eporiella Melichar, 1914
- Epuraea Erichson, 1843
- Epuraeosoma Slipinski and Mazur, 1999
- Equasystatus Asche, 1983
- Erannis Hübner, 1825
- Erastria Hübner, 1813
- Eratyrus Stål, 1859
- Erbessus Stål, 1872
- Erbolaspis Spaeth, 1924
- Erebia Dalman, 1816
- Erebidus Reichardt, 1941
- Ereboporus K. B. Miller, Gibson and Alarie, 2009
- Erebus Latreille, 1810
- Eremanthe Munroe, 1972
- Eremaphanta Popov, 1940
- Eremapis Ogloblin, 1956
- Eremiasphecium Kohl, 1897
- Ereminellus Harrington, 1980
- Eremionycha Spaeth, 1911
- Eremioscelio Priesner, 1951
- Eremnophila Menke, 1964
- Eremobina McDunnough, 1937
- Eremobittacus Byers, 1997
- Eremoblatta Rehn, 1903
- Eremochares Gribodo, 1882
- Eremochilus Weise, 1912
- Eremochrysa Banks, 1903
- Eremocoris Fieber, 1860
- Eremoleon Banks, 1901
- Eremopedes Cockerell, 1898
- Eremosaprinus Ross, 1939
- Eremostoma Gavrilov-Zimin, 2018
- Eremoxenus Semenov-Tian-Schanskij, 1892
- Erempsalta Moulds, 2012
- Erepsocassis Spaeth, 1936
- Eresia Boisduval, 1836
- Eretes Laporte, 1833
- Eretmapodites Theobald, 1901
- Eretmophora Stein, 1860
- Eretmoptera
- Eretmotus Lacordaire, 1854
- Erga Walker, 1868
- Ergates Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Erianotoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Erianotus Fieber, 1861
- Eribella Mesnil, 1960
- Eribolus
- Erichia Reitter, 1895
- Ericrocis Cresson, 1887
- Ericydeus Pascoe, 1880
- Erinnyis Hübner, 1819
- Eriococcus
- Erionota Mabille, 1878
- Eriopis Mulsant, 1850
- Eriopreda Jeannel, 1917
- Eriopredoides Miller, 1955
- Erioptera Meigen, 1800
- Eriopyga Guenée, 1852
- Eriosoma Leach, 1818
- Eriothrix Meigen, 1803
- Eriozona
- Eripison Fennah, 1969
- Eriplatymetra Grote, 1873
- Eripnopelta Xiong, van Achterberg and Chen, 2017
- Eristalinus
- Eristalis
- Eritettix Bruner, 1890
- Erithionyx Blackburn, 1892
- Eritingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Eritrissomerus Ashmead, 1893
- Ernobius Thomson, 1859
- Ernodes Wallengren, 1891
- Ernoneura Becker, 1894
- Ernoporicus Berger, 1917
- Eropterus Green, 1951
- Erora Scudder, 1872
- Eros Newman, 1838
- Erosia Guenée, 1857
- Erotesis McLachlan, 1877
- Erpetogomphus Selys, 1858
- Errabundus Mazur, 2006
- Erratodiomus Gordon, 1999
- Errolium Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Ersachus Erichson, 1847
- Ersephila Hulst, 1896
- Erucophaga
- Erugissa Hamilton, 2001
- Erynephala Blake, 1936
- Erynnia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Erynniopsis Townsend, 1926
- Erynnis Schrank, 1801
- Erythemis Hagen, 1861
- Erythrandra
- Erythraspides Ashmead, 1898
- Erythrodiplax Brauer, 1868
- Erythrolychnia Motschulsky, 1853
- Erythroneda Timberlake, 1943
- Erythrothrips Moulton, 1911
- Esacidia Ito, 1984
- Esada Boulard, 1973
- Esakia Lundblad, 1933
- Esakiella China, 1932
- Esarcus Reiche, 1864
- Esbenia Jensen-Haarup, 1931
- Escaria Grote, 1882
- Eschatocerus Mayr, 1881
- Eschatothrips Stannard, 1955
- Escura Navás, 1914
- Esenbeckia
- Eshanus Ding, 2006
- Esocampylia Hacker, 1929
- Esolus Mulsant and Rey, 1872
- Esparzaniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Esperanza Barber, 1906
- Esselenia Hebard, 1920
- Essostrutha Thomson, 1868
- Estenorhinus Lacordaire, 1865
- Estheria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Estigmena Hope, 1840
- Estigmene Hübner, 1820
- Estola Fairmaire and Germain, 1859
- Estoloides Breuning, 1940
- Eteoneus Distant, 1903
- Eterodiurus Senna, 1911
- Eterozemus Senna, 1903
- Etesinalda Froeschner, 1996
- Ethirothrips Karny, 1925
- Ethochorema Neboiss, 1977
- Ethra Laporte, 1833
- Etruscodytes Mazza, Cianferoni and Rocchi, 2013
- Euacidalia Packard, 1873
- Euagathis Szépligeti, 1900
- Euagona Dallas, 1852
- Euagoras Burmeister, 1835
- Euagoropsis Hsiao, 1979
- Euahanes Distant, 1911
- Euamiana Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Euantha Wulp, 1885
- Euaontia Barnes and McDunnough, 1910
- Euaraba
- Euaresta Loew, 1873
- Euarestella Hendel, 1927
- Euarestoides Benjamin, 1934
- Euarestopsis Hering, 1937
- Euaspilates Packard, 1874
- Euaspis Gerstäcker, 1858
- Euaulana Drake, 1945
- Eubactrus Lacordaire, 1865
- Eubaphe Hübner, 1823
- Eubarnesia Cockerell, 1917
- Eubasilissa Martynov, 1930
- Eublemma Hübner, 1821
- Euboarhexius Grigarick and Schuster, 1966
- Euboeana Gogala, Drosopoulos and Trilar, 2011
- Euboettcheria
- Eubolina Harvey, 1875
- Euborellia Burr, 1910
- Eubrachium Wollaston, 1862
- Eubrianax Kiesenwetter, 1874
- Eubrychius C. G. Thomson, 1859
- Eubule Stål, 1867
- Eubulus Kirsch, 1870
- Eucaerus LeConte, 1853
- Eucalliphora
- Eucalymnatus Cockerell, 1901
- Eucamaragnathus Jeannel, 1937
- Eucameruna Melichar, 1906
- Eucanthus Westwood, 1848
- Eucapnopsis Okamoto, 1922
- Eucaterva Grote, 1882
- Eucatocha
- Eucelatoria Townsend, 1909
- Eucera Scopoli, 1770
- Euceratocerus LeConte, 1874
- Eucerceris Cresson, 1865
- Eucereon Hübner, 1819
- Eucerinoda Michener and Moure, 1957
- Euceromasia Townsend, 1912
- Euceroplatus
- Eucessia
- Euchaetes Harris, 1841
- Euchaetogyne Townsend, 1908
- Euchalcia Hübner, 1821
- Eucheila Dejean, 1829
- Euchelichir Jeannel, 1942
- Euchlaena Hübner, 1823
- Euchloe Hübner, 1819
- Euchre Szawaryn, 2023
- Eucicones Sharp, 1894
- Eucilinus Buchanan, 1926
- Eucinetus Germar, 1818
- Eucirroedia Grote, 1875
- Euclasea Lewis, 1888
- Euclea Hübner, 1819
- Euclidia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Euclimacia Enderlein, 1910
- Euclystis Hübner, 1823
- Euclytia Townsend, 1908
- Eucnephalia Townsend, 1892
- Eucondylops Brauns, 1902
- Euconnus
- Euconocephalus Karny, 1907
- Euconomelus Haupt, 1929
- Euconon Fennah, 1975
- Eucoptocnemis Grote, 1874
- Eucoptus Wollaston, 1873
- Eucorethra
- Eucoronimyia Townsend, 1908
- Eucrada LeConte, 1861
- Eucrossus LeConte, 1873
- Eucryptocerus Kempf, 1951
- Eucurtia Mjöberg, 1912
- Eucurtiopsis Silvestri, 1926
- Eucyllus Horn, 1876
- Eucyrtopogon
- Eudalaca Viette, 1950
- Eudarmistus Breddin, 1903
- Eudasyphora
- Eudeilinia Packard, 1876
- Euderces LeConte, 1850
- Euderia Broun, 1880
- Eudesma LeConte, 1863
- Eudesmia Hübner, 1823
- Eudiagogus Schönherr, 1840
- Eudicrana
- Eudiestota Sharp, 1908
- Eudima Schouteden, 1912
- Eudioctria
- Eudioxys Mavromoustakis, 1963
- Eudiplister Reitter, 1909
- Eudistenia Fall, 1907
- Eudmeta Wiedemann, 1830
- Eudocima Billberg, 1820
- Eudociminus Leng, 1918
- Eudrepanulatrix Rindge, 1949
- Eudryas Boisduval, 1836
- Eueana Prout, 1912
- Eueides Hübner, 1816
- Eueretagrotis Smith, 1890
- Euerythra Harvey, 1876
- Euetheola Bates, 1888
- Euexorista Townsend, 1912
- Eufallia
- Eufidonia Packard, 1876
- Eufijia Bezzi, 1928
- Eufriesea Cockerell, 1908
- Eugamandus Fisher, 1926
- Eugaurax
- Eugenysa Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Eugeusis Westwood, 1853
- Euglossa Latreille, 1802
- Eugnamptus Schönherr, 1839
- Eugnophomyia Alexander, 1947
- Eugnoriste
- Eugonobapta Warren, 1894
- Eugonus Schoenherr, 1833
- Eugrammicus Lewis, 1907
- Eugubinus Distant, 1903
- Euhadenoecus Hubbell, 1978
- Euhalidaya Walton, 1914
- Euherbstia Friese, 1925
- Euhesma Michener, 1965
- Euhrychiopsis Dietz, 1896
- Euhybus
- Euhyparpax Beutenmüller, 1893
- Euidastor Fennah, 1969
- Euidellana Metcalf, 1950
- Euidelloides Muir, 1926
- Euides Fieber, 1866
- Euidopsis Ribaut, 1948
- Eukiefferiella Thienemann
- Eulachnus
- Eulaema Lepeletier, 1841
- Eulasiona Townsend, 1892
- Eulechriops Faust, 1896
- Euleia Walker, 1835
- Eulepidotis Hübner, 1823
- Eulimnichus Casey, 1889
- Eulinognathus Cummings, 1916
- Eulithis Hübner, 1821
- Eulithomyrmex Carpenter, 1935
- Eulithosia H. Edwards, 1884
- Eulomalus Cooman, 1937
- Eulonchopria Brèthes, 1909
- Eulonchus
- Eulyes Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eumacaria Packard, 1873
- Eumacrodes Warren, 1905
- Eumacronychia
- Eumaeus Hübner, 1819
- Eumantispa Okamoto, 1910
- Eumayria Ashmead, 1887
- Eumea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Eumecacis Enderlein, 1921
- Eumecomera Arnett, 1951
- Eumecopodus Calabresi, 1920
- Eumegaparia Townsend, 1908
- Eumegilla Crotch, 1871
- Eumenes Latreille, 1802
- Eumenogastrina Enderlein, 1914
- Eumenotes Westwood, 1844
- Eumerus
- Eumetopiella
- Eumetopina Breddin, 1896
- Eumichthus LeConte, 1873
- Eumicrodinodes Delève, 1965
- Eumicrota Casey, 1906
- Eumictoxenus Munro, 1962
- Eumolpus Weber, 1801
- Eumorpha Hübner, 1807
- Eumorsea Hebard, 1935
- Eunausibius Grouvelle, 1912
- Eunemobius Hebard, 1913
- Eunemorilla Townsend, 1919
- Eunica Hübner, 1819
- Eunota Rivalier, 1954
- Euoniticellus Janssens, 1953
- Eupachygaster Kertesz, 1911
- Eupackardia Cockerell, 1912
- Eupalea Mulsant, 1850
- Eupaleoides Gordon, 1994
- Euparagia Cresson, 1879
- Euparia LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Euparius Schoenherr, 1823
- Euparixia Brown, 1927
- Euparthenos Grote, 1876
- Euparyphus Gerstaecker, 1857
- Eupastillus Lawrence, 2019
- Eupeithes Senna, 1898
- Eupelmella Masi, 1919
- Eupelmus Dalman, 1820
- Eupeodes
- Eupetersia Bluethgen, 1928
- Eupetinus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Euphalepsus Reitter, 1883
- Eupheno Gistel, 1832
- Euphilotes Mattoni, 1978
- Euphoria Burmeister, 1842
- Euphorticus G. Horn, 1881
- Euphranta Loew, 1862
- Euphrytus Jacoby, 1881
- Euphydryas Scudder, 1872
- Euphyes Scudder, 1872
- Euphyia Hübner, 1825
- Euphyto
- Euphytomima
- Eupithecia Curtis, 1825
- Euplecterga Park and Wagner, 1962
- Euplectus Leach, 1817
- Eupleurus Mulsant, 1842
- Euplexia Stephens, 1829
- Eupliloides Pate, 1946
- Eupnigodes McNeill, 1897
- Eupogonius LeConte, 1852
- Eupolemus Distant, 1910
- Eupompha LeConte, 1858
- Euprenolepis Emery, 1906
- Euprionota Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Eupristocerus Deyrolle, 1864
- Euproctinus Leng and Mutchler, 1927
- Euproctis Hübner, 1819
- Euproserpinus Grote and Robinson, 1865
- Eupsalomorphus Kleine, 1926
- Eupsenius LeConte, 1849
- Eupseudomorpha Dyar, 1893
- Eupseudosoma Grote, 1865
- Eupsilia Hübner, 1821
- Eupteromalus Kurdjumov, 1913
- Euptilon Westwood, 1837
- Euptilopareia Townsend, 1916
- Euptoieta E. Doubleday, 1848
- Euptychia Hübner, 1818
- Euptychodera Bergroth, 1908
- Eupyrrhoglossum Grote, 1865
- Eurekapnia Stark and Broome in Broome, Stark and Baumann, 2019
- Eurema Hübner, 1819
- Eurhexius Sharp, 1887
- Eurhinosea Packard, 1873
- Eurhopalothrix Brown & Kempf, 1961
- Eurhoptus LeConte, 1876
- Eurhynchus Kirby, 1828
- Eurispa Baly, 1858
- Eurocconota Miller, 1941
- Eurois Hübner, 1821
- Euroleon Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Europiella Reuter, 1909
- Europs Wollaston, 1854
- Eurorhinus Damoiseau, 1961
- Euros H. Edwards, 1881
- Eurosoma Mazur and Ôhara, 2009
- Eurosomocoris Miller, 1958
- Eurosta Loew, 1873
- Eurostus Dallas, 1851
- Eurybregma Scott, 1875
- Eurychilopterella Reuter, 1909
- Eurycotis Stål, 1874
- Euryderus LeConte, 1846
- Eurygarka
- Eurygaster Laporte, 1832
- Eurygenius LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Eurygerris Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Euryglossa Smith, 1853
- Euryglossina Cockerell, 1910
- Euryglossula Michener, 1965
- Euryhapsis
- Eurylister Bickhardt, 1920
- Eurylophella Tiensuu, 1935
- Eurymastinocerus Wittmer, 1976
- Eurymetra Esaki, 1926
- Eurymetropsiella Poisson, 1950
- Eurymetropsielloides Poisson, 1956
- Eurymetropsis Poisson, 1948
- Eurymnus Bergroth, 1917
- Eurymycter LeConte, 1876
- Euryneura Schiner, 1868
- Eurynogaster Van Duzee
- Euryognathus Wittmer, 1976
- Euryomma
- Euryopa Gorham, 1881
- Eurypedus Gistel, 1834
- Eurypepla Boheman, 1854
- Euryphalara Munro, 1938
- Euryphara Horváth, 1912
- Eurypharsa Stål, 1873
- Euryphthiria
- Eurypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Eurypogon Motschulsky, 1859
- Eurysa Fieber, 1866
- Eurysanoides Holzinger, Kammerlander and Nickel, 2003
- Euryscelis Dejean, 1835
- Eurysella Emeljanov, 1995
- Eurysister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Eurysphindus LeConte, 1878
- Eurystylops Bohart, 1943
- Eurysula Vilbaste, 1968
- Eurythrips Hinds, 1902
- Eurytides Hübner, 1821
- Eurytoma Illiger, 1807
- Eusarca Hübner, 1813
- Eusattodera Schaeffer, 1906
- Euscaphurus Casey, 1885
- Euscepes Schönherr, 1844
- Eusceptis Hübner, 1823
- Euschistus Dallas, 1851
- Euschizus Kleine, 1922
- Euscirrhopterus Grote, 1866
- Euscopolia Townsend, 1892
- Euseladia Crotch, 1874
- Eusenotainia
- Eusipalia Sharp, 1908
- Eusiphona
- Eusomalia Casey, 1912
- Eusphyrus LeConte, 1876
- Euspilotus Lewis, 1907
- Eustalomyia
- Eusthenes Laporte, 1833
- Eusthenimorpha Yang, 1935
- Eusthenomus Bates, 1875
- Eustictus Reuter, 1909
- Eustroma Hübner, 1825
- Eustromula Cockerell, 1906
- Eustrophopsis Champion, 1889
- Eustrophus Illiger, 1807
- Eutaenionotum
- Eutelia Hübner, 1823
- Euterpnosia Matsumura, 1917
- Eutetramorium Emery, 1899
- Euthauma Munro, 1949
- Euthelyconychia Townsend, 1927
- Euthemopsaltria Moulds, 2014
- Euthera Loew, 1866
- Eutheria Spaeth, 1909
- Euthetus Dallas, 1852
- Euthlastoblatta Hebard, 1917
- Euthochtha Mayr, 1865
- Euthore Selys, 1869
- Euthotorax Solier, 1849
- Euthryptus Sharp, 1902
- Euthycera
- Euthyneura
- Euthyplocia Eaton, 1871
- Euthyrhynchus Dallas, 1851
- Euthyrrhapha Burmeister, 1838
- Eutidium Lewis, 1903
- Eutochia
- Eutonella Mueller, 1921
- Eutrachelus Berthold, 1827
- Eutrapela Hübner, 1809
- Eutrepsia Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Eutreta Loew, 1873
- Eutretosoma Hendel, 1914
- Eutrichillus Bates, 1885
- Eutrichites LeConte, 1880
- Eutrichota
- Eutricopis Morrison, 1875
- Eutriptus Wollaston, 1862
- Eutrixa Coquillett, 1897
- Eutropistes Schaum, 1853
- Eutyphlus LeConte, 1880
- Euvacusus Casey, 1904
- Euvelia Drake, 1957
- Euvira Sharp, 1883
- Euvonymus Distant, 1904
- Euvrilletta Fall, 1905
- Euwallacea Hopkins, 1915
- Euxema Baly, 1885
- Euxenister Reichensperger, 1923
- Euxenulus Valentine, 1960
- Euxenus LeConte, 1876
- Euxesta
- Euxestonotus Fouts, 1925
- Euxestus Wollaston, 1858
- Euxoa Hübner, 1821
- Euzimmermania Fletcher, 1979
- Evania Fabricius, 1775
- Evaniella Bradley, 1905
- Evaniscus Szépligeti, 1903
- Evanophanes Banks, 1940
- Evaza Walker, 1856
- Evidomyia Reinhard, 1958
- Eviridemas Barnes and Benjamin, 1929
- Evita Capps, 1943
- Evodinus LeConte, 1850
- Evolenes LeConte, 1853
- Evolocera Sharp, 1902
- Evotus LeConte, 1874
- Evoxysoma Ashmead, 1888
- Ewartia Moulds, 2012
- Ewartithrips Nakahara, 1995
- Exaerete Hoffmannsegg, 1817
- Exaeretina Enderlein, 1921
- Exaeretosoma Elkins, 1962
- Exaesiopus Reichardt, 1926
- Exaetoleon Kimmins, 1948
- Exaireta Schiner, 1868
- Exallosophira Hardy, 1980
- Exapion Bedel, 1887
- Exechia
- Exechiopsis
- Exeirus Shuckard, 1838
- Exelis Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Exema Lacordaire, 1848
- Exepacmus
- Exeretoneura
- Exestastica Spaeth, 1909
- Exilcrus Zhang, Yao, Ren and Zhao, 2011
- Exiliscelis
- Exillis Pascoe, 1860
- Eximacris Otte, 1984
- Exitianus
- Exix Mason, 1981
- Exmesselensis Wappler, 2003
- Exneria Klausnitzer, 2013
- Exocelina Broun, 1886
- Exochomus Redtenbacher, 1843
- Exochostoma Macquart, 1842
- Exodontha Rondani, 1856
- Exodontiella Wharton, 1977
- Exolimnius Delève, 1954
- Exomalopsis Spinola, 1853
- Exomella Casey, 1912
- Exoneura Smith, 1854
- Exoneurella Michener, 1963
- Exoneuridia Cockerell, 1911
- Exoplectra Chevrolat, 1844
- Exoprosopa
- Exorhabdus Lewis, 1910
- Exorista Meigen, 1803
- Exoristoides Coquillett, 1897
- Exoryza Mason, 1981
- Exosternus Lewis, 1902
- Exothispa Kolbe, 1897
- Exotoxus Mazur, 1991
- Exphora Signoret, 1860
- Explorator Pacheco, 1964
- Extraneza Barber, 1939
- Exulmus Froeschner, 1996
- Exulonyx Mason, 1981
- Exyra Grote, 1875
- Exysma Gorham, 1891
- Eysarcoris Hahn, 1834
- Fabogethes Audisio and Cline, 2009
- Fabria Milne, 1934
- Fadrina Navás, 1912
- Fagisuga Lindinger, 1909
- Fagitana Walker, 1865
- Fahrenholzia Kellogg and Ferris, 1915
- Fala Grote, 1875
- Falagria Leach, 1819
- Falagrioma Casey, 1906
- Falagriota Casey, 1906
- Falcatpsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Falciconus Mackauer, 1959
- Falcicula Rehn, 1903
- Falcotoya Fennah, 1969
- Fallceon Waltz and McCafferty, 1987
- Fallia
- Falsocalleros Pic, 1933
- Falsocolobaspis Pic, 1942
- Falsogastrallus Pic, 1914
- Falsomordellistena Ermisch, 1941
- Falsophaeopterus Pic, 1911
- Falsophrixothrix Pic, 1937
- Falsotemnaspis Pic, 1951
- Fangdelphax Ding, 2006
- Fannia
- Fansipangana Mey, 1996
- Farallonophilus Rentz, 1972
- Farrodes Peters, 1971
- Farula Milne, 1936
- Fattigia Ross & Wallace, 1974
- Faustinus Berg, 1898
- Felderimyia Hendel, 1914
- Feltia Walker, 1856
- Feltiella
- Feltomyina
- Fenestroleon New, 1985
- Feniseca Grote, 1869
- Fennasiraca Asche, 1985
- Fenusa Leach, 1817
- Feralia Grote, 1874
- Ferdinandea
- Ferganodelphax Dubovsky, 1970
- Fergusonix Mustelin and Leuschner, 2000
- Fernaldella Hulst, 1896
- Ferrisia Fullaway, 1923
- Feshina Stys, 1983
- Fibrenus Stål, 1861
- Ficalbia Theobald, 1903
- Ficarasa Walker, 1857
- Ficiomyia
- Fidelia Friese, 1899
- Fideliopsis Engel, 2002
- Fidia Baly, 1863
- Fidicina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Fidicinoides Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Fidiobia Ashmead, 1894
- Fieberocapsus Carvalho and Southwood, 1955
- Figura Ukrainsky, 2006
- Fijipsalta Duffels, 1988
- Fijivelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2006
- Filipinolotis Miyatake, 1994
- Filiptschenkia Pleske, 1926
- Fillus Navás, 1919
- Fiorinia Targioni-tozzetti, 1868
- Firmothrips Schliephake, 1972
- Fischerotrephes Zettel, 1994
- Fishia Grote, 1877
- Fissicaudus Starý and Schlinger, 1967
- Fistulaster Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Fitana Villiers, 1948
- Fitchia Stål, 1859
- Fittkauimyia Karunakaran, 1969
- Flabellopalpodes Bocáková and Bocak, 2016
- Flabellototreta Pic, 1911
- Flastena Nast, 1975
- Flaviellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Flaviludia Ito, 1984
- Flavipanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Flavius Stål, 1862
- Flavomeliturgula Patiny, 1999
- Fletcherana Zimmerman, 1958
- Fletcherimyia
- Flexitibia Zhao, Pham, Truong and Cai, 2014
- Flintiella Angrisano, 1995
- Flintoconis Sziráki, 2007
- Floresiobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2008
- Floresocoris Miller, 1958
- Floricaudus Yao, Ren and Shih in Yao et al., 2011
- Floridocassis Spaeth in Hincks, 1952
- Floridoxenos Kathirithamby and Peck, 1994
- Florilegus Robertson, 1900
- Florodelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Foadia Pakaluk, 1985
- Focillidia Hampson, 1913
- Fokkeria Schouteden, 1904
- Foldicoccus Kozár, 2000
- Folengus Distant, 1914
- Fonteboanius Senna, 1893
- Fontecilla Navás, 1932
- Fontidessus K. B. Miller and Spangler, 2008
- Foraminitermes Holmgren, 1912
- Forbesomyia
- Forcepsioneura Lencioni, 1999
- Forcipomyia Meigen, 1818
- Forelius Emery, 1888
- Forelophilus Kutter, 1931
- Forficula Linnaeus, 1758
- Formica Linnaeus, 1758
- Formicilla LeConte, 1851
- Formicium Westwood, 1854
- Formicoxenus Mayr, 1855
- Formocicada Lee and Hayashi, 2004
- Formodelphax Yang, 1989
- Formosargus James, 1939
- Formosemia Matsumura, 1917
- Formotosena Kato, 1925
- Fornax
- Fornicia Brullé, 1846
- Fornicocassis Spaeth, 1917
- Forsebia Richards, 1935
- Forticauda Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019
- Fossispa Staines, 1989
- Fossocarus Howden, 1961
- Fota Grote, 1882
- Fotella Grote, 1882
- Foucartus Bérenger, 2006
- Foveoscapha Park and Wagner, 1962
- Foxia Ashmead, 1898
- Foxita Pate, 1942
- Fracastorius Distant, 1902
- Fractuosella Boulard, 1979
- Frameus Bartlett, 2009
- Francilia
- Franclemontia Ferguson, 1992
- Frankliniella Karny, 1910
- Franklinothrips Back, 1912
- Franzenia Esben-Petersen, 1929
- Fraus Walker, 1856
- Frechinia Munroe, 1961
- Frenchia Maskell, 1892
- Frenesia Betten & Mosely, 1940
- Freniger Szabó, 1956
- Freraea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Freyomyia Hardy, 1974
- Frickius Germain, 1897
- Friesella Moure, 1946
- Frieseomelitta Ihering, 1912
- Frisonia Ricker, 1943
- Fritzruehlia Schmidt, 1924
- Froeschneria Harrington, 1980
- Froeschnerisca Coscarón, 1997
- Froggattella Forel, 1902
- Froggattia Froggatt, 1901
- Froggattisca Esben-Petersen, 1915
- Froggattoides Distant, 1910
- Fromundus Distant, 1901
- Frontiniella Townsend, 1918
- Frostia Fender, 1951
- Fucellia Robineaux-desvoidy, 1842
- Fulgoraecia Newman, 1851
- Fulvius Stål, 1862
- Fumua Schouteden, 1912
- Furcaspis Lindinger, 1908
- Furcatopanorpa Ma and Hua, 2011
- Furchadaspis
- Furcilla
- Furcilliger Horváth, 1925
- Furcochrysa Freitas and Penny, 2001
- Furcula Lamarck, 1816
- Furgella Markl, 1953
- Fusciludia Ito, 1984
- Fusicornia Risbec, 1950
- Fusicornis Philippi, 1866
- Fusius Stål, 1862
- Fusoleon New, 1985
- Fustiger LeConte, 1866
- Fylgia Kirby, 1889
- Gabara Walker, 1866
- Gabaza Walker, 1858
- Gabirobius Schouteden, 1955
- Gabriola Taylor, 1904
- Gabrius
- Gaeana Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Gaediopsis Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Gaenima Casey, 1911
- Gaesischia Michener, LaBerge and Moure, 1955
- Gaesochira Moure and Michener, 1955
- Gaetulia Stål, 1864
- Gagatopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Gageus Villiers, 1961
- Galaesus Dallas, 1852
- Galanga Moulds, 2012
- Galapagoleon Stange, 1994
- Galbifascia Hardy, 1973
- Galeatus Curtis, 1833
- Galenara McDunnough, 1920
- Galeophthirus Eichler, 1950
- Galerita Fabricius, 1801
- Galeruca Geoffroy, 1762
- Galerucella Crotch, 1873
- Galgacus Distant, 1899
- Galgoria Lee, 2016
- Galgula Guenée, 1852
- Galgupha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Galindomyia Stone and Barreto, 1969
- Gallacoccus Beardsley, 1971
- Gallienius Villiers, 1948
- Gallinoccus Lambdin and Kosztarab, 1973
- Gallipeza
- Gallobelgicus Distant, 1906
- Galloisiana Caudell, 1924
- Gallomesovelia A. Nel, P. Nel, Krieg-Jacquier, Pouillon, and Garrouste, 2014
- Galloscelio Nel & Prokop, 2005
- Gallulacoccus
- Galotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Gamergomorphus Melichar, 1906
- Gamergus Stål, 1859
- Gammarotettix Brunner, 1888
- Gamostolus Bergroth, 1927
- Gampsocoris Fuss, 1852
- Ganascus Casey, 1895
- Gandaritis Moore, 1868
- Ganesocoris Miller, 1955
- Ganguilus Navás, 1912
- Ganocapsus Van Duzee, 1912
- Ganonema McLachlan, 1866
- Ganus Ding, 2006
- Ganyra Billberg, 1820
- Garaga Anufriev, 1977
- Garceus Distant, 1893
- Gardena Dohrn, 1859
- Gardenoides Paulian and Grjebine, 1953
- Gardinia W. F. Kirby, 1892
- Garella Walker, 1863
- Garganus Stål, 1862
- Gargaphia Stål, 1862
- Garrettella
- Garumna Melichar, 1914
- Garumnella Wang, Liang and Webb, 2009
- Gasparinahla Patiny, 2001
- Gasterophilus
- Gastrallus Jacquelin du Val, 1860
- Gastrellarius Casey, 1918
- Gastrocentrella Ulmer, 1951
- Gastrocentrides Ulmer, 1930
- Gastrodes Westwood, 1840
- Gastrogyrus Bergroth, 1921
- Gastrophysa Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Gastrops
- Gastrosericus Spinola, 1839
- Gastrotaphrus Buchanan, 1936
- Gastrothrips Hood, 1912
- Gastrotrypes Brues, 1922
- Gastrozona Bezzi, 1913
- Gattonocoris Miller, 1957
- Gatzara Navás, 1915
- Gaurax
- Gaurotes LeConte, 1850
- Gayomyia Banks, 1913
- Gazoryctra Hübner, 1820
- Gazuma Distant, 1905
- Gehringia Darlington, 1933
- Geigyella Wittmer, 1972
- Gelae Miller and Wheeler, 2005
- Gelastagathis Sharkey, 2015
- Gelastocoris Kirkaldy, 1897
- Gelidea Moulds, 2012
- Gelonaetha Thomson, 1878
- Gelonus Stål, 1866
- Geminaria
- Geminorhabdus Mazur, 2007
- Genaparlatoria Macgillivray, 1921
- Genatropis Galloway, 1984
- Genea Rondani, 1850
- Geniotrigona Moure, 1961
- Genisphindus McHugh, 1993
- Gennadota Casey, 1906
- Genogogus Kleine, 1925
- Genuchinus Westwood, 1874
- Geococcus Green, 1902
- Geocolus Wenzel, 1944
- Geocoris Fallén, 1814
- Geoderces Horn, 1876
- Geodercodes Casey, 1888
- Geodessus Brancucci, 1979
- Geodimmockius Chapin, 1930
- Geodiscelis Michener & Rozen, 1999
- Geolimnichus Hernando and Ribera, 2003
- Geomyphilus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Geomysaprinus Ross, 1940
- Geopinus LeConte, 1847
- Geopsammodius Gordon and Pittino, 1992
- Georgium Fischer, 1964
- Georthocladius
- Georyssus Latreille, 1809
- Geostiba Thomson, 1858
- Geotomus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Geotrigona Moure, 1943
- Geotrupes Latreille, 1797
- Geovelia Zimmermann, 1984
- Gepella Hölzel, 1968
- Gepus Navás, 1912
- Geraeus Pascoe, 1889
- Geranopus White, 1916
- Gerbelius Distant, 1903
- Gergithomorphus Haglund, 1899
- Germalna Delorme, 2018
- Germalus Stål, 1862
- Germaria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Germarostes Paulian, 1982
- Geron
- Geropa Casey, 1912
- Gerra Walker, 1865
- Gerrhoceras Hering, 1941
- Gerris Fabricius, 1794
- Gerrisella Poisson, 1940
- Gerrodes Hampson, 1908
- Gerstaeckerella Enderlein, 1910
- Gerstaeckeria Champion, 1905
- Gesomyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Gessus Antropov, 2001
- Gesta Evans, 1953
- Gestroiella Montandon, 1897
- Gestronella Weise, 1911
- Geyria Esben-Petersen, 1920
- Ggomapsalta Lee, 2009
- Ghanister Mazur, 2005
- Ghanius Ahmad, 1973
- Ghentia Munro, 1947
- Ghesperinus
- Ghesquierea Schouteden, 1931
- Ghilianella Spinola, 1835
- Ghinallelia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Giardomyia
- Gibbidessus Watts, 1978
- Gibbifer Voet, 1778
- Gibbium Scopoli, 1777
- Gibbobruchus Pic, 1913
- Gibbocicada Ruschel, 2018
- Gibbosella Chlond, 2010
- Gigantiops Roger, 1863
- Gigantodax
- Gigantometra Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Gilbertiola Osella, 1982
- Gilbertnixonius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Gillaspytes Howden, 1980
- Gillotia Kieffer, 1921
- Gilpinia Benson, 1939
- Gimnomera Rondani, 1866
- Ginglymia Townsend, 1892
- Ginglymocladus Van Dyke, 1918
- Ginkgoscia Jäch and Díaz, 2004
- Gitava Drake, 1948
- Gitona
- Gitonides Knab
- Glabellula
- Glabrinotum Ding, 2006
- Glacicavicola Westcott, 1968
- Glaenocorisa Thomson, 1869
- Glaesivelia Sánchez-García and Solórzano Kraemer in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Glaphyrometopus Pierce, 1913
- Glaphyromyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Glaphyrosoma Brunner, 1888
- Glareadessus Wewalka and Biström, 1998
- Glaresis Erichson, 1848
- Glariopsis Lindner, 1935
- Glaris Kertesz, 1923
- Glaucina Hulst, 1896
- Glaucopsaltria Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Glaucopsyche Scudder, 1872
- Glaucotes Casey, 1913
- Glaucothrips Karny, 1921
- Glena Hulst, 1896
- Glenanthe
- Glenidion H. Clark, 1860
- Glenodiplosis
- Glenoides McDunnough, 1920
- Glenoleon Banks, 1913
- Glenostictia Gillaspy, 1962
- Glenurus Hagen, 1866
- Glipa LeConte, 1859
- Glipodes LeConte, 1862
- Glipostenoda Ermisch, 1950
- Glischrochilus Reitter, 1873
- Gloanna Nye, 1975
- Globodiplostix Vienna and Yélamos, 2006
- Glochinomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Gloeosoma Wollaston, 1854
- Gloma
- Glomerella Gordon, 1977
- Glossodialictus Pauly, 1984
- Glossopelta Handlirsch, 1897
- Glossosoma Curtis, 1834
- Glossurocolletes Michener, 1965
- Gluphisia Boisduval, 1828
- Glutophrissa Butler, 1887
- Glutops
- Glycobius LeConte, 1873
- Glymma Marseul, 1856
- Glymmatophora Stål, 1853
- Glympis Walker, 1859
- Glyphidops
- Glyphocassis Spaeth, 1914
- Glyphopsyche Banks, 1904
- Glyphotaelius Stephens, 1833
- Glyphuroplata Uhmann, 1937
- Glyptapanteles Ashmead, 1904
- Glyptina J. L. LeConte, 1859
- Glyptobaris Casey, 1892
- Glyptobasis McLachlan, 1871
- Glyptocombus Heidemann, 1906
- Glyptonysius Usinger, 1942
- Glyptoscelimorpha Horn, 1893
- Glyptoscelis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Glyptosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Glyptotendipes
- Glyptotermes Froggatt, 1896
- Glyptothrips Hood, 1912
- Gminatellus Miller, 1957
- Gminatus Stål, 1859
- Gnadochaeta Macquart, 1851
- Gnamptodon Haliday, 1833
- Gnamptogenys Roger, 1863
- Gnamptonychia Hampson, 1900
- Gnaphalodes Thomson, 1860
- Gnaptogaster Tobias, 1976
- Gnathacmaeops Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Gnathamitermes Light, 1932
- Gnathaphanus W. MacLeay, 1825
- Gnathium Kirby, 1818
- Gnathobleda Stål, 1859
- Gnathoceraphron Dessart & Bin, 1981
- Gnathocerus
- Gnatholymnaeum Sharp, 1903
- Gnathoncus Jacquelin-Duval, 1858
- Gnathothlibus Wallengren, 1858
- Gnathotriche Felder and Felder, 1862
- Gnathotrichus Eichhoff, 1869
- Gnathoweisea Gordon, 1970
- Gnathusa Fenyes, 1909
- Gnesiomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Gnistus Stål, 1874
- Gnomobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1995
- Gnomocoris McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Gnophaela Walker, 1854
- Gnopholeon Stange, 1970
- Gnophomyia Osten Sacken, 1859
- Gnophos Treitschke, 1825
- Gnophothrips Hood and Williams, 1915
- Gnorimella Casey, 1915
- Gnorismomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Gnoriste
- Gnostus Westwood, 1855
- Gnypeta Thomson, 1858
- Gnypetella Casey, 1906
- Gobertina Bigot, 1879
- Goeldichironomus
- Goeletapis Rozen, 1997
- Goellneriana van Doesburg, 2004
- Goera Stephens, 1829
- Goeracea Denning, 1968
- Goereilla Denning, 1968
- Goerita Ross, 1938
- Goerodella Mosely, 1949
- Goerodes Ulmer, 1907
- Goerodina Mosely, 1949
- Goes LeConte, 1852
- Goetghebueromyia Lindner, 1938
- Golafrus Navás, 1912
- Golema Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Golmonia Popov, 1989
- Golofa Hope, 1837
- Gomesius Distant, 1903
- Gomphaeschna Selys, 1871
- Gomphoides Selys, 1854
- Gomphomacromia Brauer, 1864
- Gomphus Leach, 1815
- Gomyopsis Dégallier, 1984
- Gomyoscelis Dégallier, 2001
- Gonarcticus Becker, 1894
- Gonatherus Rondani, 1856
- Gonatista Saussure, 1869
- Gondraena Jäch, 1994
- Gondysia Berio, 1955
- Gonempeda
- Gongrodiplosis
- Gongromastix
- Gongroneurina Enderlein, 1933
- Gongrosargus Lindner, 1959
- Gonia Meigen, 1803
- Goniapteryx Perty, 1833
- Goniaspis
- Gonielmis Sanderson, 1954
- Goniocarsia Hampson, 1926
- Goniocera Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Goniocercus Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Goniochaeta Townsend, 1891
- Goniochenia Weise, 1896
- Goniocloeus Jordan, 1904
- Gonioctena Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Goniomma Emery, 1895
- Goniops
- Goniopsita
- Gonioryctus Sharp, 1878
- Goniothrips Hood, 1927
- Goniotropis Gray, 1831
- Goniurellia Hendel, 1927
- Goniusa Casey, 1906
- Gonocephalum
- Gonocerus Berthold in Latreille, 1827
- Gonodes Druce, 1908
- Gonodonta Hübner, 1818
- Gonodontodes Hampson, 1913
- Gonolabis Burr, 1900
- Gonomyia Meigen
- Gonomyodes
- Gonomyopsis
- Gononotus LeConte, 1876
- Gonophora Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Gonoporomiris Henry and Schuh, 2002
- Gonotropis LeConte, 1876
- Gonteosphodrus Cheesman, 1935
- Gonycentrum Bergroth, 1898
- Gonzaga Navás, 1913
- Goondnomdanepa Lansbury, 1974
- Gorareduvius Malipatil, 1991
- Gordonita González, 2013
- Gordonoryssomus Almeida and Lima, 1995
- Gorgopis Hübner, 1820
- Gorgythion Godman and Salvin, 1896
- Gorhamia Pic, 1911
- Gorytes Latreille, 1805
- Gourlayocoris Stys, 2002
- Gowdeyana Curran, 1928
- Goyachalepus Pic, 1929
- Gracchus Stål, 1862
- Graceus
- Gracilia Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Gracilimiris Stonedahl and Henry, 1991
- Gracilovelia Poisson, 1955
- Grais Godman and Salvin, 1894
- Gralliclava Dolling, 1978
- Graminitigrina Ewart and Marques, 2008
- Grammia Rambur, 1866
- Grammococcus Miller and Lambdin, 1978
- Grammopeplus Bickhardt, 1911
- Grammopoecilus Stål, 1868
- Grammoptera Audinet-Serville, 1835
- Grammotaulius Kolenati, 1848
- Graonus Navás, 1922
- Graphelmis Delève, 1968
- Graphiphora Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Graphocephala
- Graphoderus Dejean, 1833
- Graphogaster Rondani, 1868
- Graphognathus Buchanan, 1939
- Graphomya
- Graphops J. L. LeConte, 1859
- Graphopsocus Kolbe, 1880
- Graphorhinus Say, 1831
- Graphosolus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Graptocleptes Stål, 1866
- Graptoclopius Stål, 1866
- Graptocorixa Hungerford, 1930
- Graptodytes Seidlitz, 1887
- Graptolestes Stål, 1866
- Graptopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Graptostethus Stål, 1868
- Graptotettix Stål, 1866
- Grassiella Silvestri, 1898
- Gratiana Spaeth, 1913
- Gravesteiniella Wagner, 1963
- Greenomyia
- Greniera
- Grensia Ross, 1944
- Gressittidium Hardy, 1986
- Griburius Haldeman, 1849
- Grimaldinia Popov and Heiss, 2014
- Grimaldivania Basibuyuk, Fitton and Rasnitsyn, 2000
- Grimshawomyia Hardy, 1965
- Griphomyia Hardy, 1987
- Griveaudicoris Villiers, 1961
- Gronocarus Schaeffer, 1927
- Gronoceras Cockerell, 1907
- Grossbeckia Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Grosshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Grosshygioides Brailovsky, 1993
- Grossoseta
- Grossovena
- Grotella Harvey, 1875
- Grotellaforma Barnes and Benjamin, 1922
- Grouvellinus Champion, 1923
- Grumicha Mueller, 1879
- Grumichella Mueller, 1879
- Gryllita Hebard, 1935
- Grylloblatta E. M. Walker, 1914
- Grylloblattella Storozhenko, 1988
- Grylloblattina Bey-Bienko, 1951
- Gryllodes Saussure, 1874
- Gryllotalpa Latreille, 1802
- Gryllus Linnaeus, 1758
- Grynia Stål, 1862
- Gryon Haliday, 1833
- Grypocephalus Hsiao, 1963
- Grypomyia Kertesz, 1923
- Grypus Germar, 1817
- Guajirolus Flowers, 1985
- Guapinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Guaranisaria Distant, 1905
- Gudanga Distant, 1905
- Gueneria Packard, 1876
- Guentherocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Gueriniopsis Reinhard, 1943
- Gufacies Ding, 2006
- Guianahister Tishechkin, 2007
- Guichardus Antropov, 2007
- Guidelphax Ding, 2006
- Guilbertocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2016
- Guillermo Slipinski, 2007
- Guineapsaltria Boer, 1993
- Guionius Distant, 1909
- Guithera Distant, 1906
- Gumaga Tsuda, 1938
- Gumilla Navás, 1912
- Gunungiella Ulmer, 1913
- Guttipelopia
- Guttipsilopa
- Guyalna Boulard and Martinelli, 1996
- Gyaclavator Wappler, Guilbert, Wedmann and Labandeira in Wappler et al., 2015
- Gyalostoma Kleine, 1914
- Gyalotingis Drake, 1960
- Gyascutus LeConte, 1858
- Gyllenhaleus Weise, 1903
- Gyllenhalia Aurivillius, 1885
- Gymelloxes Viette, 1952
- Gymnaciura Hering, 1942
- Gymnanthelius Perkins, 1997
- Gymnaspis
- Gymnetina Casey, 1915
- Gymnetis MacLeay, 1819
- Gymnetron Schönherr, 1825
- Gymnocarena Hering, 1940
- Gymnocheta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Gymnochiromyia
- Gymnochthebius Orchymont, 1943
- Gymnoclytia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Gymnocnemia Schneider, 1845
- Gymnoganascus Werner, 1990
- Gymnognathus Schoenherr, 1826
- Gymnoleon Banks, 1911
- Gymnometriocnemus
- Gymnopais
- Gymnophora
- Gymnophryxe Villeneuve, 1922
- Gymnoprosopa
- Gymnopsidia
- Gymnopsyra Linsley, 1937
- Gymnopternus
- Gymnopyge Linell, 1896
- Gymnosagena Munro, 1935
- Gymnoscelis Mabille, 1868
- Gymnoscirtetes Scudder, 1897
- Gymnosoma Meigen, 1803
- Gymnotingis Hacker, 1928
- Gymnotympana Stål, 1861
- Gymnusa Gravenhorst, 1806
- Gynacantha Rambur, 1842
- Gynaephora Hübner, 1819
- Gynaikothrips Zimmermann, 1900
- Gynandropus Dejean, 1831
- Gynandrorhynchus Lacordaire, 1865
- Gynothemis Calvert in Ris, 1909
- Gyponana
- Gyragathis van Achterberg & Long, 2010
- Gyrelmis Hinton, 1940
- Gyretes Brullé, 1834
- Gyrinophagus Ruschka, 1914
- Gyrinus Geoffroy, 1762
- Gyrocarisa Weaver, 1997
- Gyrocheilus Butler, 1867
- Gyrochus Enderlein, 1920
- Gyronycha Casey, 1893
- Gyrophaena Mannerheim, 1831
- Gyros Edwards, 1881
- Haasellia Wagner, 1984
- Habralictus Moure, 1941
- Habrobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Habrochila Horváth, 1912
- Habrodais Scudder, 1876
- Habrolotis Weise, 1895
- Habrophlebia Eaton, 1881
- Habrophlebiodes Ulmer, 1920
- Habrophorula Lieftinck, 1974
- Habropoda Smith, 1854
- Habroscelimorpha Dokhtouroff, 1883
- Habroteleia Kieffer, 1905
- Habroxenus Valentine, 1998
- Hada Billberg, 1820
- Hadena Schrank, 1802
- Hadenella Grote, 1883
- Hadenoecus Scudder, 1863
- Hadeodelphax Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hadoa Moulds in Hill et al., 2015
- Hadramorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Hadraule Thomson, 1863
- Hadrestia Thomson, 1869
- Hadrobelus Zimmerman, 1999
- Hadrobregmus Thomson, 1859
- Hadrokerala Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Hadrokolos
- Hadromeropsis Pierce, 1913
- Hadromychus Bousquet and Leschen, 2002
- Hadromyia
- Hadronema Uhler, 1872
- Hadroneura
- Hadropygos Gonzon and Bartlett, 2008
- Hadrotes Le Conte, 1861
- Hadrotettix Scudder, 1876
- Haedacanthus Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Haedus Distant, 1904
- Haemagogus Williston, 1896
- Haematobia
- Haematobosca
- Haematochares Stål, 1855
- Haematochiton Gorham, 1888
- Haematoloecha Stål, 1874
- Haematomantispa Hoffman in Penny, 2002
- Haematomis Schaus, 1899
- Haematomyzus Piaget, 1869
- Haematopinoides Osborn, 1891
- Haematopinus Leach, 1815
- Haematopis Hübner, 1823
- Haematopota
- Haematorrhophus Stål, 1874
- Haematosiphon Champion, 1900
- Haemodipsus Enderlein, 1904
- Haemoplotina Miyatake, 1969
- Haemopsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Haerinella Fennah, 1965
- Haeterius Dejean, 1833
- Haetosmia Popov, 1952
- Hagamiodes Fennah, 1975
- Hagenella Martynov, 1924
- Hagenius Selys, 1854
- Hagenomyia Banks, 1911
- Hagenulopsis Ulmer, 1919
- Hagia Stål, 1863
- Hagiana Miller, 1958
- Haglundina Schouteden, 1938
- Haidara Distant, 1908
- Haideoporus Young and Longley, 1976
- Haigia
- Hainanaella Qin and Zhang, 2007
- Hainanosemia Kato, 1927
- Halacritus Schmidt, 1893
- Halesochila Banks, 1907
- Halesus Stephens, 1836
- Halffterinetis Morón and Nogueira, 2007
- Haliartus Melichar, 1914
- Halictillus Moure, 1947
- Halictonomia Pauly, 1980
- Halictophagus Dale in Curtis, 1832
- Halictoxenos Pierce, 1908
- Halictus Latreille, 1804
- Halidayina
- Halimococcus Cockerell, 1902
- Haliophyle Warren, 1912
- Haliplus Latreille, 1802
- Hallomenus Panzer, 1794
- Halmaheria Zettel, 2007
- Halmus Mulsant, 1850
- Halmyra Mitjaev, 1971
- Halobates Eschscholtz, 1822
- Halobatopsis Bianchi, 1896
- Halobrecta Thomson, 1858
- Halobrecthina Bernhauer, 1909
- Halocladius Thienemann
- Halocoryza Alluaud, 1919
- Halodiplosis
- Halohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Halosalda Reuter, 1912
- Halovelia Bergroth, 1893
- Haloveloides Andersen, 1992
- Halticoptera Spinola, 1811
- Halticotoma Townsend, 1892
- Halticus Hahn, 1832
- Halyomorpha Mayr, 1864
- Halysidota Hübner, 1819
- Halyzia Mulsant, 1846
- Hamadiana Benetti, Short and Michat, 2019
- Hamadryas Hübner, 1806
- Hamatabanus
- Hamatothrix Urban, 1989
- Hamaxas Burr, 1907
- Hambletoniola Carvalho, 1954
- Hamedius Stål, 1860
- Hammaptera Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Hammatoscelis Signoret, 1860
- Hamophthirius Mjöberg, 1925
- Hamotus Aubé, 1844
- Hampa Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Hampsoniella Viette, 1950
- Hamza Distant, 1904
- Handlirschia Kohl, 1897
- Hansonoperla Nelson, 1979
- Hapalips Reitter, 1877
- Hapalomellinus Ashmead, 1899
- Hapalomelus Stål, 1853
- Haphsa Distant, 1905
- Hapithus Uhler, 1864
- Hapleginella
- Haplelmis Delève, 1964
- Haplephippium Speiser, 1913
- Haplidoeme Chemsak and Linsley, 1965
- Haplidus LeConte, 1873
- Haploa Hübner, 1820
- Haplodelphax Kirkaldy, 1907
- Haploembia Verhoeff, 1904
- Haplofijia Bezzi, 1928
- Haploglenius Burmeister, 1839
- Haploglossa Kraatz, 1856
- Haplohyphes Allen, 1966
- Haplolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Haplomyza
- Haplonotocoris Miller, 1940
- Haploperla Navás, 1934
- Haplopogon
- Haploprocta Stål, 1872
- Haplopus Burmeister, 1838
- Haplorhynchites Voss, 1924
- Haplosterna Westwood, 1837
- Haplostethops Casey, 1920
- Haplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Haplusia
- Haraldaria Jäch and Boukal, 1996
- Hardyadrama Lee, 1991
- Harina
- Harkeria Cameron, 1900
- Harmalia Fennah, 1969
- Harmalianodes Asche, 1988
- Harmandia
- Harmatelia Walker, 1858
- Harmonia Mulsant, 1850
- Harmostes Burmeister, 1835
- Harmstonia
- Harnischia Kieffer, 1921
- Haroldiataenius Chalumeau, 1981
- Haroldiellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Harpactor Laporte, 1833
- Harpactorella Wygodzinsky, 1946
- Harpactostigma Ashmead, 1899
- Harpactus Shuckard, 1837
- Harpagochares Stål, 1859
- Harpagocoris Stål, 1853
- Harpagopyga
- Harpagoxenus Forel, 1893
- Harpalobrachys Tschitschérine, 1899
- Harpalus Latreille, 1802
- Harpasus Mulsant, 1850
- Harpegnathos Jerdon, 1851
- Harpobittacus Gerstaecker, 1885
- Harrisimemna Grote, 1873
- Harrisocoris Miller, 1959
- Hartonymus Casey, 1914
- Hatchia Park and Wagner, 1962
- Hatchiana Fender, 1966
- Havinthus Stål, 1859
- Hayhurstia
- Haywardiales Haedo Rossi, 1965
- Haywardina Aczel, 1951
- Hazisia Weise, 1916
- Hea Distant, 1906
- Hebardacris Rehn, 1952
- Hebecnema
- Hebestola Haldeman, 1847
- Hebetingis Drake, 1960
- Hebichneutes Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Hebrometra Cobben, 1982
- Hebrovelia Lundblad, 1939
- Hebrus Curtis, 1831
- Hecamede
- Hecamedoides
- Hecatera Guenée, 1852
- Hedickiana Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Hediocoris Reuter, 1882
- Hedobia Dejean, 1821
- Hedria
- Hedriodiscus Enderlein, 1914
- Hedyselmis Hinton, 1976
- Heegeria Reuter, 1881
- Hegesidemus Distant, 1911
- Heidemanniella Poppius, 1914
- Heilipus Germar, 1824
- Heinsenia Melichar, 1906
- Heissaptera Stys and Banar, 2006
- Heisshygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Heissiella Péricart, 1984
- Heizmannia Ludlow, 1905
- Helaeomyia
- Helava Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Helavadites Tishechkin, 2007
- Helcomeria Stål, 1873
- Helcomyza
- Helconichia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Helenasaldula Cobben, 1976
- Heleniella
- Heleocoris Stål, 1876
- Heleodromia
- Heleomyza
- Heleonaucoris Popov, 1971
- Helesius Casey, 1899
- Helia Hübner, 1818
- Heliastus Saussure, 1884
- Heliaula Caudell, 1915
- Helichus Erichson, 1847
- Helicobia
- Helicoconis Enderlein, 1905
- Heliconius Kluk, 1780
- Helicopha Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Helicopsyche von Siebold, 1856
- Helicoverpa Hardwick, 1965
- Helina
- Heliocausus Kohl, 1892
- Heliocharis Selys, 1853
- Heliocheilus Grote, 1865
- Heliocis Arnett, 1951
- Heliocorisa Lundblad, 1928
- Heliodorus Reinhard, 1964
- Heliolonche Grote, 1873
- Heliomata Grote and Robinson, 1866
- Heliopetes Billberg, 1820
- Heliopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Heliopyrgus Herrera, 1957
- Heliothis Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Heliothodes Hampson, 1910
- Heliothrips Haliday, 1836
- Heliscus Zang, 1906
- Helius Lepeltier and Serville, 1828
- Hellica Stål, 1867
- Hellicoides Carpintero and De Biase, 2019
- Helluomorphoides Ball, 1951
- Hellyethira Neboiss, 1977
- Helminthocharis Grouvelle, 1906
- Helminthopsis Grouvelle, 1906
- Helobata Bergroth, 1888
- Helocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Helocephalocoris Miller, 1958
- Helochares Mulsant, 1844
- Helocombus Horn, 1890
- Helocordulia Needham, 1901
- Helonotus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Helophilus
- Helophorus Fabricius, 1775
- Helopicus Ricker, 1952
- Helorus Latreille, 1802
- Helotrephes Stål, 1860
- Helotropha Lederer, 1857
- Heloxycanus Dugdale, 1994
- Helveciagrion Machado, 1980
- Hemaris Dalman, 1816
- Hemerobiella Kimmins, 1940
- Hemerobius Linnaeus, 1758
- Hemeroblemma Hübner, 1818
- Hemerodromia
