Pozdrav Dcirovic, hvala na dobrodošlici i rečima podrške. :-) Imam jedno pitanje, danas smo postavili fotografije na članku Vlada Panović, međutim obrisane su jer je navodno sporno autorsko pravo. Fotogafije su iz lične arhive Panovića i nije sporno ništa, tako smo i naveli. Zanima me na koji način se dokazuje autorko pravo na Vikipdiji kada si ti lično vlasnik? Inače, pratili smo uputstvo, nije da smo napamet radili. ;-) Hvala na odgovoru. Pozdrav. Корисник:Cakolina (разговор) 22:36, 13. april 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
obzirom da sam uređujem sopstvenu stranicu na Vikipediji (Vladimir Đurđević), pokušao sam da postavim svoju fotografiju na svojoj stranici. Fotografija koju sam aploudovao iz privatne arhive je obrisana jer sam istu ustupio na korišćenje Zvezdara Teataru, pa je Vikipedija prepoznaje kao vlasništvo Zvezdara Teatra. Na koji način mogu da rešim ovaj problem?
The page Wikidata:Wikimania 2019 is here to help you coordinating with other people regarding your submissions for Wikimania 2019. The opening of submissions is planned for late April.
Reminder: you can apply to participate to the WikidataCon 2019 before April 29th
Поздрав. Погледај ово. Шта можемо да радимо са овим? Мислим да је океј скенирати из књиге (која је заштићена ауторским правима) ако фотографија није дело особе која је ту књигу писала, већ је фотографија узета однекуд. Међутим, шта ако не знамо одакле је узета фотографија, тј. ко је њен аутор, нити знамо годину када је фотографија настала. --Miljan Simonović (разговор) 08:21, 21. април 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Slažem se sa vašim predlogom da priložim "spisak radova"činjenica je da se ja bavim slikarstvom, moji radovi nisumtekstuelnog već vizuelnog karaktera.Imena slika su nevažna, pa niti spisak naziva slika ne bi značio ništa.Kako moji radovi nisu doktorske disertacije niti spisak funkcija/ kojih je zaista bilo/ nije li životna i radna biografija upravo ono što omogućuje uvrštavanje u enciklopediju,Jugoslovenskih slikara ? Pozdrav Slobodan-Spasojević-3 (разговор) 19:59, 13. јул 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Po prirodi stvsri, nema ničeg objektivnog pri pisanju o sebi.Sve je subjektivno.Sama činjenica da sam rodjen za mene je subjektivna i samopromotivna.Kako bi ste vi objektivno napisali o svom rodjenju ?Možda bi ste rekli da već deset godina objektivno uredjujete članke time što ste objektivno rodjeni ? Ili treba da se objektivno odnosim prema biografiji nekog slikara koji jeste u Vikipediji.On je objektivnije rodjen?
Zaista je samopromotivno to što slikam, i subjektivno
ps.samopromotivno još jedan vikipedijanac, želi daobjektivno razgovaram sa njim.Pozdrav
Enciklopedijski značajna je Artmajeur online galerie, i AKOUN, "Artist Value Certification" ili
Artmajeur i AKOUN" Certification de la cote artiste"
Koja je uvrštena u katalog 85 000 dela umetnika iz svih domena i kategorija vizuelnih umetnosti za 2020 godinuSlobodan-Spasojević-3 (разговор) 09:47, 27. јул 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Kako odgovora nema, reći ću sam.Pisati svoju biografiju, kažete, da je samopromotivna.Bilo bi čestitije da platim nekom vidjenom i afirmisanom istoričaru umetnosti da potpiše već napravljenmtekst da bi bio nepromotivan!Možda je u ovo vreme anatemisano pisati o Jugoslaviji,Možda treba izbrisati iz sećanja sve u vezi tih sedamdeset godina ?Normalno,kako ja neman svoju stranicu na wikipediji mnogi umetnici neće moći da pročitaju ovaj tekst, što je možda i poenta.Slobodan-Spasojević-3 (разговор) 18:17, 18. август 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #361
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Brisanje početničkog članka starijeg od nedelju dana
Pozdrav Dcirovic.Početnici očigledno imaju mnogo toga da nauče, između ostalog i da se ne završeni članci stariji od nedelju dana brišu. Nisam to videla u onim uputstvima koja sam pročitala pre nego što sam započela pisanje članka, nažalost. Bilo kako bilo, htela bih da dovršim članak koji je obrisan pa Vas pitam da li je moguće da se vrati ili moram iz početka. Hvala. Crna pernica (разговор) 23:46, 24. април 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Objedinjavanje članaka Civilno društvo i Građansko društvo
Ja u okviru projekta seminarskih radova na Fakultetu bezbednosti prevodim članak Civilno društvo. Video sam da si postavio predlog da se taj članak objedini sa člankom građansko društvo. To je u redu, sve dok primarni članak ostane Civilno društvo. Mogu u okviru članka koji već pišem samo da dodam naslov "Građansko društvo" i pod njime da ubacim sadržaj iz članka Građansko društvo, s obzirom da građansko i civilno društvo nisu sinonimi.
Wikidata weekly summary #362
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Past: WikiNusantara 2019, the first Wikimedia Indonesia conference was successfully held in Yogyakarta, Indonesia, on Apr 27-28, 2019. The conference included two Wikidata talks:
New tool: Wikimedia Related Projects provides statistics about Wikimedia projects and the relations between them, using the number of sitelinks they have in common
Здраво, Dcirovic. Позивамо вас да се придружите дискорд серверу. Он служи да омогући лакшу комуникацију и сарадњу међу википедијанцима. Да бисте се придружили, кликните овде. За више информација, погледајте Википедија:Дискорд. Хвала!
Wikidata Quality Score Display: Gadget that displays on a Wikipedia article the quality level of the related Wikidata item
Wikidocumentaries service approaches beta quality and displays content from Wikimedia and other openly licensed sources for each Wikidata item. The latest user interface translations are Indonesian and Russian, and the newest content source plugin for the related images section is the brand new Creative Commons Search catalog.
Several developers from the Wikidata team attended to the hackathon, discussed with the community, gathered feedback, hacked on things together with volunteers :)
Blok bi definitivno morao da se makne, jer nema mnogo osnova. Ako je u pitanju članak tricijum, autobot nije svojom izmjenom poremetio ništa u članku, a ako uzmemo u obzir da je izmjenu vršio i archivebot, onda nema osnova blokirati samo jednog zbog nepoštovanja tog nekakvog šablona radovi u toku i s obzirom na prethodnu istoriju sukoba, ovo mi liči kao da je lični sukob sa Bojanom. Shvatam ja da stoji šablon za radove u toku, koji služi da drugi korisnici ne bi unosili sadržaj, kako bi ti mogao da uredoš članak po svome. Ali kad je riječ o izmjenama koje bot napraviti u člancima sa tim šablonom, one su tehničke prirode, sređivanje referenci, bibliografije, razmak i slično, što ni na koji način ne može tebe da omete u uređivanju. Ne vidim poentu bloka. -- Vux33 (razgovor) 09:02, 25. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Molim te nemoj da obracas na paznju na "doprinose" ovog korisnika jer se radi o lutku Vujkovica Brda, trajno blokiranog korisnika. dr Vs650718:16, 26. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Pozz Dragane, jel bi mogao da te zamolim za pomoć? Javio mi se jedan korisnik koji bi da uređuje članke o brodovima, pa bi da napravi novi šablon za brodove koji je isti kao ovaj na en.wiki (taj mu je lepši), za razliku od ovog našeg koji sad imamo (1). Iako sam prilično tanak u ovim stvarima, nisam ga odbio, jer je od mene tražio da napravim. Sad, ja sam pokušao da uradim isto kao na en.wiki (kopi pejst), ali ne radi. Pa sam posle toga pokušao da kod nas napravim ove podšablone koji zahteva šablon na en.wiki, ali ni to ne radi. Pa sam pokušao da skratim samo na -infobox- parametar, jer jedino taj šablon mi imamo, ali mi ni to ne radi :/ Imaš li neki savet na brzaka da mi daš, kako da napravim taj šablon? Gde grešim? Ili je prekomplikovano i da odbijem dečka i kažem mu da se pomiri sa ovim našim sadašnjim šablonom. Po njemu, ono što nedostaje našem je ovaj segment -History- iz engleskog šablona. Jer mu je estetski lepši. --ANTI_PRO (razgovor) 20:11, 27. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Jao, puno ti hvala :) Izvini ako sam te opteretio ili slično. Kad stigneš javni, da kažem ovom dečku. Ili mu sam reci, imaš ga na kraju moje szr. Neki Andrejević. Poz --ANTI_PRO (razgovor) 20:33, 27. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Dobar dan. Vi ste mi pomogli i počeli s korišćenjem engleskog šablona za brodove kod nas. Ali postoje neke lingvističke nepravilnosti; pošto je šablon još uvek na engleskom prevod je malo čudan: npr. mi kažemo Kolibica položena, uveden u službu, deplasman, širina, pogon, autonomija plovljenja, posada ... Dok, usled prevoda, ovde piše drugačije: Položen, pušten u ubotrebu, premeštaj, vratilo, propulzija, opseg, komplement... Da li bi ste mogli nekako da šablon prilagodite/prevedete na srpsko govorno područje. Jer kada i ja vidim ovakve reči, a znam od prilike šta brodovi imaju, treba mi vremena da razumem šta ta reč označava kod broda, a zamislite kako bi ljudi koji se ne razumeju najbolje u terminologiju zbunili. Ja bih to uradio, al' šablon je na engleskom pa mi je teže da to uradim, jer iako solidno znam engleski, pri ovim stvarima i ovoj engleskoj stručnoj terminologiji se ne snalazim dobro. --Andrejević (razgovor) 07:36, 28. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Zahvaljujem se na prevodu. Malo mi je nerpijatno što imam još molbi, pogotovo zato što sma novi član, a već imam neke prohteve; Vidim da ne postoji jedinstvem novi šablon za ratne brodove tj. postoji više malih infobox-ova koji kada se spoje u odgovarajućem redosledu čine idealan šablon (infobox ship begin, infobox ship image, infobox ship career, infobox ship characteristics). Da li postoji mogućnost da se ti mali šabloni ujedine ili da se bar nekako oni i njihov tekst prevedu na srpski da ljudima koji uređuju (sigurno će biti još uređivača članaka koji će pisati o brodovima osim mene) bude lakše, da znaju šta ubacuju a da ne moraju stalno da gledaju pretpregled? U svakom slučaju, najveći problem je taj dvostruki prevod: prevod na srpski koji nije bio dobar i engleski pun malo stručnijih termina pri uređivanju. Ja mogu da se naviknem i naučim kako i šta vežbajući u pesku, ali najveći problem bi bio taj s prevodom na srpski jer dok sma gledao nešto u pesku videos ma da mahinalno ship complement ne prevodi kao "poasada" već kao "komplement". Ako bude takvih problemčića, javiću Vam. Izvinjavam se na ovim silnim prohtevima, ali pobornik sma da je istorija najzanimljivija kada se suvoparne rečenice potkrepe vizuelnim prikazom. --Andrejević (razgovor) 18:27, 28. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Andrejević: Nisam upućen u specijalizovani žargon ove oblasti, tako da vam ne mogu pomoći u tom pogledu. Vaše korekcije naziva su unete. Naziv „Komplement” nije izmenjen, jer već postoji zaseban naziv „Posada”. Natpise možete dodatno prilagoditi vršenjem izmena u {{Infobox ship career}} i {{Infobox ship characteristics}}. Potpuna prerada šablona je moguća (promena strukture šablona, lokalizacija većeg dela izvornog koda na srpski, ...), ali to je veoma veliki posao, tako da se u to mogu upuštati. Vršenjam minilnih izmena pri prenosu šablona, u znatnoj meri se olakšava njihovo dugoročno održavanje, imajući u vidu da engleska verzija projekta ima daleko veće ljudske resurse. Upotrebljivost šablona možete povećati prevodom dokumentacije šablona ({{Infobox ship begin/shared doc}}, {{Infobox ship career/dok}}, {{Infobox ship characteristics/dok}}). --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:29, 28. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Obrad Mitrov Višnjić
Poštovani, hoćete li mi objasniti brisanje stranice Obrad Mitrov Višnjić? — Prethodni nepotpisani komentar ostavio je korisnik Mrznr (razgovor • doprinosi)
Poruke se ostavljaju na dnu stranice, otvaranjem nove teme ili proširenjem postojeće.
Člank Obrad Mitrov Višnjić je imao status nesređenog (početničkog) unosa. Tekst nije imao uvod, nedostajale su vikiveze i inlajn reference, pisma su bila izmešana, ... Unosi koji ostanu nesređeni duže od nedelju dana se brišu. Ukoliko želite da sredite taj unos, članak se može vratiti. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:13, 31. maj 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Past: Wikidata workshop, May 27th at UIN Maliki, Malang, Indonesia (in collaboration with Faculty of Computer Science, UI) - Slideset link - Press release
Blogpost by RightStatements.org - a system of standardised interoperable rights and reuse information for GLAMs - describing the role and importance of the property P6426.
At WikiWoordenboek (Dutch wiktionary) a project titled Widawiwo has begun to explore how the maximal mutual benefit of Wikidata and WikiWoordenboek can be achieved.
Specify license of mediawiki/Wikibase/WikibaseLexeme ontology (phab:T216842)
Enable bugfix on beta for wbeditentity setting aliases to empty array (phab:T223300)
Use correct validator in alias changeop and provide error messages if alias is too short (phab:T223311)
More work on the use of special pages Special:SetAliases and Special:SetLabelDescriptionAliases with aliases containing | character (phab:T223270)
Add Wikidata query service lag to Wikidata maxlag (phab:T221774)
Fix BadMethodCallException wbgetentities when getting Lexeme subentities (forms, senses) (phab:T223995)
Scale the machine learning components of the WDCM system w. {text2vec} WarpLDA implementation (phab:T203366)
Inspect strange behavior of the WD_percentUsageDashboard (phab:T217994)
WDCM dashboards maintenance: eliminating the need to use the wdcm.maintable in Hive, WDCM Geo is now independent of it (with its update engine running Spark instead) and re-designed to match the WDCM standards (phab:T217994, phab:T214586, phab:T217997)
Further preparations for the Wikidata Languages Landscape project (phab:T221965)
More progress in order to get the mobile service deployed
Adding an IP edit warning popup for mobile termbox (phab:T221831)
Allowing users to ignore this popup permanently (phab:T221833)
Ne umijem ja to da popravim, ranije sam tražio pomoć od Ranka i još nekih, ali uzalud. Sve sam kopirao sa engleske vikipedije, ali ne znam u čemu je greška. Bio bih ti zahvalan ako bi uspio da popraviš. -- Vux33 (razgovor) 00:01, 16. jun 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Pozdrav, opet ja. Treba mi pomoć oko sledeće stvari: kada napravim neki navigacioni šablon sa nekim člancima kao elementima hliste nakon toga moram ručno da idem u svaki od tih članaka zasebno u spoljašnje veze da bih postavio šablon koji sam napravio i u kojem se pominje taj članak. Da li postoji neki bot koji bi automatski mogao da ubaci te šablone u članke jer mi ovako zaista oduzima dosta vremena, a sigurno i drugima koji ovo rade?
U članku Ibrahim-paša Pargalija dodato je "Obavještenje o izvorima: Ovaj članak se mora pridržavati pravila biografija živih osoba, čak i ako nije biografija...". Čovek je umro 1536. pa bi Obaveštenje trebalo skinuti. Pošto ne znam kako se to radi, a verovatno mi nije ni dozvoljeno, predpostavljam da ćeš ti to moći kao vikipedičar sa najvećim brojem izmena. Gmihail (razgovor) 08:40, 22. jun 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Des identifiants ouverts pour la science ouverte by the Comité pour la Science ouverte (Open Science Committee), June 2019. Extract: "Since 2012, the Wikidata database has gradually become the global point of convergence for open identifiers." (Depuis 2012, la base Wikidata est devenue progressivement le point de convergence mondial des identifiants ouverts.)
Kada lepiš ovaj šablon novim korisnicima, umesto uključivanja supstituiši ga, odnosno, zameni ga tekstom. Tako je i predviđeno da se isti koristi. Srdačan pozdrav i lepi snovi. — Žile (✉) 21:12, 12. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
očigledno ne poznajete gramatička pravila pa ću vas podsetiti:
Kada je glagol trebati nepotpunog značenja upotrebljava se bezlično (samo u obliku trećeg lica jednine bez obzira u kome licu i broju je glagol koji ga dopunjava). On tada znači potrebno je, nužno je, valja. Složeni predikat ima oblik treba+da+prezent.
U prezentu: treba da radim, treba da radiš, treba da radi, treba da radimo, treba da radite, treba da rade.
U perfektu: trebalo je da radim, trebalo je da radiš, trebalo je da rade, trebalo je da radimo, trebalo je da radite, trebalo je da rade.
Moguć je i oblik treba+infinitiv ako iskaz ima opšti karakter: treba raditi, treba učiti, treba se truditi.
Prema tome u članku Kolonijalizam treba: ...označavaju sve aktivnosti koje treba da posluže izgradnji... , a ne: ...označavaju sve aktivnosti koje trebaju da posluže izgradnji...
U članku Računovodstvo treba: Sredstva i obaveze zapisivati..., a ne: Sredstva i obaveze se trebaju zapisivati... itd
Lepo bi bilo da zavirite malo u gramatička pravila pre nego što sumanuto počnete da vraćate napisane greške.
Nedavno ste moje zamene reči „u stvari“ umesto „zapravo“ takođe poništavali. Ovde je samo po sredi osećanje jezika, a ne pogrešan termin. Po meni je reč „zapravo“ kroatizam, ali ne mora da je tako, pa onda imate pravo da zamenjujte koliko hoćete. Ne znam samo što ste se navrzli na mene, pored tolikih potpuno nepismenih članaka, a ovakvim postupcima samo doprinosite da Vikipedija bude još nepismenija, i ubijate svaku inicijativu da se nivo članaka poveća.
Dugujete mi izvinjenje!
@Gmihail: Vaša napomena o upotrebi modalnih glagola (kao što su: morati, moći, hteti, smeti, trebati) u rečenicama sa složenim predikatom je korektna.[1][2] Isto se ne može reći za napadni ton vaše poruke. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 20:19, 13. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
^Živojin Stanojčić; Ljubomir Popović (1992). Gramatika srpskog jezika. str. 247.
^Mitar Pešikan; Jovan Jerković; Mato Pižurica (2010). Pravopis srpskog jezika. str. 470.
Pozdrav kolega, nakon izmene u šablonu Weather box, neke veze stoje na engleskom (Wind chill linkovan kao hladan vetar, inči su postali inches, a problem je i u ostalim crvenim vezama). Ako si u mogućnosti ispravi to, ja ne umem. --MareBG (razgovor) 12:35, 15. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Treba paziti pri ažuriranju ovih šablona. Ne može biti neprevedeno, ili sa tačkom umesto decimalnog zareza. Bolje bez UV-a nego s greškama. —Obsuser✉17:10, 15. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@MareBG i Obsuser: Šablon je bio ažuriran jer su mu nedostajali parametri, kao i zato što je izvorni kod na enwiki bolje napisan. Par sitnih grešaka, kao što su decemalni zarezi, bi se mogle lako ispraviti. Nameravao sam da dodam lokalizovane nazive parametara. Za to je potrebno malo više vremena, te sam privremeno bio uneo zasebnu kopiju stare verzije šablona, da se ne bi nagrđivali članci tokom održavanja šablona. Međutim, pošto postoji kategorično protivljenje ažuriranju ovog šablona, i pošto je stara verzija vraćena pre nego što sam stigao da odgovorim na pitanja, prepustiću ovaj posao drugim urednicima. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:47, 15. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Structured Data on Commons: RDF output for MediaInfo is now available (example)
Edits with the tag #suggestededit-add 1.0 come from the suggested edit feature on Wikipedia's Android app: see the FAQ for more information
Property number 7000: DigitalNZ ID is live. This data aggregator has over 30 million records. The proposal was the first from Ambrosia10, a New Zealand editor.
Problem je u tome što ni nema izvora na internetu, a i zanimanje glasovni glumac nije baš relavantno za enciklopediju kao što je vikipedija. — VLADAda?17:10, 22. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Pošto si jedan od aktivnih administratora, da li bi mogao da pogledaš ovo na admin tabli i odblokiraš korisnika MareBG pošto je utvrđeno da nije prekršio pravilo tri vraćanja. Ranko je potvrdio tamo da nije bilo nikakvih nepravilnosti, a Nikola je verovatno nenamerno pogrešio. Unapred hvala.--Soundwaweserb (razgovor) 00:26, 25. jul 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #375
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Closed request for adminship: 1997kB, welcome on board!
