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Razgovor:Velika Morava/Arhiva 1

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Arhiva 1 Arhiva 2

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Mislim englesko-srpski tekst je neprihvatljiv. Evo sadržaja sa članka: --filip 13:15, 16. septembar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]


Nisi imao potrebe da opterećuješ stranicu za razgovor. Isto to stoji u istoriji. Završen je nekakav, grub prevod. Sad imamo kakav, takav članak o Velikoj Moravi. --  JustUser   JustTalk 15:42, 16. septembar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

A pošto sam bio prebacio ovde, Saša mi na IRC-u reče (ne videvši moje izmene) da treba da prebacim na str. za razg. jer se ne snalaze novajlije sa istorijama. Pa koga sad da slušam? :) --filip 15:45, 16. septembar 2006. (CEST)[odgovori]

Koliko košta izgradnja kanala Dunav-Egejsko more?

Baš me interesuje odakle podatak da bi izgradnja ovog kanala koštala 4,4 miliardi dolara. Mislim projekat nikada nije napravljen, niko ozbiljno ne razmatra, a onda dođe neko i kaže predpostavlja se da bi koštao 4,4 miliarde dolara. Ajde neka se lepo navede izvor, ko to predpostavlja i na osnovu čega pa da postavimo podatak u članak. Ovako je stvarno glupo --Jovan Vuković (r) 15:54, 30. april 2007. (CEST)[odgovori]


Velika Morava is created by the confluence of the Južna Morava and the Zapadna Morava located near the small town of Stalać, a major railway junction in central Serbia. From there to its confluence sa Dunavom northeast of the town of Smederevo, the Velika Morava is 185 km long. With its longer branch,the Zapadna Morava, it is 493 km long. The Južna Morava, which represent the natural headwaters of the Morava, used to be longer than the Zapadna Morava, but due to the regulations of river bed & melioration, today it is shorter. Regulations were made on all three Morava rivers, and they all used to be much longer, so the Morava was over 600 km long. Today, the most distant water source in the Morava watershed is the source of the river Ibar, right and longest tributary of the Zapadna Morava, originating u Crnoj Gori, which gives the Ibar-Zapadna Morava-Velika Morava river system a length of 550 km, which still makes it the longest waterway na Balkanskom poluostrvu.


The area of drainage basin of Velika Morava is 6,126 km², and of whole Morava system 37,444 km² (of that, 1,237 km² u Bugarskoj i 44 km² u Makedoniji), which covers 42,38% of Srbije. Velika Morava flows through the most fertile and densely populated area of Centralne Srbije, zvano Pomoravlje. Pomoravlje actually was formed in a fosil bay of a vast, ancient Panonsko more which dried out 200,000 years ago. On about half of its length it passes kroz prelepu Bagrdansku klisuru. U prošlim stolećima, bila je poznata po svojim seemingly beskrajnim šumama, but there is almost nothing left today of those big old woods. It flows into the Dunav between villages of Kulič i Dubravica, in a big coal mining basin of Kostolac, one of two major in its drainage basin, other one being Resava coal basin, in valley of the Velika Morava's right tributary Resava. Average discharge of Velika Morava on its confluence with Danube is 255 m³/s (120 m³/s brought by Zapadna Morava, 100 m³/s by Južna Morava, and 35 m³/s amounted by Velika Morava itself).


Pritoci Velike Morave su kratki po dužini. Najduži je Jasenica (79 km) a drugi retko nadmaše 50 km. Desni pritoci su: Jovanovačka reka, Crnica, Ravanica, Resava i Resavica (ili Resavčina). Levi pritoci su brojniji, uključujući: Kalenićka reka, Lugomir, Belica, Lepenica, Rača, i Jasenica. Many of them don't carry much water, but in rainy years, they are known for causing major floods, which is the big problem of the whole Morava river system. Pre nego što sastaje sa Danube, Velika Morava splits, creating 47 km long arm called Jezava, which flows into the Danube separately, u gradu Smederevu, and it's joined by longer (51 km) reka Ralja, sa leve strane.


Velika Morava represents a text book example of a meandering river. It used to be 245 km long, but from its origin, to the Dunav, there is only 118 km in distance, so its meandering ratio is 118:245, one of the highest u Evropi.

The river bed is 80-200 m wide, and the depth as much as 10 m. Notorious for its flooding, the Morava has changed its course many times, and old river bends have become small lakes, known as moravište. Južna Morava, with extremely high erosion in its drainage basin, brings huge amounts of materials which are elevating Velika Morava's river bed, making floods even more frequent.

Počeći u 1966, huge works began on all thre rivers to prevent future floodings. Series of reservoirs were made on tributaries (jezera Bovan, Ćelije, Gazivode, itd), and meanders were cut through, making river courses straightened, which made them shorter (in case of Velika Morava, from 245 to 185 km). It was projected that it will shorten by as much as 152 km, and that it will became navigable again.

All together, 18 rezervoara are projected, 23 meanders are to be cut, a series of embankments built and intensive afforestation started. However, since the late 1980e and especially since the 1990e, with economic crises and wars in former Yugoslavia, this all stopped.

Morava and its tributaries still flood often, so its bed still is elevated, despite dozens of gravel-digging companies in cities and villages near the river's upper course (Lozovik, Lugavčina, Lučica, Velika Plana, etc).


Danas, Velika Morava is only navigable for 3 km, kraj njenog ušća. U istoriji, bila je plovna sve do grada Ćuprije, for about 3/4 of its length. But, as mentioned before, Velika Morava literally gets burried under the materials brought by Južna Morava. When melioration program began in 1966, it was projected that it will become navigable again, in the first phase to Ćuprija, and in the next sve do Stalaća, making it 100% navigable. Even at that time this didn't seem much likely and probably was more wish of some local politician, which was custom in Communist period. None of this was made real so far. In addition to this, now and then, idea of creating Dunav-Morava-Vardar-Egejsko more navigable canal pops up. Technical problems of making this waterway are enormous (ni Morava ni Vardar nisu plovni), it is not sure how much it would be used, and presumably it will cost way too much, so it reamins mostly as a sort of popular curiosity.


Even though it was always the most populated part of Serbia, disastrous floodings prevented people to settle on the river banks itself. Jedini grad koji u stvari urbanizuje the river bank is Ćuprija, but it suffered for it more than once (including several times in the 1990's) being struck by floods. Drugi su gradovi sagrađeni malo dalje od same reke, uključujući: Paraćin, Jagodina, Batočina, Lapovo, Svilajnac, Velika Plana, Požarevac i Smederevo. Manja mesta i sela uključuju: Varvarin, Glogovac, Markovac, Veliko Orašje, Miloševac (Velika Plana) i Lozovik.


Rimljani su je nazvali Margus (uz to, Zapadnu Moravu su zvali Brongus, i Južnu Moravu Angrus). Današnji grad Ćuprija je postala u Rimsko doba po imenu Horreum Margi (što znači Žitnica Morave).

U srpskoj istoriji, njena dolina je postala kolevka savremene srpske drzave na početku 19. veka (takozvana. Moravska Srbija). Many songs are written in celebration of Morava and its fertility, but most of them sing also about causalties and damages done by the river during floods. Songs are even made today about it, i najpoznatije su: Oj Moravo, Moravo, tija reko, Uz Moravu vetar duva, Na Moravi vodenica stara, Moravac kolo, itd. Oj Moravo je možda najkarakteristična:

„Oj Moravo, moje selo ravno,
Kad si ravno što si vodoplavno
Kiša pade, te Morava dođe,
Te poplavi moje selo ravno
A u selu Jovanove dvore,
I u dvoru Jovanovu ljubu“