- Hemeromyia
- Hemeroplanis Hübner, 1818
- Hemianaphothrips Priesner, 1925
- Hemiargus Hübner, 1818
- Hemiberlesia Leonardi, 1897
- Hemibidessus Zimmermann, 1921
- Hemiblablera Saussure, 1893
- Hemibryomima Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Hemiceras Guenée, 1852
- Hemichoma Enderlein, 1920
- Hemichroa Stephens, 1835
- Hemiclusiosoma Hardy, 1986
- Hemicoelus LeConte, 1861
- Hemicolonides Reichensperger, 1939
- Hemicordus Kleine, 1922
- Hemidictya Burmeister, 1835
- Hemidula Burmeister, 1874
- Hemierana Aurivillius, 1923
- Hemieuxoa McDunnough, 1929
- Hemiglyptus Horn, 1889
- Hemigrotella Barnes and McDunnough, 1918
- Hemihaematorrhophus Murugan and Livingstone, 1995
- Hemilea Loew, 1862
- Hemileptocerus Ulmer, 1922
- Hemileuca Walker, 1855
- Hemilobophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Hemimorina McDunnough, 1941
- Heminocloa Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Hemiorychodes Kleine, 1921
- Hemioslaria Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Hemiosus Sharp, 1882
- Hemipachnobia McDunnough, 1929
- Hemipenthes
- Hemipeplus Latreille, 1825
- Hemipharus Weise, 1897
- Hemiphileurus Kolbe, 1910
- Hemiphrynus Horn, 1889
- Hemipodistra Ganglbauer, 1922
- Hemipsalis Sharp, 1895
- Hemipsocus Selys-Longchamps, 1872
- Hemirhiza Michener, 1965
- Hemiristina Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Hemisamblus Kleine, 1925
- Hemisaprinus Kryzhanovskij in Kryzhanovskij and Reichardt, 1976
- Hemisastrapada Livingstone and Ravichandran, 1989
- Hemischizocranium
- Hemisciera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hemisphaerodella Reuter, 1908
- Hemisphaerota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Hemisturmia Townsend, 1927
- Hemiteles Gravenhorst, 1829
- Hemithea Duponchel, 1829
- Hemnypia McDunnough, 1941
- Hemyda Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Henarrhodes Heller, 1913
- Hendecacentrus Bergroth, 1919
- Hendrella Munro, 1938
- Heniartes Spinola, 1840
- Henicocephaloides Villiers, 1962
- Henicocorinus Stys, 1988
- Henicocoris Woodward, 1968
- Henicomyia
- Henicopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Henicotettix Stål, 1858
- Henorychodes Kleine, 1921
- Henosepilachna Li, 1961
- Henoticus Thomson, 1868
- Henotiderus Reitter, 1877
- Henria
- Henricohahnia Breddin, 1900
- Henrikus Drake, 1955
- Henrylygus Schwartz in Schwartz and Foottit, 1998
- Henschiella Horváth, 1888
- Heoclisis Navás, 1923
- Hephebocerus Schoenherr, 1840
- Hepialiscus Hampson, 1893
- Hepialus Fabricius, 1775
- Hepialyxodes Viette, 1951
- Heptachispa Uhmann, 1953
- Heptaenida Perkins, 1997
- Heptagenia Walsh, 1863
- Heptascelio Kieffer, 1916
- Heptatomispa Uhmann, 1940
- Heptispa Weise, 1906
- Heptozus Lindner, 1949
- Heraeus Stål, 1862
- Heratythrips Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Herbalima Emeljanov, 1972
- Herbertorossia Ulmer, 1957
- Hercinothrips Bagnall, 1932
- Hercostomus
- Heremusina Ewart, 2018
- Heriades Spinola, 1808
- Heriadopsis Cockerell, 1931
- Heringia
- Heringina Aczel, 1940
- Heringomyia Hardy, 1968
- Herissa Spaeth, 1909
- Hermanella Needham and Murphy, 1924
- Hermanellopsis Demoulin, 1955
- Hermanlentia Jurberg and Galvão, 1997
- Hermatobates Carpenter, 1892
- Hermetia Latreille, 1804
- Hermetiomima Grunberg, 1915
- Hermeuptychia Forster, 1964
- Hermilloides Schouteden, 1931
- Hermillus Stål, 1874
- Herminella Spaeth, 1913
- Herminocala Hampson, 1913
- Hermionella Pleske, 1925
- Herniosina
- Herrera Distant, 1905
- Herreshoffia Sperry, 1949
- Herthania Klausnitzer, 2006
- Hesperagrion Calvert, 1902
- Hesperandra Arigony, 1977
- Hesperanoplium Linsley, 1957
- Hesperapis Cockerell, 1898
- Hesperempis
- Hesperia Fabricius, 1793
- Hesperobaenus LeConte, 1861
- Hesperobaris Casey, 1892
- Hesperoboreus Penny, 1977
- Hesperocimex List, 1925
- Hesperocolletes Michener, 1965
- Hesperoconopa Alexander, 1948
- Hesperocorixa Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hesperoctenes Kirkaldy, 1906
- Hesperodes
- Hesperodromus Schmidt, 1889
- Hesperolabops Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hesperomyia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Hesperoperla Banks, 1938
- Hesperophanes Dejean, 1835
- Hesperophylax Banks, 1916
- Hesperophylum Reuter and Poppius, 1912
- Hesperopsis Dyar, 1905
- Hesperorhipis Fall, 1930
- Hesperotettix Scudder, 1875
- Hesperotingis Parshley, 1917
- Hesperotychus Schuster and Marsh, 1958
- Hesperumia Packard, 1873
- Hetaerina Hagen in Selys, 1853
- Hetaeriobius Reichensperger, 1925
- Hetaeriodes Schmidt, 1893
- Hetaeriomorphus Schmidt, 1893
- Hetaeroceocephalus Kleine, 1921
- Heteracanthia Macquart, 1850
- Heterachthes Newman, 1840
- Heteragrion Selys, 1862
- Heteramphus Sharp, 1885
- Heteranassa Smith, 1899
- Heterelmis Sharp, 1882
- Heterhelus DuVal, 1858
- Heterhydrus Fairmaire, 1869
- Heteribalia Sakagami, 1949
- Heterispa Chapuis, 1875
- Heterlimnius Hinton, 1935
- Heterobates Bianchi, 1896
- Heteroblysmia Kleine, 1917
- Heterobostrychus Lesne, 1899
- Heterobrenthus Sharp, 1895
- Heterocampa Doubleday, 1841
- Heterocaria Timberlake, 1943
- Heterocerus Fabricius, 1792
- Heterocheila
- Heterochorema Schmid, 1989
- Heterocleptes Villiers, 1948
- Heterocloeon McDunnough, 1925
- Heteroconis Enderlein, 1905
- Heterocontarinia Hardy, 1960
- Heterocordylus Fieber, 1858
- Heterocorideus Schouteden, 1952
- Heterocorixa White, 1879
- Heterodiomus Brèthes, 1924
- Heteroecus Kinsey, 1922
- Heterogaster Schilling, 1829
- Heterogyna Nagy, 1969
- Heterogyrus Legros, 1953
- Heterohesma Michener, 1965
- Heteromeringia
- Heteromydas
- Heteromyia Say, 1825
- Heteromyza
- Heteroneda Crotch, 1871
- Heteronychocassis Spaeth, 1915
- Heteropeza
- Heteropezina
- Heterophleps Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
- Heterophotinus E. Olivier, 1894
- Heteropinus Breddin, 1903
- Heteroplea Cook, 2011
- Heteroplectron McLachlan, 1871
- Heteropodagrion Selys, 1885
- Heteropogon
- Heteroponera Mayr, 1887
- Heterops Blanchard, 1842
- Heteropsaltria Jacobi, 1902
- Heteropsephenoides Jeng and Jäch, 2003
- Heteropsoa Lesne, 1895
- Heteropsontus Mendes, 1990
- Heteropsylla
- Heteropterna
- Heterorrhynchus Calabresi, 1921
- Heteroscelis Latreille, 1829
- Heterosilpha Portevin, 1926
- Heterosternuta Strand, 1935
- Heterostomus
- Heterostylodes
- Heterostylum
- Heterota Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Heterotanytarsus
- Heterotermes Froggatt, 1896
- Heterothesis Kleine, 1914
- Heterothrips Hood, 1908
- Heterotoma Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Heterotrephes Esaki and Miyamoto, 1959
- Heterotrigona Schwarz, 1939
- Heterotrissocladius Sparck
- Heterrhachispa Gressitt, 1957
- Heterusia Hübner, 1831
- Heteryon Sharp, 1882
- Hethemia Ferguson, 1969
- Hetschkomyia Hendel, 1914
- Heudister Cooman, 1940
- Hevaheva Kirkaldy, 1902
- Hewlettia Smeds in Cole et al., 2023
- Hexachaeta Loew, 1873
- Hexacinia Hendel, 1914
- Hexacola Förster, 1869
- Hexacraspis Enderlein, 1914
- Hexacylloepus Hinton, 1940
- Hexagenia Walsh, 1863
- Hexamela Zia, 1963
- Hexamerocerus Reuter, 1881
- Hexamitocera Becker, 1894
- Hexanchorus Sharp, 1882
- Hexaptilona Hering, 1941
- Hexaresta Hering, 1941
- Hexarthrum Wollaston, 1860
- Hexatoma Latreille, 1809
- Hexepeolus Linsley & Michener, 1937
- Hexomyza
- Hexorthodes McDunnough, 1943
- Heydonhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Heza Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hiarchas Distant, 1910
- Hiatomyia
- Hiatus
- Hickmanella Austin, 1981
- Hierronius Endrödy-Younga, 1968
- Higginsius Hemming, 1964
- Higonius Lewis, 1883
- Hikonasukuna Sasaji, 1967
- Hilaphura Webb, 1979
- Hilara
- Hilarella
- Hilarimorpha
- Hilarocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Hilipinus Champion, 1902
- Hillia Grote, 1883
- Himacerus Wolff, 1811
- Himalopsyche Banks, 1940
- Himantigera James, 1982
- Himantochaeta Lindner, 1939
- Himatium Wollaston, 1873
- Himatolabus Jekel, 1860
- Himella Dallas, 1852
- Himella Grote, 1874
- Himellastella Brailovsky and Barrera, 1998
- Himeunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hinda Mulsant, 1850
- Hindophelister Mazur, 1975
- Hindsiothrips Stannard, 1958
- Hineomyia Townsend, 1916
- Hingstoniola Turner and Waterston, 1926
- Hintonelmis Spangler, 1966
- Hippelates
- Hippeutister Reichensperger, 1935
- Hippia Moeschler, 1878
- Hippiscus Saussure, 1861
- Hippobosca
- Hippocoon Kozlov, 1975
- Hippodamia Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Hippomelas Laporte and Gory, 1837
- Hippopedon Saussure, 1861
- Hippopsis Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Latreille, 1825
- Hippotion Hübner, 1819
- Hippuriphila Foudras in Mulsant, 1859
- Hiranetis Spinola, 1840
- Hirilcus Stål, 1862
- Hirmoneura
- Hirozuunka Matsumura and Ishihara, 1945
- Hirsutotriplax Skelley, 1993
- Hirtiteleas Risbec, 1956
- Hispa Linnaeus, 1767
- Hispaniolara Brown, 1981
- Hispanocader Golub, Popov and Arillo, 2012
- Hispellinus Weise, 1897
- Hispodes Marshall, 1955
- Hispodonta Baly, 1858
- Hispoleptis Baly, 1864
- Hister Linnaeus, 1758
- Histeromerus Wesmael, 1838
- Histiodroma Schiner, 1868
- Historis Hübner, 1819
- Hoangus Ukrainsky, 2006
- Hoberlandtia Villiers, 1950
- Hoberlandtiana Kormilev and van Doesburg, 1986
- Hodgesia Theobald, 1904
- Hodophylax
- Hoffeinsia Koteja, 2008
- Hofferia Tkalcu, 1984
- Hoffmannocoris China, 1940
- Hohonus Kissinger, 1964
- Holarctia M. E. Smith, 1938
- Holcelmis Hinton, 1973
- Holcobius Sharp, 1881
- Holcocephala
- Holcocranum Fieber, 1860
- Holcopasites Ashmead, 1899
- Holcopsis
- Holcorhopalum Cameron, 1904
- Holcostethus Fieber, 1860
- Holhymenia Le Peletier and Serville, 1825
- Holisomimus Cameron, 1920
- Holoarctia Ferguson, 1984
- Holobrenthus Kleine, 1923
- Holobus Solier, 1849
- Holocentropus McLachlan, 1878
- Holochlora Stål, 1873
- Holochroa Hulst, 1896
- Holocnomus Quilis, 1940
- Holocoeliella Huggert, 1976
- Holocompsa Burmeister, 1838
- Holocorynus
- Hologymnetis Martínez, 1949
- Hololepta Paykull, 1811
- Holoneurus
- Holoparamecus Curtis, 1833
- Holophleps Kozlov, 1966
- Holophygdon Kirkaldy, 1908
- Holoplagia Enderlein
- Holopleura LeConte, 1873
- Holopogon
- Holopothrips Hood, 1914
- Holopsis Broun, 1883
- Holoptiloides Miller, 1956
- Holoptilus Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Holorusia
- Holostrophus Horn, 1888
- Holotachysphex de Beaumont, 1940
- Holoteleia Kieffer, 1908
- Holothrips Karny, 1911
- Holotrichius Burmeister, 1835
- Holotrochus Erichson, 1839
- Holzezus Krivokhatsky, 1992
- Holzfussella Schmidt, 1926
- Homaemus Dallas, 1851
- Homalactia Townsend, 1915
- Homalaena Ordish, 1984
- Homalarthria Lindner, 1933
- Homaledra Busck, 1900
- Homalispa Baly, 1858
- Homalocephala
- Homaloceraphron Dessart & Masner, 1969
- Homalocerus Schönherr, 1839
- Homalocolpura Breddin, 1900
- Homalocoris Perty, 1833
- Homalodisca Stål, 1869
- Homalopterus Perty, 1832
- Homalopygus Boheman, 1858
- Homalosolus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Homalosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Homalota Mannerheim, 1831
- Homaluroides
- Homeoura Kennedy, 1920
- Homia Blackwelder, 1952
- Homilia McLachlan, 1877
- Homoanarta Barnes and Benjamin, 1923
- Homobremia
- Homocerynea Barnes and McDunnough, 1913
- Homochlodes Hulst, 1896
- Homoeocerus Burmeister, 1835
- Homoeolabus Jekel, 1860
- Homoeoneuria Eaton, 1881
- Homoeotarsus Gemminger and Harold, 1868
- Homoeothrix Hering, 1944
- Homoeotricha Hering, 1944
- Homoglaea Morrison, 1876
- Homognetus Bergroth, 1923
- Homoiosternus Ohaus, 1901
- Homoiothemara Hardy, 1988
- Homolagoa Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Homoleptohyphes Allen and Murvosh, 1987
- Homoneura
- Homophoberia Morrison, 1875
- Homophylax Banks, 1900
- Homophylus Kleine, 1920
- Homoplectra Ross, 1938
- Homorosoma Frivaldszky, 1894
- Homorthodes McDunnough, 1943
- Homosura Melichar, 1912
- Homothraulus Demoulin, 1955
- Homotrigona Moure, 1961
- Hong Slipinski, 2007
- Hongophila Ashe, 1992
- Hoodothrips Bondar, 1931
- Hoperius Fall, 1927
- Hoplammophila de Beaumont, 1960
- Hoplandria Kraatz, 1857
- Hoplandromyia Bezzi, 1923
- Hoplandrothrips Hood, 1912
- Hoplia Illiger, 1803
- Hoplinus Stål, 1874
- Hopliphora Lepeletier, 1841
- Hoplisoides Gribodo, 1884
- Hoplistes Macquart, 1834
- Hoplistopsis James, 1950
- Hoplistoscelis Reuter, 1890
- Hopliterrhynchus Senna, 1892
- Hoplitimyia James, 1934
- Hoplitis Klug, 1807
- Hoplitocoris Jeannel, 1942
- Hoplocampa Hartig, 1837
- Hoplocheiloma
- Hoplocyrtoma
- Hoplodictya
- Hoplolomia Stål, 1873
- Hoplolythrodes Poole, 1995
- Hoplomachidea Reuter, 1909
- Hoplomachus Fieber, 1858
- Hoplomargasus Horváth, 1914
- Hoplonannus McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Hoplopisthius Senna, 1892
- Hoplopium Bergroth, 1910
- Hoplopleura Enderlein, 1904
- Hoplopsyllus
- Hoplosphyrum Rehn and Hebard, 1912
- Hoplostelis Dominique, 1898
- Hoplotermes Light, 1933
- Hoplothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Horadion Endrödy-Younga, 1976
- Horama Hübner, 1819
- Horcinia Stål, 1874
- Horcoma Fennah, 1969
- Horcomana Asche, 1988
- Horelophopsis Hansen, 1997
- Horelophus Orchymont, 1913
- Horesidotes Scudder, 1899
- Horisme Hübner, 1825
- Horistonotus
- Hormambogaster Karsch, 1892
- Hormiitis van Achterberg, 1995
- Hormiopius Blanchard, 1962
- Hormisca Telenga, 1941
- Hormius Nees von Esenbeck, 1819
- Hormocerus Schoenherr, 1823
- Hormopeza
- Hormops LeConte, 1876
- Hormorus Horn, 1876
- Hormoschista Möschler, 1890
- Hornaltica Barber, 1941
- Hornectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Hornia Riley, 1877
- Hornietus Stebnicka, 2000
- Horniolus Weise, 1900
- Hornylia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Horologion Valentine, 1932
- Horvathianella Anufriev, 1980
- Horvathinia Montandon, 1911
- Hoshihananomia Kôno, 1935
- Hostis Cresson
- Houghia Coquillett, 1897
- Hovacassis Spaeth, 1952
- Hovacoris Villiers, 1964
- Hovahydrus Biström, 1982
- Hovana Distant, 1905
- Hovanysson Arnold, 1945
- Hovasius Senna, 1895
- Hovatlas Schouteden, 1957
- Hovaulis Sicard, 1909
- Howardia Berlese and Leonardi, 1896
- Howdenia Wittmer, 1976
- Howeius Mantilleri, 2011
- Hsiaotycoris Lü, Zhao and Cai, 2006
- Hsuia Ferris, 1950
- Huaca Clark, 1993
- Huacrabro Leclercq, 2000
- Huavea Pate, 1948
- Hubbellia Hebard, 1927
- Hubenthalia Bickhardt, 1918
- Huberia Forel, 1890
- Hubneria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1848
- Huckettia Vockeroth, 1995
- Huddlestonium Polaszek & Johnson, 2007
- Hudsonema Mosely, 1936
- Hudsonimyia
- Huebneriella C. Mielke & Grehan, 2019
- Huechys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hughleechia Perkins, 1981
- Hughscottiella Ulmer, 1910
- Huleechius Brown, 1981
- Hulstaertiella Schouteden, 1931
- Hulstina Dyar, 1903
- Hummeliella Forsslund, 1936
- Humpatanannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Hungarogryon Szabó, 1966
- Hurdchila Drake, 1953
- Husseyella Herring, 1955
- Huxelhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Hyadina
- Hyalessa China, 1925
- Hyaliodes Reuter, 1876
- Hyalochiton Horváth, 1905
- Hyalochloria Reuter, 1907
- Hyalococcus Borchsenius, 1950
- Hyaloctoides Munro, 1937
- Hyalopeplus Stål, 1870
- Hyalopeza Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Hyalophora Duncan, 1841
- Hyalopsallus Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Hyalopsocus Roesler, 1954
- Hyalopsyche Ulmer, 1904
- Hyalopsychella Ulmer, 1930
- Hyalotephritis Freidberg, 1979
- Hyalurgus Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Hyalymenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hyantia Stål, 1866
- Hybodera LeConte, 1873
- Hybolasioptera
- Hybomatocoris Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Hybomitra
- Hybopharsa Hurd, 1946
- Hybophthirus Enderlein, 1909
- Hyboptera Chaudoir, 1873
- Hybos
- Hybosa Duponchel, 1842
- Hybosinota Spaeth, 1909
- Hybosispa Weise, 1910
- Hybosorus MacLeay, 1819
- Hybothecus Chaudoir, 1874
- Hydara Dallas, 1852
- Hydarella Bergroth, 1925
- Hydarellamixia Brailovsky, 1988
- Hydaropsis Hsiao, 1965
- Hydascelis Brailovsky, 2010
- Hydaspoides Janisova and Bocakova, 2013
- Hydaticus Leach, 1817
- Hydatomanicus Ulmer, 1951
- Hydatophylax Wallengren, 1891
- Hydatopsyche Ulmer, 1926
- Hydatostega
- Hyderodes Hope, 1838
- Hydnobius Schmidt, 1841
- Hydnorobius Kuschel, 1959
- Hydora Broun, 1882
- Hydraecia Guenée, 1841
- Hydraena Kugelann, 1794
- Hydraenida Germain, 1901
- Hydramara Knisch, 1925
- Hydrangeocola Brèthes, 1927
- Hydrelia Hübner, 1825
- Hydrellia
- Hydrethus Fairmaire, 1889
- Hydriomena Hübner, 1825
- Hydrobaenus Fries
- Hydrobiomorpha Blackburn, 1888
- Hydrobiosella Tillyard, 1924
- Hydrobiosis McLachlan, 1868
- Hydrobius Leach, 1815
- Hydrocanthus Say, 1823
- Hydrocassis Fairmaire, 1878
- Hydrochara Berthold, 1827
- Hydrochasma
- Hydrochorema Tillyard, 1924
- Hydrochus Leach, 1817
- Hydrocolus Roughley and Larson in Larson, Alarie and Roughley, 2000
- Hydrocyrius Spinola, 1850
- Hydrodessus J. Balfour-Browne, 1953
- Hydrodytes K. B. Miller, 2001
- Hydroeciodes Hampson, 1905
- Hydroglyphus Motschulsky, 1853
- Hydromanicus Brauer, 1865
- Hydrometra Latreille, 1797
- Hydromyza Fallen, 1813
- Hydronebrius Jakovlev, 1897
- Hydronema Martynov, 1914
- Hydropeplus Sharp, 1882
- Hydroperla Frison, 1935
- Hydrophilus Geoffroy, 1762
- Hydrophoria
- Hydrophorus
- Hydrophylita Ghesquière, 1946
- Hydroporus Clairville, 1806
- Hydropsyche Pictet, 1834
- Hydroptila Dalman, 1819
- Hydroptilina Martynov, 1934
- Hydrosalpinx Barnard, 1934
- Hydroscapha LeConte, 1874
- Hydrosmecta Thomson, 1858
- Hydrosmilodon Flowers and Domínguez, 1991
- Hydrotaea
- Hydrotrephes China, 1935
- Hydrotrupes Sharp, 1882
- Hydrovatus Motschulsky, 1853
- Hygia Uhler, 1861
- Hygronemobius Hebard, 1915
- Hygropetrocoris Sites, 2015
- Hygroplitis Thomson, 1895
- Hygrotus Stephens, 1828
- Hyidiothrips Hood, 1938
- Hylaeonympha Rácenis, 1968
- Hylaeus Fabricius, 1793
- Hylastes Erichson, 1836
- Hylastinus Bedel, 1888
- Hylecthrus Saunders, 1850
- Hyledelphax Vilbaste, 1968
- Hylemya
- Hylemyza
- Hyleoides Smith, 1853
- Hylephila Billberg, 1820
- Hyles Hübner, 1819
- Hylesia Hübner, 1820
- Hylesinus Fabricius, 1801
- Hylobittacus Byers, 1979
- Hylobius Germar, 1817
- Hylocurus Eichhoff, 1872
- Hylomyrma Forel, 1912
- Hylora Boulard, 1971
- Hylorops Enderlein, 1921
- Hylota Casey, 1906
- Hylotrupes Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Hylurgopinus Swaine, 1918
- Hylurgops LeConte, 1876
- Hylurgus Latreille, 1807
- Hymaloxylon Kurosawa, 1985
- Hymenarcys Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hymenocoris Uhler, 1892
- Hymenodria McDunnough, 1954
- Hymenopterites Heer, 1870
- Hynesionella Poisson, 1949
- Hyocephalus Bergroth, 1906
- Hypagyrtis Hübner, 1818
- Hypanartia Hübner, 1821
- Hypanthidioides Moure, 1947
- Hypanthidium Cockerell, 1904
- Hyparpax Hübner, 1825
- Hypasclera Kirsch, 1866
- Hypaurotis Scudder, 1876
- Hypena Schrank, 1802
- Hypencha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Hypenidium Loew, 1862
- Hypenodes Doubleday, 1850
- Hypenula Grote, 1876
- Hypera Germar, 1817
- Hyperaeschra Butler, 1880
- Hyperaspidius Crotch, 1873
- Hyperaspis Dejean, 1836
- Hyperbius Stål, 1867
- Hyperborea Grum-Grshimaïlo, 1900
- Hypercompe Hübner, 1819
- Hyperdiplosis
- Hyperephanus Senna, 1892
- Hyperepia Barnes and Lindsey, 1922
- Hyperlasion Schmitz
- Hyperomyzus
- Hyperplatys Haldeman, 1847
- Hyperstoma Wittmer, 1979
- Hyperstrotia Hampson, 1910
- Hypertrophocera Townsend, 1891
- Hypertrophomma Townsend, 1915
- Hypexilis Horn, 1885
- Hyphalus Britton, 1971
- Hyphantria Harris, 1841
- Hyphantrophaga Townsend, 1892
- Hyphesma Michener, 1965
- Hyphovatus Wewalka and Biström, 1994
- Hyphydrus Illiger, 1802
- Hypobletus Schmidt, 1896
- Hypocacculus Bickhardt, 1914
- Hypocaccus C. Thomson, 1867
- Hypocala Guenée, 1852
- Hypocassida Weise, 1893
- Hypocera
- Hypoceras Chapuis, 1876
- Hypocerides
- Hypoceromys Lindner, 1935
- Hypocharassus
- Hypochlora Brunner, 1863
- Hypochthonella China and Fennah, 1952
- Hypocoeliodes Faust, 1896
- Hypocoena Hampson, 1908
- Hypocrisias Hampson, 1901
- Hypocrita Hübner, 1807
- Hypocryphalus Hopkins, 1915
- Hypoctenes Jordan, 1922
- Hypocyrema Blackburn, 1892
- Hypodacne LeConte, 1875
- Hypoderma
- Hypodessus Guignot, 1939
- Hypoleschus Fall, 1907
- Hypolestes Gundlach, 1888
- Hypolimnas Hübner, 1819
- Hypolithus
- Hypomachilodes Silvestri, 1911
- Hypomecis Hübner, 1821
- Hypomicrogaster Ashmead, 1898
- Hypomiolispa Kleine, 1918
- Hyponysson Cresson, 1882
- Hypopetalia McLachlan, 1870
- Hypophagus Lyubarsky, 1989
- Hypophloeus
- Hypopomyrmex Emery, 1891
- Hypoponera Santschi, 1938
- Hypoprepia Hübner, 1831
- Hyporhagus Thomson, 1860
- Hyporhygma
- Hyposmocoma Butler, 1881
- Hyposphales Kleine, 1927
- Hypostrymon Clench, 1961
- Hypotelus Erichson, 1839
- Hypothenemus Westwood, 1836
- Hypothyce Howden, 1968
- Hypotrachelizus Kleine, 1933
- Hypotrichia LeConte, 1861
- Hypotrigona Cockerell, 1934
- Hypotrix Guenée, 1852
- Hypovoria Villeneuve, 1913
- Hypoxycera Lindner, 1966
- Hyppa Duponchel, 1845
- Hypsalonia Gurney and Eades, 1961
- Hypselonotus Hahn, 1833
- Hypselophrum Kertesz, 1909
- Hypselopus Burmeister, 1835
- Hypselosoma Reuter, 1891
- Hypselosomops Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsilara Maier and Spangler, 2011
- Hypsipteryx Drake, 1961
- Hypsipyrgias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Hypsohapsis Hoey-Chamberlin and Weirauch, 2016
- Hypsoropha Hübner, 1818
- Hypsostypos Baltazar, 1963
- Hypsotingis Drake, 1960
- Hyptia Illiger, 1807
- Hyptiogastrites Cockerell, 1917
- Hypurus Rey, 1882
- Hyrcanus Distant, 1910
- Hyrtanommatium Enderlein, 1920
- Hysia Mulsant, 1850
- Hyssia Guenée, 1852
- Hysteroneura
- Hystricia Macquart, 1844
- Ianius Richards, 1939
- Iarina Yélamos, 1996
- Ibalia Latreille, 1802
- Iberacritus Yélamos, 1994
- Iberonectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Iberoporus Castro and Delgado, 2001
- Iberorhyzobius Raimundo and Canepari, 2006
- Iberovelia Sánchez-García and A. Nel in Sánchez-García, A. Nel, Arillo, and Solórzano Kraemer, 2017
- Ibocoris Roche, 1947
- Icelia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Icerya Signoret, 1875
- Ichilocoris Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Ichnea Laporte, 1836
- Ichneumonopsis Hardy, 1973
- Ichneumonosoma Meijere, 1914
- Ichneutes Nees von Esenbeck, 1816
- Ichthyurus Westwood, 1848
- Icodema Reuter, 1875
- Iconella Mason, 1981
- Icosta
- Icteranthidium Michener, 1948
- Icterica Loew, 1873
- Ictericodes Hering, 1942
- Idaea Treitschke, 1825
- Idana
- Idia Hübner, 1813
- Idiataphe Cowley, 1934
- Idiobregma Anufriev, 1972
- Idiocarus Montandon, 1897
- Idiocleptria Miller, 1956
- Idiocoris Esaki and China, 1927
- Idiocysta China, 1930
- Idiognophomyia
- Idiogomphoides Belle, 1984
- Idiomyctus Williams, 1981
- Idiomyia Grimshaw
- Idioneura Selys, 1860
- Idionotus Scudder, 1894
- Idionysson Pate, 1940
- Idiopidonia Swaine and Hopping, 1928
- Idiopteron Bourgeois, 1905
- Idiopterus Davis, 1909
- Idiosemus Berg, 1883
- Idiostatus Pictet, 1888
- Idiostethus Casey, 1892
- Idiostolus Berg, 1883
- Idiosystatus Berg, 1883
- Idiotrephes Lundblad, 1933
- Idister Marseul, 1880
- Idolia Lewis, 1885
- Idris Förster, 1856
- Ignotingis Zhang et al., 2005
- Igora Hesse, 1925
- Iguazu Ross & King, 1952
- Ilamelmis Delève, 1973
- Ilburnia White, 1878
- Ildefonsus Distant, 1910
- Ilemomyrmex Wilson, 1985
- Ilexia Ferguson, 2009
- Iliotona Carnochan, 1917
- Illeis Mulsant, 1850
- Illidops Mason, 1981
- Illinoia
- Illinothrips Stannard, 1954
- Illyria Moulds, 1985
- Ilnacora Reuter, 1876
- Ilnacorella Knight, 1925
- Ilybiosoma Crotch, 1873
- Ilybius Erichson, 1832
- Ilyobates Kraatz, 1856
- Ilyocoris Stål, 1861
- Ilythea
- Imatidium Fabricius, 1801
- Imbabura Distant, 1911
- Imhoffia Heer, 1850
- Imitomyia Townsend, 1912
- Impeccantia Reinhard, 1961
- Impleta
- Inara Stål, 1859
- Inca LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Incasarus Gonzalez, Rasmussen and Engel, 2013
- Incasemidalis Meinander, 1972
- Incastigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Incertametra Perez Goodwyn, 2002
- Incertella
- Incisitermes Krishna, 1961
- Incomptodessus K. B. Miller and García, 2011
- Incurvus González, 2013
- Indanthidium Michener and Griswold, 1994
- Indaphidius Starý, 1979
- Indiopsocus Mockford, 1974
- Indocader Péricart, 1981
- Indoclystus Banks, 1941
- Indocrunoecia Martynov, 1936
- Indodiplostix Vienna, 2007
- Indoephedrus Samanta, Pramanik and Raychaudhuri, 1983
- Indogaetulia Schmidt, 1919
- Indohormius Ranjith, Belokobylskij and Quicke, 2017
- Indoleon Banks, 1913
- Indolomia Dolling, 1986
- Indomolannodes Wiggins, 1968
- Indomyrma Brown, 1986
- Indopalpares Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Indophranta Agarwal & Kapoor, 1989
- Indosolus Bollow, 1940
- Indotrephes Zettel, 1997
- Indozuriel Fennah, 1975
- Infernophilus Larson, 1969
- Inflata Boontop in Ballantyne et al., 2015
- Inflatopyga Duffels, 1997
- Ingcainyenzane Sanborn and Villet, 2020
- Ingoma Fennah, 1954
- Inkewana Hesse, 1925
- Inoma Hacker, 1927
- Inonemia Drake, 1942
- Inopeplus Smith, 1851
- Inopsis Felder, 1874
- Inopus Walker, 1850
- Inostemma Haliday, 1833
- Inpabasis Santos, 1961
- Insara F. Walker, 1869
- Inscudderia Caudell, 1921
- Insizwa Munro, 1929
- Insulibrachys Soldán, 1986
- Intandela Hesse, 1925
- Intercader Golub and Popov, 1998
- Interocoris La Rivers, 1974
- Inthanopsyche Malicky, 1989
- Inthaxara Distant, 1913
- Involvulus Schrank, 1798
- Inyo
- Inyodectes Rentz and Birchim, 1968
- Ioba Distant, 1904
- Iobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Iocoris Zhao, Luo and Cai, 2009
- Iodopepla Franclemont, 1964
- Iolania
- Ioscytus Reuter, 1912
- Ipamu Schouteden, 1955
- Ipelates Reitter, 1885
- Iphita Stål, 1870
- Iphithereuta Breddin, 1903
- Iphitrachelus Haliday, 1836
- Ipimorpha Hübner, 1821
- Ipochus LeConte, 1852
- Ips De Geer, 1775
- Ipsebiosis Neboiss, 1977
- Iracilda Slipinski, 2007
- Iraella Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Iranoleon Hölzel, 1968
- Irantha Stål, 1861
- Iranthoides Miller, 1959
- Irbisia Reuter, 1875
- Irdex Burr, 1911
- Ireneopone Donisthorpe, 1946
- Iridictyon Needham and Fisher, 1940
- Iridomyrmex Mayr, 1862
- Iridopsis Warren, 1894
- Iridothrips Priesner, 1940
- Iris Saussure, 1869
- Irkutonecta Popov, 1985
- Ironodes Traver, 1935
- Ironoquia Banks, 1916
- Irrasinus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Iruana Distant, 1905
- Isacantha Hope, 1833
- Isacanthodes Zimmerman, 1994
- Iscadia Walker, 1857
- Ischalia Pascoe, 1860
- Ischiocassis Spaeth, 1917
- Ischiodon Sack
- Ischiolepta
- Ischnagathis Cameron, 1909
- Ischnaspis Douglas, 1887
- Ischnispa Gressitt, 1963
- Ischnobaena Stål, 1870
- Ischnobaenella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Ischnocerus Schoenherr, 1839
- Ischnoclopius Stål, 1868
- Ischnocodia Spaeth, 1942
- Ischnodemus Fieber, 1837
- Ischnolestes Stål, 1866
- Ischnomelissa Engel, 1997
- Ischnomerus Labram and Imhoff, 1838
- Ischnomyia
- Ischnonyctes Stål, 1874
- Ischnoptera Burmeister, 1838
- Ischnotingis Horváth, 1925
- Ischnura Charpentier, 1840
- Ischyromerus Labram and Imhoff, 1838
- Ischyronota Weise, 1891
- Ischyropalpus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849
- Ischyropteron Bigot, 1889
- Ischyrus Lacordaire, 1842
- Isdegardes Distant, 1909
- Isepeolus Cockerell, 1907
- Ishakidris Bolton, 1984
- Ishiharodelphax Kwon, 1982
- Ishtarella Martens, 2021
- Isidotus Reinhard, 1962
- Isocapnia Banks, 1938
- Isoceocephalus Kleine, 1920
- Isochlora Staudinger, 1882
- Isochorema Schmid, 1989
- Isocolpodia
- Isocolus Förster, 1869
- Isocondylus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Isocybus Förster, 1856
- Isodacrys Sharp, 1911
- Isodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Isodontia Patton, 1880
- Isogaetis Fennah, 1969
- Isogamus Schmid, 1955
- Isogenoides Klapálek, 1912
- Isogenus Newman, 1833
- Isognathus Felder and Felder, 1862
- Isogona Guenée, 1852
- Isohydnocera Chapin, 1917
- Isolasioptera
- Isoleon Esben-Petersen, 1931
- Isolia Förster, 1878
- Isomerocera Enderlein, 1914
- Isomorphus Kleine, 1916
- Isonemurus Esben-Petersen, 1928
- Isonychia Eaton, 1871
- Isonychus Mannerheim, 1829
- Isoparce Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Isopedhispa Spaeth, 1936
- Isoperla Banks, 1906
- Isoplastus Horn, 1880
- Isora Mulsant, 1850
- Isorhopalum Leclercq, 1963
- Isostasius Förster, 1856
- Isostenosmylus Navás, 1912
- Isostomyia Coquillett, 1906
- Isotrilophus Liljeblad, 1945
- Isporisa Walker, 1857
- Isporisella Baker, 1927
- Issedonia Emeljanov, 1972
- Issidomimus Poppius, 1910
- Issikiella Byers, 1972
- Isthmocoris McAtee, 1914
- Istocheta Rondani, 1859
- Isturgia Hübner, 1823
- Iswaeon McCafferty and Webb, 2005
- Isyndus Stål, 1858
- Itaballia Kaye, 1904
- Itagunannus Wygodzinsky, 1943
- Italochrysa Principi, 1946
- Itame Hübner, 1823
- Itauara Mueller, 1888
- Iteaphila
- Iteomyia
- Ithamar Kirkaldy, 1902
- Ithome Chambers, 1875
- Ithycerus Schönherr, 1826
- Ithystenomorphus Kleine, 1919
- Ithystenus Pascoe, 1862
- Ithytrichia Eaton, 1873
- Itodacne
- Itolia
- Itomia Hübner, 1823
- Itosigo Ito, 1984
- Ittolemma Symonds and Cassis, 2014
- Iubsoda Nast, 1975
- Iugulister Reichensperger, 1958
- Ixala Hulst, 1896
- Ixopus Bergroth, 1913
- Izella Fennah, 1965
- Jabitrichia Wells, 1990
- Jacatra Distant, 1905
- Jacobsonocoris Miller, 1954
- Jadera Stål, 1862
- Jaechomorphus Kodada, 1993
- Jaffuelia Navás, 1918
- Jafuna Distant, 1912
- Jalina Distant, 1911
- Jalinoides Dolling, 1974
- Jalysus Stål, 1862
- Jambhala Würmli, 1975
- Jamesa Villiers, 1949
- Jamesella Dispons, 1969
- Jamesomyia Quisenberry, 1949
- Jamphotus Barber, 1941
- Janatella Higgins, 1981
- Janbechynea Monrós, 1953
- Janetiella
- Janhalacaste Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Janseodes Viette, 1967
- Jantarostylops Kulicka, 2001
- Janus Stephens, 1829
- Janzenella Masner & Johnson, 2007
- Japanagromyza
- Japanolaccophilus Satô, 1972
- Jarabambius Galloway, 1982
- Jassidaeus Fieber, 1866
- Jassopsaltria Ashton, 1914
- Jauravia Motschulsky, 1858
- Javesella Fennah, 1963
- Javeta Baly, 1858
- Jaya Navás, 1912
- Jeana Tindale, 1935
- Jeanneliella Schouteden, 1932
- Jenkinshelea Macfie, 1934
- Jenopappius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Jentozkus Vít, 1977
- Jilanzhunychus Jäch and Boukal, 1995
- Jimwhitfieldius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Jindraia Stehlík, 2006
- Jingicoris Li and Zheng, 2002
- Jinlinus Ding, 2006
- Jobertus Distant, 1893
- Joguina Navás, 1912
- Johannesburgia Distant, 1907
- Johannsenomyia Malloch, 1915
- Johnbelkinia Zavortink, 1979
- Johnsonia
- Johnsonpthirus Benoit, 1961
- Jolyelmis Spangler and Faitoute, 1991
- Jolyssellus García and Jiménez-Ramos, 2019
- Jonthonota Spaeth, 1913
- Joppeicus Putton, 1881
- Juanaria Distant, 1920
- Juaristiella Brailovsky, 1999
- Jucundus Distant, 1910
- Judolia Mulsant, 1863
- Juliettinus Gomy, 2010
- Julodella Semenov, 1893
- Julodis Eschscholtz, 1829
- Junghuhnidia Breddin, 1903
- Juniperella Knull, 1947
- Junix Rácenis, 1968
- Junodis Van Reenen, 1976
- Junonia Hübner, 1819
- Juramantophasma Huang, Nel, Zompro and Waller, 2008
- Jurinella Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Jurinia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Juriniopsis Townsend, 1916
- Kaestneriella Roesler, 1943
- Kageralna Boulard, 2012
- Kaimon Hill, 2004
- Kakadudessus Hendrich and Balke, 2009
- Kakopoda Smith, 1900
- Kakuna Matsumura, 1935
- Kalabita Moulton, 1923
- Kalabitocoris Miller, 1941
- Kalama Puton in Lethierry and Puton, 1876
- Kalania Kirkaldy, 1904
- Kalarko Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Kalinckascelis Brailovsky, 1990
- Kallitambinia Muir, 1931
- Kallitaxila Kirkaldy, 1901
- Kalobittacus Esben-Petersen, 1914
- Kalocora Kennedy, 1940
- Kalodiplosis
- Kalohydnobius Peck and Cook, 2009
- Kalonotocoris Miller, 1941
- Kalotermes Hagen, 1853
- Kalshovenia Miller, 1954
- Kaltenbachiola
- Kamakonocoris Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Kamalata Distant, 1889
- Kambaitipsyche Malicky, 1992
- Kamehameha Kirkaldy, 1902
- Kanaarister Mazur, 1999
- Kanakia Distant, 1892
- Kanakopsis Caterino, 2006
- Kaniama Schouteden, 1952
- Kaphsa Lee, 2012
- Kapiriella Schouteden, 1919
- Karenia Distant, 1888
- Karenocoris Miller, 1954
- Karlacoris Malipatil, 1988
- Karnaviexallis Brailovsky, 1984
- Karnyothrips Watson, 1924
- Karokia Rehn, 1964
- Karomana Schmid, 1993
- Karoophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Karscheliana Boulard, 1990
- Karshomyia
- Kartalia Koçak, 1981
- Kartidris Bolton, 1991
- Kasaka Schouteden, 1952
- Kashmiria Starý and Bhagat, 1978
- Kaszabister Mazur, 1972
- Katanga Schouteden, 1903
- Kateretes Herbst, 1793
- Kathroperla Banks, 1920
- Katoa Ouchi, 1938
- Katonaia Munro, 1935
- Katytermus van Achterberg, 1996
- Kauaiina Riotte, 1978
- Kayanocoris Miller, 1954
- Kaytuesso Carjaval, Faundez & Rider, 2018
- Kazachicesa Koçak and Kemal, 2010
- Kazerunia Dlabola, 1974
- Keirosoma
- Keiscymnus Sasaji, 1971
- Keiseria Lindner, 1980
- Keiserocoris Miller, 1957
- Keitheatus Wilcox, 1965
- Kekenboschia Villiers, 1968
- Kekihygia Brailovsky, 1994
- Kelainocoris Kormilev, 1963
- Kelgena Mey, 1979
- Kelisia Fieber, 1866
- Kelisicranus Bartlett, 2006
- Kelisoidea Beamer, 1950
- Kelita Sandhouse, 1943
- Kellymyia
- Keltonia Knight, 1966
- Kempynus Navás, 1912
- Kenitoceraphron Dessart, 1975
- Kennetus Distant, 1904
- Kermana Rolston and McDonald, 1981
- Kermes
- Kerophora
- Keroplatus
- Kerzhnercryptes Brailovsky, 2002
- Kerzhnerella Richter, 1975
- Kerzhnerhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Ketianthidium Urban, 1999
- Keyflana Beamer, 1950
- Keylimepie Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2016
- Khafra Distant, 1902
- Khafrana Miller, 1957
- Khimbya Distant, 1905
- Kiambrama Donaldson, 1988
- Kibatia Schouteden, 1932
- Kibonotocoris Miller, 1954
- Kiefferulus
- Kiiro Kitano, 2014
- Kikihia Dugdale, 1972
- Kilifia De Lotto, 1965
- Kimberpsaltria Moulds, Marshall and Popple, 2021
- Kimia Vu Duc Huong and Harbach, 2007
- Kimosina
- Kinabaluhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Kingolus Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Kinzelbachus Özdikmen, 2009
- Kirbya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Kirghizoleon Krivokhatsky and Zakharenko, 1994
- Kirkaldiella Osborn, 1935
- Kirkaldyia Montandon, 1899
- Kirongoziella Schmidt, 1924
- Kisaura Ross, 1956
- Kiskeyana Weirauch and Forero, 2007
- Kissister Marseul, 1862
- Kitorhinus Fischer von Waldheim, 1809
- Kiwigaster Fernández-Triana, Ward and Whitfield, 2011
- Kiwisaldula Larivière and Larochelle, 2016
- Klapperichicen Dlabola, 1957
- Kleidocerys Stephens, 1829
- Kleineella Strand in Kleine, 1918
- Kleistochora van Achterberg and Chen, 2021
- Kleptisister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Kleter Burr, 1907
- Klitispa Uhmann, 1940
- Klopicoris Van Duzee, 1915
- Kmentia Stehlík, 2013
- Knightomiris Kelton, 1973
- Knightomiroides Stonedahl and Schwartz, 1996
- Knightopiella Schuh, 2004
- Knowltonia Fisher, 1935
- Knulliana Linsley, 1962
- Koanoa Kirkaldy, 1902
- Kobacoris Villiers, 1969
- Kobonga Distant, 1906
- Kodala Mosely, 1949
- Kodiosoma Stretch, 1872
- Kodormus Barber, 1930
- Koenigsbergia Popov, 2003
- Koetonga Neboiss, 1962
- Kogotus Ricker, 1952
- Kohlia Handlirsch, 1895
- Kohliella Brauns, 1910
- Kokeshia Miyamoto, 1960
- Kokiria McFarlane, 1964
- Kokodacoris Miller, 1958
- Kolbrentus Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Kolenetrus Barber, 1918
- Kolleriella Schouteden, 1938
- Kolomania Pleske, 1924
- Koma Distant, 1904
- Komodocoris Miller, 1954
- Kongota Distant, 1904
- Kopsteinia Miller, 1954
- Koranna Distant, 1905
- Korinchocoris Miller, 1941
- Kormijirania Brailovsky and Cassis, 1999
- Kormilevida van Doesburg, 1997
- Kormus Fieber, 1866
- Korscheltellus Börner, 1920
- Kosemia Matsumura, 1927
- Kosrheithrus Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Kosswigianella Wagner, 1963
- Kotenkosius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Kotshkorkia Dlussky, 1981
- Kozloviella Grehan & C. Mielke, 2018
- Krenopelopia
- Krenopsectra
- Krenosmittia
- Kricogonia Reakirt, 1864
- Krizousacorixa Hungerford, 1930
- Krombeinictus Leclercq, 1996
- Kronomyia
- Kuantana Ballantyne in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Kuilua Jacoby, 1894
- Kulichoderes Stys, 2002
- Kumanga Distant, 1905
- Kumanskiella Harris & Flint, 1992
- Kumaonocoris Miller, 1952
- Kunzeana
- Kurnaina Distant, 1911
- Kurrajongia Brailovsky and Monteith, 1998
- Kurtomathrips Moulton, 1927
- Kuschelina J. Bechyné, 1951
- Kuschelydrus Ordish, 1976
- Kusnezoviella Vilbaste, 1965
- Kuwanaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Kuwania Cockerell in Fernald, 1903
- Kuwayama
- Kvamula Stys, 1982
- Kwazulaclerda Hodgson and Millar, 2002
- Kyromyrma Grimaldi and Agosti, 2000
- Labagathis Enderlein, 1920
- Labarrus Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Laberia Stål, 1866
- Labeschatia Munro, 1967
- Labetis
- Labia Leach, 1815
- Labidocoris Mayr, 1865
- Labidomera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Labidura Leach, 1815
- Labidus Jurine, 1807
- Labiobaetis Novikova and Kluge, 1987
- Labiotermes Holmgren, 1912
- Labocerina Enderlein, 1914
- Labogastria Enderlein, 1914
- Labopella Knight, 1929
- Labopidea Uhler, 1877
- Labops Burmeister, 1835
- Labritermes Holmgren, 1914
- Labrocerus Sharp, 1885
- Labrundinia
- Lacanobia Billberg, 1820
- Laccobius Erichson, 1837
- Laccocera Van Duzee, 1897
- Laccocoris Stål, 1856
- Laccodytes Régimbart, 1895
- Laccomimus Toledo and Michat, 2015
- Lacconectus Motschulsky, 1855
- Lacconotus LeConte, 1862
- Laccophilus Leach, 1815
- Laccophorella Horváth, 1904
- Laccoporus J. Balfour-Browne, 1939
- Laccoptera Boheman, 1855
- Laccornellus Roughley and Wolfe, 1987
- Laccornis Gozis, 1914
- Laccosternus Brancucci, 1983
- Laccotrephes Stål, 1865
- Lacertina Remes Lenicov and Rossi Batiz, 2011
- Lacertovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Lacetas Karsch, 1890
- Lachesilla Westwood, 1840
- Lachlania Hagen, 1868
- Lachlathetes Navás, 1926
- Lachnocrepis LeConte, 1853
- Lachnodactyla Champion, 1897
- Lachnomyrmex Wheeler, 1910
- Lachnophorus Dejean, 1831
- Lacinipolia McDunnough, 1937
- Lacon
- Lacrimascellus Brailovsky, 2015
- Lacrimorpha Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Lactista Saussure, 1884
- Ladella Stål, 1859
- Ladellodes Fennah, 1965
- Ladona Needham, 1899
- Laeliaena Sahlberg, 1900
- Laemophloeus Dejean, 1836
- Laemosaccus Schönherr, 1823
- Laemostenus Bonelli, 1810
- Lagenosoma Brauer, 1882
- Lagidiophthirus Eichler, 1950
- Lagoa Harris, 1841
- Lagoana Melichar, 1905
- Lagocheirus Dejean, 1835
- Lagynodes Förster, 1841
- Lahima Linnavuori and Van Harten, 2002
- Lahugada Distant, 1905
- Laibalea Quicke and Butcher, 2020
- Laksyetsa Foote, 1978
- Lalokia Hardy, 1987
- Lamabokeus Villiers, 1972
- Lambdina Capps, 1943
- Lamellipalpodes Maulik, 1921
- Lamellipalpus Maulik, 1921
- Lamenia
- Laminatopina Qin and Zhang, 2007
- Laminiceps Costa, 1863
- Laminicoccus
- Lamotialna Boulard, 1976
- Lamottellus Villiers, 1948
- Lamotteus Villiers, 1948
- Lampethusa Distant, 1884
- Lampetiopus Lindner, 1936
- Lampetis Dejean, 1833
- Lampides Hübner, 1819
- Lampracanthia Reuter, 1912
- Lampria
- Lamprigera Motschulsky, 1853
- Lamprocera Laporte, 1833
- Lamprochromus
- Lamproclytus Fisher, 1932
- Lamprodema Fieber, 1860
- Lamprogastocoris Miller, 1952
- Lamprohiza Motschulsky, 1853
- Lamprolonchaea Bezzi
- Lamproneura De Marmels, 2003
- Lampronia Stephens, 1829
- Lampropterus Mulsant, 1863
- Lampropteryx Stephens, 1831
- Lamproscatella
- Lamprosphodrus Stål, 1870
- Lamproxyna Hendel, 1914
- Lamproxynella Hering, 1941
- Lampyris Geoffroy, 1762
- Lampyroidea Costa, 1875
- Lanaphora Muir, 1915
- Lanca Distant, 1906
- Lancetes Sharp, 1882
- Langatia Hancock & Drew, 1995
- Langessa Munroe, 1972
- Languria Latreille, 1802
- Langurites Motschulsky, 1860
- Lannapsyche Malicky, 1989
- Lanopis Signoret, 1864
- Lanshu Yang, Yang and Wilson, 1989
- Lanternarius Pacheco, 1964
- Lanthanomelissa Holmberg, 1903
- Lanthus Needham, 1897
- Laodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Laodytes Queney, Lemaire and Ferrand, 2020
- Laorina Jäch, 1997
- Laoterthrona Ding and Huang in Ding et al., 1980
- Lapara Walker, 1856
- Laphria
- Laphyragogus Kohl, 1889
- Laphystia
- Lapithoides Nixon, 1933
- Lapsus Pacheco, 1964
- Lara LeConte, 1852
- Larcasia Navas, 1917
- Largidea Van Duzee, 1912
- Largulus Hussey, 1927
- Largus Hahn, 1831
- Laricobius Rosenhauer, 1846
- Larinostelis Michener and Griswold, 1994
- Larinus Dejean, 1821
- Larisia Emery, 1876
- Larissimus Nixon, 1965
- Larotingis Drake, 1960
- Larra Fabricius, 1793
- Larraldiella Brailovsky, 1999
- Larrissa Pulawski, 2012
- Larrisson Menke, 1967
- Larropsis Patton, 1892
- Larsia Wiedemann, 1824
- Larsonectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Lasaia H. Bates, 1868
- Lasconotus Erichson, 1845
- Lascoria Walker, 1859
- Lasia
- Lasiacantha Stål, 1873
- Lasiocephala Costa, 1857
- Lasiochila Weise, 1916
- Lasiochilus Reuter, 1871
- Lasiodeictes Lindner, 1964
- Lasioderma Stephens, 1835
- Lasiodiamesa
- Lasioglossum Curtis, 1833
- Lasiomerus Reuter, 1890
- Lasiomma
- Lasionycta Aurivillius, 1892
- Lasiopa Brulle, 1832
- Lasiophanes Emery, 1895
- Lasiopiophila
- Lasiopleura
- Lasiopogon
- Lasioptera
- Lasiopteryx Stephens, 1829
- Lasiorhynchus Lacordaire, 1865
- Lasiosina
- Lasius Fabricius, 1804
- Latagophthirus Kim and Emerson, 1974
- Latebraria Guenée, 1852
- Lateroligia Zilli, Fibiger and Ronkay, 2005
- Latheticomyia
- Latheticus
- Lathrapanteles Williams, 1985
- Lathridelmis Delève, 1965
- Lathridius
- Lathriobates J. Polhemus, 2004
- Lathriobatoides J. Polhemus, 2004
- Lathriovelia Andersen, 1989
- Lathrobium
- Lathromeroidea Girault, 1912
- Lathropus Erichson, 1846
- Latiblattella Hebard, 1917
- Latimbus Stål, 1860
- Latineosus Sun and McCafferty, 2008
- Latinolister Mazur, 1999
- Latistria Huang and Ding in Huang et al., 1980
- Latitingis Péricart, 1985
- Lativena Hill, 1984
- Latrocimex Lent, 1941
- Latronister Reichensperger, 1932
- Laurenticoris Villiers, 1975
- Lauromacromia Geijskes, 1970
- Lauterborniella
- Lauxania
- Lavora Muir, 1931
- Laxta F. Walker, 1868
- Layahima Navás, 1912
- Lea Caudell, 1906
- Leaylia Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Lebanevania Basibuyuk & Rasnitsyn, 2002
- Lebasiella Spinola, 1844
- Lebia Latreille, 1802
- Lecadra Signoret, 1862
- Lecanaclerda Hodgson and Millar, 2002
- Lecanium
- Lecanocerus
- Lecanodiaspis Targioni Tozzetti, 1869
- Lechorodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Lechriops Schönherr, 1825
- Leclercqia Tsuneki, 1968
- Lecomyia White, 1916
- Leconectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Lecontella Wolcott and Chapin, 1918
- Lecontellus Kuschel, 1989
- Lecontia Champion, 1893
- Lecrenierus Leclercq, 1977
- Lectrides Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Ledaea Druce, 1891
- Lednia Ricker, 1952
- Ledocas E. Olivier, 1885
- Ledomyia
- Leia
- Leialoha Kirkaldy, 1910
- Leielmis Delève, 1964
- Leiodes Latreille, 1797
- Leiodytes Guignot, 1936
- Leiomyza
- Leiopleura Deyrolle, 1864
- Leiopodus Smith, 1854
- Leioproctus Smith, 1853
- Leiopsammodius Rakovic, 1981