Hvala puno. Da li moze da vam se postavi pitanje vezano za nekoliko osnovnih parametara.Hteo bih da stavim nesto o sebi na svojoj stranici ali je priblizno biografiji. Kada sam to prvi put objavio izbrisano je.Da li je neprikladno objavljivati ponovo isti ili slican tekst.Od predloga sam nasao resenje da sam teht ne zapocnem sa : Moje ime je, vec direkno sa mojim imenom sto ne bi govorilo o biografiji vec o licu, i da li bi to moglo da se koristi kao osnovna stranica do koje mogu da vode neke nove buduce stranice.Unapred zahvalan. Dragan988 (razgovor) 16:23, 1. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Dragan988: O sebi možete napisati par rečenica na svojoj korisničkoj stranice. Nema potrebe da unosite celu biografiju. Takvi unosi se smatraju samopromocijom, i stoga se uklanjaju po viđenju. Ukoliko prvenstveno želite da pišete o sebi, to možete uraditi na mnoštvu drugih lokacija na Internetu, kao što su razne društvene mreže. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:29, 1. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #376
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
The open source geocoder w:en:Nominatim used by the OpenStreetMap project is participating in the Google Summer of Code with an internship working on integrating Wikidata as a ranking metric for its search results. Check the development blog.
Current: Wikimania in Stockholm and hackathon, August 14 to 18. Check out the list of all Wikidata-related events. Each session page should include notes, slides and streaming if available.
NameGuzzler allows you to automatically add an identical label or alias into many languages (for example, the name of a person or a place). You can define your own custom list of languages that you want to add.
New Wikidata-related projects developed during the Wikimania hackathon:
Documentation translation sprint: several people translated Wikidata help pages in their own language. Feel free to continue the efforts to make Wikidata more accessible!
Naiđoh na članak Eksponencijalna distribucija, a ima ih još. Na srpskom je raspodela (ne distribucija), pa bi trebalo promeniti na svim mestima, Eksponencijalna raspodela i druge. To je oblast koju sam detaljnije studirao (Matematički fakultet), a fakultet gde sada radim je decenijama bio matični za statistiku i ista terminologija se koristi (v. npr. Funkcija raspodele). --Đorđe Stakić(r)10:31, 20. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Djordjes: Reči raspodela i distribucija su sinonimne. Izmeniću nazive članaka i kategorija tako da sadrže reč raspodela, koja je ustaljena u matematičkoj literaturi. S druge strane, nema potrebe da se reč distribucija sistemacki uklanja iz testa. Da li biste bili voljni da napišete neke od članaka iz ove oblasti koji nedostaju u kolekciji „10K članaka koje svaka Vikipedija treba da ima”? --Dcirovic (razgovor) 10:53, 20. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Što se tiče nedostajućih članaka možemo izvući spisak potrebnih i pokušati da ih uradimo u okviru obrazovnog programa (saradnje sa fakultetima). Slobodno pošalji spisak meni ili Nebojši. --Đorđe Stakić(r)11:00, 20. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Djordjes: Spisak nedostajućih članaka možete naći u ovoj tabli. Brojevi u jezičkim kolonama (i.e. 'sr' je srpski) su veličine članaka. Tabela je sortirana po veličini članaka na ovom projektu. Nameravam da periodično ažuriram ovaj spisak. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 06:09, 21. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Da li možda ima neka informacija da li je korisnik koji je radio ovaj članak znao za to? Ja ću se truditi da ga na pravi način proširim, ako pripada kolekciji od 1000 obaveznih članaka, šteta da bude pretrpan nepotrebnim informacijama. A inače, šta ako tema članka nije dovoljno obimna da pređe 30.000 bajtova? Pozdrav. — SimplyFreddie (razgovor) 10:29, 24. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@SimplyFreddie: Neka pisma kao što je ćirilica zahtevaju više od jednog bajta po slovu za pojedina slova. Iz tog razloga se misli na 30K znakova, računajući prazna mesta. Ovaj projekat ima koeficijent od 1,4 u smislu spiska 1000 članaka, te je minimalna veličina zapravo 21430 (30000/1,4). Svih 1000 članaka je imalo više od 22470 znakova već skoro godinu dana. Članak o bubnjevima je generična tema, i stoga je opravdano da sadrži kratke opise specifičnih tema koje su detaljno obrađene u zasebnim člancima. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 11:07, 24. avgust 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Integraality generates tables to assess the completeness of properties on sets of items, such as properties on railway stations for instance. Tables are automatically updated and highly configurable.
Starting from July 2019, Wikimedia Sverige and the Wikimedia Foundation's GLAM team work together to create a more sustainable technical infrastructure for global heritage and content partnerships. Read more about this initiative on meta.wikimedia.org.
Pozdrav. Vidjela sam da je Vaš bot prošao kroz šablone za klice i da je dodao uslov u njih koji se tiče broja bajtova. Mislim da griješite u toj ideji da je članak klica ako ima manje od određenog broja bajtova. Mnogo stvari utiče na taj broj, a po definiciji klica „obično ima 3 do 10 kratkih rečenica”. Recimo, masovno uneseni članci o naseljima su očigledno klice, ali ih ovaj uslov ne svrstava u to, jer njihove infokutije nose više od 5.000 bajtova. — Marina Simić (razgovor) 23:32, 1. septembar 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@MarinaSimic: Svrha statusa klice je da se pospeši manuelno proširivanje članaka sa malom količinom sadržaja. Oznavanje izuzetno velikog broja članaka statusom klice, kao što je preko 60% postojećih članka, čini sam pojam klice besmislenim (i.e. korisnije je obeležiti ono što nije klica). Jednako je beskorisno navoditi takvu statistiku na „Skorašnjim izmenama”. Ograničavanje upotrebe statusa klice kod masovno unetih članaka omogućava stavljanje fokusa prevashodno na članke koji su u manjoj meri podesni za mašinska proširenja. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 00:21, 2. septembar 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
U potpunosti se slažem sa Vama što se tiče statistike, to su članci koje je teško proširiti zbog manjka izvora. Opet, vjerujem da nije baš najbolji kriterijum veličina članka, možda jednostavno da se klice koje je unio bot ne računaju u statistici za Skorašnje izmjene? — Marina Simić (razgovor) 00:33, 2. septembar 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Zdravo, Dcirovic/Arhiva 3. Hvala na učešću u projektu. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u saradnji i da će vam boravak s nama biti prijatan.
Vikipedija na srpskom jeziku je slobodna enciklopedija koja je nastala 2003. godine. Od tada smo uspostavili različita pravila u našoj zajednici. Molimo vas da odvojite malo vremena i pročitate sledeće teme, pre nego što počnete da uređujete Vikipediju.
Molimo vas da se potpisujete na stranicama za razgovor pomoću četiri tilde (~~~~) ili klikom na dugme koje se nalazi iznad prozora za pravljenje izmena — to daje vaše ime, trenutno vreme i datum. Takođe, molimo vas da se ne potpisujete u člancima.
Za slanje slika na Vikipediju, molimo vas da pročitate:
Članci na Vikipediji na srpskom jeziku mogu se potpuno ravnopravno uređivati ćirilicom i latinicom, ekavicom i ijekavicom, ali nije dozvoljeno mešanje pisama niti izgovora u istom članku. Izmene latinicom u ćiriličkom tekstu (i obrnuto) i izmene „osisanom” latinicom, odnosno ASCII-jem, biće uklonjene bez odlaganja.
Hvala, i ne mora nA "Vi". Mislim da sam davno negde i pročitala da "Ti" olakšava komunikaciju, sa čim se u potpunosti slažem. U Finskoj su čak uveli i zakon da se persira samo članovima kraljevske porodice... --BuhaM (разговор) 10:38, 4. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Slažem se, ali nisam baš dobra u tome. Probala da pravim šablone, ali mi za sada jedino ove značkice idu od ruke. Ipak sam ja samo dizajner, bibliotekar i pejzažni arhitekta. Dosta od mene.--BuhaM (разговор) 11:04, 4. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Miljan Simonović: To je znatno poboljšanje. Hvala na uloženom trudu. Zadržavanje boje pozadine naslova i celog šablona, poput gore prikazane ranije verzije, dodatno bi rasvetlilo šablon. Ako bi se pomenula ova tema na trgu, moguće je da bi i drugi urednici doprineli. --Dcirovic (разговор) 17:31, 4. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Ово сам само на брзину прилагодио шаблон са Википедије на баскијском језику. Викимедија Србије ће у наредном периоду настојати да поради на страницама за помоћ и да проба да их модернизује. Причали смо о томе са уредницима који су били присутни на окупљањима и Викилајву у претходном периоду, тако да имамо материјала на основу кога се може радити. Наравно, пробаћемо да максимално укључимо заједницу у тај процес како бисмо на крају добили заиста корисне и модерне странице за помоћ, а овај шаблон може бити део те модернизације. --Miljan Simonović (разговор) 18:07, 4. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Community Insights Survey
Share your experience in this survey
Hi Dcirovic/Архива 3,
The Wikimedia Foundation is asking for your feedback in a survey about your experience with Википедија and Wikimedia. The purpose of this survey is to learn how well the Foundation is supporting your work on wiki and how we can change or improve things in the future. The opinions you share will directly affect the current and future work of the Wikimedia Foundation.
Хајде само да те замолим да не патролираш измене које везе немају, попут ове, јер у инфокутију иду само лигашке утакмице и голови. Више пута је враћано, а чланак је био заштићен због троловања. Ако ниси сигуран, остави боље некоме ко је боље упућен, него да се овако провлачи данима. --Lotom (разговор) 07:04, 8. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
moveClaim allows you to move or copy claims from one item to another. This is especially useful when splitting items, or creating lots of similar items.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Seventh birthday of Wikidata: you can start thinking about organizing a meetup in your area to celebrate the birthday, or about a present for the community!
The first draft of the program of the WikidataCon is now available. The content of the three main session rooms will be live-streamed and recorded for people who cannot participate in the conference.
Because of a database switch, Wikidata will be in read-only more on September 10th at 05:00 UTC, for max. 30min (phab:T230762)
Recent tool: @Wikidatabot, a Telegram bot that allows you to search for something on Wikidata from Telegram
New game: Wikidata Mall, a Telegram management simulation game where content is generated from Wikidata
New monolingual code languages are added, thanks to Jon Harald Søby: TLI (Tlingit), clc (Tsilhqotʹin), alc (Kawésqar), kld (Gamilaraay), peo (Old Persian)
Fixed a bug in constraint violations indicator that was not showing up sometimes (phab:T227866)
Make Lua's function mw.wikibase.entityExists return true for redirects (phab:T192462)
Reviewed and followed up on highlighting statements when using "#P" in URL (phab:T178745)
Wikidata Bridge: saving the Wikidata edit when submitting (phab:T226999)
Showing the label for the Property instead of the id (phab:T227759)
Overcoming a conceptional oversight between mediawiki and standard language codes (phab:T231833)
@SimplyFreddie: Vitalni članci su navedeni u međunarodnim spiskovima definisanim na meti. Ovi spiskovi navode članke po njihovim Q brojevima, koji su jedinstveni identifikatori članaka na vikipodacima.
parametar level određuje nivo članaka. Dva nivoa su podržana: 3 i 4.
Pozdrav, zamolio bih Vas da promenite netacne informacije koje ste napisali o meni i mom delu. Rodjen sam u Pozarevcu, ne u Mostaru, bavim se muzikom profesionalno od 2009te godine, takmicenje ZG je doslo 2013te godine ali nije i pocetak mog bavljenja ovim pozivom. Sviram vise instrumenata itd....molim Vas ako unesite tacne informacije i ne menjajte ih. Hvala
Ljuba90 (разговор) 22:08, 18. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
A couple of weeks ago, we invited you to take the Community Insights Survey. It is the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual survey of our global communities. We want to learn how well we support your work on wiki. We are 10% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal! Your voice matters to us.
Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Training in Zurich on the weekend of November 2-3. There will be presentations and hands-on sessions on editing, querying and coding for Wikidata.
Namescript fills in labels, descriptions and aliases of items about names, making it easier to create such items (you only need to provide a few statements).
Pre izmena na ovim modulima treba dobro razmisliti da li su OK jer neki dan je bilo navodno ažurirano sa en.wiki a u stvari je samo nasilu promenjen dosadašnji parametar dead-url ili deadurl sa url-status. Ne moraju nasilu da budu ažurirani sa en verzijom ako će to biti neaplicirano u tekstovima. Čak su neki izabrani članci bili poremećeni jer je na Arhivirano nedostajala veza a na originala bila veza originala smatrajući da je URL mrtav jer je deadurl=no bilo neprepoznato. Izmene se mogu vratiti tek kada neki sr.wiki bot izmeni u svim člancima dead-url i deadurl sa url-status i naglašavam odgovarajućim sadržajem. Dotad pri preuzimanju referenci sa engleske Viki url-status će biti detektovan kao nepoznat a URL smatran mrtvim pa će URL originala biti odrednica na reči originala u ispisu, što nije problem jer će ispravna veza biti na naslovu reference (ona arhivirana jer kada ima archiveurl parametar a nema deadurl smatra se da je URL mrtav); kažem nije problem jer takvih slučajeva ima možda stotinjak (novi preuzeti tekstovi), a onih sa deadurlom kao dosadašnjim parametrom ustaljenim na hiljade, među njima i izabrani tekstovi koji su "uglancani" da nigde nema grešaka pa ni u referencama. Nadam se da se razumemo šta je suština. -- (разговор) 16:28, 24. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@ Pažljivo sam razmotrio vaše tvrdnje i ustanovio da su besmislene. Moje izmene izvornog koda CS1 nisu uzrokovale greške u člancima. Tokom pregleda znatnog broja članaka sam naišao niz drugih grešaka u referencama uzrokovanih ažuriranjem URL linkova One su uglavnom uzrokovane postojanjem unutrašnjih veza u naslovima referenci, što nakon arhiviranja postaje problem. --Dcirovic (разговор) 16:05, 25. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Zoranzoki21: Cite šabloni su nedavno ažurirani. Parametri dead-url i deadurl su zamenjeni parametrom url-status, u skladu sa ekvivalentnom promenom na enwiki. Sadašnji set botovskih izmena usklađuje sadržaj članaka sa definicijom šablona. --Dcirovic (разговор) 11:40, 26. септембар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Ako možeš zameni deadurl u url-status i odgovarajući sadržaj i u latiničkim odnosno člancima sa cite web-lat, cite book-lat itd. za sve ostale cite šablone. Primer: Stoja. Treba završiti posao. -- (разговор) 17:32, 18. новембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Upcoming: Wikidata Zurich Training in Zurich on the weekend of November 2-3. There will be presentations and hands-on sessions on editing, querying and coding for Wikidata.
This Recent changes tool allows to get a list of unpatrolled Wikidata changes with enhanced filters that are more adapted to Wikidata than the standard Recent Changes page. Available actions include mass patroling and easier revert interface.
Ne možeš da brišeš poruke sa stranice za razgovor jer ti nešto ne odgovara, Obsuser ništa tebi uvredljivo nije napisao, a kao administrator koji je došao u sukob ne možeš ga blokirati.. Znam da imaš pravo jer je tvoja stranica za razgovor, ali i za to postoje pravila..
@Zoranzoki21: Ja kao i svaki drugi urednik mogu da uklonim sa svoje stranice za razgovor beskorisni sadržaj. Ja nisam u sukobu sa blokiranim anonimnim korisnikom, već je ta osoba blokirana zbog trolovanja i opsesivnog ispisivanja beskorisnih poruka, što se nastavilo i nakon mog uklanjanja istih. Ni jedna osoba na ovom projektu ne treba da trpi taj vid maltretiranja. --Dcirovic (разговор) 13:54, 2. октобар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Zoranzoki21: Nema ničeg korisnog u pisanju te osobe. Objasnio sam na trgu da radim na kodu {{cite}} šablona, da su radovi u toku, i koliko vremena je neophodno da se posao valjano uradi. Isto tako sam se izjavio da ću ovaj posao završiti (kao što je to bio slučaj i sa hiljadama drugih poslova u tokom zadnje decenije). Najveći deo ovog posla je već urađen, i posao će biti okončan u najavljenom roku. Korisne bi bile jedino napomene nakon okončanja posla kojim bi se ukazalo na eventualne previde. --Dcirovic (разговор) 15:46, 2. октобар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Ne znam da li je beskorisno ili ne.. Ali dobro, nema veze neću da se bavim time, imam problema u stvarnom životu, mrzi me da pišem knjigu kao Obsuser kako ono što je napisao nije beskorisno, i nema uvredljivog izražavanja. To što je blokiran na trajno, ne znači da nikada nije upravu kad nešto napiše. --Zoranzoki21(разговор)15:52, 2. октобар 2019. (CEST)[odgovori]
Reminder: Community Insights Survey
Share your experience in this survey
Hi Dcirovic/Архива 3,
There are only a few weeks left to take the Community Insights Survey! We are 30% towards our goal for participation. If you have not already taken the survey, you can help us reach our goal!
With this poll, the Wikimedia Foundation gathers feedback on how well we support your work on wiki. It only takes 15-25 minutes to complete, and it has a direct impact on the support we provide.
soweego links Wikidata to large third-party catalogs. Together with its friend Mix'n'match, it helps Wikidata to become the universal linking hub of open data.
Two Wikidata users were nominated for a “WikiEule”, the German Wikipedia community’s annual awards: MisterSynergy (nomination) for an “EngagementEule” (special commitment to the wiki projects) and Tobias1984 (nomination) for an “OrgaEule” (organizational work).
You can nominate projects for the WikidataCon award until October 7th at 23:59 UTC (today).
During the summer, WikidataJS became WikibaseJS! More specifically:
Lei (Nico) Zheng, et al. (2019) The Roles Bots Play in Wikipedia. Proceedings of the ACM: Human-Computer Interaction, Volume 3, Issue CSCW, Article 215 (November 2019), 20 pages. DOI: 10.1145/3359317 (also blog post).
Lina M. Rojas-Barahona, et al. (2019) Spoken Conversational Search for General Knowledge. Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue. ACL Anthology ID: W19-5914 + arXiv:1909.11980
Tool of the week
ShowTalkLabels: with this script enabled, when a talk page is shown on your watchlist or similar pages, the label of the related entity is shown.
Other noteworthy stuff
We now have d:Q70000000 (3,5-dimethyl-3H-pyrazole, chemical compound) and Lexeme:L200000 (spiritualistically, English adverb)
The Wikidata Wor(l)dmap is showing translations of the same concept on a world map. To use it, type a word (for example "water") in the search field, then observe the map. You can zoom in the map. The data comes from Wikidata item labels and the coordinate location property of the language.
Panandâ, a mobile app powered by Wikidata (and Wikimedia Commons), was selected as one of the five finalists in the App for Social Good category in the Android Masters 2019 competition organized by Google Developer Group Philippines. The final event will be held on November 16.
Issue with Wikidata Query Service: aggregate variables can no longer reuse the names of other variables (T235540).
You can translate labels in the background image of Wikidata front page by adding translation to this file
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Happy birthday, Wikidata!
Today, on October 29th, it’s Wikidata’s 7th birthday. Time to reflect and celebrate and to look forward to see where we are going from here. Message from the Wikidata development team
The Community Wishlist Survey 2020 from Wikimedia Foundation started. This year, it is focused on small projects and Wikidata-related wishes will not be included.
You can help expanding the list of databases, encyclopedias, etc. which could be added to Mix'n'match. Can be used for property creation too.
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Martin Poulter on Wikidata projects at the University of Oxford, 05, November. Agenda
SPARQL RC is showing the recent changes on items that are listed from a specific query. It is very useful to monitor the changes on a specific subset of data, for example data that you recently imported in Wikidata.
Made the Lua functions mw.wikibase.getBestStatements and mw.wikibase.getAllStatements faster if called more than once for the same statement on a single page
Једно питање, приметио сам да је у добродошлицама које стављаш на сзр корисника месец датума на енглеском језику. Је л' то нека грешка или си то направио по неком шаблону? Ако може, могло би да се исправи. Поздрав. — SimplyFreddie (разговор) 11:34, 7. новембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
In order to decrease the size of what we store in caches we stopped storing the actual EntityUsage objects in ParserOutput and now just store minimal identifier strings (phabricator:T236749)
Panandâ, a mobile app powered by Wikidata (and Wikimedia Commons), won the top prize in the App for Social Good category in the Android Masters 2019 competition organized by Google Developer Group Philippines. Eugene, the app's developer, recently gave a lightning talk about the app at WikidataCon 2019.
Поздрав, Ћировићу. Не разумем која је сврха ове измене, осим што је велики број чланка (који имају у референцама додану архиву веб-сајта) пребачен у категорију ЦС1 одржавање. Наиме, та категорија би требало да се користи за неке ситне грешке у референцама попут додавања више аутора у једно поље или линковање аутора у параметру презимена. Било би лепо када би издвојио нешто времена и представио ми разлог промене. — Жиле (✉) 00:32, 23. новембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
@Acamicamacaraca: Nazivi par parametara u šablonima za navođenje izvora su nedavno izmenjeni u kontekstu ažuriranja istih i njihovog usklađivanja sa enwiki. Nakon izmene izvornog koda, sadržaj članaka i šablona je korigovan. Uprkos toga zastareli parametri nastavljaju da se pojavljuju u izvesnm broju članaka, uglavnom usled prenosa sa drugih projekata. Da bi se omogućilo iskorenjivanje zastarele sintakse svi članci koji potencijalno mogu da je sadrže su grupisani u kategoriju ЦС1 одржавање, koju bot periodično pregleda i po potrebi vrši korekcije. Potrebe za postojanjem ovakve kategorije verovatno neće biti u bližoj budućnosti, npr. 6 meseci. --Dcirovic (разговор) 00:53, 23. новембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Океј. Ја ћу ажурирати TemplateData-у и документацију шаблона како би се избегло коришћење погрешног параметра. И БТВ, можда је боље другачије назвати категорију како би се избегла конфузија и јасно знало о чему се ради (типа: Категорија:Шаблони за цитирање с архивама у коду или нешто слично, а на странции категорије написати да се категорија користи привремено, за одржавање и исправљање застареле синтаксе и параметара). Овако сам мислио да је у питању нека општа грешка у референци. Размотри то. Срдачан поздрав и лепи снови. — Жиле (✉) 01:09, 23. новембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Problemi sa člankom koji sam napisao
Napisao sam članak o albumu po imenu "WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?" od Bili Ajliš i piše na stranici članka da ga je prevela mašina i da treba da se sredi članak u naredna 24 sata. To nije tačno. Ja sam preveo članak. Možete li mi Vi pomoći u vezi ovog problema?
Hvala Vam unapred!
Join the global m:WikiForHumanRights Campaign by participating with WikiProject Human rights. The campaigns is focused on increasing coverage of human rights topics on Wikimedia projects through January 30.
Cradle enables editors to create a new item by completing a form. You can create a new form on the Cradle help page. Cradle forms can be used as templates to ensure that similar new items are structured the same way. This can be especially helpful for specific WikiProjects or datathons, and is a great timesaver if you are creating many similar items by hand.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
570k VIAF identifiers have been added to Wikidata items in an effort of synchronisation between the two databases, thanks to Bargioni. In order to report errors in VIAF an apposite page has been created. More information here.
Query Service lag now affects maxlag. You may need to retry/reset error multiple times when you run QuickStatement or OpenRefine in busy hours.
Wikidata now documented more than six million people, more than the number of articles in English Wikipedia
Alt Labels displays item labels in other languages when there is no label in your default language. You may click a label to add it as the label for your language. This tool is very helpful for labels for people, books, articles, or films that do not need their labels to be translated.
Блокирали сте ми уређивање странице Јелка Бојкић Макавејев... Образложење вандализам. Чланак је имао ознаку Радови у току, а при томе ми није јасно какав је вандализам у питању. Наравно нисте се потрудили да дате никакво објашњење. Можда мислите да Википедија припада само Вама. Ако је тако није никакав проблем... Само ме обавестите и уживајте.
--Antioksidans (разговор) 10:27, 3. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
overpass: Embeds a map displaying features tagged with the current item in OpenStreetMap. Powered by overpass turbo. It helps check if the Wikidata object is mapped in OSM and also if it's correct.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
A WikiCite event will take place in May 2020 in Cologne. Call for contributions is now open (more info)
Poštovanje, ako možete da mi sugerišete kako da poboljšam ovaj članak https://sh.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germansko_pravo. Kada sam ga objavila bio je obrisan jer nije enciklopedijski i javila sam se tom gospodinu sa srpskohrvatske vikipedije i zamolila da ga vrati jer mi je potreban za fakultet. Bio je ljubazan i učinio to ali moram da ga prepravim jer previse lici na seminarski rad. Prošli put kada sam pisala članak o Žaku Kiži Vi ste povezali članak sa engleskim člankom ako se ne varam. Popovicmirjana (разговор) 21:37, 11. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
@Popovicmirjana: Započnite članak konciznim objašnjem teme, npr „Германско право је ...” . Paragraf kojim članak trentno počinje uklopite u tekst ispod uvodnog paragrafa. Unesite unutrašnje veze i inlajn reference (pretražite literaturu, locirajte izvore koji podržavaju navedene tvrdnje i navedite izvore u tekstu koristeći <ref> </ref> sintaksu). Za latinske termine koristite šablon {{jez-lat}}, kako bi bilo jasnije zašto su napisani latinicom, npr ... језику ({{jez-lat|[[Leges Romana barbarorum]]}}), .... Koristite sledeći stil navodnika „”, umesto "". Ispravite gramatičke i pravopisne greške. Stavite članak u odgovarajuće kategorije. --Dcirovic (разговор) 22:53, 11. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Weekly Summary #395
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Recoin displays information about the relative completeness of a Wikidata item by comparing its statements with those found on other similar items. Especially useful for editors working in a knowledge area that is new to them.
С обзиром да се користе латински називи за таксоме у инфокутијама, нема потребе да имамо по два паралелна шаблона а који се приказују исто. Због тога сам направио измјене у модулу и шаблону које су поништио. Уколико се не јављају грешке на шаблонима, поновићу измјене. — Ранко Нико лић✉18:28, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
@Ранко Николић: Mislim između ostalog na nazive taksonskih nivoa, kao što su: carstvo, razred, red, familija, rod, ... Ustaljena praksa je da se strani nazivi, uključujući latinske, prevode ili zamenjuju srpskim ekvivalentima kad god je to moguće, npr. životinje umesto Animalia. --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:52, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Па та пракса уопште није устаљена, јер се у огромној већини чланака користе латински називи а не српски. Што се тиче назива таксономских нивоа, пронашао сам разлог због којег је у појединим чланцима јављао ћирилички умјесто латиничког назив и лако се поправља. — Ранко Нико лић✉19:46, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
@Ранко Николић: Na ovom projektu je, u skladu sa pravopisom, upotreba srpskih naziva ustaljena. Znatan broj bioloških naziva je napisan na latinskom, jer ne postoje srpski ekvivalenti. Iz toga ne sledi da je sistematsko uklanjanje naziva na srpskom jeziku prihvatljivo radi olakšavanja implementacije i održavanja šablona. Meni lično jednostrana upotreba latinskih naziva ne smeta, jer učestvujem u održavanju šablona. Međutim, time se negira sama poenta enciklopedije na srpskom jeziku, i malo je verovatno da bi zajednica podržala takvu praksu. --Dcirovic (разговор) 20:22, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Нико овдје не уклања системски српске називе, уосталом у огромној већини чланака у инфокутијама уопште се нису користили српски називи. Таксономски шаблони се нису ни требали пребацивати са латинским називима, него их одмах требало превести на српски, па до овога не би ни дошло. Доста тога је овдје урађано мимо заједнице, а ја само хоћу да уједначим класификацију у ћириличним и латиничним чланцима. — Ранко Нико лић✉20:35, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
@Ранко Николић: Postojanje naziva na srpskom u inforkutijama podrazumeva podržavanje oba pisma u šablonima. Fizičko razdvanje ta dva seta šablona u velikoj meri pojednostavljuje njihovo održavanje. Ukrštanjem ćiriličnih i latiničnih setova šablona se stvaraju ogromni problemi u dugoročnom odršavanju istih. Cena prividne uštede prostora (smanjenja broja šablona) je ogromna dodatna količina vremena i truda neophodna za validaciju i debagiranje izukrštanog sistema.
Botovskim prenosom šablona sa enwiki je urađen ogroman posao, koji nikada ne bi bio ručno urađen do njegovog sadašnjeg nivoa na ovom projektu. Jedan od razloga male zastupljenosti pristupa automatskih šablona na ovom projektu je bila velika količina rada neophodna za njihovo osposobljavanje. Daleko je lakše ručno preimenovati deo naziva taksona, nego manuelno uneti i periodično održavati ogromnu i stalno rastuću biološku hijerarhiju taksona. --Dcirovic (разговор) 21:27, 30. децембар 2019. (CET)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #396
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last 2 weeks.
The revised version of the very powerful PetScan offers to edit or create items based on Wikipedia categories, search, SPARQL, links with filters by label or properties
Other Noteworthy Stuff
New tool: Dwynwen, adapted from Crotos, provides users with a search interface designed specifically for artworks and other visual digital content from Commons, using Wikidata.
Resolver allows you to quickly find an item based on a property+value string pair. It is especially useful for checking whether an external identifier such as a VIAF ID (P214) or Getty AAT ID (P1014) is already in use in Wikidata.
Tabernacle creates a tabular view of a set of data items from a SPARQL query, PagePile list, or manual list of items. You can select which languages and properties to display. The tool lets you drag-and-drop statements from one item to another, and manually add or edit statements without leaving the page. Tabernacle is great for harmonizing a set of related items or identifying items that need their labels and descriptions translated.
Е, ћао. Знаш кад си мијењао оно dead-link=yes/no у url-status овдје? Требаће то одрадити на бс.вики ускоро јер ажурирам модуле за референце. Занима ме би ли био вољан то урадити? Не знам имаш ли бот заставницу тамо, али ако немаш да затражиш, па да те цимнем кад буде требало. Поздрав. – Srdjan m (разговор) 19:05, 13. јануар 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
@Srdjan m: Bolje bi bilo da to uradi neko ko već ima admin i botovska prava na tom projektu. Posao se sastoji od dva koraka:
Grupisanje svih članaka članaka na kojima će bot raditi.
Jedan od načina da se to ostvari je definisanjem kategorije (npr. CS1 održavanje) u modulu, i.e. unosom ovih par redova u Citation/CS1. Sistem sam popuni tu kategoriju, ali je za to potrebno više dana (na srwiki je trebalo više od 7 dana). Proces se može donekle pospešiti koristeći touch.py script, ukoliko već postoje kategorie koje sadrže članake sa referencama.
Ažuriranje članaka
Izmene članaka se mogu izvrišti koristeći replace.py, e.g.
Upcoming: next Wikidata office hour, January 22nd, at 17:00 UTC (18:00 UTC+1), on the Wikidata Telegram channel. Topics: presenting the roadmap for 2020 and some news from the development team
Tool of the week
The Wikidata Card Game Generator generates printable cards based on a topic (eg chemical elements) and some statements of the item.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
New gadget added to Preferences, "Show UnpatrolledEdits" (see discussion): it shows if the last edit to the item has not been patrolled
Pywikibot deprecates Python 2 support. Any scripts running via Python 2 should be migrated soon, see more at [7]
The next Weekly Summary (January 27) will be the issue #400. Please help us collecting interesting Wikidata-related facts around the number 400!
Би ли могао ботовски макнути све кратке описе? Изгледа да не функционишу на ср.вики, а програмери не планирају да га оспособе за друге пројекте, сем ен.вики. — Жиле (✉) 02:29, 23. јануар 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
@Acamicamacaraca: Tačno je da kratki opisi trenutno funkcionišu samo na enwiki. Međutim, bolje bi bilo da se ne žuri sa masovnim uklanjanjem. Sama ideja nije loša, tako da postoji mogućnost da će uneti sadržaj vremenom naći i neke druge vidove primene, ili da će se pojaviti alternativne implementacije originalne funkcionalnosti, etc. --Dcirovic (разговор) 07:41, 23. јануар 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #400
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Welcome to the 400th Weekly Summary! Here are some interesting Wikidata facts or queries collected by the community and related to the number 400:
Item #400 is Jenna Jameson; Property #400 is platform (software), and Lexeme #400 is "vierhonderd" - Dutch for "four hundred". The QID for the natural number 400 is Q1535396. The QID for the year 400 is Q25621.
The Greek philosopher Hypatia, one of the first women scientists, became head of the Neo-Platonist school at Alexandria, in 400 AD. We include her here in tribute to those working to reduce Wikidata's gender gap.
Duplicate Item copies the current item (without descriptions or sitelinks) to a new item. This tool is useful for splitting items and for making sets of similar items. Recommended for experienced users.
VizQuery allows you to use the Wikidata Query Service without having to know SPARQL. Simply use a couple of autocomplete input boxes and you can do most basic queries.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Bruno and Denny present how to use Lexical Masks in ShEx to validate lexemes, including a first set of example schemata. They also invite everyone to work on more languages, and will keep adding more ShEx schema over time.
Learn about the use of Wikidata, Wikipedia and sister projects in education, at the Wikimedia in Education UK Summit at Coventry University on 26 February
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: further discussion of labels and aliases; start looking at Google Sheets, 11 February. Agenda
Reasonator offers a visual formatted display of Wikidata information. It is useful for introducing Wikidata to new audiences and can help find missing or incorrect data by presenting a different view than the standard editing interface.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
The Kensho Derived Wikimedia Dataset is a a cleaned English subset of Wikipedia/Wikidata with 2.3B tokens, 5.3M pages, 51M nodes, and 120M edges for use in natural language processing (NLP) research
Property talk pages now include a link to query for a few random items using the "SERVICE bd:sample" in SPARQL. Example: look for "random list" on d:Property talk:P279
There are now 100,000 people with the name "John" in Wikidata. "Elizabeth" is now the most frequent female given name.
Knowledge Grapher is a new tool to create Wikidata knowledge graphs without needing any knowledge of Wikidata Query or SPARQL code. Developed by Fuzheado, it is currently in early testing mode and helps create graphs as described by MartinPoulter at his 2019 blog post Making Wikidata Visible. Feedback is appreciated.
Evo ti šta dobijem kada pokušavam da uredim članak Kukuvija, pre 30 sekundi
Do you want to accept these changes? ([y]es, [N]o, [e]dit original, edit
[l]atest, open in [b]rowser, [m]ore context, [a]ll, [q]uit): y
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Pywikibot\pwb.py", line 325, in <module>
if not main():
File "D:\Pywikibot\pwb.py", line 320, in main
run_python_file(filename, [filename] + args, argvu, file_package)
File "D:\Pywikibot\pwb.py", line 100, in run_python_file
exec(compile(source, filename, 'exec', dont_inherit=True),
File ".\scripts\replace.py", line 1211, in <module>
File ".\scripts\replace.py", line 1202, in main
File ".\scripts\replace.py", line 815, in run
File "D:\Pywikibot\pywikibot\tools\__init__.py", line 1744, in wrapper
return obj(*__args, **__kw)
File "D:\Pywikibot\pywikibot\tools\__init__.py", line 1744, in wrapper
return obj(*__args, **__kw)
File "D:\Pywikibot\pywikibot\page.py", line 1288, in save
raise pywikibot.OtherPageSaveError(
pywikibot.exceptions.OtherPageSaveError: Edit to page [[Кукувија]] failed:
Editing restricted by {{bots}}, {{nobots}} or site's equivalent of {{in use}} template
CRITICAL: Exiting due to uncaught exception <class 'pywikibot.exceptions.OtherPageSaveError'>
Science Stories by Kat Thornton and Kenneth Seals-Nutt, an application that tells stories about underrepresented people in STEM using Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia, is the winner of the LODLAM 2020 Challenge!
Wikidata Bridge: more work on unsupported edit cases (unsupported datatypes phab:T235753, ambiguous statements phab:T240212, deprecated statements phab:T238660, unknown value or no value statements phab:T242747)
Including the property label in the title of the Data Bridge dialog (phab:T233295)
Making the edit based on the user's fixed/updated choice (phab:T238662)
Možda bi Ćiroviću, prava tema bila " Promocije" na Wikipediji.Bilo bi dobro videti ko je promovisan i radi čega.Mislim da ono što svaki pojedinac donosi jeste promocija, ali niko drugi ni ne može doneti ono što predstavlja, i ono što je realizovao taj pojedinac Jedino rad promoviše.Ako nije tako, zaključak je da postoje mehanizmi za promociju bez uloženog rada, ili omalovažavanja nečijeg rada, ili strah promotera od sankcija za promovisanje moralno, ekonomsko estetsko nepodobnih ?
Hoće li čaršijsko-kafanski kriterijum biti mera promocije, kada " zvanični promoteri" zakažu ?Slobodan-Spasojević-3 (разговор) 20:14, 17. фебруар 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
Puno hvala na savetu, nadam se da me služite, hvala :)!. Tian.rubik, 03:12, 20. фебруар 2020.(CET)
Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference, one of the themes being how Wikidata can support minority languages, will take place on July 9-10 in Limerick, Ireland. Call for submissions open from February 27th to March 30th.
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: More discussion of pseudonyms and historical place names, 25 February. Agenda
QWiki, a mobile game asking geography questions based on Wikidata, now has a new version released as well as a website where one can learn how the game was made and how to contribute;
July 2-4, Lisbon: WikiData Days 2020. Call for proposals is open until April 15.
Program submissions for the Celtic Knot Conference are open until March 30th. Submissions about languages on Wikidata, GLAM or supporting minority languages are very welcome.
Wikidata graph builder is a front-end on top of the Query service, allowing to easily build graphs.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
The Wikidata Languages Landscape dashboard provides insights into the ways languages are organized and used in Wikidata and across the Wikimedia projects that reuse Wikidata.
Thank you for being one of Wikipedia's top medical contributors!
please help translate this message into your local language via meta
The 2019 Cure Award
In 2019 you were one of the top ~300 medical editors across any language of Wikipedia. Thank you from Wiki Project Med for helping bring free, complete, accurate, up-to-date health information to the public. We really appreciate you and the vital work you do! Wiki Project Med Foundation is a thematic organization whose mission is to improve our health content. Consider joining here, there are no associated costs.
Querying the URL datatype with haswbstatement is now possible (phab:T243693). It will take two to three months before URLs are indexed for all Wikidata items.
Wikidata Bridge: more style fixes, preparing a prototype to show how we will display references
Fixing various production errors
Monitoring the run of wb_terms migration
Fixing an issue with the Commons files search field (phab:T196165)
Ja sam sin Duška Petrovića,informacije nisu sve tačne kao što sam i napisao,ako ste već uradili biografiju za Duška Petrovića ja mislim da bi vam trebao tačan datum,mesto rodjenja i naziv pesama.Srdačan pozdrav
Radovan Petrović Radovanpetrovic (разговор) 03:27, 14. март 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
Note: Due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation, most meetups, including all those funded by Wikimedia Foundation grants, have been cancelled, or moved online, for the foreseeable future.
All identifiers are now sorted mostly alphabetically according to the RfC regarding the sorting of identifiers, which remains open if you have improvement proposals. Feel free to comment here!
Maximilian Klein applied for a project grant to merge and improve WHGI and Denelezh, tools that heavily rely on Wikidata to provide statistics about gender gap and biographical content in Wikimedia projects.
QuickStatements change (4 March). QuickStatements is now executing "run in background" batches with the same priority as direct batches run from the browser. Background batches may now run many times faster than they previously did (discussion), when the WDQS updater can handle this.
Hello, I'm sorry to write in English, unfortunately I can't speak Serbian, but I can speak fluent Russian, so that I can manage to understand it. I am native to the Aosta Valley, so that today I've started to proofread the articles on this wiki concerning my home region. The main error I could find, is that all the toponyms in the Aosta Valley are in French only: this implies that I would need to rename some articles about the municipalities, since the transcription in cyrillic was made on the Italian pronunciation, and not on the only French official one. I've added this list of Aosta Valley's municipalities: the concerned articles already exist, but their title is wrong and I cannot change it, since I'm new on the Serbian Wikipedia. In addition to that, I've found this page and it scares me a bit ;) since it contains a lot of small (very small) villages (I think they are wikipedically irrelevant) but all of them are wrong spelled, which is worse. I think that this may be a Titanic work... I would suggest you to start from the municipalities pages, which are the most important, are you OK with that? I've already proofread the first column of this list, I'll continue tomorrow. Meanwhile, you can already rename these articles. Thanks a lot for your help. --Temoncik 84 (разговор) 17:05, 19. март 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
@Temoncik 84: It would be better to place this message on a village pump. In doing so, please include a formal reference that clearly states that French is the official language in that region, in order to avoid unnecessary debates. Please note that Serbian language has its own transcription rules, which are distinct from other languages, such as Russian. A summary of the transcription rules from French language is given here. Serbian language could be written in either Cyrillic, or Latin alphabet. Articles are edited in the alphabet in which they are started. The foreign names need to be transcribed regardless of the alphabet. As per your remark about settlement sizes, you should know that this matter was discussed and it was decided by a formal vote that all toponyms should be entered. That decision was not unanimous, and it is unlikely that it would ever become such. If community has no major objections to your renaming proposal, and if your transcriptions from French are valid, you should be able to make the changes yourself. --Dcirovic (разговор) 08:57, 20. март 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
Odgovor na dobrodošlicu
Pozdrav,Dcirovic! Srdačno Vam se zahvaljujem na dobrodošlici. Također,ako trebate bilo što,slobodno postavite pitanje na mojoj stranici za razgovor. Još jednom,puno hvala!Bonzg (разговор) 23:30, 18. март 2020. (CET) Bonzg (разговор) 22:07, 19. март 2020. (CET)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #408
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Wikidata Lexeme Forms allows quickly generating a new lexeme with all its forms in selected languages; you can also use the tool to add forms to an existing lexeme, or bulk upload many lexemes and forms at once.