- Leistarches Dohrn, 1860
- Leistus Frölich, 1799
- Lejops
- Lejota
- Lema Fabricius, 1798
- Lemalelmis Spangler, 1981
- Lembeja Distant, 1892
- Lembodes Schönherr, 1844
- Lemelba Park, 1953
- Lemmeria Barnes and Benjamin, 1926
- Lemnaphila
- Lemnia Mulsant, 1850
- Lemolemus Navás, 1911
- Lemuriana Distant, 1905
- Lemurichila Duarte Rodrigues, 1992
- Lemurpediculus Paulian, 1958
- Lemurphthirus Bedford, 1927
- Lenaeus Stål, 1859
- Lenarchus Martynov, 1914
- Lenasa Gordon, 1994
- Lenomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Lenomyrmex Fernandez & Palacio G., 1999
- Lentia Wygodzinsky, 1946
- Lentireduvius Cai and Taylor, 2006
- Leogorrus Stål, 1859
- Leotichius Distant, 1904
- Lepania Ross, 1941
- Lepesoma Motschulsky, 1845
- Lepidanthrax
- Lepidargyrus Muminov, 1962
- Lepidomyia
- Lepidophora
- Lepidophorus W. Kirby, 1837
- Lepidophthirus Enderlein, 1904
- Lepidopsallus Knight, 1923
- Lepidosaphes Shimer, 1868
- Lepidoscelio Kieffer, 1905
- Lepidostoma Rambur, 1842
- Lepidotoramus Leschen, 1997
- Lepidotrigona Schwarz, 1939
- Lepinotus Heyden, 1850
- Lepiselaga
- Lepisiota Santschi, 1926
- Lepisma Linnaeus, 1758
- Lepismadora Velten, 1987
- Lepnevaina Wiggins, 1987
- Leprus Saussure, 1861
- Leptacanthaspis Jeannel, 1917
- Leptacinus
- Leptacis Förster, 1856
- Leptagria Casey, 1906
- Leptagrion Selys, 1876
- Leptalia LeConte, 1873
- Leptamorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Leptanilla Emery, 1870
- Leptanilloides Mann, 1923
- Leptanthicus Werner, 1958
- Leptarctia Stretch, 1872
- Leptecho Barnard, 1934
- Leptelmis Sharp, 1888
- Leptinillus Horn, 1882
- Leptinoschidium Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Leptinotarsa Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Leptinus Müller, 1817
- Leptipsius Casey, 1916
- Leptispa Baly, 1858
- Leptobamona Casey, 1911
- Leptobasis Selys, 1877
- Leptobyrsa Stål, 1873
- Leptoceletes Green, 1952
- Leptocera
- Leptoceriella Schmid, 1993
- Leptocerina Mosely, 1932
- Leptocerus Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Leptocimex Roubaud, 1913
- Leptocodia Spaeth, 1952
- Leptoconops Skuse, 1889
- Leptocorisa Latreille, 1829
- Leptocymatium Kleine, 1922
- Leptocysta Stål, 1873
- Leptodelphax Haupt, 1927
- Leptodema de Carlini, 1892
- Leptodermatopteryx Ulmer, 1910
- Leptodictya Stål, 1873
- Leptodrusus Schmid, 1955
- Leptoeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Leptogaster
- Leptogenys Roger, 1861
- Leptoglossus Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Leptohoplia Saylor, 1935
- Leptohyphes Eaton, 1882
- Leptolestes Bergroth, 1906
- Leptomachilis Sturm, 1991
- Leptomantispa Hoffman in Penny, 2002
- Leptomendis Breddin, 1903
- Leptometopa
- Leptometriella Roig-Alsina, 1998
- Leptomiolispa Kleine, 1933
- Leptomorphus Curtis, 1831
- Leptomyrmex Mayr, 1862
- Leptomyrmula Emery, 1912
- Leptonannus Reuter, 1891
- Leptonema Guerin-Meneville, 1843
- Leptopanorpa MacLachlan, 1875
- Leptopelios Brailovsky, 2001
- Leptopetalops Breddin, 1901
- Leptopeza
- Leptopharsa Stål, 1873
- Leptophlebia Westwood, 1840
- Leptophloeus Casey, 1916
- Leptophobia Butler, 1870
- Leptophylax Banks, 1900
- Leptophysoderes Weirauch, 2006
- Leptopinara O'Brien, 1981
- Leptoplectus Casey, 1908
- Leptopoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Leptopsaltria Stål, 1866
- Leptopsilopa
- Leptopsyche McLachlan, 1866
- Leptopterna Fieber, 1858
- Leptopteromyia
- Leptoptyx Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Leptopus Latreille, 1809
- Leptoremus Casey, 1904
- Leptorhabdium Kraatz, 1879
- Leptorussa Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Leptosalda Cobben, 1971
- Leptosaldinea Popov and Heiss, 2016
- Leptoscelis Laporte, 1832
- Leptoscymnus Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1978
- Leptosemia Matsumura, 1917
- Leptosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Leptostales Möschler, 1890
- Leptostellana Brailovsky, 1997
- Leptostylopsis Dillon, 1956
- Leptostylus LeConte, 1852
- Leptosylla
- Leptotambinia Kato, 1931
- Leptotarsus Guerin-meneville, 1838
- Leptotaulius Schmid, 1955
- Leptoteleia Kieffer, 1908
- Leptotes Scudder, 1876
- Leptothorax Mayr, 1855
- Leptothrips Hood, 1909
- Leptotrachelus Latreille, 1829
- Leptovanua Melichar, 1914
- Leptoypha Stål, 1873
- Leptura Linnaeus, 1758
- Lepturga Stål, 1873
- Lepturges Bates, 1863
- Lepturopsis Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Leptusa Kraatz, 1856
- Leptynoptera
- Leptysma Stål, 1873
- Lepyronia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lepyrus Germar, 1817
- Lerema Scudder, 1872
- Lerina Walker, 1854
- Lerodea Scudder, 1872
- Lerton Schouteden, 1952
- Leschenaultia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Leskia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Leskiopsis Townsend, 1916
- Lesmone Hübner, 1818
- Lespesia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Lestes Leach, 1815
- Lestica Billberg, 1820
- Lestiphorus Lepeletier, 1832
- Lestodiplosis
- Lestomerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Lestomyia
- Lestonicoris Villiers, 1967
- Lestremia
- Lestrimelitta Friese, 1903
- Lethama Distant, 1905
- Lethe Hübner, 1819
- Lethierrya Puton, 1876
- Lethocerus Mayr, 1853
- Lethrus Scopoli, 1777
- Lethyna Munro, 1957
- Letis Hübner, 1821
- Letispe Ferguson, 2008
- Leto Hübner, 1820
- Leucacron Lindner, 1966
- Leucania Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Leucanopsis Rego-Barros, 1956
- Leucastea Stål, 1855
- Leucispa Chapuis, 1875
- Leucobasis Rácenis, 1959
- Leucobrephos Grote, 1874
- Leucochrysa McLachlan, 1868
- Leucocnemis Hampson, 1908
- Leucolepisma Wall, 1954
- Leucoma Hübner, 1822
- Leuconycta Hampson, 1908
- Leucophasma Walsingham, 1897
- Leucophenga
- Leucophora
- Leucopis
- Leucopodella
- Leucopomyia
- Leucoptilum James, 1943
- Leucorrhinia Brittinger, 1850
- Leucostoma Meigen, 1803
- Leucotabanus
- Leucotaeniella Bezzi, 1918
- Leucotaphus Donisthorpe, 1920
- Leucothrips Reuter, 1904
- Leucothrix Munro, 1929
- Leucotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Leucozona
- Leucrocuta Flowers, 1980
- Leuctra Stephens, 1835
- Leuculodes Dyar, 1903
- Leucydria Emeljanov, 1972
- Leuroagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Leurocorynus
- Leurogorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Leuronotina Hebard, 1932
- Leurotrigona Moure, 1950
- Leusaba Walker, 1857
- Leveromyia Lindner, 1937
- Lewisister Bickhardt, 1912
- Lexiphanes Gistel, 1836
- Lexis Wallengren, 1863
- Lhostella Villiers, 1948
- Liadonaucoris Popov, 1971
- Liaghinella Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Liancalus
- Liangcoris Zhao, Cai and Ren, 2007
- Liapota Neboiss, 1959
- Liaspis Bergroth, 1894
- Liatongus Reitter, 1893
- Libaviellus Miller, 1941
- Libavius Distant, 1904
- Libellula Linnaeus, 1758
- Liburnia Stål, 1866
- Liburniella Crawford, 1914
- Libyomendis Breddin, 1903
- Libytheana Michener, 1943
- Lichenomima Enderlein, 1910
- Lichenophanes Lesne, 1899
- Lichminus Casey, 1889
- Lichnanthe Burmeister, 1844
- Lichnia Erichson, 1835
- Lichnoptera Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
- Licinus Latreille, 1802
- Lidgbirdius Galloway, 1982
- Lidgia Guenée, 1858
- Lidopus Gibson, 1917
- Liebelia Kieffer, 1903
- Liepana Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Ligeria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Lignyodes Dejean, 1835
- Ligurotettix McNeill, 1897
- Ligymolpa Karsch, 1890
- Ligyra
- Ligyrocoris Stål, 1872
- Ligyromyia Kertesz, 1916
- Lilia White, 1879
- Lilioceris Reitter, 1912
- Lilloaciura Aczel, 1953
- Limacoccus Bondar, 1929
- Limatus Theobald, 1901
- Limbodessus Guignot, 1939
- Limenitis [Fabricius], 1807
- Limnacis Germar in Germar and Berendt, 1856
- Limnaecia Stainton, 1851
- Limnebius Leach, 1815
- Limnellia
- Limnephilus Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Limnetron Förster, 1907
- Limnia
- Limnichites Casey, 1889
- Limnichoderus Casey, 1889
- Limnichomorphus Pic, 1922
- Limnichopharus Miyatake, 1994
- Limnichus Latreille, 1829
- Limnius Illiger, 1802
- Limnobatodes Hussey, 1925
- Limnocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Limnocentropus Ulmer, 1907
- Limnocoris Stål, 1860
- Limnoecetis Marlier, 1955
- Limnogeton Mayr, 1853
- Limnogonus Stål, 1868
- Limnometra Mayr, 1865
- Limnophila Macquart, 1834
- Limnophora
- Limnophyes Eaton
- Limnoporus Stål, 1868
- Limnopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Limnospila
- Limnotrephes Esaki and China, 1928
- Limnoxenus Motschulsky, 1853
- Limonia Meigen, 1800
- Limonius
- Limothrips Haliday, 1836
- Limyra C. Mielke, Dell'Erba & Duarte, 2017
- Lindbergicoris Leston, 1951
- Lindbergocapsus Wagner, 1960
- Lindenius Lepeletier de Saint Fargeau and Brullé, 1835
- Lindingaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Lindorus Casey, 1899
- Lindus Stål, 1862
- Lineatopsallus Henry, 1991
- Lineostethus Ruckes, 1966
- Lineostriastiria Poole, 1995
- Linepithema Mayr, 1866
- Lingnania China, 1940
- Lingora Mosely, 1936
- Linguacicada Chou and Lu, 1997
- Linnaemya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Linognathoides Cummings, 1914
- Linognathus Enderlein, 1905
- Linshcosteus Distant, 1904
- Linsleya MacSwain, 1951
- Linsleyella Chemsak, 1984
- Linsleyonides Skiles, 1985
- Lintneria Butler, 1876
- Lioadalia Crotch, 1874
- Liocanthydrus Guignot, 1957
- Liocyrtusa Daffner, 1982
- Liodessus Guignot, 1939
- Liodontomerus Gahan, 1914
- Liogluta Thomson, 1858
- Liogma Osten Sacken, 1869
- Liogorytes R. Bohart, 1967
- Liohippelates
- Lioligus Casey, 1912
- Liometophilus Fall, 1912
- Liometopum Mayr, 1861
- Liometoxenus Kistner, Jensen and Jacobson, 2002
- Liomyrmex Mayr, 1865
- Lionepha Casey, 1918
- Lionothus Brown, 1937
- Lioon Casey, 1912
- Liophaena Sharp, 1880
- Liophloeus Germar, 1817
- Liopinus Linsley and Chemsak, 1995
- Liopiophila
- Liopisa Enderlein, 1920
- Lioporeus Guignot, 1950
- Liopterus Dejean, 1833
- Liopygia
- Liopygus Lewis, 1891
- Liorhyssus Stål, 1870
- Liosarcophaga
- Liosynaphaeta Fisher, 1926
- Liothorax Motschulsky, 1859
- Liothrips Uzel, 1895
- Liotingis Drake, 1930
- Liotrigona Moure, 1961
- Lipaphis
- Lipara
- Liparocephalus Mäklin, 1853
- Liparthrum Wollaston, 1864
- Liphanthus Reed, 1894
- Lipinella
- Lipochaeta
- Lipogomphus Berg, 1879
- Lipoleucopis
- Lipolexis Foerster, 1862
- Lipoptena
- Liposcelis Motschulsky, 1852
- Liposthenes Förster, 1869
- Lipotriches Gerstäcker, 1858
- Lipsothrix
- Lipurometriocnemus
- Liragathis Sharkey, 2017
- Lirimiris Walker, 1865
- Liriomyza
- Liris Fabricius, 1804
- Lisarda Stål, 1859
- Lisogata Ding, 2006
- Lisotrigona Moure, 1961
- Lispe
- Lispinodes Sharp, 1880
- Lispinus Erichson, 1839
- Lispixys Mason, 1969
- Lispoides
- Lispoteleia Galloway, 1984
- Lispotherium Faust, 1891
- Lispothrips Reuter, 1899
- Lissagria Casey, 1906
- Lissocleptes Stål, 1870
- Lissomelas Bates, 1889
- Lissonotus Dalman in Schoenherr, 1817
- Lissorhoptrus LeConte, 1876
- Lissosternus Lewis, 1905
- Lissothrips Hood, 1908
- Listemus Casey, 1912
- Listroderes Schönherr, 1826
- Listronotus Jekel, 1865
- Litadea China, 1924
- Litaneutria Saussure, 1892
- Litargus Erichson, 1846
- Litemixia Asche, 1980
- Lithacodia Hübner, 1818
- Lithax McLachlan, 1876
- Lithium Finnamore, 1987
- Lithocharis
- Litholomia Grote, 1875
- Lithomoia Hübner, 1821
- Lithophane Hübner, 1821
- Lithophorus Sharp, 1894
- Lithoseopsis Mockford, 1993
- Lithostege Hübner, 1825
- Lithraeus Bridwell, 1952
- Lithurgopsis Fox, 1902
- Lithurgus Berthold, 1827
- Litobrancha McCafferty, 1971
- Litocala Harvey, 1875
- Litocalliopsis Roig-Alsina and Compagnucci, 2003
- Litochodelphax Asche, 1982
- Litodonta Harvey, 1876
- Litoleptis
- Litolinga
- Litomiris Slater, 1956
- Litoprosopus Grote, 1869
- Liuaspis Borchsenius, 1960
- Lius Deyrolle, 1864
- Livatiella Fennah, 1956
- Lixellus LeConte, 1876
- Lixophaga Townsend, 1908
- Lixus Fabricius, 1801
- Llanoterus García and Camacho, 2018
- Llaqhastigmus Finnamore, 1995
- Lloydiella Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Loania Kinzelbach, 1970
- Lobatophasma Damgaard, Klass, Picker and Buder, 2008
- Lobelmis Fairmaire, 1898
- Loberonotha Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1969
- Loberus LeConte, 1861
- Lobiopa Erichson, 1843
- Lobisquama James, 1982
- Lobocleta Warren, 1906
- Lobodiplosis
- Lobogestoria Reitter, 1878
- Lobogonius Stål, 1870
- Lobometopon
- Lobophora Curtis, 1825
- Loboplusius Bergroth, 1909
- Lobopterella Princis, 1957
- Lobopteromyia
- Lobosternum Reitter, 1875
- Lochmaeocles Bates, 1880
- Lochmaeus Doubleday, 1841
- Lococytonis Villiers, 1969
- Locoptiris Villiers, 1943
- Loebliorylon Slipinski, 1990
- Loedelia Lucas, 1920
- Loensia Enderlein, 1924
- Loewia Egger, 1856
- Loewimyia Sabrosky
- Loganius Chapuis, 1869
- Loicia
- Lomagostus Villiers, 1958
- Lomamyia Banks, 1904
- Lomographa Hübner, 1825
- Lonchaea
- Lonchegaster White, 1914
- Lonchobrithes Lindner, 1968
- Lonchomyrmex Mayr, 1867
- Lonchopria Vachal, 1905
- Lonchoptera
- Lonchorhyncha Michener, 1989
- Longicoris Ahmad, 1968
- Longipeltina Bernhauer, 1912
- Longiscutella Livingstone and Jeyanthibai, 1995
- Longitarsus Berthold, 1827
- Longtania Ding, 2006
- Lopescladius
- Lopezus Navás, 1913
- Lophalia Casey, 1912
- Lopheros LeConte, 1881
- Lophocampa Harris, 1841
- Lophocephala Laporte, 1833
- Lophoceramica Dyar, 1908
- Lophochorista Warren, 1904
- Lophoglossus LeConte, 1853
- Lopholeucaspis
- Lophomyrmex Emery, 1892
- Lophoplusia Zimmerman, 1958
- Lophopogonius Linsley, 1935
- Lophosceles
- Lophoscutus Kormilev, 1951
- Lophosis Hulst, 1896
- Lophoteles Loew, 1858
- Lophothygater Moure and Michener, 1955
- Lopidea Uhler, 1872
- Lopidella Knight, 1925
- Lopodytes Stål, 1853
- Lopus Hahn, 1831
- Lordomyrma Emery, 1897
- Lordotus
- Lorentzocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Loricaster Mulsant and Rey, 1861
- Loricera Latreille, 1802
- Loricula Curtis, 1833
- Loriomyia Kertesz, 1899
- Lorma Gordon, 1975
- Losada Pate, 1940
- Loscopia Beck, 1991
- Losiusa Seevers, 1978
- Lothygia Brailovsky, 1994
- Lotis Mulsant, 1850
- Lotophila
- Lotukonannus Linnavuori, 1974
- Loulucoris Asquith, 1995
- Loweriella Shattuck, 1992
- Loxa Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Loxandrus LeConte, 1853
- Loxaspis Rothschild, 1912
- Loxaulus Mayr, 1881
- Loxocera
- Loxocnemis Fieber, 1860
- Loxofidonia Packard, 1876
- Loxostirus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Loyola Navás, 1913
- Lozotaenia Stephens, 1829
- Luachimonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Luangwana Distant, 1914
- Lucaina Dugés, 1878
- Lucanus Scopoli, 1763
- Lucernuta Laporte, 1833
- Luchoelmis Spangler and Staines, 2004
- Lucialla Slipinski, 2007
- Lucidina Gorham, 1883
- Lucidomphrale Kroeber
- Lucidota Laporte, 1833
- Lucidotopsis McDermott, 1960
- Lucifotychus Park and Wagner, 1962
- Lucilia
- Lucio Laporte, 1833
- Luciola Laporte, 1833
- Luciuranus Silveira, Khattar and Mermudes in Silveira et al., 2016
- Lucullia Stål, 1865
- Luda Ding, 2006
- Ludyella Reitter, 1899
- Lugoiops McCafferty and Baumgardner, 2003
- Luja Schouteden, 1911
- Lulilan Willmann, 2022
- Lullius Distant, 1904
- Luluacoris Villiers, 1972
- Lumirioxa Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Lupanthus Stål, 1860
- Luperaltica Crotch, 1873
- Luperina Boisduval, 1829
- Luperosoma Jacoby, 1891
- Lupinocolus Van Dyke, 1936
- Luprea Jacoby, 1885
- Lutetiabates Wappler and Andersen, 2004
- Lutetiacader Wappler, 2006
- Lutevula Breddin, 1909
- Lutomyia
- Lutrochus Erichson, 1847
- Lutzia Theobald, 1903
- Lutzomiops Sp.
- Lutzomyia
- Lutzsimulium
- Luxolinus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Luxorianella Asche, 1994
- Lybindus Stål, 1859
- Lycaena [Fabricius], 1807
- Lycambes Stål, 1862
- Lychnacris Motschulsky, 1853
- Lychnobius Geisthardt, 1983
- Lychnocolax Bohart, 1951
- Lychnosea Grote, 1883
- Lycia Hübner, 1825
- Lyciella
- Lycochoriolaus Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Lycomorpha Harris, 1839
- Lycomorphodes Hampson, 1900
- Lyconotus Green, 1949
- Lycoperdina Latreille, 1807
- Lycophotia Hübner, 1821
- Lycorea E. Doubleday, 1847
- Lycoriella
- Lycthoplites Lesne, 1935
- Lyctocoris Hahn, 1836
- Lyctoderma Lesne, 1911
- Lyctodon Lesne, 1937
- Lyctopsis Lesne, 1911
- Lyctoxylon Reitter, 1878
- Lyctus Fabricius, 1792
- Lycurgus China, 1925
- Lycus Fabricius, 1787
- Lydella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Lydenburgia Miller, 1957
- Lydina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Lygaeopharus Stål, 1871
- Lygaeospilus Barber, 1921
- Lygaeus Fabricius, 1794
- Lygephila Billberg, 1820
- Lygidea Reuter, 1879
- Lygistopterus Dejean, 1833
- Lygistorrhina Skuse, 1890
- Lygistus Wilcox, 1965
- Lygocecis
- Lygocoris Reuter, 1875
- Lygus Hahn, 1833
- Lymantes Schönherr, 1838
- Lymantor Lovendal, 1889
- Lymantria Hübner, 1819
- Lymexylon Fabricius, 1775
- Lymire Walker, 1854
- Lymnastis Motschulsky, 1862
- Lype McLachlan, 1878
- Lypha Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Lyphia
- Lypoglossa Fenyes, 1918
- Lypotigris Hübner, 1825
- Lyprotemyia Kertesz, 1909
- Lypsimena Haldeman, 1847
- Lyramna Breddin, 1900
- Lyramorpha Westwood, 1837
- Lyreus Aubé, 1861
- Lyristes Horváth, 1926
- Lyrnessus Stål, 1862
- Lyroda Say, 1837
- Lyronotum Hering, 1941
- Lyrosoma Mannerheim, 1853
- Lysathia J. Bechyné, 1957
- Lysenicocephalus Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Lysilinga
- Lysiphlebia Starý and Schlinger, 1967
- Lysiphlebus Foerster, 1863
- Lysitermoides van Achterberg, 1995
- Lysitermus Foerster, 1863
- Lysozus Enderlein, 1914
- Lythrodes Smith, 1903
- Lytogaster
- Lytopylus Foerster, 1863
- Lytrosis Hulst, 1896
- Lytta Fabricius, 1775
- Maackiana Krivosheina, 1973
- Macaria Curtis, 1826
- Maccaffertium Bednarik, 1979
- Macdunnoa Lehmkuhl, 1979
- Machadocoris Villiers, 1959
- Machadonannus Wygodzinsky, 1950
- Machaerodes Brendel, 1890
- Machaerota Burmeister, 1835
- Machairocentron Schmid, 1982
- Machairotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Machaomyia Hendel, 1914
- Machilinus Silvestri, 1905
- Machiloides Silvestri, 1904
- Machimus
- Machomyrma Forel, 1895
- Machtima Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Maconellicoccus
- Macquartia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Macracanthopsis Reuter, 1881
- Macrancylus LeConte, 1876
- Macratria Newman, 1838
- Macrelmis Motschulsky, 1859
- Macreurops Casey, 1916
- Macrispa Baly, 1858
- Macristis Schaus, 1916
- Macroagathis Szépligeti, 1908
- Macroantonaria Pic, 1951
- Macrobaenetes Tinkham, 1962
- Macrobelus Lea, 1909
- Macrobrachius
- Macrocephalus Swederus, 1787
- Macrocera
- Macrocheraia Guérin-Méneville, 1835
- Macrochilo Hübner, 1825
- Macrocneme Hübner, 1818
- Macrocoris Signoret, 1861
- Macrocorupha Muir, 1926
- Macrocorytha Stål, 1873
- Macrodactylus Dejean, 1821
- Macrodiplax Brauer, 1868
- Macrodiplosis
- Macrogalea Cockerell, 1930
- Macroglossum Scopoli, 1777
- Macrogyrus Régimbart, 1883
- Macrohydnobius Peck and Cook, 2009
- Macroilleis Miyatake, 1965
- Macrolasia Weise, 1903
- Macrolopha Weise, 1902
- Macrolophus Fieber, 1858
- Macromannus Hill, 1984
- Macromantis Saussure, 1871
- Macromeracis Enderlein, 1921
- Macromia Rambur, 1842
- Macromonycha Spaeth, 1911
- Macromya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Macronaemia Casey, 1899
- Macronema Pictet, 1836
- Macronemurus Costa, 1855
- Macronevia Jäch and Boukal, 1996
- Macronoctua Grote, 1874
- Macronychia
- Macronychoides Champion, 1923
- Macronychus Müller, 1806
- Macropanesthia Saussure, 1895
- Macropareia Kleine, 1932
- Macropelopia
- Macropeza
- Macrophthalmothrips Karny, 1922
- Macropis Panzer, 1809
- Macroplea Samouelle, 1819
- Macropogon Motschulsky, 1859
- Macroporus Uhler, 1876
- Macropsis Lewis, 1835
- Macrorchis
- Macrorhoptus LeConte, 1876
- Macrorrhyncha
- Macrosaldula Southwood and Leston, 1959
- Macrosemia Kato, 1925
- Macrosiagon Hentz, 1830
- Macrosiphoniella
- Macrosiphum Passerini, 1860
- Macrostactobia Schmid, 1958
- Macrostemum Kolenati, 1859
- Macrosternus Marseul, 1853
- Macroteleia Westwood, 1835
- Macrotera Smith, 1853
- Macrothacheliella Champion, 1900
- Macrothemis Hagen, 1868
- Macrotingis Champion, 1897
- Macrotomella Van Duzee, 1897
- Macrotrachelia Reuter, 1871
- Macrotristria Stål, 1870
- Macrotylus Fieber, 1858
- Macrovanua Fennah, 1950
- Macrovelia Uhler, 1872
- Macrurocampa Dyar, 1893
- Mactomyia Reinhard, 1958
- Maculaphodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Mada Mulsant, 1850
- Madagalaesus Brailovsky and Barrera, 2007
- Madagascara Lindner, 1936
- Madagascarina Lindner, 1967
- Madagaster Perkins, 1997
- Madaglymbus Shaverdo and Balke in Shaverdo, Monaghan, Lees, Ranaivosolo and Balke, 2008
- Madangocoris Péricart, 2000
- Madantispa Fraser, 1952
- Madarellus Casey, 1892
- Madecassosaica Villiers, 1957
- Madeirodula Szawaryn, Vetrovec and Tomaszewska, 2024
- Madeovelia Poisson, 1959
- Madhalimococcus Mamet, 1959
- Madiza
- Madoniella Pic, 1935
- Madoryx Boisduval, 1875
- Madrastra Navás, 1912
- Madremyia Townsend, 1916
- Madura Stål, 1860
- Maduranoides Brailovsky, 1988
- Maemactes Schönherr, 1837
- Maesaipsyche Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993
- Maevius Stål, 1874
- Mafa Hesse, 1925
- Mafulemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Mafulocoris Miller, 1958
- Magadanobracon Belokobylskij, 2012
- Magdalinops Dietz, 1891
- Magdalis Germar, 1817
- Magellanium Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Magicicada Davis, 1925
- Magmara Péricart, 1977
- Magnalata Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Magnificus Yan, 2000
- Magnimyiolia Shiraki, 1933
- Magnoculus McDermott, 1966
- Magnodiomus Gordon, 1999
- Magnusantenna Du and Chen in Du et al., 2021
- Magusa Walker, 1857
- Mahatsinia Spaeth, 1919
- Mahea Distant, 1909
- Mahmutkashgaria Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Mahunkacoccus Kozár, 2000
- Majeorona Distant, 1905
- Makarorysa Remane and Asche, 1986
- Makilingana Miller, 1954
- Malacocis Gorham, 1886
- Malacocoris Fieber, 1858
- Malacopterus Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Malacopus Stål, 1860
- Malacorhinus Jacoby, 1887
- Malacosoma Hübner, 1820
- Malacothrips Hinds, 1902
- Maladera Mulsant and Rey, 1871
- Malagaciura Hancock, 1991
- Malagasia Distant, 1882
- Malagasotingis B. Lis, 2009
- Malagasyprinus Lackner and Gomy, 2013
- Malagasyxenos Cook and Tribull, 2013
- Malagoniella Martínez, 1961
- Malaiseana Miller, 1954
- Malaisella Hering, 1938
- Malaisinia Hering, 1938
- Malandiola Horváth, 1925
- Malasigalphus van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Malata Gordon, 1975
- Malaxa Melichar, 1914
- Malaxella Ding and Hu in Ding et al., 1986
- Malaxodes Fennah, 1967
- Malaya Leicester, 1908
- Malayaxenos Kifune, 1981
- Malayocassis Spaeth, 1952
- Malcus Stål, 1860
- Maldonadocoris Zhao, Yuan and Cai, 2006
- Malenavelia Solórzano Kraemer and Perrichot in Solórzano Kraemer et al., 2014
- Malenka Ricker, 1952
- Malezonotus Barber, 1918
- Malgachialna Boulard, 1980
- Malgassus Horváth, 1900
- Malgotilia Boulard, 1980
- Maliattha Walker, 1863
- Malica Richter, 1974
- Malirekus Ricker, 1952
- Mallada Navás, 1925
- Mallateleia Dodd, 1913
- Malleoceps Park, 1954
- Mallochiola Bergroth, 1925
- Mallochohelea Wirth, 1962
- Mallochomyza
- Mallodon Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830
- Mallodrya Horn, 1888
- Malloewia
- Mallophora
- Malloryalna Sanborn, 2016
- Mallota
- Malobidion Schaeffer, 1908
- Malporus Casey, 1895
- Malthinus Latreille, 1806
- Malthodes Kiesenwetter, 1852
- Malthomethes Fender, 1975
- Malvana Stål, 1865
- Malvanaioides Brailovsky, 1990
- Mamestra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Mametina Villiers, 1964
- Mametocoris Miller, 1956
- Mammifrontia Barnes and Lindsey, 1922
- Mamurius Stål, 1862
- Manangocoris Miller, 1954
- Manbuta Walker, 1865
- Mancia
- Manda Blackwelder, 1952
- Mandersia Sharp, 1902
- Manduca Hübner, 1807
- Mangabea Villiers, 1970
- Mangalorea Takagi, 1992
- Manganeutes Fennah, 1965
- Mangrovelia Linnavuori, 1977
- Manica Jurine, 1807
- Manicocoris Stål, 1866
- Manicomyia Hancock, 1986
- Maniconeura McLachlan, 1875
- Mankuninga Distant, 1902
- Manna Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Mannophorus LeConte, 1854
- Manoba Walker, 1863
- Manocoreus Hsiao, 1964
- Manomera Rehn and Hebard, 1907
- Manophylax Wiggins, 1973
- Manota
- Manotes Kertesz, 1916
- Mansonia Blanchard, 1902
- Mantibaria Kirby, 1900
- Mantidophaga
- Mantis Linnaeus, 1758
- Mantispa Illiger in Kugelann, 1798
- Mantoida Newman, 1838
- Mantophasma Zompro, Klass, Kristensen and Adis, 2002
- Mantura Stephens, 1831
- Manuelia Vachal, 1905
- Maoricicada Dugdale, 1972
- Maorigoeldia Edwards, 1930
- Maoripsocus Tillyard, 1923
- Maoristolus Woodward, 1956
- Maosogata Ding, 2006
- Mapondera Distant, 1905
- Mapuchemyia Woodley, 2001
- Maracanda McLachlan, 1875
- Maracandula Currie, 1901
- Maraenaspis Karsch, 1892
- Marangua Lindner, 1960
- Marathyssa Walker, 1865
- Marava Burr, 1911
- Marbodus Distant, 1904
- Marcius Stål, 1865
- Mardania Stål, 1859
- Margacoris D. J. Carpintero, 1980
- Margaridisa J. Bechyné, 1958
- Margarinotus Marseul, 1853
- Margasus Stål, 1858
- Marginanteris Risbec, 1957
- Marginitermes Krishna, 1961
- Mariapanteles Whitfield and Fernández-Triana, 2012
- Marichisme Kirkaldy, 1904
- Mariekea Jong and Boer, 2004
- Marilia Mueller, 1880
- Marilopteryx Franclemont, 1982
- Marimatha Walker, 1866
- Marjoriana Bérenger, 2007
- Marjoriella Sharkey, 1983
- Markshawius Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Maroantsetrana Villiers, 1968
- Maroboduus Distant, 1920
- Marojejycoris Forthman, Chlond and Weirauch, 2016
- Marpesia Hübner, 1818
- Marquedryas Asche, 1998
- Marriottella Munro, 1939
- Marshalliella Kieffer, 1913
- Martarega White, 1879
- Marteena Moulds, 1986
- Martinapis Cockerell, 1929
- Martineziana Chalumeau and Ozdikmen, 2006
- Martiniola Horváth, 1911
- Martinius Spilman, 1959
- Martynomyia Fischer, 1970
- Maruina Muller, 1895
- Maruzza Mineo, 1982
- Masamia Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Mascaregnasa Distant, 1909
- Mascarenisalda J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1991
- Mascarenium Gomy, 1978
- Masiphya Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Masistylum Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Masnerella Özdikmen, 2005
- Masona van Achterberg, 1995
- Masonbeckia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Masoniella
- Masoreus Dejean, 1821
- Massala Walker, 1865
- Massartia Schouteden, 1952
- Mastigolina Munro, 1937
- Mastigonomus Bergroth, 1894
- Mastigoptila Flint, 1967
- Mastinocerus Solier, 1849
- Mastinomorphus Wittmer, 1976
- Mastinowittmerus Zaragoza, 1984
- Mastocoris Miller, 1959
- Mastogenius Solier, 1849
- Mastoremus Casey, 1895
- Mastostethocoris Miller, 1958
- Mastostethus Lacordaire, 1845
- Masupha Distant, 1892
- Mata Distant, 1906
- Matangapis Baker and Engel, 2006
- Matangocoris Miller, 1940
- Matasia Mosely, 1936
- Mateucoris Villiers, 1958
- Matheteus LeConte, 1874
- Matigramma Grote, 1872
- Matriella Jacobus and McCafferty, 2008
- Matrioptila Ross, 1956
- Matsumurania Shiraki, 1933
- Matsumuranoda Metcalf, 1943
- Mattiphus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Matus Aubé, 1836
- Matutinus Distant, 1917
- Maua Distant, 1905
- Mauia Blackburn, 1885
- Maula Navás, 1912
- Maurodactylus Reuter, 1878
- Mauromyia Coquillett, 1897
- Maxfischeria Papp, 1994
- Mayacnephia Wygodzinsky, and Coscaron, 1973
- Mayatrichia Mosely, 1937
- Maydenoptila Neboiss, 1977
- Mayemesa Wygodzinsky, 1944
- Mayetia Mulsant and Rey, 1875
- Mayetiola
- Mayobaetis Waltz and McCafferty, 1985
- Mayriella Forel, 1902
- Mazanoma Rolston and Kumar, 1974
- Mazia Higgins, 1981
- Mecas LeConte, 1852
- Meccus Stål, 1859
- Mecidea Dallas, 1851
- Mecinus Germar, 1821
- Mecistocoris Reuter, 1877
- Mecistogaster Rambur, 1842
- Mecistomela Jacobson, 1899
- Mecistostethus Marseul, 1870
- Mecix Masner, 1980
- Mecocnemis Hsiao, 1964
- Mecomma Fieber, 1858
- Meconema Serville, 1831
- Mecopharsa Drake, 1953
- Mecyclothorax Sharp, 1903
- Mecynocorpus
- Mecynostomella Kimmins, 1953
- Mecynotarsus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1847
- Medamatento Sasaji, 1989
- Medeopteryx Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2013
- Medetera
- Medina Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Medon
- Megabostrichus Chûjô, 1964
- Megacephala Latreille, 1802
- Megacerus Fahraeus, 1839
- Megachetum
- Megacheuma Mickel, 1919
- Megachile Latreille, 1802
- Megachoriolaus Linsley, 1970
- Megacyllene Casey, 1912
- Megadelphax Wagner, 1963
- Megaderus Dejean, 1821
- Megadytes Sharp, 1882
- Megaedoeum Karsch, 1895
- Megagnathos Penati and Zhang, 2009
- Megagrapha
- Megalagathis Schulz, 1906
- Megalagrion McLachlan, 1883
- Megalara Kimsey and Ohl, 2012
- Megaleuctra Neave, 1934
- Megalinga
- Megalocaria Crotch, 1871
- Megaloceroea Fieber, 1858
- Megalocoleus Reuter, 1890
- Megalocraerus Lewis, 1902
- Megalocysta Champion, 1897
- Megalodacne Crotch, 1873
- Megalodontes Latreille, 1802
- Megalographa Lafontaine and Poole, 1991
- Megalomus Rambur, 1842
- Megalomyrmex Forel, 1885
- Megalonotus Fieber, 1860
- Megalopelma
- Megaloprepus Rambur, 1842
- Megalopsallus Knight, 1927
- Megalopta Smith, 1853
- Megaloptidia Cockerell, 1900
- Megaloptilla Hurd & Moure, 1987
- Megalopus Fabricius, 1801
- Megalopyge Hübner, 1820
- Megalosebus Kolbe, 1916
- Megalostomis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Megalothrips Uzel, 1895
- Megalotica Zimmerman, 1958
- Megalotomus Fieber, 1860
- Megalurothrips Bagnall, 1915
- Megalyrhyssalus Belokobylskij and Joualt, 2021
- Megamelanus Ball, 1902
- Megamelodes Le Quesne, 1960
- Megamelus Fieber, 1866
- Meganannus Weirauch, Whorrall, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2018
- Megandrena Cockerell, 1927
- Meganola Dyar, 1898
- Meganomia Cockerell, 1909
- Meganoplium Linsley, 1940
- Megapanorpa Wang and Hua, 2019
- Megaparia Wulp, 1891
- Megapariopsis Townsend, 1915
- Megaphasma Caudell, 1903
- Megaphorus
- Megaphthalma Becker, 1894
- Megaphthalmoides Ringdahl, 1936
- Megapocaucus Miller, 1954
- Megapodagrion Selys, 1885
- Megapomponia Boulard, 2005
- Megaporus Brinck, 1943
- Megaprosopus Macquart, 1844
- Megapyga Boheman, 1850
- Megarafonus Casey, 1897
- Megarcys Klapálek, 1912
- Megascelis Latreille, 1825
- Megascirtetica Moure and Michener, 1955
- Megaselia
- Megasemum Kraatz, 1879
- Megasoma Kirby, 1825
- Megaspilus Westwood, 1829
- Megasternum Mulsant, 1844
- Megataphrus Casey, 1890
- Megatela Weise, 1906
- Megateras Kleine, 1921
- Megathrips Targioni-Tozzetti, 1881
- Megathymus Scudder, 1872
- Megatibicen Sanborn and M. Heath, 2016
- Megatoma Herbst, 1792
- Megatrioza Crawford, 1915
- Megenicocephalus Usinger, 1945
- Megetra LeConte, 1859
- Meghyperus
- Megillina Weise, 1909
- Megisto Hübner, 1819
- Megistocera Wiedemann, 1828
- Megistoleon Navás, 1931
- Megistommum W. Schulz, 1906
- Megistopus Rambur, 1842
- Megobrium LeConte, 1873
- Megocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Megochterus Jaczewski, 1934
- Megogata Neboiss, 1962
- Megograpta Loew
- Megommation Moure, 1943
- Megophthalmidia
- Megopis Serville, 1832
- Megorama Fall, 1905
- Megymenum Guérin-Méneville, 1831
- Mehria
- Meibomeus Bridwell, 1946
- Meigenia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Meigenielloides Townsend, 1919
- Meijerella Sabrosky
- Meimuna Distant, 1903
- Mejicanotrichia Harris & Holzenthal, 1997
- Mekeocoris Miller, 1958
- Meladema Laporte, 1835
- Melalgus Dejean, 1833
- Melaloncha
- Melampophylax Schmid, 1955
- Melampsalta Kolenati, 1857
- Melanacanthus Stål, 1873
- Melanaethus Uhler, 1876
- Melanagromyza
- Melanalia Casey, 1911
- Melanapamea Lafontaine in Mikkola et al., 2009
- Melanaphis
- Melanaspis Cockerell, 1897
- Melanchra Hübner, 1820
- Melanchroia Hübner, 1819
- Melanderia
- Melanderomyia
- Melanempis Saussure, 1890
- Melaneros Fairmaire, 1879
- Melanesia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Melanesiana Delorme, 2017
- Melangyna
- Melanis Hübner, 1819
- Melanispa Baly, 1858
- Melanocacus Belle, 1986
- Melanocanthon Halffter, 1958
- Melanochaeta
- Melanochroa Brauer, 1882
- Melanocoris Champion, 1900
- Melanodexia
- Melanodytes Seidlitz, 1887
- Melanolemma Van Dyke, 1935
- Melanolestes Stål, 1866
- Melanolophia Hulst, 1896
- Melanomma Grote, 1875
- Melanomya
- Melanomyza
- Melanophila Eschscholtz, 1829
- Melanophora
- Melanophrys Williston, 1886
- Melanopleurus Stål, 1874
- Melanoplus Stål, 1873
- Melanorhopala Stål, 1873
- Melanostoma
- Melanothereva
- Melanotrichia Ulmer, 1906
- Melanotrichus Reuter, 1875
- Melanotus
- Melanoxanthus
- Melanthrips Haliday, 1836
- Melanugyops Fennah, 1956
- Melaporphyria Grote, 1874
- Melba Casey, 1897
- Melecta Latreille, 1802
- Melectoides Taschenberg, 1883
- Meledonus Aldrich, 1926
- Melemaea Hulst, 1896
- Meleneta Smith, 1908
- Meleoma Fitch, 1855
- Melete Swainson, 1831
- Meleterus Aldrich, 1926
- Melieria
- Meligethes Stephens, 1830
- Melinopterus Mulsant, 1842
- Meliphilopsis Roig-Alsina, 1994
- Meliplebeia Moure, 1961
- Melipona Illiger, 1806
- Meliponula Cockerell, 1934
- Melipotis Hübner, 1818
- Meliscaeva
- Melissodes Latreille, 1829
- Melissoptila Holmberg, 1884
- Melissotarsus Emery, 1877
- Melitaea Fabricius, 1807
- Melitoma Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1828
- Melitomella Roig-Alsina, 1998
- Melitta Kirby, 1802
- Melittomma Murray, 1867
- Melittommopsis Lane, 1955
- Melittosmithia Schulz, 1906
- Melittostylops Kinzelbach, 1971
- Melitturga Latreille, 1809
- Meliturgula Friese, 1903
- Meliwillea Roubik, Lobo Segura and Camargo, 1997
- Mellilla Grote, 1873
- Mellinus Fabricius, 1790
- Mellitidia Guérin-Méneville, 1838
- Mellomyia Ulmer, 1926
- Meloe Linnaeus, 1758
- Melophagus
- Melophorus Lubbock, 1883
- Melormenis
- Melostelis Urban, 2011
- Melucha Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Meluchamixia Brailovsky, 1987
- Meluchopetalops Breddin, 1903
- Melymacra Schwartz, 2004
- Membracioides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Membrothrips Bhatti, 1978
- Memoan Silveira and Mermudes, 2013
- Memphis Hübner, 1819
- Menbyolidis Villiers, 1948
- Mendanocoris Miller, 1956
- Mendelius Lewis, 1908
- Mendidius Harold, 1868
- Mendis Stål, 1859
- Mendola Breddin, 1900
- Mendozana Distant, 1906
- Menecles Stål, 1867
- Menenotus Laporte, 1832
- Menetus Aldrich, 1926
- Mengdelphax Ding in Ding and Zhang, 1994
- Mengea Grote, 1886
- Mengenilla Hofeneder, 1910
- Menkeleon Stange, 1970
- Menochilus Timberlake, 1943
- Menoetius Dejean, 1821
- Menozziola
- Menuthiasia Poisson, 1952
- Meoneura
- Meotica Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Mepraia Mazza, Gajardo and Jorg, 1940
- Meracanthomyia Hendel, 1910
- Meranoplus Smith, 1853
- Merapioidus
- Mercennus Distant, 1904
- Merhynchites Sharp, 1889
- Mericisca Hulst, 1896
- Meridiochorista Lambkin, 1996
- Meridiorhantus Balke, Hájek and Hendrich, 2017
- Meriellum Linsley, 1957
- Merifanocoris Miller, 1955
- Meringodixa
- Meringostylus Kertesz, 1908
- Merionoptila Schmid, 1959
- Meris Hulst, 1896
- Meristocera Lindner, 1964
- Meristomeringella Lindner, 1965
- Meristomeringina James, 1952
- Meristomerinx Enderlein, 1914
- Meristopsis Kennedy, Bartlett and Wilson, 2012
- Merma Weise, 1898
- Mermiglossa Friese, 1912
- Mermiria Stål, 1873
- Merobruchus Bridwell, 1946
- Merocoris Perty, 1833
- Merodon
- Meroglossa Smith, 1853
- Merogyrus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Merohister Reitter, 1909
- Meromacrus
- Meromyza
- Meronera Sharp, 1887
- Meropachys Burmeister, 1835
- Meropalionellus Brailovsky, 2009
- Meropathus Enderlein, 1901
- Merope Newman, 1838
- Meropleon Dyar, 1924
- Meroplius
- Merosargus Loew, 1855
- Meroscalsis Spaeth, 1903
- Merothrips Hood, 1912
- Merragata Buchanan-White, 1877
- Merriwa Dodd, 1920
- Mertila Distant, 1904
- Merycomyia
- Merzomyia Korneyev, 1996
- Mesacanthaspis Livingstone and Murugan, 1993
- Mesagrion Selys, 1885
- Mesagroicus Schönherr, 1840
- Mesamphiagrion Kennedy, 1920
- Mesapamea Heinicke, 1959
- Mesembrina
- Mesepora Matsumura, 1914
- Mesetia Blackburn, 1896
- Mesevania Basibuyuk & Rasnitsyn, 2000
- Mesites Schönherr, 1838
- Mesitiopterus Ashmead, 1902
- Mesitogenus Kleine, 1919
- Mesoagathis Cameron, 1905
- Mesocapnia Rauser, 1968
- Mesoceration Janssens, 1967
- Mesocheira Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825
- Mesoclanis Munro, 1938
- Mesocoelopus Jacquelin du Val, 1860
- Mesocoelus Schulz, 1911
- Mesocordylus Lacordaire, 1866
- Mesocricotopus
- Mesoderes Senna, 1898
- Mesogona Boisduval, 1840
- Mesoleptobasis Sjöstedt, 1918
- Mesoleptus Gravenhorst, 1829
- Mesoleuca Hübner, 1825
- Mesomachilis Silvestri, 1911
- Mesomorphus
- Mesomphalia Hope, 1839
- Mesomyza Enderlein, 1921
- Mesonemurus Navás, 1920
- Mesonoterus Sharp, 1882
- Mesonychium Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1825
- Mesopalarus Brauns, 1899
- Mesophylax McLachlan, 1882
- Mesopilo Duverger, 2001
- Mesoplia Lepeletier, 1841
- Mesopsocus Kolbe, 1880
- Mesorhaga
- Mesosepis Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Mesosmittia
- Mesosphaerocera
- Mesostoa van Achterberg, 1975
- Mesostrix Mazur, 1994
- Mesostruma Brown, 1948
- Mesothea Warren, 1901
- Mesovelia Mulsant and Rey, 1852
- Mesoveloidea Hungerford, 1929
- Mesoxaea Hurd and Linsley, 1976
- Mesoxylion Vrydagh, 1955
- Messiasia
- Messor Forel, 1890
- Mestobregma Scudder, 1876
- Mestocharis Förster, 1878
- Mestra Hübner, 1825
- Mestressa Navás, 1914
- Mestus Motschulsky, 1863
- Mesynodites Reichardt, 1924
- Metabasis Walker, 1851
- Metacanthus Costa, 1847
- Metachela
- Metachorema Schmid, 1957
- Metachroma Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Metaclisis Förster, 1856
- Metaclythia
- Metacmaeops Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Metacnephia Crosskey, 196925)
- Metacolpodes Jeannel, 1948
- Metacosmoecus Schmid, 1955
- Metacosmus
- Metadeinopsis Klimaszewski, 1979
- Metadelphax Wagner, 1963
- Metadioctria
- Metadioxys Popov, 1947
- Metagreuocoris Villiers, 1965
- Metagyrinus Brinck, 1955
- Metahepialus Janse, 1942
- Metalectra Hübner, 1823
- Metaleptea Giglio-Tos, 1897
- Metaleptobasis Calvert, 1907
- Metaleptus Bates, 1872
- Metallata Möschler, 1890
- Metalype Klapalek, 1898
- Metamasius Horn, 1873
- Metamyrrha Capra, 1945
- Metanema Guenée, 1858
- Metangela
- Metanoea McLachlan, 1880
- Metanopedias Brues, 1910
- Metanysson Ashmead, 1899
- Metaparia Crotch, 1873
- Metaphidius Starý and Sedlag, 1959
- Metaphrenon Martins, 1975
- Metaplagia Coquillett, 1895
- Metapogon
- Metapone Forel, 1911
- Metaponpneumata Möschler, 1890
- Metaporus Guignot, 1945
- Metapterus A. Costa, 1863
- Metarranthis Warren, 1894
- Metasalis Lee, 1971
- Metaspathius Brues, 1922
- Metasphenisca Hendel, 1914
- Metasynodites Reichensperger, 1930
- Metator McNeill, 1901
- Metatrachelus Kleine, 1925
- Metatrichia
- Metatropiphorus Reuter, 1872
- Metaxaglaea Franclemont, 1937
- Metaxmeste Hübner, 1825
- Metaxyphloeus Thomas, 1984
- Metazycera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Meteoridea Ashmead, 1900
- Methia Newman, 1842
- Methles Sharp, 1882
- Metocalea Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Metopia
- Metopina
- Metopomuscopteryx Townsend, 1915
- Metopomyza
- Metoposarcophaga
- Metopotoma Casey, 1892
- Metrarga White, 1878
- Metrea Grote, 1882
- Metretopus Eaton, 1901
- Metria Hübner, 1823
- Metrichia Ross, 1938
- Metriocnemus
- Metrioidea Fairmaire, 1881
- Metriona Weise, 1896
- Metrionella Spaeth, 1932
- Metriopepla Fairmaire, 1882
- Metrioptera Wesmael, 1838
- Metriorrhynchomiris Kirkaldy, 1904
- Metrioxena Pascoe, 1870
- Metrius Eschscholtz, 1829
- Metrobates Uhler, 1871
- Metrobatoides J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Metrobatopsis Esaki, 1926
- Metrocephala Popov, 1996
- Metrocoris Mayr, 1865
- Metroma Ding, 2006
- Metropis Fieber, 1866
- Metusambius Kolbe, 1916
- Metylophorus Pearman, 1932
- Meunieriella
- Mevanidea Reuter, 1883
- Mevaniomorpha Reuter, 1883
- Mexalictus Eickwort, 1978
- Mexicaspis Spaeth, 1936
- Mexico Spilman, 1972
- Mexicoa
- Mexicomiris Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Meximachilis Wygodzinsky, 1945
- Mexipsyche Ross & Unzicker, 1977
- Mexisphodrus Barr, 1965
- Mexitrichia Mosely, 1937
- Mexoleon Stange, 1994
- Mezira Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mezium Curtis, 1828
- Miamimyia Townsend, 1916
- Mianeuretus Carpenter, 1930
- Miarus Schönherr, 1826
- Miastor
- Miathyria Kirby, 1889
- Michanthidium Urban, 1994
- Michener Sharkey in Sharkey et al., 2021
- Michthisoma LeConte, 1850
- Micistylus Guo and Liang, 2006
- Micracanthia Reuter, 1912
- Micracis LeConte, 1868
- Micracisella Blackman, 1928
- Micraegialia Brown, 1931
- Micragasma Sahlberg, 1900
- Micralcinus LeConte, 1876
- Micralictoides Timberlake, 1939
- Micramorphocephalus Kleine, 1918
- Micraneflus Linsley, 1957
- Micranoplium Linsley, 1957
- Micrapate Casey, 1898
- Micrasema McLachlan, 1876
- Micraspis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Micrasta Kerremans, 1893
- Micratheta Casey, 1910
- Micrathetis Hampson, 1908
- Micrathyria Kirby, 1889
- Micratopus Casey, 1914
- Micrauchenus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Micrearota Casey, 1910
- Micrelytra Laporte, 1833
- Micrempis
- Micreuides Fennah, 1969
- Micrevania Benoit, 1952
- Micrispa Gestro, 1897
- Micrixys LeConte, 1854
- Microaugyles Pacheco, 1964
- Microbaris Casey, 1892
- Microbasis Dallas, 1852
- Microbembex Patton, 1879
- Microbregma Seidlitz, 1889
- Microcader Péricart, 1981
- Microcapillata Gordon, 1977
- Microcara Thomson, 1859
- Microcarenus Bergroth, 1895
- Microcaria Crotch, 1871
- Microcentrum Scudder, 1863
- Microcephalothrips Bagnall, 1926
- Microceraphron Szelenyi, 1935
- Microcerella
- Microcerotermes Silvestri, 1901
- Microcerus Schoenherr, 1833
- Microchaetina Wulp, 1891
- Microchironomus Kieffer, 1926
- Microcholus LeConte, 1876
- Microchorema Schmid, 1955
- Microchorista Byers, 1974
- Microchrysa Loew, 1855
- Microcleptocoris Villiers, 1968
- Microclytus LeConte, 1873
- Microcrambus Bleszynski, 1963
- Microcricotopus
- Microctenochira Spaeth, 1926
- Microcylloepus Hinton, 1935
- Microdaceton Santschi, 1913
- Microdessus Young, 1967
- Microdeuterus Dallas, 1851
- Microdinodes Grouvelle, 1906
- Microdiphot Barber, 1941
- Microdiplosis Tavares, 1908
- Microdon
- Microdonia Casey, 1893
- Microdrosophila
- Microdytes J. Balfour-Browne, 1946
- Microfreudea Fürsch, 1985
- Microgaster Latreille, 1804
- Microgoes Casey, 1913
- Microgramme
- Microhadrestia Lindner, 1943
- Microhelia Hampson, 1908
- Microhydrodytes K. B. Miller, 2002
- Microhyus LeConte, 1876
- Microlampyris Pic, 1956
- Microlara Jäch, 1993
- Microlarinus Hochhuth, 1847
- Microlestes Schmidt-Göbel, 1846
- Microlestria Stål, 1860
- Microlia Casey, 1910
- Microlister Lewis, 1905
- Microlynchia
- Microlytogaster
- Micromalthus LeConte, 1878
- Micromastus LeConte, 1876
- Micromimus Wollaston, 1873
- Micrommation Moure, 1969
- Micromorphus
- Micromus Rambur, 1842
- Micromya
- Micromyrmex Sleeper, 1953
- Micronaspis Green, 1948
- Micronecta Kirkaldy, 1897
- Microneda Crotch, 1871
- Microneura Hagen in Selys, 1886
- Micronevrina Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Micronychapis Moure and Michener, 1955
- Micronychia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Micropeza