Zdravo, treba mi pomoć oko stranice koju sam napravila a nalazi se u mom pesku. Ako mogu da zamolim da je pogledaš i daš mi sugestije da je poboljšam. Kako posle ide procedura, mogu da je prebacim u aktivne strane?
Takođe, imam problem sa upload-om slika, da li može kratko objašnjenje kako to da uradim?
I poslednje pitanje za sada :) Kako da napravim onaj box sa desne strane, jer se radi o Fakultetu pa bi bilo dobro da i na taj način posložim informacije o toj instituciji.
Hvala puno na vremenu. Pozdrav Elayaaaaa (разговор) 13:33, 29. март 2020. (CEST)Bojana[odgovori]
@Elayaaaaa: Dobra polazna tačka u pogledu formatiranja enciklopedijskog sadržaja su neki od postojećih članaka, npr. Univerzitet Stanford ili Beogradska bankarska akademija. Trebalo bi da unesete unutrašnje veze u ostatak vašeg članka, poput onog što je urađeno u prvom paragrafu. Isto tako potrebno je da navedete u samom tekstu izvore na kojima je sadržaj baziran ili koji podržavaju iznete tvrdnje. Za to se koristi sintaksa <ref> </ref>, što je izdašno ilustrovano u gore pomenutom članku o Stanfordu. Dodao sam šablon za kutiju of fakultetu. Dopunite prazna polja, koliko je to moguće.
Slike se šalju na ostavu, bilo globalu ili lokalnu. Stranica Vikipedija:Vodič za otpremanje sadrži linkove i uputstva. Pri rukovanju slikama najvažniji aspekt je autorsko pravo. Ukoliko ste autor slike, npr. ukoliko sami napravite sliku Stomatološkog Fakulteta, možete je slobodno poslati na ostavu. Sve druge slike moraju da zadovoljavaju jednu od licenci da bi se zadržale na ostavi. Što se tiče tehničkog prikaza slike na stranici, možete navesti ime fajla u šablonu („image =”), ili možete prikazati samostalnu sliku, poput ove. Kad završite sa izmenama premestite stranicu u GIP (glavni imenski prostor). U gornjem desnom uglu bi trebalo da imate „Више” menu, i u njemu bi trebalo da bude „Премести” opcija. Ukoliko imate poteškoća sa uređivanjem ili premeštanjem stranice, javite mi. --Dcirovic (разговор) 19:25, 29. март 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #409
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
Upcoming: The Celtic Knot Wikimedia Language Conference will take place fully remotely in July 2020. Call for submissions with remote formats is open until April 30th.
Upcoming: the Wikidata Wochenende (previously in Ulm) will take place fully remote on June 12-14
Ongoing: covid-19 virtual biohackathon until April 11th. Information on how to participate. Instructions to participate are on the github wiki and join #wikidata room. Several Wikidata-related topics are currently presented, such as: COVID-19 Global Dashboard, sync the ICTV Virus classification and Nomenclature with Wikidata, federate between Wikidata and NextProt, use wikibase to align between (bio)schema.org and Wikidata.
Scholia highlights the scholarly data in Wikidata, including scholarly works, projects, topics, and individual researchers, including their relationships and statistics. It encourages further enrichment of Wikidata through links on the "missing" pages.
Job opportunity: Science Museum, London. Research Developer, "using computational techniques to create links between the SMG collection and Wikidata at scale" (deadline: 19 April).
New tool: Wikidata Complete uses machine learning algorithms to read Wikipedia, identify facts and import them into Wikidata after manual check (blog post)
schema.org announced an extension to allow for special announcements with regards to COVID-19. The way to identify the topic as per the example? By using the Wikidata Q-Identifier, Q81068910: Structured data for special announcements
Interactive map showing the spread of COVID-19, updated daily with data from Wikidata.
Здраво! Желели смо да Вам скренемо пажњу да је основан Википројекат Биографија који има за циљ побољшање чланака о биографијама на Википедији.
Помислили смо да ћете бити заинтересовани за ову тему, па Вас овом приликом позивамо да нам се придружите. Направите неки нови чланак или побољшајте већ постојећи. У случају да желите да нам се придржите, упишите се овде.
COVID19 Dashboard is a Wikidata-powered one-stop information/visualization service for COVID19-related topics such as COVID19's outbreak map, deaths, symptoms, taxonomy, and publications.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
A database breakage, also affecting connected sister projects such as Wikipedia, on April 6, 11pm UTC. A fix has been deployed and no data has been lost. However, issues related to sitelinks and bots creating duplicates can still occur.
@Jovanasretenovicpf: Gornji deo članka je dosta dobar. Ostatak bi trebalo završiti: prepričati sadržaj u enciklopedijskom stilu, uneti vikiveze i reference. Unos kraćih citata (par redova) je dozvoljen, ali njih treba jasno označiti. Veći citati se smatraju originalnim delima, i kao takvi se mogu uneti na Vikiizvornik, ukoliko se time ne krše autorska prava. Članak isto tako treba staviti u bar jednu kategoriju. Ukoliko je to moguće, treba ga povezati sa ekvivalentnim člancima na drugim jezicima putem Vikipodataka. --Dcirovic (разговор) 02:28, 15. април 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Jovanasretenovicpf: Ukoliko vam je poznato da postoji korespondirajući članak na drugoj Vikipediji možete da koristite link „Додај везе” (na dnu liste opcija sa leve strane u brauzeru sa otvorenom stranicom koja se povezuje). Koliko mogu da vidim tema „Жичке повеље” nije obrađena na drugim jezicima. Da jedna od tema koju ste ranije uređivali, e.g. Карејски типик, nije već povezana mogli biste je povezati putem gore pomenutog linka sa stranicom na enwiki sa naslovom „Karyes Typikon”. Nakon upostavljanja veze, postojeće stranice na svim drugim jezicima bivaju ispisane u sekciji „Језици”.--Dcirovic (разговор) 16:52, 15. април 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Edib76: Нисам учествовао у уређивању тог чланка. Поставите питање на страници за разговор чланка, и вероватно ће вам уредници који се не слажу са вашим уносом објаснити своје тачке гледишта. Претпостављам да би компромисно решење било да се наводу и референцирају могућа алтернативна гледишта, без инсистирања на томе која опција односи превагу.--Dcirovic (разговор) 19:53, 15. април 2020. (CEST)[odgovori]
A call to action directed at the audience of the Weekly Debrief to edit Wikidata YouTube
Propose new identifiers on Wikidata (in Italian) YouTube
The Map of Libraries on Wikidata (in Spanish) YouTube
Tool of the week
Ordia generates statistics from Wikidata lexeme information, and through the "Text to Lexemes" feature allows linking a document to the associated lexemes, and highlighting missing lexemes that can be added.
Prototyping week: the Wikidata team at Wikimedia Germany spent one week working on some quick experiements. The projects developed during this week are not necessarily going to be added to the maintained codebase. Among those projects:
try to use GraphQL for the API providing access to Wikibase/Wikidata data
allow to programmatically access different configuration variables of a Wikibase instance to make it easier for tools to built on top of it
investigate ranking for Items to order them by their relevance in a query result
com up with a workflows for editing statements linking to other Items in the Wikidata Bridge
identify how to improve Wikidata's accessibility
create design system components to continue improving consistency
SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, June 1 at 18:00 CEST
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Affinity Group Co-facilitators will recap the last year, introduce plans for the coming year, and receive suggestions from the community for future sessions.; [8], June 1st.
Italian Wikiversity used Lua on their Recent Changes SpecialPage via overwriting a MediaWiki message. Our code used to not expect that, now it does. (phab:T283240)
Updating the panel that tracks Wikidata edits over time in different namespaces to include all namespaces (phab:T281356)
Working on adding a new constraints type for Lexemes (phab:T200689)
Working on designs for improving Special:NewLexeme
Working on designs for the system to find mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases
Fixing some malformed globe-coordinate precisions in the database (phab:T283576)
Поздрав. Јуче сам добила информацију да сте обрисали чланак „Екваторијална Гвинеја на Светском првенству у атлетици на отвореном 2001.” Међутим ЕГ је имала учеснике на СП 2001. године. Она је учествовала на свим СП од 1987. године осим 2011. године. Да ли ја могу поново да креирам исти чланак када дође ред на њега? Унапред хвала. — З.Вукобрат (разговор) 09:46, 9. јун 2021. (CEST)[odgovori]
@З.Вукобрат: Чланак „Екваторијална Гвинеја на Светском првенству у атлетици на отвореном 2001.” је имао садржај кореспондирајућег чланка за 2013. годину. Djordjes је 24. фебруара 2021. та два чланка предложио за спајање. Предлог није наишао на примедбе, те сам их ја јуче спојио. Ви можете да креирате недостоајући чланак. --Dcirovic (разговор) 15:01, 9. јун 2021. (CEST)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #472
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
SPARQL Jupyter notebooks in PAWS: PAWS is a wikitech services which allows to run Jupyter notebooks. There is a SPARQL kernel which makes it possible to run SPARQL queries. See this example notebook.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Wikidata Community/Diversity 2021 Survey has been published. The results are meant to serve as a baseline to see how the community might (not) change in the future.
WikidataCon 2021: A sustainable future for Wikidata. Information about "the conference theme, its three-day program structure and a special project on diversity taking place before the conference itself".
The call for candidates for 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections has begun on June 9. The last date to apply is June 29, 2021.
Working on no longer using the Query Service to evaluate Constraints Checks regular expressions (this should make our checks faster and allow for further improvements) (phab:T176312)
Changing the rate limits for assigning Item IDs further, which should result in even fewer Q-IDs being skipped in the future (phab:T284538)
Finalizing the concepts for a tool to help work on mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases/websites/...
The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 UTC on Thursday 24th June 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). This month we'll have a team member from Wikibase Stakeholders Group talk briefly about their work, and then we'll welcome people to share out about their work around Wikibase. We'll leave some space in the agenda to discuss meta issues related to the Wikibase Community Usergroup.
SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in English by Vigneron, June 22 at 18:00 CEST
The call for candidates for 2021 Wikimedia Foundation Board elections has begun on June 9. The last date to apply is June 29, 2021.
Since the beginning of the month, phabricator tickets about language codes (and names of languages) were reviewed and triaged to better reflect their content and current status. Some work was done to better identify the steps for such changes, highlight and address bottlenecks and system issues. Patches for a few codes were contributed and are being released. Phabricator "Language codes" workboard provides an overview, phab:T284856 attempts to identify maintenance steps and phab:T284276 determine turn-around times. phab:T284808 should finally close a gap in termbox language handeling. A way to better address some or all aspects of changes of language codes applicable to Wikipedia editions still needs to be found. Don't hesitate to request the addition or update of language names (e.g. the name of Dutch in Danish) or missing language codes, notably for monolingual strings (see Help:Monolingual text languages).
Fixed a bug that broke the "Add sitelink" popup on Commons (phab:T284854)
Working on a fix for suggesters popping up unexpectedly when tabbing quickly (phab:284219)
Reviewing code for a new Property Suggester by a student (phab:T284820)
Mismatch Finder: Working on a tool to work through mismatching data between Wikidata and external databases. Your feedback is welcome on Wikidata talk:Mismatch Finder
Curious Facts: We developed a tool to help editors check random curious facts on Wikidata. Try it and give us your feedback on Wikidata talk:Curious Facts
Kicked off our continued work on Wikidata-Wikibase federation (Federation v2) with preparatory work, including:
SPARQL queries live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, June 28 at 18:00 CEST
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Robert Chavez (Northeastern University) will provide an introduction to SPARQL and using the Wikidata Query Service.; [9], June 29th.
Wikidata Community/Diversity 2021 Survey has been published. The results are meant to serve as a baseline to see how the community might (not) change in the future. Feel free to give us your feedback on this discussion page.
A new version of the Open Art Browser allows discovering works of art in the new section "Types", which presents you more than 1500 expressions of art. Explore it!
Mismatch Finder: We started building the foundation of the place that will store the mismatches between Wikidata and other databases/catalogs/...
Continued work on migrating the checks of regular expressions for constraints from SPARQL to a better solution to take that load off of the SPARQL endpoint (phab:T176312)
Made it possible to show language links from multilingual Wikisource to the other language versions of Wikisource (phab:T275958)
Added a new constraint type to indicate that a certain Property should only be used on Lexemes with a specific language (phab:T200689)
Fixed a weird issue with suggesters popping back up when they shouldn't (phab:T284219)
Invalid data will not be handled better in RDF outputs (phab:T285131)
Working on lowering the rate limit at which a misbehaving bot can waste new Item IDs to further reduce the percentage of skipped Item IDs (phab:T284538)
Working on not suggesting real Item IDs in the API sandbox to avoid accidental edits by people who think it is not making real edits (phab:T219215)
Working on reducing the time it takes between entering a value in a new statement and being able to save the statement (phab:T281669)
Improved documentation of the usage tracking aspects in API help pages. Usage tracking is an internal mechanism to track which article on Wikipedia etc uses which data from an Item on Wikidata. (phab:T283040)
Language codes for monolingual strings "gsw-fr", "ykg", "wya", "osa-latn" were made available: Alsatian, Tundra Yukaghir, Wendat, Osage (phab:T262922, phab:T252198, phab:T283364, phab:T265297)
The English name for language code "crh" and the Swedish name for "fa" were corrected (phab:T240350, phab:T281702)
Lexeme language codes ha-arab, sux-latn, sux-xsux, gsg, tlh-piqd, tlh-latn, bfi, pwn, enm were added. That is Hausa in Arabic script, Sumerian in cuneiform and Latin-script, German Sign Language, Klingon in pIqaD and Latin script, British Sign Language, Paiwan and Middle English. (phab:T282512, phab:T279557)
It was determined that language codes can be activated for Wikidata while being blocked for use on Incubator (phab:T273705), this to avoid projects such as a "British English Wikipedia"
Language code "es-419" for Latin American Spanish has been available for labels and descriptions for quite some time (phab:T230786)
A possibly confusing Russian mis-translation of the name of the language code for "multiple languages" (mul) is being reviewed (phab:T245927)
"en-simple:" can be used instead of "simple:" to link to Simple Wikipedia. Query Services outputs "en-simple", not "simple" for sitelinks to Simple Wikipedia (phab:T283149).
There was some discussion about the creation of a language code "en-in" for monolingual strings, but "en-in" as interface language seems to be preferred (phab:T212313)
User:Nikki/AnchorLinks.js is a userscript that adds a small link before property labels and statement values on entity pages to provide a clickable/copiable link to that section of the page.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
A job opening for a fullstack developer to work on integrating Wikidata with expert-curated knowledge on invasion biology
Mismatch Finder: We continued the work on building the basic store that in the future will hold mismatches between Wikidata's data and other databases/websites/catalogs/... These mismatches will then be used in the Mismatch Finder website and other tools to easily review them.
Improved the namespace behavior of the CommonsLink constraint so that it now produces less false positives (phab:T237920)
Working on adding a magic word to allow pages to be excluded from Special:UnconnectedPages on Wikipedias and co (phab:T97577)
LIBER 2021 - Panel Discussion: Why use Wikidata or not - YouTube
SPARQL Wikidata divers. Session of Tuesday, June 29 (in French) - YouTube
SPARQL Wikidata Wikisource. Tuesday, July 6 session (in French) - YouTube
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday 28th July 2021 at 16:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. This month we will also be having a guest presentation about Toolhub by Srishti Sethi from the Wikimedia Foundation.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Carlo Bianchini (University of Pavia), Stefano Bargioni (Pontifical University Santa Croce (Rome)), and Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo (University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore) will discuss their recent project and article “Beyond VIAF: Wikidata as a Complementary Tool for Authority Control in Libraries”.; [11], July 13th.
A Study of the Quality of Wikidata (Q107425133), by Kartik Shenoy et al, published 1 July 2021, explores the use of three indicators - deleted statements that are not replaced; deprecated statements; and constraint violations - as a framework for evaluating data quality.
Wikidata Workshop by Juan Antonio Pastor at the University of Murcia (in Spanish) - YouTube
Tool of the week
Schafe vorm Fenster is a project to build up a calendar for rural villages in Vorpommern-Greifswald using Wikidata to get images and short descriptions for the villages. (See example)
OpenRefine has two Junior Developer job openings (paid contractor positions; part-time, fully remote) for building Structured Data on Wikimedia Commons functionality
Mismatch Finder (a tool to review mismatches between Wikidata and other databases): We continued initial development of the store part of the tool. We focused on the upload of new mismatches. (phab:project/view/5422)
Discussion on how do describe the types of mismatches reviewed in Mismatch Finder (phab:T285849)
We introduced a magic word that can be used to exclude a page from Special:UnconnectedPages on Wikipedia and co. This will make the special page more useful to find pages on Wikipedia and co that should be added to an Item on Wikidata as sitelinks. (phab:T97577).
We reduced the number of Wikidata edits that show up in the watchlist and recent changes of Wikipedia and co by not triggering entries for a number of Wikidata edits that do not influence the article (phab:T286193)
Property Suggester: We are reviewing patches by a student working on an improved Property Suggester.
Working on improving how deprecated statements are handled when checking “type” and “value type” constraints" (phab:T170401)
Working on fixing a bug where the entity suggestions are opened when a valid value is already selected (phab:T285102)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Carlo Bianchini (University of Pavia), Stefano Bargioni (Pontifical University Santa Croce (Rome)), and Camillo Carlo Pellizzari di San Girolamo (University of Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore) will discuss their recent project and article “Beyond VIAF: Wikidata as a Complementary Tool for Authority Control in Libraries”.; July 13th.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday 28th July 2021 at 16:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. This month we will also be having a guest presentation about Toolhub by Srishti Sethi from the Wikimedia Foundation.
The next Wikibase live session is at 16:00 UTC on Thursday 29th July 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). This month, we welcome Luca Mauri to give a presentation about installing Wikibase from scratch.
The next Wikibase live session is at 16:00 UTC on Thursday 29th July 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). This month, we welcome Luca Mauri to give a presentation about installing Wikibase from scratch.
Upcoming: Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Andra Waagmeester on work with Shape Expressions in Wikidata to describe the genomics of the SARS-CoV-2 virus; [12], July 27th.
COSCUP 2021 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata 2020.07.31-08.01 Online website, Meta-wiki
Still mapping!"Our team has been working continuously on improving the number of Welsh place names that appear online since our inception in 2017 as partt of the Welsh Government’s Welsh Government #Cymraeg2050 project"..."we will also use Wikidata to store and share Welsh language information".
Added a tags parameter to the wbmergeitems API so Item merges can now also get an edit tag (T286778)
Mismatch Finder: Continued working on the store part. This week we focused on uploading a file with potential mismatches and the UI for getting a list of all uploaded mismatch files.
Addressing comments from the security review of the Query Builder so we can hopefully soon move it from the test system to its proper place under query.wikidata.org
Advisory board call for members for the Web2Cit project: Web2Cit: Visual Editor for Citoid Web Translators project is moving! With Diegodlh we are inviting people to apply to be an Advisory Board member. Is this you? Is this someone you know? Check the Call for members and apply to be an Advisory Board member before August 6th!. If you are too busy this time around to apply, don't worry: we get it. You can also help us by spreading the word!
The moveClaim.js user script has been updated using code created by Melderick to support changing a property of a claim within an entity. Please switch to the updated version if you used the other one, and report any bugs.
New tool: Lexemes Party displays lexemes linked to a list of Wikidata items, so you can improve related lexicographical data in the languages you know. You can build your own lists and several examples are available. A weekly challenge is also proposed, theme of the week: Olympic Games.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Wikidata Edit-a-thons highlighting Boston Rock City Edit-a-thon, Wikidata Comics Edit-a-thon, and Wiki-Relays [13], Aug 10th.
LD4 Wikibase Working Hour - Next steps after installing a Wikibase instance -- creating users, items, and properties. Friday, August 27th, 2021 / 1PM (time zone converter). Registration: Please fill in ZOOM Registration Link to register
Wikimania 2021, August 13 to 17, online event. On this page you can find a summary of sessions and community gatherings related to Wikidata and Wikibase.
Mismatch Finder: Finishing work on importing mismatches and moved on to building the API for retrieving mismatches from the mismatch store.
Added tags for all edits done through the UI to more easily distinguish them from edits made through tools and other means (phab:T236893)
Moved regular expression checking for constraints from the SPARQL endpoint to a dedicated service to make it faster and put less stress on the SPARQL endpoint (phab:T176312)
Mismatch Finder: We are making good progress on the tool. We made it possible to retrieve mismatches that are in the store part of the tool via an API.
Regular expressions in constraints are now no longer checked via the Query Service. The checks have been completely moved over to a dedicated service for regular expression checking. (phab:T204031)
Edits made via the user interface (as opposed to with tools, bots, etc.) are now tagged as such to make them easier to filter (example - edits made to labels, descriptions and aliases on mobile are still missing but will follow soon)
Working on allowing to restrict constraints to certain entity types (phab:T269724)
The next Wikibase live session is at 16:00 UTC on Thursday 26th August 2021 (18:00 Berlin time). You're welcome to come and share your work around Wikibase.
BiCIKL Hackathon at the Meise Botanic Garden, September 20 - 24. Theme: adding articles/items about “Hidden women in science” on Wikipedia/Wikidata. If you're interested to participate, please write to maarten.trekelsplantentuinmeise.be
50 cool new things you can now do with KB’s collection highlights - In this series of 5 articles we show the added value of putting images and metadata of digitised collection highlights of the KB, national library of the Netherlands, into the Wikimedia infrastructure. By putting our collection highlights into Wikidata, Wikimedia Commons and Wikipedia, dozens of new functionalities have been added. As a result of Wikifying this collection in 2020, you can now do things with these highlights that were not possible before. Article by OlafJanssen, DanielleJWiki and 1Veertje_(KB)
The "Wikidata Quickstatements" translator which lets users transfer metadata about citation sources fromZotero into Wikidata, no longer needs to be manually installed. Existing manually-installed versions should update automatically, like other translators.
Edits to labels, descriptions and aliases on mobile are now also tagged as edits made via the user interface. All edits made via the user interface are now tagged as such. (phab:T286775)
ArticlePlaceholder pages will now indicate that they are generated by the ArticlePlaceholder thanks to a patch by Luca (phab:T124191)
Working on making it possible to restrict constraints to certain entity types (phab:T269724)
Adding a new constraint type to ensure Items have a label in a certain language (phab:T195178)
Data Quality Days, September 8-15, a series of community-powered events on the topic of data quality. If you're interested in presenting a tool or a topic, feel free to add something to the schedule.
Depictor is a mobile-friendly tool to verify if people depicted on Wikimedia Commons are the same, and adds structured data statements (using Wikidata)
Nicolas Vigneron (User:VIGNERON, User:VIGNERON en résidence) has started a one-year residence at the libraries of Clermont-Ferrand, more info and batch upload to come
WikidataCon update: news about the online conference, grants for affiliates in Latin America and Carribean, glimpse on the keynotes topics and next steps
Data Quality Days - a week of all things data quality around Wikidata from Septempber 8th to 15th. Check the schedule, join sessions and add more if you would like to facilitate a discussion or workshop!
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: developing Wikidata tools and gadgets with Andrew Lih. [14], Sep 7th.
LIVE Wikidata editing #52 - YouTube, Facebook, September 11 at 18:00 UTC
Template:Generic queries for authors : new generic queries template designed for authors (fiction and non-fiction). Feedback and translations are welcome.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
User:SuccuBot has made its 100.000.000th edit. It is the first user account in Wikidata to reach this milestone.
In the frame of a Google Summer of Code project a new tool, called WikidataComplete was created. The tool smoothly integrates in the Wikidata UI and proposes new statements extracted by machine learning algorithms. Editors are asked to either approve or reject them. To activate it check here for a short tutorial check here. Any feedback is welcome here.
Continued work on the Mismatch Finder. We are now working on creating the page where mismatches will be listed for review.
Worked on support for "separators" parameter for distinct value constraints (phab:T277855)
Made it possible to restrict constraints to certain entity types (phab:T269724)
Added a new constraint type to ensure that the Item has a label in a particular language (phab:T195178)
Added a button for the Query Builder to query.wikidata.org to make the Query builder discoverable (phab:T276210) - integration in the example dialog is still in progress (phab:T280229)
We started work on some behind-the-scenes improvements to the way Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects are notified about a change that affects their articles. (They need this notification so the article can be purged and show the latest data from Wikidata again. It is also required for showing the edit in the watchlist and recent changes on those wikis. This should have no visible impact for editors but is needed maintenance work.
Transbordados: WikidataCon's preconference for Latin America - September 14, 21 and 28 (21h UTC) - with simultaneous translation for Portuguese and Spanish, via YouTube - set of events to discuss Wikidata and decoloniality, knowledge organization and digital dissemination of collections in Latin America contexts. Join us!
14/09 - Towards a decolonial wiki: overflowing knowledge from the Latin American horizon - speakers: Amanda Jurno (Wiki Movimento Brasil), Bianca Santana (journalist, writer and activist) and Silvia Gutiérrez (El Colégio de México) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
21/09 - The universe of libraries: Wikidata and the multiplication of knowledge potencies - speakers: Lilian Viana (GLAM das Bibliotecas da USP) and Maurício Genta (Wikimedia Argentina e Biblioteca Nacional da Argentina) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
28/09 - Digital collections and Wikidata: organizing a network of knowledge - speakers: Evelin Heidel (a.k.a. Scann; Wikimedistas do Uruguai) and Karen Worcman (Museu da Pessoa) - watch it in PT-BR / ES
Demo of the Query Builder live on Twitch and in French by Vigneron, September 14 at 18:00 CEST
Data Quality Days - several sessions happened over the past days and more are coming this week. Recordings, slides and notes are linked in the program
Wwwyzzerdd for Wikidata is a browser extension that allows you to view and edit Wikidata information from Wikipedia (demo video). Install it in Firefox or Chrome
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Face The Facts mobile app allows you to scan election posters and see the true facts about politicians.
Mismatch Finder: The website part of the tool is taking shape but is not quite functional yet. We worked on creating the results page. You can see the current very much not finished state at https://mismatch-finder.toolforge.org/
Linked the Query Builder from the Query Service so it is discoverable (phab:T280229)
Finished work on normalizing filenames when linking to media files on Commons (phab:T251480)
All new wbstack.com wikis will now be created with elastic search support, including Wikibase indexes! All existing sites will have elastic search soon! (Source)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Bionomia and maintaining Wikidata synchrony with David Shorthouse (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada). [16], Sep 21st.
Lightning Talk: Wikidata in your Civic Tech project | Summit 2021 - YouTube
Continuing the work on the Mismatch Finder. This week we focused on the remaining groundwork for showing the first mismatches for review.
Continuing to work on improvements to the underlying system of how edits are propagated from Wikidata to the other Wikimedia projects.
Implemented two improvements for constraints: the “distinct values” constraint type now supports the “separator” parameter (phab:T277855) and we no longer check qualifiers on some unusual™ properties (phab:T235292)
Adding tags to some of the remaining UI edits that didn't get them yet for edits on Lexemes (phab:T290950)
Making it possible to add tags to some remaining Lexeme API modules (phab:T290951)
Fixed a bug in the Query Builder where it didn't show labels when opening an existing visual query from a shared link (phab:T280684)
Made the Query Builder more visible in the Query Service UI (phab:T280229)
We’re celebrating the 9th birthday of Wikidata on October 29 during the WikidataCon 🎂 Did you know that you can participate in the celebration by preparing a birthday present or attending events? Here’s how you can get involved!
User-level gender statistics for Wikipedia an Observable notebook which computes the share of articles created on fr.wikipedia.org by gender using P21 property through Wikidata's API.
Changed the formatting of low year numbers so that they now show as e.g. “5 CE” instead of “5” to reduce ambiugity in dates like “March 5 (CE)” (phab:T104750)
Working on fixing an issue where two Properties could have the same label in a given language (phab:T289473)
Working on preventing a few more cases where two Items could have the same sitelink (phab:T291377)
Mismatch Finder: Continuing to work on showing mismatches on the results page so that they can be reviewed
Continuing to work on technical improvements to how changes on Wikidata are propagated to Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects
You can also sign up for a slot at the birthday presents lightning talks session at WikidataCon 2021 to present your gift for Wikidata birthday until October 16
Finished preventing a case where the same sitelink could be added to two different Items (phab:T291377)
Continuing work on the Mismatch Finder. Currently focusing on showing the details of the mismatches to the person reviewing mismatches.
Continued work on not allowing two Properties to have the same label after undo/revert (phab:T289473)
Continuing work on improving how changes on Wikidata are propagated to Wikipedia and the other other Wikimedia projects. The new system is being rolled out to all wikis now. It should not change anything for editors and just be a technical improvement in the backend.
We’re celebrating the 9th birthday of Wikidata on October 29 during the WikidataCon 🎂 Did you know that you can participate in the celebration by preparing a birthday present or attending events? Here’s how you can get involved!
Upcoming: WMF search platform team office hour, Wednesday, October 13th, 2021 at 15:00-16:00 GMT / 08:00-09:00 PDT / 11:00-12:00 EDT / 17:00-18:00 CEST. Etherpad, Google Meet. You can come and chat about the Wikidata & Commons Query Service.
LIVE Wikidata editing #57 - YouTube, Facebook, October 16 at 18:00 UTC
Modeling and Documenting Queer Voices and Topics on Wikidata, Panel on Metadata and Gender Diversity, Amber Billey, Clair A Kronk, John Samuel, Rachel Ivy Clarke, Sayward Schoonmaker, DCMI Virtual 2021, October 8, 2021, Slides
Introduction to Wikidata for beginners. Part 2 (in Italian) - YouTube
You can also sign up for a slot at the birthday presents lightning talks session at WikidataCon 2021 to present your gift for Wikidata birthday until October 16
Mismatch Finder: We are continuing the work on the review part of the system. We are now working on letting reviewers indicate if the mismatch is on Wikidata, the other database, both or neither.
Fixed a bug where it was possible for two Properties to have the same label in a given language by undoing/reverting an edit (phab:T289473)
Fixed a confusing error message that was being shown when trying to save geoshape / tabular data that doesn’t exist (phab:T285758)
Removing some unnecessary entity link formatting in edit summaries and special pages to improve performance (phab:T292203)
Fixing an issue with invalid dates that the API accepts but should not (phab:T289417)
Migrated all Wikimedia wikis to use the new change dispatching system. This system is responsible for notifying the other wikis about edits made on Wikidata that affect their articles so the article is refreshed and edits are added to recent changes and watchlists.
We’re celebrating the 9th birthday of Wikidata on October 29 during the WikidataCon 🎂 Did you know that you can participate in the celebration by preparing a birthday present or attending events? Here’s how you can get involved!
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Scottish Accused Witches Project with Ewan McAndrew and Emma Carroll (University of Edinburgh). [18], Oct 19th.
Learn Wikidata is an online interactive course created by the Vanderbilt University thanks to a WikiCite grant and available in English, Spanish and Chinese. More information here.
The 3rd edition of the Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations (see announcement on wikimedia-l). Please submit your favorite tools by October 27th. The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.
Mismatch Finder: We are continuing the work on the review part of the system. We are working on letting reviewers submit their decision if the mismatch is on Wikidata, the other database, both or neither.
In the previous week we migrated all Wikimedia wikis to use the new change dispatching system. This system is responsible for notifying the other wikis about edits made on Wikidata that affect their articles so the article is refreshed and edits are added to recent changes and watchlists. This week we monitored the new system and investigated and fixed a few issues that came up.
User:Bargioni/UseAsRef has now a 2.0 version, allowing to use as references not only external IDs but also some other properties (P1343, P973, P8214 etc.)
Other Noteworthy Stuff
QID ("Initialism of Q-identifier, a unique identifier for an item in Wikidata. [from 2012]") now has an entry in Wiktionary
The 3rd edition of the Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations (see announcement on wikimedia-l). Please submit your favorite tools by October 27th. The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.
The new WDQS Streaming Updater now fully shipped to production. This will help the Query Service better deal with the amount of edits happening on Wikidata. (more information)
Mismatch Finder: Continuing work on the results page where mismatches are shown for review. We are focusing on showing all necessary information for a mismatch to make a good determination if it is a mismatch in Wikidata, the external source or neither.
Finishing the work on the new change dispatching system that improves how Wikipedia and the other Wikimedia projects are notified about edits happening on Wikidata that affect them. Currently tying up some lose ends.
Documentation of the sessions are currently ongoing. It may take a few weeks to publish all 80 hours of content but you can already watch some of them (linked from each session's Etherpad).
Wikidatapink pony session (a meetup where participants shared wishes and feature requests about Wikidata to the development team)
Continued the work on the first version of the Mismatch Finder. We are getting closer to the polishing phase now and will have something ready in the next weeks.
Lua access for Lexemes is now ready to test on English Beta Wiktionary.
Concluded work on the improved behind-the-scenes system for notifying Wikipedias and co about Wikidata edits that affect them. Nothing should have changed for you.
Started working on a new implementation of the search box to be ready for the upcoming skin changes the WMF is working on.
Documentation of the WikidataCon 2021 sessions are currently ongoing. It may take a few weeks to publish all 80 hours of content but you can already watch some of them (from each session's Etherpad)
Hvala za dobrodošlicu. Nadam se da ću bar malo doprinijeti Viki zajednici.— Prethodni nepotpisani komentar ostavio je korisnik Blu Nindža (razgovor • doprinosi)
Hvala za poruku dobrodošlice, nadam se da ću doprinijeti Wikipedii.— Prethodni nepotpisani komentar ostavio je korisnik Joxane (razgovor • doprinosi)
Zahvaljujem se za prijem, i radujem se buducoj saradnji.
Srdacan pozdrav.— Prethodni nepotpisani komentar ostavio je korisnik StojaDj (razgovor • doprinosi)
Plantilla:Infotaula persona, infobox for people on Catalan Wikipedia with extensive use of Wikidata, used 175000 times, with Bridge editing. Sample use at ca:Frits Zernike.
Mismatch Finder: Added various dialogs and help texts to make it easier to understand what reviewers need to do and what information they are seeing in the tool
Mismatch Finder: started polishing and bug fixing for release of the first version
Making the order of Lexeme's grammatical features consistent (phab:T232557)
Investigating how to share complex SPARQL queries in Wikidata Query Service via short URL (phab:T295560)
Pozdrav. Dobila sam od Drazetad molbu da komuniciram sa administratorima. Da nebih prepričavala zašto šaljem ti njegov tekst: „Zaboravio sam šifru, pa bi te zamolio da pitaš nekog od administratora da me ponovo poveže na šifru koju sam imao 16 godina. Retko sam na vikipediji, jer imam kataraktu na desnom oku, a i na levom slabo vidim. Sad jedan tekst radim 4 dana, a 4 takva teksta sam radio za jedan dan. I sluh mi polako otkazuje, ali to nije toliki problem jer ću uzeti slušni aparat.” Nadam se da mu možeš pomoći. — Z.Vukobrat (razgovor) 19:22, 17. novembar 2021. (CET)[odgovori]
@Z.Vukobrat: Administratori nemaju pristup uredničnim lozinkama. Kad urednik zaboravi lozinku, on može sam da je resetuje.
Na toj stranici urednik unese svoje korisničko ime u polje „Korisničko ime” i imejl adresu koja je navedena u njegovom korisničkom nalogu u polje „Imejl-adresa”, i klikne na „Resetuj lozinku”. (U zavisnosti od toga kako je nalog podešen, neophodno je uneti uredničko ime i imejl, ili samo jedan od ta dva podatka.)
Ukoliko su uneti podaci tačni, Vikipedija će poslati uredniku imajl sa uputstvima za resetovanje lozinke.
Pozdrav. Sa "malim" zakašnjenjem želim ti SREĆNU NOVU 2022. GODINU.
Imam jednu molbu. Imam problem sa izborom pisma za pisanje teksta. Kad pređem na latinicu (srpsku ili englesku) opet su slova ćirilična. Da li sam nešto u PODEŠAVANjU pogrešila ili je nešto drugo u pitanju pošto mi je ovo nova mašina? Kad radim neke ispravke u engleskoj vikipediji nemam taj problem. Pređem na engleski i slova su latinična. Šta da urdim da tako bude i srpskoj vikipediji? — Z.Vukobrat (razgovor) 17:59, 16. januar 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
@Z.Vukobrat: Vikipedijina korisnička podešavanja su jednako primenjiva na sve računare sa kojih korisnik pristupa. Ona su sačuvana na Vikipedijinim serverima. Stoga pri prelasku na novi lični računar nije neophodno menjati Vikipedijina podešavanja (osim ako postoji neki softverski defekat, što trenutno ne bi trebalo da bude slučaj).
Koliko mogu da vidim, u podešavanjima u sekciji Internacionalizacija postoji par jezičkih opcija: Jezik, i Varijanta jezika. Ukoliko je za obe opcije izabrano sr - srpski / srpski, ne dolazi do jednostranog preslovljavanja. Napominjem ovo u slučaju da ste nehotično izmenili podešavanja, i da više niste sigurni koju opciju da izaberete.
Pretpostavljam da koristite Vindous 10. Potrebno je da u svojim OS jezičkim podešavanjima (engl.display language settings) navedete preferentne jezike (engl.Preferred languages): English, Srpski, Srpski. Nakon dodatka tih jezičkih paketa možete prelaziti između jezika/pisama koristeći Ctrl + Shift. Ono pismo koje je trenutno izabrano će biti primenjivano u svim aplikacijama (brauzer, MS Word, ...). --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:20, 16. januar 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
3. februar 2022. godina
Pozdrav. Od juče smo dobili novi izgled srpske vikipedije. Ona je 100% kopija francuske vikipedije što možeš videti iz ovog primera. Meni lično se ne sviđa. Ja bih volela da ostane kao ranije, odnosno, kao što imaju druge vikipedije, recimo, nemačka, engleska. Jedino ako i one ne pređu na francusku varijantu. Da li se zna ko ima pravo da menja izgled nacionalne vikipedije i zašto se uopšte menja? — Z.Vukobrat (razgovor) 13:54, 3. februar 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
This post about the question of the week is showing how questions can be answered over Wikidata. Also it gives some insights on how Google and Siri are using Wikidata.
A new openly accessible book on knowledge graphs has been published by prominent researchers in the field.
Working on displaying the grammatical features of Lexemes in a particular order in the UI (phab:T232557)
Mismatch Finder: continuing polishing before first release. Focusing on making API documentation available and adding a footer to the site
The ongoing work on MediaWiki skin improvements especially for Wikipedia will break the search box for Wikidata. We're working on addressing this. (phab:T275251)
Migrating a number of components to vue 3 to keep up with the rest of MediaWiki (phab:T294465)
Next LD4 Wikibase Working Hour. Thurs. 16 December 2021, 11AM-12PM Eastern, (time zone converter). "We will continue work developing our WBStack sandbox which seeks to explore how Wikibase could help track the usage of alternate labels for terms in vocabularies like LCSH"
LIVE Wikidata editing #64 - YouTube, Facebook, December 4 at 19:00 UTC
Mismatch Finder: Continued working on last remaining tickets for the first version. Added a footer to the site, improved documentation and added ability to delete a batch of mismatches.
Made good progress on migrating our on-wiki Vue apps to support the new Vue.createMwApp compatibility layer in MediaWiki core (phab:T294465)
Continued work on making it possible to define a custom ordering of grammatical features on Lexemes (phab:T232557)
More research and discussion on mul language code (phab:T285156)
Discussing with data re-users about their views on the ontology issue classification we worked on earlier this year to get their input (slides from Data Quality Days session)
@Ničim neizazvan: Izmene anonimnog urednika u članku Lord su validne. Bilo bi dobro da su referecirane, da su imena muzičara transkribovana, itd. Neki od podataka koje su uneli drugi urednici su upitni. Izmene ovog anaonimnog urednika nisu trebale da budu vraćene. Što se tiče ličnih napada, to nije prihvatljivo ponašanje. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 03:26, 6. decembar 2021. (CET)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #497
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
"Knowledge Based Multilingual Language Model" Using the Wikidata to build the language models that not only memorize the factual knowledge but also learn useful logical patterns. (Liu et al, 2021)
Summary of Transbordados, the pre-WikidataCon conference organized by Wiki Movimento Brasil (in Brazilian Portuguese)
Tool of the week
Weaviate big graph (source) is a vectorised search engine which returns similar items in Wikidata.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Wikimedia Deutschland is running a survey to evaluate Wikibase Installation and Updating experience for users. Please answer a few questions so we can continue to identify areas of improvement for users. Survey links
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call: Lightning talks on WikiProject Vanderbilt Fine Arts Gallery, Wikidata use for a site-specific archaeological case study (Dura-Europos, Syria), and round tripping Wikidata into Alma using Alma Refine. Agenda, Dec. 14th.