- Microphengodes Wittmer, 1976
- Microphorella
- Microphorus
- Microphotus LeConte, 1866
- Microphthalma Macquart, 1844
- Microphthirus Ferris, 1920
- Microphylidea Knight, 1968
- Microplitis Foerster, 1863
- Micropolytoxus Elkins, 1962
- Microporus Uhler, 1872
- Microprius Fairmaire, 1868
- Microprosopa Becker, 1894
- Micropsectra Kieffer, 1909
- Micropsephodes Champion, 1913
- Micropsephus Gorham, 1891
- Microptecticus Lindner, 1936
- Microptila Ris, 1897
- Microrhizobius Sicard, 1909
- Microrhopala Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Microsandalus Stål, 1866
- Microsania
- Microsanta Breddin, 1903
- Microsaprinus Kryzhanovskij in Kryzhanovskij and Reichardt, 1976
- Microsargus Lindner, 1958
- Microscymnus Champion, 1913
- Microsebus Kolbe, 1892
- Microselia
- Microsicus Sharp, 1894
- Microsphecodes Eickwort & Stage, 1972
- Microstagetus Wollaston, 1861
- Microstemmatodes Putshkov, 1985
- Microstemmella Miller, 1952
- Microstemmidea Miller, 1952
- Microsternus Lewis, 1887
- Microstictia Gillaspy, 1963
- Microstigma Rambur, 1842
- Microstigmus Ducke, 1907
- Microstylum
- Microsynodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Microtabanus
- Microteleia Kieffer, 1910
- Microtelocerus Reuter, 1900
- Microtendipes
- Microtes Scudder, 1900
- Microtheca Stål, 1860
- Microthomas T. R. Smith, 2020
- Microthoracius Fahrenholz, 1916
- Microthoron Masner, 1972
- Microthremma Schmid, 1955
- Microthurge Michener, 1983
- Microthylax Rivalier, 1954
- Microtia H. Bates, 1864
- Microtomus Illiger, 1807
- Microtrachelizus Senna, 1893
- Microtriatoma Prosen and Martínez, 1952
- Microvarus Jeannel, 1917
- Microvelia Westwood, 1834
- Microveloidella Poisson, 1952
- Microvelopsis Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Microvescia Wygodzinsky, 1943
- Microweisea Cockerell, 1903
- Microzogus Fall, 1905
- Mictiopsis Hsiao, 1965
- Mictis Leach, 1814
- Midus Mulsant, 1850
- Migmella Munro, 1957
- Milesia
- Milesiina
- Milichia
- Milichiella
- Millerleon Stange, 1989
- Millotella Poisson, 1948
- Millotina Villiers, 1953
- Miloderes Casey, 1888
- Miloderoides Van Dyke, 1936
- Mimectatina Aurivillius, 1928
- Mimesa Shuckard, 1837
- Mimetispa Handschin, 1961
- Mimobarathra Barnes and McDunnough, 1915
- Mimoceps Uhler, 1890
- Mimocleptria Horváth, 1914
- Mimocolobaspis Pic, 1951
- Mimoelasmodema Villiers, 1962
- Mimoethispa Pic, 1927
- Mimoeuphranta Hardy, 1986
- Mimolithophilus Arrow, 1920
- Mimomyia Theobald, 1903
- Mimoochotyra Pic, 1937
- Mimophisma Hampson, 1926
- Mimophotinus Pic, 1935
- Mimoscymnus Gordon, 1994
- Mimoserangium Miyatake, 1994
- Mimosestes Bridwell, 1946
- Mimosophira Hardy, 1973
- Mimumesa Malloch, 1933
- Minagrion Santos, 1965
- Minanga Cameron, 1906
- Mineocapsus Knight, 1972
- Minettia
- Minicrabro Leclercq, 2003
- Minilimosina
- Minilomia Lee, 2013
- Minimicroides Antropov, 2000
- Minipomponia Boulard, 2008
- Ministrymon Clench, 1961
- Miniterpnosia Lee, 2013
- Minitingis Barber, 1954
- Minofala Smith, 1905
- Minthea Pascoe, 1863
- Minyomerus Horn, 1876
- Minyscapheus Poinar, Kritsky and Brown, 2012
- Miocalaspis Weise, 1899
- Miocora Calvert, 1917
- Miodera Smith, 1908
- Miogryllus Saussure, 1877
- Miohebrus Garrouste and Nel, 2010
- Miolispa Pascoe, 1862
- Miolispoides Senna, 1894
- Miomerocerus Karsch, 1892
- Miomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Mionochroma Schmidt, 1924
- Mioptachys Bates, 1882
- Miotingis Nel, 1992
- Mipseltyrus Park, 1953
- Mirabella Emeljanov, 1982
- Mirabilamorbus Brailovsky, 2001
- Mirabilopsaltria Boer, 1996
- Miracavira Franclemont, 1937
- Miraces Jacoby, 1888
- Mirambulus Breddin, 1901
- Miranha Distant, 1905
- Miranus Chen and Ding in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Mireella Villiers, 1967
- Mireicoris Villiers, 1967
- Mirnapis Urban, 1998
- Mirobaeoides Dodd, 1914
- Mirobaeus Dodd, 1914
- Mirocauda Chen, 2003
- Miroculus Zhang, Yao, Ren and Zhao, 2011
- Mirolepisma Silvestri, 1938
- Mirophthirus Chin, 1980
- Miropotes Nixon, 1965
- Mirosternus Sharp, 1881
- Mirperus Stål, 1860
- Misagria Kirby, 1889
- Mischocyttarus Saussure, 1853
- Mischomedia Woodley, 1995
- Miscodera Eschscholtz, 1830
- Miscophoidellus Menke in Bohart and Menke, 1976
- Miscophoides Brauns in Kohl, 1897
- Miscophus Jurine, 1807
- Misodema Melichar, 1907
- Misogada Walker, 1865
- Missimhygia Brailovsky, 1993
- Missimia Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2009
- Missitrichia Wells, 1991
- Mitostylus Horn, 1876
- Mitosynum Campbell, 1982
- Mitragomphus Needham, 1944
- Mitrastethus Redtenbacher, 1868
- Mixoclitellaria Lindner, 1935
- Mixogaster
- Mixothrips Stannard, 1968
- Mixotrephes Papácek, Stys and Tonner, 1989
- Miyataketentou Kitano, 2020
- Mjobergia Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Mnesarete Cowley, 1934
- Mniotype Franclemont, 1941
- Mniovelia Andersen and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Moana Myers, 1928
- Mochlonyx
- Mochlosoma Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Mochtherus Schmidt-Göbel, 1846
- Mochus Distant, 1910
- Mocis Hübner, 1823
- Mocyta Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Moehnia
- Mogannia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mogulones Reitter, 1916
- Mohavacris Rehn, 1948
- Mohavena Pate, 1939
- Moiradiomus Vandenberg and Hanson, 2019
- Mokoto Schouteden, 1952
- Molanna Curtis, 1834
- Molannodes McLachlan, 1866
- Molchina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Molipteryx Kiritshenko, 1916
- Molophilus Curtis, 1833
- Molorchus Fabricius, 1792
- Molynocoelia Giglio-Tos, 1893
- Monacanthomyia Brunetti, 1912
- Monachister Mazur, 1991
- Monacidia Ito, 1984
- Monacrostichus Bezzi, 1914
- Monagonia Uhmann, 1931
- Monalocoris Dahlbom, 1851
- Monalocorisca Distant, 1884
- Monanus Sharp, 1879
- Monardia
- Monarthropalpus
- Monarthrum Kirsch, 1866
- Monasavuhygia Brailovsky, 1996
- Monca Evans, 1955
- Moneilema Say, 1824
- Monepidosis
- Mongoleon Hölzel, 1970
- Mongonecta Popov, 1996
- Moniaecera Ashmead, 1899
- Monicacoris Putshkov, 1985
- Monilothrips Moulton, 1929
- Moninostemma Kieffer, 1914
- Monocentra Rambur, 1842
- Monocesta H. Clark, 1865
- Monochaetoscinella
- Monochamus Megerle in Dejean, 1821
- Monoclona
- Monocoryna Gorham, 1885
- Monocosmoecus Ulmer, 1906
- Monoctonia Starý, 1962
- Monoctonus Haliday, 1833
- Monodiamesa Kieffer, 1921
- Monoeca Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1828
- Monoedus Horn, 1882
- Monogobia Nieser and P. Chen, 2006
- Monohelea Kieffer, 1917
- Monomacra Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Monomatapa Distant, 1879
- Monomorium Mayr, 1855
- Mononeda Crotch, 1874
- Mononychus Germar, 1824
- Monopelopia
- Monophadnoides Ashmead, 1898
- Monophrys van Achterberg, 1988
- Monophylla Spinola, 1841
- Monoplius Lacordaire, 1854
- Monopsis Spinola, 1839
- Monospinodelphax Ding, 2006
- Monosteira Costa, 1863
- Monostoecha Fletcher, 1979
- Monosynamma Scott, 1864
- Monoteleia Kieffer, 1926
- Monotoma Herbst, 1793
- Monotonodites Reichensperger, 1939
- Monoxia J. L. LeConte, 1865
- Monrosiaia Haedo Rossi, 1960
- Montandionola Poppius, 1909
- Montandonius Melin, 1929
- Monteithiessa Kumar, 1974
- Monteithocoris Woodward, 1968
- Monteithostolus Stys, 1981
- Montezumina Hebard, 1925
- Monticorixa Stys, 1975
- Montiludia Ito, 1984
- Montina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Montonepa Lansbury, 1973
- Montrouzierana Signoret, 1861
- Moramanga Villiers, 1962
- Moranida Mansell, 1983
- Moravoscelio Nel & Prokop, 2005
- Morawitzella Popov, 1957
- Morawitzia Friese, 1902
- Mordella Linnaeus, 1758
- Mordellaria Ermisch, 1950
- Mordellina Schilsky, 1908
- Mordellistena Costa, 1854
- Mordellochroa Emery, 1876
- Morellia
- Morganella
- Moribaetis Waltz and McCafferty, 1985
- Morimotoa Uéno, 1957
- Morinowotome Ito, 1984
- Morion Latreille, 1810
- Morius Casey, 1894
- Mormidea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Moromorpha Rolston, 1978
- Moronopelios Brailovsky, 1988
- Moropsyche Banks, 1906
- Morphetaerius Reichensperger, 1939
- Morpho [Fabricius], 1807
- Morphocorixa Jaczewski, 1931
- Morpholeria
- Morrisonia Grote, 1874
- Morsea Scudder, 1898
- Mortoniella Ulmer, 1906
- Moruya Neboiss, 1962
- Morychus Erichson, 1847
- Mosaica Lee and D. Emery, 2013
- Moselia Ricker, 1943
- Moselyana Denning, 1949
- Mosillus
- Mossega Navás, 1914
- Moto Schouteden, 1932
- Motoperius Tordo, 1958
- Motschulskium Matthews, 1872
- Motucoris Miller, 1949
- Motya Walker, 1859
- Mouia Distant, 1920
- Mouldspsaltria Sanborn, 2021
- Mouralia Walker, 1858
- Mourecotelles Toro & Cabezas, 1977
- Mourella Schwarz, 1946
- Mozena Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mpuga Schmid, 1993
- Muansa Distant, 1904
- Muatianvuaia Wygodzinsky, 1953
- Mucanum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Mucillnata Qin and Zhang, 2010
- Mucrolicter Elkins, 1962
- Muda Distant, 1897
- Muellerianella Wagner, 1963
- Muesebeckia Mason, 1957
- Muesonia Sharkey & Wharton, 1994
- Mufagaa Kinzelbach, 1980
- Mugadina Moulds, 2012
- Muirodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Muizonia Villiers, 1954
- Mulgravia Wells, 1982
- Mullerister Cooman, 1936
- Mulsantina Weise, 1906
- Mumetopia
- Mummius Horváth, 1910
- Munroella Bezzi, 1924
- Munroessa Lange, 1956
- Munromyia Bezzi, 1922
- Munza Distant, 1904
- Mura Distant, 1905
- Muraoides Sanborn, 2018
- Murexus Lewis, 1907
- Murgantia Stål, 1862
- Murmidius Leach, 1822
- Murmurillana Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Murphyalna Boulard, 2012
- Murphyanella Wygodzinsky and Stys, 1982
- Mursa Walker, 1859
- Murtula Schouteden, 1912
- Musca
- Muscina
- Muscopteryx Townsend, 1892
- Musgraveia Leston and Scudder, 1957
- Musimoia China, 1929
- Musoda Karsch, 1890
- Mutipialus C. Mielke, Grehan & Koike, 2021
- Mutodites Tishechkin, 2007
- Mutusca Stål, 1866
- Myas Sturm, 1826
- Myatelemus Reinhard, 1967
- Mycetaea Stephens, 1830
- Mycetalus
- Mycetarotes Emery, 1913
- Mycetina Mulsant, 1846
- Mycetobia
- Mycetococcus Ferris, 1918
- Mycetophagus Hellwig in Schneider, 1792
- Mycetophila
- Mycetophylax Emery, 1913
- Mycetosoritis Wheeler, 1907
- Mychocerinus Slipinski, 1990
- Mychocerus Erichson, 1845
- Mycocepurus Forel, 1893
- Mycococcus Ferris, 1952
- Mycodiplosis
- Mycodrosophila
- Mycoleia
- Mycomya
- Mycophila
- Mycotretus Lacordaire, 1842
- Mycotrupes LeConte, 1866
- Mycterocera James, 1967
- Mycterophora Hulst, 1896
- Mycterothrips Trybom, 1910
- Mycterus Clairville, 1798
- Mydaea
- Mydas
- Mydrosoma Smith, 1879
- Mydrosomella Michener, 1986
- Myelaphus
- Myersalna Boulard, 1988
- Mygdonia Stål, 1866
- Myiocavia Lindner, 1949
- Myiomma Puton, 1872
- Myiomyrmica
- Myiophanes Reuter, 1881
- Myiopharus Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Myla Stål, 1866
- Myllaena Erichson, 1837
- Myllocerus Schönherr, 1823
- Mylon Godman and Salvin, 1894
- Myocalandra Faust, 1894
- Myochrous Erichson, 1847
- Myocoris Burmeister, 1835
- Myodocha Latreille, 1807
- Myodopsylla
- Myoleja Rondani, 1856
- Myolepta
- Myopa
- Myophthiria
- Myopias Roger, 1861
- Myopina
- Myopites Blot, 1827
- Myopopone Roger, 1861
- Myopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Myopsocus Hagen, 1866
- Myospila
- Myothyriopsis Townsend, 1919
- Myotrichia Schmid, 1955
- Myrcidris Ward, 1990
- Myrmecaelurus Costa, 1855
- Myrmechixenus
- Myrmecia Fabricius, 1804
- Myrmecina Curtis, 1829
- Myrmecoblatta Mann, 1914
- Myrmecobrenthus Kleine, 1920
- Myrmecocephalus MacLeay, 1873
- Myrmecocystus Wesmael, 1838
- Myrmecoderus Aalbu, Andrews and Pollock, 2005
- Myrmecolax Westwood, 1861
- Myrmecophilus Berthold, 1827
- Myrmecophyes Fieber, 1870
- Myrmecopora Saulcy, 1864
- Myrmecopsis Newman, 1850
- Myrmecorhynchus Andre, 1896
- Myrmecothea
- Myrmedobia Baerensprung, 1857
- Myrmedophila Bousquet, 1989
- Myrmelachista Roger, 1863
- Myrmeleon Linnaeus, 1767
- Myrmetes Marseul, 1862
- Myrmex Sturm, 1826
- Myrmica Latreille, 1804
- Myrmicaria Saunders, 1842
- Myrmicella Chlond and Banar, 2013
- Myrmicocrypta Smith, 1860
- Myrmicodipnella Enderlein, 1909
- Myrmobiota Casey, 1893
- Myrmoecia Mulsant and Rey, 1874
- Myrmosicarius
- Myrmoteras Forel, 1893
- Myrrha Mulsant, 1846
- Myrrhina Linnavuori, 1973
- Myscelia E. Doubleday, 1845
- Mystacella Wulp, 1890
- Mystacides Berthold, 1827
- Mystacomyia Giglio-Tos, 1893
- Mystacopsyche Schmid, 1955
- Mystonectes Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Mystrium Roger, 1862
- Mythenteles
- Mythicomyia
- Mythimna Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Myxexoristops Townsend, 1911
- Myxosargus Brauer, 1882
- Myzaphis
- Myzia Mulsant, 1846
- Myzus Passerini, 1860
- Nabalua Moulton, 1923
- Nabathaea Spaeth, 1911
- Nabicula Kirby, 1837
- Nabis Latreille, 1802
- Nablistes Karsch, 1891
- Naboandelus Distant, 1910
- Nacaeus Blackwelder, 1942
- Nacarina Navás, 1915
- Nacerdes Dejean, 1834
- Nacopa Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Nacorus Villiers, 1948
- Nacurosana Miller, 1954
- Nadata Walker, 1855
- Nadus Navás, 1935
- Naemia Mulsant, 1850
- Nagelius Lewis, 1909
- Nagusta Stål, 1859
- Nagustoides Miller, 1954
- Naitingis Drake and Ruhoff, 1962
- Naizema Navás, 1919
- Nala Zacher, 1910
- Nalata Stål, 1860
- Nallachius Navás, 1909
- Namacus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Namamyia Banks, 1905
- Namapa Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Namaquaphasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Namiscophus Lomholdt, 1985
- Namkungia Storozhenko and Park, 2002
- Nampista Navás, 1914
- Namtokocoris Sites in Sites and Vitheepradit, 2007
- Namunaria Reitter, 1882
- Namwambina Munro, 1957
- Nandariva Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Nanna Becker, 1894
- Nannium Bergroth, 1898
- Nannobittacus Esben-Petersen, 1927
- Nannobrenthus Kolbe, 1916
- Nannochorista Tillyard, 1917
- Nannocleptria Miller, 1952
- Nannocoris Reuter, 1891
- Nannocyrtopogon
- Nannodastia Hendel
- Nannodictyus Stys, 1982
- Nannoleon Esben-Petersen, 1928
- Nannolepidius Reichardt, 1932
- Nannolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Nannotegea Miller, 1954
- Nannothemis Brauer, 1868
- Nannotrigona Cockerell, 1922
- Nanocladius Keiffer
- Nanocthispa Monrós and Viana, 1947
- Nanodiplosis Kieffer, 1913
- Nanokerala Wygodzinsky and Lent, 1980
- Nanokermes Bullington and Kosztarab, 1985
- Nanolachesilla Mockford and Sullivan, 1986
- Nanomerus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Nanomyina
- Nanonaucoris Zettel, 2001
- Nanophyes Schönherr, 1838
- Nanoplectrus Neboiss, 1977
- Nanops Dietz, 1891
- Nanopsalta Moulds, 2012
- Nanopsocus Pearman, 1928
- Nanorhathymus Engel, Michener and Rightmyer, 2004
- Nanotoya Fennah, 1975
- Nanotrephes Papácek and Zettel, 2001
- Nanularia Casey, 1909
- Nanus Schönherr, 1844
- Nanyukicoris Miller, 1959
- Naochila Drake, 1957
- Napamus Papp, 1993
- Napialus Chu & Wang, 1985
- Napodytes Steiner, 1981
- Napomyza
- Narberdia Burke, 1976
- Narina Distant, 1906
- Nariscus Stål, 1866
- Narnia Stål, 1862
- Narodona Navás, 1930
- Narpus Casey, 1893
- Narraga Walker, 1861
- Narsetes Distant, 1903
- Narthecius LeConte, 1861
- Narthecophora Smith, 1900
- Nartus Zaitzev, 1907
- Narvesus Stål, 1859
- Nasaltus Mazur and Wegrzynowicz, 2008
- Nasiaeschna Selys in Förster, 1900
- Nasiternella
- Nasonovia
- Nassipa Emery, 1876
- Nastra Evans, 1955
- Nasusina Pearsall, 1908
- Nasutapis Michener, 1970
- Nasutitermes Dudley, 1890
- Nat Slipinski, 2007
- Nataliana Muir, 1926
- Natalicola Spinola, 1850
- Natarsia
- Nathalis Boiduval, 1836
- Nathriobrium Hovore, 1980
- Nathrius Brethes, 1916
- Naucles Champion, 1891
- Naucoris Fabricius, 1775
- Naupactus Dejean, 1821
- Nauphoeta Burmeister, 1838
- Nausibius Lentz, 1857
- Nausigaster
- Navasoleon Banks, 1943
- Navicordulia Machado and Costa, 1995
- Naya Navás, 1932
- Nazugumia Koçak and Kemal, 2008
- Neacoryphus Scudder, 1965
- Neacratus Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Neacreotrichus
- Neactina Enderlein, 1921
- Neaera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Neaethus Stål, 1861
- Neaira Linnavuori, 1973
- Neanalcocerus James, 1943
- Neandra Lameere, 1912
- Neaneflus Linsley, 1957
- Neanthophylax Linsley and Chemsak, 1972
- Neaphaenops Jeannel, 1920
- Neapodops Slater and Baranowski, 1970
- Neaporia Gorham, 1897
- Neaptera Gordon, 1991
- Nearcticorpus
- Nearctitychus Chandler, 1988
- Neargyractis Lange, 1956
- Nearomyia Becker, 1913
- Neaspilota Osten Sacken, 1878
- Neaylax Nieves-Aldrey, 1994
- Neblinagena Spangler, 1985
- Nebraspis Spaeth, 1913
- Nebria Latreille, 1802
- Nebrioporus Régimbart, 1906
- Nebriscoides Miller, 1957
- Nebriscus Bergroth, 1895
- Nebritus
- Necodan Fennah, 1975
- Necrobia Olivier, 1795
- Necrodes Leach, 1815
- Necrophila Kirby and Spence, 1828
- Necrophilus Latreille, 1829
- Necterosoma W. J. MacLeay, 1871
- Nectoboreus Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Nectocader Drake, 1928
- Nectodes Popov, 1968
- Nectomimus Fery and Ribera, 2018
- Nectonaucoris Popov, 1968
- Nectoporus Guignot, 1950
- Nectopsyche Mueller, 1879
- Nectoquintius Brailovsky and Barrera, 2003
- Necydalis Linnaeus, 1758
- Necyla Navás, 1913
- Neda Mulsant, 1850
- Nedina Hoang, 1983
- Nedra Clarke, 1940
- Nedroledon Navás, 1914
- Neduba F. Walker, 1869
- Nedyus Schönherr, 1825
- Needhamella Domínguez and Flowers, 1989
- Neervoortia Miller, 1954
- Neffapis Ruz, 1995
- Nefoncerus Saylor, 1938
- Negasilus
- Negha Navás, 1916
- Negrokus Navás, 1930
- Neguitus Navás, 1912
- Nehalennia Selys, 1850
- Nehemitropia Lohse, 1971
- Neides Latreille, 1802
- Neivacoris Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Neivamyrmex Borgmeier, 1940
- Nelasa Gordon, 1991
- Nelbroma Sanborn, 2021
- Nelcyndana Distant, 1906
- Nelebrachys Navás, 1915
- Neleinus Navás, 1915
- Neleucania Smith, 1902
- Nelphe Herrich-Schäffer, 1858
- Nelsonites Valentine, 1952
- Nelsonphotus Cicero, 2006
- Neltumius Bridwell, 1946
- Nemadus Thomson, 1867
- Nematidium Erichson, 1845
- Nematocampa Guenée, 1858
- Nematoplus LeConte, 1855
- Nematoproctus
- Nematopus Berthold in Latreille, 1827
- Nematus Panzer, 1801
- Nemausus Stål, 1866
- Nemeris Rindge, 1981
- Nemetor Fennah, 1969
- Nemeurinus Ito, 1984
- Nemobius Serville, 1839
- Nemobrenthus Sharp, 1895
- Nemocapnia Banks, 1938
- Nemocephalinus Kleine, 1927
- Nemocephalus Guérin-Méneville, 1827
- Nemocoris Sahlberg, 1848
- Nemocoryna Sharp, 1895
- Nemodema Lindner, 1958
- Nemognatha Illiger, 1807
- Nemoleon Navás, 1909
- Nemomydas
- Nemonyx Redtenbacher, 1845
- Nemopalpus
- Nemopoda
- Nemorhinus Schoenherr, 1823
- Nemoria Hübner, 1818
- Nemorilla Rondani, 1856
- Nemorimyza
- Nemotarsus LeConte, 1853
- Nemotaulius Banks, 1906
- Nemotelus Geoffroy, 1762
- Nemoura Latreille, 1796
- Neoacanthaspis Murugan and Livingstone, 1991
- Neoacanthina Kertesz, 1914
- Neoalardus Distant, 1912
- Neoalcis McDunnough, 1920
- Neoalosterna Podany, 1961
- Neoalticomeus
- Neoanthylla Kormilev, 1951
- Neoarcesius Miller, 1958
- Neoarctia Neumögen and Dyar, 1893
- Neoascia
- Neoasterodiaspis Borchsenius, 1960
- Neoathripsodes Holzenthal, 1989
- Neoathyreus Howden and Martínez, 1963
- Neoatopsyche Schmid, 1955
- Neoatriplectides Holzenthal, 1997
- Neoavga Belokobylskij, 1989
- Neobacanius G. Müller, 1925
- Neobaeus Austin, 1988
- Neobarrettia Rehn, 1901
- Neobayerus Miller, 1954
- Neobellamira Swaine and Hopping, 1928
- Neobellieria
- Neobelocera Ding and Yang in Ding, Yang and Hu, 1986
- Neoberis Lindner, 1949
- Neobeyeria Jacobson, Kistner and Abdel-Galil, 1987
- Neobia Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Neobidessodes Hendrich and Balke in Hendrich, Hawlitschek and Balke, 2009
- Neobidessus Young, 1967
- Neobiosella Wise, 1958
- Neoblattella Shelford, 1911
- Neoborella Knight, 1925
- Neoborops Uhler, 1895
- Neobrachypterus Jelínek, 1979
- Neobrotica Jacoby, 1887
- Neocalvia Crotch, 1871
- Neocapsus Distant, 1884
- Neocarinodelphax Chen and Tsai, 2009
- Neocataclysta Lange, 1956
- Neocatara Distant, 1910
- Neocatocha
- Neocentrocnemis Miller, 1956
- Neocentrogonus Miller, 1940
- Neoceocephalus Senna, 1898
- Neoceratitis Hendel, 1927
- Neocerilocus Miller, 1957
- Neochauna Williston, 1896
- Neocheronea Miller, 1955
- Neochetina Hustache, 1926
- Neochirosia Malloch, 1917
- Neochlamisus Karren, 1972
- Neochodaeus Nikolayev, 1995
- Neochorema Schmid, 1957
- Neochoroterpes Allen, 1974
- Neochrysops
- Neochthebius Orchymont, 1932
- Neocicada Kato, 1932
- Neocladura
- Neoclarkinella Rema and Narendran, 1996
- Neoclypeodytes Young, 1967
- Neoclytus Thomson, 1860
- Neococytius Hodges, 1971
- Neocolonides Dégallier, 1998
- Neocolpodia
- Neocompsa Martins, 1965
- Neoconis Enderlein, 1930
- Neoconocephalus Karny, 1907
- Neoconon Yang, 1989
- Neocordulia Selys, 1882
- Neocorixa Hungerford, 1925
- Neocorynura Schrottky, 1879
- Neocorynurella Engel, 1997
- Neocrepidodera Heikertinger, 1911
- Neocurtilla Kirby, 1906
- Neocydnocoris Miller, 1954
- Neocylloepus Brown, 1970
- Neocyphagogus Damoiseau, 1979
- Neodasyproctus Arnold, 1926
- Neodeceia
- Neodemosoma Pace, 1989
- Neodexiopsis
- Neodicranotropis Yang, 1989
- Neodiplocampta
- Neodiplotoxa
- Neodiprion Rohwer, 1918
- Neodohrniphora
- Neoelmis Musgrave, 1935
- Neoempheria
- Neoeocatops Peck and Cook, 2007
- Neoephemera McDunnough, 1925
- Neoerethistes O'Brien and Wibmer, 1982
- Neoerythromma Kennedy, 1920
- Neoeurygenius Abdullah, 1963
- Neofidelia Moure and Michener, 1955
- Neogadora Fennah, 1969
- Neogalea Hampson, 1906
- Neogalerucella Chûjô, 1962
- Neogerris Matsumura, 1913
- Neognamptodon Belokobylskij, 1999
- Neogomphus Selys, 1858
- Neogorytes R. Bohart, 1976
- Neogriphoneura
- Neogrotella Barnes and Benjamin, 1922
- Neohaematopinus Mjöberg, 1910
- Neohaematorrhophus Ambrose and Livingstone, 1986
- Neohaemonia Székessy, 1941
- Neohalohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Neohalyzia Crotch, 1871
- Neohaploglenius Penny, 1981
- Neoharmonia Crotch, 1871
- Neohavinthus Malipatil, 1991
- Neohedobia Fisher, 1919
- Neohepialiscus Viette, 1948
- Neohermes Banks, 1908
- Neoheterocerus Pacheco, 1964
- Neohigonius Goossens, 2005
- Neohister Desbordes, 1928
- Neohydatothrips John, 1929
- Neohydrocoptus Sato, 1972
- Neoisoglossa Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Neoitamus
- Neojauravia Gordon and Almeida, 1991
- Neojulodis Kerremans, 1902
- Neokhafra Miller, 1957
- Neoklugia Distant, 1919
- Neolargulus Stehlík and Brailovsky, 2011
- Neolarra Ashmead, 1890
- Neolasioptera
- Neolema Monrós, 1951
- Neolepidostoma Ulmer, 1910
- Neolepolepis Mockford, 1993
- Neoleria
- Neoleto Eitschberger & Stroehle, 2021
- Neoleucopis
- Neolibavius Miller, 1941
- Neoligia Troubridge and Lafontaine, 2002
- Neolimnius Hinton, 1939
- Neolimnophila
- Neolinognathus Bedford, 1920
- Neolipoptena
- Neoloberolus Leschen, 2003
- Neolochmaea Laboissière, 1939
- Neolocoptiris Wygodzinsky and Usinger, 1963
- Neoloxotaenia Sabrosky
- Neolysitermus Belokobylskij and Quicke, 1999
- Neomachilis Silvestri, 1911
- Neomacrocoris Montandon, 1913
- Neomalaxa Muir, 1918
- Neomallodon Linsley, 1957
- Neomastix Dietz, 1891
- Neomegalotomus Schaffner and Schaefer, 1998
- Neomegamelanus McDermott, 1952
- Neometopina Yang, 1989
- Neomevaniomorpha Dolling, 1986
- Neomictis O'Shea and Schaefer, 1980
- Neominois Scudder, 1875
- Neomintho Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Neommatissus Muir, 1913
- Neomochtherus
- Neomuda Distant, 1920
- Neomuscina
- Neomygaleicus De Muizon, 1960
- Neomyia
- Neomyoleja Tseng, Chu & Chen, 1992
- Neonagusta Ambrose and Kumaraswami, 1992
- Neonallachius Nakahara, 1963
- Neoncotympana Lee, 2011
- Neoncylocotis Wygodzinsky and Schmidt, 1991
- Neonectes J. Balfour-Browne, 1944
- Neoneides Stusak, 1989
- Neonemobius Hebard, 1913
- Neoneura Selys, 1860
- Neonychia Hungerford, 1950
- Neonympha Hübner, 1818
- Neonysson R. Bohart, 1968
- Neopachygaster Austen, 1901
- Neopachylopus Reichardt, 1926
- Neopalla Chapin, 1955
- Neopamera Harrington, 1980
- Neopanorpa Weele, 1909
- Neoparentia
- Neoparidris Galloway, 1984
- Neopasiphae Perkins, 1912
- Neopasites Ashmead, 1898
- Neopauesia Paonam and Singh, 1988
- Neopelomyia
- Neoperkinsiella Muir, 1926
- Neoperla Needham, 1905
- Neopetalia Cowley, 1934
- Neophaenis Hampson, 1908
- Neopharnus Van Duzee, 1910
- Neophasia Behr, 1869
- Neophengus Wittmer, 1976
- Neophilaenus Haupt, 1935
- Neophycocoetes O'Brien and Wibmer, 1982
- Neophylax McLachlan, 1871
- Neophyllaphis Takahashi, 1920
- Neophyllomyza
- Neophysoderes Miller, 1955
- Neophyto
- Neophytobius Wagner, 1936
- Neopinnaspis
- Neopiophila
- Neopirates Miller, 1952
- Neoplasta
- Neoplatypedia Davis, 1920
- Neoplea Esaki and China, 1928
- Neoplerochila Duarte Rodrigues, 1982
- Neoplynes Hampson, 1900
- Neoporus Guignot, 1931
- Neopsallus Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Neopsaltoda Distant, 1910
- Neopsammodius Rakovic, 1986
- Neopselaphus Jeannel, 1951
- Neopsilochorema Schmid, 1955
- Neoptochus Horn, 1876
- Neoptychodes Dillon and Dillon, 1941
- Neopunana Asche, 1983
- Neopunia Moulds, 2012
- Neopurana Lee and Marshall in Lee et al., 2023
- Neoquintius Brailovsky and Barrera, 1986
- Neorhagoletis Hendel, 1914
- Neorhinotora
- Neorhizobius Crotch, 1874
- Neorhynchocephalus
- Neoriohelmis Nomura, 1958
- Neortalotrypeta Norrbom, 1994
- Neorthacheta Vockeroth, 1987
- Neortholomus Hamilton, 1983
- Neorthopleura Barr, 1976
- Neorudia Fennah, 1945
- Neoryssomus Hofmann, 1972
- Neosalica Distant, 1882
- Neosantalus Kryzhanovskij, 1972
- Neosantosia Miller, 1941
- Neosarcophaga
- Neosastrapada Miller, 1940
- Neoscadra Miller, 1941
- Neoscadroides Miller, 1954
- Neoscatella Malloch
- Neoscelio Dodd, 1913
- Neoscinella
- Neosciophyrus Brailovsky, 2004
- Neoscraptia Fender, 1946
- Neoscutopterus J. Balfour-Browne, 1943
- Neosebus Senna, 1903
- Neoselenia Pitkin, 2002
- Neoseverinia Ulmer, 1908
- Neosigara Lundblad, 1928
- Neosilba
- Neosolieria Townsend, 1927
- Neosorius Fagel, 1959
- Neosothes White, 1967
- Neosphedanolestes Miller, 1958
- Neospondylis Sama, 2005
- Neossos
- Neostachyogenys Miller, 1954
- Neosteingelia Morrison, 1927
- Neostylopyga Shelford, 1911
- Neosuris Barber, 1924
- Neosympherobius Kimmins, 1929
- Neosynepidosis
- Neotangia Melichar, 1914
- Neotarache Barnes and Benjamin, 1922
- Neotaracia Foote, 1978
- Neotaxilana Synave, 1979
- Neotaxilanoides Men and Qin, 2011
- Neotephritis Hendel, 1935
- Neoterapus Dégallier, 2004
- Neoterius Lesne, 1899
- Neotermes Holmgren, 1911
- Neoterpes Hulst, 1896
- Neoterpnosia Lee and D. Emery, 2014
- Neoterthrona Yang, 1989
- Neotettix Hancock, 1898
- Neothemara Malloch, 1939
- Neothetalia Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Pelletier, 2004
- Neothlipsis Sharkey, Parys & Clutts, 2011
- Neothodelmus Distant, 1919
- Neothremma Dodds & Hisaw, 1925
- Neothrips Hood, 1908
- Neotiarodes Miller, 1957
- Neotibicen Hill and Moulds in Hill et al., 2015
- Neotimasius Andersen, 1981
- Neotina Gordon, 1977
- Neotingis Drake, 1922
- Neotobia Ashe, 1992
- Neotoxoptera
- Neotrematocoris Ahmad, 1979
- Neotrephes China, 1936
- Neotrichedocla Villiers, 1962
- Neotrichia Morton, 1905
- Neotrichonotulus Dellacasa, Gordon and Dellacasa, 2004
- Neotrichus Sharp, 1886
- Neotridactylus Günther, 1972
- Neotropiconyttus Kirkaldy, 1909
- Neottiglossa Kirby, 1837
- Neotuerta Kiriakoff, 1977
- Neotylana Distant, 1909
- Neotyrus Raffray, 1895
- Neoulosomus O'Brien and Wibmer, 1982
- Neoveledella Malipatil, 1991
- Neovelinus Miller, 1958
- Neovillanovanus Ambrose and Vennison, 1992
- Neovizcaya Liang, 2002
- Neoxabea Kirby, 1906
- Neoxenus Valentine, 1998
- Neoxus Herman, 1970
- Neoxybasius Kolbe, 1916
- Neoxyletobius Español & Viñolas, 1996
- Neozavrelia Goetghebuer and Theine.
- Neozeloboria
- Neozemioses Damoiseau, 1989
- Neozirta Distant, 1919
- Nepa Linnaeus, 1758
- Nepaloptila Kimmins, 1964
- Nepella Poisson, 1947
- Nephaspis Casey, 1899
- Nephelasca Navás, 1914
- Nephelodes Guenée, 1852
- Nepheloleuca Butler, 1883
- Nephepeltia Kirby, 1889
- Nephotettix
- Nephrocerus
- Nephromma Wittmer, 1976
- Nephrotoma Meigen, 1803
- Nephus Mulsant, 1846
- Nepidium Westwood, 1854
- Nepiohygia Brailovsky, 2004
- Nepiomistus Brailovsky, 2019
- Nepiomorpha Pearman, 1936
- Nepitella Stys and Jansson, 1988
- Nepsalus Navás, 1914
- Nepterotaea McDunnough, 1920
- Nepticula Heyden, 1843
- Neptihormius van Achterberg and Berry, 2004
- Neptosternus Sharp, 1882
- Nepytia Hulst, 1896
- Nereivelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1989
- Nerice Walker, 1855
- Neriocephalus
- Neritos Walker, 1855
- Nerophilus Banks, 1899
- Nerthra Say, 1832
- Nesaecrepida Blake, 1964
- Nesanoplium Chemsak, 1966
- Neseis Kirkaldy, 1900
- Nesenicocephalus Usinger, 1939
- Nesidiobrentus Damoiseau, 1964
- Nesidiocoris Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidiolestes Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidiorchestes Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesidovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Nesina Gordon, 1977
- Nesiomiris Kirkaldy, 1902
- Nesis Mulsant, 1850
- Nesita Bergroth, 1906
- Nesobiella Kimmins, 1935
- Nesocastolus Bruner and Barber, 1937
- Nesoclimacias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesococcus Ehrhorn, 1916
- Nesocricos La Rivers, 1971
- Nesocryptias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocymus Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesocypselas Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesocysta Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesodryas Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesogonia Kirby, 1898
- Nesohispa Maulik, 1913
- Nesoleon Banks, 1909
- Nesolina Osborn, 1935
- Nesolotis Miyatake, 1966
- Nesomartis Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesomedon
- Nesomimesa R. Perkins in R. Perkins and Forel, 1899
- Nesonannus Usinger, 1946
- Nesonychus Jäch and Boukal, 1997
- Nesopedronia
- Nesophrosyne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesophryne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesorestias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesorthia Fennah, 1962
- Nesosphecodes Engel, 2006
- Nesostizocera Linsley, 1961
- Nesosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesotaxila Fennah, 1971
- Nesotemora Fennah, 1956
- Nesothoe Kirkaldy, 1908
- Nesothrips Kirkaldy, 1907
- Nesotingis Drake, 1957
- Nesotocus Perkins, 1900
- Nesotriatoma Usinger, 1944
- Neteja Navás, 1914
- Nethersia Horváth, 1925
- Netrogramma Lindner, 1964
- Neucentropus Martynov, 1907
- Neula Navás, 1917
- Neulatus Navás, 1912
- Neumoegenia Grote, 1882
- Neunkanodes Yang, 1989
- Neuraeschna Hagen, 1867
- Neuragrion Karsch, 1891
- Neuratelia
- Neureclipsis McLachlan, 1864
- Neurigona
- Neurigonella
- Neurobezzia
- Neurocentropus Navas, 1918
- Neurochorema Tillyard, 1924
- Neurocolpus Reuter, 1876
- Neurocordulia Selys, 1871
- Neuroctenus Fieber, 1860
- Neurocyta Navas, 1916
- Neurohelea Kieffer, 1925
- Neuroleon Navás, 1909
- Neuroscelio Dodd, 1913
- Neuroterus Hartig, 1840
- Neurothrips Hood, 1924
- Neurotmeta Guérin-Méneville, 1856
- Neurotoma Konow, 1897
- Neusterensifer J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1994
- Neuterthron Ding, 2006
- Nevadocoris Knight, 1968
- Nevermannister Reichensperger, 1938
- Newjersevania Basibuyuk, Quicke & Rasnitsyn, 2000
- Newleon Miller and Stange, 2012
- Nexophallus Gordon, 1969
- Nexus
- Nezara Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Nggeliana Boulard, 1979
- Ngoya Schmid, 1993
- Nialaphodius Kolbe, 1908
- Niborskiana Montemayor, 2012
- Nicagus LeConte, 1861
- Nicentrus Casey, 1892
- Nicephorus Reinhard, 1944
- Nicetor Fennah, 1964
- Nicholia Knight, 1929
- Nickimerus Guérin, 1948
- Nicobium LeConte, 1861
- Nicocles
- Nicolasites Tishechkin, 2007
- Nicoletia Gervais, 1843
- Nicotikis Marseul, 1883
- Nicrophorus Fabricius, 1775
- Nicrus Stål, 1863
- Nidicola Harris and Drake, 1941
- Nieserius Zettel, 1999
- Niesthrea Spinola, 1837
- Nietnerella Kimmins, 1963
- Nigetia Walker, 1866
- Nigrilypha O'Hara, 2002
- Nigripsaltria Boer, 1999
- Nigritomyia Bigot, 1877
- Nigronia Banks, 1908
- Nilaparvata Distant, 1906
- Nilea Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Nilgiraspis Spaeth, 1932
- Nilobezzia Kieffer, 1921
- Nilotanypus Kieffer, 1923
- Nilothauma Kieffer
- Nilsvelia Cassis, Hodgins, Weir and Tatarnic, 2017
- Niltonia Moure, 1964
- Nimbocera
- Nimioglossa Reinhard, 1945
- Nineta Navás, 1912
- Ninus Stål, 1860
- Nipaecoccus
- Niphisia Emeljanov, 1966
- Niphogenia
- Niphonyx Sugi in Inoue and Kawabe, 1982
- Niponius Lewis, 1885
- Niposoma Mazur, 1999
- Nippia Munro, 1929
- Nippoberaea Botosaneanu, Nozaki, & Kagaya, 1995
- Nipponaclerda McConnell, 1954
- Nippononebria Uéno, 1955
- Nippononysson Yasumatsu and Maidl, 1936
- Nipponoserica Nomura, 1973
- Niptinus Fall, 1905
- Niptus Boieldieu, 1856
- Nipus Casey, 1899
- Nirovecus Stål, 1859
- Nisaxis Casey, 1886
- Nishihygia Brailovsky, 2000
- Nisoniades Hübner, 1819
- Nisoscolopocerus Barber, 1928
- Nisquallia Rehn, 1952
- Nitela Latreille, 1809
- Nitidula Fabricius, 1775
- Nitiduloides Sharp, 1882
- Nitobeia Shiraki, 1933
- Nitornus Stål, 1859
- Nitrariomyia Rohdendorf, 1949
- Niuginitrichia Wells, 1990
- Nixe Flowers, 1980
- Nixonia Masner, 1958
- Noaleon Hölzel, 1972
- Nobarnus Distant, 1920
- Nobuotentou Kitano, 2020
- Nocloa Smith, 1906
- Nocticanace
- Noctua Linnaeus, 1758
- Noctuana E. Bell, 1937
- Noctuocoris Knight, 1923
- Noeeta Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Nogueirapis Moure, 1953
- Nogullocoris Miller, 1958
- Nola Leach, 1815
- Nolanomelissa Rozen, 2003
- Nolima Navás, 1914
- Noliphus Stål, 1859
- Nomada Scopoli, 1770
- Nomadister Borgmeier, 1948
- Nomamyrmex Borgmeier, 1936
- Nomerobius Navás, 1916
- Nomes Navás, 1914
- Nomia Latreille, 1804
- Nomioides Schenck, 1867
- Nomius Laporte, 1835
- Nomotettix Morse, 1894
- Nomuraelmis Satô, 1964
- Nonacris Walker, 1850
- Nonispa Maulik, 1933
- Nonlygus Schwartz in Schwartz and Foottit, 1998
- Noongara Moulds, 2012
- Noonilla Petersen, 1968
- Nopalis Signoret, 1864
- Nophis Navás, 1912
- Norellisoma Hendel, 1910
- Nosa Navás, 1911
- Nosoarna Ruschel and Sanborn, 2021
- Nosodendron Latreille, 1804
- Nosola Stål, 1866
- Nosopsyllus
- Nosotetocus Scudder, 1892
- Nostima
- Notalina Mosely, 1936
- Notamblyscirtes Scott, 2006
- Notania Mosely in Kimmins, 1950
- Notanthidium Isensee, 1927
- Notapictinus Usinger and Matsuda, 1959
- Notarctia M. E. Smith, 1938
- Notaris Germar, 1817
- Notaticus Zimmermann, 1928
- Notela Schaus, 1901
- Notelmis Hinton, 1941
- Noteriades Cockerell, 1931
- Noteropagus Orchymont, 1919
- Noterus Clairville, 1806
- Nothidris Ettershank, 1966
- Nothochrysa McLachlan, 1868
- Nothocleptes Miller, 1959
- Nothoclusiosoma Hardy, 1986
- Nothocolus Gordon, 1994
- Nothodelphax Fennah, 1963
- Nothodiplax Belle, 1984
- Nothogaster Lacordaire, 1865
- Nothokalpa Fennah, 1975
- Notholopisca Carvalho, 1975
- Nothomyia Loew, 1869
- Nothomyrmecia Clark, 1934
- Nothomyrmica Wheeler, 1915
- Nothoperissops Heller, 1916
- Nothopleurus Lacordaire, 1869
- Nothopsyche Banks, 1906
- Nothorestias Muir, 1917
- Nothotrichia Flint, 1967
- Notidobia Stephens, 1829
- Notidobiella Schmid, 1955
- Notiobia Perty, 1830
- Notiobiella Banks, 1909
- Notiodes Schönherr, 1838
- Notiophilus Duméril, 1805
- Notioplusia Lafontaine and Poole, 1991
- Notiothauma MacLachlan, 1877
- Notiphila
- Notobitiella Hsiao, 1963
- Notobitopsis Blöte, 1938
- Notobitus Stål, 1860
- Notocoelis Lewis, 1900
- Notocrabro Leclercq, 1951
- Notocyrtus Burmeister, 1835
- Notodoma Lacordaire, 1854
- Notodonta Ochsenheimer, 1810
- Notoernodes Andersen & Kjaerandsen, 1997
- Notogaster Fernández-Triana and Ward, 2020
- Notogramma
- Notogryps Fennah, 1965
- Notohermetia James, 1950
- Notohyus Fennah, 1965
- Notolister Lewis, 1894
- Notolomus LeConte, 1876
- Notolonia Popov, 1962
- Notomicrus Sharp, 1882
- Notomma Bezzi, 1920
- Notommoides Hancock, 1986
- Notoncus Emery, 1895
- Notonecta Linnaeus, 1758
- Notoperata Neboiss, 1977
- Notopodops Barber and Sailer, 1953
- Notopomus Montandon, 1894
- Notopsalta Dugdale, 1972
- Notopteryx Hsiao, 1963
- Notosacantha Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Notosaprinus Kryzhanovskij, 1972
- Notosigalphus van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Notostigma Emery, 1920
- Nototis Arnold, 1927
- Notoxaea Hurd and Linsley, 1976
- Notoxus Geoffroy, 1762
- Notriolus Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Notuchoides Donaldson, 1988
- Notuchus Fennah, 1969
- Noualhierana Miller, 1958
- Noualhierella Villiers, 1951
- Noualhieridia Breddin, 1898
- Novadessus K. B. Miller, 2016
- Novakia
- Novelsis Casey, 1900
- Novemcella Goding, 1925
- Novius Mulsant, 1846
- Novmammilla Jian and Xing, 2022
- Nubithia Stål, 1859
- Nucleotops Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Nudidrosophila Hardy, 1965
- Nuglerus Navás, 1912
- Nularda Stål, 1859
- Numata Matsumura, 1935
- Numathriambus Asche, 1988
- Numatodes Fennah, 1964
- Numia Guenée, 1858
- Numicia Stål, 1866
- Nunbergia Mazur, 1978
- Nursea Cameron, 1902
- Nurunderia Distant, 1909
- Nusalala Navás, 1913
- Nuvol Navás, 1916
- Nuzonia Spaeth, 1912
- Nyara Villet, 1999
- Nyassamyia Lindner, 1980
- Nycheuma Fennah, 1964
- Nychia Stål, 1858
- Nychioptera Franclemont, 1966
- Nyctelius Hayward, 1948
- Nycteola Hübner, 1822
- Nycterophila
- Nycteus Latreille, 1829
- Nyctibora Burmeister, 1838
- Nyctiophylax Brauer, 1865
- Nyctophila E. Olivier, 1884
- Nyctotingis Drake, 1922
- Nyereria Mason, 1981
- Nyholmia Klausnitzer, 2013
- Nyleta Dodd, 1926
- Nyllius Stål, 1859
- Nymphalis Kluk, 1780
- Nympharescus Weise, 1905
- Nymphister Reichensperger, 1933
- Nymphocoris Woodward, 1956
- Nymphula Schrank, 1802
- Nymphuliella Lange, 1956
- Nyplatys Seguy, 1938
- Nyplus Villiers, 1948
- Nysius Dallas, 1852
- Nysson Latreille, 1802
- Nyssonotus Casey, 1892
- Nystalea Guenée, 1852
- Nyttum Spinola, 1837
- Oacoccus Williams, 2007
- Oannes Distant, 1911
- Oarisma Scudder, 1872
- Oaristes Fennah, 1964
- Oaxacacoris Schwartz and Stonedahl, 1987
- Obedas Jacobi, 1910
- Oberea Mulsant, 1839
- Oblongomorpha Wappler, 2003
- Obolodiplosis
- Obrapa Walker, 1858
- Obrima Walker, 1856
- Obrium Dejean, 1821
- Obrussa Braun, 1915
- Obtusicranus Bartlett, 2006
- Obus Navás, 1912
- Ocalea Erichson, 1837
- Ocaria Clench, 1970
- Occamus Distant, 1909
- Occidentalia Dyar and Heinrich, 1927
- Occidentodema Henry, 2000
- Oceanaspidiotus
- Oceanides Kirkaldy, 1910
- Ocelliemesina Wang, Wang, Cao and Cai, 2015
- Ocellovelia China and Usinger, 1949
- Ocheovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 2006
- Ochetellus Shattuck, 1992
- Ochetomyrmex Mayr, 1878
- Ochlodes Scudder, 1872
- Ochraethes Chevrolat, 1860
- Ochreriades Mavromoustakis, 1956
- Ochrimnus Stål, 1874
- Ochrobapha Munro, 1938
- Ochrocera Townsend, 1916
- Ochrochira Stål, 1873
- Ochropleura Hübner, 1821
- Ochrotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Ochterus Latreille, 1807
- Ochthebius Leach, 1815
- Ochtheosus Perkins, 1997
- Ochthephilus Mulsant and Rey, 1856
- Ochthera
- Ochyromera Pascoe, 1874
- Ocnaea
- Ocnerioxa Speiser, 1915
- Ocnerioxyna Seguy, 1939
- Ocnosispa Weise, 1910
- Oconoperla Stark and Stewart, 1982
- Ocrioessa Bergroth, 1918
- Ocroeme Martins, Chemsak and Linsley, 1966
- Octacysta Drake and Ruhoff, 1960
- Octarthria Brauer, 1882
- Octhispa Chapuis, 1877
- Octocladiscus Thomson, 1856
- Octodesmus Lesne, 1901
- Octodonta Chapuis, 1875
- Octogomphus Selys, 1873
- Octostruma Forel, 1912
- Octotemnus Mellié, 1847
- Octotoma Dejean, 1836
- Octuroplata Uhmann, 1940
- Oculogryphus Jeng, Engel and Yang, 2007
- Ocydromia
- Ocymyrmex Emery, 1886
- Ocyochterus Drake and Gómez-Menor, 1954
- Ocyptamus
- Ocyusa Kraatz, 1856
- Ocyustiba Lohse and Smetana, 1988
- Odinia
- Odmalea Bergroth, 1915
- Odonaspis Leonardi, 1897
- Odontacolus Kieffer, 1910
- Odontaleyrodes
- Odontelytron Sforzi and Mantilleri, 2007
- Odonteus Samouelle, 1819
- Odontispa Uhmann, 1940
- Odontoanaphothrips Moulton, 1926
- Odontobola Stål, 1873
- Odontocera Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Odontocerum Leach in Brewster, 1815
- Odontocorynus Schönherr, 1844
- Odontocrabro Tsuneki, 1971
- Odontocurtus Brailovsky, 2011
- Odontocynips Kieffer, 1910
- Odontodiplosis
- Odontogonus Bergroth, 1904
- Odontoloxozus
- Odontolytes Koshantschikov, 1916
- Odontomachus Latreille, 1804
- Odontomera
- Odontomesa
- Odontomyia Meigen, 1803
- Odontopareius Damoiseau, 1964
- Odontoparia Mayr, 1965
- Odontoponera Mayr, 1862
- Odontopsammodius Gordon and Pittino, 1992
- Odontopsen Tsuneki, 1964
- Odontoptila Warren, 1897
- Odontopus Say, 1831
- Odontorhopala Stål, 1873
- Odontosciara
- Odontosia Hübner, 1819
- Odontosphex Arnold, 1951
- Odontosphindus LeConte, 1878
- Odontota Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Odontotaenius Kuwert, 1896
- Odontothrips Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Odontoxiphidium Morse, 1891
- Odopoea Stål, 1861
- Odyneropsis Schrottky, 1902
- Oebalia
- Oebalus Stål, 1862
- Oecanthus Serville, 1831
- Oecetis McLachlan, 1877
- Oechalia Stål, 1862
- Oechalina Melichar, 1914
- Oecismus McLachlan, 1876
- Oeconesus McLachlan, 1862
- Oecophylla Smith, 1860
- Oecotelma Townes, 1970
- Oecothea
- Oedalea
- Oedaleonotus Scudder, 1897
- Oedalocanthus Henry, 1996
- Oedancala Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Oedaspis Loew, 1862
- Oedemagena
- Oedemanota Miller, 1957
- Oedenops
- Oedicarena Loew, 1873
- Oediopalpa Baly, 1858
- Oedoncus Speiser, 1924
- Oedopa
- Oedoparena
- Oedosphenella Frey, 1936
- Oedotingis Drake, 1942
- Oeme Newman, 1840
- Oemopteryx Klapálek, 1902
- Oeneis Hübner, 1819
- Oenomaus Hübner, 1819
- Oenopia Mulsant, 1850
- Oeocharis Drake and Ruhoff, 1965
- Oestranthrax
- Oestrophasia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Oestropsyche Brauer, 1868
- Oestrus
- Oethecoctonus Ashmead, 1893
- Ogcodes
- Ogcodocera
- Ogdoconta Butler, 1891
- Ogdoecosta Spaeth, 1909
- Ogeria Distant, 1913
- Ogygotingis Drake, 1948
- Ohenri Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Ohiacoccus
- Ohiya Jäch, 1982
- Oiceoptoma Leach, 1815
- Oidematops
- Oileides Hübner, 1825
- Oiocaria Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1982
- Oiosalda Drake and Hoberlandt, 1952
- Oiovelia Drake and Maldonado-Capriles, 1952
- Okalia Kodada and Ciampor, 2003
- Okanagana Distant, 1905
- Okanagodes Davis, 1919
- Okapa Mineo & Caleca, 1996
- Okeniella Hendel, 1907
- Okondo Schouteden, 1931
- Olastrida Schouteden, 1956
- Olbiogaster
- Olcella
- Oldenbergiella
- Olfersia
- Olgia Radoszkowski, 1877
- Oliarces Banks, 1908
- Oliarus
- Oligacanthopus Rehn and Hebard, 1912
- Oligaethus Jacobi, 1928
- Oligembia Davis, 1939
- Oligia Hübner, 1821
- Oligoaphidius Quilis, 1940
- Oligocentria Herrich-Schäffer, 1856
- Oligoclada Karsch, 1890
- Oligodranes
- Oligoglena Horváth, 1912
- Oligolochus Casey, 1892
- Oligomerella Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Oligomerus Redtenbacher, 1849
- Oligomyrmex Mayr, 1867
- Oligoneuria Pictet, 1843
- Oligoneurus Szépligeti, 1901
- Oligonicella Giglio-Tos, 1915
- Oligophlebodes Ulmer, 1905
- Oligoria Scudder, 1872
- Oligosaldina Statz, 1950
- Oligostigmoides Lange, 1956
- Oligostomis Kolenati, 1848
- Oligostomus Kolenati, 1848
- Oligota Mannerheim, 1831
- Oligothrips Moulton, 1933
- Oligotoma Westwood, 1837
- Oligotricha Rambur, 1842
- Oligotrophus
- Oligotylus Van Duzee, 1916
- Olinga McLachlan, 1894
- Olisthopus Dejean, 1828
- Oliveridia
- Oliviereus Pic, 1930
- Olixon Cameron, 1887
- Olla Casey, 1899
- Ollanta Distant, 1905
- Olliffiella Cockerell
- Olpodiplosis
- Omalocaria Sicard, 1909
- Omalodes Erichson, 1834
- Omania Horváth, 1915
- Omanocoris Kiritshenko, 1916
- Omanonabis Asquith and Lattin, 1991
- Omaspides Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Omethes LeConte, 1861
- Omias Germar, 1817
- Omicrus Sharp, 1879
- Omileus Horn, 1876
- Omisus
- Omma Newman, 1839
- Ommatides Uhler, 1894
- Ommatissus Fieber, 1875
- Ommatius
- Ommatochila Butler, 1894
- Omninablautus
- Omocerus Chevrolat, 1835
- Omoglymmius Ganglbauer, 1892
- Omoleon Navás, 1936
- Omomyia
- Omonadus Mulsant and Rey, 1866
- Omophoita Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Omophron Latreille, 1802
- Omoplax Horváth, 1912
- Omorgus Erichson, 1847
- Omosita Erichson, 1843
- Omoteina Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Omotonus Delève, 1963
- Omotropis Reichardt, 1933
- Omus Eschscholtz, 1829
- Oncacontias Breddin, 1903
- Oncaspidia Stål, 1873
- Oncerodes Uhler, 1894
- Oncerometopus Reuter, 1876
- Oncerotrachelus Stål, 1868
- Oncerus LeConte, 1856
- Oncideres Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830
- Oncocephala Agassiz, 1846
- Oncocephalus Klug, 1830
- Oncochila Stål, 1873
- Oncodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Oncodemerus Senna, 1892
- Oncodometopus
- Oncomeris Laporte, 1833
- Oncopeltus Stål, 1868
- Oncopera Walker, 1856
- Oncophanes Foerster, 1863
- Oncophysa Stål, 1873
- Oncotylus Fieber, 1858
- Oncotympana Stål, 1870
- Oncozygia Stål, 1872
- Oncylocotis Stål, 1855
- Onidodelphax Yang, 1989
- Onirion Peyton and Harbach, 2000
- Oniticellus LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Onitis Fabricius, 1798
- Onocosmoecus Banks, 1943
- Onomacritus Distant, 1912
- Onoralna Boulard, 1996
- Onoremia Brailovsky, 1995
- Onota Chaudoir, 1873
- Ontherus Erichson, 1847
- Onthophagus Latreille, 1802
- Onthophilus Leach, 1817
- Onychaspidium
- Onychelmis Hinton, 1941
- Onychobaris LeConte, 1876
- Onychogonia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Onychohydrus Schaum and White, 1847
- Onychomesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Onychomyrmex Emery, 1895
- Onychotrechus Kirkaldy, 1903
- Onychylis LeConte, 1876
- Onymochila Drake, 1948
- Onymocoris Drake and Slater, 1957
- Oocassida Weise, 1897
- Oocyclus Sharp, 1882
- Oodemas Boheman, 1859
- Oodes Bonelli, 1810
- Oodinus Motschulsky, 1865
- Ooencyrtus Ashmead, 1900
- Oolimnius Hinton, 1939
- Oomorphidius Casey, 1892
- Oomorphus Curtis, 1831
- Oomtelecopon Perkins, 2005
- Oopsis Fairmaire, 1850
- Oopterinus Casey, 1892
- Oopterus Guérin-Méneville, 1841
- Oosternum Sharp, 1882
- Opacifrons
- Opacinota E. Riley, 1986
- Opadosister Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Opalimosina
- Opeia McNeill, 1897
- Operclipygus Marseul, 1870
- Operophtera Hübner, 1825
- Opesia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Opetiophora
- Opharus Walker, 1855
- Ophiogomphus Selys, 1854
- Ophiomedon
- Ophiomyia
- Ophisma Guenée, 1852
- Ophiusa Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Ophoelis E. Olivier, 1911
- Ophonus Dejean, 1821
- Ophraea Jacoby, 1886
- Ophraella Wilcox, 1965
- Ophryastes Germar, 1829
- Opiconsiva Distant, 1917
- Opifex Hutton, 1902
- Opilidia Rivalier, 1954
- Opilo Latreille, 1802
- Opiopterus Szépligeti, 1908
- Opisthacantha Ashmead, 1893
- Opisthacidius Berg, 1879
- Opisthenoxys Kleine, 1922
- Opistheurista Carvalho, 1959
- Opisthius Kirby, 1837
- Opisthopsis Dalla Torre, 1893
- Opisthozemius Kolbe, 1916
- Opistoplatys Westwood, 1834
- Opius Wesmael, 1835
- Oplachantha Rondani, 1863
- Oplodontha Rondani, 1863
- Oplomus Spinola, 1840
- Oplonaeschna Selys, 1883
- Oplosia Mulsant, 1863
- Opomydas
- Oppiopsis
- Opsebius
- Opsidia
- Opsidiopsis
- Opsidiotrophus
- Opsigalea Hampson, 1906
- Opsimus Mannerheim, 1843
- Opsius Fieber, 1866
- Opsolasia
- Opsomeigenia Townsend, 1919
- Opsophyto
- Opsotheresia Townsend, 1919
- Optioservus Sanderson, 1954
- Opuna Kirkaldy, 1902
- Ora Clark, 1865
- Oranoma Drake, 1951
- Orapa Distant, 1905
- Orapaeus Kuschel and Oberprieler in Kuschel, Oberprieler and Rayner, 1994
- Oraphasmophaga Reinhard, 1958
- Orasturmia Reinhard, 1947
- Orateon Lackner and Ratto, 2014
- Oravelia Drake and Chapman, 1963
- Orbella Maldonado, 1987
- Orbellia
- Orbipressus Gordon, 1994
- Orcaenas Fennah, 1969
- Orchamoplatus
- Orchelimum Serville, 1839
- Orchesma Melichar, 1903
- Orchidophilus Buchanan, 1935
- Orchopeas
- Orchymontia Broun, 1919
- Orculus Sicard, 1931
- Orcus Mulsant, 1850
- Ordirete Hill, 1984
- Ordobrevia Sanderson, 1953
- Oreadomyia
- Oreba Cameron, 1900
- Orectochilus Dejean, 1833
- Orectoderus Uhler, 1876
- Orectognathus Smith, 1853
- Orectogyrus Régimbart, 1884
- Orectoscelis Lewis, 1903
- Oreiscelio Kieffer, 1910
- Orellana Distant, 1905
- Orellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Oreodera Audinet-Serville, 1835
- Oreodytes Seidlitz, 1887
- Oreogeton Schiner, 1860
- Oreopasites Cockerell, 1906
- Oreothalia
- Orestilla Reinhard, 1944
- Oreta Walker, 1855
- Oreurinus Ito, 1984
- Orexita Spaeth, 1911
- Orfelia
- Orfilaia Haedo Rossi, 1955
- Organothrips Hood, 1940
- Orgyia Ochsenheimer, 1810
- Orialella Metcalf, 1952
- Orianocoris Villiers, 1964
- Oridia Gorham, 1895
- Orientafroinsularis Sanborn, 2021
- Orientelmis Shepard, 1998
- Orienticaelum Ito, 1984
- Orientispa Poivre, 1984
- Orientocolastes Belokobylskij, 1999
- Orientopsaltria Kato, 1944
- Orientoya Chen and Ding in Chen, Li and Ding, 2001
- Origanaus Distant, 1893
- Orimarga Osten-sacken, 1869
- Orimodema Horn, 1876
- Oriobrachys Sun and McCafferty, 2008
- Orius Wolff, 1811
- Orizabus Fairmaire, 1878
- Ormia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Ormiscus G. R. Waterhouse, 1845
- Ormosia Rondani, 1856
- Ornidia
- Ornithia Thomson, 1864
- Ornithocoris Pinto, 1927
- Ornithoctona
- Ornithodes
- Ornithoica
- Ornithomya
- Ornithoschema Meijere, 1914
- Ornopyramis Krivosheina, 1973
- Ornytus Dallas, 1852
- Orobiocassis Spaeth, 1934
- Orobittacus Villegas and Byers, 1982
- Orocaecilius Mockford, 2000
- Orocharis Uhler, 1864
- Orocorixa Nieser and Padilla Gil, 1992
- Orodesma Herrich-Schäffer, 1868
- Orohermes Evans, 1984
- Oroides Tomaszewska and Slipinski, 2012
- Oroperla Needham, 1933
- Orophus Saussure, 1859
- Oropodes Casey, 1894
- Oropsyche Ross, 1941
- Oropus Casey, 1886
- Orotava Frey, 1936
- Orothreptes Perkins, 1900
- Orothrips Moulton, 1907
- Orotingis Drake and Poor, 1941
- Orphana Vachal, 1909
- Orphilus Erichson, 1846
- Orphinus Motschulsky, 1858
- Orphninotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Orphnotrechus Sweet, 1991
- Orphulella Giglio-Tos, 1894
- Orrhodops
- Orseta Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Orsillacis Barber, 1914
- Orsilochides Kirkaldy, 1909
- Orsodacne Latreille, 1802
- Ortalia Mulsant, 1850
- Ortalistes Gorham, 1897
- Ortaloptera Edwards, 1915
- Ortalotrypeta Hendel, 1927
- Orthacheta Becker, 1894
- Orthaltica Crotch, 1873
- Orthemis Hagen, 1861
- Orthezia Bosc, 1784
- Orthocanthoides Freidberg, 1987
- Orthocephalus Fieber, 1858
- Orthochoriolaus Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Orthocis Casey, 1898
- Orthocladius Wulp, 1874
- Orthocnemis Westwood, 1845
- Orthodes Guenée, 1852
- Orthodiatelus Notman, 1920
- Orthofidonia Packard, 1876
- Orthognathus Schönherr, 1838
- Orthogonis
- Ortholeptura Casey, 1913
- Orthomoia Mustelin in Mustelin, Leuschner, Mikkola and Lafontaine, 2000
- Orthonama Hübner, 1825
- Orthonevra
- Orthopeplus Horn, 1879
- Orthoperus Stephens, 1829
- Orthophrys Horváth, 1911
- Orthopodomyia Theobald, 1904
- Orthops Fieber, 1858
- Orthopsyche McFarlane, 1976
- Orthoptochus Casey, 1888
- Orthorhagus McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Orthorhinus Schönherr, 1825
- Orthoris LeConte, 1876
- Orthosaldula Gapud, 1986
- Orthosia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Orthosimyia Reinhard, 1944
- Orthosoma Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Orthostolus Sharp in Sharp and Scott, 1908
- Orthotomicus Ferrari, 1867
- Orthotrichia Eaton, 1873
- Orthotylus Fieber, 1858
- Orthunga Dohrn, 1859
- Ortilia Higgins, 1981
- Oruza Walker, 1861
- Orwellion Skiles, 1985
- Orychodes Pascoe, 1862
- Orygma
- Orynipus Brèthes, 1924
- Oryssomus Mulsant, 1850
- Oryttus Spinola, 1836
- Oryzaephilus Ganglbauer, 1899
- Osbornia Ball, 1910
- Oscarinus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Oscinella
- Oscinisoma
- Oscinoides
- Oshia
- Osirinus Roig-Alsina, 1989
- Osiris Smith, 1854
- Oslaria Dyar, 1904
- Osmia Panzer, 1806
- Osmidus LeConte, 1873
- Osmoderma LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Osmopleura Linsley, 1964
- Osobenus Ricker, 1952
- Osorius Guérin-Méneville, 1829
- Ospriocerus
- Ossoides Bierman, 1910
- Ostama Walker, 1857
- Ostomopsis Scott, 1922
- Ostracocoelia Giglio-Tos, 1893
- Ostracophyto Townsend, 1915
- Ostrinia Hübner, 1825
- Ostrocerca Ricker, 1952
- Oswaldia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Othinosmia Michener, 1943
- Othniocera Hardy, 1986
- Otiodactylus Pinto, 1927
- Otionigera Lindner, 1966
- Otiorhynchus Germar, 1822
- Otites
- Otochrysa Lindner, 1938
- Otomasicera Townsend, 1912
- Otophorus Mulsant, 1842
- Ototretadrilus Pic, 1921
- Ottoicus Drake, 1960
- Ouachitychus Chandler, 1988
- Oudeboschia Distant, 1920
- Oulema Des Gozis, 1886
- Oulimnius Gozis, 1886
- Ouranion Kirkaldy, 1904
- Ovalampis Fairmaire, 1898
- Ovatametra Kenaga, 1942
- Ovatus
- Overbeckia Viehmeyer, 1916
- Ovolara Brown, 1981
- Ovotispa Medvedev, 1992
- Owenoderes Stys, 2002
- Owra Ashton, 1912
- Oxacis LeConte, 1866
- Oxaea Klug, 1807
- Oxelytrum Gistel, 1848
- Oxya Serville, 1831
- Oxyaciura Hendel, 1927
- Oxyagrion Selys, 1876
- Oxyallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Oxybelomorpha Brauns, 1897
- Oxybelus Latreille, 1797
- Oxycanus Walker, 1856
- Oxycephala Guérin-Méneville, 1838
- Oxycera Meigen, 1803
- Oxychalepus Uhmann, 1937
- Oxycilla Grote, 1896
- Oxycnemis Grote, 1882
- Oxycnemus Erichson, 1843
- Oxycopis Arnett, 1951
- Oxycorynus Chevrolat, 1832
- Oxycranum Bergroth, 1910
- Oxycraspedus Kuschel, 1955
- Oxycrepis Reiche, 1843
- Oxydema Wollaston, 1873
- Oxydia Guenée, 1858
- Oxydrepanus Putzeys, 1867
- Oxyelophila Forbes, 1922
- Oxyepoecus Santschi, 1926
- Oxyethira Eaton, 1873
- Oxygrylius Casey, 1915
- Oxyidris Wilson, 1985
- Oxylaemus Erichson, 1845
- Oxylepus Desbrochers, 1884
- Oxymastinocerus Wittmer, 1963
- Oxymerus Dupont in Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Oxymyia Kertesz, 1916
- Oxyna Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Oxynops Townsend, 1912
- Oxyomus Dejean, 1833
- Oxyopomyrmex Andre, 1881
- Oxyparna Korneyev, 1989
- Oxypeltus Blanchard, 1851
- Oxypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Oxypoda Mannerheim, 1831
- Oxypristis Signoret, 1861
- Oxypselaphus Chaudoir, 1843
- Oxyroplata Uhmann, 1940
- Oxysarcodexia
- Oxyscapanus Damoiseau, 1989
- Oxyscelio Kieffer, 1907
- Oxysternus Erichson, 1834
- Oxystigma Selys, 1862
- Oxyteleia Kieffer, 1908
- Oxytella Weise, 1902
- Oxytelus Gravenhorst, 1802
- Oxythrips Uzel, 1895
- Oxythyreus Westwood, 1841
- Oxytrigona Cockerell, 1917
- Ozaena Olivier, 1811
- Ozarba Walker, 1865
- Ozirhincus
- Ozodecerus Chevrolat, 1839
- Ozodiceromya
- Ozognathus LeConte, 1861
- Ozophora Uhler, 1871
- Pacarina Distant, 1905
- Pachnaeus Schönherr, 1826
- Pachodynerus Saussure, 1875
- Pachyacantha Lindner, 1952
- Pachyanthidium Friese, 1905
- Pachybaris LeConte, 1876
- Pachybelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Pachyberis James, 1975
- Pachybrachis Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Pachybrachius Hahn, 1826
- Pachyceramyia
- Pachycerota Casey, 1906
- Pachycoleus Fieber, 1860
- Pachycolpura Breddin, 1900
- Pachycolpuroides Brailovsky, 1993
- Pachycondyla Smith, 1858
- Pachycoris Burmeister, 1835
- Pachycraerus Marseul, 1853
- Pachycysta Champion, 1898
- Pachydiplax Brauer, 1868
- Pachydrus Sharp, 1882
- Pachyelmis Fairmaire, 1898
- Pachygaster Meigen, 1803
- Pachygeraeus Casey, 1920
- Pachygrontha Germar, 1837
- Pachyhelea
- Pachylia Walker, 1856
- Pachylioides Hodges, 1971
- Pachylis Le Peletier and Serville, 1825
- Pachylister Lewis, 1904
- Pachylobius LeConte, 1876
- Pachylomalus Schmidt, 1897
- Pachylopus Erichson, 1834
- Pachymelus Smith, 1879
- Pachynectes Régimbart, 1903
- Pachynematus Konow, 1890
- Pachyonychis H. Clark, 1860
- Pachyonychus F. E. Melsheimer, 1847
- Pachyopella
- Pachyparnus Fairmaire, 1889
- Pachypeltocoris Knight, 1953
- Pachyphasma Wipfler, Pohl and Predel, 2012
- Pachyplagia Gross, 1951
- Pachyplagioides Gross, 1951
- Pachyplectrus LeConte, 1874
- Pachypoda Carvalho and China, 1951
- Pachypolia Grote, 1874
- Pachyprosopis Perkins, 1908
- Pachypsaltria Stål, 1863
- Pachyptilum Lindner, 1969
- Pachyrhinus Schönherr, 1823
- Pachysandalus Jeannel, 1916
- Pachyschelus Solier, 1833
- Pachysphinx Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Pachysquamus Mercado-Velez & Negrón, 2014
- Pachystigmus Hellén, 1927
- Pachysvastra Moure and Michener, 1955
- Pachyta Dejean, 1821
- Pachyteles Perty, 1830
- Pachytroctes Enderlein, 1905
- Pachytychius Jekel, 1861
- Pachyura Hope, 1833
- Pachyurinus Kuschel, 1989
- Pacicephalus Kirejtshuk and Mantic, 2015
- Pacifica Ballantyne in Ballantyne and Lambkin, 2013
- Pacificanthia Kazantsev, 2001
- Pacifister Mazur and Ôhara, 2009
- Pactolinus Motschulsky, 1860
- Pactopus LeConte, 1868
- Pactorrhinus Ancey, 1881
- Padaeus Stål, 1862
- Padangpsyche Malicky, 1993
- Padasastra Villiers, 1948
- Padunia Martynov, 1910
- Paduniella Ulmer, 1913
- Pae Pate, 1944
- Paectes Hübner, 1818
- Paectira Karsch, 1890
- Paedalgus Forel, 1911
- Paedocoris Miller, 1952
- Paedohexacinia Hardy, 1986
- Pagara Walker, 1856
- Pagasa Stål, 1862
- Pagastia
- Pagastiella
- Pagelmis Spangler, 1981
- Pagiocerus Eichhoff, 1868
- Pagiphora Horváth, 1912
- Pagria Lefèvre, 1884
- Paha Dajoz, 1984
- Pahabengkakia Miller, 1941
- Pahamunaya Schmid, 1958
- Paharia Distant, 1905
- Pakesia Miller, 1952
- Pakidetta Sanborn and Ahmed, 2017
- Palacus Dohrn, 1863
- Palaeagapetus Ulmer, 1912
- Palaemnema Selys, 1860
- Palaeoceocephalus Kleine, 1920
- Palaeocolastes Belokobylskij and Zaldívar-Riverón, 2021
- Palaeodipteron
- Palaeoersachus Pütz, Hernando and Ribera, 2004
- Palaeogerris Andersen, 1998
- Palaeogryon Masner, 1969
- Palaeoheteroptera Handlirsch, 1908
- Palaeoleptus Poinar and Buckley, 2009
- Palaeomyrmecolax Kulicka, 2001
- Palaeoneda Crotch, 1871
- Palaeoparagogus Damoiseau, 1979
- Palaeorhiza Perkins, 1908
- Palaeosilpha Flach, 1890
- Palaeoxys Mackauer, 1961
- Palapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Palarus Latreille, 1802
- Palauella Drake, 1956
- Palawanocoris Miller, 1954
- Paleacrita Riley, 1876
- Palego Fennah, 1978
- Palembus
- Paleocader Froeschner, 1996
- Paleodoris Poinar and Santiago-Blay, 1997
- Paleoplatyura
- Paleoploiariola Maldonado, Santiago-Blay and Poinar, 1993
- Paleosminthurus Pierce & Gibron, 1962
- Pallas C. Mielke & Grehan, 2015
- Pallicephala
- Pallodes Erichson, 1843
- Palloptera
- Palmacorixa Abbott, 1912
- Palmaspis Bodenheimer, 1951
- Palmicola Mockford, 1955
- Palmicultor
- Palmiothrips zur Strassen, 1965
- Palmispa Gressitt, 1960
- Palmodes Kohl, 1890
- Palophagoides Kuschel in Kuschel and May, 1996
- Palophagus Kuschel in Kuschel and May, 1990
- Paloptus Stål, 1861
- Palorus
- Palpada
- Palparellus Navás, 1912
- Palpares Rambur, 1842
- Palparidius Péringuey, 1910
- Palpidia Dyar, 1898
- Palpifer Hampson, 1893
- Palpomyia Meigen
- Palpoteleia Kieffer, 1926
- Palthis Hübner, 1825
- Paltorhynchus Scudder, 1893
- Paltothemis Karsch, 1890
- Palumbia
- Pamares Mansell, 1990
- Pamexis Hagen, 1866
- Pamillia Uhler, 1887
- Pamphilus Latreille, 1802
- Pampoconis Meinander, 1972
- Panacridops James & Woodley, 1980
- Panacris Gerstaecker, 1857
- Panaetius Stål, 1865
- Panagaeus Latreille, 1802
- Panagrocoris Miller, 1957
- Panamia Kirkaldy, 1907
- Panaulix Benoit, 1984
- Panchlora Burmeister, 1838
- Pandeleteinus Champion, 1911
- Pandeleteius Schönherr, 1834
- Pandesma Guenée, 1852
- Pandivirilia
- Pangaeus Stål, 1862
- Pangasella Richter, 1995
- Pangomyia James, 1978
- Pangrapta Hübner, 1818
- Pangullia Navás, 1934
- Paniaia Miller, 1958
- Panialna Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Panka Distant, 1905
- Panoplitellus Hedicke, 1923
- Panopoda Guenée, 1852
- Panoquina Hemming, 1934
- Panorpa Linnaeus, 1758
- Panorpodes MacLachlan, 1875
- Panscopus Schönherr, 1842
- Panstrongylus Berg, 1879
- Panstronhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2000
- Pantala Hagen, 1861
- Pantarbes
- Panteliella Kieffer, 1901
- Panthea Hübner, 1820
- Panthous Stål, 1863
- Pantoleistes Stål, 1853
- Pantomorus Schönherr, 1840
- Pantopsilus Berg, 1879
- Panula Guenée, 1852
- Panurginus Nylander, 1848
- Panurgus Panzer, 1806
- Panzeria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Paonias Hübner, 1819
- Paota Hulst, 1896
- Papacekia Zettel, 2005
- Papago Rindge, 1983
- Papaipema Smith, 1899
- Papanteles Mason, 1981
- Papatuka Deans, 2002
- Papeocoris Brailovsky, 2003
- Papestra Sukhareva, 1973
- Paphanus van Achterberg & Riedel, 2009
- Papilio Linnaeus, 1758
- Papilloma Wang, 1989
- Papuadessus Balke, 2001
- Papuaepilachna Szawaryn and Tomaszewska, 2013
- Papuamorbus Brailovsky, 2007
- Papuanecta Tinerella, 2008
- Papuapsaltria Boer, 1995
- Papuatrigona Michener and Sakagami, 1990
- Papuavelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2000
- Papuopsis Caterino and Dégallier, 2007
- Papurus Tsuneki, 1983
- Papyrius Shattuck, 1992
- Paraactinoptera Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Parabacillus Caudell, 1903
- Parabaeus Kieffer, 1910
- Parabagrotis Lafontaine, 1998
- Parabarrovia Gibson, 1920
- Parabaryconus Kozlov & Kononova, 2000
- Parabelminus Lent, 1943
- Parabemisia
- Paraberismyia Woodley, 1995
- Parabezzia
- Parabioxys Shi and Chen, 2001
- Paraboreochlus Thienemann
- Parabostrychus Lesne, 1899
- Parabotha Kormilev, 1984
- Parabrachyscelio Risbec, 1957
- Parabrachytes Distant, 1879
- Parabyrsopolis Ohaus, 1915
- Paracacoxenus
- Paracamptus Casey, 1895
- Paracantha Coquillett, 1899
- Paracanthella Hendel, 1927
- Paracanthinomyia Lindner, 1964
- Paracanthonevra Hardy, 1974
- Paracapnia Hanson, 1946
- Paracarnus Distant, 1884
- Paracaunus Miller, 1956
- Paracechorismenus Kertesz, 1916
- Paracentrobia Howard, 1897
- Paracentrocnemis Miller, 1956
- Paraceocephalus Kleine, 1944
- Paraceratitella Hardy, 1967
- Paracerilocus Miller, 1957
- Parachaetocladius
- Parachiona Thomson, 1891
- Parachirida Hincks, 1952
- Parachironomus Lenz
- Parachlaena Hering, 1944
- Parachorema Schmid, 1957
- Parachremylus Granger, 1949
- Parachrysina Bates, 1888
- Parachrysopiella Brooks and Barnard, 1990
- Paracimbocera Van Dyke, 1938
- Paracimex Kiritshenko, 1913
- Paraciura Hering, 1942
- Paracladius
- Paracladopelma Harnish, 1923
- Paracladura
- Paraclemensia Busck, 1904
- Paracleptria Miller, 1952
- Paraclidorhinus Senna, 1903
- Paraclius
- Paraclivina Kult, 1947
- Paracloeodes Day, 1955
- Paraclytemnestra Breuning, 1974
- Paracoelopterus Normand, 1936
- Paracoenia
- Paracolletes Smith, 1853
- Paracolpodia
- Paraconchaspis Mamet, 1959
- Paraconon Yang, 1989
- Paraconsors
- Paracopium Distant, 1902
- Paracorbulo Tian and Ding in Tian, Ding and Kuoh, 1980
- Paracordulia Martin, 1906
- Paracorixa Poisson, 1957
- Paracosmus
- Paracotalpa Ohaus, 1915
- Paracrabro Turner, 1907
- Paracranoryssus Hofmann, 1972
- Paracraspedothrix Villeneuve, 1920
- Paracratomorphus Zaragoza, 2013
- Paracricotopus
- Paracristobalia Hardy, 1987
- Paracupes Kolbe, 1898
- Paracydnocoris Miller, 1954
- Paracymus Thomson, 1867
- Paracyrtophyllus Caudell, 1906
- Parada Horváth, 1925
- Paradacerla Carvalho and Usinger, 1957
- Paradasyhelea
- Paradasynus China, 1934
- Paradejeania Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1893
- Paradelia
- Paradelphacodes Wagner, 1963
- Paradelphomyia Alexander, 1936
- Paradesis Hancock, 1986
- Paradiarsia McDunnough, 1929
- Paradidactus Quentin, 1966
- Paradidyma Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Paradilacra Bernhauer, 1909
- Paradina Moulds, 2012
- Paradinarthrodes Tani, 1971
- Paradioxys Mocsáry, 1894
- Paradiplocampta
- Paradiplosis
- Paradolichurus F. Williams, 1960
- Paradoxophthirus Chin, 1989
- Paradraga James, 1980
- Paraduriocoris Miller, 1955
- Paraduta Szabó, 1974
- Paraeuphranta Hardy, 1959
- Paraflexiolabis Steinmann, 1988
- Parafreutreta Munro, 1929
- Paragamergomorphus Synave, 1956
- Paragapostemon Vachal, 1903
- Paragastrozona Shiraki, 1933
- Paragerbelius Miller, 1958
- Paraghesquierea Villiers, 1948
- Paragioxenos Ogloblin, 1923
- Paraglaucina Rindge, 1959
- Paraglenurus van der Weele, 1909
- Paragnetina Klapálek, 1907
- Paragogus Kleine, 1926
- Paragoniusa Maruyama and Klimaszewski, 2004
- Paragraphus Blatchley, 1916
- Paragreuocoris Carayon, 1949
- Paragrilus Saunders, 1871
- Paragus
- Paragylloides Putshkov, 1985
- Parahelichus Bollow, 1940
- Parahepialiscus Viette, 1950
- Parahermillus Miller, 1955
- Parahiranetis Gil-Santana, 2015
- Parahormius Nixon, 1940
- Parahyalopeza Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Parahydriena Muir, 1924
- Parahypenodes Barnes and McDunnough, 1918
- Parahypocaccus Vienna, 1995
- Paraidemona Brunner, 1893
- Parajalysus Distant, 1881
- Parajauravia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1972
- Parakiefferiella
- Paralabella Steinmann, 1989
- Paralargulus Stehlík and Brailovsky, 2011
- Paralasonia Muir, 1924
- Paralauterborniella Lenz, 1941
- Paralcmena Miller, 1954
- Paralenaeus Reuter, 1881
- Paraleptonia Klimaszewski in Klimaszewski and Winchester, 2002
- Paraleptophlebia Lestage, 1917
- Paraleptoypha Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraleucopis
- Paraleuctra Hanson, 1941
- Paraleyrodes
- Paraliancalus Parent
- Paralibavius Paiva, 1919
- Paraliburnia Jensen-Haarup, 1917
- Paralichus White, 1859
- Paralimna
- Paralimnichus Delève, 1973
- Paralimnophyes
- Paralimnotrephes Poisson, 1950
- Paralipsis Foerster, 1863
- Paraliris Kohl, 1884
- Paralisarda Miller, 1957
- Paralivatiella Qin and Zhang, 2010
- Parallelia Hübner, 1818
- Parallelodiplosis
- Parallelomma Becker, 1894
- Parallocorynus Voss, 1943
- Paralobium Fall, 1905
- Paralosalda J. Polhemus and Evans, 1969
- Paralucilia
- Paraluteva Villiers, 1961
- Paralycambes Kormilev, 1954
- Paramacera Butler, 1868
- Paramacronychus Nomura, 1958
- Paramantispa Williner and Kormilev, 1959
- Paramarcius Hsiao, 1964
- Paramblopusa Ahn and Ashe, 1996
- Parameletus Bengtsson, 1908
- Parameotica Ganglbauer, 1895
- Parameranoplus Wheeler, 1915
- Paramerina
- Paramestus Ding, 2006
- Parametriocnemus Goetghebuer, 1932
- Paramiana Barnes and Benjamin, 1924
- Paramicrosebus Damoiseau, 1962
- Paramida Sicard, 1909
- Parammobatodes Popov, 1931
- Parammoplanus Pate, 1939
- Paramordellaria Ermisch, 1968
- Paramorphocephalus Kleine, 1920
- Paramphibolus Reuter, 1887
- Paramycodrosophila
- Paramyia
- Paramyiolia Shiraki, 1933
- Paramyla Linnavuori, 1971
- Paramyrmetes Bruch, 1929
- Paranaemia Casey, 1899
- Paranametis Burke, 1960
- Paranapiacaba J. Bechyné, 1958
- Paranchus Lindroth, 1974
- Paranda Melichar, 1903
- Parandra Latreille, 1804
- Parandrita LeConte and Horn, 1880
- Paranectopia Ding and Tian, 1981
- Paraneda Timberlake, 1943
- Paranelasa Gordon, 1991
- Paranemoura Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Paraneossos
- Paraneotermes Light, 1937
- Paranepa Poisson, 1965
- Paranesita Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Paranesolotis Hoang, 1984
- Paraneuretus Wheeler, 1915
- Paranisops Hale, 1924
- Paranistria Metcalf, 1952
- Paranomada Linsley & Michener, 1937
- Paranoplium Casey, 1924
- Paranosia Lee, 2014
- Paranota Monrós and Viana, 1949
- Paranthaclisis Banks, 1907
- Paranthidium Cockerell and Cockerell, 1901
- Paranyllius Miller, 1954
- Paranysson Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Paraoosternum Scott, 1913
- Parapalpares Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Parapamea Bird, 1927
- Parapanteles Ashmead, 1900
- Parapanthous Distant, 1919
- Parapechtia Miller, 1954
- Parapegomyia
- Parapelonides Barr, 1980
- Parapelopia
- Parapeprius Villiers, 1961
- Paraperissonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Paraperla Banks, 1906
- Paraphaenocladius
- Paraphaenogaster Dlussky, 1981
- Paraphasca Hardy, 1986
- Paraphasmophaga Townsend, 1915
- Paraphatnomella B. Lis, 2000
- Paraphausis Green, 1949
- Paraphellus Chazeau, 1981
- Parapherocera
- Parapheromia McDunnough, 1920
- Paraphilaenus Vilbaste, 1962
- Paraphilanthus Vardy, 1995
- Paraphilothis Vienna, 1994
- Paraphlebia Selys in Hagen, 1861
- Paraphlegopteryx Ulmer, 1907
- Paraphotinus Zaragoza, 1995
- Paraphrissopoda
- Paraphrosylus Becker
- Paraphrynovelia Poisson, 1957
- Paraphymata Kormilev, 1962
- Paraphysoderes Villiers, 1962
- Paraphytomyza
- Parapiagetia Kohl, 1897
- Parapielus Viette, 1949
- Parapirates Villiers, 1959
- Parapisthius Kleine, 1935
- Paraplatypeza
- Paraplea Esaki and China, 1928
- Paraplesius Scott, 1874
- Paraplotina Miyatake, 1969
- Paraplynus Jeannel, 1919
- Paraponera Smith, 1858
- Paraponyx Hbn., 1825
- Parapotamophilus Brown, 1981
- Parapoynx Hübner, 1825
- Parapriasus Chapin, 1965
- Paraprionopelta Kusnezov, 1955
- Paraproba Distant, 1884
- Parapsaenythia Friese, 1908
- Parapsammodius Gordon and Pittino, 1992
- Parapsammophila Taschenberg, 1869
- Parapsectra
- Parapsyche Betten, 1934
- Paraptecticus Grunberg, 1915
- Paraptochus Seidlitz, 1868
- Paraptorthodius Schaeffer, 1904
- Parapunana Chen and Hou, 2012
- Pararchipsocus Badonnel, Mockford and Garcia Aldrete, 1984
- Pararchytas Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1895
- Pararctia Sotavalta, 1965
- Parareduvius Schouteden, 1952
- Pararete Pritchard, 1951
- Pararhabdochaeta Hardy, 1985
- Pararhaphe Henry in Henry and Froeschner, 1988
- Pararhophites Friese, 1898
- Parasa Moore, 1860
- Parasaissetia
- Parasarus Ruz, 1993
- Parascadra Miller, 1954
- Parascatopse
- Parascelio Dodd, 1920
- Parascotia Hübner, 1825
- Parasebaius De Muizon, 1955
- Paraselenis Spaeth, 1913
- Parasemia Hübner, 1820
- Parasemidalis Enderlein, 1905
- Parasericostoma Schmid, 1957
- Parasetigena Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Parasetodes McLachlan, 1880
- Parasidis Brèthes, 1924
- Parasigara Poisson, 1957
- Parasimulium
- Parasinalda Heiss and Golub, 2013
- Parasinea McPherson and Ahmad, 2011
- Parasmittia
- Paraspathulina Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Parasphaerocera
- Paraspheniscoides Hering, 1941
- Paraspheniscus Hendel, 1927
- Parastactobia Schmid, 1958
- Parastagmatoptera Saussure, 1871
- Parastasia Westwood, 1842
- Parastenopa Hendel, 1914
- Parastethorus Pang and Mao, 1975
- Parasthetops Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Parastichtis Hübner, 1821
- Parastigmus Antropov, 1992
- Parastratiosphecomyia Brunetti, 1923
- Parasynapta
- Parasynodites Bruch, 1930
- Parasyntormon
- Parasyrphus
- Parataenius Balthasar, 1961
- Paratagalis Monte, 1943
- Paratalainga He, 1984
- Paratanna Lee, 2012
- Paratanytarsus Bause
- Parataracticus
- Parataruma Kimsey, 1982
- Paratendipes
- Paratephritis Shiraki, 1933
- Paraterellia Foote, 1960
- Paratetrapedia Moure, 1941
- Paratettix I. Bolivar, 1887
- Parathalassius
- Parathitarodes Ueda, 1999
- Parathrincostoma Bluethgen, 1933
- Parathroscinus Wooldridge, 1984
- Paratillus Gorham, 1876
- Paratimia Fisher, 1915
- Paratinia
- Paratissa
- Paratopula Wheeler, 1919
- Paratoya Ding, 2006
- Paratrachea Hampson, 1908
- Paratrachelizus Kleine, 1921
- Paratrea Grote, 1903
- Paratrechina Motschoulsky, 1863
- Paratrephes China, 1940
- Paratriarius Schaeffer, 1906
- Paratriatoma Barber, 1938
- Paratrichobius
- Paratrichocladius
- Paratrigona Schwarz, 1938
- Paratrigonoides Camargo and Roubik, 2005
- Paratrikona Spaeth, 1923
- Paratriphleps Champion, 1900
- Paratrirhithrum Shiraki, 1933
- Paratrissocladius
- Paratropinus Reichensperger, 1923
- Paratropus Gerstaecker, 1867
- Paratrypeta Han & Wang, 1994
- Paratrytone Godman, 1900
- Paratylotropidia Brunner, 1893
- Paratyndaris Fisher, 1919
- Paraulax Kieffer, 1904
- Paravadimon Villiers, 1951
- Paravelia Breddin, 1898
- Paravespula Blüthgen, 1938
- Paravilius Miller, 1955
- Paravilla
- Paravolvulus Reichardt, 1932
- Parawatsa Villiers, 1961
- Paraxarnuta Hardy, 1973
- Paraxenetus Reuter, 1907
- Paraxenos Saunders, 1872
- Paraxylion Lesne, 1941
- Paraxylogenes Damoisseau, 1968
- Parazetekella Nel et al., 2004
- Parchicola J. Bechyné and B. Springlová de Bechyné, 1975
- Parcoblatta Hebard, 1917
- Pardalaspinus Hering, 1952
- Pardalophora Saussure, 1884
- Pardalosus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Pardoteleia Kozlov & Lê, 1988
- Parechinocoris Miller, 1949
- Parecnomina Kimmins, 1957
- Parectecephala
- Paredocla Jeannel, 1914
- Paregle
- Parelaphidion Skiles, 1985
- Parendochus Hsiao, 1982
- Parenion Nixon, 1965
- Parenthis Dietz, 1896
- Parepalpus Coquillett, 1902
- Parepeolus Ducke, 1913
- Parephedrus Starý and Carver, 1971
- Parephistemus Casey, 1924
- Parepiclopocoris Miller, 1958
- Parepidosis
- Parepierus Bickhardt, 1913
- Pareuchaetes Grote, 1865
- Pareuidella Beamer, 1951
- Pareulyes Miller, 1957
- Parevander Aurivillius, 1912
- Parevania Kieffer, 1907
- Parevaza James, 1978
- Parexcelsa Pearsall, 1912
- Parexochomus Barovsky, 1922
- Parhadrestia James, 1975
- Parharpagocoris Schouteden, 1952
- Parhelonotus Miller, 1958
- Parhelophilus
- Parhydraena Orchymont, 1937
- Parhydraenida Balfour-Browne, 1975
- Parhydraenopsis Perkins, 2009
- Paria J. L. LeConte, 1858
- Paricana Walker, 1857
- Paricanoides Liang, 2003
- Parides Hübner, 1819
- Paridris Kieffer, 1908
- Parilexia Ferguson, 2009
- Parimatidium Spaeth, 1938
- Parinesa Gordon, 1991
- Pariotrigona Moure, 1961
- Parirantha Miller, 1959
- Parkana Beamer, 1950
- Parlatoria Targioni-tozzetti, 1869
- Parmenonta Thomson, 1868
- Parmenosoma Schaeffer, 1908
- Parnassius Latreille, 1804
- Parnisa Stål, 1862
- Parnkalla Distant, 1905
- Parnquila Moulds, 2012
- Parocalea Bernhauer, 1902
- Parochlus
- Parochodaeus Nikolayev, 1995
- Parodites Reichensperger, 1923
- Paroecister Reichensperger, 1923
- Paroedopa
- Paroligoneurus Muesebeck, 1931
- Paromalus Erichson, 1834
- Paromius Fieber, 1860
- Paroplitis Mason, 1981
- Paropomala Scudder, 1899
- Parorectis Spaeth, 1901
- Parorthocladius
- Parorychodes Kleine, 1921
- Paroster Sharp, 1882
- Paroxacis Arnett, 1951
- Paroxya Scudder, 1877
- Paroxyethira Mosely, 1924
- Paroxystoglossa Moure, 1940
- Parrellathrips Mound and Marullo, 1998
- Parrhasius Hübner, 1819
- Partamona Schwarz, 1939
- Parthenicus Reuter, 1876
- Parthenothrips Uzel, 1895
- Parthina Denning, 1954
- Partoya Asche, 1988
- Parusambius Kleine, 1925
- Paruzelia Melichar, 1903
- Parvacinocoris Melo and Dellapé, 2019
- Parvispa Uhmann, 1940
- Parvittya Distant, 1905
- Parvodeceptor Hill, 2015
- Parvoleon New, 1985
- Parvopsalta Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Parwinnertzia
- Parydra
- Parypheroides Brailovsky and Barrera, 2020
- Paryphes Burmeister, 1835
- Paryphobrenthus Kolbe, 1897
- Paryphoconus
- Paryphosmylus Krueger, 1913
- Paseala Schouteden, 1923
- Pasimachus Bonelli, 1813
- Pasiphila Meyrick, 1883
- Pasira Stål, 1859
- Pasiropsis Reuter, 1881
- Pasites Jurine, 1807
- Paskia Esaki and China, 1927
- Passaloecus Shuckard, 1837
- Passalus Fabricius, 1792
- Passicimex Usinger and Carayon, 1967
- Pastillocenicus Kirejtshuk and Nel, 2008
- Pastillodes Endrödy-Younga, 1968
- Pastillus Endrödy-Younga, 1962
- Pastiroma Dlabola, 1967
- Pastranaia Orfila, 1955
- Patagiomyia Lindner, 1933
- Patago Bergroth, 1905
- Patalene Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
- Patanocnema Karsch, 1892
- Patapius Horváth, 1912
- Patasson Walker, 1846
- Pateena Hill, 1980
- Patellapis Friese, 1909
- Patelloa Townsend, 1916
- Patissa Moore, 1886
- Patrobus Dejean, 1821
- Patrus Aubé, 1838
- Paucicalcaria Mathis & Bowles, 1989
- Pauesia Quilis, 1931
- Paulaudalna Delorme, 2017
- Paulianella Handschin, 1960
- Paulianocoris Villiers, 1953
- Paulianodes Ross, 1956
- Pauroaspis Tang, 1995
- Paurocoris Slater, 1980
- Pauropsalta Goding and Froggatt, 1904
- Paurotriozana Caldwell, 1940
- Paussobrenthus Gestro, 1919
- Paxilla I. Bolivar, 1887
- Pazius Navás, 1913
- Pecaroecus Babcock and Ewing, 1938
- Pectinodiplosis
- Pectotoma Hatch, 1965
- Pedana Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Pedetontoides Mendes, 1981
- Pedetontus Silvestri, 1911
- Pediacus Shuckard, 1839
- Pediapelta Munro, 1947
- Pediaspis Tischbein, 1852
- Pedicia Latreille, 1809
- Pedicinus Gervais, 1844
- Pediculus Linnaeus, 1758
- Pedilus
- Pedinocera Kertesz, 1909
- Pedinocerops James, 1980
- Pediodectes Rehn and Hebard, 1916
- Pedionotocoris Miller, 1949
- Peditatus Pacheco, 1964
- Pedomoecus Ross, 1947
- Pegadomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Pegapsaltria Moulds and Marshall, 2022
- Pegasomyia
- Peggioga Kirkaldy, 1905
- Pegomya
- Pegoplata
- Peirates Serville, 1831
- Pelagomyia Williston, 1896
- Pelania Mulsant, 1860
- Pelastoneurus
- Pelatachina Meade, 1894
- Pelatetister Reichensperger, 1939
- Pelecinus Latreille, 1800
- Pelecocera
- Pelecorhynchus
- Pelecotoma Fischer, 1809
- Pelenosomus Dietz, 1896
- Peleteria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Peliades Jacobi, 1928
- Pelicope Mason, 1981
- Pelidnota MacLeay, 1819
- Pelignellus
- Pelina
- Pelitropis Van Duzee, 1908
- Pella Stephens, 1835
- Pellaea Stål, 1872
- Pellicia Herrich-Schäffer, 1870
- Pellucidomyia
- Pelmagathis Enderlein, 1920
- Pelmatellus Bates, 1882
- Pelmatomesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pelmatops Enderlein, 1912
- Pelochares Mulsant and Rey, 1869
- Pelocoris Stål, 1876
- Pelomyia
- Pelomyiella
- Pelonides Kuwert, 1894
- Pelonium Spinola, 1844
- Pelonomus Erichson, 1847
- Pelophila Dejean, 1821
- Peloridinannus Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Peloriolus Delève, 1964
- Peloropeodes
- Pelorurus Lacordaire, 1854
- Pelosoma Mulsant, 1844
- Peltastica Mannerheim, 1852
- Peltina Lindner, 1964
- Peltocopta Bergroth, 1904
- Peltodictya Kirkaldy, 1906
- Peltodytes Régimbart, 1878
- Peltoperla Needham, 1905
- Peltophorus Schönherr, 1845
- Peltopsyche Mueller, 1879
- Peltotrupes Blanchard, 1888
- Pelurgocoris Miller, 1958
- Pemphredon Latreille, 1796
- Penapis Michener, 1965
- Penelomax Jacobus and McCafferty, 2008
- Peneparoxyna Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Penepissonotus Beamer, 1950
- Penepodium Menke in R. Bohart and Menke, 1976
- Penesymmetrica
- Penichroa Stephens, 1839
- Penicillaria Guenée, 1852
- Penicillophorus Paulus, 1974
- Pennasolis Opits, 2008
- Penniverpa
- Penottus Distant, 1903
- Pensus Halstead, 1973
- Pentacora Reuter, 1912
- Pentacricia
- Pentagenia Walsh, 1863
- Pentagonica Schmidt-Göbel, 1846
- Pentagramma Van Duzee, 1897
- Pentalonia Coquerel, 1859
- Pentaneura
- Pentanodes Schaeffer, 1904
- Pentanota Bernhauer, 1905
- Pentaria Mulsant, 1856
- Pentarthrinus Casey, 1892
- Pentarthrum Wollaston, 1854
- Pentasteira Barringer and Bartlett, 2011
- Pentatermus Hedqvist, 1963
- Penthe Newman, 1838
- Penthetria
- Penthikocleptes Miller, 1958
- Penthosia Wulp, 1892
- Pentilia Mulsant, 1850
- Pentispa Chapuis, 1875
- Pentobesa Schaus, 1901
- Pephricus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Peploglyptus J. L. LeConte, 1880
- Peponapis Robertson, 1902
- Peprius Stål, 1859
- Peracalles Kissinger, 1964
- Peralda Sicard, 1909
- Peranabrus Scudder, 1894
- Peraniana Strand, 1942
- Peranoplium Linsley, 1957
- Peranthus Stål, 1868
- Perapion Wagner, 1907
- Peraprophthalmus Kleine, 1923
- Perarthrus LeConte, 1851
- Perasis
- Peratomastix Enderlein, 1914
- Peratomixis Munro, 1947
- Peratomyia Vockeroth, 1987
- Perbrinckea Drake, 1956
- Perdita Smith, 1853
- Peregrinator Kirkaldy, 1904
- Peregrinus Kirkaldy, 1904
- Pereirapis Moure, 1943
- Perfidolenus Vienna, 2000
- Pergetus Casey, 1895
- Pericallea Moulds, Marshall and Hutchinson, 2022
- Periceocephalus Kleine, 1922
- Perichares Scudder, 1872
- Periclistus Förster, 1869
- Periclystus Gerstaecker, 1888
- Pericoma
- Pericompsus LeConte, 1852
- Pericordus Kolbe, 1883
- Pericrabro Leclercq, 1954
- Pericyclocera
- Pericyma Herrich-Schäffer, 1851
- Peridea Stephens, 1828
- Peridroma Hübner, 1821
- Perieges Schönherr, 1842
- Perigaster Dietz, 1896
- Perigea Guenée, 1852
- Perigenes Distant, 1893
- Perigomphus Belle, 1972
- Perigona Laporte, 1835
- Perigonia Herrich-Schäffer, 1854
- Perigonica Smith, 1890
- Perigracilia Linsley, 1942
- Perilampsis Bezzi, 1920
- Perilampus Latreille, 1809
- Perileptus Schaum, 1860
- Perilestes Hagen in Selys, 1862
- Perillus Stål, 1862
- Perilypus Spinola, 1841
- Perimececera Muir, 1913
- Perinetocoris Villiers, 1961
- Perinthus Casey, 1889
- Periplaneta Burmeister, 1838
- Peripsocus Hagen, 1866
- Perirhithrum Bezzi, 1920
- Periscelis
- Periscepsia Gistel, 1848
- Perispasta Zeller, 1875
- Perissolestes Kennedy, 1941
- Perissomyrmex Smith, 1947
- Perisson Pate, 1938
- Perissonemia Drake and Poor, 1937
- Perissoneura McLachlan, 1871
- Perissopygocoris Miller, 1951
- Perissorhynchus Miller, 1952
- Peristicta Hagen in Selys, 1860
- Perisymmorphocerus Kleine, 1919
- Peritapnia Horn, 1894
- Peritaxia Horn, 1876
- Peritelinus Casey, 1888
- Peritelodes Casey, 1888
- Peritelopsis Horn, 1876
- Perithemis Hagen, 1861
- Peritrachelizus Kleine, 1922
- Peritrechus Fieber, 1860
- Peritropis Uhler, 1891
- Peritta Becker, 1906
- Perittonannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Perittopus Fieber, 1861
- Periwinkla McFarlane, 1973
- Perizoma Hübner, 1825
- Perkinsiella Kirkaldy, 1903
- Perla Geoffroy, 1764
- Perlesta Banks, 1906
- Perlinella Banks, 1900
- Perlinodes Needham and Claassen, 1925
- Perlomyia Banks, 1906
- Pero Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Peromyia
- Peronomyrmex Viehmeyer, 1922
- Peronycha Weise, 1909
- Peronyma Loew, 1873
- Perorychodes Kleine, 1925
- Perothops
- Perroudia Damoiseau, 1962
- Peruveleon Miller and Stange, 2011
- Peruviogomphus Klots, 1944
- Peschetius Guignot, 1942
- Pessoaia Lima, 1940
- Petalacmis E. Olivier, 1908
- Petalium LeConte, 1861
- Petalocheirus Palisot de Beauvois, 1805
- Petalocnemis Stål, 1854
- Petalomyrmex Snelling, 1979
- Petalops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Petalosoma Lewis, 1903
- Petalumaria Buckett and Bauer, 1968
- Petascelis Signoret, 1847
- Petasolentia Weirauch, 2012
- Petersitocoris Brailovsky, 1990
- Petersitocoroides Brailovsky, 1992
- Petillia Stål, 1865
- Petillocoris Hsiao, 1963
- Petillopsis Hsiao, 1963
- Petraeomyrmex Carpenter, 1930
- Petridiobius Paclt, 1970
- Petrobius Leach, 1809
- Petrodessus K. B. Miller, 2012
- Petropedes Tinkham, 1972
- Petrophila Guilding, 1830
- Petrophora Hübner, 1811
- Petroplax Barnard, 1934
- Petropone Dlussky, 1975
- Petrothrincus Barnard, 1934
- Petrovelia Andersen and Weir, 2001
- Peyrierocoris Chlond and Junkiert, 2010
- Pezodontina Lindner, 1949
- Pezothrips Karny, 1907
- Pfitzneriana Viette, 1952
- Pfitzneriella Viette, 1950
- Phacalastor Kirkaldy, 1906
- Phacecerus Schoenherr, 1840
- Phacophallus
- Phacota Roger, 1862
- Phaea Newman, 1840
- Phaeaphodius Reitter, 1892
- Phaedon Megerle von Mühlfeld in Dahl, 1823
- Phaedroteleia Kieffer, 1916
- Phaedrotettix Scudder, 1897
- Phaenicia
- Phaenicocleus Stys and Banar, 2009
- Phaeniton Schoenherr, 1823
- Phaenobezzia
- Phaenocarpa Förster, 1862
- Phaenochilus Weise, 1895
- Phaenolauthia Kieffer
- Phaenolis Gorham, 1880
- Phaenonotum Sharp, 1882
- Phaenops Dejean, 1833
- Phaenopsectra Kieffer
- Phaenostoma Orchymont, 1937
- Phaenotropis Horváth, 1906
- Phaeochila Drake and Hambleton, 1945
- Phaeogramma Grimshaw, 1901
- Phaeospila Bezzi, 1913
- Phaeospilodes Hering, 1939
- Phaeostrymon Clench, 1961
- Phaeoura Hulst, 1896
- Phalacrichus Sharp, 1902
- Phalacrocera Schiner, 1863
- Phalacromyrmex Kempf, 1960
- Phalacrophyto Townsend, 1915
- Phalacrotophora
- Phalacrus
- Phalaenophana Grote, 1873
- Phalaenostola Grote, 1873
- Phalantus Stål, 1863
- Phaleria Latrielle, 1802
- Phalilus Guignot, 1935
- Phallopirates Stys, 1985
- Phaloesia Walker, 1854
- Phanacis Förster, 1860
- Phanaeus MacLeay, 1819
- Phaneroptera Serville, 1831
- Phanerota Casey, 1906
- Phanerozus James, 1966
- Phanocelia Banks, 1943
- Phanoceroides Hinton, 1939
- Phanocerus Sharp, 1882
- Phanoclisis Banks, 1913
- Phanoleon Banks, 1931
- Phantasiomyia Townsend, 1915
- Phantasmiella Hendel, 1914
- Phantolabis
- Phaonia
- Pharagocoris Villiers, 1982
- Pharangispa Maulik, 1929
- Pharaxonotha Reitter, 1875
- Pharceonus Spangler and Santiago-Fragoso, 1992
- Pharellus Sicard, 1928
- Pharga Walker, 1863
- Pharmacis Hübner, 1820
- Pharopsis Casey, 1899
- Pharoscymnus Bedel, 1906
- Pharpa Sharkey, 1986
- Phasca Hering, 1953
- Phasia Latreille, 1804
- Phasiops Coquillett, 1899
- Phasmatocoris Breddin, 1904
- Phasmomyrmex Stitz, 1910
- Phasmoneura Williamson, 1916
- Phasmophaga Townsend, 1909
- Phassodes Bethune-Baker, 1905
- Phassus Walker, 1856
- Phatnocader Stusák, 1976
- Phatnoma Fieber, 1844
- Phatnomella Péricart, 1981
- Phaulomyrma Wheeler & Wheeler, 1930
- Phaulotettix Scudder, 1897
- Phaurolestes Bergroth, 1913
- Phausis LeConte, 1851
- Phebellia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1846
- Pheidole Westwood, 1839
- Pheidoliphila Lea, 1914
- Pheidologeton Mayr, 1862
- Phelaus Stål, 1866
- Pheletocoris Miller, 1959
- Phelister Marseul, 1853
- Phellopsis LeConte, 1862
- Pheloconus Roelofs, 1875
- Phemius Stål, 1859
- Phenacoccus Cockerell, 1902
- Phenacolletes Cockerell, 1905
- Phenes Rambur, 1842
- Phengodes Illiger, 1807
- Phenolia Erichson, 1843
- Pheosia Hübner, 1819
- Pherbecta
- Pherbellia
- Pherne Hulst, 1896
- Pherocera
- Pherothrinax Munro, 1957
- Phialuse Viette, 1961
- Phidodontina Uhmann, 1938
- Phigalia Duponchel, 1829
- Philaccolilus Guignot, 1937
- Philaccolus Guignot, 1937
- Philaenarcys Hamilton, 1979
- Philaenus Stål, 1864
- Philagraula Hulst, 1896
- Philanisus Walker, 1852
- Philanthinus de Beaumont, 1949
- Philanthus Fabricius, 1790
- Philarctus McLachlan, 1880
- Philaronia Ball, 1898
- Philedia Hulst, 1896
- Philetus
- Phileurus Latreille, 1807
- Philhygra Mulsant and Rey, 1873
- Philidris Shattuck, 1992
- Philippinocoris D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 1987
- Philipsalta Lee, Marshall and Hill, 2016
- Philocasca Ross, 1941
- Philocrena Lepneva, 1956
- Philodes LeConte, 1861
- Philodonta Weise, 1904
- Philodoxus Horváth, 1914
- Philodytes J. Balfour-Browne, 1939
- Philoenia Kirby, 1892
- Philogenia Selys, 1862
- Philonicus Loew, 1849
- Philonix Fitch, 1859
- Philonthus Stephens, 1829
- Philopedon Schönherr, 1826
- Philophuga Motschulsky, 1859
- Philophylla Rondani, 1870
- Philoplitis Nixon, 1965
- Philopota
- Philopotamus Stephens, 1829
- Philorheithrus Hare, 1910
- Philorhizus Hope, 1838
- Philornis
- Philorus
- Philosepedon
- Philotarsus Kolbe, 1880
- Philotelma
- Philotermes Kraatz, 1857
- Philotes Scudder, 1867
- Philothalpus
- Philothermus Aubé, 1843
- Philothis Reichardt, 1930
- Philotiella Mattoni, 1978
- Philoxenus Mazur, 1991
- Philtraea Hulst, 1896
- Philus Saunders, 1853
- Philygria
- Phimodera Germar, 1839
- Phimophorus Bergroth, 1886
- Phine Willmann, 2022
- Phlaeopora
- Phlaeothrips Haliday, 1836
- Phlebosotera
- Phlegyas Stål, 1865
- Phlibostroma Scudder, 1875
- Phloeobius Schoenherr, 1823