Lukas Schmelzeisen, Corina Dima, Steffen Staab: "Wikidated 1.0: An Evolving Knowledge Graph Dataset of Wikidata's Revision History", https://arxiv.org/abs/2112.05003v1
"ARTchives: a Linked Open Data native catalogue of art historians’ archive" crowdsourcing curated information on notable art historians’ archives (including Wikidata) - paper, tool
embeds.js: This script shows embeds on external identifier statements such as YouTube videos, Twitter tweets, Spotify playlists, Genius lyrics, and more!
The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 GMT on Thursday 30th December 2021 (17:00 Berlin time). This month we will have a guest presentation by the team at The Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute. They will present how they are using Linked Open Data (LOD) in their projects with the help of Wikibase. All are welcome!
The 500th Wikidata weekly summary is 2 issues away. We are putting together interesting things related to the number 500 to include in that issue. Do you know any Wikidata facts or queries or anything cool related to 500? Please add them to Wikidata:Status updates/Next#Welcome to the 500th Weekly Summary!
Wikimedia Deutschland is running a survey to evaluate Wikibase Installation and Updating experience for users. Please answer a few questions so we can continue to identify areas of improvement for users. Survey links
Due to the winter holidays, the development team is taking a break and no deployment is happening for Wikidata at the moment. Happy holidays, everyone :)
The next Wikibase live session is 16:00 GMT on Thursday 30th December 2021 (17:00 Berlin time). This month we will have a guest presentation by the team at The Semantic Lab at Pratt Institute. They will present how they are using Linked Open Data (LOD) in their projects with the help of Wikibase. All are welcome!
Wikidata. Lecture - master class in Russian is 16:07 GMT on Sunday 26th December 2021 (19:07 Moscow time) in Minsk Hackerspace. For those who are not familiar and want to know what it is.
Articles created by country of citizenship : a javascript notebook which looks at the distribution of articles created by a user by country of citizenship (P27). It uses Wikidata's API through wikibase-sdk library.
If you are using the Modern Vector skin on Wikidata then search might break for you near the end of January for a few days. To fix it you can temporarily switch back to the Vector skin. A proper fix is being worked on in phab:T275251.
Wikimedia Deutschland is running a survey to evaluate Wikibase Installation and Updating experience for users. Please answer a few questions so we can continue to identify areas of improvement for users. Survey links
You get this message because you are an admin on a Wikimedia wiki.
When someone edits a Wikimedia wiki without being logged in today, we show their IP address. As you may already know, we will not be able to do this in the future. This is a decision by the Wikimedia Foundation Legal department, because norms and regulations for privacy online have changed.
Instead of the IP we will show a masked identity. You as an admin will still be able to access the IP. There will also be a new user right for those who need to see the full IPs of unregistered users to fight vandalism, harassment and spam without being admins. Patrollers will also see part of the IP even without this user right. We are also working on better tools to help.
We have two suggested ways this identity could work. We would appreciate your feedback on which way you think would work best for you and your wiki, now and in the future. You can let us know on the talk page. You can write in your language. The suggestions were posted in October and we will decide after 17 January.
@Ivan VA: Prema ovim pravilima članak traba staviti na glasanje da bi postao sjajan. Moguće je da je bilo promena pravila sa kojima nisam upoznat, tako da bi bilo bolje da postavite pitanje na trgu. Što se tiče članka, on jeste lepo napisan, međutim u pogledu količine sadržaja smatram da je podobniji za status dobrog članka. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 15:14, 13. februar 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
Zdravo. Hvala na dobrodošlici. Nažalost neprijatno sam iznenađen kako ovde sve funkcioniše.
Naime, ovde ima spamera koji se uhvate nekog i onda ga ne puštaju.
Šta god da sam objavio korisnik pod imenom NguoiDungKhongDinhDanh je vratio na staro.
U njegovim aktivnostima vidim da je to jedino što radi, ne samo meni, nego neosnovano vraća članke na pređašnje stanje...
Prijavio me je kako bi mene trebalo blokirati...
Žao mi je što sve ovde nije bolje uređeno. Čak i ukoliko ne budem blokiran (ne znam ni zašto bih bio, ali vidim da je i to moguće)odustajem od aktivnosti ovde.
Hteo bih da te pitam nešto s obzirom na to da vidim da si ti angažovan što se tiče 10.000 članaka. Da li imaš neku metodu rada na tim člancima ? Hteo bih da ti se pridružim u tom projektu ali ne bih da te ometam u radu ako imaš neki šablon ili neki određeni način rada.
@Boki: Spisak od 10K članaka koje svaka enciklopedija treba da ima je definisan na Meti kao lista wikidata identifikatora. Ovim spikom je obuhvaćen spisak hiljadu članaka. Pravila uređivanja ovih članaka se ne razlikuju od ostatka Vikipedije. Ovi članci na svojim stranicama za razgovor sadrže šablon kojim se one klasifikuju u tematske kategorije. Pojedini veći projekti, poput Vikipedije na engleskom, imaju svoje zasebne liste, koje su izvesnoj meri slične međunarodnoj listi, mada se one nezavisno održavaju. Na ovom projektu, kao i velikoj većini drugih projekata se koristi međunarodna 10K lista.
Da bi se omogućilo poređenje Vikipedijinih projekata u pogledu kompletnosti sadržaja 10K članaka, dogovoreno je nekoliko jednostavnih pravila bodovanja (ona su navedena iznad tabele jezičkih projekata). Pri bodovanju se prevashodno uzima u obzir količina sadržaja, izražena brojem znakova (u zavisnosti od izbora pisma, broj znakova se može razlikovati od broja bajtova, npr. ćiriličnim slovima je uglavnom potrebno dva bajta). Rad na člancima sa više od 16K znakova je poželjan, jer se time uveća iscrpnost pokrivenosti tema, međutim takvi doprinosi nemaju uticaja na bodovni sistem.
Stranica „Vikipedija:Spisak 10.000 članaka koje svaka Vikipedija treba da ima” pruža detaljniji uvid u raspodelu stupnja pokrivenosti 10K tema. Ja uglavnom radim na člancima sa manje od 8K znakova, kako bi se umanjio broj klica. Pri tom su moje aktivnosti tipično fokusine na par članaka koji su dok radim na njima obeleženi šablonom „radovi u toku”, tako da su šanse od sukoba izmena marginalne.
@Dcirovic - Hvala ti na odgovoru ! Taj matematički deo sam skontao. Engleski mi je kao drugi maternji pa sam uspeo to da skontam. Ako pogledaš, neke od tih članaka sam lično doveo do toga da nisu više klice (da imaju preko 8K bajtova). Jedino šta sam hteo je da tebe pitam ako ti imaš neki šablon po kojem radiš kako se ne bi sudarali ali ako ti postaviš {{ rut }} onda smo u redu. Tako ću i ja postaviti kako bi ti znao šta se dešava i šta ja trenutno radim.
Pozdrav, htio sam da te pitam da li bi mogao da odradiš unos članaka o biciklistima botom i kako bi išao taj proces, treba li da ga odobri zajednica? To ne bi bio veliki broj, poslao bih ti ja šablone o pobjednicima trka, pa da uneseš članke koji nedostaju. Ima dva sajta za informacije koji bi se navodili u spoljašnjim vezama, cyclingarchives i procyclingstats. Unos je odrađen i na engleskoj vikipediji, u znatno većem broju, ali je kod njih infokutija drugačija, ja sam infokutiju o biciklistima posebno stilizovao, pa ne znam predstavlja li to problem. Što se kategorija tiče, možeš da dodaješ one osnovne, rođeni, umrli i zemlju odakle je, ostalo mogu i ja postepeno, a ako ti nije komplikovano botom, možeš i ti, na osnovu kategorije Pobjednici biciklističkih trka i potkategorija za pobjednike klasifikacija, koje se nalaze u svakoj kategoriji. Ja sam napravio veliki broj članaka, ali imam i druga interesovanja, pa je nemoguće pokriti sve, ali bi bilo dobro da postoje. -- Vux33 (razgovor) 16:13, 26. mart 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
@Vux33: Količina vremena koju trenuntno, kao i u bližoj budućnosti, mogu da posvetim Vikipediji, je relativno mala. Posao koji ste opisali znatno premašuje moje sadašnje mogućnosti. Ukoliko želite da ovaj unos bude odrađen u dogledno vreme, bolje bi bilo da postavite predlog na Botovskom trgu. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 19:39, 26. mart 2022. (CET)[odgovori]
Neka ga tako, pa ako se sjetiš ili budeš imao vremena u budućnosti, javi se. Htio sam da te pitam još nešto, dodavao si ono za vitalne članke na stranicama za razgovor, označeni su kao start klasa, pa možeš li pogledati mijenja li se to kada se članak značajno proširi. Mislim na članke Tur de Frans, mravi, tvrdokrilci i bumbar. Pozdrav. -- Vux33 (razgovor) 12:23, 16. maj 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
Nepravi koren
@Dcirovic Nov sam na ovoj mreži i iskreno sam hteo da nekako svojim znanjem doprinesem Vikipediji. Baš zbog ovog razloga sam napravio stranicu "Nepravi koren", gde sam u jako sažetom tekstu pokušao da objasnim svrhu. Iz nekog razloga ste Vi obrisali tu stranicu. Opet kažem, relativno sam nov ovde, pa ne znam kako da Vam direktno pošaljem poruku, ako je to ovde uopšte i moguće? Baron Von Minhauzen (razgovor) 18:30, 5. april 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Baron Von Minhauzen: Novi članak s naslovom „Nepravi koren” je bio nezavršen duže od nedelju dana. Takvi doprinosi se brišu, ili prenose na imenski prostor „Nacrt”. Uvodni deo sadržaja koji ste uneli je već obuhvaćen postojećim člankom kvadratni koren. Paragraf sa naslovom „Kako izračunati nepravi koren?” je bio napisan neenciklopedijskim stilom, i bilo bi neophodno da se u potpunosti preradi. Iz tih razloga je članak koji ste započeli obrisan. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 18:56, 5. april 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
Akcija pisanja biografija 2
Zdravo! Želeli smo da Vam skrenemo pažnju da je u toku akcija pisanja biografija koja ima za cilj poboljšanje članaka o biografijama na Vikipediji.
Pomislili smo da ćete biti zainteresovani za ovu temu, pa Vas ovom prilikom pozivamo da nam se pridružite. Napravite neki novi članak ili poboljšajte već postojeći. U slučaju da želite da nam se pridržite, upišite se ovde.
Zdravo. ⊕ je pogrešan simbol za Zemlju. Ponekad se koristi kao zamena, ali je matematički simbol i u mnogim fontovima izgleda pogrešno. (Na primer, postoji razmak između + i kruga.) Unicode simbol za Zemlju je 🜨. Kwamikagami (razgovor) 03:06, 15. april 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
Zdravo! Primetio sam da su Autobot i Bokimbot skrnavili članke o pojedinim italijanskim naseljima „brisanjem bespotrebnih stvari” (primer). Uklonjeni su značajni delovi članaka poput (dodatne) literature i korisnih spoljašnjih veza. Na tim mestima se sad nalazi višak praznih redova. Možeš li nekako vratiti ove izmene ili barem ukloniti suvišan prazan prostor? — Aca (razgovor) 00:49, 15. jul 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
Stranica kolege kao i svih administratora zbog nekoliko korisnika sklonih vandalizmu mi je na nadgledanju; samo kratko - tri administratora i jedan stariji korisnik su jasno istovjetno odgovorili, čini se da korisnik nije zadovoljan odgovorom pa traži pravdu kod starijih kolega koje zna od ranije, što je već viđeno a može se lako tumačiti na više negativnih načina, posebno uzevši u obzir njegov ton, način obraćanja i praktično neprihvatanje dvije zvanične opomena administratora. Svakako podržavam konstruktivan odgovor kolega. Lp. — Sadko(riječi su vjetar)17:15, 24. jul 2022. (CEST)[odgovori]
BboberBot. Task/s: The "robot" will browse the latest VIAF Dump, select the lines with a Idref (P269) and a Qitem, and add a P269 when it doesn't already exist in Wikidata.
ADSBot English Paper. Task/s: Importing scholarly articles from ADS database to Wikidata, by creating Wikidata Item of a scholarly article (optionally author items) and adding statements and statements-related properties to the item. Part of Outreachy Round 24.
ADSBot English Statement. Task/s: Adding missing statements and statement-related properties to existing scholarly articles on Wikidata from the ADS database. Part of Outreachy Round 24.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, July 27th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
[Small wiki toolkits] [Upcoming bots & scripts workshop. "How to maintain bots" is coming up on Friday, July 29th, 16:00 UTC
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call July 26, 2022: Clair Kronk, Crystal Clements, and Alex Jung will be providing an update to Wikidata/gender discussions from the February 8 call with a focus on pronouns. Clair will introduce us to LGBTdb, a Wikibase instance created for and by LGBTQIA+ people from which we draw insight in Wikidata-related discussions. We also hope to discuss current pain points and share action items for future collaboration. Input from community members who are familiar with lexicographical data would be greatly appreciated. Agenda
Teaching Wikidata Editing Practices II (in Chinese) - YouTube
Tool of the week
User:Magnus Manske/referee.js - is a userscript that automatically checks external IDs and URLs of a Wikidata item as potential references, and adds them with a single click.
Lexicographical data: We went over all the feedback we received for teh testing of the new Special:NewLexeme page and started addressing it and fixing the uncovered issues. One issue already fixed is a bug that prevented it from working on mobile view. (phab:T313116)
Mismatch Finder: investigated how we can make it work for mismatches in qualifiers instead of the main statement (phab:T313467)
REST API: Continued working on making it possible to replace and remove a statement of an Item
We enabled the profile parameter to the wbsearchentities API on Test Wikidata (phab:T307869)
We continued making Wikibase resolve redirects when showing Item labels and descriptions in more places (phab:T312223)
Wikidata Birthday is taking place in October 2022, and together we are celebrating 10 amazing years of Wikidata with decentralized community events! Discover more Wikidata:Tenth Birthday -- organize an event and get funding
Wikimania 2022, August 11 to 14, online event. The Hackathon will take place August 12-14. On this page you can find a summary of sessions and community gatherings related to Wikidata and Wikibase.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call August 9, 2022: Pieter Vander Vennet on MapComplete, a thematic OpenStreetMap viewer and editor which uses species, language, and image data from Wikidata. Agenda.
The Wikimania Hackathon starts next Friday, August 16-22! There are still lots of spots in the schedule to add your Wikidata related sessions or project ideas (anyone can present a session)
Toolhub is a catalog of 1500+ tools used every day in a wide variety of workflows across many Wiki projects. We are currently improving the search functionality and need your input – whether you are already familiar with Toolhub or not. Please take 5-10 minutes to leave feedback.
First online meet-up fully organized by volunteers of the Indonesian Wikidata Community has been held on 30th July where we edited items on Indonesian ethnic groups.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour August 15, 2022: Fourth session of our summer/fall project working with diverse children's book metadata. We'll be covering manually creating publisher items: showing how to create items, add statements to items, add references, and use gadgets. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. All sessions in our project series will be recorded for those who cannot attend. Links will be added to the event page when available. Event page
Toolhub is a catalog of 1500+ tools used every day in a wide variety of workflows across many Wiki projects. We are currently improving the search functionality and need your input – whether you are already familiar with Toolhub or not. Please take 5-10 minutes to leave feedback.
Ova osoba se ne preziva Džulijani, već Đulijani. Tako da nemojte više da premeštate stranicu iz Rudi Đulijani u Rudi Džulijani jer to nije pravo prezime ove osobe.
List of created Wikidata items - a tool which combines Xtools pages created API with Wikidata API to get the list of items created by a user with their label.
The latest round of Outreachy internships wrapped up on 26 August. Two interns worked on improving author-name data; their bots have made over 340,000 edits. Their project description, documentation, blog posts and code are available.
The August 2022 summary for the Wikidata Query Service backend update is out!
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call September 6, 2022: Dominic Byrd-McDevitt will talk about the Digital Public Library's Wikimedia program, an effort to provide national leadership around access and discoverability of digital collections by leveraging Wikipedia and its sister projects. 2 years ago, DPLA launched a digital asset pipeline to enable participating institutions in the DPLA network to share their collections with Wikimedia Commons. DPLA is continuing to innovate by taking advantage of Wikidata entities and Structured Data on Commons to continually synchronize data and improve discoverability. We'll discuss issues around large datasets, aggregation, reconciliation, and other challenges DPLA has faced. Agenda
We are continuing to work on the PATCH endpoint to make it possible to edit existing statements (phab:T306934)
We started the security review process for one of the libraries we are using. Until that is finished this part of the REST API can unfortunately not be tested on beta Wikidata. (phab:T316523)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour September 12, 2022: Sixth session of our summer/fall project working with diverse children's book metadata. We'll be creating items for books (works and editions) in Wikidata. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. All sessions in our project series will be recorded for those who cannot attend. Links will be added to the event page when available. Wikidata Working Hour Event page
REST API: Continued work on the endpoint for changing a statement (phab:T306934)
Lexicographical data: Made sure that the new Lexeme creation page also is shown in older browsers (phab:T311157), which was one of the last remaining issues before we can switch out the existing page (phab:T307866)
Continued work on enabling sitelinks for redirects under certain conditions (phab:T278962)
Spend a few days with people from Wikimedia Indonesia to discuss our partnership
Dual script support for Punjabi Wikidata labels and descriptions in Gurmukhi (pa) and Shahmukhi (pnb), taking a conservative approach (only making "obvious" transliterations).
Addition of labels and descriptions entirely consistent of information which can be inferred from other language labels (again, only for "obvious" cases).
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call September 20, 2022: Michael Jones (National Library of Wales) on his work using machine learning, Image Interoperability Framework (IIIF), and Wikidata with historical newspaper collections. Agenda
The Climate Knowledge Hunt Hackathon: IPCC reports → Wikidata event on September 24. Registration
Finished the endpoint for editing statements (phab:T306934)
Working on automated edit summaries (phab:T312811)
Making small modifications to the response format for statements (phab:T317866)
Lexicographical data:
Special:NewLexemeAlpha now uses the new search profile for languages, which makes it easier to select a language Item for the language of the new Lexeme (phab:T312853)
Finished the work on making sure that the example Lexeme falls back to other locally defined examples for languages other than English instead of the pre-set example Lexeme (phab:T313599)
Working on making sure that only *-x-Q123, not *-x-q123, can be used as a Lexeme language code (phab:T317863)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour September 30, 2022: the seventh Wikidata Working Hour in the series will be a review session of creating contributor and publisher items in Wikidata. The primary goal of this session is to generate as many contributor and publisher items as we can in advance of the two following sessions which have to do with batch editing -- we want enough to make a good batch! We will review how to add items, but then reserve the bulk of the session for open editing, kind of like a mini-editathon! Naturally, participants can ask questions and share thoughts at any point during the editing! You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. All sessions in the project series will be recorded. Links will be added when available. Event page
User:Bovlb/notability.js is a userscript that adds a small notability indicator to the top right of an item showing how well the item satisfies the three notability criteria. Left to right, the three columns indicate sitelinks, identifiers and references, and structural need.
October 4, 2022: Lana Soglasnova and Roman Tashlitskyy will talk about their preliminary work in creating and editing items for Slavic people and some of the complications involved in this work, especially around transliterating names in various languages. Agenda
Wikibase Working Hour! 25 October 2022, 2pm Eastern (Time zone converter) Amy Ruskin of Northeastern University Library, will speak on the topic of Wikidata vs. custom Wikibases: Community history case studies, Boston’s Chinatown. The Boston Research Center (BRC) is a digital community history and archives lab based in the Northeastern University Library. One of our current projects involves taking an inventory of historical materials related to Boston’s Chinatown, and we have been using Wikibase to store multilingual data about the linked collections, organizations, and people. In this presentation, we will discuss our experience of getting started with a custom Wikibase and give an overview of our progress so far on the Chinatown Collections project. Amy Ruskin is the Data Engineer in the Digital Scholarship Group in the Northeastern University Library. She has a Master's degree in Information Studies from McGill University and a background in computer science and statistics. Registration link
Wikidata Office Hour GLAM-Hack − online meet-up about the "library world" with Wikidata. October 5th, 12.00 UTC (online via Zoom)
Wikimedia Österreich, in cooperation with Wikimedia Deutschland, started the DACH Culture Contest as a Börthday present for Wikidata 10th anniversary! It features two categories: "libraries in Austria, Germany and Switzerland" and "Culture in Austria, Germany and Switzerland". So if you would like to improve data about libraries, books, music, art, video games, cinema etc as a börthday treat, join us and get the chance to win some nice prizes! The contest will last until October 16, 2022.