- Phloeodes LeConte, 1862
- Phloeolaemus Casey, 1916
- Phloeolister Bickhardt, 1916
- Phloeonemus Erichson, 1845
- Phloeophagosoma Wollaston, 1873
- Phloeophagus Schönherr, 1838
- Phloeopora Erichson, 1837
- Phloeosinus Chapuis, 1869
- Phloeotribus Latreille, 1804
- Phloeoxena Chaudoir, 1870
- Phlogophora Treitschke, 1825
- Phlyctaina Möschler, 1890
- Phlyctenolotis Sicard, 1912
- Phoberia Hübner, 1818
- Phobetron Hübner, 1825
- Phobetus LeConte, 1856
- Phobolosia Dyar, 1908
- Phocides Hübner, 1819
- Phocylides Pascoe, 1872
- Phodaga LeConte, 1858
- Phoebis Hübner, 1819
- Phoenicobiella Cockerell, 1906
- Phoenicocoris Reuter, 1875
- Phoenicophanta Hampson, 1910
- Phoenicoprocta Druce, 1898
- Phoenoteleia Kieffer, 1916
- Phoetalia Stål, 1874
- Phoetaliotes Scudder, 1897
- Pholeomyia
- Pholetesor Mason, 1981
- Pholidochlamys Lacordaire, 1865
- Pholidoforus Wollaston, 1873
- Pholioxenus Reichardt, 1932
- Pholisora Scudder, 1872
- Phonapate Lesne, 1895
- Phonergates Stål, 1853
- Phonoctonus Stål, 1853
- Phonolibes Stål, 1854
- Phora
- Phoracantha Newman, 1840
- Phoradendrepulus Polhemus and Polhemus, 1985
- Phorastes Kirkaldy, 1903
- Phorbanta Stål, 1872
- Phorbia
- Phorelliosoma Hendel, 1914
- Phoreticovelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2000
- Phormia
- Phorocera Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Phorticus Stål, 1860
- Phosphaenopterus Schaufuss, 1870
- Phosphaenus Laporte, 1833
- Phosphila Hübner, 1818
- Photedes Lederer, 1857
- Photinoides McDermott, 1963
- Photinus Laporte, 1833
- Photoctus McDermott, 1961
- Photuris Dejean, 1833
- Photuroluciola Pic, 1931
- Phoxonotus Marseul, 1862
- Phragmatobia Stephens, 1828
- Phratora Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Phreatodessus Ordish, 1976
- Phreatodytes Uéno, 1957
- Phrictopyga Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Phrixocnemis Scudder, 1894
- Phrixothrix E. Olivier, 1909
- Phronia
- Phrosinella
- Phrudocentra Warren, 1895
- Phrydiuchus Gozis, 1885
- Phryganea Linnaeus, 1758
- Phryganidia Packard, 1864
- Phryganopsyche Wiggins, 1959
- Phrygionis Hübner, 1825
- Phrynocaria Timberlake, 1943
- Phrynodermocoris Miller, 1952
- Phrynoponera Wheeler, 1920
- Phrynotettix Glover, 1872
- Phrynovelia Horváth, 1915
- Phrypeus Casey, 1924
- Phryxe Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Phryxobotrys McAtee and Malloch, 1926
- Phryxus Hübner, 1819
- Phthia Stål, 1862
- Phthiacnemia Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthiadema Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthiarella Brailovsky, 2009
- Phthinia
- Phthiria
- Phthirocoris Enderlein, 1904
- Phthirocorisella Stys, 1986
- Phthirostenus Stys, 2002
- Phthirpediculus Ewing, 1923
- Phthirunculus Kuhn and Ludwig, 1965
- Phthius C. Mielke & Grehan, 2017
- Phuphena Walker, 1858
- Phyciodes Hübner, 1819
- Phyconomus LeConte, 1861
- Phycus
- Phydanis Horn, 1889
- Phygadeuon Gravenhorst, 1829
- Phyja Distant, 1919
- Phyllecthris Dejean, 1836
- Phyllobaenus Dejean, 1837
- Phyllobius Germar, 1824
- Phyllobrotica Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Phyllococcus
- Phyllocolpa Benson, 1960
- Phyllocycla Calvert, 1948
- Phyllodesma Hübner, 1820
- Phyllodinus Van Duzee, 1897
- Phyllodonta Warren, 1894
- Phyllodromia
- Phyllogomphoides Belle, 1970
- Phyllogonia Stål, 1873
- Phylloicus Mueller, 1880
- Phyllolabis
- Phyllomorpha Laporte, 1833
- Phyllomya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Phyllomydas
- Phyllomyza
- Phyllopalpus Uhler, 1864
- Phyllopetalia Selys, 1858
- Phyllophaga Harris, 1827
- Phyllophilopsis Townsend, 1915
- Phyllopidea Knight, 1919
- Phylloscyrtus Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Phyllothemis Fraser, 1935
- Phyllotodes Adlbauer, 2001
- Phyllotreta Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Phyllotrox Schönherr, 1843
- Phyllovates Kirby, 1904
- Phyllyctus Lesne, 1911
- Phylocentropus Banks, 1907
- Phylolestes Christiansen, 1947
- Phylostenax Mosely, 1935
- Phylus Hahn, 1831
- Phymacysta Monte, 1942
- Phymaphora Newman, 1838
- Phymata Latreille, 1802
- Phymatodes Mulsant, 1839
- Phymatopsallus Knight, 1964
- Phymatopterella
- Phymatopus Wallengren, 1869
- Phymatosmylus Adams, 1969
- Phymatura J. Sahlberg, 1876
- Phymechus Senna, 1895
- Phyprosopus Grote, 1872
- Phyrdenus LeConte, 1876
- Physatocheila Fieber, 1844
- Physea Brullé, 1835
- Physeema Moulds, 2012
- Physemus LeConte, 1854
- Physiphora
- Physocephala
- Physoclypeus
- Physocnemum Haldeman, 1847
- Physoconops
- Physocoryna Guérin-Méneville, 1844
- Physoderes Westwood, 1846
- Physoderoides Miller, 1955
- Physomerus Burmeister, 1835
- Physometopon Lindner, 1966
- Physonota Boheman, 1854
- Physopelta Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Physopleurella Reuter, 1884
- Physoptera
- Phystis Higgins, 1981
- Physula Guenée, 1854
- Phytalmia Gerstaecker, 1860
- Phyto
- Phytobia
- Phytobius Schönherr, 1833
- Phytocerum Costa, Vanin, Lawrence and Ide, 2003
- Phytocoris Fallén, 1814
- Phytodectoidea Spaeth, 1909
- Phytoliriomyza
- Phytometra Haworth, 1809
- Phytomyptera Rondani, 1844
- Phytomyza
- Phytosciara
- Phytosus Curtis, 1838
- Phyxelis Schönherr, 1842
- Piazocnemis Lacordaire, 1865
- Piazorhinus Schönherr, 1835
- Picconia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1863
- Piceophylus Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Picodrilus Wittmer, 1938
- Picromerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Picrops La Rivers, 1952
- Pictetiella Illies, 1966
- Pictila Moulds, 2012
- Pictonemobius Vickery and Johnstone, 1970
- Pidonia Mulsant, 1863
- Pielus Navás, 1935
- Pieriballia Klots, 1933
- Pieris Schrank, 1801
- Pierretia
- Piesma Lepeletier and Serville, 1825
- Piesmus LeConte, 1846
- Piesocorynus Dejean, 1834
- Piestolestes Bergroth, 1912
- Piestometopon Meijere, 1914
- Piestopleura Förster, 1856
- Piestus Gravenhorst, 1806
- Piezocera Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Piezodorus Fieber, 1860
- Piezogaster Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Piezosternum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Piezura
- Pikonema Ross, 1937
- Pilactium Grigarick and Schuster, 1970
- Pilaria Sintenis, 1889
- Pilemostoma Desbrochers, 1891
- Pilielmis Hinton, 1971
- Pilisaprinus Kanaar, 1996
- Pilodiplosis
- Pilophoropsis Poppius, 1914
- Pilophorus Hahn, 1826
- Pilotrochus Brown, 1978
- Pimachrysa Adams, 1957
- Pimaphera Cassino and Swett, 1927
- Pinaleus Bezzi, 1928
- Pinalitus Kelton, 1955
- Pinaxister Reichensperger, 1939
- Pineus
- Pinheya Dlabola, 1963
- Pinnaspis Cockerell, 1892
- Pinochius Carayon, 1949
- Pinodytes Horn, 1880
- Pinomiris Stonedahl and Schwartz, 1996
- Pinophylus Schwartz and Schuh, 1999
- Pinyonia
- Piodes LeConte, 1850
- Piomelopus Jacoby and Clavareau, 1905
- Pionenta Ferris, 2010
- Piophila
- Piosoma LeConte, 1847
- Pipilopsalta Ewart, 2005
- Pipiza
- Pipunculus
- Piramurana Distant, 1911
- Piramuranoides Dolling, 1974
- Pirnonota Stål, 1859
- Piruna Evans, 1955
- Piscatopus Sleeper, 1960
- Pisenus Casey, 1900
- Pisilus Stål, 1858
- Pison Jurine in Spinola, 1808
- Pisonopsis W. Fox, 1893
- Pisoxylon Menke, 1968
- Pissodes Germar, 1817
- Pissonotus Van Duzee, 1897
- Pistosia Weise, 1905
- Pisulia Marlier, 1943
- Pithanus Fieber, 1858
- Pithoderes Calabresi, 1920
- Pithomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Pitnus Gorham, 1883
- Pittodes Kleine, 1922
- Pitydiplosis
- Pityeja Walker, 1861
- Pityoborus Blackman, 1922
- Pityogenes Bedel, 1888
- Pityokteines Fuchs, 1911
- Pityomacer Kuschel, 1989
- Pityomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Pityophagus Shuckard, 1839
- Pityophthorus Eichhoff, 1864
- Pityotrichus Wood, 1962
- Piyuma Pate, 1944
- Piyumoides Leclercq, 1963
- Placaciura Hendel, 1927
- Placodes Erichson, 1834
- Placodister Bickhardt, 1918
- Placomerus La Rivers, 1956
- Placonotus MacLeay, 1871
- Placopsidella
- Placopterus Wolcott, 1910
- Placosternus Hopping, 1937
- Placotingis Drake, 1960
- Placusa Erichson, 1837
- Plaesius Erichson, 1834
- Plagiodera Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Plagiognathus Fieber, 1858
- Plagiogramma Tarsia in Curia, 1935
- Plagiohammus Dillon and Dillon, 1941
- Plagiolepis Mayr, 1861
- Plagiometriona Spaeth, 1899
- Plagiomima Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Plagiomimicus Grote, 1873
- Plagioneurus
- Plagioscelis Bickhardt, 1917
- Plagiostira Scudder, 1876
- Plagiotrochus Mayr, 1881
- Plagiotropis Emeljanov, 1993
- Plagithmysus Motschulsky, 1845
- Plagodis Hübner, 1823
- Planchonia Signoret, 1870
- Planeocoris Chlond, 2010
- Planetella
- Planibyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Planiplax Muttkowski, 1910
- Planococcus
- Planois Signoret, 1864
- Planolinellus Dellacasa and Dellacasa, 2005
- Planolinoides Dellacasa and Dellacasa, 2005
- Planolinus Mulsant and Rey, 1870
- Planorbata Gordon, 1994
- Planusocoris Yi and Bu, 2015
- Plapigus Stål, 1860
- Plastosciara
- Plataea Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Platambus Thomson, 1859
- Platandria Casey, 1893
- Platarctia Packard, 1864
- Platensina Enderlein, 1911
- Plateros Bourgeois, 1879
- Platerus Distant, 1903
- Plateumaris Thomson, 1859
- Plathemis Hagen, 1861
- Platidiolus Chaudoir, 1878
- Platocthispa Uhmann, 1939
- Platomma Bezzi, 1924
- Platopsomyia James, 1937
- Platyauchenia Sturm, 1843
- Platybletes Thérond, 1952
- Platybregmus Fisher, 1934
- Platycentropus Ulmer, 1905
- Platyceraphron Kieffer, 1906
- Platyceroides Benesh, 1946
- Platyceropsis Benesh, 1946
- Platycerus Geoffroy, 1762
- Platycheirus
- Platychiria Herrich-Schaeffer, 1850
- Platycholeus Horn, 1880
- Platycis Thomson, 1864
- Platycleis Fieber, 1853
- Platycoccus Stickney, 1934
- Platycoelostoma Morrison in Morrison and E. Morrison, 1923
- Platycorpus Ding, 1983
- Platycosmoecus Schmid, 1964
- Platycrus Szawaryn and Slipinski, 2022
- Platycycla Boheman, 1854
- Platydema
- Platydiplosis
- Platydytes Biström, 1988
- Platyeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Platygaster Latreille, 1809
- Platygasterites Statz, 1938
- Platygastoides Dodd, 1913
- Platygerris White, 1883
- Platygymnopa
- Platyhydnobius Peck and Cook, 2009
- Platylampis Motschulsky, 1853
- Platyleon Esben-Petersen, 1923
- Platylister Lewis, 1892
- Platylobium Lindner, 1933
- Platylomalus Cooman, 1948
- Platylomia Stål, 1870
- Platylygus Van Duzee, 1915
- Platylyra Scudder, 1898
- Platymeris Laporte in Guérin, 1833
- Platymerus Schoenherr, 1836
- Platymicrus Bergroth, 1903
- Platymya Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Platyna Wiedemann, 1824
- Platynaspis Redtenbacher, 1843
- Platynectes Régimbart, 1879
- Platyneuromus Weele, 1909
- Platynomorpha Grunberg, 1915
- Platynomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Platynus Bonelli, 1810
- Platyoplus Tinkham, 1973
- Platypalpus
- Platyparea Loew, 1862
- Platypareia Muir, 1934
- Platypatrobus Darlington, 1938
- Platypedia Uhler, 1888
- Platypelochares Champion, 1923
- Platypeza
- Platypezina
- Platyphylax McLachlan, 1871
- Platypleura Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Platypolia Grote, 1895
- Platyprepia Dyar, 1897
- Platypria Guérin-Méneville, 1840
- Platypsalta Moulds, 2012
- Platypsyllus Ritsema, 1869
- Platypus Herbst, 1793
- Platypygus
- Platyrmus Belokobylskij, 1992
- Platyscelidris Szabó, 1959
- Platyscelio Kieffer, 1905
- Platysmittia
- Platysoma Leach, 1817
- Platysomatinus Mazur, 1972
- Platystasius Nixon, 1937
- Platystethus Mannerheim, 1830
- Platystoechotes Carpenter, 1940
- Platystomopsis Hering, 1939
- Platysvastra Moure, 1967
- Platysystatus Muir, 1930
- Platytatus Bergroth, 1892
- Platythyrea Roger, 1863
- Platytibia Ding, 2006
- Platytingis Drake, 1925
- Platytomus Mulsant, 1842
- Platytrephes Zettel, 2005
- Platytylus Fieber, 1858
- Platyura
- Platyusa Casey, 1885
- Platyvelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Platyzosteria Brunner, 1868
- Plauditus Lugo-Ortiz and McCafferty, 1998
- Plaumannimyia Hering, 1938
- Plaumannion Masner & Johnson, 2007
- Plaumannister Reichensperger, 1958
- Plautia Stål, 1864
- Plautilla Stål, 1865
- Plaxiscelis Spinola, 1837
- Plea Leach, 1818
- Plebeia Schwarz, 1938
- Plebeiella Moure, 1961
- Plebeina Moure, 1961
- Plebejus Kluk, 1780
- Plecia
- Pleciobates Esaki, 1930
- Pleciogonus Chen, Nieser and Wattanachaiyingcharoen, 2002
- Plectonotum Gorham, 1891
- Plectoplebeia Melo, 2016
- Plectoptera Saussure, 1864
- Plectris LePeletier and Serville, 1828
- Plectrocnemia Stephens, 1836
- Plectrocnemiella Mosely, 1934
- Plectroctena Smith, 1858
- Plectrodera Dejean, 1837
- Plectrodes Horn, 1867
- Plectrodiplosis
- Plectromacronema Ulmer, 1906
- Plectromerus Haldeman, 1847
- Plectrophorocoris Miller, 1958
- Plectropoda Bergroth, 1894
- Plectropodoides Schouteden, 1938
- Plectropsyche Ross, 1947
- Plectrotarsus Kolenati, 1848
- Plectrothrips Hood, 1908
- Plectrura Mannerheim, 1852
- Plega Navás, 1927
- Plegaderus Erichson, 1834
- Plemyria Hübner, 1825
- Plenoculus W. Fox, 1893
- Pleocoma LeConte, 1856
- Pleotomodes Green, 1948
- Pleotomus LeConte, 1861
- Pleotrichophorus
- Plerapsalta Moulds, 2012
- Plerochila Drake, 1954
- Pleromella Dyar, 1921
- Pleromelloida Nye, 1975
- Pleroneura Konow, 1897
- Pleseobyrsa Drake and Poor, 1937
- Plesianthidium Cameron, 1905
- Plesioagathomerus Monrós, 1945
- Plesiobaris Casey, 1892
- Plesiobolbus Kolbe, 1916
- Plesiochrysa Adams, 1982
- Plesiocis Casey, 1898
- Plesioclythia
- Plesioclytus Giesbert, 1993
- Plesiocoelus van Achterberg, 1990
- Plesiocoris Fieber, 1861
- Plesiodelphax Asche, 1985
- Plesiodema Reuter, 1875
- Plesiomma
- Plesionoma Drake, 1950
- Plesiopanurgus Cameron, 1907
- Plesiophocylides Kleine, 1925
- Plesiosternus Morón, 1983
- Plesiothrips Hood, 1915
- Plesispa Chapuis, 1875
- Plethochaeta
- Plethus Hagen, 1887
- Pleurispa Weise, 1902
- Pleurochaetella Vockeroth, 1965
- Pleurogyrus Townes, 1970
- Pleuroleptus G. Müller, 1937
- Pleuropasta Wellman, 1909
- Pleurophorus Mulsant, 1842
- Pleuroprucha Möschler, 1890
- Plexiopsis
- Plhudsonia
- Plinachtus Stål, 1860
- Plinthisus Stephens, 1829
- Plinthocoelium Schmidt, 1924
- Plinthodes LeConte, 1876
- Pliobyrsa Drake and Hambleton, 1946
- Pliocaloca Neboiss, 1984
- Pliomelaena Bezzi, 1918
- Plionoma Casey, 1912
- Plioreocepta Korneyev, 1987
- Plioxylion Vrydagh, 1955
- Plisthenes Stål, 1865
- Plocamus LeConte, 1876
- Plocetes LeConte, 1876
- Plochiocoris Champion, 1900
- Plochionus Dejean, 1821
- Ploeogaster Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ploiaria Scopoli, 1786
- Plotina Lewis, 1896
- Plumiperla Surdick, 1985
- Plunentis Stål, 1860
- Plunomia
- Pluotenia Brailovsky, 2001
- Pluricosta Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Plusia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Plusiodonta Guenée, 1852
- Pluto Pate, 1937
- Plutomerus Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Plynaspoides Miller, 1955
- Plynoides Schouteden, 1931
- Plynus Stål, 1858
- Pneumagathis Sharkey, 2015
- Pneuminion Perkins, 1997
- Pnigodes LeConte, 1876
- Pnirontis Stål, 1859
- Pnirsus Stål, 1859
- Pnohirmus Stål, 1859
- Pnyxia
- Poanes Scudder, 1872
- Pocadius Erichson, 1843
- Pocota
- Podabrus Westwood, 1838
- Podaena Ordish, 1984
- Podagra Smith, 1902
- Podagritoides Leclercq, 1957
- Podagritus Spinola, 1851
- Podalonia Fernald, 1927
- Podelmis Hinton, 1941
- Podisma Berthold, 1827
- Podisus Herrich-Schaeffer, 1851
- Podium Fabricius, 1804
- Podmosta Ricker, 1952
- Podolasia Harold, 1869
- Podomyrma Smith, 1859
- Podonychus Jäch and Kodada, 1997
- Podormus Stål, 1859
- Podostena Howden, 1997
- Podothrips Hood, 1913
- Podozemius Kolbe, 1916
- Poecilanthrax
- Poecilaspidella Spaeth, 1913
- Poecilobdallus Stål, 1868
- Poecilobrium Horn in LeConte and Horn, 1883
- Poecilocapsus Reuter, 1876
- Poecilocera Schaeffer, 1919
- Poecilochorema Schmid, 1989
- Poeciloclopius Stål, 1866
- Poeciloderas
- Poecilognathus
- Poecilographa
- Poecilolycia
- Poecilominettia
- Poecilomorpha Hope, 1840
- Poecilomyrma Mann, 1921
- Poecilonota Eschscholtz, 1829
- Poecilopsyche Schmid, 1968
- Poecilopterocoris Miller, 1959
- Poeciloptila Schmid, 1991
- Poecilosomella
- Poecilosphodrus Reuter, 1887
- Poecilotettix Scudder, 1897
- Poecilothea Hendel, 1914
- Poecilothrips Uzel, 1895
- Poecilus Bonelli, 1810
- Pogonistes Chaudoir, 1871
- Pogonocaudina Sites and Zettel in Sites et al., 2011
- Pogonocherus Megerle in Dejean, 1821
- Pogonodaptus G. Horn, 1881
- Pogonomyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Pogonortalis
- Pogonosoma
- Pogonostyla Drake, 1953
- Pogonota Zetterstedt, 1860
- Pogonus Dejean, 1821
- Polacantha
- Poladryas Bauer, 1961
- Polauchenia McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Polea Green, 1922
- Polemistus de Saussure, 1892
- Polemius LeConte, 1851
- Polhemovelia Zettel and Sehnal, 2000
- Polia Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Poliaenus Bates, 1880
- Policheta Rondani, 1856
- Policocnemis Benjamin, 1932
- Polididus Stål, 1858
- Polietes
- Polietina
- Polionota Wulp, 1899
- Poliopastea Hampson, 1898
- Polistes Latreille, 1802
- Polites Scudder, 1872
- Pollaclasis Newman, 1838
- Pollenia
- Pollinia Targioni Tozzetti, 1868
- Polpochila Solier, 1849
- Polyara Walker, 1859
- Polyardis
- Polyaroidea Hardy, 1988
- Polycaon Laporte, 1836
- Polycentrocoris Miller, 1957
- Polycentropus Curtis, 1835
- Polycesta Dejean, 1833
- Polychalca Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Polychalma Barber and Bridwell, 1940
- Polychrysia Hübner, 1821
- Polyconia Weise, 1905
- Polyctenes Giglioli, 1864
- Polydacrys Schönherr, 1834
- Polyderis Motschulsky, 1862
- Polydesma Boisduval, 1833
- Polydrusus Germar, 1817
- Polyergus Latreille, 1804
- Polygonia Hübner, 1819
- Polygonus Hübner, 1825
- Polygrammate Hübner, 1818
- Polygraphus Erichson, 1836
- Polylepta
- Polylobata García, 2019
- Polymazus Gerstaecker, 1892
- Polymera
- Polymerus Hahn, 1831
- Polymorphanisus Walker, 1852
- Polymorphomyia Snow, 1894
- Polynema Haliday, 1833
- Polyneura Westwood, 1840
- Polypedilum Kieffer, 1913
- Polyphylla Harris, 1841
- Polyplax Enderlein, 1904
- Polyplectropus Ulmer, 1905
- Polyporivora
- Polypsocus Hagen, 1866
- Polyrhachis Smith, 1857
- Polystepha Kieffer, 1897
- Polystoechotes Burmeister, 1839
- Polythore Calvert, 1917
- Polythrix E. Watson, 1893
- Polytoxus Spinola, 1850
- Polytrichophora
- Polytus Faust, 1894
- Pomoleuctra Stark and Kyzar, 2001
- Pompanonia Boulard, 1982
- Pompeius Evans, 1955
- Pomphochorema Flint, 1970
- Pomponatius Distant, 1904
- Pomponia Stål, 1866
- Ponaria Gordon and Hanley, 2017
- Ponera Latreille, 1804
- Ponerites Dlussky, 1981
- Ponerobia Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Poneropsis Heer, 1867
- Poneropterus Dlussky, 1983
- Ponometia Herrich-Schäffer, 1868
- Pontania Costa, 1859
- Pontanus Distant, 1902
- Pontia [Fabricius], 1807
- Pontomalota Casey, 1885
- Pontomyia Edwards, 1926
- Poophagus Schönherr, 1837
- Poorani Slipinski, 2007
- Popanomyia Kertesz, 1909
- Popilius Kaup, 1871
- Popillia Dejean, 1821
- Popplepsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Porcelloderes Rédei, 2012
- Porcellus Emeljanov, 1972
- Porcinolus Mulsant, 1869
- Porhydrus Guignot, 1945
- Poria Mulsant, 1850
- Porotachys Netolitzky, 1914
- Porpocera Enderlein, 1914
- Porpomiris Berg, 1883
- Porrerus Navás, 1913
- Porricondyla
- Porrorhynchus Laporte, 1835
- Porsenus
- Portelmis Sanderson, 1953
- Possaniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Postelichus Nelson, 1989
- Postleniatus Brailovsky, 2007
- Potamanthus Pictet, 1845
- Potamia
- Potamobates Champion, 1898
- Potamocares Grouvelle, 1920
- Potamocoris Hungerford, 1941
- Potamodytes Grouvelle, 1896
- Potamogethes Delève, 1963
- Potamolatres Delève, 1963
- Potamometra Bianchi, 1896
- Potamometroides Hungerford, 1951
- Potamometropsis Lundblad, 1933
- Potamophilinus Grouvelle, 1896
- Potamophilops Grouvelle, 1896
- Potamophilus Germar, 1811
- Potamophylax Wallengren, 1891
- Potamyia Banks, 1900
- Pothea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Potthastia Kieffer
- Poviliana Boulard, 1997
- Praeaphidius Starý, 1973
- Praecoris Poinar, 1991
- Praedatophasma Zompro and Adis, 2002
- Praehelichus Bollow, 1940
- Praeschausia Benjamin, 1932
- Praesus Stål, 1872
- Praevania Rasnitsyn, 1991
- Praeviogomphus Belle, 1995
- Praon Haliday, 1833
- Praonopterus Tobias, 1988
- Prasia Stål, 1863
- Prasinalia Casey, 1909
- Prasinosoma Torres, 1963
- Prasliniana Asche, 1998
- Prasmodon Nixon, 1965
- Prasocuris Latreille, 1802
- Pratigi Gil-Santana and Oliveira, 2016
- Preangerocoris Miller, 1954
- Preeriella Hood, 1939
- Premnobius Eichhoff, 1878
- Prenolepis Mayr, 1861
- Prepops Reuter, 1905
- Presbyolampis Buck, 1947
- Prespelea Park, 1953
- Prestwickia Lubbock, 1863
- Preterkelisia Yang, 1989
- Priacma LeConte, 1874
- Priasus Mulsant, 1850
- Priesneriella Hood, 1927
- Primicimex Barber, 1941
- Primospes Sharp, 1882
- Priobium Motschulsky, 1845
- Priocera Kirby, 1818
- Priocnemicoris Costa, 1863
- Priognathus LeConte, 1850
- Prionispa Chapuis, 1875
- Prionocera Loew, 1844
- Prionochaeta Horn, 1880
- Prionocyphon Redtenbacher, 1858
- Prionogaster Stål, 1853
- Prionohydrus Gómez and Miller, 2013
- Prionolomia Stål, 1873
- Prionolomiopsis O'Shea, 1980
- Prionomelia Warren, 1895
- Prionomyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Prionopelta Mayr, 1866
- Prionoscirtes Champion, 1897
- Prionosolus Jäch and Kodada, 1997
- Prionosoma Uhler, 1863
- Prionotylus Fieber, 1860
- Prionoxystus Grote, 1882
- Prionus Geoffroy, 1762
- Prionyx Vander Linden, 1827
- Priscibrumus Kovar, 1997
- Prismatocerus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pristaspis Bezzi, 1928
- Pristaulacus Kieffer, 1900
- Pristhesancus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pristicoris Miller, 1952
- Pristinochterus Yao, Cai and Ren, 2007
- Pristiphora Latreille, 1810
- Pristoceuthophilus Rehn, 1903
- Pristolycus Gorham, 1883
- Pristomyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Pristonema Erichson, 1874
- Pritchardomyia
- Proacrisis Tobias, 1983
- Proanoplomus Shiraki, 1933
- Proarna Stål, 1864
- Proatta Forel, 1912
- Proavga Belokobylskij, 1989
- Proba Distant, 1884
- Probaenia Weise, 1904
- Probaryconus Kieffer, 1908
- Probethylus Ashmead, 1902
- Probeyeria Seevers, 1965
- Probezzia Kieffer, 1906
- Problema Skinner and R. Williams, 1924
- Probole Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Probolomyrmex Mayr, 1901
- Probolosternus Lewis, 1900
- Proboscidopirates Villiers, 1958
- Proboscidotylus Henry, 1995
- Procamptus Bergroth, 1925
- Procanace
- Procas Stephens, 1831
- Procecidochares Hendel, 1914
- Procecidocharoides Foote, 1960
- Proceratium Roger, 1863
- Proceroxenos Pohl, Katbeh-Bader and Schneider, 1996
- Prochoerodes Grote, 1883
- Prochremylus Brues, 1933
- Prochyliza
- Procidelphax Bartlett, 2010
- Procladius Skuse, 1889
- Proclinopyga
- Procloeon Bengtsson, 1915
- Procollina Metcalf, 1952
- Procolonides Reichensperger, 1935
- Procornitermes Emerson in Snyder, 1949
- Procoryphaeus Mazur, 1984
- Procretevania Zhang & Zhang, 2000
- Procryphalus Hopkins, 1915
- Procryphocricos J. Polhemus, 1991
- Procryptocerus Emery, 1887
- Procryptotermes Holmgren, 1910
- Proctacanthella
- Proctacanthus
- Proctophantasta Breddin, 1903
- Proctorus LeConte, 1876
- Procula Mulsant, 1850
- Procymbopteryx Munroe, 1961
- Procystiphora
- Prodector Pascoe, 1862
- Prodegeeria Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1895
- Prodelphax Yang, 1989
- Prodiamesa
- Prodilis Mulsant, 1850
- Prodiloides Weise, 1922
- Prodimorphomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Prodioxys Friese, 1914
- Prodiplosis
- Prodrasterius
- Proechinophthirus Ewing, 1923
- Proegmenomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Proenderleinellus Ewing, 1923
- Proentomum Badonnel, 1949
- Proepacrocerus Hardy, 1988
- Proephebocerus Calabresi, 1920
- Proepisphales Kleine, 1922
- Proformica Ruzsky, 1902
- Prognorisma Lafontaine, 1998
- Progomphus Selys, 1854
- Progonostola Meyrick, 1899
- Progrypomyia Lindner, 1949
- Proguithera Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Prokelisia Osborn, 1905
- Prolachesilla Mockford and Sullivan, 1986
- Prolagynodes Alekseev & Rasnitsyn, 1981
- Prolasius Forel, 1892
- Prolatiforceps
- Prolepismina Silvestri, 1940
- Prolepsis
- Proleptacis Kieffer, 1926
- Prolimnophila
- Prolinognathus Ewing, 1929
- Prolivatis Emeljanov, 1995
- Prolixocupes Neboiss, 1960
- Prolutacea Cicero, 2006
- Prolyctus Zimmermann, 1869
- Promachella
- Promachus
- Promecispa Weise, 1909
- Promecognathus Chaudoir, 1846
- Promecopharus Sicard, 1910
- Promecosoma Lefèvre, 1877
- Promecotarsus Casey, 1892
- Promecotheca Blanchard, 1853
- Promelitta Warncke, 1977
- Promeranisa Walker, 1854
- Prometopia Erichson, 1843
- Promicrogaster Brues and Richardson, 1913
- Promonoctonia Starý, 1973
- Promyrmicium Baroni Urbani, 1971
- Proneura Selys, 1889
- Pronkia van Achterberg, 1990
- Pronocera Motschulsky, 1859
- Pronoctua Smith, 1894
- Pronotacantha Uhler, 1893
- Pronotocrepis Knight, 1929
- Pronozelus Forero, 2012
- Prooppia Townsend, 1926
- Propalticus Sharp, 1879
- Propentacora J. Polhemus, 1985
- Properigea Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Prophthalmus Lacordaire, 1865
- Propicimex Usinger, 1966
- Propiptus Weise, 1901
- Proplatygaster Kieffer, 1904
- Proplatyscelio Brues, 1940
- Propsocus McLachlan, 1866
- Propylea Mulsant, 1846
- Propyria Hampson, 1898
- Proradema Mey, 1993
- Prorates
- Prorella Barnes and McDunnough, 1918
- Prorhinotermes Silvestri, 1909
- Proroblemma Hampson, 1910
- Prorocorypha Rehn, 1911
- Prosactogaster Kieffer, 1914
- Prosapia Fennah, 1949
- Proscirtothrips Karny, 1921
- Prosena Lepeletier and Serville, 1828
- Prosenoides Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1891
- Proserpinus Hübner, 1819
- Prosevania Kieffer, 1911
- Prosimulium Roubaud, 1906
- Prosinostemma Kieffer, 1914
- Prosmittia
- Prosoparia Grote, 1883
- Prosopeus Murray, 1864
- Prosopigastra A. Costa, 1867
- Prosoplus Blanchard, 1853
- Prosopoanaphothrips Moulton, 1926
- Prosopochrysa Meijere, 1907
- Prosopodonta Baly, 1858
- Prosopophora Douglas, 1892
- Prosopothrips Uzel, 1895
- Prosotettix Jacobi, 1907
- Prospheniscus Shiraki, 1933
- Prospherysa Wulp, 1890
- Prostephanus Lesne, 1898
- Prosthetops Waterhouse, 1879
- Prostoia Ricker, 1952
- Prostomis Latreille, 1819
- Prosynopeas Kieffer, 1916
- Protacanthoides Mackauer, 1961
- Protaetia Burmeister, 1842
- Protalaridris Brown, 1980
- Protalebrella
- Protallagma Kennedy, 1920
- Protambulyx Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Protandrena Cockerell, 1896
- Protaneuretus Wheeler, 1915
- Protanilla Taylor, 1990
- Protanyderus
- Protanypus
- Protapamea Quinter in Mikkola et al., 2009
- Protapanteles Ashmead, 1898
- Protaphidius Ashmead, 1900
- Protaplonyx
- Protazteca Carpenter, 1930
- Protearomyia
- Proteides Hübner, 1819
- Protelencholax Kinzelbach, 1979
- Protelmis Grouvelle, 1911
- Protenor Stål, 1868
- Protenoroides Brailovsky, 2019
- Protenthocoris Miller, 1959
- Protephedrus Quilis, 1940
- Proteramocerus Kleine, 1921
- Proterhinus Sharp, 1878
- Proterops Wesmael, 1835
- Proteroscelio Brues, 1937
- Proterosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Prothalpia
- Protheca LeConte, 1865
- Prothrinax Hampson, 1908
- Protitame McDunnough, 1939
- Protobacillometra Nel and Paicheler, 1993
- Protobaicalina Ivanov & Menshutkina, 1996
- Protoboarmia McDunnough, 1920
- Protobracon van Achterberg and Chen, 2021
- Protocalliphora
- Protochauliodes Weele, 1909
- Protochthebius Perkins, 1997
- Protoclythia
- Protodejeania Townsend, 1915
- Protodeltote Ueda, 1984
- Protodexia
- Protodiaeretiella Starý, 1973
- Protodipseudopsis Ulmer, 1909
- Protodoris Nel and De Ploëg, 2004
- Protodufourea Timberlake, 1955
- Protoformica Dlussky, 1967
- Protogardena Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Protogygia McDunnough, 1929
- Protohalonia Dorchin, 2018
- Protolampra McDunnough, 1929
- Protoloberus Leschen, 2003
- Protoluciola Kazanstev, 2015
- Protomacronema Ulmer, 1904
- Protomelittomma Wheeler, 1986
- Protomeliturga Ducke, 1912
- Protomicroplitis Ashmead, 1898
- Protomognathus Wheeler, 1905
- Protonemura Kempny, 1898
- Protoneura Selys in Sagra, 1857
- Protoparevania Deans, 2004
- Protoperigea McDunnough, 1937
- Protophormia
- Protopiophila
- Protoplasa
- Protoplectron Gerstaecker, 1885
- Protoplotina Miyatake, 1994
- Protopone Dlussky, 1988
- Protoproctus Kolbe, 1916
- Protoproutia McDunnough, 1939
- Protoptila Banks, 1904
- Protopulvinaria
- Protorhyssalodes Perrichot, Nel and Quicke, 2009
- Protorhyssalopsis Ortega-Blanco, Delclòs and Engel, 2011
- Protortalotrypeta Norrbom, 1994
- Protorthodes McDunnough, 1943
- Protoschinia Hardwick, 1970
- Protosiris Roig-Alsina, 1989
- Protosmia Ducke, 1900
- Protosphindus Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1979
- Protosthetops Perkins in Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Protostigmus Turner, 1918
- Protothaumalea
- Protothea Weise, 1898
- Protoxaea Cockerell and Porter, 1899
- Protoxenos Pohl, Beutel and Kinzelbach, 2005
- Protozantaena Perkins, 1997
- Protrechina Wilson, 1985
- Protroticus van Achterberg, 1988
- Protusambius Kolbe, 1916
- Provia Barnes and McDunnough, 1910
- Proxenus Herrich-Schäffer, 1850
- Proxiphocentron Schmid, 1982
- Proxius Stål, 1873
- Proxylastodoris Heiss and Popov, 2002
- Proxys Spinola, 1840
- Prumnacris Rehn and Rehn, 1944
- Prunasis Stål, 1862
- Pruneocoris Schuh and Schwartz, 2004
- Prytanes Distant, 1893
- Psaenythia Gerstäcker, 1868
- Psaenythisca Ramos, 2014
- Psaironeura Williamson, 1915
- Psalidister Reichensperger, 1924
- Psalidoma Spaeth, 1899
- Psalidomyrmex Andre, 1890
- Psaliodes Guenée, 1858
- Psallodia Uhler, 1903
- Psallovius Henry, 1999
- Psallus Fieber, 1858
- Psalmocharias Kirkaldy, 1908
- Psaltoda Stål, 1861
- Psamatodes Guenée in Boisduval and Guenée, 1858
- Psammaecius Lepeletier, 1832
- Psammaletes Pate, 1936
- Psammathodoxa Dyar, 1921
- Psammodius Fallén, 1807
- Psammoecus Latreille, 1829
- Psammopolia L. G. Crabo and Lafontaine, 2009
- Psammostiba Yosii and Sawada, 1976
- Psapharomydops Lindner, 1966
- Psapharomys Grunberg, 1915
- Psaphida Walker, 1865
- Psara Snellen, 1875
- Psectra Hagen, 1866
- Psectraglaea Hampson, 1906
- Psectrocladius Kieffer
- Psectrosciara
- Psectrotanypus
- Psectrotarsia Dognin, 1907
- Psednometopum Munro, 1937
- Pselactus Broun, 1886
- Pselaphanus Szépligeti, 1901
- Pselaphister Bruch, 1926
- Pselaphomyia Kertesz, 1923
- Pselaphorhynchites Schilsky, 1903
- Pselaphus Herbst, 1792
- Pselaptrichus Brendel, 1889
- Pselaptus LeConte, 1880
- Psellidotus Rondani, 1864
- Pselliopus Bergroth, 1905
- Psen Latreille, 1796
- Pseneo Malloch, 1933
- Psenocerus LeConte, 1852
- Psenulus Kohl, 1897
- Psephenivorus Burks, 1968
- Psephenopalpus Arce-Pérez, 2004
- Psephenops Grouvelle, 1898
- Psephenotarsis Arce-Pérez and Novelo-Gutiérrez, 2001
- Psephenotettix Torres, 1958
- Psephenus Haldeman, 1853
- Psephidonus Gistel
- Psephiocera Enderlein, 1914
- Pseudabarys Chaudoir, 1873
- Pseudacalypta Péricart, 1983
- Pseudacanthoneura Malloch, 1939
- Pseudaclitus Starý, 1974
- Pseudacontia Smith, 1883
- Pseudacrotoxa Hering, 1941
- Pseudacteon
- Pseudactium Casey, 1908
- Pseudacysta Blatchley, 1926
- Pseudadonia Timberlake, 1943
- Pseudafreutreta Hering, 1942
- Pseudagapostemon Schrottky, 1909
- Pseudagolius Schmidt, 1913
- Pseudalypia H. Edwards, 1874
- Pseudamara Lindroth, 1968
- Pseudamobaeus Damoiseau, 1967
- Pseudamophilus Bollow, 1940
- Pseudanaphothrips Karny, 1921
- Pseudanarta Grote, 1878
- Pseudanchisteus Kleine, 1922
- Pseudancyronyx Bertrand and Steffan, 1963
- Pseudandroya Spaeth, 1952
- Pseudanophthalmus Jeannel, 1920
- Pseudanteris Fouts, 1927
- Pseudanthoecia Smith, 1883
- Pseudanthonomus Dietz, 1891
- Pseudanthracia Grote, 1874
- Pseudapanteles Ashmead, 1898
- Pseudaphanomerus Szelényi, 1941
- Pseudaphidius Starý, 1973
- Pseudaphomomyrmex Wheeler, 1920
- Pseudapis W. F. Kirby, 1900
- Pseudaptinus Laporte, 1834
- Pseudaraeopus Kirkaldy, 1904
- Pseudariotus Casey, 1895
- Pseudarmania Dlussky, 1983
- Pseudaspidimerus Kapur, 1948
- Pseudastylopsis Dillon, 1956
- Pseudataenius Brown, 1927
- Pseudatomoscelis Poppius, 1911
- Pseudatrichia
- Pseudaugochlora Michener, 1954
- Pseudaulacaspis
- Pseudavga Tobias, 1964
- Pseudelmidolia Delève, 1963
- Pseudembolophora Muir, 1920
- Pseudepeolus Holmberg, 1886
- Pseudephedrus Starý, 1972
- Pseudepierus Casey, 1916
- Pseuderipternus Viereck, 1916
- Pseudeucinetus Heller, 1921
- Pseudeurostus Heyden, 1906
- Pseudeustrotia Warren, 1913
- Pseudeutreta Hendel, 1914
- Pseudeuxesta Hendel
- Pseudeva Hampson, 1913
- Pseudexechia
- Pseudhapigia Schaus, 1901
- Pseudiastata
- Pseudichneutes Belokobylskij, 1996
- Pseudimares Kimmins, 1933
- Pseudips Cognato, 2000
- Pseudiron McDunnough, 1931
- Pseudischnaspis Macgillivray, 1921
- Pseudischyrus Casey, 1916
- Pseudispa Chapuis, 1875
- Pseudispella Kraatz, 1895
- Pseudister Bickhardt, 1917
- Pseudoabsidia Wittmer, 1969
- Pseudoacalles Blatchley, 1916
- Pseudoadidactus De Muizon, 1955
- Pseudoanthidium Friese, 1898
- Pseudoatta Gallardo, 1916
- Pseudoazya Gordon, 1980
- Pseudobaebius Villiers, 1948
- Pseudobagauda Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pseudobargylia Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Pseudobaris LeConte, 1876
- Pseudobathystomus Belokobylskij, 1986
- Pseudobeanana Villiers, 1960
- Pseudobebaeus Distant, 1911
- Pseudobelopherus Calabresi, 1920
- Pseudobrachypeza
- Pseudobryomima Barnes and Benjamin, 1927
- Pseudocaecilius Enderlein, 1903
- Pseudocalaspidea Jacobson, 1899
- Pseudocalliope
- Pseudocallispa Uhmann, 1931
- Pseudocamponotus Carpenter, 1930
- Pseudocamptomyia
- Pseudocanthon Bates, 1887
- Pseudocentrinus Champion, 1908
- Pseudocentroptiloides Jacob, 1986
- Pseudoceocephalus Kleine, 1920
- Pseudocercopeus Sleeper, 1955
- Pseudocethera Villiers, 1963
- Pseudochaeta Coquillett, 1895
- Pseudocharis Druce, 1884
- Pseudochermes Nitsche, 1895
- Pseudochironomus
- Pseudochlamys Lacordaire, 1848
- Pseudochodaeus Carlson and Ritcher, 1974
- Pseudochoragus Petri, 1912
- Pseudochremylus van Achterberg, 1995
- Pseudocistela
- Pseudoclardea Williams, 1981
- Pseudoclerada Kirkaldy, 1902
- Pseudoclimaciella Handschin, 1960
- Pseudocloeon Klapalek, 1905
- Pseudocnemodus Barber, 1911
- Pseudococcites Haupt, 1950
- Pseudococcus Westwood, 1840
- Pseudocoenosia
- Pseudocopaeodes Skinner and R. Williams, 1923
- Pseudocopivaleria Buckett and Bauer, 1966
- Pseudocorticus Hinton, 1935
- Pseudocotalpa Hardy, 1971
- Pseudoctenochira Spaeth, 1926
- Pseudocymus Van Duzee, 1936
- Pseudocyphagonus Desbrochers des Loges, 1890
- Pseudocyphomyia Kertesz, 1916
- Pseudocyphus Schaeffer, 1905
- Pseudodalaca Viette, 1950
- Pseudodaraxa D. J. Carpintero, 1980
- Pseudodelphacodes Wagner, 1963
- Pseudodiamesa
- Pseudodibolia Jacoby, 1891
- Pseudodinia
- Pseudodira Gordon, 1975
- Pseudodisersus Brown, 1981
- Pseudodoros
- Pseudoeconesus McLachlan, 1894
- Pseudoedaspis Hendel, 1914
- Pseudoenopia Iablokoff-Khnzorian, 1986
- Pseudoerinna
- Pseudoformicaleo van der Weele, 1909
- Pseudofornicia van Achterberg, 2015
- Pseudogaurax
- Pseudogaurotina Plaviltstshikov, 1958
- Pseudogergithus Schmidt, 1912
- Pseudoghiliana Maldonado, 1992
- Pseudoglaenocorisa Jaczewski, 1939
- Pseudognaptodon Fischer, 1965
- Pseudogoera Carpenter, 1933
- Pseudogonatopus Perkins, 1905
- Pseudohadena Alpheraky, 1889
- Pseudohalobates J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1996
- Pseudohegesidemus B. Lis, 2001
- Pseudohemihyalea Rego-Barros, 1956
- Pseudohenschiella Villiers, 1958
- Pseudoheptascelio Szabó, 1966
- Pseudoheriades Peters, 1970
- Pseudohermonassa Varga in Varga, Ronkay and Yela, 1990
- Pseudohigonius Damoiseau, 1987
- Pseudoholostrophus Nikitsky, 1983
- Pseudohomalopterus Pic, 1920
- Pseudohormius Tobias and Alexeev, 1973
- Pseudohyadina
- Pseudohydrotrephes Poisson, 1956
- Pseudohylesinus Swaine, 1917
- Pseudokanakia Delorme in Delorme et al., 2016
- Pseudokiefferiella
- Pseudolampis Horn, 1889
- Pseudolasius Emery, 1887
- Pseudoleon Kirby, 1889
- Pseudoleptonema Mosely, 1933
- Pseudoleria
- Pseudolestomerus Villiers, 1964
- Pseudoleucopis
- Pseudolimnophila
- Pseudolopodes Putshkov, 1985
- Pseudoloxops Kirkaldy, 1905
- Pseudoluperus Beller and Hatch, 1932
- Pseudolychnuris Motschulsky, 1853
- Pseudolynchia
- Pseudomacrocorupha Muir, 1930
- Pseudomacronema Ulmer, 1905
- Pseudomacronychus Grouvelle, 1906
- Pseudomallada Tsukaguchi, 1995
- Pseudomarimatha Ferris and Lafontaine, 2010
- Pseudomastinocerus Wittmer, 1963
- Pseudomegalopus Pic, 1916
- Pseudomeristomerinx Hollis, 1962
- Pseudometapterus Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Pseudomethia Linsley, 1937
- Pseudomicroides Antropov, 2001
- Pseudomictis Hsiao, 1963
- Pseudomiolispa Kleine, 1926
- Pseudomops Serville, 1831
- Pseudomopsis Champion, 1905
- Pseudomorpha Kirby, 1823
- Pseudomuizonius Villiers, 1961
- Pseudomus Schönherr, 1837
- Pseudomygaleicus De Muizon, 1960
- Pseudomyla Dolling, 1986
- Pseudomyoleja Han & Freidberg, 1994
- Pseudomyrmex Lund, 1831
- Pseudonapomyza
- Pseudoneothemara Hardy, 1986
- Pseudoneureclipsis Ulmer, 1913
- Pseudoneuroterus Kinsey, 1923
- Pseudonomoneura
- Pseudonotoncus Clark, 1934
- Pseudonychomesa Popov, 1991
- Pseudopachybrachius Malipatil, 1978
- Pseudopachychaeta
- Pseudopachystylum Mik, 1891
- Pseudopalpares Insom and Carfi, 1988
- Pseudopamera Distant, 1882
- Pseudopanthea McDunnough, 1942
- Pseudopanurgus Cockerell, 1897
- Pseudoparagogus De Muizon, 1955
- Pseudoparicana Melichar, 1914
- Pseudoparlatoria
- Pseudopelmatops Shiraki, 1933
- Pseudopendulinus Schouteden, 1938
- Pseudopentarthrum Wollaston, 1873
- Pseudoperiboeum Linsley, 1935
- Pseudophassus Pfitzner, 1914
- Pseudophatnoma Blöte, 1945
- Pseudophelaus Schouteden, 1938
- Pseudophengodes Pic, 1930
- Pseudophilaenia Viette, 1950
- Pseudophilanthus Alfken, 1939
- Pseudophocylides Kleine, 1920
- Pseudophonoctonus Schouteden, 1913
- Pseudophorellia Lima, 1934
- Pseudopilema Linsley, 1940
- Pseudopityophthorus Swaine, 1918
- Pseudopolionota Lima, 1935
- Pseudopomala Morse, 1896
- Pseudopothea Wygodzinsky, 1951
- Pseudopraon Starý, 1975
- Pseudopsallus Van Duzee, 1916
- Pseudopsilopteryx Schmid, 1952
- Pseudopycanum Bergroth, 1891
- Pseudoradema Ivanov & Menshutkina, 1996
- Pseudoradema Schmid, 1955
- Pseudorellia Shiraki, 1933
- Pseudorgyia Harvey, 1875
- Pseudorhysipolis Scatolini, Penteado-Dias and van Achterberg, 2002
- Pseudorimus Van Dyke, 1934
- Pseudorthocladius
- Pseudorthodes Morrison, 1874
- Pseudorthygia Csiki in Heikertinger and Csiki, 1940
- Pseudorychodes Senna, 1894
- Pseudorypteryx Garcia Aldrete, 1984
- Pseudoryssomus Gordon, 1974
- Pseudosaica Blinn, 1990
- Pseudosaldula Cobben, 1961
- Pseudosarus Ruz, 1980
- Pseudoschrankia Zimmerman, 1958
- Pseudosciara
- Pseudoscolia Radoszkowski, 1876
- Pseudoseioptera
- Pseudosepina Sinclair, 2000
- Pseudosericostoma Schmid, 1957
- Pseudosermyle Caudell, 1903
- Pseudosinopla Faúndez, 2014
- Pseudosmilia Brèthes, 1924
- Pseudosmittia Goetghebuer, 1932
- Pseudosogata Ding, 2006
- Pseudosophira Malloch, 1939
- Pseudosphex Hübner, 1818
- Pseudosphinx Burmeister, 1855
- Pseudostenophylax Martynov, 1909
- Pseudostenopsyche Doehler, 1915
- Pseudostigma Selys, 1860
- Pseudostilpnaspis Borowiec, 2000
- Pseudostrangalia Swaine and Hopping, 1928
- Pseudotangia Metcalf, 1938
- Pseudotelegeusis Wittmer, 1976
- Pseudotephritina
- Pseudotettigetta Puissant, 2010
- Pseudothrips Hinds, 1902
- Pseudothysanoes Blackman, 1920
- Pseudotolida Ermisch, 1950
- Pseudotrionymus
- Pseudotriphyllus Reitter, 1880
- Pseudoturneria Leclercq, 1954
- Pseudousambius De Muizon, 1955
- Pseudovates Saussure, 1869
- Pseudovelia Hoberlandt, 1951
- Pseudovenavides Xiao and You, 2002
- Pseudoxenetus Reuter, 1909
- Pseudoxenos Saunders, 1872
- Pseudoxymyia Lindner, 1959
- Pseudozelurus Lent and Wygodzinsky, 1947
- Pseudozirta Bérenger and Gil-Santana, 2005
- Pseudozonitis Dillon, 1952
- Pseudurentius Péricart, 1992
- Pseuduvarus Biström, 1988
- Psicula Lesne, 1941
- Psila
- Psilanteris Kieffer, 1916
- Psilobyrsa Drake and Hambleton, 1935
- Psilocephala
- Psilochorema McLachlan, 1866
- Psilocladus Blanchard in Brullé, 1846
- Psilocnemis Burmeister, 1842
- Psilocurus
- Psilogramma Rothschild and Jordan, 1903
- Psilolomia Breddin, 1909
- Psilometriocnemus Saether
- Psilonyx
- Psilopa
- Psilopiella
- Psilopleura Reinhard, 1943
- Psilopleura Druce, 1898
- Psilopsyche Ulmer, 1907
- Psilopterna Martynov, 1915
- Psilopteryx Stein, 1874
- Psilopyga LeConte, 1853
- Psiloscelis Marseul, 1853
- Psilota
- Psiloteleia Kieffer, 1910
- Psilotettix Bruner, 1908
- Psilothrips Hood, 1927
- Psilotreta Banks, 1899
- Psilotympana Stål, 1861
- Psinidia Stål, 1873
- Psithyristria Stål, 1870
- Psitticimex Usinger, 1966
- Psoa Herbst, 1797
- Psocathropos Ribaga, 1899
- Psocus Latreille, 1794
- Psoidia Lesne, 1912
- Psoloessa Scudder, 1875
- Psomus Casey, 1892
- Psophis Stål, 1863
- Psoquilla Hagen, 1865
- Psoraleococcus Borchsenius, 1959
- Psorolyma Sicard, 1922
- Psorophora Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827
- Psychoda
- Psychoglypha Ross, 1944
- Psychomastax Rehn and Hebard, 1918
- Psychomorpha Harris, 1839
- Psychomyia Latreille in Cuvier, 1829
- Psychomyiella Ulmer, 1908
- Psychomyiellodes Mosely, 1931
- Psychophora Kirby, 1824
- Psychopomporus Jean, Telles and K. B. Miller, 2012
- Psychoronia Banks, 1916
- Psydrothrips Palmer and Mound, 1985
- Psydrus LeConte, 1846
- Psylliodes Berthold, 1827
- Psyllipsocus Selys-Longchamps, 1872
- Psyllobetina Banks, 1939
- Psyllobora Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Psyrassa Pascoe, 1866
- Psytalla Stål, 1859
- Ptecticus Loew, 1855
- Ptectisargus Lindner, 1968
- Pteleon Jacoby, 1888
- Ptenidiophyes Reuter, 1891
- Pterallastes
- Pteremis
- Pternistria Stål, 1873
- Pterocalla
- Pteroceraphron Dessart, 1981
- Pterococcus Howell and Kosztarab, 1973
- Pterocolus Say, 1831
- Pterocypha Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Pterodontia
- Pterogramma
- Pteroloma Gyllenhal, 1827
- Pterolophia Newman, 1842
- Pteromalestes Miller, 1959
- Pteromicra
- Pteronarcella Banks, 1900
- Pteronarcys Newman, 1838
- Pterope Munro, 1957
- Pterophthirus Ewing, 1923
- Pterophylla Kirby, 1825
- Pteroptyx E. Olivier, 1902
- Pterospoda Dyar, 1903
- Pterosthetops Perkins in Perkins and Balfour-Browne, 1994
- Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810
- Pterotaea Hulst, 1896
- Pterotermes Holmgren, 1911
- Pterotister Reichensperger, 1939
- Pterotus LeConte, 1859
- Pterovianaida Montemayor and Carpintero, 2007
- Pteroxanium Enderlein, 1922
- Pterygorytes R. Bohart, 1967
- Pterygostomus Lacordaire, 1865
- Pteryngium Reitter, 1887
- Pthirus Leach, 1815
- Ptichodis Hübner, 1818
- Ptichopus Kaup, 1869
- Ptilineurus Reitter, 1902
- Ptilinobium White, 1976
- Ptilinoxus Lindner, 1966
- Ptilinus Mueller, 1764
- Ptiliodes
- Ptilocera Wiedemann, 1820
- Ptilocerus Gray, 1831
- Ptilocleptis Michener, 1978
- Ptilocnemus Westwood, 1840
- Ptilocolepus Kolenati, 1848
- Ptilocoris Montandon, 1907
- Ptilodactyla Illiger, 1807
- Ptilodexia Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Ptiloedaspis Bezzi, 1920
- Ptiloglossa Smith, 1853
- Ptiloglossidia Moure, 1953
- Ptilomera Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Ptilomerella Zettel, 2009
- Ptilomyia
- Ptilona Wulp, 1880
- Ptiloniola Hendel, 1914
- Ptilonomia Michener, 1965