The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations. Please submit your favorite tools by October 12, 2022. The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.
Wikidata Tenth Birthday Speaker Series Week 1 (n part one we learn how Wikidata is (or is not) integrated into Wikipedia, how it helps an enormous cultural institution like the Smithsonian achieve its goals)
The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations. Please submit your favorite tools by October 12, 2022. The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.
MUL language code: fixed the order of languages shown in the termbox on desktop, especially when mul is used (phab:T311617)
Lexicographical data:
Made Special:NewLexemeAlpha use the same font as the rest of the wiki (phab:T313166) – this should be the last blocker for replacing the old special page
Disallowed *-x-qid with lowercase Q as Lexeme language codes in favor of *-x-Qid (phab:T317863)
REST API: worked on handling conditional HTTP request headers
Changed the unexpectedUnconnectedPage page prop so that Special:UnconnectedPages can show the latest pages first, which should finally resolve this old security task in production (phab:T300770)
Cleaned up the Wikibase and WikibaseLexeme ontology files (phab:T314360)
Added a few more globes for geocoordinates (phab:T314611) - Thanks, Mike!
Task/s: I'm using Openrefine to edit items related to Wikidata:Wikiproject_Lieder, beginning by adding the new subclass lyrico-musical work (Q114586269) to the actual lieder in WD. I hope to gain some experience before going with further edits.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call October 18th: session where community members can share their favorite Wikidata gadgets, user scripts, or SPARQL queries Agenda
Learn Wikidata and celebrate #WikidataBirthday in Sydney! (An introduction to wikidata: how worlds of wikimedia link). Saturday 22 October from 11am to 2pm. Sign up.
The Welsh Government's new mapping platform Data Map Wales (for publishing public geo data) now has an optional base layer entirely in Welsh. This is largely based on OSM data with additional place names from Wikidata.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, November 9th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour October 24, 2022: ninth Wikidata Working Hour in the series will be batch loading data using QuickStatements to create items for works and editions in Wikidata. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. All sessions in our project series will be recorded for those who cannot attend. Links will be added to the event page when available. Event page
The Biodiversity Information Standards annual conference (TDWG 2022) took place from 17-21 October in Sofia, Bulgaria, and online. It included a session about the role of the Wikimedia ecosystem in linking biodiversity data, which featured six talks, all of which with strong Wikidata components. Slides and/ or video recordings are already available for some (more to follow):
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call November 1, 2022: Egon Willighagen (d:User:Egonw) on SARS-CoV-2 queries, a a well-documented series of Wikidata queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the pandemic. This work contributes to d:Wikidata:Wikiproject COVID-19 and documentation is currently available in Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese. Agenda.
Some additional materials have been made available from the Wikimedia session at the Biodiversity Information Standards annual conference (TDWG 2022) that took place from 17-21 October in Sofia, Bulgaria, and online:
sparklis (source) : query builder in natural language that allows people to explore and query SPARQL endpoints with all the power of SPARQL and without any knowledge of SPARQL, nor of the endpoint vocabulary.
✨ Other Noteworthy Stuff
Word Finder is a tool based on Wikidata Lexemes that solves anagrams and find missing letters in crosswords.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Wikidata Working Hour November 7, 2022: tenth and final Wikidata Working Hour in the series will be using SPARQL to query and visualize the data we’ve added to Wikidata during our series. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. All sessions in our project series will be recorded for those who cannot attend. Links will be added to the event page when available. Event page
Wikidata and Wikibase office hour, taking place online on November 9th at 17:00 UTC (more details here)
Raising an Artist Profile with Wikidata: Thursday November 10, 2022 at 20:00 UTC (Session A) and 23:00 UTC (Session B). This free, step-by-step Wikidata workshop will focus mainly on Indigenous artists. Participants may choose to attend either Session A or Session B: both will cover the exact same material.
Wikidata editathon in Swedish with focus on climate politics and COP27, online and in Stockholm, 11 November 13.00-18.00 UTC
A Hands-On Introduction to Wikidata: Thursday December 1, 2022 at 17:00 UTC. By the end of this session, you will be able to edit Wikidata records about the cultural venues that matter most to you.
Lexicographical data: Replaced the old Special:NewLexeme page with the new one (phab:T307866) - a few remaining issues will still be fixed
Vue 3: Almost finished the Vue 3 migration in Wikibase and WikibaseLexeme (phab:T321595 and (phab:T304534) - this is needed for finalizing the migration in MediaWiki overall
Mismatch Finder: Worked on improving the handling of dates (phab:T288511)
Search: Working with the WMF on making the new Vue-based Vector search understand Wikidata (phab:T316093)), especially regarding “load more” behavior
Continued improving error reporting for PATCH routes (phab:T320358)
Ensuring that the API correctly marks bot edits as bot edits and treats them as such in various other places
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call November 15, 2022: We will be discussing the first Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour series, which ran from July to early November of this year. We will offer visualizations based on our data, listen to some of our volunteers talk about their experience helping to build the series, and discuss the results of our participant survey. We want to hear your questions and suggestions for future series! Agenda
Enrichissement des données sur la danse: Wednesday 16 November at 6:30 pm UTC (Session A) and Thursday 17 November at 6:30 pm UTC (Session B). Join the Regroupement québécois de la danse (RQD) and the Linked Digital Future Initiative (LDFI) for two dynamic sessions focusing on dance data. Session A will focus on artists, while Session B will focus on organizations and dance companies. Note: These sessions are offered in French only.
Podneo sam kandidaturu za čekjuzera na srpskoj Vikipediji. Mnogo bi mi značilo tvoje mišljenje pa ako možeš da odeš na glasanje koje je gore u sajtnotisu i daš svoj glas, bio bih ti veoma zahvalan.
Wiki <3 Data - How to use Wikidata for data visualization. Join us on Monday 28 Nov. from 13:15 - 17:00 at Aalto University in Espoo, Finland or online! - Hosted by Visual Communication Design programme at Aalto Arts, workshop by Yamen Bousrih.
Next Wikidata Bug Triage Hour about Entity Schemas and other topics, on December 6th at 17:00 on Jitsi
Template:Quickquery can be used to quickly write and link SPARQL queries on the Wikidata wiki
REST API: continuing work on adjusting JSON request and response format (phab:T321459)
Lexicographical data:
Added separation between identifiers and other statements on Lexemes (phab:T318310)
Fixed the case where language fallback indicators where shown on Special:NewLexeme when they should not be (phab:T322687)
Adjusted the help link for the spelling variant input field (phab:T315161)
Mismatch Finder:
Finished work on better handling of dates (phab:T288511)
Finished work on allowing mismatches with empty Wikidata values to make it possible to use the Mismatch Finder also for suggesting missing data (phab:T313468)
Save the date! The next WikidataCon will take place on October 28-29, 2023, and will be organized by Wikimedia Taiwan and Wikimedia Germany. The hybrid event will be streamed from Taipei and accessible for everyone online. More information and updates on d:Wikidata:WikidataCon_2023
Next LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call November 29, 2022: We will be discussing openly managed data gathering and management with Holly Little (Smithsonian), Sabine von Mering (Museum für Naturkunde), Erica Krimmel (Florida State University), and Debra Paul (University of Illinois)! Agenda
A Hands-On Introduction to Wikidata: Thursday December 1, 2022 at 17:00 UTC. By the end of this session, you will be able to edit Wikidata records about the cultural venues that matter most to you.
Finished the adjusted statement data structure (phab:T321459)
Simplifying the structure of sitelinks in Item data (phab:T321483)
Simplifying the value format for entity ID, time and globecoordinate value types (phab:T322734)
Investigating the way forward for rate limiting (phab:T322746)
Ontology issues: Preparing a survey for re-users of Wikidata's data about the different types of ontology issues and which ones are causing the most issues for application builders
Mismatch Finder:
Finishing the work on making it possible to provide mismatches with an empty Wikidata value so the tool can also be used to suggest new data (phab:T313468)
Finishing the work on better handling of calendar models and precision for dates (phab:T288511)
Lexicographical data: Fixing bugs:
Improved the markers that indicate the field is required input (phab:T322683)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour on December 5. We will be working on Structured Data on Commons with a WINTER FUN theme, adding depicts statements to images and playing with some tools. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own data to work on. This will be our last scheduled Working Hour for 2022. Please join us for a relaxing and enjoyable session to wrap up a year of excellent work together. Event page
Bug Triage Hour on December 6 at 17:00 UTC, on the topic of Entity Schemas (other topics also welcome). Come with your favorite Phabricator ticket so we can improve its description together!
Save the date! The next WikidataCon will take place on October 28-29, 2023, and will be organized by Wikimedia Taiwan and Wikimedia Germany. The hybrid event will be streamed from Taipei and accessible for everyone online. More information and updates on the WikidataCon 2023 page.
How many edits does Wikidata get per second? listen.hatnote.com/#wikidata is a tool that allows you to listen to the sound of Wikidata's recent changes feed.
The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award will happen online on Friday 16 December 2022 at 17:00 UTC! The event will be live streamed on Youtube in the MediaWiki channel.
Planning the final pieces that still need doing before the first release
Vektor 2022: Finished work on making Vector’s new Search work with Wikidata. The changes roll out for testing on test.wikidata.org next week (phab:T275251)
Query Service:
Getting a link to the query is now possible in the same place as getting a link to the result of the query (phab:T324218)
Removed the gif that showed on hover over the button that advertises the Query Builder to make it less annoying (phab:T296135)
Added wikibase:identifiers to the autocomplete feature (phab:T302057)
Adjusted the layout of the Query Builder header to be more in line with other application (phab:T288939)
Constraint violations: When a language name is mentioned in the constraint it will now show the name of the language in the interface language instead of the language itself to make it easier to understand (phab:T316936)
You can now register for the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023, taking place on May 19-21 in Athens, Greece. You can also apply for a scholarship until January 14th. More information: Wikimedia Hackathon 2023/Participate
Call for Papers on Linked Open Data on Journal BiD: Deadline: Sun, 04/09/2023. Some of the ideas and issues to be included in this issue: Creation and exploitation of knowledge graphs, Information services based on linked open data and knowledge graphs, Artificial intelligence and linked open data, Textual corpora and linked open data, Textual corpora and knowledge graphs, Application of bots in linked open data, Application of bots in knowledge graphs, Linked open data and diversity of genres, Graphs of knowledge and diversity of genres, FAIR and linked open data, FAIR and knowledge graphs, Ontologies and linked open data, Ontologies and knowledge graphs, Application of ontologies in information services.
Wikidata Atlas is a system allows the user to search for different types of entities (with geo-coordinates) on Wikidata and visualize them on a world map. (Feedback is very welcome to help evaluate and improve the tool.)
The French Wikipedia now uses a Wikidata-based list for the pages on specific dates, without relying on ListeriaBot. Who was born on a December 19th and has an article in French? You now can have the answer thanks to a Wikidata query by going to the page 1er décembre on frwiki and clicking on the infobox link "Naissances du jour". This is a link to a Wikidata list provided by the query service. The query is generated by the template fr:Modèle:Naissances un jour du mois. This follows another such template used to find all persons with a certain surname on frwiki, used on all surnames pages and on some disambiguation pages, fr:Modèle:Liste des personnes ou_personnages par prénom. For the surname Victor (Q539581) (view with Reasonator, SQID) this generates on the page w:fr:Victor_(prénom) a query such as this one.
Wikidata now has more than 100,000,000 items! Exactly which item was the 100 millionth is unknown as of writing, but there are some clues for anyone who wants to dig into it.
Newest properties: This section is currently empty due to technical issues with the bot responsible for filling it. If you are interested in keeping track of new properties on Wikidata, you can check the property proposal page for updates.
REST API: We are getting ready for a release in January and would really love more people to test the current state on beta. You can find details for testing at Wikidata:REST API feedback round.
Vector 2022 search: We have worked on making the new search in the Vector 2022 skin work for Wikidata. You can now test it on test.wikidata.org and soon on Wikidata.
Query Service:
Removed the SVG download options for result views where SVG downloads are not supported, such as Map (phab:T311594)
Fixed the indentation of autocompletion suggestions (phab:T291695)
Fixed downloading query results in the Query Builder (phab:T323451)
Lexicographical data:
Working on showing the Lexeme lemmas when you look at a Lexeme’s history (phab:T312660)
Fixing a keyboard navigation issue in the lookups on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T324743)
mul language code:
Continuing to investigate how to implement language fallbacks on mobile termbox (phab:T323098)
Investigating how to disallow `mul` descriptions (phab:T313027)
Improving and harmonizing the footers in the Query Builder (phab:T324356) and Mismatch Finder (phab:T324366)
Preparing for showing constraint violations to visitors who aren’t logged in (phab:T272132)
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, November 9th 2022 at 17:00 UTC (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
Andriy.vBot (approved). Task/s: I need to connect a lot of pages (more than 10 thousand) about russian villages that were created with interwiki links in ukwiki.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call January 10, 2023: Egon Willighagen will be introducing us to SARS-CoV-2 queries, a well-documented series of Wikidata queries around the SARS-CoV-2 virus and the pandemic. This work contributes to Wikiproject COVID-19 and documentation is currently available in Japanese, Dutch, Spanish, and Portuguese. Agenda
The full version of View it! Tool is out! The new user script uses structured data to display related media in any Wikimedia content pages—including Wikidata items—in an on-wiki image panel or gallery view. Please join the public launch and demo of the full version of this new tool on Thursday, January 12th, 5:00 UTC via Zoom (Meeting ID: 160 454 5329) to learn more and discuss forthcoming editing features.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
About 2 months left to register for the first digital@IANLS workshop: Learn the basics of Wikidata and how to use it in your Neo-Latin research. Event is online, free, and open to all. More info on event and registration.
REST API: Preparing the first release to test.wikidata.org on January 17th and to Wikidata on January 24th
Entity Schemas: Continuing to investigate and prototype technical approaches for version 2
Mismatch Finder: Working on giving mismatch providers access to the reviews of the mismatches they uploaded (phab:T304794)
Investigated how to best do language switching for the Query Builder and Mismatch Finder. So far they only support it by specifying the language via a URL parameter and not yet via the UI (phab:T324653)
Query Service:
Lexeme IDs now have tooltips so you can see the Lemma in the SPARQL code, similar as for Items and Properties (phab:T255245)
Fixed a bug where the y-axis label on a graph were misaligned and hard to read (phab:T325808)
Lexicographical data:
Statements linking to a Sense now also show the language of the Lexeme to make it easier to see for example which language a translation statement refers to (phab:T207392)
Fixed a bug in the language dropdown on Special:NewLexeme (phab:T324743)
The Lemma of a Lexeme is now shown in the title of the revision history of the Lexeme as well (phab:T312660)
Vector 2022 theme: worked on making the search on Wikidata work in this new theme. You can test it on test.wikidata.org now and next week on Wikidata. (phab:T316093)
mul language code:
Continued investigation around how to handle language fallbacks on mobile, which is a blocker for adding this language code (phab:T323098)
Preventing the addition of descriptions for mul (phab:T313027)
Constraint violations: Working on also showing them to non-logged in users (phab:T272132)
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 17:00 UTC on Wednesday, 18th January 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
General datatypes: does not use: item or concept not used by the subject but that could have been expected, member of Roman tribe: Roman tribe in which one was inscribed
Vector 2020 skin: the search that works properly with Wikidata has been deployed
Entity Schemas: Making progress on the proof of concept that will help us figure out the technical way forward
REST API: getting ready to deploy the first version to test.wikidata.org on February 17th
Lexicographical data: When linking to a Sense in a statement the language of the Lexeme for that Sense is now also shown. This makes it easier to understand translation statements for example (phab:T207392)
Constraints: Constraint violations are now also shown to logged out users (phab:T272132)
Fixing a regression where Wikipedia and co are no longer notified about a disconnected sitelink when the Item that contains the sitelink is deleted (phab:T326082)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call January 24, 2023: We will be discussing plans for 2023, and requesting feedback and ideas for future programming. Based on a previous recommendation to host a discussion on advocacy for Wikidata within libraries, we will introduce and provide time to complete a short survey to foster conversation in a future Group Call. Please come ready to share your thoughts Agenda
Introductions to Wikidata, online meetings organized by Wikimedia Australia on January 25, 26 and 31
General datatypes: attracts (organisms attracted by this taxon), salary level (level of someone's salary), change of (property this process changes), database contains records about (indicate the types of items that the database has records about)
Ontology issues: We finalized and published the survey to better understand which types of ontology issues are most problematic for reusers of our data.
Wikipedia and co: Fixing a regression where there is no entry in recent changes and watchlist when an Item is deleted that was connected to an article on that wiki (phab:T326082)
A citation hunt program was organized for secondary school students at IIS School in Dubai as part of the 74th Republic Day celebration of India. 16 students participated, with different mother tongues and from different states of India living as expatriates in Dubai. The goal was to increase references for Wikidata statements based on research. The students were introduced to the importance of protecting India's history on the internet, and were taught how to edit Wikipedia and Wikidata. They were given a special event page on Wikidata with instructions and a list of Wikidata items to add citations to, and they searched for references in their textbooks and search engines to add to the Wikidata items.More details are given here.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour January 30, 2023: The #1Lib1Ref campaign is afoot, so we will be working on adding references to Wikidata statements. We'll have some data for you to work with, but you're welcome to bring your own. We'll be mainly working with adding webpages as sources, but if you want to get experience using books or articles as sources, we recommend bringing some to the session to use as references for Wikidata items you have identified. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own project to work on Event page
theyrule.net is a website that helps to explore the boardroom connections of the largest US companies.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
AfLIA's online course Wikidata is open. Participation is free for all librarians, museums, archives and other information professionals in Africa. Call is open until 7th February 2023 (12 midnight GMT).
LetsQuiz is a new website generating quizzes using data from Wikidata.
Building cool apps and services on top of Wikidata's data but running into ontology issues? We'd love to hear from you in this survey to make things better for you.
General datatypes: place of resident registration at death (the place or administrative unit where the deceased person was registered as having his or her residence at the time of their death), has instance (thing(s) which this subject describes or encompasses, inverse property of P31), Norwegian media rating (In short, the Norwegian version of Denmark's Medierådet rating (P5970), an age rating system for motion pictures, video, internet and tv content), iconically alludes to (item that is iconically represented in the execution of this lexeme), credits URL (URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence), alternate universe counterpart (this fictional character/entity is an alternate universe counterpart of the subject), number of penalty kicks scored, precedes/follows various things (this lexeme form appears only when preceding another lexeme form with this phonological feature)
Property Suggester: We updated the data for the Property Suggester so suggestions for new statements to add to an Item should be more in line with current Property usage on other similar Items again.
Fixed an issue with Item deletions not showing up on Wikipedia and co if they affect an article on that wiki (phab:T326082)
Vector 2022: Made it possible to add a new sitelink on Wikipedia and co in the new Vector 2022 language selector (phab:T310259)
Lua: Working on two new Lua functions, getDescriptionByLang (phab:T230839) and getBadges (phab:T305378)
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
New requests for permissions/Bot:
BiodiversityBot 3 Task/s: TreatmentBank (Q54857867) is a CC0 resource that contains data on taxonomic treatments, treatment citations, figures, tables, material citations and bibliographic reference. It contains valuables links mapping scholarly articles, taxa and taxonomic treatments. This bot task involves linking research papers on taxa to taxa and related taxonomic treatments.
Closed request for permissions/Bot:
Bean49Bot 4 Task/s: Add Springer Nature person ID and Springer Nature article ID by moving from exact match property.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 7, 2023: We thought we'd try something different next week, in honor of Valentine's Day month: What's Your Wikidata Passion? What is your central Wikidata interest right now? It can be a work or personal project or just what you like to edit when you have time. We'd love to have an open mic session, completely informal. Please add yourselves to the list on our agenda here if you would like to talk for 5 minutes or so and share your screen, with no need for formal slides. Or just show up and talk on the spur of the moment. This will be a community session where we welcome all to participate! Agenda
Let's Quiz is a game that generates random quizzes to test your knowledge & learn something new every day.
User:Nikki/AddTermboxLanguage.js - makes it easier to add/edit labels to an item in a language other than the ones shown by default.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
Building cool apps and services on top of Wikidata's data but running into ontology issues? We'd love to hear from you in this survey to make things better for you.
General datatypes: Happy Planet Index score (The Happy Planet Index (HPI) is an index of human well-being and environmental impact that was introduced by the New Economics Foundation in 2006), credits URL (URL of an official webpage with a list of credits and roles attributed to various people, organizations or applications that contribute(d) to this item's existence), digital equivalent of (the subject is the digital equivalent of what?)
General datatypes: precedes/follows various things (this lexeme form appears only when preceding another lexeme form with this phonological feature), footnote (for use in the references section of statements: to state which footnote of the source material supports the claim in question), agent of action (thing that does the action), natural enemy (One of the causes of death of this living creatures referred to in this item, which is eaten by that creature), change of (property this process changes), object of action (thing an action is done to), variety of sense (dialect, variety or register of language that the sense applies to), bust/waist/hip measurements (chest measurement; aliases: bust measurement), usage label (list of sets of context label property (Q116547761) (language style (P6191), field of usage (P9488), has quality (P1552), variety of form (P7481), location of sense usage (P6084)). Other individual context label property (Q116547761) statement will be treated as and with this statement.), thesaurus' properties (primary topic of the subject Wikimedia thesaurus)
REST API: adding a new GET /entities/items/{item_id}/descriptions endpoint (phab:T327881)
Lua: added two Lua functions, getDescriptionByLang (phab:T230839) and getBadges (phab:T305378) that make it easier to get this data on Wikipedia and co
Action API: fixed a bug that prevented the wblistentityusage API module from being used as a generator (phab:T254334)
Dates: working together with Matěj Suchánek to fix date parsing issues in Czech (phab:T221097)
Constraints: working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand why a constraint violation is happening and how to fix it (phab:T219037)
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
New requests for permissions/Bot:
CJMbot (CJMbot lets users upload a CSV file in a certain format. The data inside this file is then validated and processed. New items wil be created based on the data in the CSV file and existing items wil updated by adding statements and references).
RPI2026F1Bot 5 Task/s: Import dependency and version data from PyPi
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikibase Working Hour February 13, 2023. The February Working Hour will feature a presentation by Steve Baskauf on using VanderBot with Wikibase: The Wikibase API provides a mechanism for programmatic control of uploads, and its behavior is consistent across instances (Wikidata, Structured Data in Commons, and those that are established privately). In this session, Steve will discuss basic interactions with the API and demonstrate using the VanderBot Python application to rapidly upload tabular data to a wikibase.cloud instance. After performing a mass deletion, Steve will conclude by describing how he's used the Wikibase API to facilitate addition of structured data to Commons. Registration link
Wikidata Graph Builder released a major update, introducing new layouts and visualization ideas. You can read the full changelog here.
The new Service Level Objective for the Wikidata Query Service has been implemented: the current aim is to maintain a 95% uptime based on a 90 day rolling window. You can read the full announcement here.
a.gup.pe provides group features for Mastodon. @wikidata@a.gup.pe is a group about Wikidata in general. @querywikidata@a.gup.pe is a group about Wikidata queries. Anyone can join those groups simply by following them in Mastodon. Anyone can share a message with all members of those groups by mentioning them in a publication in Mastodon or any other application of the Fediverse.
The hashtag #Wikidata can be used to tag all publications related to Wikidata in Mastodon. Anyone can find recent publications using this tag using the search feature: https://wikis.world/tags/Wikidata.
Went over the feedback on the first release and deciding on the next routes to add
Added a new endpoint for getting descriptions (phab:T327881)
Worked on throwing exceptions when something goes wrong (validation failed, Item not found, etc.) instead of returning an error response object (phab:T327527)
Entity Schemas: Finished the technical exploration that will unblock the next steps for actual development
Query Service: Changed URLs with URL-encoded characters to be shown un-encoded for better line-breaks and readability (phab:T327514)
Query Builder:
Adding support for a few additional datatypes (phab:T328528)
Adding a basic language selector to make it easier to switch the language of the page (phab:T328764)
Constraint checks: Working on showing constraint clarification messages to make it easier to understand how to fix a violation on a statement (phab:T219037)
Search: Exploring design options for how to make it easier to search for entities other than Items (phab:T327507)
Zdravo kolega, da li možda planiraš naredni masovni unos članaka? Pregledao sam našu kategoriju o naseljima i selima Grčke i mislim da ima dosta potencijala za masovni unos. Takvi članci, sa propratnim podacima, bi potencijalno bili praktični našim ljudima koji tokom godišnjeg istražuju Grčku. Lp. — Sadko (razgovarajmo)13:32, 18. februar 2023. (CET)[odgovori]
@Sadko: Na Vikipediji se kategorije navode na dnu članka. Šabloni nikad nisu unošeni na dno članka, i nema potrebe da se odstupa od te prakse.
Masovne promene pozicija šablona, ili bili kog drugog segmenta teksta, uključujući i promene samog teksta, se obično vrše koristeći regularene izraze. Jedna od često korištenih implementacija regularanih izraza na Vikipediji je pywiki, koja nudi nekoliko skripti koje se mogu koristiti u tu svrhu. Na primer može se koristi replace.py u izvornom obliku sa komandne linije, ili u vidu prilagođenih verzija Pajton skripti za složenija formatiranja. Pri tome je neophodno odabrati marker (tekst koji određuje poziciju u odnosu na koju se vrši izmena), kao što je {{нормативна контрола ili {{DEFAULTSORT, u slučaju promena koje trenutno vršite. Dok uspostavljanje i verifikacija uniformnog seta markera može da bude vremenski zahtevan poduhvat, sveukupno gledano mašinske izmene pružaju mogućnost drastične uštede vremena u odnosu na repetitivne ručne izmene. --Dcirovic (razgovor) 01:54, 27. februar 2023. (CET)[odgovori]
Zdravo kolega, možemo na ti, nijesam ljubitelj persiranja, ako ste/si sagalsan.
U svom radu tokom vikenda sam se rukovodio prema VP:SP/REDOSLED. Da li je moguće da je ispis reda elemenata pogrešan, godinama unazad? Sam vizuelni izgled je u oba slučaja ipak isti, ukoliko je greška, što bi bila potencijalno sretna okolnost.
Svakako ću u nekom trenutku pokušati sa skriptom. Nijesam ranije koristio Pajton. Od prijatelja programera sam čuo da je komplikovan programski jezik.
Masovne izmjene sam vršio uglavnom po pitanju 2 ili 3 unosa, uz djelimično dodavanje kratkih opisa članka i ponegdje sređivanje strukture članka.
Završiću započeti set sređivanja slikara i vajara, ionako je preko 80% posla gotovo. Svjestan sam da bi bot mogao da završi posao ili poslove ali mi je jednostavno dojadilo da svako malo jurim druge urednika sa molbama za botove. Lp. — Sadko (riječi su vjetar)02:05, 27. februar 2023. (CET)[odgovori]
Wikidata weekly summary #560
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
New requests for permissions/Bot:
Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
Gabrabot (Bulk upload Maltese lexeme data to wikidata from Gabra.)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call February 21, 2023: Jim Hahn and John Mark Ockerbloom will be presenting on Penn Libraries' Linked Data Vision. They will discuss their framework for activities and goals around linked data, which includes both existing standards and new functionality. Additionally, they will share successes and areas where progress has not yet been made. The presentation will cover projects with Wikidata tie-ins, such as the Digital Scriptorium Wikibase project and the Deep Backfile copyright information project. The presenters also plan to have ample time for conversation with those interested in using linked data to bring new functionality to their libraries. Agenda
Wikidata and Wikibase - SEMIC workshop 2 physical hands-on workshop in Brussels on the 23rd of February (Register here)
If you are interested in organizing or joining the Wikimedia Hackathon 2023 satellite events, you can apply for funds by March 20 via the Rapid Grants maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation.
ScikingBot (Task/s: The bot is going to fix interwiki links for the Lombard Wikipedia)
fromCrossrefBot (Task/s: Importing licenses for 1.45 million CC licensed papers from the Crossref April 2022 dump.)
Closed requests for permissions/Bot:
Cmtqwikibot 2 (Task/s: Add credits (cast and crew) for audiovisual work produced in Quebec based on the Cinémathèque québécoise's catalogue data. Adds reference. Deletes redundant, more general existing statements in certain circumstances.)
Bug Triage Hour on dates input, March 13th: Following up on an issue on date parsing in the Czech language (T221097), fixed earlier in February, we would like to look at the changes induced by this fix together, check how the date input parsing works in your language, and identify some possibly remaining issues.
Eager to discover the potential of Wikidata and Wikibase for semantics? SEMIC is organising a series of workshops that are very much hands-on. Join the first workshop online on 24 January 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00 (CET) via Webex. Register for the first event via this link!
Wikibase Suite Survey is now open! The goal is to understand what role Wikibase plays in your organization and identify what you need from Wikibase based on how you currently make use of it.
rebuilt (year or date when the structure was reconstructed, rebuilt, repurposed or replaced by similar one (if the new and old structures have separate items, use P167/P1398 links instead))
Biondibot (Task/s: Import us patent from a csv file)
bitbotje (Task/s: Property MovieMeter film ID (P1970) has a suggested constraint that the item should have a Dutch ('nl') label. The MovieMeter website has suitable labels and provides an API for structured data access. I have a script that reads the relevant section in Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P1970 and for each listed item does an API call to moviemeter.nl and adds a label.)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call March 7, 2023: Lydia Pintscher and Silvan Heintze will tell us about the new Wikidata REST API and Silvan will demonstrate some of its aspects. Agenda
Bug Triage Hour on dates input, March 13th: Following up on an issue on date parsing in the Czech language (T221097), fixed earlier in February, we would like to look at the changes induced by this fix together, check how the date input parsing works in your language, and identify some possibly remaining issues.
Open Data Day Taiwan 2023 recorded livestreams: Day 1; Day 2
Wikidata for History of Science projects, by Martin Poulter - YouTube
How to add Wikidata properties using PetScan in Finnish Wikipedia via categories - YouTube
How to add Wikidata properties using PetScan in Finnish Wikipedia 2 - YouTube
LD4P3 - Browsing Across Music With Obtainable Wikidata - YouTube
Extracting political data & relations from Wikidata - YouTube
Operation of Wikidata and its centralized management of metadata linked to multiple databases (in French) - YouTube
Wikidata and higher education and research libraries (in French) - YouTube
Wikidata supporting open student research projects in plant chemistry - YouTube
Tool of the week
wikidata-todo is a tool that helps you find Commons categories with files, where none of the files are used on Wikidata.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
The WMDE Wikibase.Cloud team is currently seeking individuals who are interested in participating in interviews regarding the pressing issue of data modeling. Please reach out if you'd like to participate.
Search: We are looking deeper into how we can make it possible to search for Properties, Lexemes and EntitySchemas in the search box, not just Items (phab:T321543)
bitbotje (Task/s: Property MovieMeter film ID (P1970) has a suggested constraint that the item should have a Dutch ('nl') label. The MovieMeter website has suitable labels and provides an API for structured data access. I have a script that reads the relevant section in Wikidata:Database reports/Constraint violations/P1970 and for each listed item does an API call to moviemeter.nl and adds a label.)
Upcoming: WikiCite Monthly Meeting, online on 28 March 2023 at 16:00 UTC. Information and notes
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
In this week's update by the Abstract Wikipedia and Wikifunctions team, they are asking where the right place to store and maintain Abstract Wikipedia should be. All of the options involve Wikidata to some extent, some more, some less. If the content of Abstract Wikipedia is hosted on Wikidata, that would lead to an increased scope for the Wikidata community (and likely more contributors joining). But that is a decision the Wikidata community needs to be involved in as well. (Also, if you are interested, the Abstract Wikipedia updates might be worth to follow.)
EntitySchemas: We are preparing for adding a new datatype and other changes by improving tests, documentation, etc.
Date input: We did a bug triage hour around issues with date parsing and improved it for Japanese dates (phab:T214002)
Ontology issues: We started evaluating the survey responses for the survey about different types of ontology issues reusers are facing. More work is needed before we have results.
REST API: We finished work on including the URL of an article in sitelink data (phab:T330252) as well as providing all aliases of an Item (phab:T327882)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour March 27, 2023: We will be creating items related to notable book podcasts. You are, as always, welcome to bring your own project to work on.Event page
WikiCite Monthly Meeting, online on 28 March 2023 at 16:00 UTC. Information and notes
ISCED Attainment (ISCED attainment is the UNESCO main classification of educational level, it is used to map each level to the global classification used by UNESCO. This is useful because the same local level can mean different things in different countries. It identifies the specific levels of the International Standard Classification of Education (ISCED) Attainment model. Has two sub qualifiers - code and label.)
first performance by (performer or performing group for the first performance of a work)
EntitySchemas: We started working on the new datatype to link to EntitySchemas in statements (phab:T214884)
Query Builder: We finished the work on the language selector so you can swithc the interface language of the tool (phab:T328148) It will be available on the site in the next days.
Wikibase REST API: We implemented the functionality to provide an Item's label, description or aliases in a specific language (phab:T323173)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call April 4, 2023: Magnus Manske will discuss Wikidata editing tools and tools that use linked data from other sources (eg GND, VIAF) to integrate in Wikidata. Agenda
Zdravo! Želeli smo da Vam skrenemo pažnju da je u toku akcija pisanja biografija koja ima za cilj poboljšanje članaka o biografijama na Vikipediji.
Pomislili smo da ćete biti zainteresovani za ovu temu, pa Vas ovom prilikom pozivamo da nam se pridružite. Napravite neki novi članak ili poboljšajte već postojeći. U slučaju da želite da nam se pridržite, upišite se ovde.
BotFunast (Task: The bot is already operational in the Tachelhit Wikipedia. One of its main tasks is editing template tags and categories, and creating new ones when necessary, based on a csv database (that you can find in github) . When adding new pages though, a common problem is to link those to Wikidata. This can be unfeasible by hand in a reasonable amount of time, when hundreds of pages, e.g. categories, are added at once. The idea is to have the bot approved for Wikidata, so it can link the pages to their counterparts in other languages automatically.)
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 19th April 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
orchestration (the instruments used in a musical composition or arrangement in notated form)
part of other combined lexeme (qualifier on P5238 to indicate that a component appearing in a compound lexeme actually comes from the appearance of another compound lexeme)
@Marko Mlinarić: Poništene izmene su pogrešne. Na primer, u referencama datum može da bude samo godina, ili pun datum. Parcijalni datum koji se sastoji od meseca i godine nije podržan, i stoga se prikazuje kao greška. Slično tome parametar vauthors ne treba da se zamenjuje sa author. Parametar vauthors se koristi za navođenje niza autora u vankuverskom stilu. Parametar author se može koristiti samo za navođenje pojedinačnog autora, i u slučaju više autora svaki more da bude naveden zasebnim parametrom (author, author2, author3, ...). --Dcirovic (разговор) 18:32, 13. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
Mislim na članak Спинална мишићна атрофија, a on se nalazi u Категорија:CS1 грешке: ванкуверски стил. Tamo lepo pise da imena autora ne mogu da budu cirlica ili grcki apfabet ili neka druga ogranicenja. I ja sam preimenovao vauthors u author i time se vise ta poruka nije ispisivala i ta kategorija je bila prazna, a vi ste vratili nazad i sad je tac clanak ponovo u kategoriji, iako je ona bila prazna. --Marko Mlinarić (разговор) 03:26, 14. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Marko Mlinarić: Већ сам вам објаснио да је погрешно уклањати параметар vauthors. Усклађивање са ванкуверским стилом је сасвим једноставно. У случају чланка који сте навели, проблем је био што је викивеза била присутна у списку аутора. --Dcirovic (разговор) 03:47, 14. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
Ja i dalje vidim problem sa vankuverskim stilom. Sta ako ja bas hocu da linkujem autora, recimo postoji clanak o njemu? Drugo, sto se tice datuma, mislim da bi trebalo da pisu imena meseci. Sfofver bez problema prevodi enlgeski nayive na srpski, samo ne ynam yasto ispisuje poruku o nekakvoj greski. --Marko Mlinarić (разговор) 04:06, 14. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
Meni je to komplikovano, trebalo bi brojati autore. A yasto se ne omoguci adekvatno pisanje datuma. I to je po meni vazno, kad je neki clanak u nekom žurnalu objavljen. --Marko Mlinarić (разговор) 04:20, 14. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Marko Mlinarić: Vreme objavljivanja se može videti iz drugih parametara, tako da uklanjanje meseca ne predstavlja problem. Ukoliko se mesec zadržava, treba da bude napisan na srpskom ili kao broj. Da se ne bi prikazivale greške pun datum je neophodan, te dodajte npr. „1. ” ispred meseca. --Dcirovic (разговор) 04:34, 14. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
Zasto ponovo vracate!? Lepo pise: This is a tracking category for CS1 and CS2 citations where any of the author or editor parameters contain some form of 'et al.' either as a separate author/editor (|author6=et al.) or as a suffix added to a name list (|authors=Smith, Jones, et al.) or first name (|first=John, et al.). Pages in this category should only be added by Module:Citation/CS1. Use of the |display-authors= parameter, as documented at Template:Cite journal#Display options, is recommended instead of writing "et al." in an author parameter. -Marko Mlinarić (разговор) 07:30, 24. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Marko Mlinarić: „et al.” je značajan deo referenci i ne može se uklanjati. U „cite” šablonima se za to koristi sintaksa „| display-authors = etal”. Invalidne unose treba korigovati validnom sintaksom. --Dcirovic (разговор)
Ona nije deo referenci, vec je sabloni sami poyivaju. U svakom slucaju to et al. je na pogresnom mestu. Da je na pravom, ne bi se pojavljivalo ovde Zahtevam da ponistite svoje izmene i da vratie kako sam ja namestio. --Marko Mlinarić (разговор) 07:58, 24. април 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]
@Marko Mlinarić: Skraćenica et al. znači „i drugi autori”. Pokušaću još jednom da vam objasnim na primeru članka ANK3. U sledećoj referenci su navedena prva tri autora, i naznačeno je da postoji i niz drugih autora:
Ferreira MA; O'Donovan MC; Meng YA; et al. (2008). „Collaborative genome-wide association analysis supports a role for ANK3 and CACNA1C in bipolar disorder”. Nat. Genet. 40: 1056. PMID18711365. doi:10.1038/ng.209.
The next Wikidata+Wikibase office hours will take place on Wednesday, 16:00 UTC on Wednesday, 19th April 2023 (18:00 Berlin time) in the Wikidata Telegram group. The Wikidata and Wikibase office hours are online events where the development team presents what they have been working on over the past quarter, and the community is welcome to ask questions and discuss important issues related to the development of Wikidata and Wikibase.
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Call, Tuesday, April 14, 2023 - Indigenous Artists and Wikidata: Report launch and discussion. Agenda.
Christos started a Wikibase to collect and organise existing research-related resources about Wikibase. Feel free to add to it. researchwb.wikibase.cloud
EntitySchemas: We are continuing the work on creating the new datatype that allows linking to EntitySchemas in statements. It will be available on test systems next. (phab:T332139)
QueryBuilder: We are putting finishing touches on the language selector so you can switch the UI language of the Query Builder. (phab:T328764)
Wikibase REST API: We continued working on making it possible to create or replace labels and descriptions in a iven language. (phab:T323813)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group Working Hour April 24, 2023: Would you like to know how to join and use Telegram? Two regular Wikidata Telegram users will provide an introduction to Telegram and its available Wikidata channels. They will discuss how they use it, how it can provide help with Wikidata work, and how it can facilitate connections with other Wikidata users Event page
User:Nikki/colour icons.css - is a Userscript to add colour to the editing icons. It uses green for add/save, yellow for edit, red for remove, orange for cancel and blue for help.
Other Noteworthy Stuff
The Wikibase newbie docs are here (to help to onboard new Wikibase users easier).
REST API: We continued work on making it possible to create or replace a label, or a description in a given language (phab:T323813)
EntitySchemas: We continued working on the new datatype for linking to EntitySchemas. It is now available on beta in a very bare-bones version but not ready for wider testing yet. (phab:T332139)
Ontology issues: We are evaluating the results of the survey we ran earlier this year.
Here's your quick overview of what has been happening around Wikidata over the last week.
New requests for permissions/Bot:
ForgesBot (Task: Add licensing information to software forges entries in accordance to what is found in the corresponding Wikipedia page. It is used as a helper in the context of the Forges project)
Next Linked Data for Libraries LD4 Wikidata Affinity Group call May 2, 2023: Fudie Zhao will be presenting on Wikidata in Digital Humanities projects. Agenda
WeChangEd is an ERC-funded research project and online database by Ghent University, about women editors in Europe. The database shows stories about women editors and their publications, and is powered by Wikidata and Sciencestories.io.
Ako pišete članak na latinici, korišćenje ćiriličnih šablona uzrokuje da je preslovljavanje na ćirilicu pokvareno, i članak se prikazuje na latinici. Dakle, {{RUT}} (ili bilo koji drugi kompleksniji šablon) u latiničnom tekstu kvari prikaz Vikipedije. Treba koristiti {{L|RUT}} da bi se izbegli problemi. — Đido (razgovor) 06:34, 5. maj 2023. (CEST)[odgovori]