- Ptilophorus Dejean, 1834
- Ptilopodius Hopkins, 1915
- Ptilostomis Kolenati, 1859
- Ptilothrix Smith, 1853
- Ptilotrigona Moure, 1951
- Ptinella
- Ptinus Linnaeus, 1766
- Ptiolina
- Ptochiomera Say, 1832
- Ptochoecetis Ulmer, 1931
- Ptomaphagus Hellwig, 1795
- Ptomascopus Kraatz, 1876
- Ptorthodiellus Wittmer, 1976
- Ptorthodius Gorham, 1881
- Ptosanthus Munro, 1957
- Ptosima Dejean, 1833
- Ptychamalia Prout, 1932
- Ptychobiosis Neboiss, 1977
- Ptychoglene Felder in Felder and Rogenhofer, 1874
- Ptychoneura
- Ptychoptera Meigen, 1803
- Ptycta Enderlein, 1925
- Ptyctus Stål, 1873
- Pucina Stål, 1866
- Puermytrans Viette, 1951
- Pulchrisolia Szabó, 1959
- Pulex
- Puliciphora
- Pulicomorpha Mann, 1924
- Pullimosina
- Pullocader Péricart, 1991
- Pullosidis Fürsch, 1987
- Pulverro Pate, 1937
- Pulvinaria Targioni-tozzetti, 1867
- Pulvinister Reichensperger, 1933
- Punana Muir, 1913
- Puncticorpus
- Pundaluoya Kirkaldy, 1903
- Pungra Dolling, 1986
- Punia Moulds, 2012
- Puppeia Stål, 1866
- Purana Distant, 1905
- Puranoides Moulton, 1917
- Purenleon Stange, 2002
- Purius Walker, 1855
- Purohita Distant, 1906
- Purpuricenus Dejean, 1821
- Putoniella
- Putoniola Bergroth, 1898
- Pycanum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pycna Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Pycnarthrum Eichhoff, 1878
- Pycnella Munro, 1947
- Pycnobaris Casey, 1892
- Pycnocentrella Mosely in Mosely & Kimmins, 1953
- Pycnocentria McLachlan, 1866
- Pycnocentrodes Tillyard, 1924
- Pycnocephalus Sharp, 1891
- Pycnocoris Van Duzee, 1914
- Pycnoderes Guérin-Méneville, 1857
- Pycnoderiella Henry, 1993
- Pycnogeraeus Casey, 1920
- Pycnomalla Gerstaecker, 1857
- Pycnomerus Erichson, 1842
- Pycnoplectus Casey, 1897
- Pycnopsyche Banks, 1905
- Pycnoscelus Scudder, 1862
- Pycnothorax Kertesz, 1923
- Pycnotomina Casey, 1916
- Pygarctia Grote, 1871
- Pygatyphella Ballantyne, 1968
- Pygmaeodopoea Sanborn, 2020
- Pygmaeopsis Schaeffer, 1908
- Pygmaeothrips Karny, 1920
- Pygocoelis Lewis, 1897
- Pygoctenucha Grote, 1883
- Pygolampis Germar, 1825
- Pygoleptura Linsley and Chemsak, 1976
- Pygoluciola Wittmer, 1939
- Pygoplatys Dallas, 1851
- Pygospina Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Pygothrips Hood, 1915
- Pyractomena Melsheimer, 1846
- Pyractonema Solier in Gay, 1849
- Pyraglossa Bernhauer, 1901
- Pyramica Roger, 1862
- Pyramidibracon van Achterberg and Chen, 2021
- Pyrausta Schrank, 1802
- Pyreferra Franclemont, 1937
- Pyrellia
- Pyresthema Kleine, 1922
- Pyrgaspis Kozlov, 1967
- Pyrgocorypha Stål, 1873
- Pyrgota
- Pyrgotella
- Pyrgotoides Curran, 1934
- Pyrgus Hübner, 1819
- Pyrisitia Butler, 1870
- Pyritis
- Pyrocoelia Gorham, 1880
- Pyroderces Herrich-Schäffer, 1853
- Pyrodocoris Miller, 1955
- Pyrogaster Motschulsky, 1853
- Pyrophanes E. Olivier, 1885
- Pyrophorus
- Pyropsalta Moulds, 2012
- Pyropyga Motschulsky, 1852
- Pyropygodes Zaragoza, 2000
- Pyrota Dejean, 1834
- Pyrotrichus LeConte, 1862
- Pyrrhalta Joannis, 1865
- Pyrrharctia Packard, 1864
- Pyrrhia Hübner, 1821
- Pyrrhosphodrus Stål, 1866
- Pytho Latreille, 1796
- Pyticeroides Kuwert, 1894
- Pyxister Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Qadrius Abdullah, 1964
- Qianlia Ding, 2006
- Qrocodiledundee Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Quadrictonus Starý and Remaudière, 1982
- Quasicooronga Hardy & Drew, 1996
- Quasimellana Burns, 1994
- Quasimodopsis Caterino and Dégallier, 2007
- Quasirhabdochaeta Hardy, 1986
- Quassarus Mazur, 2007
- Quateiella
- Queda Sharp, 1882
- Quedius
- Queenslandicesa Koçak and Kemal, 2010
- Quercetanus Distant, 1904
- Quesada Distant, 1905
- Quexua Pate, 1942
- Quinemurus Kimmins, 1943
- Quinssyana Distant, 1913
- Quintilia Stål, 1866
- Quintius Stål, 1865
- Qurana Lee, 2009
- Rabaulia Malloch, 1939
- Rabauliomorpha Hardy, 1970
- Rabdophaga
- Racelda Signoret, 1863
- Racenaeschna Calvert, 1958
- Rachicerus
- Rachiplusia Hampson, 1913
- Rachiptera Bigot, 1859
- Radema Hagen, 1864
- Radinacantha Hacker, 1929
- Radionaspis
- Radoszkowskiana Popov, 1955
- Rafaelia
- Ragas
- Raglius Stål, 1872
- Raiateana Boulard, 1979
- Rainieria
- Raipurocoris Miller, 1959
- Rakiura McFarlane, 1973
- Ramecia Casey, 1894
- Ramelbida Park, 1942
- Ramidelphax Qin and Zhang, 2006
- Ramiheithrus Neboiss, 1974
- Ramphocorixa Abbott, 1912
- Ranatra Fabricius, 1790
- Ranorythus Oliarinony and Elouard, 1997
- Ranzovius Distant, 1893
- Rao Masner & Huggert, 1989
- Raphanocera Pleske, 1922
- Raphia Hübner, 1821
- Raphiocera Macquart, 1834
- Raphirhynchidus Kleine, 1927
- Raphirhynchus Dejean, 1834
- Rapites Villiers, 1948
- Raptoheptagenia Whiting and Lehmkuhl, 1987
- Raptophasma Zompro, 2001
- Raractocetus Kurosawa, 1985
- Rasahus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rasivalva Mason, 1981
- Rasvena Ricker, 1952
- Ratemia Fahrenholz, 1916
- Raunothryallis Faúndez, 2016
- Raunotingis Duarte Rodrigues, 1980
- Ravinia
- Recaredus Distant, 1909
- Recicolus Jeannel, 1917
- Reclada White, 1878
- Rectilamina Hill, 1984
- Rectinerva Handschin, 1959
- Rectivertex Guo and Liang, 2006
- Recurvidris Bolton, 1992
- Redectis Nye, 1975
- Redeicephala Davranoglou, 2016
- Redingtonia Barnes and McDunnough, 1912
- Rediviva Friese, 1911
- Redivivoides Michener, 1981
- Redubinotus Popov and Putshkov, 1998
- Redubitus P. Putshkov and Popov, 1993
- Reduvius Fabricius, 1775
- Reepenia Friese, 1909
- Reesa Beal, 1967
- Regasilus
- Regimbartina Chatanay, 1911
- Reichardtia Wenzel, 1944
- Reichardtiolus Kryzhanovskij, 1959
- Reichenbachia Leach, 1826
- Reichenspergerites Tishechkin, 2007
- Reichertella
- Rejectaria Guenée, 1854
- Rekoa Kaye, 1904
- Relictapsalta Owen and Moulds, 2016
- Relictiphthiria
- Rellimocoris Dougherty, 1982
- Remanodelphax Drosopoulos, 1982
- Remartinia Navás, 1911
- Remaudiereana Hoberlandt, 1954
- Remenus Ricker, 1952
- Remosa Distant, 1906
- Renardia Motschulsky, 1865
- Renaudicoris Villiers, 1961
- Renclasea Tishechkin and Caterino, 2009
- Renia Guenée, 1854
- Reninoides Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Reninopsis Helava in Helava et al., 1985
- Reninus Lewis, 1889
- Renocera
- Renodaeus Distant, 1893
- Renodes Guenée, 1852
- Renodesta Caterino, Leschen and Johnson, 2008
- Renotus Guignot, 1936
- Repipta Stål, 1859
- Resachus Delève, 1968
- Resapamea Varga and Ronkay, 1992
- Resseliella
- Retasus Dessart, 1984
- Reticulaphis
- Reticulitermes Holmgren, 1913
- Retithrips Marchal, 1910
- Retocomus Casey, 1895
- Reuterella Enderlein, 1903
- Reuteria Puton, 1875
- Reuteroscopus Kirkaldy, 1905
- Rhabdatomis Dyar, 1907
- Rhabdochaeta Meijere, 1904
- Rhabdomastix
- Rhabdophloeus Sharp, 1899
- Rhabdopterus Lefèvre, 1877
- Rhabdoscelus Marshall, 1943
- Rhabdotettix Scudder, 1897
- Rhabdotohispa Maulik, 1913
- Rhachicephala Truong, Zhao and Cai, 2007
- Rhachocnemis Caudell, 1916
- Rhachoepalpus Townsend, 1908
- Rhacocassis Spaeth, 1904
- Rhacognathus Fieber, 1861
- Rhadicoleptus Wallengren, 1891
- Rhadine LeConte, 1846
- Rhadinopyga Duffels, 1985
- Rhadinosa Weise, 1905
- Rhadiurgus
- Rhaeboepelis Ruschel and Sanborn, 2021
- Rhagadotarsus Breddin, 1905
- Rhagio
- Rhagioforma
- Rhagium Fabricius, 1775
- Rhagodera Mannerheim, 1843
- Rhagoletis Loew, 1862
- Rhagoletotrypeta Aczel, 1951
- Rhagonycha Eschscholtz, 1830
- Rhagophthalmus Motschulsky, 1854
- Rhagovelia Mayr, 1865
- Rhaibophleps Hardy, 1973
- Rhammatocerus Saussure, 1861
- Rhamnomia Hsiao, 1963
- Rhamphocolus Casey, 1892
- Rhamphomyia
- Rhamphophora Miller, 1958
- Rhamphothrips Karny, 1913
- Rhanidea Strohecker, 1953
- Rhantaticus Sharp, 1880
- Rhantus Dejean, 1833
- Rhapactor Puton, 1887
- Rhaphidosoma Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Rhaphidothrips Uzel, 1895
- Rhaphiocerina Lindner, 1936
- Rhaphioceroides Brunetti, 1927
- Rhaphiomidas
- Rhaphium
- Rhasis Distant, 1893
- Rhathymus Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville, 1828
- Rhaxonycha Motschulsky, 1860
- Rhectomia Moure, 1947
- Rhegmoclema
- Rhegmoclemina
- Rheochorema Schmid, 1955
- Rheocricotopus Thienemann and Harnisch
- Rheopelopia
- Rheosmittia
- Rheotanytarsus Bause and Thienemann, 1913
- Rheovelia D. Polhemus and J. Polhemus, 2004
- Rhetinorhyssalites Engel, Thomas and Alqarni, 2017
- Rhetinorhyssalus Engel, 2016
- Rheumaptera Hübner, 1822
- Rheumatobates Bergroth, 1892
- Rheumatogonus Kirkaldy, 1909
- Rheumatometra Kirkaldy, 1902
- Rheumatometroides Hungerford and Matsuda, 1958
- Rhexidius Casey, 1887
- Rhexius LeConte, 1849
- Rhexoza
- Rhiginia Stål, 1859
- Rhigopsis LeConte, 1874
- Rhinacloa Reuter, 1876
- Rhinanisus Broun, 1883
- Rhinepeolus Moure, 1955
- Rhinetula Friese, 1922
- Rhingia
- Rhingiopsis Roder, 1886
- Rhinocapsus Uhler, 1890
- Rhinocoroides Miller, 1954
- Rhinocorynura Schrottky, 1909
- Rhinocyllus Germar, 1817
- Rhinodelphax Muir, 1934
- Rhinodictya Kirkaldy, 1906
- Rhinoleucophenga
- Rhinonapaea
- Rhinoncus Schönherr, 1825
- Rhinoplatia Horn, 1868
- Rhinopsalta Melichar, 1908
- Rhinopteryx Lacordaire, 1865
- Rhinoscepsis LeConte, 1878
- Rhinosimus Latreille, 1805
- Rhinotettix Stål, 1853
- Rhinotia Kirby, 1819
- Rhinotoides Zimmerman, 1994
- Rhinthon Godman, 1900
- Rhionaeschna Foerster, 1909
- Rhipidothrips Uzel, 1895
- Rhipiphorothrips Morgan, 1913
- Rhithrodytes Bameul, 1989
- Rhithrogena Eaton, 1881
- Rhithrum Hendel, 1914
- Rhizagrotis Smith, 1890
- Rhizedra Warren, 1911
- Rhizelmis Chandler, 1954
- Rhizoecus
- Rhizomyia
- Rhizoperthodes Lesne, 1936
- Rhizophagus Herbst, 1793
- Rhizoryssomus Hofmann, 1972
- Rhochmopterum Speiser, 1910
- Rhodanthidium Isensee, 1927
- Rhodesaclerda McConnell, 1954
- Rhodesiella
- Rhodnius Stål, 1859
- Rhodobaenus LeConte, 1876
- Rhodobium
- Rhodocantha Munroe, 1961
- Rhodoleptus Linsley, 1962
- Rhodopsalta Dugdale, 1972
- Rhodopygia Kirby, 1889
- Rhodus Quinlan, 1968
- Rhoecus Bergroth, 1891
- Rhogepeolus Moure, 1955
- Rhoia Spaeth, 1913
- Rhoizema Barnard, 1934
- Rhombolaparus Bergroth, 1906
- Rhombotoya Fennah, 1975
- Rhoophilus Mayr, 1881
- Rhopalimorpha Dallas, 1851
- Rhopalodontus Mellié, 1847
- Rhopalolemma Roig-Alsina, 1991
- Rhopalomastix Forel, 1900
- Rhopalomyia
- Rhopalomyrmex Mayr, 1868
- Rhopalonychus Jäch and Kodada, 1996
- Rhopalophora Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Rhopalopsyllus
- Rhopalopterum
- Rhopalosiphoninus
- Rhopalosiphum Koch, 1854
- Rhopalosoma Cresson, 1865
- Rhopalosyrphus
- Rhopalothrix Mayr, 1870
- Rhopalotria Chevrolat, 1878
- Rhopalum Stephens, 1829
- Rhopalus Schilling, 1827
- Rhophitulus Ducke, 1907
- Rhoptobaris LeConte, 1876
- Rhoptrispa Chen and Tan, 1965
- Rhoptromyrmex Mayr, 1901
- Rhosologia Walker, 1865
- Rhyacia Hübner, 1821
- Rhyacobates Esaki, 1923
- Rhyacophila Pictet, 1834
- Rhyacopsyche Mueller, 1879
- Rhygoplitis Mason, 1981
- Rhymbomicrus Casey, 1916
- Rhynchanthrax
- Rhynchites Schneider, 1791
- Rhynchochlora Engel, 2007
- Rhynchohelea
- Rhynchoneus Sharp, 1895
- Rhynchophorus Herbst, 1795
- Rhynchortalia Crotch, 1874
- Rhynchosciara
- Rhynchotmetus Horváth, 1900
- Rhynchus Kissinger, 1964
- Rhyncogonus Sharp, 1885
- Rhyncolus Germar, 1817
- Rhyncophoromyia
- Rhynencina Johnson, 1922
- Rhynocoris Hahn, 1834
- Rhynostelis Moure and Urban, 1995
- Rhyopsocus Hagen, 1876
- Rhyparobia Krauss, 1892
- Rhyparochromus Hahn, 1826
- Rhyparoclopius Stål, 1859
- Rhyphonemognatha Enns, 1956
- Rhypochares Marseul, 1853
- Rhypodillus Cockerell, 1906
- Rhysipolis Foerster, 1863
- Rhysodes Dalman, 1823
- Rhysophora
- Rhysostethus Hsiao, 1973
- Rhysothorax Bedel, 1911
- Rhyssaloides Belokobylskij, 1999
- Rhyssalus Haliday, 1833
- Rhyssemus Mulsant, 1842
- Rhyssomatus Schönherr, 1837
- Rhyticoris Costa, 1863
- Rhytidocassis Spaeth, 1941
- Rhytidophthia Brailovsky, 2009
- Rhytidoponera Mayr, 1862
- Rhytidoporus Uhler, 1877
- Rhytidops
- Rhyzobius Stephens, 1829
- Rhyzopertha Stephens, 1830
- Rialla Navás, 1915
- Riancia Signoret, 1860
- Ribautodelphax Wagner, 1963
- Richardia
- Richia Grote, 1887
- Rickera Jewett, 1954
- Ricolla Stål, 1859
- Riedelhygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2005
- Riegeriana Stehlík and Kment, 2014
- Riegerochterus Popov and Heiss, 2014
- Riekefella Özdikmen, 2005
- Riekoleon New, 1985
- Rifargia Walker, 1862
- Rihirbus Stål, 1861
- Rilettius Abdullah, 1964
- Rileyonymus Dietz, 1896
- Rimanannus Weirauch, Knyshov and Hoey-Chamberlain, 2020
- Rimanella Needham, 1934
- Rindgea Ferguson, 2008
- Rindgeria Heppner, 2010
- Riolus Mulsant and Rey, 1872
- Rioxa Walker, 1856
- Ripalda Navás, 1915
- Riparena Pate, 1939
- Ripidius Thunberg, 1806
- Ripiphorus Bosc, 1791
- Riptortus Stål, 1860
- Risbecocoris Izzard, 1949
- Rivellia
- Rivelliomima Bezzi, 1924
- Rivula Guenée, 1845
- Rizeiella Sipahiler, 1986
- Robackia
- Robert Slipinski, 2007
- Robertsomyia Hardy, 1983
- Robertsonomyia
- Robineauella
- Robopus Motschulsky, 1853
- Robsonomyia
- Robustocephalus Ahmad, Abbas, Shadab and Khan, 1979
- Rocconota Stål, 1859
- Rochonia Distant, 1913
- Rochrosoma Reed, 1899
- Rodatus Mulsant, 1850
- Rodepirea Villiers, 1962
- Rodhainiella Schouteden, 1913
- Roederiodes
- Roena Cameron, 1905
- Roger Slipinski, 2007
- Rogeria Emery, 1923
- Roleta McDermott, 1962
- Rolstonus Froeschner, 1997
- Romalea Serville, 1831
- Romblonella Wheeler, 1935
- Romilius Walker, 1842
- Romoniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Rompindessus Balke, Bergsten and Hendrich in Balke et al., 2017
- Romulus Knull, 1948
- Rondania Robineau-Desvoidy, 1850
- Rondaniella
- Rondoneva Brailovsky and Barrera, 2003
- Ropalomera
- Ropalopus Mulsant, 1839
- Rophites Spinola, 1808
- Roppaneura Santos, 1966
- Ropronia Provancher, 1887
- Roraima Kodada and Jäch, 1999
- Rorocoris Miller, 1958
- Rosalia Audinet-Serville, 1833
- Rosapha Walker, 1859
- Rosaphe Kirkaldy and Edwards, 1902
- Rosaphula Frey, 1934
- Roseala Viette, 1950
- Rossiana Denning, 1953
- Rossomyrmex Arnol'di, 1928
- Rostromyrmex Rosciszewski, 1994
- Rotastruma Bolton, 1991
- Rothevania Huben, 2003
- Rothschildia Grote, 1896
- Rotundifronta Beamer, 1950
- Rotunosa Distant, 1906
- Rouxalna Boulard, 1999
- Rovira Navás, 1914
- Rozenapis Gonzalez and Engel, 2019
- Rozenia Straka, Juzová and Batelka, 2014
- Ruacodes Hampson, 1908
- Ruba Walker, 1859
- Rubrica J. Parker, 1929
- Ruckesius Yonke, 1972
- Rudebeckocoris Miller, 1956
- Rudielmis Jäch and Boukal, 1995
- Rudolfia
- Rufolychnia Kazantsev, 2007
- Rugaphodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Ruizantheda Moure, 1964
- Rulandus Distant, 1904
- Runchomyia Theobald, 1903
- Runibia Stål, 1861
- Rupela Walker, 1863
- Rupisalda J. Polhemus, 1985
- Rusingeria Coetzee and Kment, 2013
- Russellaspis Bodenheimer, 1951
- Russobex StClair, 1988
- Rustia Stål, 1866
- Rustleria Stephan, 1989
- Rutela Latreille, 1802
- Rutelisca Bates, 1888
- Ruthmuelleria Jaloszynski and Slipinski, 2014
- Rutidosoma Stephens, 1831
- Rybaxis Saulcy, 1876
- Rygchium
- Rymosia
- Rynchaenus Clairville, 1798
- Rypobius LeConte, 1852
- Sabahister Gomy and Vienna, 2008
- Sabestena Drake, 1944
- Sabethes Robineau-Desvoidy, 1827
- Sableta Casey, 1910
- Sabronocoris Miller, 1958
- Sabroskyella
- Sabulodes Guenée, 1858
- Sacatonia
- Saccharicoccus
- Saccharosydne Kirkaldy, 1907
- Sacespalus Kieffer, 1917
- Sachalinobia Jacobson, 1899
- Sackenomyia
- Sacodes LeConte, 1853
- Sadaka Distant, 1904
- Saetheria
- Saetheriella
- Saga Charpentier, 1825
- Sagarana Gibertoni, Whitfied and Penteado-Dias, 2021
- Sagaricera Grunberg, 1915
- Sagenista R. Bohart, 1967
- Sagenosoma Jordan, 1946
- Sagittalata Handschin, 1959
- Sagocoris Montandon, 1911
- Sagotylus Mayr, 1865
- Sagra Fabricius, 1792
- Sagriva Spinola, 1850
- Saguntus Stål, 1865
- Sahyaterpnosia Sadasivan in Sadasivan and Sarkar, 2023
- Saica Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Saicella Usinger, 1958
- Saicireta Melo and Coscarón, 2005
- Saigusaia
- Saileria Hsiao, 1945
- Saissetia Deplanche, 1858
- Sakhalinoctonus Davidian, 2021
- Sakina Synave, 1978
- Salamancaniella Brailovsky and Luna, 2000
- Salapia Stål, 1865
- Salda Fabricius, 1803
- Saldoida Osborn, 1901
- Saldolepta Schuh and J. Polhemus, 1980
- Saldonia Popov, 1973
- Salduba Walker, 1858
- Saldubella Kertesz, 1916
- Saldula Van Duzee, 1914
- Salduncula Brown, 1954
- Salebius Casey, 1900
- Salgohygia Brailovsky and Barrera, 2004
- Salignus Kelton, 1955
- Salinamexus Moore and Legner, 1977
- Saliostethoides Arnold, 1924
- Saliostethus Brauns in Kohl, 1897
- Salishella Hebard, 1939
- Salmoperla Baumann and Lauck, 1987
- Salona Stål, 1866
- Salpingogaster
- Salpingothrips Hood, 1935
- Saltella
- Salvazana Distant, 1913
- Salyavata Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Samaecicada Popple and D. Emery, 2010
- Samba Friese, 1908
- Samea Guenée, 1854
- Samia Hübner, 1819
- Sanaviron Vardy, 1987
- Sanazarius Distant, 1904
- Sandalus Knoch, 1801
- Sandracottus Sharp, 1882
- Sanfilippodytes Franciscolo, 1979
- Sanganus Distant, 1909
- Sangarius Stål, 1865
- Sankurua Schouteden, 1951
- Santalus Lewis, 1906
- Santiago Urban, 1989
- Santocellus C. Tauber and Albuquerque in C. Tauber et al., 2008
- Santosia Stål, 1858
- Santosia Costa and T. Santos, 1992
- Santschiella Forel, 1916
- Sapantanga Distant, 1905
- Saperda Fabricius, 1775
- Saphophagus Sharp, 1886
- Sapintus Casey, 1895
- Sapotes Casey, 1888
- Saprinillus Kryzhanovskij, 1974
- Saprinodes Lewis, 1891
- Saprinus Erichson, 1834
- Sapromyza
- Saprosites Redtenbacher, 1858
- Sarabandus Leech, 1955
- Sarandibrinus Lackner and Gomy, 2014
- Sarapidus Gordon, 1977
- Sarcodexia Townsend, 1892
- Sarcofahrtia
- Sarcofahrtiopsis
- Sarcophaga
- Sarcophagula
- Sarcotachinella
- Sardia Melichar, 1903
- Sardulus Patrizi, 1955
- Sargus Fabricius, 1798
- Sarona Kirkaldy, 1902
- Saropogon
- Sarosesthes Thomson, 1864
- Sarothrias Grouvelle, 1918
- Sarothromyia
- Sarraceniomyia
- Sarucallis
- Saruga Walker, 1859
- Sasajiella Miyatake, 1994
- Sasajiscymnus Vandenberg, 2004
- Sasquacapnia Baumann and Broome in Broome, Stark and Baumann, 2019
- Sastragala Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sastrapada Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sathon Mason, 1981
- Sathrax Johnson, 1964
- Sathria Lederer, 1863
- Sathroptera Kertesz, 1914
- Saticula Stål, 1866
- Satrapes Schmidt, 1885
- Satrapister Bickhardt, 1912
- Saturnia Schrank, 1802
- Satyrium Scudder, 1876
- Saucrochile Gonzalez and Engel, 2019
- Saucromyia Hardy, 1986
- Saula Gerstaecker, 1858
- Saulaspis Spaeth, 1913
- Sava Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Savius Stål, 1862
- Saxet Grigarick and Schuster, 1980
- Saxinis Lacordaire, 1848
- Saxitius Stål, 1859
- Saygorytes Nemkov, 2007
- Scabagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Scabrostomus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Scadra Stål, 1859
- Scadrana Miller, 1954
- Scaeocassis Spaeth, 1913
- Scaeva
- Scalenarthrus LeConte, 1880
- Scalponotatus Kelton, 1969
- Scamurius Stål, 1859
- Scapanea Kirby, 1889
- Scapanocnema Enderlein, 1914
- Scapheutes Handlirsch, 1887
- Scaphidister Cooman, 1933
- Scaphidium
- Scaphinotus Dejean, 1826
- Scaphinus LeConte, 1851
- Scaphisoma
- Scaphytopius
- Scapicoelis Marseul, 1862
- Scapolister Borgmeier, 1930
- Scapomegas Lacordaire, 1854
- Scapteriscus Scudder, 1868
- Scaptocoris Perty, 1830
- Scaptomyza
- Scaptorus Caterino and Tishechkin, 2014
- Scaptotrigona Moure, 1942
- Scarites Fabricius, 1775
- Scarodytes Gozis, 1914
- Scatella
- Scathophaga Meigen, 1803
- Scatophila
- Scatopsciara
- Scatopse
- Scaura Schwarz, 1938
- Scedella Munro, 1957
- Sceliacantha Dodd, 1913
- Sceliacanthella Dodd, 1913
- Scelida Chapuis, 1875
- Scelidacantha Hulst, 1896
- Scelio Latreille, 1805
- Sceliocerdo Muesebeck, 1972
- Scelioliria Brèthes, 1916
- Sceliomorpha Ashmead, 1893
- Scelionites Statz, 1938
- Sceliotrachelus Brues, 1908
- Sceliphron Klug, 1801
- Scellus
- Scelobotrichia Harris & Bueno-Soria, 1993
- Sceloenopla Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Scelolyperus Crotch, 1874
- Scelotrichia Ulmer, 1951
- Scenoma Fennah, 1969
- Scenopinus
- Scepastopyga Grootaert and Meuffels, 1997
- Sceptobius Sharp, 1883
- Sceptonia
- Scevesia Dyar, 1916
- Schaeferhygia Brailovsky and Ortega-León, 1994
- Schaeferocoris O'Shea, 1980
- Schaefferellus Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Schaefferiana Viette, 1950
- Schaffneria Knight, 1966
- Schajovskoya Flint, 1979
- Schausiana Viette, 1950
- Scheitzia Schouteden, 1951
- Schema
- Schenchiella Villiers, 1969
- Schidax Hübner, 1818
- Schidium Bergroth, 1916
- Schinia Hübner, 1818
- Schistacme Notman, 1920
- Schistocerca Stål, 1873
- Schistoglossa Kraatz, 1876
- Schistoneurus
- Schistopterum Becker, 1903
- Schizaphis
- Schizax LeConte, 1873
- Schizephebocerus Kleine, 1923
- Schizoadidactus Kleine, 1916
- Schizocerella Forsius, 1927
- Schizoeupsalis Kleine, 1917
- Schizogenius Putzeys, 1846
- Schizohelea
- Schizomicrus Casey, 1905
- Schizomyia
- Schizopelex McLachlan, 1876
- Schizophthirus Ferris, 1922
- Schizoptera Fieber, 1860
- Schizopterops Poppius, 1913
- Schizopus LeConte, 1858
- Schizotrachelus Lacordaire, 1865
- Schizura Doubleday, 1841
- Schizuropterus Kleine, 1925
- Schlingeria
- Schmiedeknechtia Friese, 1896
- Schmitzicoris Villiers, 1976
- Schmitziella Villiers, 1967
- Schoenfeldtia Senna, 1893
- Schoenfeldtiopsis Soares and Scivittaro, 1977
- Schoenobius Duponchel, 1836
- Schoenomyza
- Scholastes Loew
- Schottus Distant, 1902
- Schoutedenana Miller, 1952
- Schoutedenocoris Villiers, 1961
- Schrankia Hübner, 1825
- Schreckensteinia Hübner, 1825
- Schroederella
- Schroederia Schmidt, 1911
- Schuhella Dougherty, 1995
- Schuhgaster Brailovsky, 1993
- Schultheissidia Breddin, 1903
- Schwarziana Moure, 1943
- Schwenkfeldina
- Schwetzia Schouteden, 1938
- Sciadiocoris Magnien and Pluot-Sigwalt, 2016
- Sciadorus Barnard, 1934
- Sciaphilocoris Miller, 1949
- Sciaphilus Schönherr, 1823
- Sciapus
- Sciara
- Scieroptera Stål, 1866
- Scierus LeConte, 1876
- Sciocoris Fallén, 1829
- Sciodrepoides Hatch, 1933
- Sciomyza
- Sciophagus
- Sciophila
- Sciophyrella Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyritides Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyroides Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyropsis Brailovsky and Barrera, 1997
- Sciophyrus Stål, 1873
- Sciopithes Horn, 1876
- Sciops McLachlan, 1866
- Scioriedeli Brailovsky, 2005
- Sciotropis Rácenis, 1959
- Scipinia Stål, 1861
- Scipio Cummings, 1913
- Scirtes Illiger, 1807
- Scirtothrips Shull, 1909
- Scissicauda McDermott, 1964
- Sclerophasma Klass, Picker, Damgaard, van Noort and Tojo, 2003
- Scleropithus Munro, 1939
- Scleropogon
- Sclerosococcus McKenzie, 1958
- Sclerotia Ballantyne in Ballantyne et al., 2016
- Sclerotrachelus Kleine, 1921
- Sclomina Stål, 1861
- Scobicia Lesne, 1901
- Scolecocampa Guenée, 1852
- Scolia Fabricius, 1775
- Scoliocentra
- Scoliopteryx Germar, 1810
- Scolocolus Hardy, 1970
- Scolopita Chou and Lei, 1997
- Scolopocerus Uhler, 1875
- Scoloponotus Horváth, 1914
- Scoloposcelis Fieber, 1864
- Scolopostethus Fieber, 1860
- Scolopsomorpha Melichar, 1912
- Scolopygos Bartlett, 2002
- Scolothrips Hinds, 1902
- Scolytodes Ferrari, 1867
- Scolytogenes Eichhoff, 1878
- Scolytus Geoffroy, 1762
- Scopaeothrips Hood, 1912
- Scopula Schrank, 1802
- Scotinophara Stål, 1867
- Scotiotrichia Mosely, 1934
- Scotoeurysa Fennah, 1988
- Scotogramma H. Edwards, 1887
- Scotoleon Banks, 1913
- Scotomedes Stål, 1873
- Scotorythra Butler, 1883
- Scottianella Anufriev, 1980
- Scottotympana Boer, 1991
- Scotura Walker, 1854
- Scrapter Lepeletier & Serville, 1825
- Scraptia Latreille, 1807
- Scudderia Stål, 1873
- Sculptocoris Ren and Yang, 1991
- Sculptotheca Schilsky, 1900
- Sculptura Thérond, 1969
- Scymnhova Sicard, 1909
- Scymniscus Dobzhansky, 1928
- Scymnobius Casey, 1899
- Scymnodes Blackburn, 1889
- Scymnomorphus Weise, 1897
- Scymnotingis Drake, 1960
- Scymnus Kugelann, 1794
- Scyphodon Brues, 1925
- Scyphophorus Schönherr, 1838
- Scythropochroa
- Sebaga Raffray, 1891
- Sebasius Lacordaire, 1865
- Sebasthetops Jäch, 1998
- Sechellalna Boulard, 2010
- Secostruma Bolton, 1988
- Secundeisenia Schulz, 1906
- Seenomma Alonso-Zarazaga and Lyal, 1999
- Seeversiella Ashe, 1986
- Sehirus Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Seioptera
- Seirarctia Packard, 1864
- Seitzister Cooman, 1948
- Sekaliporus Watts, 1997
- Seladia Mulsant, 1850
- Selenia Hübner, 1823
- Selenisa Hayward, 1967
- Selenophorus Dejean, 1829
- Selenothrips Karny, 1911
- Selenymenum Montandon, 1894
- Selicanis Smith, 1900
- Selman J. Parker, 1929
- Selvadius Casey, 1899
- Selymbria Stål, 1861
- Semaeomyia Bradley, 1908
- Semaeopus Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Semangananus Stys, 1974
- Semanotus Mulsant, 1839
- Semaranga Becker
- Sembilanocera Brues, 1940
- Semblis Fabricius, 1775
- Sembrax Fennah, 1969
- Semia Matsumura, 1917
- Semiaphis
- Semiardistomis Kult, 1950
- Semidalis Enderlein, 1905
- Seminabathea Borowiec, 1994
- Semionis Nixon, 1965
- Semiothisa Hübner, 1818
- Semium Reuter, 1876
- Semiviride Gordon, 1991
- Semra Özdikmen, 2007
- Semudobia
- Sendaphne Nixon, 1965
- Sennaiella Alonso-Zarazaga, Lyal, Bartolozzi and Sforzi, 1999
- Sennius Bridwell, 1946
- Senopterina
- Senotainia
- Sepedomerus
- Sepedon
- Sephina Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sephinioides Brailovsky, 1996
- Sephora Kirkaldy, 1902
- Sepimesos Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Sepina Signoret, 1861
- Sepsidimorpha
- Sepsis
- Sepsisoma
- Sequoiomyia
- Serafinana Gebicki and Szwedo, 2000
- Serangiella Chapin, 1940
- Serangium Blackburn, 1889
- Serapista Cockerell, 1904
- Serendiba Distant, 1906
- Serendibana Miller, 1954
- Serendus Hsiao, 1979
- Sergentia
- Sergeyoxys Davidian, 2016
- Seri
- Serica MacLeay, 1819
- Sericaglaea Franclemont, 1941
- Sericoda Kirby, 1837
- Sericoderus Stephens, 1829
- Sericodes Schmid, 1987
- Sericogaster Westwood, 1835
- Sericoleon Esben-Petersen, 1933
- Sericomyia
- Sericomyrmex Mayr, 1865
- Sericophanes Reuter, 1876
- Sericophorus F. Smith, 1851
- Sericopsothrips Hood, 1936
- Sericoptera Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Sericosema Warren, 1895
- Sericostoma Latreille, 1825
- Sericostriata Wiggins, Weaver & Unzicker, 1985
- Sericothrips Haliday, 1836
- Seridentus Osborn, 1904
- Sermyle Stål, 1875
- Serranillus Barr, 1995
- Serranoniella Brailovsky and Barrera, 2001
- Serratella Edmunds, 1959
- Serratia Ballantyne in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Serratibia Gordon and Canepari in Gordon et al., 2013
- Serratispa Staines, 2002
- Serrocarpona Blöte, 1945
- Serromyia
- Serrospasta Selander, 1966
- Servaisia
- Sesamia Guenée, 1852
- Seselpsyche Malicky, 1993
- Sesioctonus Viereck, 1912
- Sessilina McAlpine & Schneider, 1978
- Sessinia Pascoe, 1863
- Setacera
- Setagrotis Smith, 1890
- Sethenira Spinola, 1837
- Setisquamlonchaea
- Setocordax Brindle, 1970
- Setodes Rambur, 1842
- Setodius Gordon and Skelley, 2007
- Setvena Illies, 1966
- Severiana Boulard, 1973
- Severiniella Montandon, 1894
- Sexserrata Barnes and Benjamin, 1922
- Seychellesanus Distant, 1913
- Seychellovelia Andersen and D. Polhemus, 2003
- Shadelphax Ding, 2006
- Shannoniana Lane and Cerqueira, 1942
- Shannonomyia
- Shaoshia Wei, Ahmed and Rizvi, 2010
- Sharphydrus Omer-Cooper, 1958
- Shepardhydras García, 2018
- Shijidelphax Ding, 2006
- Shipsa Ricker, 1952
- Shireplitis Fernández-Triana and Ward, 2013
- Shirozuella Sasaji, 1967
- Shotwellia Gurney, 1940
- Shreemana Nixon, 1933
- Siagona Latreille, 1804
- Siagonium Kirby and Spence, 1815
- Sialis Latreille, 1802
- Siamocoris Miller, 1941
- Siamoporus Spangler, 1996
- Sibariops Casey, 1920
- Sibelia Mazur and Ôhara, 2009
- Sibine Herrich-Schäffer, 1855
- Sibinia Germar, 1817
- Sibirodelphax Vilbaste, 1980
- Sibuyanhygia Brailovsky, 1997
- Sicabdiana Laczynski and Tomaszewska, 2010
- Sical Navás, 1928
- Sicanthus Valentine, 1998
- Sicara Strand, 1942
- Sicardinus Ukrainsky, 2006
- Sicilicula Balfour-Browne, 1958
- Sicilomyrmex Wheeler, 1915
- Sicoderus Vanin, 1986
- Sicya Guenée, 1858
- Sideridis Hübner, 1821
- Sidonis Mulsant, 1850
- Sierracapnia Bottorff and Baumann, 2015
- Sierraclava Johnson, 1982
- Sierraperla Jewett, 1954
- Siettitia Abeille de Perrin, 1904
- Sifidius Borowski and Wegrzynowicz, 2007
- Sigalphus Latreille, 1802
- Sigara Fabricius, 1775
- Sigela Hulst, 1896
- Sigillum Thérond, 1975
- Sigmatineurum Parent
- Sigmatomera
- Sikhotealinia Lafer, 1996
- Silana Spaeth, 1914
- Silaria Mulsant, 1856
- Silhouettanus Emsley, 1969
- Silinus Lewis, 1907
- Silis Charpentier, 1825
- Silo Curtis, 1830
- Silonella Fischer, 1966
- Silpha Linnaeus, 1758
- Silusa Erichson, 1837
- Silusida Casey, 1906
- Silvanoprus Reitter, 1911
- Silvanus Latreille, 1804
- Silvaspinosus Fernández-Triana in Fernández-Triana and Boudreault, 2018
- Silvatares Navás, 1931
- Silvestrina
- Silvius
- Simanthedon Zavortink, 1975
- Simmondsius Ahmad and Ghani, 1966
- Simodactylus
- Simona Moulds, 2012
- Simopelta Mann, 1922
- Simopone Forel, 1891
- Simpanurgus Warncke, 1972
- Simplicia Guenée, 1854
- Simplocaria Stephens, 1830
- Simplocarina Pic, 1922
- Simplona Casey, 1897
- Simsonia Carter and Zeck, 1929
- Simulium Latreille, 1802
- Simyra Ochsenheimer, 1816
- Sinacidia Chen, 1948
- Sinalda Distant, 1904
- Sinaldocader Popov, 1989
- Sinaloa Scudder, 1897
- Sinanoplomus Zia, 1955
- Sinapsaltria Kato, 1940
- Sinchocoris Dougherty, 1995
- Sindala Stål, 1862
- Sinea Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sinelmis Satô and Kishimoto, 2001
- Singhikalia Kapur, 1963
- Singhius
- Sinispa Uhmann, 1938
- Sinnamarynus Maldonado and Bérenger in Bérenger et al., 1996
- Sinocalon Lesne, 1906
- Sinocapnia Murányi, Li and Yang, 2015
- Sinodasynus Hsiao, 1963
- Sinodendron Hellwig, 1791
- Sinodytes Spangler, 1996
- Sinolacme Fennah, 1978
- Sinomelecta Baker, 1997
- Sinonychus Jäch and Boukal, 1995
- Sinopanorpa Cai and Hua in Cai, Huang and Hua, 2008
- Sinoperkinsiella Ding, 1983
- Sinopla Signoret, 1864
- Sinosalda Vinokurov, 2004
- Sinotagus Kiritshenko, 1916
- Sinovelia Yao, Zhang and Ren, 2012
- Sinoxylodes Lesne, 1899
- Sinoxylon Duftschmid, 1825
- Sintoria
- Sinuessa Horváth, 1910
- Siola Mulsant, 1850
- Siopaphora Metcalf, 1952
- Sipalinus Marshall, 1943
- Sipha
- Siphanta Stal, 1860
- Siphlonisca Needham, 1909
- Siphlonurus Eaton, 1868
- Siphloplecton Clemens, 1915
- Siphnus Stål, 1863
- Siphona Meigen, 1803
- Siphonella
- Siphonius
- Siphosturmia Coquillett, 1897
- Siphunculina Rondani
- Siproeta Hübner, 1823
- Sirex Linnaeus, 1761
- Sirocalodes Voss, 1958
- Sirthenea Spinola, 1837
- Sisamnes Distant, 1893
- Sisenes Champion, 1889
- Sisperonemia Duarte Rodrigues, 1987
- Sisyphus Latreille, 1807
- Sisyra Burmeister, 1839
- Sisyridivora Gahan, 1951
- Sisyropa Brauer and Bergenstamm, 1889
- Sitalia Lewis, 1900
- Sitobion
- Sitodiplosis
- Sitona Germar, 1817
- Sitophilus Schönherr, 1838
- Sixeonotopsis Carvalho and Schaffner, 1974
- Sixeonotus Reuter, 1876
- Skiallagma Förster, 1906
- Skwala Ricker, 1943
- Slateria Ahmad, 1965
- Slaterobius Harrington, 1980
- Slaterocoris Wagner, 1956
- Slipinskiscymnus Poorani, Booth and Chen in Peng et al., 2023
- Slipinskogenia Gimmel, 2011
- Slossonia Hulst, 1898
- Smaragdina Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836
- Smaragdinomyia Woodley, 1995
- Smaroides Fennah, 1988
- Smeringaspis Spaeth, 1924
- Smerinthus Latreille, 1802
- Smicraulax Pierce, 1908
- Smicridea McLachlan, 1871
- Smicrips LeConte, 1878
- Smicronyx Schönherr, 1843
- Smicrophylax Neboiss, 1977
- Smicrotatodelphax Kirkaldy, 1906
- Smidtia Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Smiliopus Bergroth, 1909
- Smithagathis Sharkey, 2017
- Smittia
- Smodicum Haldeman, 1847
- Smyrna Hübner, 1823
- Snellenius Westwood, 1882
- Sniploa Signoret, 1864
- Snowia Neumoegen, 1884
- Soa Enderlein, 1904
- Sobarocephala
- Sodirus Navás, 1912
- Soekhnandanius Makhan, 2013
- Sogana Matsumura, 1914
- Sogata Distant, 1906
- Sogatella Fennah, 1956
- Sogatellana Kuoh in Huang et al., 1980
- Sogatopsis Muir, 1913
- Sogda Lopatin, 1961
- Sohnhygia Brailovsky, 2004
- Soita Walker, 1865
- Solanophila Weise, 1898
- Solenispa Weise, 1905
- Solenonotus Reuter, 1871
- Solenopotes Enderlein, 1904
- Solenopsis Westwood, 1840
- Solenoptera Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Solierella Spinola, 1851
- Solieria Robineau-Desvoidy, 1849
- Soliperla Ricker, 1952
- Solntsevia
- Solter Navás, 1912
- Solva
- Somatochlora Selys, 1871
- Somatolophia Hulst, 1896
- Somotrichus Seidlitz, 1887
- Somula
- Songga Lee, 2016
- Sonoma Casey, 1886
- Sonorarctia Ferguson, 1985
- Sophiothrips Hood, 1933
- Sophira Walker, 1856
- Sophiroides Hendel, 1914
- Sophiropsis Hardy, 1986
- Soraida Hering, 1941
- Soronia Erichson, 1843
- Sosiopsila Bezzi, 1920
- Sosius Champion, 1899
- Sospita Mulsant, 1846
- Sostrata Godman and Salvin, 1895
- Sosylus Erichson, 1845
- Soteloniella Brailovsky, 1999
- Soudaniella Boulard, 1972
- Soyedina Ricker, 1952
- Spaelotis Boisduval, 1840
- Spaethaspis Hincks, 1952
- Spaethiella Barber and Bridwell, 1940
- Spaethispa Uhmann, 1939
- Spairapeltis Miller, 1950
- Spalacopsis Newman, 1842
- Spallanzania Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Spaminta Lambkin, 1986
- Spanagonicus Berg, 1883
- Spanbergiella
- Spangleriella Wittmer, 1988
- Spanglerodessus K. B. Miller and García, 2011
- Spanglerogyrus Folkerts, 1979
- Spania
- Spaniacris Hebard, 1937
- Spaniomyia Kertesz, 1914
- Sparasion Latreille, 1802
- Sparbarus Sun and McCafferty, 2008
- Sparedrus Dejean, 1821
- Spargaloma Grote, 1873
- Spargania Guenée, 1858
- Sparkia Nye, 1975
- Sparnia Stål, 1862
- Sparnopolius
- Spartimas Enderlein, 1921
- Spartocera Laporte, 1832
- Spastonyx Selander, 1954
- Spatherhinus Power, 1879
- Spathidexia Townsend, 1912
- Spathilepia Butler, 1870
- Spathobdella Frey
- Spathocera Stein, 1860
- Spathochus Marseul, 1864
- Spathocranus Muir, 1934
- Spathophora Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Spathulina Rondani, 1856
- Spatunomia Pauly, 1980
- Spaziphora Rondani, 1856
- Speccafrons
- Specinervures Kuoh and Ding, 1980
- Speciosia
- Spectralia Casey, 1909
- Spelaeabraeus Moro, 1957
- Spelaeacritus Jeannel, 1934
- Spelaeometra D. Polhemus and Ferreira, 2018
- Spelektor Gurney, 1943
- Speleobama Park, 1951
- Speleochus Park, 1951
- Speleon Miller and Stange, 2012
- Spelobia
- Spencerhydrus Sharp, 1882
- Speocropia Hampson, 1908
- Speolepta
- Speonoterus Spangler, 1996
- Speovelia Esaki, 1929
- Speranza Curtis, 1828
- Spercheus Kugelann, 1798
- Sperchopsis LeConte, 1862
- Speyeria Scudder, 1872
- Sphacelodes Guenée, 1858
- Sphacophilus Provancher, 1888
- Sphaeniscus Becker, 1908
- Sphaericosoma Marseul, 1868
- Sphaericus Wollaston, 1854
- Sphaeridium Fabricius, 1775
- Sphaeridops Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Sphaeriestes Stephens, 1831
- Sphaerina Wulp, 1890
- Sphaerion Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Sphaerista Kiritshenko, 1951
- Sphaerites Duftschmid, 1805
- Sphaerius Waltl, 1838
- Sphaerobothris Semenov-Tian-Shanskij and Richter, 1934
- Sphaerocera
- Sphaerocysta Stål, 1873
- Sphaerodemopsis Handlirsch, 1908
- Sphaeroderus Dejean, 1826
- Sphaerofijia Bezzi, 1928
- Sphaeromias Curtis, 1928
- Sphaeroneda Crotch, 1871
- Sphaerophoria
- Sphaeroplotina Miyatake, 1969
- Sphaeropsocopsis Badonnel, 1963
- Sphaerotermes Holmgren, 1912
- Sphagnophylax Wiggins & Winchester, 1984
- Sphalerocoroides V. Putshkov, 1985
- Sphalma Horn, 1872
- Spharagemon Scudder, 1875
- Sphecius Dahlbom, 1843
- Sphecodes Latreille, 1804
- Sphecodina Blanchard, 1840
- Sphecodopsis Bischoff, 1923
- Sphecodosoma Crawford, 1907
- Sphecomyia
- Sphecomyiella
- Sphecomyrma Wilson & Brown, 1967
- Sphedanocoris Stål, 1866
- Sphedanolestes Stål, 1866
- Sphedanovarus Jeannel, 1919
- Sphegina
- Sphegocephala Saussure, 1890
- Sphenella Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830
- Sphenocassis Spaeth, 1911
- Sphenoidoptera
- Sphenometopa
- Sphenophorus Schönherr, 1838
- Sphenoptera Dejean, 1833
- Sphenostethus Haldeman, 1846
- Sphex Linnaeus, 1758
- Sphictyrtus Stål, 1859
- Sphinctobelus Zimmerman, 1994
- Sphinctocoris Mayr, 1865
- Sphinctomyrmex Mayr, 1866
- Sphindiphorus Sen Gupta and Crowson, 1979
- Sphindocis Fall, 1917
- Sphindus Megerle in Dejean, 1821
- Sphingicampa Walsh, 1864
- Sphingocephalus Liljeblad, 1945
- Sphingolabis de Bormans, 1883
- Sphingonaepiopsis Wallengren, 1858
- Sphinx Linnaeus, 1758
- Sphixapata
- Sphodrolestes Stål, 1866
- Sphodronyttus Stål, 1866
- Sphodrotes Kohl, 1889
- Sphondylia Weise, 1902
- Sphragidelmis Delève, 1964
- Sphragisticus Stål, 1872
- Sphyracephala
- Sphyracus Marseul, 1854
- Sphyrocoris Mayr, 1864
- Spilindolla Vandenberg, 1996
- Spilochaetosoma Smith, 1917
- Spilochroa
- Spilocosmia Bezzi, 1914
- Spilodiscus Lewis, 1906
- Spilogona
- Spiloloma Grote, 1873
- Spilomena Shuckard, 1838
- Spilomyia
- Spiloneda Casey, 1908
- Spilophora Boheman, 1850
- Spilosoma Curtis, 1825
- Spinadis Edmunds and Jensen, 1974
- Spinaprocessus Ding, 2006
- Spinhyporhagus Freude, 1984
- Spinidelphacella Asche, 1988
- Spinigernotus Scudder, 1984
- Spinilimosina
- Spiniphora
- Spiniteleia Masner, 1980
- Spinitingis Heiss and Guilbert, 2013
- Spinoliella Ashmead, 1899
- Spinopasites Warncke, 1983
- Spintherophyta Dejean, 1836
- Spiramater McCabe, 1980
- Spiriverpa
- Spiroberotha Adams, 1990
- Spirobolomyia
- Spirolabia Steinmann, 1987
- Spissistilus
- Spodolepis Hulst, 1896
- Spodoptera Guenée, 1852
- Spoerryana Boulard, 1974
- Spondylis Fabricius, 1775
- Spongiphora Serville, 1831
- Sporothrips Hood, 1938
- Spragueia Grote, 1875
- Squamanotoxus Chandler, 2001
- Squamispa Maulik, 1928
- Squamocoris Knight, 1968
- Staccia Stål, 1865
- Stachyocnemus Stål, 1870
- Stachyogenys Stål, 1870
- Stachyolobus Stål, 1871
- Stachyomerus Stål, 1870
- Stachyotropha Stål, 1870
- Stackelbergia Pleske, 1930
- Stacota Stål, 1859
- Stactobia McLachlan, 1880
- Stactobiella Martynov, 1924
- Staegeria Rondani, 1856
- Stagea Villet, 1994
- Stagetus Wollaston, 1861
- Stagira Stål, 1861
- Stagmatoptera Burmeister, 1838
- Stagmomantis Saussure, 1869
- Stalemesa Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Staliastes Kirkaldy, 1900
- Stalireduvius Tomokuni and Cai, 2004
- Stallingsia H. Freeman, 1959
- Stalocoris La Rivers, 1969
- Staluptus Stål, 1860
- Stamnoctenis Warren, 1901
- Stamnodes Guenée, 1858
- Stamnophora Munro, 1955
- Stamoderes Casey, 1888
- Stangeella Menke, 1962
- Stangeleon Miller, 2008
- Staphylus Godman and Salvin, 1896
- Stator Bridwell, 1946
- Stauralia Dallas, 1851
- Staurellina Hering, 1941
- Staurophlebia Brauer, 1865
- Stearibia
- Stegana
- Steganolauxania
- Steganomus Ritsema, 1873
- Stegobium Motschulsky, 1860
- Stegoelmis Hinton, 1939
- Stegomyrmex Emery, 1912
- Stegopterna Enderlein, 1930
- Stehlikia Villiers, 1965
- Steinovelia J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1993
- Steirastoma Lepeletier and Audinet-Serville in Lacordaire, 1830
- Steiroxys Herman, 1874
- Stelechomyia (Reiss)
- Steleoceromys Grunberg, 1915
- Steleoneura Stein, 1924
- Steleops Enderlein, 1910
- Stelidota Erichson, 1843
- Stelis Panzer, 1806
- Stellenboschia Distant, 1920
- Stemmocrypta Stys, 1983
- Stemonocera Rondani, 1870
- Stempellina Thienemann
- Stempellinella Brundin
- Stenacris F. Walker, 1870
- Stenacron Jensen, 1974
- Stenadalia Weise, 1926
- Stenamma Westwood, 1839
- Stenancylus Casey, 1892
- Stenares Hagen, 1866
- Stenaspilatodes Franclemont and Poole, 1972
- Stenaspis Audinet-Serville, 1834
- Stenaulacotheca
- Stenelaphus Linsley, 1936
- Stenelmis Dufour, 1835
- Stenelytrana Gistl, 1848
- Steneretma
- Steneuryopa Wittmer, 1986
- Stenhelmoides Grouvelle, 1908
- Stenimantia Enderlein, 1932
- Stenimas Enderlein, 1921
- Steniolia Say, 1837
- Stenispa Baly, 1858
- Stenobaris Linell, 1897
- Stenobates Esaki, 1927
- Stenobatopsis J. Polhemus and D. Polhemus, 1996
- Stenobelus Zimmerman, 1999
- Stenobrentus Damoiseau, 1966
- Stenocader Drake and Hambleton, 1944
- Stenocaecilius Mockford, 2000
- Stenocerus Schoenherr, 1826
- Stenochironomus
- Stenochorema Schmid, 1955
- Stenocladius Fairmaire, 1878
- Stenoclyptus Blackman, 1943
- Stenococcus Weise, 1895
- Stenocolus LeConte, 1853
- Stenoconchyoptera Muir, 1931
- Stenocora Kennedy, 1940
- Stenocoris Burmeister, 1839
- Stenocorixa Horváth, 1926
- Stenocorus Fabricius, 1775
- Stenocranophilus Pierce, 1914
- Stenocranus Fieber, 1866
- Stenocrepis Chaudoir, 1857
- Stenocysta Champion, 1897
- Stenodema Laporte, 1833
- Stenodontes Audinet-Serville, 1832
- Stenoeurilla Brailovsky and Barrera, 2012
- Stenogorytes Schrottky, 1911
- Stenogymnocnemia Esben-Petersen, 1923
- Stenohebrus J. Polhemus, 1995
- Stenoheriades Tkalcu, 1984
- Stenohesma Michener, 1965
- Stenokelisia Ribaut, 1934
- Stenolemimus Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Stenolemoides McAtee and Malloch, 1925
- Stenolemopsis Wygodzinsky, 1966
- Stenolemus Signoret, 1858
- Stenoleon Tillyard, 1916
- Stenolophus Dejean, 1821
- Stenomacra Stål, 1870
- Stenomantispa Stitz, 1913
- Stenomera Lucas, 1850
- Stenometapodus Breddin, 1903
- Stenomicra
- Stenomimus Wollaston, 1873
- Stenommatus Wollaston, 1873
- Stenomorphus Dejean, 1831
- Stenomyia
- Stenonema Traver, 1933
- Stenopa Loew, 1873
- Stenopelmatus Burmeister, 1838
- Stenopelmus Schönherr, 1835
- Stenophorina
- Stenophragma
- Stenophrixothrix Wittmer, 1963
- Stenophylax Kolenati, 1848
- Stenopirates Walker, 1873
- Stenopoda Laporte, 1832
- Stenopodessa Barber, 1930
- Stenopodius Horn, 1883
- Stenopogon
- Stenoporpia McDunnough, 1920
- Stenoprasia Horváth, 1913
- Stenopsyche McLachlan, 1866
- Stenopsychodes Ulmer, 1916
- Stenoptochus Casey, 1888
- Stenopyrgota
- Stenorhamphus Elkins, 1962
- Stenorrhachus McLachlan, 1886
- Stenosastrapada Miller, 1940
- Stenoscelidea Westwood, 1842
- Stenoscelis Wollaston, 1861
- Stenoscinis
- Stenosphenus Haldeman, 1847
- Stenostrophia Casey, 1913
- Stenotabanus
- Stenotarsus Perty, 1832
- Stenotelea Huggert & Masner, 1983
- Stenotothorax Schmidt, 1913
- Stenotrachelus Latreille, 1825
- Stenotritus Smith, 1853
- Stenotrupis Wollaston, 1873
- Stenotus Jakovlev, 1877
- Stenoxenus
- Stentoquintius Brailovsky and Barrera, 2003
- Stenus Latreille
- Stephaniolus Ivie, Slipinsky and Wegrzynowicz, 2001
- Stephanispa Gressitt, 1960
- Stephanitis Stål, 1873
- Stephanocleonus Motschulsky, 1860
- Stephanopachys Waterhouse, 1888
- Stephanorhyssalus Belokobylskij and Joualt, 2021
- Stephanothrips Trybom, 1913
- Stephanotrypeta Hendel, 1931
- Stephomyia
- Steremnius Schönherr, 1835
- Stereobates Sharp, 1895
- Stereobatinus Kleine, 1927
- Stereocerus Kirby, 1837
- Stereodermus Lacordaire, 1865
- Stereogaster Van Dyke, 1936
- Stereomyrmex Emery, 1901
- Stereopalpus LaFerté-Sénectère, 1846
- Stereus Wollaston, 1857
- Stergamataea Hulst, 1896
- Sternechus Schönherr, 1826
- Sternhydrus Brinck, 1945
- Sternidius LeConte, 1873
- Sternidocinus Dillon, 1956
- Sternobrithes Loew, 1856
- Sternocanthus Guignot, 1948
- Sternocera Eschscholtz, 1829
- Sternochetus Pierce, 1917
- Sternocoelis Lewis, 1888
- Sternocoelopsis Reichensperger, 1923
- Sternocthispa Uhmann, 1938
- Sternodea Reitter, 1875
- Sternoglyphus Desbordes, 1916
- Sternoplispa Uhmann, 1940
- Sternopriscus Sharp, 1880
- Sternostena Weise, 1910
- Sternostenoides Monrós and Viana, 1947
- Stesiochorus Distant, 1906
- Stethaulax Bergroth, 1891
- Stethelmis Hinton, 1945
- Stethispa Baly, 1864
- Stethobaris LeConte, 1876
- Stethoconus Flor, 1861
- Stethogorytes R. Bohart, 2000
- Stetholiodes Fall, 1910
- Stetholus Carter and Zeck, 1929
- ...
[уреди | уреди извор]- Aaata finchi (Waterhouse, 1884)
- Aaroniella achrysa (Banks, 1941)
- Aaroniella badonneli (Danks, 1950)
- Aaroniella maculosa (Aaron, 1883)
- Ababa tantilla (LeConte, 1866)
- Abablemma bilineata (Barnes and McDunnough, 1916)
- Abablemma brimleyana (Dyar, 1914)
- Abablemma duomaculata (Barnes and Benjamin, 1925)
- Abablemma grandimacula (Schaus, 1911)
- Abacaria barretti Korboot, 1964
- Abacaria fijiana (Mosely, 1934)
- Abacaria orkeni Illies, 1969
- Abacaria picea (Brauer, 1867)
- Abacaria ruficeps (Brauer, 1867)
- Abacaria subfusca Kimmins, 1962
- Abachrysa eureka (Banks, 1931)
- Abacoceraphron ocellaris Dessart, 1975
- Abaeis nicippe (Cramer, 1779)
- Abaeletes coomani Gomy, 1977
- Abaeletes perroti (Cooman, 1940)
- Abagazara bicolorata (Distant, 1892)
- Abagazara omaruruensis Hesse, 1925
- Abagrotis alampeta Franclemont, 1967
- Abagrotis alcandola (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis alternata (Grote, 1864)
- Abagrotis anchocelioides (Guenée, 1852)
- Abagrotis apposita (Grote, 1878)
- Abagrotis baueri McDunnough, 1949
- Abagrotis belfragei (Smith, 1890)
- Abagrotis bimarginalis (Grote, 1883)
- Abagrotis brunneipennis (Grote, 1875)
- Abagrotis cryptica Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis cupida (Grote, 1865)
- Abagrotis denticulata McDunnough, 1946
- Abagrotis dickeli Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis discoidalis (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis dodi McDunnough, 1927
- Abagrotis duanca (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis durango Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis erratica (Smith, 1890)
- Abagrotis forbesi (Benjamin, 1921)
- Abagrotis glenni Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis hennei Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis hermina Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis kirkwoodi Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis magnicupida Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis mexicana Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis mirabilis (Grote, 1879)
- Abagrotis nanalis (Grote, 1881)
- Abagrotis nefascia (Smith, 1908)
- Abagrotis orbis (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis petalama Lafontaine, 1998
- Abagrotis placida (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis pulchrata (Blackmore, 1925)
- Abagrotis reedi Buckett, 1969
- Abagrotis rubricundis Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis scopeops (Dyar, 1904)
- Abagrotis striata Buckett, 1968
- Abagrotis totonaca (Schaus, 1894)
- Abagrotis trigona (Smith, 1893)
- Abagrotis turbulenta McDunnough, 1927
- Abagrotis variata (Grote, 1876)
- Abagrotis vittifrons (Grote, 1864)
- Abantiades albofasciatus (Swinhoe, 1892)
- Abantiades antenniochrus Moore, 2014
- Abantiades aphenges (A. Turner, 1904)
- Abantiades argentangulum Moore & Edwards, 2014
- Abantiades argentata (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades argyrosticha (A. Turner, 1929)
- Abantiades atripalpis (Walker, 1856)
- Abantiades aurilegulus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades barcas (Pfitzner, 1914)
- Abantiades barnardi (Tindale, 1941)
- Abantiades centralia Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades cephalocorvus Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades concordia Moore & Beaver, 2022
- Abantiades equipalpus Moore, 2014
- Abantiades fulvomarginatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades furva (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades horakae Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades hutchinsoni Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades hyalinatus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1853)
- Abantiades hydrographus (C. Felder & R. Felder in C. Felder, R. Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)
- Abantiades inexpecta Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades karnka (Tindale, 1941)
- Abantiades kayi Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades kristenseni Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades labyrinthicus (Donovan, 1805)
- Abantiades latipennis Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades leucochiton (Pfitzner, 1914)
- Abantiades lineacurva Moore & Edwards, 2014
- Abantiades macropusinsulariae Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades magnificus (Lucas, 1898)
- Abantiades malleus Moore & Beaver, 2022
- Abantiades marcidus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades mcquillani Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades moesta (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades mysteriella Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades neglecta Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades obscura Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades ocellatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades pallida Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades paradoxa (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades penneshawensis Moore & Beaver, 2021
- Abantiades pica (Tindale, 1932)
- Abantiades rubrus Moore & Beaver, 2021
- Abantiades sericatus Tindale, 1932
- Abantiades sui Simonsen, 2018
- Abantiades tembyi Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abantiades zonatriticum Moore & Beaver, 2020
- Abaria achwatirtha Schmid, 1982
- Abaria ateduna Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria boripat Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1993
- Abaria devavrata Schmid, 1982
- Abaria dusyanta Schmid, 1982
- Abaria electa Marlier, 1960
- Abaria helinatha Mey, 1998
- Abaria madhavi Schmid, 1982
- Abaria margaritifera Schmid, 1958
- Abaria mindorocola Mey, 1995
- Abaria mindorogena Mey, 1995
- Abaria puma Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria puru Schmid, 1982
- Abaria quatila Malicky & Chantaramongkol, 1992
- Abaria richika Schmid, 1982
- Abaria tripunctata Mosely, 1948
- Abaria triquetra Mey, 1998
- Abaria uchinara Schmid, 1982
- Abaria yakcha Schmid, 1982
- Abaris splendidula (LeConte, 1863)
- Abaristophora diversipennis Borgmeier, 1962
- Abasanistus aureopictus James, 1973
- Abasanistus claviger (James, 1973)
- Abasanistus paulseni (Philippi, 1865)
- Abasanistus rubriceps (Philippi, 1865)
- Abasanistus rubricornis Kertesz, 1923
- Abatoleon deprivatus Banks, 1924
- Abatoleon frontalis (Banks, 1910)
- Abatoleon garcianus (Banks, 1930)
- Abavus maculatus Lindner, 1933
- Abavus multisignatus Lindner, 1949
- Abavus priscus Enderlein, 1914
- Abax parallelepipedus (Piller and Mitterpacher, 1783)
- Abbrosoga errata Caldwell in Caldwell and Martorell, 1951
- Abdastartus atrus (Motschulsky, 1863)
- Abdastartus longulus Drake, 1953
- Abdastartus muiri Drake, 1927
- Abdastartus sacchari Drake, 1930
- Abdastartus smetanai Péricart, 1992
- Abditicoccus acaciae (Brain, 1918)
- Abditicoccus mystroxyloni Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019
- Abdiunguis fenderi Park and Wagner, 1962
- Abedus breviceps Stål, 1862
- Abedus decarloi Menke, 1960
- Abedus dilatatus (Say, 1832)
- Abedus herberti Hidalgo, 1935
- Abedus immaculatus (Say, 1832)
- Abedus immensus Menke, 1960
- Abedus indentatus (Haldeman, 1854)
- Abedus ovatus Stål, 1862
- Abedus parkeri Menke, 1966
- Abedus signoreti Mayr, 1871
- Abedus stangei Menke, 1960
- Abedus vicinus Mayr, 1871
- Abelamocoris inermis Miller, 1958
- Abelocephala albula Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abelocephala araiorum Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abelocephala longiceps Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abelocephala major Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abelocephala nakatai Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abelocephala thai Maldonado, 1996
- Abelocephala yaeyamensis Ishikawa, Cai and Tomokuni, 2015
- Abgrallaspis cyanophylli (Signoret, 1869)
- Abgrallaspis palmae (Cockerell, 1893)
- Abila christianeae Carbonell, 2002
- Abila descampsi Carbonell, 2002
- Abiomyia annulipes Kertesz, 1914
- Abiomyia higona Nagatomi, 1975
- Abiomyia pallipes Brunetti, 1927
- Abiskomyia virgo Edwards, 1937
- Ablabesmyia alaskensis Roback, 1971
- Ablabesmyia annulata (Say, 1823)
- Ablabesmyia aspera (Roback, 1959)
- Ablabesmyia aurea
- Ablabesmyia cinctipes (Johannsen, 1946)
- Ablabesmyia hauberi Beck and Beck, 1966
- Ablabesmyia idei (Walley, 1925)
- Ablabesmyia illinoensis Malloch, 1915
- Ablabesmyia janta (Roback, 1959)
- Ablabesmyia johannseni (Roback, 1959)
- Ablabesmyia mallochi (Walley, 1925)
- Ablabesmyia monilis (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ablabesmyia parajanta Roback, 1971
- Ablabesmyia peleensis (Walley, 1926)
- Ablabesmyia philosphagnos Beck and Beck, 1966
- Ablabesmyia pulchripennis (Lundbeck, 1898)
- Ablabesmyia rasha Roback, 1971
- Ablabesmyia rhamphe Sublette, 1964
- Ablabesmyia simpsoni Roback, 1985
- Ablautus arnaudi Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus basini Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus californicus Wilcox, 1935
- Ablautus coachellus Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus colei Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus coquilletti Wilcox, 1935
- Ablautus flavipes Coquillett, 1904
- Ablautus linsleyi Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus rufotibialis Back, 1909
- Ablautus schlingeri Wilcox, 1966
- Ablautus trifarius Loew, 1866
- Ablautus vanduzeei Wilcox, 1935
- Ableptemetes dicinctus (Allen and Brusca, 1973)
- Ableptemetes melanobranchus (Allen and Brusca, 1973)
- Abraeomorphus atomarius (Sharp in Blackburn and Sharp, 1885)
- Abraeomorphus besucheti Mazur, 1977
- Abraeomorphus formosanus (Hisamatsu, 1965)
- Abraeomorphus himalayae Gomy, 1980
- Abraeomorphus indosinensis Mazur, 1990
- Abraeomorphus indus Mazur, 1987
- Abraeomorphus minutissimus (Reitter, 1884)
- Abraeomorphus novaeguineae Thérond, 1965
- Abraeomorphus punctulus (Reitter, 1884)
- Abraeomorphus topali Gomy, 1981
- Abraeus areolatus Reitter, 1884
- Abraeus bolteri J. L. LeConte, 1880
- Abraeus brunneus Broun, 1881
- Abraeus dufaui Desbordes, 1914
- Abraeus granulum Erichson, 1839
- Abraeus loebli Gomy and Ôhara, 2001
- Abraeus parvulus Aubé, 1842
- Abraeus perpusillus (Marsham, 1802)
- Abraeus roubali Olexa, 1958
- Abraeus vividulus Broun, 1880
- Abrentodes auratus Sharp, 1895
- Abrentodes breviceps Sharp, 1895
- Abrentodes pusillus Sharp, 1895
- Abrentodes robustus Sharp, 1895
- Abrentodes sulcipennis Sharp, 1895
- Abricta brunnea (Fabricius, 1798)
- Abricta ferruginosa (Stål, 1866)
- Abricta pusilla (Fabricius, 1803)
- Abrocomaphthirus chilensis (Gomez, 1998)
- Abrocomaphthirus longus (Werneck, 1948)
- Abroma antandroyae Boulard, 2008
- Abroma apicalis Ollenbach, 1929
- Abroma bengalensis Distant, 1906
- Abroma bezamahafalyensis Sanborn, 2021
- Abroma bowringi Distant, 1905
- Abroma canopea Boulard, 2007
- Abroma cincturae Boulard, 2009
- Abroma falcata Sanborn, 2021
- Abroma ferraria (Stål, 1870)
- Abroma guerinii (Signoret, 1847)
- Abroma impatiens Boulard, 2013
- Abroma inaudibilis Boulard, 1999
- Abroma maculicollis (Guérin-Méneville, 1838)
- Abroma mameti Boulard, 1979
- Abroma minor Jacobi, 1917
- Abroma nubifurca (Walker, 1858)
- Abroma orhanti Boulard, 2008
- Abroma philippinensis Distant, 1905
- Abroma reducta (Jacobi, 1902)
- Abroma vinsoni Boulard, 1979
- Abrosiomyia bella Nagatomi, 1975
- Abrosiomyia minuta Kertesz, 1914
- Abrostola microvalis Ottolengui, 1919
- Abrostola ovalis Guenée, 1852
- Abrostola parvula Barnes and McDunnough, 1916
- Abrostola urentis Guenée, 1852
- Abscondita anceyi (E. Olivier, 1883)
- Abscondita berembun Nada in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Abscondita cerata (E. Olivier, 1911)
- Abscondita chinensis (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Abscondita jerangau Nada in Ballantyne et al., 2019
- Abscondita pallescens (Gorham, 1880)
- Abscondita perplexa (Walker, 1858)
- Abscondita promelaena (Walker, 1858)
- Abscondita terminalis (E. Olivier, 1883)
- Absidiella sierrae (McKey-Fender, 1950)
- Abtrichia antennata Mosely, 1939
- Abtrichia squamosa Mosely, 1939
- Abulites fuscosparsus (Stål, 1853)
- Abulites sparsus (Germar, 1837)
- Abutiloneus idoneus Bridwell, 1946
- Acaciacoris acaciae (Knight, 1918)
- Acaciacoris mexicanus Schaffner, 1977
- Acaciacoris xerophilus (Schaffner, 1967)
- Acallepitrix nitens (Horn, 1889)
- Acalles angusticollis Sharp, 1885
- Acalles callichroma Perkins, 1900
- Acalles carinatus LeConte, 1876
- Acalles chlorolepis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles clavatus (Say, 1831)
- Acalles costifer LeConte, 1884
- Acalles crassulus LeConte, 1876
- Acalles decoratus Blackburn, 1885
- Acalles duplex Sharp, 1885
- Acalles eugeniae Perkins, 1916
- Acalles frater Perkins, 1900
- Acalles granosus LeConte, 1876
- Acalles humeralis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles ignotus Blackburn, 1885
- Acalles indigens Fall, 1907
- Acalles innotabilis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles koae Perkins, 1900
- Acalles lanaiensis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles lateralis Sharp, 1885
- Acalles leptothorax Perkins, 1900
- Acalles mauiensis Blackburn, 1885
- Acalles melanolepis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles minimus Blatchley, 1916
- Acalles monticola Perkins, 1900
- Acalles nigripennis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles oahuensis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles pallidicollis Perkins, 1900
- Acalles porosus Blatchley, 1916
- Acalles pusillissimus Perkins, 1910
- Acalles sablensis Blatchley, 1920
- Acalles subhispidus LeConte, 1878
- Acalles sulcicollis LeConte, 1884
- Acalles sylvosus Blatchley, 1916
- Acalles tuberculatus Perkins, 1900
- Acallodes lysimachiae Fall, 1913
- Acallodes saltoides Dietz, 1896
- Acallodes ventricosus LeConte, 1876
- Acallurothrips louisianae (Hood, 1936)
- Acalymma blandulum (J. L. LeConte, 1868)
- Acalymma gouldi Barber, 1947
- Acalymma peregrinum (Jacoby, 1892)
- Acalymma trivittatum (Mannerheim, 1843)
- Acalymma vinctum (J. L. LeConte, 1878)
- Acalymma vittatum (Fabricius, 1775)
- Acalypta acutangula (Jakovlev, 1880)
- Acalypta anatolica Josifov, 1967
- Acalypta barberi Drake, 1934
- Acalypta brunnea (Germar, 1836)
- Acalypta carinata (Panzer, 1806)
- Acalypta carpathica Horváth, 1905
- Acalypta cooleyi Drake, 1917
- Acalypta costata Zheng in Zheng and Liu, 1992
- Acalypta detrita Péricart, 1992
- Acalypta duryi Drake, 1930
- Acalypta elegans Horváth, 1906
- Acalypta elinoides (Jakovlev, 1893)
- Acalypta finitima (Puton, 1884)
- Acalypta formosana Tomokuni, 1992
- Acalypta gracilis (Fieber, 1844)
- Acalypta hellenica Reuter, 1888
- Acalypta heteropepla Horváth, 1907
- Acalypta hirashimai Takeya, 1962
- Acalypta hoberlandti Roubal, 1958
- Acalypta irregularis Péricart, 1981
- Acalypta laurae Froeschner, 1991
- Acalypta lillianis Torre-Bueno, 1916
- Acalypta marginata (Wolff, 1804)
- Acalypta miyamotoi Takeya, 1962
- Acalypta mniophila Drake and Ruhoff, 1959
- Acalypta mongolica Golub, 1973
- Acalypta montana Hoberlandt, 1944
- Acalypta musci (Schrank, 1781)
- Acalypta nepalensis Péricart, 1985
- Acalypta nigrina (Fallén, 1807)
- Acalypta nigrinervis Stål, 1874
- Acalypta nyctalis Drake, 1928
- Acalypta parvula (Fallén, 1807)
- Acalypta platycheila (Fieber, 1844)
- Acalypta pulchra Stusák, 1961
- Acalypta ruhoffae Froeschner, 1976
- Acalypta samara (Puton, 1887)
- Acalypta saundersi (Downes, 1927)
- Acalypta sauteri Drake, 1942
- Acalypta sejuncta Horváth, 1905
- Acalypta sibirica Jakovlev, 1903
- Acalypta sordida (Jakovlev, 1893)
- Acalypta spinifrousa Jing, 1980
- Acalypta subtilis (Reuter, 1882)
- Acalypta susanae Allen, Carlton and Tedder, 1988
- Acalypta suturalis (Puton, 1879)
- Acalypta swatensis Péricart, 1985
- Acalypta thomsonii Stål, 1873
- Acalypta tomokunii Péricart, 2000
- Acalypta tsurugisana Tomokuni, 1972
- Acalypta uniseriata (Puton, 1879)
- Acalypta vanduzeei Drake, 1928
- Acalypta vandykei Drake, 1928
- Acalypta visolensis Péricart, 1976
- Acalypta viti Péricart, 1992
- Acalyptomerus asiaticus Crowson, 1979
- Acalyptus carpini (Herbst, 1795)
- Acampsis alternipes (Nees von Esenbeck, 1816)
- Acampsis brasiliensis Penteado-Dias, 1996
- Acampsis brevis van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Acampsis chinensis Chen & He, 1992
- Acampsis chrysotegula Belokobylskij & Tobias, 1993
- Acampsis granulata van Achterberg & Austin, 1992
- Acampsis hunanensis Chen & He, 1992
- Acamptocladius dentolatens (Saether, 1971)
- Acamptopoeum argentinum (Friese, 1906)
- Acamptopoeum calchaqui Compagnucci, 2004
- Acamptopoeum colombiense Shinn, 1965
- Acamptopoeum fernandezi Gonzalez, 2004
- Acamptopoeum inauratum (Cockerell, 1926)
- Acamptopoeum maculatum (Smith, 1853)
- Acamptopoeum melanogaster Compagnucci, 2004
- Acamptopoeum nigritarse (Vachal, 1909)
- Acamptopoeum prinii (Holmberg, 1884)
- Acamptopoeum submetallicum (Spinola, 1851)
- Acamptopoeum tintin Compagnucci, 2004
- Acamptopoeum vagans (Cockerell, 1926)
- Acamptus echinus Casey, 1892
- Acamptus rigidus LeConte, 1876
- Acamptus texanus (Sleeper, 1954)
- Acanonicus hahni (Stål, 1859)
- Acanonicus laticornis (Burmeister, 1835)
- Acanonicus riojana Pennington, 1920
- Acanthaclisis curvispura Krivokhatsky, 1990
- Acanthaclisis laevis Navás, 1915
- Acanthaclisis mesopotamica Hölzel, 1972
- Acanthaclisis neozelandica (Navás, 1912)
- Acanthaclisis obscura Hölzel, 1972
- Acanthaclisis occitanica (Villers, 1789)
- Acanthaclisis pallida (McLachlan, 1887)
- Acanthagrion ablutum Calvert, 1909
- Acanthagrion abunae Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion adustum Williamson, 1916
- Acanthagrion aepiolum Tennessen, 2004
- Acanthagrion amazonicum Sjöstedt, 1918
- Acanthagrion apicale Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion ascendens Calvert, 1909
- Acanthagrion chacoense Calvert, 1909
- Acanthagrion chararum Calvert, 1909
- Acanthagrion cuyabae Calvert, 1909
- Acanthagrion dichrostigma De Marmels, 1985
- Acanthagrion floridense Fraser, 1946
- Acanthagrion fluviatile (De Marmels, 1984)
- Acanthagrion gracile (Rambur, 1842)
- Acanthagrion hartei Muzón and Lozano, 2005
- Acanthagrion hermosae Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion hildegarda Gloger, 1967
- Acanthagrion imeriense De Marmels, 1989
- Acanthagrion indefensum Williamson, 1916
- Acanthagrion inexpectum Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion jessei Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion kennedii Williamson, 1916
- Acanthagrion lancea Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion latapistylum Calvert, 1902
- Acanthagrion longispinosum Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion luteum Rácenis, 1958
- Acanthagrion minutum Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion obsoletum (Förster, 1914)
- Acanthagrion peruanum Schmidt, 1942
- Acanthagrion peruvianum Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion phallicorne Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion quadratum Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion rubrifrons Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion speculum Garrison, 1985
- Acanthagrion taxaense Santos, 1965
- Acanthagrion temporale Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion tepuiense De Marmels, 1985
- Acanthagrion trilobatum Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion truncatum Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion vidua Selys, 1876
- Acanthagrion viridescens Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion williamsoni Leonard, 1977
- Acanthagrion yungarum Ris, 1918
- Acanthallagma caeruleum Williamson and Williamson, 1924
- Acanthallagma luteum Williamson and Williamson, 1924
- Acanthallagma strohmi Williamson and Williamson, 1924
- Acanthametropus nikolskyi Tshernova, 1948
- Acanthametropus pecatonica (Burks, 1953)
- Acanthasargus flavipes Hardy, 1932
- Acanthasargus gracilis White, 1916
- Acanthasargus inflatus James, 1950
- Acanthasargus palustris White, 1914
- Acanthasargus roseus James, 1950
- Acanthasargus varipes Hardy, 1932
- Acanthaspis alagiriensis Murugan and Livingstone, 1994
- Acanthaspis alluaudi Jeannel, 1919
- Acanthaspis angalia Jeannel, 1917
- Acanthaspis angularis Stål, 1859
- Acanthaspis annulata Schouteden, 1906
- Acanthaspis annulicornis Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis apicata Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis arambourgi Villiers, 1944
- Acanthaspis armata de Carlini, 1892
- Acanthaspis avara Miller, 1948
- Acanthaspis bellula Miller, 1948
- Acanthaspis berensbergi Schouteden, 1909
- Acanthaspis bidiana Miller, 1940
- Acanthaspis biguttula Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis biligata (Walker, 1873)
- Acanthaspis bilineolata (Palisot de Beauvois, 1805)
- Acanthaspis bimaculata Stål, 1855
- Acanthaspis binghami Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis bistillata Stål, 1858
- Acanthaspis bombayensis Distant, 1909
- Acanthaspis burgeoni Schouteden, 1952
- Acanthaspis callida Miller, 1948
- Acanthaspis carinata Murugan and Livingstone, 1994
- Acanthaspis carlinii Villiers, 1943
- Acanthaspis celidota Swanson, 2017
- Acanthaspis chilawensis Distant, 1911
- Acanthaspis cincticrus Stål, 1859
- Acanthaspis collaris Hsiao, 1976
- Acanthaspis concinnula Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis conspersa Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis coprologus (Annandale, 1906)
- Acanthaspis coranodes Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis curvidens Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis despoliator Miller, 1948
- Acanthaspis distanti Banks, 1909
- Acanthaspis divisicollis (Walker, 1873)
- Acanthaspis elongata Villiers, 1944
- Acanthaspis erlangeri Schouteden, 1906
- Acanthaspis fasciata Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis flavipes Stål, 1855
- Acanthaspis flavovaria (Hahn, 1834)
- Acanthaspis frater Schouteden, 1931
- Acanthaspis fulviconnexa Cao, Rédei, Huli and Cai, 2014
- Acanthaspis fulvilabris (Germar, 1837)
- Acanthaspis fulvipes (Dallas, 1850)
- Acanthaspis fuscinervis Hsiao, 1976
- Acanthaspis fusconigra Dohrn, 1860
- Acanthaspis geniculata Hsiao, 1976
- Acanthaspis gracilipes Jeannel, 1917
- Acanthaspis gregoryi Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis gridellii Mancini, 1946
- Acanthaspis gulo Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis helluo Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis hieroglyphica (Walker, 1873)
- Acanthaspis hisarensis Sucheta and Chopra, 1989
- Acanthaspis humeralis (Scott, 1874)
- Acanthaspis immodesta Bergroth, 1914
- Acanthaspis inermis Stål, 1870
- Acanthaspis inscripta Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis iracunda Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis katangae Schouteden, 1913
- Acanthaspis laoensis Distant, 1919
- Acanthaspis lineatipes Reuter, 1881
- Acanthaspis livingstonei Vennison and Ambrose, 1988
- Acanthaspis livingstoni Y. C. Gupta and P. Gupta, 2005
- Acanthaspis luteipes Walker, 1873
- Acanthaspis maculata (Distant, 1903)
- Acanthaspis megaspila Walker, 1873
- Acanthaspis melanota Cao, Rédei, Huli and Cai, 2014
- Acanthaspis micrographa Walker, 1873
- Acanthaspis minutum Livingstone and Murugan, 1988
- Acanthaspis niger Sucheta and Chopra, 1989
- Acanthaspis nigricans Ambrose, 1994
- Acanthaspis nigripes Livingstone and Murugan, 1988
- Acanthaspis noctis Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis nugax Stål, 1865
- Acanthaspis obscura Stål, 1855
- Acanthaspis ochracea Stål, 1855
- Acanthaspis octoguttata Cao, Rédei, Huli and Cai, 2014
- Acanthaspis pedebus P. Putshkov in V. Putshkov et al., 1987
- Acanthaspis pedestris Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis pernobilis Reuter, 1881
- Acanthaspis petax Stål, 1865
- Acanthaspis phalerata Miller, 1940
- Acanthaspis philomanmariae Vennison and Ambrose, 1988
- Acanthaspis picta Hsiao, 1976
- Acanthaspis porrecta Distant, 1904
- Acanthaspis pustulata Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis quadriannulata Stål, 1870
- Acanthaspis quinquespinosa (Fabricius, 1781)
- Acanthaspis rama Distant, 1904
- Acanthaspis rapida Stål, 1865
- Acanthaspis reuteri Lethierry and Severin, 1896
- Acanthaspis reuteriana Schouteden, 1909
- Acanthaspis ruficeps Hsiao, 1976
- Acanthaspis rugulosa Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis russoi Mancini, 1946
- Acanthaspis sericata Distant, 1904
- Acanthaspis sexguttata (Fabricius, 1775)
- Acanthaspis signaticollis Stål, 1866
- Acanthaspis signifera Stål, 1863
- Acanthaspis siruvanii Livingstone and Murugan, 1988
- Acanthaspis siva Distant, 1904
- Acanthaspis stamperi Schouteden, 1929
- Acanthaspis subrufa Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis succinea Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis sulcipes Signoret, 1858
- Acanthaspis tanganyikae Schouteden, 1909
- Acanthaspis tavoyana Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis tergemina (Burmeister, 1835)
- Acanthaspis trimaculata Reuter, 1887
- Acanthaspis unifasciata (Wolff, 1800)
- Acanthaspis vaneyeni Schouteden, 1952
- Acanthaspis varicolor Schouteden, 1909
- Acanthaspis variegata Stål, 1874
- Acanthaspis variivenis Noualhier, 1906
- Acanthaspis vidua Stål, 1859
- Acanthaspis vilhenai Villiers, 1952
- Acanthaspis vincta Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis vitticollis Reuter, 1881
- Acanthaspis vrijdaghi Schouteden, 1952
- Acanthaspis westermanni Reuter, 1881
- Acanthaspis xerampilina Distant, 1903
- Acanthaspis zebraica Distant, 1904
- Acantherus piperatus Scudder and Cockerell, 1902
- Acanthinevania australis (Schletterer, 1886)
- Acanthinevania braunsi (Kieffer, 1911)
- Acanthinevania braunsiana (Kieffer, 1911)
- Acanthinevania clavaticornis (Kieffer, 1911)
- Acanthinevania erythrogaster (Kieffer, 1904)
- Acanthinevania eximia (Schletterer, 1886)
- Acanthinevania genalis (Schletterer, 1886)
- Acanthinevania humerata (Schletterer, 1889)
- Acanthinevania leucocras (Kieffer, 1911)
- Acanthinevania longigena (Schletterer, 1889)
- Acanthinevania lucida (Schletterer, 1889)
- Acanthinevania mediana (Schletterer, 1889)
- Acanthinevania princeps (Westwood, 1841)
- Acanthinevania quinquelineata (Kieffer, 1904)
- Acanthinevania rufiventris (Kieffer, 1911)
- Acanthinevania scabra (Schletterer, 1889)
- Acanthinevania sericans (Westwood, 1851)
- Acanthinevania striatifrons (Kieffer, 1904)
- Acanthinevania szepligeti (Bradley, 1908)
- Acanthinevania versicolor (Kieffer, 1904)
- Acanthinevania villosicrus (Kieffer, 1904)
- Acanthinomyia elongata (Wiedemann, 1824)
- Acanthinomyia longa (Wiedemann, 1830)
- Acanthinomyia plana (Walker, 1854)
- Acanthinus aequinoctialis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849)
- Acanthinus clavicornis (Champion, 1890)
- Acanthinus dromedarius (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849)
- Acanthinus exilis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849)
- Acanthinus glareosus Werner, 1966
- Acanthinus myrmecops (Casey, 1895)
- Acanthinus quinquemaculatus (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849)
- Acanthinus scitulus (LeConte, 1852)
- Acanthinus spinicollis (LaFerté-Sénectère, 1849)
- Acanthinus trifasciatus (Fabricius, 1801)
- Acanthiophilus astrophorus Hering, 1939
- Acanthiophilus brunneus Munro, 1934
- Acanthiophilus ciconia Munro, 1957
- Acanthiophilus coarctatus Hering, 1942
- Acanthiophilus helianthi (Rossi, 1794)
- Acanthiophilus koehleri Hering, 1940
- Acanthiophilus lugubris Hering, 1939
- Acanthiophilus melanoxanthus Hering, 1938
- Acanthiophilus trypaneodes Hering, 1937
- Acanthiophilus walkeri (Wollaston, 1858)
- Acanthischium haglundi Stål, 1866
- Acanthischium invium Elkins, 1961
- Acanthischium maculatum Amyot and Serville, 1843
- Acanthischium superbum Haviland, 1931
- Acanthocaudus bicolor Kula in Kula et al., 2017
- Acanthocaudus caudacanthus (Smith, 1944)
- Acanthocaudus tissoti (Smith, 1944)
- Acanthocausus tridens (Brèthes, 1913)
- Acanthocephala affinis (Walker, 1871)
- Acanthocephala alata (Burmeister, 1835)
- Acanthocephala angustipes (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocephala apicalis (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocephala arcuata Uhler in Kingsley, 1884
- Acanthocephala bicoloripes (Stål, 1855)
- Acanthocephala concolor (Herrich-Schäffer, 1841)
- Acanthocephala consobrina (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocephala dallasi Lethierry and Severin, 1894
- Acanthocephala declivis (Say, 1832)
- Acanthocephala equalis (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocephala femorata (Fabricius, 1775)
- Acanthocephala fulvitarsa (Herrich-Schäffer, 1851)
- Acanthocephala hamata Bergroth, 1924
- Acanthocephala heissi Brailovsky, 2006
- Acanthocephala latipes (Drury, 1782)
- Acanthocephala mercur (Mayr, 1865)
- Acanthocephala ochracea Montandon, 1895
- Acanthocephala parensis (Dallas, 1852)
- Acanthocephala pittieri Montandon, 1895
- Acanthocephala pleuritica (Costa, 1863)
- Acanthocephala scutellata (Signoret, 1862)
- Acanthocephala surata (Burmeister, 1835)
- Acanthocephala terminalis (Dallas, 1852)
- Acanthocephala thomasi (Uhler, 1872)
- Acanthocephala unicolor (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocerus crucifer Palisot de Beauvois, 1818
- Acanthocerus lobatus (Burmeister, 1835)
- Acanthocerus tuberculatus (Herrich-Schäffer, 1842)
- Acanthocheila abducta Buchanan-White, 1879
- Acanthocheila armigera (Stål, 1858)
- Acanthocheila denieri Monte, 1940
- Acanthocheila dira Drake and Hambleton, 1945
- Acanthocheila exquisita Uhler, 1889
- Acanthocheila nexa Drake, 1936
- Acanthocheila sigillata Drake and Bruner, 1924
- Acanthocheila spinicosta Van Duzee, 1907
- Acanthocheila thaumana Drake and Cobben, 1960
- Acanthocinus angulosus (Casey, 1913)
- Acanthocinus leechi (Dillon, 1956)
- Acanthocinus nodosus (Fabricius, 1775)
- Acanthocinus obliquus (LeConte, 1862)
- Acanthocinus obsoletus (Olivier, 1795)
- Acanthocinus princeps (Walker in Lord, 1866)
- Acanthocinus pusillus Kirby in Richardson, 1837
- Acanthocinus spectabilis (LeConte, 1854)
- Acanthocnema albibarba (Loew, 1869)
- Acanthocnema capillata (Loew, 1872)
- Acanthocnema ruficauda Curran, 1929
- Acanthococcus araucariae (Maskell, 1879)
- Acanthocoris acutus Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris affinis (Westwood, 1842)
- Acanthocoris agilis Schouteden, 1938
- Acanthocoris anticus Walker, 1871
- Acanthocoris ariasi García Varela, 1913
- Acanthocoris callewaerti Schouteden, 1912
- Acanthocoris carlieri Schouteden, 1911
- Acanthocoris collarti Schouteden, 1938
- Acanthocoris declivicollis Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris delevali Schouteden, 1910
- Acanthocoris dentatus Haglund, 1895
- Acanthocoris distinctus Schouteden, 1938
- Acanthocoris elegans Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris erythraeensis Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris esau Distant, 1901
- Acanthocoris fasciculatus (Fabricius, 1781)
- Acanthocoris granosus (Stål, 1855)
- Acanthocoris granulosus Signoret, 1858
- Acanthocoris leopoldi Schouteden, 1929
- Acanthocoris liberiensis Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris lineatus Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris lugens Stål, 1855
- Acanthocoris major Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris mamillatus Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris obscuricornis Dallas, 1852
- Acanthocoris ruandanus Schouteden, 1957
- Acanthocoris rudis Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris scaber (Linnaeus, 1763)
- Acanthocoris scabrator (Fabricius, 1803)
- Acanthocoris scrofa (Germar, 1838)
- Acanthocoris sordidus (Thunberg, 1783)
- Acanthocoris speyeri Blöte, 1935
- Acanthocoris spinosus Signoret, 1858
- Acanthocoris spurcus (Germar, 1838)
- Acanthocoris terreus Bergroth, 1894
- Acanthocoris tibialis Signoret, 1861
- Acanthocrios furnarii (Cordero and Vogelsang, 1928)
- Acanthodes baeri Pic, 1927
- Acanthodes bihamata (Linnaeus, 1767)
- Acanthodes diversicornis Pic, 1927
- Acanthodes donckieri Weise, 1911
- Acanthodes generosa Baly, 1864
- Acanthodes lateralis Baly, 1864
- Acanthodes limbata Weise, 1904
- Acanthodes multinotata Pic, 1927
- Acanthodes nigripennis Baly, 1864
- Acanthodes notaticeps Pic, 1927
- Acanthodes rufa Pic, 1927
- Acanthodes strandi Uhmann, 1933
- Acanthodes tarsata Baly, 1864
- Acanthodes unca Spaeth, 1937
- Acanthodes viridipennis Weise, 1904
- Acanthodotheca acridiophagoides Lopes and Downs, 1951
- Acanthodotheca alcedo (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca apertella (Parker, 1920)
- Acanthodotheca beameri (Hall, 1931)
- Acanthodotheca complosa (Reinhard, 1947)
- Acanthodotheca compressa (Reinhard, 1947)
- Acanthodotheca eleodis (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca excisa (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca hamata (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca magna (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca masculina (Aldrich, 1916
- Acanthodotheca omani (Hall, 1931)
- Acanthodotheca prohibita (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca reperta (Reinhard, 1947)
- Acanthodotheca rudis (Aldrich, 1916)
- Acanthodotheca savoryi (Parker, 1920)
- Acanthodotheca spretor (Reinhard, 1947)
- Acanthodotheca thyceae (Reinhard, 1945)
- Acanthogethes fuscus (Olivier, 1790)
- Acanthognathus brevicornis Smith, 1944
- Acanthognathus lentus Mann, 1922
- Acanthognathus ocellatus Mayr, 1887
- Acanthognathus poinari Baroni Urbani, 1994
- Acanthognathus rudis Brown & Kempf, 1969
- Acanthognathus stipulosus Brown & Kempf, 1969
- Acanthognathus teledectus Brown & Kempf, 1969
- Acantholeria armipes (Loew, 1862)
- Acantholeria moscowa Garrett, 1925
- Acantholespesia comstocki (Williston, 1889)
- Acantholespesia signata (Aldrich and Webber, 1924)
- Acantholespesia texana (Aldrich and Webber, 1924)
- Acantholomidea denticulata (Stål, 1870)
- Acantholybas brunneus (Breddin, 1900)
- Acantholybas kirkaldyi Bergroth, 1909
- Acantholybas longulus Breddin, 1899
- Acantholybas steinbaueri Brailovsky, 1996
- Acantholyctus cornifrons (Lesne, 1898)
- Acantholyctus semiermis (Lesne, 1914)
- Acantholyda erythrocephala (Linnaeus)
- Acanthomigdolus quadricollis (Bates, 1875)
- Acanthomyops arizonicus (Wheeler, 1917)
- Acanthomyops bureni Wing, 1968
- Acanthomyops californicus (Wheeler, 1917)
- Acanthomyops claviger (Roger, 1862)
- Acanthomyops colei Wing, 1968
- Acanthomyops coloradensis (Wheeler, 1917)
- Acanthomyops creightoni Wing, 1968
- Acanthomyops interjectus (Mayr, 1866)
- Acanthomyops latipes (Walsh, 1863)
- Acanthomyops mexicanus (Wheeler, 1914)
- Acanthomyops murphyi (Forel, 1901)
- Acanthomyops occidentalis (Wheeler, 1909)
- Acanthomyops plumopilosus (Buren, 1941)
- Acanthomyops pogonogynus (Buren, 1950)
- Acanthomyops pubescens (Buren, 1942)
- Acanthomyops subglaber (Emery, 1893)
- Acanthomyrmex basispinosus Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex careoscrobis Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex concavus Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex crassispinus Wheeler, 1930
- Acanthomyrmex dusun Wheeler, 1919
- Acanthomyrmex ferox Emery, 1893
- Acanthomyrmex foveolatus Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex laevis Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex luciolae Emery, 1893
- Acanthomyrmex mindanao Moffett, 1986
- Acanthomyrmex notabilis (Smith, 1860)
- Acanthonevra affluens (Hering, 1951)
- Acanthonevra amurensis (Portschinsky, 1892)
- Acanthonevra ceramensis (Meijere, 1913)
- Acanthonevra continua Hardy, 1986
- Acanthonevra desperata (Hering, 1939)
- Acanthonevra dunlopi (Wulp, 1880)
- Acanthonevra formosana (Enderlein, 1911)
- Acanthonevra fuscipennis Macquart, 1843
- Acanthonevra gravelyi (Munro, 1935)
- Acanthonevra hemileina (Hering, 1939)
- Acanthonevra imparata (Hering, 1951)
- Acanthonevra incerta Hardy, 1986
- Acanthonevra inermis (Hering, 1951)
- Acanthonevra marginata Hardy, 1973
- Acanthonevra melanopleura (Hering, 1951)
- Acanthonevra melanostoma (Hering, 1941)
- Acanthonevra nigrifacies (Meijere, 1914)
- Acanthonevra nigrolimbata (Chen & Zia, 1963)
- Acanthonevra normaliceps (Enderlein, 1911)
- Acanthonevra notabilis (Wulp, 1880)
- Acanthonevra ornatipennis (Hering, 1951)
- Acanthonevra parvisetalis (Hering, 1939)
- Acanthonevra pteropleuralis (Hendel, 1927)
- Acanthonevra quatei (Hardy, 1973)
- Acanthonevra scutellopunctata (Hering, 1952)
- Acanthonevra setosifemora Hardy, 1974
- Acanthonevra shinonagai Hardy, 1986
- Acanthonevra siamensis Hardy, 1973
- Acanthonevra soluta (Bezzi, 1913)
- Acanthonevra speciosa (Hendel, 1915)
- Acanthonevra sumbawana (Hering, 1941)
- Acanthonevra trigona (Matsumura, 1905)
- Acanthonevra trigonina (Zia, 1963)
- Acanthonevra ultima (Hering, 1941)
- Acanthonevra uncinata (Hering, 1938)
- Acanthonevra unicolor (Shiraki, 1933)
- Acanthonevra vaga (Wiedemann, 1830)
- Acanthonevra varipes (Chen, 1948)
- Acanthonevra vidua (Bezzi, 1913)
- Acanthonevroides basalis (Walker, 1853)
- Acanthonevroides jarvisi (Tryon, 1927)
- Acanthonevroides mayi Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Acanthonevroides nigriventris (Malloch, 1939)
- Acanthonevroides variegatus Permkam & Hancock, 1995
- Acanthophorides pilosicauda Borgmeier, 1967
- Acanthoplectron tenellum Esben-Petersen, 1918
- Acanthoplectron umbratum New, 1985
- Acanthoponera goeldii Forel, 1912
- Acanthoponera minor (Forel, 1899)
- Acanthoponera mucronata (Roger, 1860)
- Acanthoponera peruviana Brown, 1958
- Acanthopus excellens Schrottky, 1902
- Acanthopus palmatus (Olivier, 1789)
- Acanthorhinocoris pendleburyi Miller, 1940
- Acanthormius adentis Chen and He, 2000
- Acanthormius albidentis Chen and He, 1995
- Acanthormius alius Papp, 1986
- Acanthormius allostriatus A. Ahmad and Z. Ahmad, 2008
- Acanthormius bakeri Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius balanus Papp, 1986
- Acanthormius belokobylskiji Chen and He, 2000
- Acanthormius bicolor Chen, Wu and Yang, 2000
- Acanthormius brevidentatus van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius chinensis Chen and He, 1995
- Acanthormius concavus Papp and van Achterberg, 1999
- Acanthormius crustatus Belokobylskij, 1986
- Acanthormius curvidentatus van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius dentatus Granger, 1949
- Acanthormius dentifer van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius dubitatus Brues, 1918
- Acanthormius evertsi Papp and van Achterberg, 1999
- Acanthormius flavoapicalis Belokobylskij, 1990
- Acanthormius gilvus Papp, 1991
- Acanthormius gutianshanensis Chen and He, 1995
- Acanthormius indicus Gupta and Quicke, 2018
- Acanthormius indorugosus A. Ahmad and Z. Ahmad, 2008
- Acanthormius iriomotensis Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius japonicus Ashmead, 1906
- Acanthormius kabaenensis van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius longiradialis van Achterberg, 2000
- Acanthormius malayensis Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius menglunensis Wu, Yang and Chen, 2000
- Acanthormius nitidinotum Belokobylskij, 1988
- Acanthormius nixoni Belokobylskij, 1990
- Acanthormius obstitus Papp, 1986
- Acanthormius phillippinensis Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius propensus Papp, 1991
- Acanthormius rossicus Tobias and Belokobylskij, 1981
- Acanthormius royi van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius rugosivertex Belokobylskij, 1988
- Acanthormius rugosus Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius sabahensis van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius sumatrensis van Achterberg, 1991
- Acanthormius takadi Watanabe, 1968
- Acanthormius testaceus Chen and He, 2000
- Acanthormius tianmushanensis Chen and He, 2000
- Acanthormius unidens Belokobylskij, 1988
- Acanthormius wusheensis Belokobylskij, 1988
- Acanthormius yasirae van Achterberg, 1995
- Acanthormius yunnanensis Huang, Yang and Chen, 2010
- Acanthoscelides aequalis (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides alboscutellatus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides atomus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides aureolus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides baboquivari Johnson, 1974
- Acanthoscelides bisignatus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides biustulus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides calvus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides chiricahuae (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides compressicornis (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides comstocki Johnson, 1990
- Acanthoscelides daleae Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides desmanthi Johnson, 1977
- Acanthoscelides distinguendus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides flavescens (Fahraeus, 1839)
- Acanthoscelides floridae (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides fraterculus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides fumatus (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides griseolus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides helianthemum Bottimer, 1969
- Acanthoscelides herissantitus Johnson, 1983
- Acanthoscelides inquisitus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides kingsolveri Johnson, 1973
- Acanthoscelides lobatus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides longistilus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides macrophthalmus (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides margaretae Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides mixtus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides modestus (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides mundulus (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides napensis Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides obrienorum Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides obsoletus (Say, 1831)
- Acanthoscelides obtectus (Say, 1831)
- Acanthoscelides oregonensis Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides pallidipennis (Motschulsky, 1874)
- Acanthoscelides pauperculus (J. L. LeConte, 1857)
- Acanthoscelides pectoralis (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides pedicularius (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides perforatus (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides prosopoides (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides pullus (Fall, 1910)
- Acanthoscelides pusillimus (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides quadridentatus (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides rufovittatus (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides schaefferi (Pic, 1912)
- Acanthoscelides schrankiae (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides seminulum (Horn, 1873)
- Acanthoscelides speciosus (Schaeffer, 1907)
- Acanthoscelides stylifer (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides subaequalis Johnson, 1970
- Acanthoscelides submuticus (Sharp, 1885)
- Acanthoscelides tenuis Bottimer, 1935
- Acanthoscelides tridenticulatus Bottimer, 1969
- Acanthoscelidius acephalus (Say, 1824)
- Acanthoscelidius californicus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius curtus (Say, 1831)
- Acanthoscelidius frontalis (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius griseus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius guttatus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius ilex (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius isolatus Sleeper, 1955
- Acanthoscelidius mendicus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius perplexus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius pusillus (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius tarsalis (Dietz, 1896)
- Acanthoscelidius utahensis (Tanner, 1934)
- Acanthoscelio acutus Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthoscelio americanus Ashmead, 1893
- Acanthoscelio flavipes Ashmead, 1893
- Acanthoscelio latens Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthoscelio nimbosus Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthoscelio prolatus Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthoscelio punctatus Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthoscelio radiatus Dotseth & Johnson, 2001
- Acanthosoma alaticorne Walker, 1868
- Acanthosoma asahinai Ishihara, 1943
- Acanthosoma chinanum Kiritshenko, 1931
- Acanthosoma cornutum Dallas, 1849
- Acanthosoma crassicaudum Jakovlev, 1880
- Acanthosoma denticaudum Jakovlev, 1880
- Acanthosoma emeiense Liu, 1980
- Acanthosoma expansum Horváth, 1905
- Acanthosoma firmatum (Walker, 1868)
- Acanthosoma forcipatum Reuter, 1881
- Acanthosoma forfex Dallas, 1851
- Acanthosoma forficula Jakovlev, 1880
- Acanthosoma haemorrhoidale (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Acanthosoma hampsoni (Distant, 1900)
- Acanthosoma ishiharai Yamamoto and Hayashi, 2011
- Acanthosoma labiduroides Jakovlev, 1880
- Acanthosoma laevicorne Dallas, 1851
- Acanthosoma montanum (Liu, 1987)
- Acanthosoma murreeanum (Distant, 1900)
- Acanthosoma nigricorne Walker, 1868
- Acanthosoma nigrodorsum Hsiao and Liu, 1977
- Acanthosoma rufescens Dallas, 1851
- Acanthosoma rufispinum (Distant, 1887)
- Acanthosoma shensiense Hsiao and Liu, 1977
- Acanthosoma sichuanense (Liu, 1980)
- Acanthosoma sinense Liu, 1980
- Acanthosoma spinicolle Jakovlev, 1880
- Acanthosoma tauriforme (Distant, 1887)
- Acanthostethus brisbanensis (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus confertus (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus gilberti (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus hentyi (Rayment, 1953)
- Acanthostethus minimus (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus moerens (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus mysticus (Gerstäcker, 1867)
- Acanthostethus nudiventris (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus obliteratus (R. Turner, 1915)
- Acanthostethus portlandensis (Rayment, 1953)
- ...
[уреди | уреди извор]-
Мува (Musca domestica)
Обична оса (Vespula vulgaris)
Скакавац Tettigonia viridissima
Syrphus luniger
Cetonia aurata
Bombus terrestris
Бубамаре у љубавном заносу
Фосил бубе Phyllobius calcaratus
Врста Simosyrphus grandicornis се пари у лету.
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Спољашње везе
[уреди | уреди извор]- Insects of North America
- Overview of Orders of Insects
- „A Safrinet Manual for Entomology and Arachnology” (PDF). Secretariat of the Pacific Community
- „Tree of Life Project”. Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (16. јун 2013) – Insecta, „Insecta Movies”. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 09. 2019. г.
- „Insect Morphology”. Overview of insect external and internal anatomy
- Fossil Insect Database Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (2. октобар 2013) International Palaeoentological Society
- UF Book of Insect Records
- InsectImages.org 24,000 high resolution insect photographs
- „BBC Nature:”. Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (16. мај 2015) Insect news, and video clips from BBC programmes past and present.
- „The Nature Explorers”. Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (5. октобар 2016) Many insect video clips.